Kissel made from frozen berries and starch. Frozen berry jelly - the best recipes for a delicious drink

Kissel is an excellent drink that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Making jelly today is very simple. Earlier, when there was no starch, jelly was made from oats or peas, and then they were so sour that they called this drink “jelly” from the word sour.

But today sour jelly is very rarely remembered. Everyone is accustomed to drinking sweet jelly made from starch and fruit. This drink is a great alternative to the usual compotes, which can sit in refrigerators for a long time and no one touches them, but as soon as you cook jelly from the compote, everything immediately ends.

But today you can cook jelly from almost any berries, fruits and even vegetables and cereals. Yes, yes, jelly is also made from cereal crops, for example, you probably haven’t heard of oatmeal jelly, but it exists and in some areas it is especially popular.

There are benefits from jelly and it is obvious. Firstly, it contains a lot of vitamins, which is especially nice as spring approaches when there are few vitamins left in the body and vitamin deficiency begins. Secondly, it is sweet and thick and very pleasant to sip slowly on cold winter evenings. So, dear friends, let's start preparing this wonderful drink.

How to cook jelly from frozen berries and starch

Ingredients for making jelly:

Cooking process.

Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. Place the berries in a saucepan without defrosting.

Bring the water with the berries to a boil and boil the berries for no more than 5 minutes.

Add sugar and stir so that it dissolves faster.

Dilute the starch with cold water and pour it into boiling water, stirring constantly to prevent the starch from clumping together.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for another three minutes.

Then turn off the fire. Cover the pan with a lid and let the jelly cool.

Attention, do not drink hot jelly. Firstly, you will get burned, and secondly, you will not get any pleasure.

Frozen cranberry jelly

Thank God it’s not a problem to find cranberries in the country. Can be bought in almost any supermarket. And if you want, you can go into the forest and collect there directly from the forest pantry.

Cranberries are well stored frozen and, when defrosted, practically do not lose their beneficial properties. And therefore, from cranberries you can cook jelly on starch or just compote.

Cooking jelly based on cranberries and starch is so simple, and the main thing is that it is very difficult to force children to eat cranberries in their pure form, but as part of jelly it is easy. The kids then ask for more. So moms and dads, take our recipe into service and go ahead to saturate your children’s bodies with healthy vitamins, and at the same time don’t lag behind.

Cranberry jelly may seem really sour, so don’t skimp on the sugar, or even better, add some sweet berries to it. Raspberries, strawberries or something like that would work well.

In order to prepare cranberry jelly, it is advisable to pass it through a sieve. If the berry is frozen. Then you should defrost it on a sieve.

If you don’t want to pass it through a sieve, then a juicer will help you.

Now we have cranberry jam and juice into which we pour 4-5 glasses of delicious water and put this thing on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Don't forget to add sugar. For 5 glasses of water you will need about 100 grams of sugar. After you have added sugar, be sure to taste the future jelly; maybe your cranberries are so sour that this amount of sugar will not be enough. So regulate the amount of sugar yourself.

Now you need to add starch. For 5 glasses of water you need 3 tablespoons of starch. You just need to dilute it first. Pour the required amount of starch into a dry glass and dilute it with water. Now pour the resulting water with starch into the boiling compote and mix. Bring to a boil, wait another 3-4 minutes and turn off the heat completely.

Now the whole recipe in brief:

The berries were thawed and passed through a sieve.

Add water to the berry jam and boil it. About 2 liters of water.

3 tablespoons of starch were diluted with water and poured into the pan.

Boil for 3 minutes and end up with a delicious frozen cranberry jelly.

How to make jelly from oatmeal

Initially, jelly was made this way in ancient Rus' and the sick were soldered with oatmeal jelly. Because it was believed that this particular jelly has healing properties. But it was not for nothing that the ancestors thought so, because oatmeal is a very healthy product. Recent studies have shown that oat-based drinks help heal stomach ulcers, treat gastritis and generally have a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole.

