Why dream of breaking a vase. I dreamed of a new vase

A vase is a symbolic image in a dream of a vessel of the soul.

If you see a beautiful, clean vase, it means that pleasant impressions await you, nothing will overshadow your peace of mind, you managed to find harmony and now it is important not to lose it.

In a dream, breaking a vase is a very bad sign, which foreshadows mental pain and bitterness; your heart will break with pity and powerlessness, but you will be powerless to change anything.

A vase of flowers means that you, without knowing it, will greatly help someone in trouble, just by talking to him and sharing your thoughts.

Interpretation of dreams from Vanga's Dream Book

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Seeing a Vase in a dream

Seeing a vase in a dream is a sign that many pleasant events await you in your family life.

Drinking from a vessel or cup in a dream portends you the joys and sorrows of secret love.

Seeing a broken vase predicts imminent misfortune.

For a young woman to receive a vase as a gift means that she will achieve her cherished desire.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Vase mean?

The vase, like other vessels, is a symbol of the female genital organs.

If you are making a vase, then you want to change your partner.

If you pour water into a vase, then you are striving for sexual contact that awaits you.

For a woman, such a dream can also mean a desire to get pregnant.

An empty vase portends infertility or dissatisfaction with sex life.

You are trying to get a beautiful vase, but you can’t: you dream of an ideal partner, but look at things soberly.

If you put flowers in a vase, then you love your partner, are satisfied with him and want to have children together.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a Vase in a dream

Vase - Relationships with the opposite sex. New, beautiful - easy flirting. They give you a vase - someone would like to get to know you better. Broken - break in relationship. Nondescript - boring relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do Vase dreams mean?

Receiving a vase as a gift in a dream: a warning for you.

You are too open and spiritually generous a person; different people often turn to you in the hope that you will help them.

You can't refuse anyone, and people abuse your trust.

All this can lead to you losing your energy potential, you should be more careful if you do not want to lose everything you own.

This is the general symbolism of such a dream; as for particulars, this will be discussed below.

A dream in which you broke your favorite vase in your hearts: it says that you are going to do something important, for which you have been preparing for a long time.

The dream warns that you may make a mistake by pushing away loved ones who, due to your mood, you considered to be your enemies.

Think again before making an important decision.

Choosing a vase as a gift in a dream or giving it away means that you are too passionate about someone else’s life, trying to smooth out all the difficulties and roughness in it.

It’s better to give freedom to someone who needs it much more than your attention and excessive care.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of dreams Vase

Seeing a vase in a dream is a warning that you should not judge people too harshly for violating the rules of good manners, otherwise you risk losing the person who truly loves you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will be surprised by an unexpected incident. Breaking a vase in a dream is a harbinger of fear due to bad news.

Seeing a vase with fresh flowers in a dream is a sign of receiving good news and health. If the flowers in the vase have withered or dried out, then you will face a lot of torment and doubt. Receiving a vase as a gift means a family scandal. If there were flowers in the vase, then others respect you. For women, such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of a desire. A dream in which you saw a vase and were upset that there were no flowers in it is a sign of receiving sad news or a bitter loss.

Seeing a vase of flowers in a dream, which is placed in a prominent or high place, portends unexpected honors. A dream in which you see a vase filled with fruits is a sign of success in business and in love. See interpretation: dishes, porcelain, flowers, fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does a Vase mean in a dream?

Seeing a vase of flowers means success in society, a broken vase means the loss of a loved one, an empty vase means oblivion and boredom.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Dream Interpreter

The meaning of the dream Vase

Seeing a beautiful vase of flowers on your table in a dream means a valuable gift from a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Interpretation of the dream Vase

A vase seen in a dream foreshadows many pleasant events in family life. An empty vase speaks of wasted efforts and pointless fuss. If it is filled with fruits or sweets, this means a pleasant pastime and a nice conversation. Taking something from a vase or pouring water out of it foreshadows all the delights of secret love with its joys and sorrows. Putting flowers in a vase means you will encounter something sublime and beautiful or a very educated and well-read person. Dropping a vase from your hands and breaking it at the same time is a sign of imminent misfortune. Gluing it together means wasted work that promises neither profit nor satisfaction.

