Who is this miracle woman? 25 Wonder Woman Easter Eggs and References

The film “Wonder Woman” became the fourth film in the cinematic universe of the comic book giant “DC” and was recognized as one of the best in this series at the moment. If you move away from the hype around the feminist orientation of the film, laid down by director Patty Jenkins, the objective opinion about it remains the same - this work truly deserves its high praise.

Unlike its predecessors Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, the backstory of the development of the character of the Amazonian princess Diana turned out to be consistent and dynamic. This made it possible to eliminate the shortcomings of previous films in the DC universe, which professional critics so often reproached: too long running time, complicated comic symbolism, understandable only to fans (Batman v Superman and Man of Steel) or deliberate removal of unnecessary scenes to please the commercial sector (“Suicide Squad”). In Wonder Woman, these criteria are balanced, and there are no deleted scenes in the final version of the film.

The plot of the film is based on the unity of two principles - the mythological, which explains the origin of the powers of Diana (Gal Gadot) and her upbringing by the warlike Amazons on the paradise island of Themiscyra, as well as the realistic, which manifests itself in the realization of her abilities in the fight against the German invaders during the First World War.

The first part of the film depicts Diana's life on Themiscyra - a point on the globe that is hidden from the rest of the world by the god Zeus and created specifically to raise his army of Amazons. The island's landscapes are reminiscent of the best beaches in the world, and the innocence of young Diana, who wants to learn to fight, is disarming, reminiscent of the best myths of Ancient Greece. In addition to everything, the viewer will be intrigued by the birth story of the future superheroine.

But everything changes when British spy Steve Trevor's (Chris Pine) plane crashes on Themiscyra and he is rescued by Diana. From him the girl learns the other side of life - full of troubles, aggression and sorrows of the First World War. She decides to leave her native land to help the downed pilot eliminate the one who, in her opinion, is to blame for these troubles of humanity - the god of war Ares. At the same time, the colorful frames of the film are replaced by gray London, and then by the German front. Some critics, due to the presence of similar military themes of the world wars, compare “Wonder Woman” with “The First Avenger” by Marvel Studios, but still the differences in the formation of the image of the main character are obvious: Captain America was based on the image of an ideal soldier winning a war, while Here Diana lives through all the horrors of the battles that unfold right on the screen.

A special place in the film is given to the supernatural artifacts that Diana uses: her aunt Antiope's tiara, Hestia's sword, shield, bracelets and lasso. Moreover, unlike “Batman v Superman,” each item performs a specific function that is understandable to the viewer, for example, Hestia’s lasso allows you to determine whether the person you want is telling the truth.

Unlike previous DC films, Wonder Woman has no problems with humor, since all the awkward situations that Diana finds herself in when coming into contact with modern society cause a sincere smile and help to switch from the tense war plot.

The character of Diana, who becomes a superheroine, is reflected not only in her ability to fight, but also in the development of her cognitive abilities: knowledge of many foreign languages ​​and books of the best ancient Greek writers and philosophers. By the end of the film, Wonder Woman becomes a collective image that contains the best feminine qualities that the fair half of humanity is equal to, starting with Diana’s first appearance on the pages of comics in 1941. It's ironic that some observers joke that Wonder Woman saved Batman v Superman from complete failure, and now gave a chance for further development of the DC cinematic universe. But the film's most notable achievement is the fact that for the first time, a comic book film directed by a woman achieved high praise from the vast majority of critics.

In general, this film will teach girls to believe in their own strengths, and will give guys a reason to think that they should not underestimate their future lovers. After all, everyday conversations about the weakness and naivety of the majority of the female population are just banal stereotypes that are easily broken by such vivid examples as the film “Wonder Woman”.

In this article you will learn:

Diana Prince "Wonder Woman" from DC Comics.

The heroine first appeared in the pages of All-Star Comics #8 (1941).

The character subsequently got her own comic book, Wonder Woman #1.

The creators of the super heroine are William Molutlon Marston and Harry Jay Peter.

Early version

Birth story

Diana Prince appeared in the family of the Queen of the Amazons - Hippolyta. The girl was the first child born on the paradise island of Temixir in 3,000 years (all other women were resurrected by the gods except one). It was made from clay on the shore at the end of the 20th century.