And so to prepare healthy jelly you will need:

2 cups oatmeal or oatmeal.

Flakes can and should also be used. The flakes can be made into flour by passing them through a coffee grinder or blender.

And so for 8 glasses of water you need 2 glasses of cereal. Pour warm water over the flakes and leave overnight, as it is better to drink this drink in the morning.

In the morning, the cereal should be passed through a sieve. The pulp will remain in the sieve, but what we need is in the cup under the sieve.

Your jelly is ready. It is important to know that this jelly cannot be heated or boiled. Because all healing properties will perish.

Oatmeal jelly recipe is long but delicious

Again, take two glasses of oatmeal flour. Yes, exactly torment. And fill them with warm water. Two glasses will take 1.5 liters of water.

We put a crust of black bread into the water so that the jelly can ferment. If you don’t have black bread on hand, you can pour in half a glass of kefir. And if you don’t have kefir, you can also use white bread. It is important here that the jelly ferments, or, as my grandmother says, starts playing.

In a day or two, the oatmeal jelly will ferment. Now you need to strain it through a fine sieve. And boil the resulting product. This is what remains under the sieve. Not like in a sieve.

You can add sugar, honey, butter to the jelly. It is important to know that this jelly will work if taken on an empty stomach. Watch the video and you will understand everything yourself.

How to make jelly from oatmeal

How to cook jelly from starch and jam

Jelly made from jam is simply a godsend for all housewives. After all, it often happens that you open a jar of jam, eat a little, and the whole jar sits in your refrigerator forever and it’s a shame to throw it away and no one eats it. But there is an excellent solution to cook jelly from jam and that’s it, the problem is solved. And they ate the jam and fed the family. Yes, that’s right, they fed me, because they eat jelly, not drink it.

Nutritionists generally advise consuming jelly to anyone who is overweight and eats a lot, as jelly is well absorbed and leaves a feeling of fullness for a long time.

So how to make jelly from jam? And everything is very simple.

For 4 glasses of water you need 3-4 tablespoons of jam. You can use any jam. Per liter of water 2 tablespoons of starch.

Place a pan of water on the fire.

Boil water and add jam to the boiling water.

Boil the jam with water for 5 minutes.

Dilute the starch with water and pour into the pan.

If the jam is sour, add about 50 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Boil for another 5 minutes and the jelly is ready.

Let the jelly cool and serve.

This simple action will free your refrigerator from jars of jam.

If you liked our jelly recipe, share our article with your friends. And that's all, bon appetit everyone.

  • 1 Classic jelly made from frozen berries and starch
  • 2 How to brew a liquid drink
  • 3 Cooking with cherries
  • 4 Thick jelly from frozen berries
  • 5 Healthy drink with cranberries
  • 6 Recipe for a slow cooker
  • 7 From gelatin and frozen berries

The methods of dry freezing food used in modern refrigerators make it possible to preserve the benefits of freshly picked fruits and berries until winter. What can you then prepare from such preparations? Everything is the same as from fresh fruits! For example, jelly made from frozen berries. Below are different technologies for preparing this drink.

Classic jelly made from frozen berries and starch

Absolutely any berries are suitable for jelly from frozen summer preparations: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants and others. The classic recipe does not require defrosting the fruit, which greatly simplifies the cooking process.

The set of products for different varieties of berries will always be the same:

  • 2000 ml of drinking water;
  • 500 g frozen berries;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 100 g starch.

Drink recipe step by step:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan of suitable capacity and add frozen berries to it. After boiling, cook them for five minutes.
  2. Then mash with a potato masher and pass everything through an iron sieve. This will help ensure a smoother drink.
  3. Return the base to the cooking vessel and let it boil again.
  4. Pour sugar into the bubbling liquid and add starch mixed in a glass of cold water. Mix everything vigorously to prevent the formation of lumps in the jelly.

And as soon as the contents of the pan boil, the drink is ready and is removed from the stove.

