What does it mean to dig the ground in a dream? The dream book will explain. Why might you dream of digging the ground with a shovel, excavator or hands?

Dream Interpretation Earth - ???? The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is probably a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such an inhabitant of our planet is popularly called a “man of the earth”) It is quite likely that the image of the earth arose in your dream and so in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “Heaven is the throne of God, earth is ???? foot", "The earth stands on 3 pillars", "Mother earth - gives treasure", "Earth, water - will remain, but we will not be", "Jerasulim is the navel of the earth." Sitting on the ground in a dream is a sign that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help. If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good harbinger and it turns out that soon you will face a powerful blow that will forever knock you out of the normal rhythm of life. Digging the ground in a dream is a symbol that in real life you are a completely economical and economical person who can handle all sorts of things. In the event that in a dream you plant something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you are going to start farming, quite possibly even to organize your own company. This business will bring you incredible income and improve your financial situation. Making a land rampart in a dream is a prediction of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life. Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is a certificate that in recent years you have often thought about death. Try not to talk about it, such thoughts will lead to nothing good. It is quite likely that such a dream means that you will be a participant in the funeral of an inhabitant of our planet close to you. Throwing yourself on the ground in a dream means that you are thinking badly about a person close to you to no avail. You blame him for what he does. Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a symbol that you will soon...

Dream Interpretation Earth - on shoes - fortune in business. Digging the ground means completing current affairs to your benefit. Plowing the land means starting a new exciting business that will bring you triumph and recognition in the future. To stain your clothes with earth - business will make you forget about your loved ones.

Why do you dream about the Earth? Creating the earth means wealth and power. In the event that someone sees in a dream that he is drawing a plan of some building on the ground, then he will receive from God the ability to organize his own worldly affairs, or will master any science that will help organize his affairs in relation to religion. In the event that someone sees in a dream that he is digging the earth and eating the dug earth, then he will acquire property through cunning and falsification. In the event that someone sees that he is trampling the ground, it means that his death is approaching. In the event that someone sees that he is digging the ground and drawing water from a hole, he will obtain the means of subsistence using the permitted method.

Interpretations of dreams Earth - seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prediction of a good harvest and a comfortable life. In the event that you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible appetite as a result of a long drought. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will cause hundreds of deaths. The inhabitants of Our Planet are angry with God - and he will agitate the Earth. To create in a dream a ball soars towards the Earth - a certificate such that an impressive secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and attractive things. In the event that you dreamed about the Earth being covered with ice, then in the not so distant future our planet will face icing. An endless winter will come, and the earth will be covered with a cold crust for a couple of years. To be in a dream on a small peninsula, on which many of the inhabitants of our planet are located along with you, is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Opening a brand new land in a dream is a symbol of good luck for vodela.

Why dream of digging earth with a shovel? Physical work seen during a night's rest is a sign of overwork. However, if the dream is remembered and the emotions have not changed after waking up, then it can be a prediction. But what he predicts depends on his details.

Sitting on the ground in a dream is evidence that something unexpected and at the same time scary will happen to you. You turn to God for help. If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good sign and means that soon you will face a strong blow that will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time. Digging the ground in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task. If in a dream you plant something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you should start farming, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you incredible income and improve your financial situation. Making an earthen rampart in a dream is a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life. Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is evidence that lately you have been thinking about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be a participant in the funeral of someone close to you. Throwing yourself on the ground in a dream means that you are in vain thinking badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he is doing. Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream means that you will win a large sum of money in the lottery. Eating land in a dream means a successful operation or receiving a large inheritance, as the dream book says about this dream.

Solid confirmation of the correct move. Loose, unstable to vibrations, which interferes with the path. It falls under your feet into problems with official organizations (for example, a pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office). Go underground and check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis. Digging the ground is a waste of time. Collect in time for the fierce winter. If you pick it up and sprinkle the ground, your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look. You are covered with earth; you are petty and picky, not to the point.