The Greek gods gave her life and great powers: Demeter - strength; Athena – wisdom and courage; Artemis – the heart of a hunter and connection with animals; Aphrodite – beauty and a loving heart; Hestia – affinity with fire; Hermes – speed and ability to fly.

Diana was named after Diana Trevor, a pilot who crashed on Paradise Island and lived a remarkable, heroic life there.

Wonder Woman

For a long time Diana lived on the island. She trained to be a real warrior, while at the same time having the personality of a small child. Often dealing with the injustice of the gods, she developed a sense of helping loved ones and fighting for justice.

As Diana grew older, she saw a plane fall from the sky. Ironically, it included the son of the late Diana Trevor. When Stephen began to recover, Hippolyta announced a competition. The winner had to leave the island, going to the big world, on a diplomatic mission. Diana, who secretly participated in the competition, won. The mother had difficulty giving the girl the Wonder Woman costume, made in the colors of the island hero Diana Trevor's uniform.

From Hephaestus, the heroine received the Lasso of Truth, bracelets and Sandals of Mercury.

Diana's task was to destroy the plans of the god Ares, who poisoned people among themselves in wars and wanted to destroy the world. This is how the girl came to America.

Diana Prince

Arriving in Boston, she met the nurse who was looking after Stephen - Diana Prince. The heroine helped the girl go to her lover abroad, in return taking her last name and job.

Diana soon entered into her first public fight on the streets of the city with one of Ares's servants, Decay. Having learned that Ares was going to set off a nuclear explosion, Wonder Woman managed to stop him. She managed to defeat the sons of the god of war - Deimos and Phobos, and then fight him himself.

Having stopped Ares, Diana returned to her homeland to heal her wounds.

Justice League

Returning to Boston, the heroine met Superman, and soon joined the Justice League team, where such characters as Aquaman, Batman, and Flash teamed up.

Along the way, Diana took on Donna Troy as her student, who was nicknamed Wonder Girl. Troy joined the Teen Titans team.


Soon, Zeus, pleased with the girl’s deeds, invited her to join the ranks of the gods, but with one condition. Diana should have slept with him. Wonder Woman refused, and Zeus subjected her to the Trial of the Gods. Entering the caves on Paradise Island, Diana fought numerous mythical monsters. The treasure that the island hid was Hercules, imprisoned in stone.

So Diana passed the test of Zeus and returned Hercules to Olympus.

Diana had many more adventures that are simply impossible to describe, since comics about her have been created since the distant 1941.

Modern version

According to the new version of Diana's birth, the fact that she was molded from clay was simply a fairy tale. In fact, her father was Zeus himself, who seduced her mother Hippolyta.

After the fall of the pilot Steve Trevor on the island, Diana decided to go with him into the big world. She secretly took part in a competition, the winner of which would go to America on a diplomatic mission. Diana managed to win the competition.


Martial arts. Growing up among the Amazons, Diana trained as an experienced warrior proficient not only in all types of weapons but also in fist fighting. Even Batman noted that the girl is the best fighter on the planet.

Polyglot. Diana speaks many languages. In addition, she is able to imitate women's voices.

Wisdom. This gift of Athena made the heroine, along with Batman, the smartest woman in the Justice League.

Beauty. If Diana wasn't a heroine, she could easily become a supermodel.

Wonder Woman vs Harley Quinn


Force. Diana has super strength. Since her father is Zeus himself, and her powers were granted by the Earth Goddess, it is no wonder that the girl is considered practically the strongest in DC Comics.

Flight. This gift was given by Hermes.

Speed. Another gift from Hermes. Even Flash noticed that Diana was very fast. She is able to dodge blows and bullets with lightning speed.

Healing. This gift from Demeter allows Diana to quickly recover from injuries. In addition, it is resistant to all types of poison, toxins and diseases. The heroine is also immortal and while she is on Paradise Island she does not age.

Feelings. Thanks to the gift of Artemis, Diana has highly developed senses such as vision, hearing, charm, and touch.