How to brew a liquid drink

By adjusting the amount of starch added to the drink, you can influence its thickness.

So, if you reduce the proportions of this product relative to the liquid, you will get liquid homemade jelly:

  • 2000 ml water;
  • 300 g black and red currants;
  • 50 g starch;
  • 200 g sugar.

Cooking technology:

  1. Thaw the berries and press through a sieve.
  2. Set aside the juice that you managed to get from the berries (you will need it later), and transfer the pomace into a saucepan, add water and cook for about five minutes after the start of boiling.
  3. Strain the resulting compote through cheesecloth, add sugar and return to the heat.
  4. Mix the previously set aside juice with starch. Pour the resulting liquid in a thin stream into the boiling filtered compote and brew for several minutes, stirring.

Cooking with cherries

The “highlight” of this drink is the use of spices, which favorably highlight and highlight the taste of sweet and sour berries.

If the seeds were removed from the cherries before freezing, then the berries do not need to be defrosted. If the fruits are prepared whole, they will have to be thawed in order to remove the seeds.

Ingredient proportions:

  • 2000 ml of water and another 200 ml to dilute the starch;
  • 500 g cherries;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 80 g starch;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 2.5 ground cardamom;
  • 1 g vanilla.

Prepare cherry jelly as follows:

  1. Boil water, add spices to it, boil them for five minutes.
  2. Then use a slotted spoon to catch the clove buds and add the cherries. Send the thawed berries along with the juice that was released during thawing.
  3. Add sugar and dissolve completely, stirring continuously.
  4. Next, wait until the contents of the pan boil, then pour in the thickener diluted in cold water.
  5. Brew the drink, stirring, until thick. When the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan from the stove.

Thick jelly from frozen berries

This jelly is thick due not only to the higher starch content, but also due to the berry puree into which frozen strawberries are transformed during the cooking process.

For thick jelly from frozen strawberries, you should prepare:

  • 1000 ml water;
  • 300 g frozen strawberries;
  • 80 – 100 g sugar;
  • 80 g starch.

How to cook jelly:

  1. Place the frozen berries in a saucepan, add sugar and water. Stir everything until the sweet crystals dissolve and place on the stove.
  2. When the water with strawberries boils, after 5 - 7 minutes, catch the berries with a slotted spoon and turn them into puree using a blender or a regular sieve.
  3. Return the strawberries in the form of puree to the boiling strawberry compote and pour in the starch diluted with water. Boil the jelly for a couple of minutes and remove from heat.

This jelly can be served while still warm, but it will be just as tasty when chilled.

Healthy drink with cranberries

Cranberry jelly is not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink that will be useful to introduce into your diet during flu and cold epidemics. It will be able to strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with viruses that have already entered it.

To cook this medicinal jelly from frozen cranberries, you need to prepare:

  • 2000 ml water;
  • 300 g cranberries;
  • 80 g starch;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. Thaw the berries, rinse if necessary under cool running water, and then puree into a paste with a blender.
  2. Leave a glass of water to dilute the starch, and mix the rest of the liquid with the berry pulp and bring to a boil.
  3. Sweeten the contents of the pan to taste and pour the starch mixed with water into it in a thin stream. As soon as the drink thickens, it is ready.

Homemade jelly is a fairly nutritious drink, so it can completely replace one meal, for example, an afternoon snack or snack. And especially if you complement it with a bun or pie.

Multicooker recipe

Kissel from starch and frozen berries can also be cooked in a slow cooker. This will take no more time than cooking on the stove, and maybe even less. Thanks to special preparation modes, vitamins and nutrients are better preserved in this drink.

Ingredients used in the cooking process:

  • 1500 ml water and an additional 250 ml for starch;
  • 500 g berries (gooseberries and red currants);
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 60 g starch.