The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such a person is popularly called a “man of the earth”) Perhaps the image of the earth appeared in your dream and that’s why that in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the footstool”, “the earth stands on three pillars”, “the mother earth gives treasure”, “the earth and water will remain, but us there will be no”, “Jerasulim is the navel of the earth.”

Seeing fertile land in a dream is a good sign; but if the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you. If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and prosperity. If your clothes are contaminated with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Solid - confirmation of the correct move. Loose, unstable - vibrations that interfere with the path. If it falls under your feet, it means problems with official organizations (for example, a pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office). Fall underground - check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis. Digging the ground is a waste of time. Collecting this means for a fierce winter. Pick it up, sprinkle it on the ground - your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look. They sprinkle earth on you - you are petty and picky beyond the point.

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People are angry with God - and he will stir up the Earth. Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things. If you dreamed of the Earth being covered with ice, then in the not too distant future our planet will experience icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years. To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.

Seeing fertile land in a dream is a good sign; but if the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you. If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and well-being. If your clothes are contaminated with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - with more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the RuNet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by different authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but However, the authors are talented and deserve attention.

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Most often, the earth is dreamed of as a background for action. But if in your dream all actions were related to the soil, then you need to decide from the interpreters what the night vision prophesies.

General principles for interpreting dreams about earth

The surface of the earth is dreamed of, first of all, by a person who firmly maintains his position in society. If the position of strength has not yet been fully achieved, then soon people will appear in life who will be your support.

earth on something

  • Shoes in earthen mud - portends a road that will not bring the desired results; work tasks will be completed, good luck awaits you.
  • Dirty clothes - many work tasks await you; There will be a trip from home ahead.
  • Face in the ground - do not rush into action, otherwise expect condemnation in your actions.
  • Hands - the work will be hard and dirty; mistakes made will come to light; profit in money.

I dreamed about a plot

  • A plot of land for a garden means well-being and material prosperity, financial independence.
  • Under the garden - an unreliable business awaits you. Don't start it, otherwise it will bring risks.
  • The area is overgrown with weeds - a lonely life awaits ahead; failure in business.
  • Moss or greenery sprouts on the surface - financial wealth; wealthy husband; your health will not let you down.
  • Earthworms in fertile soil - financial stability, luxurious life.

"Earth" actions

  • Sail on a ship and see land in the distance - your plans can begin, good prospects lie ahead; Soon you will meet your other half.

There is land in a dream - a new position, new obligations are expected at work; Rich life.

  • - hard work awaits you to earn money. The dream advises you to change your place of work.
  • Sitting on a large amount of land - deliberate actions on your part will lead to all your dreams coming true.
  • Lying on the ground - in reality everything is fine with you, all your dreams have come true.
  • Falling on soft ground means a journey ahead of which you have long dreamed.
  • The soil is completely bare - health problems that entail life difficulties.

What kind of surface did you dream about?

Why do you dream about black earth?

Interpreters almost unanimously answer: the dream predicts a happy life.

You can safely begin all the things you have planned. The result of the work will be making a profit. A dream about black earth tells you what the expenses incurred will lead to: everything will return with double profit.

Loose terrain

Seeing loose soil in a dream means all tasks will be completed, luck is on your side.


At this stage of life you will encounter many obstacles that will be accompanied by failures.

Clay soil - dream book

The dream predicts a change in living conditions for the better.

Tilled soil

  • To achieve the goal you will have to work hard, but the goal will be achieved.
  • If you dream of a layer being plowed before your eyes, expect good luck.
  • Walking on plowed land means you are surrounded by decent and loyal friends.

Not plowed

Expect big obstacles on your way that may become insurmountable.

Land that cannot be cultivated predicts losses.

The things you will be doing in the near future will not bring satisfaction.

I dreamed that the earth was burning

To see burning soil means to be warned about upcoming military operations, natural disasters that will bring a lot of misfortune and human casualties.

Dreaming of the earth burning around you is a strong emotional experience that is hard to get rid of. Dreams about unrealized thoughts that will lead to strange actions on your part.