If a young girl dreams that she received a large, elegant and very expensive vase as a gift, it means that her innermost desire awaits her.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a Vase predict in a dream?

A vase in a dream is a sign of a happy family life. A broken vase is a harbinger of imminent misfortune. A vase received as a gift means that you are not far from fulfilling your cherished desire.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Vase

Seeing a filled vase in a dream means decorating your position in society. An empty or broken vase means unpleasant events.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does a Vase dream predict?

A beautiful vase is a good dream for single people: joyful events await you related to a new romantic hobby, perhaps it will end in a wedding. An antique vase - renewing a relationship with the person who was your first love. A full vase (of flowers or fruits) - along with a new acquaintance, you will gain a position in society.

Imagine that a vase is full of your favorite flowers or fruits.

Cracked - there are changes in your business that could lead to a complete collapse of the business. Broken - the efforts put into the business will not live up to your hopes. Breaking a vase - a quarrel with business partners can lead to a loss of trust in your enterprise in the consumer market. Gluing a vase together means an attempt to revive a business that has not been producing the desired results for a long time will be futile. An empty vase - a business conversation from which you expected to resolve many issues was wasted.

Imagine that you have been given a new expensive vase full of flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of the dream Vase

A vase dreams of pleasant events in your family life.

A dream in which you drink from a vessel or cup foreshadows the joys and sorrows of secret love.

Seeing a broken vase in a dream means imminent misfortune.

If a young woman dreams that she receives a vase as a gift, then she will achieve her cherished desire.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered the vase to be a symbolic image of the vessel of the soul. This is how she interpreted dreams about a vase.

If you see a beautiful, clean vase, it means that pleasant impressions await you, nothing will overshadow your peace of mind, you managed to find harmony and now it is important not to lose it.

Breaking a vase in a dream is a very bad sign, which foreshadows mental pain and bitterness. Your heart will break with pity and powerlessness, but you will be powerless to change anything.

If you saw a dream in which there was a vase of flowers, in reality, without knowing it, you will greatly help someone in trouble, just by talking to him and sharing your thoughts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

See a vase in a dream

A beautiful vase in your dream: symbolizes the domestic happiness that you cherish. Such a dream foretells that in the near future nothing threatens peace and tranquility in your family, and you are determined to resolve any disagreements to mutual satisfaction.

A cracked or broken vase: warns of a possible threat to family happiness. On such days, you should, if possible, avoid disagreements and disputes, and, of course, show more sensitivity and respect to your family.

Interpretation of dreams from

Many objects that appear to us in dreams have important symbolic meanings that can be interpreted.

For example, in the dream book a vase is included as a significant image that the subconscious tells us. To understand why a vase is dreamed of, it is necessary, as in any other dream, to remember the smallest features of the vision.

What is she like?

A vessel seen at night can appear in different forms. The vase can be:

  • Empty.
  • With flowers.
  • Broken.

There is nothing

Seeing an empty beautiful vessel means upcoming meaningless conversations. They will not burden you or bother you, it will be simple light chatter on pleasant topics.

Sometimes the image of a vase, even an empty one, is interpreted as a symbol of family happiness. The fact that it is not filled with anything is not a bad sign - the dream in any case means that your family hearth is in perfect order.

Also, sometimes an empty elegant vase means that in reality a lot of pleasant impressions await you very soon. And even some minor troubles will not be able to lead you astray. Everything will work out, and your inner balance will be maintained to the envy of others.

Beautiful bouquet

Why do you dream of a vase filled with beautiful fresh fruits? It's not hard to guess that this is a good sign. For a woman, such a dream can mean approaching blossoming. Unbeknownst to herself, she will become a real standard of femininity, and perhaps suitors and admirers will appear.