Cooking method:

  1. Place frozen berries in a multi-pan, fill them with water, close the lid of the device and start the “Soup/Steamer” mode for a quarter of an hour.
  2. After the sound signal, catch the berries with a slotted spoon and press them through a sieve.
  3. Return the resulting seedless puree to the water along with sugar. Turn on the “Soup/Steamer” option again for 15 minutes.
  4. 2 - 3 minutes before the end of the program, open the lid of the device and pour in the starch mixed in a glass of water. Wait for the program to complete and let the drink brew for about another hour.

Made from gelatin and frozen berries

Of course, it is much more common to use starch as a thickener for this drink, but in Jewish and French cuisine you can find beautiful transparent jelly made with gelatin.

The peculiarity of such drinks is that they are consumed only when chilled.

Ingredients of the gelatin drink:

  • 2000 – 3000 ml of water;
  • 400 – 500 g frozen berries;
  • 14 g gelatin;
  • 200 g sugar.


  1. Pour 100 ml of cold water over the gelatin and let it soak in moisture for half an hour. Then melt the swollen grains in a steam bath or in a microwave oven. Do not boil.
  2. Bring the berries and water to a boil and cook for 10 minutes until a rich broth is obtained, which is then strained, mixed with sugar and dissolved gelatin. Warm the drink slightly over the fire, but do not allow it to boil.
  3. Pour the finished drink into serving containers and cool. Jelly made from frozen berries on gelatin is ready.

Kissel is a thick, jelly-like drink. It is much healthier if you cook it yourself using starch and berries. And the chance to use frozen raw materials makes it possible to enjoy a tasty and healthy drink all year round.

Calorie content and composition

Initially, jelly was prepared using cereals and water or milk. Later they began to put sugar and berries. The chemical composition of berry jelly is heterogeneous - it all depends on the berries used. The same applies to calories.

If we talk about some average indicators, the energy value of the drink is 55-70 kilocalories per 100 ml. At the same time, the balance of BJU is represented only by carbohydrates. The dish—originally jelly was served as a main course or dessert—does not contain any protein or fat.

The main vitamins are vitamin C, E, A. They are present in most berries. The mineral composition is represented by potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus. In addition, the drink contains ash, starches, and sugars.

Beneficial features

Kissel has the ability to envelop the gastric mucosa, thanks to which it is possible to protect its walls from negative effects. It is recommended to include the drink in the menu for increased stomach acidity, gastritis, and ulcers. Its regular consumption helps to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis. In a word, jelly forms a protective layer on the gastric walls, which prevents aggressive components from irritating the organ.

Kissel is useful for gastritis, dysbacteriosis, and helps relieve discomfort after heavy, spicy and pickled food.

In addition, starch components contribute to better absorption of vitamins and minerals contained in berries

Kissel is a rich and thick drink that is high in calories. It can replace a full meal if necessary, and satisfies hunger well. Kissel is recommended when weight gain is necessary - in childhood, with underweight, or after illness.

At the same time, the drink is quite easily digestible, so jelly can be recommended during periods of illness and recovery, after injuries and operations. The product will saturate the body, but will not require much effort to digest. And the berries it contains will provide an additional portion of vitamins and microelements and strengthen the immune system.

Depending on what berries are added to the jelly, it has one or another property. Thus, cranberry drink is considered an effective antiviral and immune-strengthening agent. Cranberry jelly is recommended during seasonal colds; it is suitable as a warm drink for acute respiratory infections and flu.

Cherry jelly has pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It removes poisons and toxins from the body and is useful for respiratory diseases. Its regular consumption improves the functioning of blood vessels and helps maintain hemoglobin levels within normal limits.

Rowan jelly is drunk for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The presence of berries also tones the body, gives strength and energy. In addition, the drink calms the nervous system and gives healthy and sound sleep.

The presence of pantothenic acid helps improve hormonal balance. The drink also removes excess fluid, regulates the water-salt balance of the body and thereby has a positive effect on the kidneys.


A contraindication to the consumption of jelly based on starch and berries is individual intolerance to one of the components of the product. Due to its high sugar content, it is not recommended for diabetes, and due to its high calorie content, it is not recommended for obesity.