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman appeared in the cartoon of the same name. This cartoon dates back to 2009 and tells the story of Diana, who decided to leave the island and go to the big world. The heroine was voiced by actress Keri Rusell.

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

The heroine appeared in the 2010 cartoon. In this world, all heroes are villains, even our Wonder Woman. Lex Luthor, the hero of this world, travels to another world, where he enlists the support of the Justice League. Now, the heroes must confront their evil counterparts.

Diana in this cartoon was voiced by Vanessa Marshall.

Justice League vs Teen Titans

This 2016 cartoon tells the story of when the Justice League fell under the influence of certain demons. Having become evil, the heroes began to destroy everything around them and only the Young Titans were able to resist them.

The character was voiced by Rosario Dawson.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The film appeared in 2016 and is the first where the hero of Wonder Woman appeared.

The plot does not focus on the heroine, but she appears at the most opportune moment to help Batman and Superman fight Doomsday. Diana also reveals to Batman some of the heroes who will later form the Justice League.

The role of the heroine was played by model Gal Gadot.

Wonder Woman

In 2017, the first full-length film dedicated to the heroine will be released. The role was again played by Gal Gadot.

It shows Diana's life on the island and her acquaintance with pilot Steve Trevor. To stop Ares, the god of war, Diana goes to the First World War.


In addition to cartoons and films, the heroine also appears in games. The most popular at the moment Injustice 2013 release. The second part will be released in 2017.

Injustice is a fighting game where Diana is featured as one of the fighters. Imagine a world where Superman became a god for Earthlings. This happened in the history of this fighting game. Superman loses Lois Lane to the Joker, and soon kills him too. Having lost his moral values, he becomes a dictator, whom brave heroes undertake to stop.

How old is Wonder Woman?

Many viewers are often interested in the question of how old a particular character is, especially if he is immortal or is a time traveler. Although asking a woman’s age is considered indecent, nevertheless, viewers of the film “Wonder Woman” might have a question - how old is the main character? At the beginning of the picture we see that the girl is growing up like all people, but later we learn that Diana was created by Zeus himself, who died a long time ago. So why does Diana look so young?

The film's director, Patty Jenkins, said that Diana's age at the time of the events shown in the film "Wonder Woman" is approximately 800 years. And the events that were shown at the beginning of the film actually happen throughout this time. The fact that she has not changed over the last century only confirms the theory that she ages much more slowly than ordinary people.

In the comics, things aren't so simple with her age either. Although the story of her birth is very similar to the one shown in the film, when Diana is asked how old she is, she answers that she is 23 years old. And in earlier versions of the comics you can see that Diana is 19 years old and at the same time she already looks like an adult. Why is everything so confusing? It turns out that the whole point is that the Amazons celebrate their birthday in a very interesting way. When the birthday approaches, the Amazon must give the Queen a unique gift. If she succeeds, then another year is added to her age. Otherwise, the year is not counted.

According to Patty Jenkins, the issue of Wonder Woman's age caused a lot of controversy at the studio. Even actress Gal Gadot herself wasn't sure and when asked how old Wonder Woman was in Batman v Superman, she said about 5,000 years old.

Before the release of the solo film, the film studio slightly reduced this figure and now Wonder Woman is slowly approaching her first four-digit anniversary.

Wonder Woman is a fictional superheroine from DC Comics. She first appeared in All Star Comics issue 8, published in December 1941, and became a recurring DC character appearing in comics for 70 years, except for a short period after the Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1986. .

Wonder Woman is an Amazon princess (based on Greek mythology), known in her homeland as Diana. Diana is an experienced warrior, has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, can communicate with animals, and also uses the Lasso of Truth, with which she can force people to speak the truth, and indestructible bracelets that serve as protection.

Diana appeared regularly in comics starting in 1941, becoming one of the most popular characters of the Golden Age of Comics, and was one of only five whose stories continued to be published after World War II. She was a member of the Justice Society of America (1941) and the Justice League of America (1960). As one of the few popular women in comics, Diana is a serious, experienced heroine, but at heart, kind, friendly and compassionate, willing to help others, is considered a feminist icon and an extremely attractive woman not only by superhero standards.

