Game Santa Claus jumps on the roofs. Santa Claus on the roof

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Round dances under the Christmas tree with traditional characters Father Frost and Snow Maiden will no longer surprise advanced children. It’s different when a bearded man flies like Carlson, and not alone, but together with Spider-Man! Do you think it's a duck? Not at all. A flying gift for the New Year was prepared by journalists from one of the Novosibirsk publications, and judging by the fact that all the “spiders” with “frost” for the holidays have already been ordered, things have gone well.

The role of the flying Santa Claus and Spider-Man is played by industrial climbers - two brave guys accustomed to conquering city high-rises. Dressed in costumes and masks, they crawl onto the roof, where they await their “finest hour.” And as soon as they are given the go-ahead, they immediately go down to the desired window, which should be open in advance. After a successful landing with firecrackers, sparklers and the greeting “Happy New Year!” the unusual tandem begins to call to Snegurochka, who is patiently waiting at the entrance. Perhaps she too would have “flyed,” but there was no girl among the climbers, and the man women's dress is unlikely to delight children.

Staging may vary. For example, first the Snow Maiden comes into the apartment, and then Grandfather and the Spider crawl into the window. Or only Spider-Man flies in, and the frosty couple comes in the traditional way. There are many combinations, it all depends on the wishes of the parents and, of course, the child’s psyche. Otherwise, you can scare a child so much with a flying “spider” that he will be tormented by nightmares for the rest of his life.

“This is a trial project, so it’s premature to talk about the result,” said one of the project organizers, Yulia Zlobinskaya. Parents, before ordering a “flying” service, should study their child’s preferences. Not every child is familiar with a movie character and may well get scared. And you may not like flying Santa Claus. New Year's flyers are also invited to adult parties, except that climbers are unlikely to come to restaurants and cafes.

Let’s say right away that not all the roofs of our high-rise buildings are too tough for Spider-Man, and even more so for Santa Claus. In American movies, supermen climb them like cats. But here, not every roof can be climbed by a climber. For example, if the slate on the roof of your house has gone, then you won’t see any flying people. There are no hooks on such a roof, which means there is nothing to attach the “web” to. Guests will not come to you if the dome of your house is sloping or the canopies are too long. In addition, climbers will need a key to the attic, which must be asked in advance from utility workers.

It’s really too early to talk about the reaction of children to such a gift from their mothers and fathers. Some of the kids will probably squeal with delight. But for some people such acrobatics will simply frighten them. There are times when even at the sight of Santa Claus the pedestrian, small children literally shed tears.

Therefore, if you are denied a service, citing the wrong roof, do not be upset. In the end, it’s the house’s roof that’s wrong, not yours.