When using sour berries (cherries, currants, lingonberries), you may have to reduce the amount of drink consumed in case of increased stomach acidity. Despite the benefits of the drink for the digestive system, berry-based jelly is not recommended for acute stages of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers). During this period, preference should be given to other types of jelly - milk, oatmeal.

During pregnancy, a small amount of jelly is not prohibited. However, you should be aware of what it fastens. And a pregnant woman, especially in the first and last trimester of pregnancy, is already prone to constipation. It is not recommended to drink jelly even if the fruit is large.

During lactation, jelly is allowed only if its use does not provoke a deterioration in the child’s well-being (the appearance of intestinal colic, changes in stool).

How to cook?

Preparing jelly from frozen berries does not take much time and effort, and also does not require great professional skills.

Regardless of the recipe used, there are 4 main ingredients:

  • water, which ensures the dissolution of the components and liquid consistency;
  • starch, which acts as a thickener and provides a characteristic jelly-like consistency;
  • sweetener (usually sugar);
  • frozen berries, which increase the benefits of the drink, giving it a particular taste.

The proportions of liquid and starch depend on the desired degree of thickness of the finished drink. So, to prepare a thick drink, take 80 g or 3 tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of water. The resulting drink is usually poured into bowls and served with a dessert spoon; it is impossible to drink it in the usual sense of the word.

For a less thick version, the amount of starch is reduced to 2 tablespoons (45 g) for the same volume of water. Unlike a thick drink, it needs to be brewed for a shorter amount of time. This jelly is poured into glasses, but it must also be served with spoons.

Liquid jelly, which is convenient to drink, requires 30 g of starch per 1 liter of water. This is about 1 heaped tablespoon.

However, it is not enough to know how many liters of water are taken for jelly, because starch with different fillers reacts differently. In other words, the thickness of the drink depends not only on the amount of starch in it.

If jelly is prepared for children, then, as required by the technological map, the starch content should be no more than 1.5 g of starch per 100 g of product.

For jelly, it is best to use potato starch. However, rice is also suitable if the clarity of the drink is not important. It makes the structure more viscous. Corn starch can also be added to jelly, but this will make the drink cloudy. The peculiarity of corn starch is that it makes the jelly more tender.

Currant jelly

Currants hold the record for vitamin C content in berries and fruits. It is surpassed only by rose hips. Adding currant berries to the drink will significantly increase its anti-cold and strengthening properties.

In addition, the dish contains other vitamins, pectins, potassium, magnesium, and iron. The drink will have a characteristic blackcurrant aroma (if, of course, you prepare it from dark berries) and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The calorie content is 60-70 kcal, but the amount of sugar plays a big role here. The sweetness level can be adjusted to suit your taste.

To prepare you will need:

  • 600 g frozen berries (red, white or black currants);
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons starch;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

From the indicated volume you need to pour a glass of water, bring the remaining volume to a boil and put the berries in it. Simmer them for 5 minutes, then add sweetener and let it dissolve.

Dilute the starch in a glass of cold water and introduce the mixture in a thin stream into the liquid with the berries. Stirring, bring the jelly to a boil, then remove from heat, distribute into glasses and cool.

Raspberry jelly

Kissel can be cooked for children during the cold season, because raspberries are known as the primary remedy in the treatment and prevention of viral respiratory diseases. In addition, most children love raspberries, and their sweetish aroma will remind them of summer and lift their spirits.

The calorie content of the drink is slightly lower, although it is also largely due to the amount of sweetener. Although, since raspberries themselves are a sweet berry, less sugar is required. On average, the nutritional value is 35-40 kcal per 100 ml.


  • 400 g raspberries;
  • 3 tablespoons each of sugar and starch;
  • 4 liters of water.

Water (200 ml) needs to be poured and starch stirred in it. Boil the remaining liquid, add the berries to it and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then the mixture must be strained, the cake discarded, and the raspberry juice returned to the heat. Add sugar and wait for it to dissolve.