The dream predicts a meeting with your other half. Moreover, this is a man of great wealth. And the relationship will be strong.

A plot with flowers and trees for married people portends a joint business that will bring good income.

Why do you dream of working on the ground?

All work (digging, plowing, sowing, watching seeds germinate) is dreamed of professional activity that brings satisfaction.

Cultivate the land with your own hands

The dream predicts the opening of an agricultural company that will bring great income and make you financially independent.


Soon after the end of the case there will be financial income and a carefree life.

Fall underground

  • Seeing yourself underground is the state of a person who is interested in philosophy. The dream foreshadows a rich life, both spiritually and materially.
  • Seeing how the soil has covered you is a warning about the possibility of making a mistake that will be fatal for you, a prediction of disaster.
  • Falling asleep on another person - the situation has developed in such a way that to resolve it you will need to sacrifice principles.

You were buried against your will - wealth will fall on you along with great envy.

The depth of the hole where you will be buried indicates the amount of wealth: the deeper the hole, the more money.

Why does the earth disappear from under your feet in a dream?

The dream foreshadows difficulties with official authorities. There is a serious struggle ahead to defend your opinion, your ability to survive will depend on it.

The earth is moving

Warning: Your recent actions need to be reconsidered. Your position has become unstable and precarious both in business matters and in your family situation. Relationships with friends also deteriorated.

Soil in your own home

  • In your hands - a dream about the death of a loved one or thoughts of death haunting you. We need to fight them.
  • In your mouth is a warning that the words you say can cause great harm in real life.
  • If you recently plowed the soil at home, then expect big profits soon.
  • Soil in the house on the floor from the cemetery - a dream predicts illness.

Why do you dream about soil in the garden?

  • This dream marks the beginning of an interesting job that will give you mental satisfaction and a good income.
  • Bad dream about someone else's garden. It predicts monetary losses due to wrong financial investments.

A garden dug up by moles - in life, handle money with care. Beware of dubious offers with the prospect of quick profits. It may happen that the losses will be significantly greater.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's opinion

  • A loosened surface indicates career growth with an increase in salary.
  • If in a dream you work on the land on your own, and this activity brings you satisfaction, then achieving your goal is not far off, all rivals will be far behind.
  • Soil on clothes - circumstances related to the law will force you to leave the house. You need to pay attention to your own health.

Earth according to Vanga's dream book

  • Fertile - security of money; fruitful times.
  • Barren and rocky - dry weather and times of famine are expected.
  • Everything covered with cracks predicts an earthquake with casualties.
  • Make a discovery: a new land - a dream indicates that you have chosen the right road and your plans are correct.

Sometimes we are given the opportunity to lift the curtain and look into the near future. People who know how to correctly interpret dreams often receive answers to troubling questions and various warnings. In order to extract useful information from night dreams, you do not have to be a professional astrologer. It is enough just to remember all the details, even those that seem insignificant, and then turn to dream interpreters. An important point is your emotional state in a dream, sensations. Let's look at why you dream of digging the ground.

Miller's Dream Book

This authoritative source claims that such a dream indicates upcoming troubles, but they will be pleasant. The dreamer will be able to improve his financial situation, and his life will become brighter and happier.

If in the process of digging up the earth it was possible to discover valuable objects, for example ancient coins, then the sleeper will have good luck in business, the money will flow into his hands. However, if you dreamed of a hole dug in the ground, which is filled with groundwater, then all circumstances will interfere with any endeavors. No matter how the dreamer tries to change the situation in his favor, nothing good will come of it.

Modern dream book

A positive sign is digging the soil in the garden. The modern dream book indicates that the dreamer can count on his material problems being completely resolved and complete harmony established in the family. If you dug the ground not in your garden (vegetable garden), but somewhere in the field, you should not rely on luck, much less take unjustified risks. Digging on the shore or working with clay soil - your ill-wishers will become more active and will arrange all sorts of intrigues. It will take a lot of time and effort to pass all the tests with dignity. If you had to dig in the middle of a swamp, the dreamer needs to be extremely careful. There is a high probability of suffering undeserved punishment.

