Goddard, Trevor. Psychological portrait - Trevor Phillips from GTA5 Relationship with Michael

I love video games. And I couldn’t pass by one of the best games of recent times - GTA5.

Besides all the other positives, it has very deeply developed characters. And the game itself will give odds to many films. In terms of content, it replaces about 10 good gangster action films of different styles.

In this article I would like to reflect on one of the characters in the game - Trevor Phillips. He is one of the most colorful characters. And many people don't understand it. Just look at its description on Wikipedia:

Trevor Phillips is a crazy man to whom all rules are alien. Trevor has many enemies: the Lost biker gang, the Merryweather private company, Chinese bandits, the Aztec gang. Trevor's unusual personality scares people away, and only Ron, Philips' friend, can communicate with him (although he is afraid of him).

In general, the description is correct. But it’s very superficial. I'm a psychologist, I can't help but analyze it more deeply. This is what I'll do.

Trevor's life

Born in Canada. His mother is a prostitute who humiliated and rejected him all his life. She constantly sent double messages in the spirit of “I care about you, but you don’t deserve it at all, so I won’t care about you, take better care of me.”

He wanted to be a military pilot. But he was cut off from this dream. A psychological examination showed the instability of his personality. Apparently, it was true and they were suspended fairly, but it left a deep scar in Trevor’s soul. He considers this a terrible injustice and the work of a bureaucratic machine.

He was involved in drug smuggling. Overall, he was lost in life and restless. Until I met Michael, a gangster, one of the characters in the same game. Michael suggested that Trevor work together and carry out raids.

Trevor was in prison because he was identified during the first raid. After his release from prison, he successfully collaborated with Michael and the team.

North Yankton robbery

This was another raid by Michael's team. Everything would have been fine if Michael had not been in cahoots with the FBI.

The fact is that Michael started a family and wanted to retire. He couldn't just quit. Plus, the FBI tracked him down. Therefore, a deal was made: Michael rats out his accomplices by setting up the robbery to fail. At the same time, his murder is simulated. Next, Michael and his family are provided with a witness protection program. And the FBI agent with whom Michael makes this deal builds a brilliant career as he catches one of the most dangerous gangs.

As a result, one of the accomplices, Brad, accidentally catches a stray bullet and dies. And Trevor manages to escape from the crime scene and hide.

Michael enters the witness protection program and moves to Los Santos with his family.

Trevor hides out in a trailer in the desert, where he starts a business producing and selling drugs and weapons. He is sure that Brad did not die, but fell into the hands of the police and is in prison. He emails him and plans to get him out someday. Trevor is also sure that Michael is dead. He felt this loss very bitterly.

New meeting

For certain reasons, Michael returns to the game again and organizes a robbery of a jewelry store. At the same time, he uses one of his catchphrases. This is what Trevor hears on TV. This instantly gives him reason to think that Michael is alive. He begins to quickly complete his affairs and problems, and also simultaneously searches for someone similar to Michael in Los Santos. The search bears fruit.

What follows is a series of events during which Michael and Trevor again act together. But at the same time, Trevor is still terribly angry with Michael, offended. Constantly teases him and oozes sarcasm. In general, Trevor matures before killing Michael, but brushes aside some thoughts and arguments that would be too painful for him. For example, Trevor guesses that Brad is dead, but does not want to believe it and pretends that he did not think about it.

In the process of various gangster affairs, Trevor kidnaps the wife of the rich gangster Martin Madrazo, Patricia. A housewife old enough to be Trevor's mother. Love flares up in this couple, despite the paradox of the situation. Martin, Patricia's husband did not respect her, mocked her, insulted her and did not care about her. Therefore, during the kidnapping, Trevor cuts off Martin's ear.

Subsequently, Trevor returns Patricia to her husband to conclude a peace deal. But both Trevor and Patricia miss each other and occasionally secretly call each other to talk about their feelings.

Trevor's personality

On the surface, Trevor is an impulsive character who acts recklessly and brutally. Head-on. One gets the feeling that he has absolutely no control over himself and creates chaos, from which he miraculously emerges alive. Trevor appears as a terrible and unprincipled psychopathic killer. It seems that he only cares about power and authority, he is not sensitive to other people's pain. One gets the feeling that he is completely devoid of emotions and empathy, is incapable of understanding people and is ready to kill just like that, without any reason.

But this view is superficial.