Seeing a vase filled with fresh flowers on the table - very soon your loved one will give you an unforgettable gift. It will turn your relationship around and take it to the next level. In general, flowers are often associated with love.

Flowers can also mean future success, good luck in your endeavors and a surge of well-being. But a dried bouquet in a vase represents your anxiety in reality. You are very worried about one of your loved ones or relatives, but these worries are unfounded and empty. Let go of negative emotions.

To pieces

Although any broken thing at first glance seems to be a bad symbol, the situation with a vase is not so bad. In general, to see a vase broken into pieces in a dream is a sign of some events that cannot be influenced. They are influenced by forces from above.

A vase cracked in a dream may represent your subconscious attitude towards work. You may feel like you are doing useless and unfairly undervalued work. Perhaps this is a wake-up call: it’s time to think about changing jobs and even, perhaps, profession!

If in a dream you heartily break a vase yourself, in real life you will finally decide to take an important and very responsible action. You prepared for a long time, realizing that it would radically change your life, but you just couldn’t muster the strength. The dream says that the hour of X is already close.

There is also such an interpretation of the dream: a broken vase means that some plans will be disrupted. But here again we need to return to the first paragraph - it’s all about events that are coming and that cannot be changed. Don’t be upset or worry, but accept Fate with your head held high.

Great news for professionals: if you dream that you are breaking a very old, chipped vase, your career aspirations will very soon be noticed by management. Perhaps not only recognition from colleagues and managers is coming, but also an unexpected promotion.

Your actions

To understand why you dream of a vase, it is important to remember the circumstances under which it appeared to you in a dream.

1. Giving your vase to someone - in reality you sincerely respect the hero of your dream and wish him only the best.

2. Receive as a gift:

  • If you are given a delightful crystal vase in a dream, the dream book foretells the very speedy fulfillment of your cherished dream.
  • We received an ordinary glass container as a gift - peace and harmony in love relationships. Your feelings and trust are as pure as this souvenir.
  • And if in a dream you are congratulated and given a large vase filled with fruit, real prosperity awaits you!

3. If you yourself choose this item as a gift, the dream may mean excessive worries for the well-being and happiness of other people. You wish your friends well from the bottom of your heart and try to help as best you can. But stop for a moment and think to yourself. In your altruism you have forgotten about your happiness.

4. Drinking or eating from a vessel that resembles a vase is a sign of new love. For lonely people, a dream can foreshadow a meeting with one’s destiny, but it can also promise a short-term and passionate romance. For married couples, such a dream symbolizes a new stage in the relationship, the revival of slightly dormant feelings.

5. Pour sweets into a crystal rosette - such a dream personifies your dreams of a better life. With hard work and determination, you will achieve your desired heights. And the more candies you put in the vase, the sooner this will happen. Author: Ksenia Marsova

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Vase in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a Vase?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Vase mean?

A vase can be associated in the mind with a kind of cornucopia. It can also be a symbolic representation of the vessel of the soul. Perhaps this is why seeing a vase in a dream is considered in most cases a good sign, promising profit, honor, respect, and pleasant events in life. In addition, a vase is usually used in everyday life as a vessel-stand for flowers, and flowers in most cases are given specifically for holidays, on the occasion of pleasant events, or as a sign of love, respect, or generally wanting to do something nice. However, in dreams a vase may be seen as empty, clean, dirty, transparent, cloudy, colored, broken, etc. And in each specific case this will be a special, unique omen.

If you dream of a beautiful, clean vase, then in the near future you may expect pleasant or even festive events that will strengthen your spirit and good mood. It is possible that you will be given various gifts, but it is not at all necessary that the gift will be a bouquet of flowers. If you dream of a dirty vase, this may mean that you really miss a holiday in your life or that you yearn for those times when life was simpler; you can’t forget something that made you happy in the past, but is now gone from your life. If you dream of a broken vase, then probably some of your dreams and hopes will be “shattered”, your plans will be disrupted.