Wonder Woman's Powers and Abilities.

Superhuman Strength: It is obvious that her strength is magical in nature, based on her weight and height. Diana has god-like strength. It is strong enough to lift at least a megaton and even “pull” a third of the Earth. Moreover, the longer she is on Earth, the stronger she is.

Flight: Wonder Woman is capable of flying unaided, although it is still unknown whether she uses magic or telekinesis. Diana is capable of flying at speeds exceeding Mach 5 and even higher if necessary.

Superhuman Speed: Diana is capable of thinking, reacting and moving at superhuman speeds.

Superhuman Agility: Wonder Woman's agility, balance and coordination go far beyond that of an Olympic-level athlete.

Superhuman Durability: Wonder Woman can fight for any length of time with almost any opponent, since her body does not secrete lactic acid into her muscles.

Limited Invulnerability: Wonder Woman can withstand physical blows from almost any creature, but is vulnerable to piercing weapons; bullets and swords can leave bleeding wounds but cannot penetrate muscle tissue.

Enhanced Healing Factor: Granted by Demeter. As an Earth, Diana constantly renews herself, allowing her to quickly recover from moderate injuries at an astonishing rate. Her normal healing abilities allow her to recover from her injuries in a short time, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. Diana has incredible immunity to poisons, toxins, and diseases. On rare occasions when Wonder Woman was severely injured or someone managed to severely poison her, Diana showed the ability to physically "merge" with the Earth and heal.

Empathy: Athena's Sight appears to give Diana enhanced understanding. For example, Diana can often detect other people's emotions and is now completely immune to Doctor Psycho's illusions. Apparently most forms of telepathy don't work on her. Even other high-level telepaths can neither read her mind nor attack it.

Understanding with animals: Ability to communicate with all types of animals (including dinosaurs); Diana's mere presence can calm an angry animal. Diana is also able to directly command wild animals when necessary.

Enhanced Senses: Gifted by Artemis. Wonder Woman Diana is a very serious, dignified Amazon girl, but at heart she is very sweet, sensitive, ready to help others, except for the villains.

Enhanced Vision: Wonder Woman can see much further than the average person.

Enhanced sense of smell: She can smell many times better than a human.

Enhanced Hearing: Diana can hear at distances inaccessible to humans.

Combat Skills: Wonder Woman is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the world (second only to Batman).

Attractiveness: Physical beauty - Diana is more beautiful than any supermodel.

Wonder Woman gear.

Lasso of Truth: This is Wonder Woman's most recognizable weapon. Hephaestus himself forged it. The lasso is completely indestructible. It can change its length according to the needs of the owner. The Lasso of Truth is capable of restoring lost memories, hypnotizing people, and implanting mental commands in them that they must obey; people bound by the Lasso are protected from magical attacks. The Lasso forces anyone to tell and understand the absolute truth of any being, no matter who it is.

Safety bracelets: The bracelets were created from the remains of Zeus' legendary shield, the Aegis. They were melted down by Hephaestus, who presented them to Diana. Her superhuman reflexes allow her to use the bracelets to protect her from projectiles (such as bullets) and powerful energy blasts from beings such as Ares or Darkseid. At close range, the bracelets protect Diana from blades and blows. When the bracelets are crossed, they create a remnant of the Aegis, forming an impenetrable barrier allowing Diana to protect herself and those behind her from area of ​​effect attacks. After removing these bracelets, she loses control of herself, becoming stronger and more aggressive, such as during the battle with the goddess Artemis in order to defeat her.

Tiara: A crown-like item that symbolizes Wonder Woman's dedication to freedom and patriotism. Wonder Woman holds a formidable weapon that can cut through almost any matter, including Superman's skin. Used as a throwing weapon.

Invisible plane: This plane is completely invisible to the human eye. Can fly at speeds much greater than the speed of sound, since the aircraft's engines are based on ion propulsion, the maximum flight speed is unknown. It is known to contain weapons: invisible missiles, bullets, etc.

Dear friends, the release date of the movie "Wonder Woman" is scheduled for June 01, 2017. Now let's enjoy the Wonder Woman trailer.