The core of Trevor's personality lies in his relationship with his mother. He constantly feels like a mistake, useless and unloved. He tries in every possible way to earn his mother's love and is very, very afraid of her and her anger and rejection. This is the core of his personality: the desire to find someone who needs him and who loves him.

His conflict with his mother lasts throughout his life. He was rejected by his mother, he was rejected by the Air Force. Later he loses Michael too.

This is why, so bluntly, Trevor has a soft spot for older women. In general, he treats women with respect and even corrects his accomplices when they allow themselves to speak disrespectfully about them.

Romance with Patricia

His romance with Patricia is a psychoanalyst's dream. She is literally old enough to be his mother. Moreover, she is the direct opposite of his mother. She is gentle, caring, economical. Accepts him no matter how terrible he is. She kindly cleans his trailer and cooks food for him, despite the fact that she is essentially a prisoner. He calls him “boy,” that is, he behaves like a typical good-natured mother who is missing a child (there are no children in the Madrazo family). And Trevor so desperately lacks maternal acceptance and love! This is what becomes the basis of their feelings and tears Trevor’s heart into pieces when he is forced to return Patricia to her husband.

Relationship with Michael

Michael, one might say, “picked up” Trevor, who was lost in life. He put his characteristics and talents to use in the raiding team. After many traumatic rejections and failures in life, Trevor finally found family in the form of gangsters led by Michael. He was selflessly devoted to this team and was ready to do anything for his new family. At this point, Trevor could be said to have placed himself in the service of this gang, feeling grateful that they had accepted him. Previously, his service (to his mother and the Air Force) did not bear fruit and only led to rejection.

This is why Michael's death hurt Trevor so much. So much so that he even got a commemorative "R.I.P. Michael" tattoo. And he is in no hurry to open up to new accomplices and treats them from a position from above, keeping them in fear and guiding them through dictatorship. He is too wounded to form any new close relationships.

When Trevor finds out that Michael is alive and, in fact, just abandoned him, his soul is torn to shreds. You can imagine this whirlwind of emotions. The person who replaced your family, to whom you opened up and trusted, for whom you were ready to give your life, who became a new family for you, simply abandoned you. Betrayed. He used it until it was profitable, and then simply threw it away to the mercy of fate, turning it over to the FBI. Abandoned and rejected. Again! After all!

On the one hand, Michael's return is good news. He's not dead, he's alive. But on the other hand, such betrayal is difficult to forgive. And Trevor is seething with anger and wants to kill Michael. But how do you kill someone who meant so much to you and is taking you on business again? Hopes for a new reunion and memories of the past interfere with Trevor. But it’s impossible to simply fall into Michael’s arms. Trevor finds it extremely difficult to trust anyone again. Especially after such a stab in the back.

True, Trevor is more loyal to Michael’s circle. He warns everyone about Michael's treachery and the possibility of betrayal. At the same time, this irritates Michael himself. It seems that he would like to find new friends whom he could trust. Therefore, he is good-natured towards Michael’s new accomplice, Franklin, and his friend, Lamar.

Anger, recklessness, self-destruction, and emotional deafness

Trevor is an old drug addict and alcoholic. He is seething with anger. He doesn't hold back his aggression. Doesn't tolerate failure. He is not afraid to challenge entire armies and powerful international mafia groups. Any other person in his place would have been a corpse long ago. But not Trevor.


He seems to be acting recklessly. But this feeling is created because he acts very quickly, decisively and without fear. At the same time, he perfectly “sees the field” and clearly understands what he is doing. What looks like ill-conceived impulsive actions turns out to be a good, albeit straightforward, plan that Trevor hatches in seconds!

All this reveals Trevor as a person of extraordinary intelligence. His strategy and tactics, which he works out in the blink of an eye, are the key to his survival. And also courage and determination.


But what makes him so determined? Trevor seems to have no fear. In fact, he has fears. But not ordinary ones. Trevor's greatest fear is rejection and betrayal. Therefore, he does not trust people, does not approach them, and tries in every possible way to scare them, devalue them, and humiliate them. He is afraid to open up and get close. And so that people don’t try, it scares them to death. Sometimes - literally.

Drug addiction, alcoholism, recklessness, wars with powerful armies of professional killers, a "CUT HERE" tattoo around the neck. All this speaks of a certain desire, a search for death. Trevor is simultaneously trying to kill himself because he hates and despises himself. He doesn't feel needed by anyone. But he does not commit suicide directly, allowing situations to remove this responsibility from him.