If such a dream occurs on the eve of a holiday, then the holiday itself will probably fail or will be spoiled by some unpleasant news. If you yourself break a vase in a dream, then it is most likely that in life you will encounter a situation in which you will be powerless to change anything, but at the same time the situation itself will upset you a lot. A vase of flowers can also have many different meanings - it all depends on what flowers the bouquet consists of, this is how this dream in which a Vase is dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Vase in a dream?

With flowers on a dais - an unexpected honor, with fruits - to success. A broken vase is unlucky. Drinking from a vase (chalice, vessel) - the joys and sorrows of secret love. For a young woman to receive a vase as a gift - the fulfillment of her cherished desire.

Summer Dream Interpreter

If you saw in a dream a beautiful vase of flowers that stands on your table, it means a valuable gift from a loved one, this is what the dream book says about this dream, for details, if you dream about a Vase, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of a Vase in a dream?

Such a dream indicates: soon you will have the opportunity to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your home. For a young woman, a dream in which she is given a vase promises the speedy fulfillment of her innermost desire.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of a Vase according to the dream book?

A vase dreams of pleasant events in your family life. A dream in which you drink from a vessel or cup foreshadows the joys and sorrows of secret love. Seeing a broken vase is a sign of imminent misfortune. If a young woman dreams that she receives a vase as a gift, then she will achieve the fulfillment of her cherished desire. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered the vase to be a symbolic image of the vessel of the soul. This is how she interpreted dreams about a vase: If you see a beautiful, clean vase, it means that pleasant impressions await you, nothing will overshadow your peace of mind, you managed to find harmony and now it is important not to lose it. Breaking a vase in a dream is a very bad sign, which foreshadows mental pain and bitterness. Your heart will break with pity and powerlessness, but you will not be able to change anything. If you saw a dream in which there was a vase of flowers, in reality, without knowing it, you will greatly help someone in trouble, just by talking to him and sharing your thoughts.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Seeing a vase of flowers means success in society, a broken vase means the loss of a loved one, an empty vase means oblivion and boredom.

Grandma's old dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about Vase?

Broken Vase (urn) - news about the deceased; with flowers on a dais - an unexpected honor; a vase with fruits - to success.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Vase (flowers). - If you dreamed that you were in the bathroom, putting roses in a vase, and it suddenly slipped out of your hands and broke, this is a sign of misfortune or illness.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of a Vase for a woman:

I dreamed that a flower vase meant losing a loved one (beloved). Break a vase - look for love adventures, travel. Giving a vase means expressing preference for someone. Putting flowers in a vase means you will meet a well-mannered, sensitive person. Gluing together the fragments of a broken vase means you are wasting time trying to restore your relationship with your loved one. Receive a beautiful and expensive vase as a gift - your married life will go smoothly, hardships, lack of money and other troubles will bypass you

If you dreamed of a vase, be sure to look in the dream book. A vase in a dream can become an important warning or harbinger of some events. It can also reflect your thoughts and inner experiences.

A beautiful crystal flower vase indicates that your deepest wish will soon come true. The main thing is not to get hung up on it. When you “let go” of the situation, your dream will come true by itself.

A broken crystal vase seen in a dream foreshadows not very good news. However, the dream book claims that the news may not be true. So don’t get upset in advance, but rather check if someone is deceiving you.

A huge crystal vase appears in a dream when you are overwhelmed by any feelings. Mostly these are positive emotions, joy, love. Try to make this euphoria last as long as possible. The dream book believes that you will be able to do this.

A ceramic vase in a dream is a sign that your relationship with your partner is serious and strong. And if you see a beautiful drawing on the vessel, then life with your loved one will be full of adventures and pleasant impressions.

A broken clay vase warns that a tense period has come in your relationship with your loved one. In this case, the dream book recommends having a frank conversation with him and finding out if everything is okay with him. Having a heart-to-heart talk, you will understand each other better and will live in perfect harmony again.