Wonder Woman is rightfully considered one of the main icons of the feminist movement; Armed with the Lasso of Truth, indestructible bracelets and extraordinary physical abilities, the Amazon performs in comics on the same level as such famous characters as Batman or Superman.

Wonder Woman was first introduced to the world in All Star Comics #8. According to the plot of the comic, the plane of a certain Steve Trevor crashed over the ocean; Fortunately for the pilot, his plane crashed onto a mysterious island inhabited by a tribe of Amazons. Over time, Steve began an affair with one of the Amazons, Diana; Ultimately, it was Diana who was tasked with traveling with Trevor to the "world of men." Soon after arriving in the States, Diana met her namesake and actual doppelganger, nurse Diana Prince; she needed a large sum of money to travel to South America to meet her fiance. Wonder Woman provided the nurse with the required amount, in return receiving the right to use her documents and name. In the image of Diana Prince, the Amazon worked as a nurse, in the image of Wonder Woman she fought with various kinds of villains (often representatives of Nazi forces).

At the beginning of the "Silver Age of Comics", the image of Wonder Woman was somewhat revised; now it was much less connected with the Second World War and much more with classical Greek myths; Thus, Diana's unusual abilities were now explained by divine blessing.

Later, Diana lost her abilities - she had to

refuse the divine gift and the opportunity to move to a parallel dimension together with the Amazons. Lost strength had to be regained through hard training; however, even without divine blessing, Diana Prince turned out to be a rather dangerous opponent for various villains. Along with her powers, by the way, Diana also lost her signature costume; For a long time she had to use various kinds of overalls and soldier costumes.

At the beginning of the Bronze Age, Diana's strength and costume returned; however, she did not have to stay in restored status for long - the events of the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” series led to a radical revision of all storylines in the DC universe. In the new story, Wonder Woman became the official ambassador and representative of the island of Themyscira in the man's world; Diana's mission was primarily of a peacekeeping nature. Many fragments from classical Greek myths were generously mixed into the updated biography of Diana. Finally, Diana Prince’s romance with Steve Trevor also disappeared from the updated universe. The origin story of Diana herself was also examined more carefully - the Amazon queen Hippolyta created Diana

from clay, breathing life and divine powers into it.

There were many difficulties in Prince’s peacekeeping mission; Thus, before the start of the War of the Gods series, the Amazons were accused of a number of serious crimes, from theft of valuable artifacts to murder. A number of Amazons were arrested, the Amazon Queen Hippolyta disappeared, and Steve Trevor was given direct orders to attack the island of Themyscira. Ultimately, it became known that the witch Circe was behind the incident; at some point, she even managed to deal with Wonder Woman herself, turning her back into clay. Wonder Woman managed to rise from the clay and - with the help of superheroine Donna Troy - defeat Circe.

Wonder Woman had a chance to play a key role in another global event in the DC universe - Infinite Crisis. To some extent, the beginning of the crisis was facilitated by the fact that Wonder Woman killed the villain Maxwell Lord, who managed to take control of Superman himself.

Wonder Woman in all her incarnations was distinguished by a certain pragmatism and, unlike the same Superman and Batman, she could kill if necessary. The murder of the Lord through the efforts of another character became property

the public; Diana was accused of cold-blooded murder - which, in turn, seriously quarreled with her rescued Batman and Superman.

After the end of Infinite Crisis, Wonder Woman abandoned her heroic alter ego for a time and concentrated on the activities of the Department of Metahuman Affairs; The image of Wonder Woman was temporarily appropriated by Donna Troy. Later, Diana had to return to heroism in order to save Donna from Hercules and Circe.

Another revision of the storylines - "The New 52" - again changed the origin of Diana; now she was no longer a magically animated piece of clay, but a demigoddess, the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and Zeus himself. Of the numerous events in the new universe, the romance that began between Wonder Woman and her fellow Justice Leaguer, Superman, attracted the most attention from readers. By the way, it is in the company of Superman that Wonder Woman will soon appear on the big screens - Israeli actress Gal Gadot will play the superheroine in the upcoming project by Zachary Edward "Zack" Snyder, known under the working title "Batman Vs. Superman"