Emotional deafness

Trevor has a death wish. This means he doesn’t need conventions. He is straightforward and honest in many ways. He can say what he thinks and he doesn’t care what reaction it will cause. He can have sex with a teddy bear because he wants and can. And he’s not ashamed, because “what’s the point of being ashamed if I’m still a nonentity who should die?” In addition, it produces the desired repulsive effect on surrounding people.

But this does not mean that he does not understand the feelings and souls of other people. On the contrary, his fast and powerful mind, observation and sensitivity allow him to be an excellent everyday psychologist and quickly understand people. You can develop such a skill very well when you constantly expect tricks from everyone and don’t trust them. Willy-nilly, you will learn to understand people, instantly read their guts and motives.

Trevor is, in fact, very emotional and sensitive, even sentimental. This can be seen in his attitude towards values, towards women, towards what he considers important and positive. To what is inaccessible to him, but what he so passionately desires.

At the same time, he very clearly reads the feelings, motives and basic personality characteristics of the people around him. Literally on the fly, complementing the characteristics of a very good psychologist.

He hurts other people, but he doesn't do it like a real sociopath - detached and indifferent. He understands that others feel bad and hurt. But he himself feels bad and in pain. Perhaps this way he doesn’t feel lonely and misunderstood. Maybe this is how he vents his impotent anger, getting temporary relief and so on.

In his cruelty, as in all cruelty, there is nothing good, of course. But you need to understand that this is not due to lack of sensitivity, but on the contrary, due to hypersensitivity.

Trevor's Wrath

Trevor's anger, in addition to its frightening function, is characterized by impotence. In his trailer there is the only item valuable to Trevor - a figurine of "Powerless Malice" - a rather pathetic superhero, who, nevertheless, finds a response in the soul of our maniac.

When a person feels powerless, but does not agree to accept and live it, he feels an all-consuming rage, directed in all directions, looking for an object where to pour out. Trevor wants to be loved, wants to be needed, wants to be accepted. He dreams of receiving a guarantee that he will not be abandoned or betrayed, or hurt again. But unfortunately, all this is not in his power. This is not for him to decide, but for the people with whom he communicates. And because he cannot get what he wants and guarantee his safety, he feels powerless. Which leads to anger. Powerless anger.

Impotent Malice figurine in Trevor's trailer


Trevor, at first glance, is a reckless, aggressive and chaotic maniac. But if we take a closer look at his personality, we see a very kind, gentle, caring and sensitive boy who desperately wants love and acceptance. Who is struggling from powerlessness to somehow change himself or the world around him. This causes him so much suffering that he takes the path of self-destruction. He doesn't trust people because over and over again he has been rejected, neglected, thrown away, used. He is inevitably drawn to them, deep down he hopes that he will still find someone who will accept him. But this is too painful a thought, which he drives away from himself.

This boy is very talented. He has a very fast and powerful analytical mind, extraordinary abilities in understanding people, he is an excellent soldier, pilot and organizer. Despite the apparent contradiction, he values ​​universal moral values.

I thought for a long time which of the characters I like better. But the more I understood them, the more I liked Trevor. That is why this article is about him.

The solo movie about Wonder Woman was released and was liked by the press and audience. But despite all the good things, there are some questions about it in terms of plot. Basically, they concern how he is connected with his predecessor in the person of "Batman v Superman".

Of course, spoilers below.

1. Why did Steve Trevor have to die?

Steve Trevor sacrifices himself in the film's finale by blowing up the plane he is piloting to destroy the Germans' deadly gas. It's a powerful and emotional moment in the film, but it raises the question of why Steve didn't just land the plane somewhere safe from the Germans, maybe somewhere on a field? Diana had already killed General Ludendorff at this point, who was the main proponent of continuing the war and preventing an armistice. So did Steve die in vain?

Of course, the real answer here is that Steve's death serves as a dramatic and memorable turning point in the heroine's life. His death helps her gather all her power into one, his sacrifice showing Diana that humanity is ultimately capable of great good, just as it is capable of great evil. But still, plot-wise it doesn't make much sense.

2. How can General Ludendorff fight one on one against Wonder Woman?

We know that the obvious answer to this question is “because Dr. Poison made a special elixir for him.” And, in fact, actor Danny Huston even explained this in an interview.