On Sunday, a strong wind blew all day, even the cat didn’t want to leave the house - he lay on the stove, purring lazily from time to time.
Towards evening, the hurricane subsided, and grandmother Natalya decided to check the farm. In one place, a dilapidated fence fell - a thick cherry branch fell on it.
“Oh, they said, there is no owner, everything is falling into disrepair,” Natalya sighed. “And the fence should have been changed long ago, and this branch should have been sawed off.” All the same, it was of no use - it only shaded the garden bed. Eh...
She raised her head and saw Santa Claus on the roof. He sat tightly pressed against the pipe and held a blue bag in his hand.
- How did you get there, dear man? – Grandma Natalya was taken aback. - Are you lost or what? There are no children in my house.
A huge man in a red fur coat just trembled and nodded his head.
- Wow! – thought Natalya. - Maybe he was afraid of my appearance? This is how I always manage this shitty business.
She went into the house, took off her greasy sweatshirt and took out from the wardrobe an almost unworn jacket that her nephews had given her about twenty years ago. She pulled out an Orenburg scarf from there:
- Well, now not only Moroz, but any grandfather is not ashamed to appear. Where do I take the junk? The moth has already reached the scarf...
Natalya went out into the yard. Santa Claus was still sitting in the same position.
“Apparently he’s afraid of heights,” the old woman thought and spoke to him again: “Don’t be afraid, it’s not that high here.” I climb on the roof, but you, after all, are a man. You can even jump to this side. And if you want, I’ll drag up the ladder.
But she didn’t succeed with the ladder - it stood in a recent puddle and is now firmly frozen into the ice.
“That’s an old pumpkin,” she muttered. “I didn’t check where my neighbor would put the ladder—now it won’t thaw until spring.” I'll have to go to Mitka.
Mitka and his girlfriend Lariska were drinking New Year.
– Are you completely crazy or what? – Natalya was surprised. - New Year's in two weeks...
“We thought so too at first,” Mitka threw up his hands. “We’re sitting with Larisochka, watching a movie, and then Petka Kukorya appears and says: “Let’s celebrate.” Larisochka even kicked him out to the door, and he said: “The New Year begins when Santa Claus comes.” And left. And then he returned in a silk fur coat and with a beard made of cotton wool. And in his bag - ding-ding-ding. One will not ring! We are so glad that the New Year has come! But one bottle turned out to be somewhat small, and Petka dropped the second one on the floor - to pieces! Well, we sent him for more as punishment. And he took our ladder and said that he would leave it at the base as collateral.
- On what base? – Natalya didn’t understand.
“Shhh,” Mitka put his finger to his lips. “We don’t hand over our own and we don’t declassify our bases.” Kukorya went to a base whose address we do not know.
“We don’t know,” Lariska confirmed.
“But I know,” Natalya put her hands on her hips. - I have it. On the roof. And I still think: how did he get there, where is Santa Claus from in our village? Didn't come from outer space! And it turns out he climbed up the stairs. But where did she go? There is no other person in the yard except mine.
- How are you missing? - Mitka jumped up. “He came out of the gate with a ladder, it’s almost brand new, all the rungs are in place.” Did you drink something? Come on, auntie, I want to look this figure in the eyes.
In Natalya's courtyard, the guests first rushed to look for their stairs. She was nowhere to be found.
- Hey, you... cotton wool beard! Where is someone else's property? - Mitka shouted.
“So this is not our Santa Claus,” Larisa hiccupped. “Our fur coat was blue, and this one was red.” The hat and the bag are different. And in general, look at the uncle! Our Petka is a morel compared to him. Hey, uncle, why did you climb onto the roof? How are you going to climb down now? We've come to help. From you Magarych.
Santa Claus did not react in any way to the appearance of new well-wishers.
“If you decide to climb down, stay to the left of the pipe,” Mitka gave advice. “Otherwise, if you move to the right edge, you’ll fall straight to Aunt Natasha’s bed.” It’s not just the roof, but the attic that’s barely breathing. One pipe is white. Why are you silent? Are you frozen or what? Get off, otherwise you will become completely numb. Aunt Natasha, he’s not showing any signs of life at all. Maybe let's call the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Has anyone died on your roof?
“Pip on your tongue, ugh,” Natalya spat. - Call someone. What are you doing there? Call!
- Yes, I can’t, my cell phone is out of charge. Almost a week without communication. Like ancient people from a cave.
- What should we do now? - the old woman cried. - He’ll take it and really end up on the roof. How then to live in a house? Yes, and they will drag you around...
“Criminal case... Failure to provide assistance,” Lariska stuttered again. - We need to go to the post office and call.
- What mail? “Today is Sunday, so it’s a day off,” said Mitka. - Let's go to the collective farm bathhouse.
- And them! It’s been closed for a hundred years now,” Natalya objected. - And what did we forget there? You never washed there even in good times.
- IN Good times I didn’t do a lot of things, but it doesn’t matter. Wow, grandma,” Mitka shook his finger. “Well, you think I don’t know that our head teacher took over the bathhouse - now the whole territory belongs to him.” I know I know! But you don’t know that my brother Vanka is guarding there, and his phone is always in order - the owner demands it. Let's go to the bathhouse! Hey, Santa Claus, it’s unclear what nose, we’ll be there soon. Hold on tight!
The watchman's phone was fine.
- Hello, Ministry of Emergency Situations? – Mitka shouted into the phone. - Come urgently, Santa Claus climbed onto the roof here, but he can’t get down.
-Are you drunk? What is Santa Claus like?
- The most real one. With a bag. He sits and holds on to the pipe. He's cold, but he's afraid to get down. Maybe he's already dead.
– Do you know that you will have to pay a fine for making a false call?
– What is the fine? – Mitka was indignant. - Grandma Natalya, go talk to these people yourself. Here a person dies, and they are a false call, a false call.
- Hello! – Natalya picked up the phone. - Remove Santa Claus. God forbid it ends up dead or breaks the roof. Help!
- How did he end up on the roof?
- Don't know. Yesterday it was not there, but today it appeared. We are this way and that – it doesn’t move and that’s it.
- We're leaving. Confirm your address.
- Green Street, the last house. “I’ll meet you at the gate,” Natalya sighed with relief.
She walked home so quickly that Mitka and Lariska could barely keep up with her.
Soon a UAZ drove up to the house, fire engine and ambulance.
“I’ve seen everything,” the leader of the group laughed. - Okay, the old woman doesn’t see well, but you’re young! Oh, I can't! Santa Claus can't get down! Maybe you offered him something bad? You should have poured a glass, he would have come down to you third. I see you are celebrating. What kind of holiday are you having?
“New Year,” Lariska hiccupped. – Santa Claus came to us, brought gifts... And then he went for more.
- Is this this one?
- Not this one. Ours was in a blue fur coat. This is not ours.
- Whose?
- We don’t know. Grandma Natalya called: “Help.” Probably hers.
“Well, you, citizens, give it,” the Emergencies Ministry burst into laughter again. - It's inflatable!
- How is it, inflatable? – Natalya was taken aback.
- Usually. Inflatable doll. On good terms, I should give you a fine for making a false call, for driving away equipment and an ambulance. We don’t deal with such “grandfathers”. Well, okay, we'll film yours.
The guy climbed the fire escape to the pipe, untangled the ropes and lowered the doll to the ground.
“Yes, this is Santa Claus from the square,” said the ambulance driver. “They put it near the Christmas tree, but it seemed to be secured weakly.” The wind rose and he and the ropes flew away. Far from the regional center, however! Another one has already been installed there.
“Then leave this to your grandmother,” Lariska suggested. “We don’t have a single grandfather here in the whole village, let’s at least have an inflatable one.” We will rent it to old women.
“Shut up,” Natalya reined her in. – I don’t like such jokes. And if you can, really leave your grandfather. Petrovna will take her grandchildren from the boarding school for the holidays, and Santa Claus will be a joy for them. Maybe the Christmas tree will fly in from somewhere. If he doesn’t arrive, Petrovna will hang garlands on the apple tree like last year. And he will put Santa Claus under the apple tree. And they will have a real New Year.
“Well,” said the senior police officer, “take it.” It’s not for nothing that he flew here. And we will deliver the tree tomorrow. The forestry department gave it to us, but since this is the case, we will present it to your Petrovna. I think we’ll come up with gifts for the guys. Let them celebrate!

Drawing by Natalia Shikhova,
village of Aleksandrovskoye, Stavropol Territory.