  • A black vase means gossip and gossip.
  • Red - for a passionate date.
  • White - for a romantic adventure.
  • Brown - nothing new is expected in business.
  • Yellow - for a surprise.
  • Green - a gift awaits you.
  • Blue - you will have a new dream.
  • Multi-colored - for travel.

The dream book interprets a large flower vase standing on the floor as stability in all areas of life. You stand firmly on your feet even when enemies and envious people try to harm you. With your indifference, you drive away their negative energy.

Why do you dream of a vase if there are living ones in it? Usually such a dream is a harbinger of a joyful event. Moreover, it will bring happiness not only to you, but also to your family and loved ones.

If there are artificial flowers in the vase you dreamed about, then you may soon be deceived. You should not trust strangers and be frank in large companies. The information received from you may cause you trouble.

The vase painted in the picture warns you not to overestimate your capabilities. The dream book claims that if you take on a task whose positive outcome you doubt, you may not complete it and lose a lot of effort and time.

What did you do in your dream?

According to the dream book, receiving a vase means making an important purchase. Now is the moment when you can buy what you have dreamed of for so long. This thing will serve you for a long time.

On the contrary, giving someone a vase means helping a friend out in a difficult situation. Be sure that your friend will appreciate your help and will come to your rescue more than once in the future. Just help selflessly, don’t look for benefits.

If you dreamed of a vase that you are buying, this is a sign that you will soon experience a significant improvement in your financial situation. The dream book recommends not spending all your profits at once, but setting aside a certain amount “for a rainy day.”

  • Pouring water into a vase means gossiping.
  • Putting flowers in it means trying to please someone.
  • Wipe off the dust from it - to the guests.
  • Stealing it is a little joy.
  • Looking at a vase means doubting.

Sculpting a clay vase in a dream, according to the dream book, means making plans for the future. If in your night dreams you get a beautiful vessel without flaws, then everything you have in mind should come true.

If in a dream you dropped a flower vase and it broke, then you will be disappointed. A friend or girlfriend may not live up to your expectations. Or maybe you will receive less money for your work than you expected. But if your crystal vase breaks, then this is only a banal misunderstanding.

When you dream that you climbed into a huge vase, according to the dream book, this means that you are plunged headlong into romantic feelings. However, we should not forget about other areas of life. While you are enjoying romance and passion, you may have problems at work.

Having determined what the vase is dreaming about in your particular case, you can easily understand what developments fate has in store for you.

Seeing a vase in a dream is a warning that you should not judge people too harshly for violating the rules of good manners, otherwise you risk losing the person who truly loves you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will be surprised by an unexpected incident. Breaking a vase in a dream is a harbinger of fear due to bad news.

Seeing a vase with fresh flowers in a dream is a sign of receiving good news and health. If the flowers in the vase have withered or dried out, then you will face a lot of torment and doubt. Receiving a vase as a gift means a family scandal. If there were flowers in the vase, then others respect you. For women, such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of a desire. A dream in which you saw a vase and were upset that there were no flowers in it is a sign of receiving sad news or a bitter loss.

Seeing a vase of flowers in a dream, which is placed in a prominent or high place, portends unexpected honors. A dream in which you see a vase filled with fruits is a sign of success in business and in love. See interpretation: dishes, porcelain, flowers, fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Vase

A beautiful vase is a sign of pleasant changes in family life, joyful events.

A vase of flowers is a love promise, unexpected high recognition from society, a pleasant conversation.

Fruit bowl - success, business promises or temptations.

An empty vase is a pointless chore.

Broken - misfortune, separation from loved ones.

Drinking from a vase in a dream means experiencing the joys and sorrows of secret love.

For a young woman to receive a vase as a gift means that her innermost desires will soon come true.

For an elderly person - to the respect and devotion of relatives and friends.

Interpretation of dreams from