But the real answer is that General Bad Guy's face became lighter as he snorted the gas, which gave us the false impression that he was actually Ares. It does make us wonder though... If the elixir made him strong enough to go one on one against a superhero, then why didn't Ludendorff mass produce such weapons so that his entire army could become super soldiers?

3. Why didn't Diana return to Themyscira after World War I?

At the end of the film, Wonder Woman has killed Ares, the war is over, and her great love is dead. So why did she stay in the human world and not return home to the Amazons? Of course, we don't know for sure that she didn't return at some point after, since about a century passed between the war and the present time in the MCU. But it seems to be implied that she chose to remain among the people, even when she decided to stop fighting evil.

She might not be able to return to the island even if she wanted to. Her mother Hippolyta tells Diana that if she leaves, she may never return. Obviously, this could only mean that she fears for her daughter's safety in the world, but perhaps the Queen is being literal about it. Maybe getting through the protective layer that hides the island is not so easy, and Steve's fall was an accident?

Or maybe Diana was simply banished. In the Wonder Woman Rebirth comic, she is not allowed to return to the island if she leaves. Losing her home is the price she pays to be Wonder Woman and help the world.

And by the way, what is Diana doing these days? She is a curator at the Louvre in Paris, but could there be more to just a job? Perhaps she's looking for all the weapons she can of people inspiredAres.

4. Why did Diana refuse to be Wonder Woman for a century?

"Batman v Superman" makes it pretty clear that something happened in Diana's past that caused her to not be a hero for a long time. And now it seems that Steve's death was the reason. But why?

Her journey in Wonder Woman, as we have noted, led her to the realization that humanity is capable of both great evil and great good. If anything, Steve's sacrifice should have led her to believe that a heroic life was the right path, and that such a life would be a tribute to Steve's memory. But instead, it seems Diana went to work at the museum...

It's possible that Wonder Woman continued to be a hero for many years after World War I, and that she abandoned humanity for some other reason later. If so, perhaps we will find out the answer to this question in a future film. Perhaps in the second part. But for now, this question remains a puzzle.

5. So Diana didn’t fight the Nazis?

This is directly related to the previous question. It turns out that she chose not to fight in World War II. Its activities after the Great War are, of course, controversial. So maybe she didn't sit out during the war at all, but even if Batman hadn't heard of her before BvS, that would be a bit of a stretch. And it turns out that the world's greatest detective was only able to unearth one photograph of her allies in the First World War? And nothing from World War II?

Maybe she didn't fight the Nazis, then Wonder Woman missed out on the most important war of the modern era. Strange. And this also leads to the question of why she decided to go back to the tiara, bracelets and lasso and join Batman and Superman. That is, Hitler was not a sufficient reason to return, but Doomsday was?

, Croydon - June 7 2003 , North Hollywood) - English actor, best known for the roles Kano V " Mortal battle" And Lieutenant Commander Micah Brumby in the television series " Military legal service ».

Life and career

Trevor Goddard was born in Croydon, Co. Surrey , England, in 1962. Between 1974 and 1979 he studied at Ravensbourne , art school in Bromley . Even at school I got carried away punk in 1977, he helped form a group called The Belsen Horrors (title of the track of the same name Sex Pistols). He was first a drummer and then a singer, but the group lasted until 1978. Later, sometime between 1979 and 1980, he was the drummer for another punk band, The Vamp. The group's leader was Wayne Cregan, one of the original members X-Ray Spex. Bromley was closely associated with the beginnings of the punk movement, featuring the Bromley Contingent (early Sex Pistols imitators), as well as three famous punk singers, including Paulie Styrene(from X-Ray Spex) Susie Sue(from Siouxsie and the Banshees) And Billy Idol- like Trevor Goddard attended Ravensbourne School.

Trevor Goddard is a former professional boxing. In 1991, he married Ruth Ann McCarthy, who was his trainer. aerobics. They have two sons, Travis and Daniel.

For much of his career, he preferred to present himself as an Australian, but was of English origin. He appeared in cameo roles as cameo in many shows on television until 1995. That same year, Trevor Goddard played Kano in the film adaptation of Mortal Kombat. His role as Kano inspired the character's evolution in the games. series Mortal Kombat. He then continued to star in other films, such as " Steal in 60 seconds », « Soldiers of Fortune " (With Dolph Lundgren and the future star of the television series “Military Legal Service” Catherine Bell) and "Vampire from Hollywood". Trevor Goddard also played Lieutenant Commander Mick Brumby in the television series "Military Legal Service". His last appearance in 2003 was in the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" In 2010, the film " Bend with Monty "starring Trevor Goddard. Filming for this film began back in 1994.