All that remains is to slowly pour in the water with starch, constantly stirring the jelly, and bring the drink to a boil. Turn off the heat and cool.

Blueberry jelly

Blueberry jelly can also be recommended for children, especially schoolchildren. It is also useful for adults who spend a lot of time at the computer. The thing is that the berry has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, even allowing you to improve partially lost vision.

The calorie content of the berry is low, but the presence of starch and sweetener still increases the energy value of the jelly. On average it is 70-80 kcal.


  • 500 g blueberries;
  • 5 tablespoons of starch;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

In general, the cooking technology is not much different from the similar process of cooking currant jelly. You need to boil water (except for a small amount), add sugar and berries.

Dilute starch in cold water and add it to boiling berry syrup. Wait until bubbles appear and remove from heat.

The finished drink has an optimal balance of sweetness and acidity. It cannot be called either sour or sugary. Classic lingonberry jelly is characterized by similar properties, as well as the cooking method. It is effective in fighting viruses.

Wild strawberry jelly

Wild strawberries will give the drink a fragrant aroma and enrich it with ascorbic acid.


  • 500 g wild strawberries;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

Part of the strawberries should be set aside, and the other half of the berries should be placed in sweet boiling water. Quickly mash the remaining portion into a puree and add to the liquid. Add starch diluted in cold water there. Simmer the jelly on the fire for a couple of minutes and leave to cool.

Cherry jelly

This drink is useful for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as it has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect and demonstrates an expectorant effect. As part of the complex treatment of anemia and its prevention in case of capillary disease, jelly from this berry is also prescribed.

To prepare jelly you will need:

  • 500 g cherries;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • 2 liters of water.

If in previous recipes the berries were thrown into boiling water while frozen, then in this case it is necessary to first defrost the cherries. It is better to give it time to defrost naturally by placing the bowl of cherries on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Next, you need to remove the twigs and pits from the defrosted cherries, and then douse them with hot water. The next stages of the process are already known - prepare syrup from water, sweetener and berries. Add starch, previously diluted in a glass of cold water, to the boiling mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil again and remove from heat to cool.

The finished drink, poured into glasses, can be decorated with almond flakes. It perfectly sets off the pleasant sourness of cherries and gives the jelly a soft nutty aftertaste.

Vitamin jelly mix

This drink harmoniously combines cranberries, lingonberries and sea buckthorn. These berries are a powerful tool for strengthening the immune system. The drink is also useful during the recovery period after illness or surgery. Possessing a strong antioxidant effect, it cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

It includes:

  • half a glass of lingonberries and cranberries;
  • 1 cup sea buckthorn;
  • 150-200 g sugar;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 3 tablespoons starch.

Dissolve the starch in a glass of water, boil the rest together with sugar, cranberries and lingonberries for 5 minutes after the water boils (you need to put the berries in a boiling liquid). After this, filter the liquid, squeeze it out, and discard the berry pulp.

At this time, mash the sea buckthorn into a paste and add it to the strained mixture. Return it to the stove, add starch and cook for another 3-5 minutes.

Every housewife simply must be able to prepare jelly at home. After all, it turns out not only much tastier than store-bought, but also healthier. Kissel is an excellent helper for colds, and is also useful for people with gastrointestinal problems. Don't forget about its nutritional value. This drink is prepared quickly enough and requires the simplest ingredients. Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, currants, cherries - absolutely any berry and more are suitable for this wonderful drink. They can be either fresh or frozen. You can also try experimenting with combinations. So, let's try to make berry jelly together!

Ingredients for making berry jelly:

  • berries - 300 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l (for medium jelly, for thicker jelly you need 4-5 spoons);
  • water - 3.5 l;
  • sugar - to taste.

Homemade jelly - Stage 1

Let's start with the berries. Wash them and place them in a three-liter or more saucepan with water. Even if the berries are frozen, place them as is. They will defrost in the process. We begin to cook our base for jelly over medium heat. Don't forget to cover it all with a lid. Because after boiling, the berries will begin to shoot out juice.