On June 7, 2003, Trevor Goddard was found dead in his North Hollywood home. Los Angeles , California). He was 40 years old. It was initially reported that it was a suicide as Trevor Goddard was going through divorce proceedings. An autopsy later revealed that Trevor Goddard died of a drug overdose heroin , cocaine , Temazepama And Vicodin. His death was ruled an accident.


Year Russian name original name Role
With Business trip Tour Of Duty Williams (1 episode)
With Commissioner of Police The Commish Ozzie Van Speak (2 episodes)
With Dark Justice (English Dark Justice ) Dark Justice Travis (1 episode)
V Inside Out a certain criminal (episode 4: The Leda)
With Silk nets (English Silk Stalkings ) Silk Stalkings Steiner, Oscar LeMay (2 episodes)
With Apostate Renegade Digger Macy, Ty Whately (2 episodes)
With Murphy Brown Murphy Brown Colin (1 episode)
With Baby's trip (English Down the Shore ) Down the Shore Stanch (1 episode)
With Malibu safeguards Baywatch Willie Brown (1 episode)
With Empty nest Empty Nest Joe (1 episode)
f Soldiers of Fortune Men of War Kiefer
f Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Kano
V Illegal blues Illegal in Blue Mickey Fuller
f Decisive point The Break Nails
tf Yesterday's target Yesterday's Target Agent Riggs
With Murder She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Boyd Hendricks (1 episode)
With The Man from Nowhere Nowhere Man Maki (1 episode)
f Fast money Fast Money Regi
V Jaguar victim Prey of the Jaguar Damian Bandera
tf Attack on Devil's Island Assault on Devil's Island Fraker
f Moral code First Encounter
f Storm waves Dead Tides Scott
With Babylon 5 Babylon 5 Trace (1 episode)
tf Legion Legion Cutter
With Secret materials The X-Files 1st British Seaman (1 episode)
With Military legal service JAG Lieutenant Commander Mick Brumby (42 episodes)
f Rising from the depths Deep Rising T-Ray
f Dilda She's Too Tall Warner
f Something about girls Some Girl Ravi
f Gut Feeling
With 18 wheels of justice 18 Wheels of Justice Paul Stoker (1 episode)
f Steal in 60 seconds Gone in 60 Seconds Don (uncredited)
tf When Billy beats Bobby When Billie Beat Bobby Barry Kurt
f Dead Man's Run Dead Man's Run Jason
f Torture TV Trevor "Dogger" McDougan
f Vampire from Hollywood Hollywood Vampire

Excerpt characterizing Goddard, Trevor

“No, she got dressed and went into the living room,” said Sonya.
Marya Dmitrievna just shrugged.
- When the countess arrives, she completely tormented me. Just be careful, don’t tell her everything,” she turned to Pierre. “And I don’t have the heart to scold her, she’s so pathetic, so pathetic!”
Natasha, emaciated, with a pale and stern face (not at all ashamed as Pierre expected her to be) stood in the middle of the living room. When Pierre appeared at the door, she hurried, obviously undecided whether to approach him or wait for him.
Pierre hurriedly approached her. He thought that she would give him her hand, as always; but she, coming close to him, stopped, breathing heavily and lifelessly lowering her hands, in exactly the same position in which she went out into the middle of the hall to sing, but with a completely different expression.
“Pyotr Kirilych,” she began to speak quickly, “Prince Bolkonsky was your friend, he is your friend,” she corrected herself (it seemed to her that everything had just happened, and that now everything is different). - He told me then to contact you...
Pierre silently sniffled, looking at her. He still reproached her in his soul and tried to despise her; but now he felt so sorry for her that there was no room for reproach in his soul.
“He’s here now, tell him... so that he can just... forgive me.” “She stopped and began to breathe even more often, but did not cry.
“Yes... I’ll tell him,” Pierre said, but... – He didn’t know what to say.
Natasha was apparently frightened by the thought that might occur to Pierre.
“No, I know it’s over,” she said hastily. - No, this can never happen. I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him. Just tell him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything...” She shook all over and sat down on a chair.
A never-before-experienced feeling of pity filled Pierre's soul.
“I’ll tell him, I’ll tell him again,” said Pierre; – but... I would like to know one thing...
"What to know?" asked Natasha's gaze.
“I would like to know if you loved...” Pierre did not know what to call Anatole and blushed at the thought of him, “did you love this bad man?”
“Don’t call him bad,” said Natasha. “But I don’t know anything...” She started crying again.
And an even greater feeling of pity, tenderness and love overwhelmed Pierre. He heard tears flowing under his glasses and hoped that they would not be noticed.
“Let’s say no more, my friend,” said Pierre.
His meek, gentle, sincere voice suddenly seemed so strange to Natasha.
- Let’s not talk, my friend, I’ll tell him everything; but I ask you one thing - consider me your friend, and if you need help, advice, you just need to pour out your soul to someone - not now, but when you feel clear in your soul - remember me. “He took and kissed her hand. “I’ll be happy if I’m able to...” Pierre became embarrassed.
– Don’t talk to me like that: I’m not worth it! – Natasha screamed and wanted to leave the room, but Pierre held her hand. He knew he needed to tell her something else. But when he said this, he was surprised at his own words.
“Stop it, stop it, your whole life is ahead of you,” he told her.
- For me? No! “Everything is lost for me,” she said with shame and self-humiliation.
- Everything is lost? - he repeated. “If I were not me, but the most beautiful, smartest and best person in the world, and were free, I would be on my knees right now asking for your hand and love.”
For the first time after many days, Natasha cried with tears of gratitude and tenderness and, looking at Pierre, left the room.
Pierre, too, almost ran out into the hall after her, holding back the tears of tenderness and happiness that were choking his throat, without getting into his sleeves, he put on his fur coat and sat down in the sleigh.
- Now where do you want to go? - asked the coachman.
"Where? Pierre asked himself. Where can you go now? Is it really to the club or guests? All people seemed so pitiful, so poor in comparison with the feeling of tenderness and love that he experienced; in comparison with the softened, grateful look with which she looked at him the last time because of her tears.
“Home,” said Pierre, despite the ten degrees of frost, opening his bear coat on his wide, joyfully breathing chest.
It was frosty and clear. Above the dirty, dim streets, above the black roofs, there was a dark, starry sky. Pierre, just looking at the sky, did not feel the offensive baseness of everything earthly in comparison with the height at which his soul was located. Upon entering Arbat Square, a huge expanse of starry dark sky opened up to Pierre’s eyes. Almost in the middle of this sky above Prechistensky Boulevard, surrounded and sprinkled on all sides with stars, but differing from everyone else in its proximity to the earth, white light, and long, raised tail, stood a huge bright comet of 1812, the same comet that foreshadowed as they said, all sorts of horrors and the end of the world. But in Pierre this bright star with a long radiant tail did not arouse any terrible feeling. Opposite Pierre, joyfully, eyes wet with tears, looked at this bright star, which, as if, with inexpressible speed, flying immeasurable spaces along a parabolic line, suddenly, like an arrow pierced into the ground, stuck here in one place chosen by it, in the black sky, and stopped, energetically raising her tail up, glowing and playing with her white light between countless other twinkling stars. It seemed to Pierre that this star fully corresponded to what was in his soul, which had blossomed towards a new life, softened and encouraged.

From the end of 1811, increased armament and concentration of forces in Western Europe began, and in 1812 these forces - millions of people (including those who transported and fed the army) moved from West to East, to the borders of Russia, to which in the same way since 1811 year, Russian forces were gathering. On June 12, the forces of Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia, and war began, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature took place. Millions of people committed each other, against each other, such countless atrocities, deceptions, betrayals, thefts, forgeries and the issuance of false banknotes, robberies, arson and murders, which for centuries will not be collected by the chronicle of all the courts of the world and for which, during this period of time, people those who committed them did not look at them as crimes.
What produced this extraordinary event? What were the reasons for it? Historians say with naive confidence that the reasons for this event were the insult inflicted on the Duke of Oldenburg, non-compliance with the continental system, Napoleon's lust for power, Alexander's firmness, diplomatic mistakes, etc.
Consequently, it was only necessary for Metternich, Rumyantsev or Talleyrand, between the exit and the reception, to try hard and write a more skillful piece of paper, or for Napoleon to write to Alexander: Monsieur mon frere, je consens a rendre le duche au duc d "Oldenbourg, [My lord brother, I agree return the duchy to the Duke of Oldenburg.] - and there would be no war.