Stage 2

Then, after the water has boiled and the contents have cooked for about 20 minutes, add sugar to your own taste. Let it cook for about 5 more minutes.

Stage 3

Using a large spoon or something more convenient for you, squeeze and catch the berry pulp. If a small amount of berry particles remains, it’s okay. Continue cooking the jelly base over low heat.

Stage 4

While it is cooking, we are diluting the starch. To do this, take a cup, pour some cold water into it, add starch and stir.

A nourishing and high-calorie dish - this is how we can safely talk about jelly, which simultaneously serves as both a drink and a dessert. But the main advantage of this dish is its taste and healing properties. After all, it is cooked in fruit broth. Alas, a drink with history has been forgotten in our newfangled age. And in vain, because in the summer a delicious cool jelly is refreshing, and a warm one in the winter will warm and soothe. But in families where they like to cook jelly, they simply adore them. Housewives like them because they are quick and easy to prepare, because you only need three ingredients. Well, others appreciate it for its incomparable taste and delicate texture.

Useful properties of jelly from fresh and frozen berries, jam

Nutritionists and many fans of this dish talk about it. Firstly, jelly can be made from different products. These include fresh and frozen berries and fruits, dried fruits, jam, etc. Secondly, these are the direct benefits of vitamins that are preserved when properly prepared.

Therefore, recipes from a wide variety of berries and compositions are passed down literally from generation to generation:

  1. Blueberry jelly . This is an excellent enveloping remedy for diarrhea (including in children) and will cope with bacteriosis and irritable intestines. Blueberries improve vision in older people.
  2. Red rowan jelly . A storehouse of vitamins. Rowan jelly is also an excellent choleretic agent, which has a beneficial effect on the liver itself.
  3. . It is especially valuable in the spring for vitamin deficiencies and colds. They also love him for his ability to quickly relieve fatigue and satiate him.

You need to know this - the intricacies of making fruit jelly

There are plenty of ways to prepare delicious jelly, but there are main points that need to be taken into account when cooking jelly:

  • Main ingredients – this is liquid (water or milk), products (berries and fruits, jam, etc.), starch and sugar.
  • Key procedures – boil the food, infuse the broth, strain it (if you don’t want to grind the fruit pulp directly into the broth), bring to a boil, dissolve the sugar, pour starch diluted with water into the broth in a thin stream while stirring and, having brought to a boil, turn off the heat.
  • Starch dilute before adding, otherwise it usually settles in sediment.
  • Do not cover with a lid ready-made jelly, but keep it open carefully - a film may form on it.
  • Sugar can be varied in both directions.
  • To jelly You can add any acidifier.
  • Remember – stirring while pouring starch should be active so that there are no lumps.
  • Kissel can be served with cream, ice cream, etc.

BY THE WAY: Fruits are placed in cold water, and then by the time they boil, they will generously share their juices and aromas.

Delicious frozen berry jelly - step-by-step recipe with photos

Berries and fruits can be very different. The sets are sold in the store. But what’s stopping you from cutting and freezing apples, pears, plums, etc. in the summer?


  • Frozen berries - 300 g
  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Starch - 3 tbsp.

How to make quick and tasty jelly from frozen berries - a time-tested recipe

To ensure that berries and fruits remain intact in terms of integrity and vitamins, they are not washed. Just put them in a bowl.

Step 1. Berries in a bowl

You need to take cold water, as I wrote above. But you can also boil it. Fill the fruit and berry set with water.

Step 2. Fill the fruit with water

Increase the heat immediately. As soon as it boils, reduce it to a minimum - this way you and I will retain more benefits. But let's add sugar right away.

BY THE WAY: The recipe contains 3 spoons, but you can reduce or increase the amount of sweetener, and even add another one.

Step 3. Sugar in compote

Do not cook frozen raw materials for a long time - they will lose their shape and will say goodbye to vitamins. How to continue to be with him? I rubbed it through a sieve, removing the pits from the cherries, but left some whole berries.

Step 4. Grind the boiled fruits

So, you can strain the broth if you want pure jelly, or leave the whole fruit, or grind it like I did. It will be delicious! Well, now we’ll put the broth on the stove to boil and combine the starch with water.

BY THE WAY: For the first time, make more starch solution. You can always find a use for the excess. But if you don’t have enough of it, the jelly will turn out very liquid. I did so. In a word, pour the starch into a glass or bowl and fill it with water (glass). Stir until the powder combines with the water.

Step 5. Combine starch with water

Has the broth boiled? Let's introduce starch into it in a tiny stream. With your other hand, thoroughly stir the jelly, otherwise there will be lumps.

BY THE WAY: If lumps appear, cool the jelly and grind it through a clean sieve.

Step 6. Pour starch into the broth

Don't let the jelly boil. We do all these infusions, albeit in a thin stream, but very energetically. As soon as you see small bubbles on the surface of the jelly, turn it off. Kissel is ready. Serve it hot or cold, depending on the time of year.

BY THE WAY: If the jelly is very thick, pour it into a plate!

Step 7. Kissel is ready

It must be said that the algorithm for preparing jelly from fresh berries is similar to the first recipe. But others are different – ​​somewhere it’s simpler, somewhere it’s more complicated….

Cranberry jelly with medicinal properties - for colds and stomach diseases

Cranberry is a healthy, but also sour berry. You can put more sugar here.


  • Cranberries - 1 cup
  • Water - 3 l
  • Sugar - 7-8 tbsp.
  • Starch - 5-6 tbsp.

How to properly prepare vitamin jelly from cranberries - a time-tested recipe!

Fill the washed berries with water. Let's boil it and boil the berries. After 15 minutes, we will wipe them in a convenient way. The pulp can be used as a filling for dumplings or pies. Put sugar in the fruit drink and dissolve the starch in water. After boiling the fruit drink, pour a thin stream of starch into it. Stirring, bring to a boil and set the pan aside. You can take more sugar.

Fragrant cherry jelly - my best recipe

Cherries can be anything - fresh, dried, frozen, or pickled.


  • Berries - 2 cups
  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • Starch - 3 tbsp.

How to make cherry jelly even tastier - I’m sharing secrets

Place pitted cherries in cool water. As soon as the water starts to boil, let the berries boil for a couple of minutes and remove them. If you want, crush it and put the fruit drink into the decoction. Cook again for 3-4 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Dissolve the starch in water and pour it into the boiled broth in a thin stream. Sprinkle the jelly with grated nuts.

Healing chokeberry jelly

Healthy and delicious. By the way, you can drop a little lemon juice into it - a fresh aroma!


  • Berries - 0.5 cup
  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Starch - 3 tbsp.

How to properly prepare medicinal chokeberry jelly

Wash the berries, dry them and blanch them for 5 minutes in boiling water. Let the broth brew and add sugar to it. Put it on the fire again, removing the berries (or wiping them and putting them in a decoction). While it boils, dissolve the starch. Pour in a thin stream and, stirring, bring the jelly to a boil.

How to cook delicious jelly from jam in 15 minutes

You will get a unique jelly. After all, you can use new jam every time.


  • Jam – 200 g
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Sugar (optional) - 2 tbsp.
  • Starch - 2 tbsp.
  • Citric acid (lemon juice) - on the tip of a knife

Easy preparation of jelly from jam - my grandmother's recipe

Let's dissolve the jam in water. Heat to a boil and let cool. If you want, rub the mixture through a strainer. I never do this because I love the pieces in the jelly. Put in sugar. After heating the drink, add citric acid (or lemon juice). The drink is then reheated and brought to a boil. After dissolving the starch in a glass, pour it into the boiling broth. Stirring everything, bring to a boil and remove from heat.