Digging a grave is the most unpleasant dream, carrying extremely negative energy. Such a vision indicates an approaching loss; perhaps one of your loved ones will become very ill or even die.

Islamic interpreter

According to the Islamic dream book, digging soil in a garden means that a white stripe awaits ahead, which will bring material well-being and stability. If during the process you managed to dig up worms, you will get rich quickly. Perhaps the dreamer will receive a large inheritance or buy a winning lottery ticket.

If the sleeper saw himself digging a grave, but in reality he experienced health problems, then his health would soon improve.

Dig with your hands

A dream in which you had to dig the ground with your hands can be very puzzling. Dream books are unanimous in their interpretation of such a dream, which is considered very positive. A person with an average income can expect a quick promotion up the career ladder, a salary increase or good bonuses.

A businessman will be able to purchase securities, conclude profitable deals, and sign long-awaited contracts. Things will quickly go uphill.

Work in the garden

Traditional dream interpreters consider a dream in which one had to rummage in a garden to be a warning about the onset of a rather difficult period in the dreamer’s life. The sleeper will have to spend a lot of effort and time to achieve his goals. It may seem that the work you have started is pointless, but you should not stop and give up. All efforts will only be beneficial, bringing invaluable experience, and will also help open your eyes to some things.

If during the work process it was possible to discover a buried treasure or other value, then positive changes will soon begin in the life of the sleeping person. To improve the beds - there are tempting prospects ahead that you definitely need to take advantage of.


Did you dream that you were digging the ground with a shovel? Dream books, as a rule, interpret such a dream as follows. If the sleeper used a shovel to dig up dry soil, this means quick enrichment.

If you had to dig wet soil, you need to be prepared for drastic changes in your personal life. Digging holes for flowers - the dreamer’s diligence and maximum dedication will bring long-awaited fruits.


Having seen such a dream, be patient. There is a colossal amount of work ahead that will have to be completed in a short time. There is no need to panic, because all efforts will not be in vain, but will bring significant material benefits. Dream books recommend being more careful about your own budget, trying to spend less money and keeping a certain amount in reserve in case of unforeseen expenses.


Using this tableware as a shovel is a thankless task that takes not only a lot of time, but also effort. The dreamer should not experience any illusions, expecting incredible luck. Such a dream only brings negativity. It is necessary to refrain from signing expensive contracts and other securities, and not to enter into serious transactions, since there is a high probability that the deal will not be completed.

Digging in a cemetery in a dream

Dream books almost unanimously state that a dream in which the sleeper sees himself digging a grave is an extremely negative sign. Perhaps someone close to you will commit an unpleasant act that will create serious problems for the dreamer. If a girl sees herself digging the ground, dream books say that she will soon hear a long-awaited proposal from her boyfriend. But there is no need to be overly happy, because she will be unhappy if she is married.

in winter

Digging in the cold - dream books warn of an approaching difficult period in the dreamer’s life. You need to be vigilant, as soon your main competitors will become more active and will look for ways to ruin your reputation and harm your business. Insidious ill-wishers are just waiting to stick a knife in the back, wanting to earn more money.

Digging before planting a vegetable garden

A girl who sees herself planting seedlings is a good sign. She will soon receive a ring from her lover, and their marriage will be strong and happy. Planting potatoes and digging the ground - dream books say that soon all your most cherished desires will begin to come true.

A man digging a garden covered with moss dreams of an unexpected acquaintance with a wealthy lady.

Unpleasant sensations

If the sleeper saw a dream of this kind and at the same time felt a fetid odor, discovered vile insects or animals, then an unpleasant story will soon arise, which will be the result of a mistake made. If you had to dig the ground in a trash heap, then dream books indicate that you need to reconsider your own behavior, give an objective assessment of your actions and try to change for the better.

Digging the ground in a dream means getting benefits.

Seeing someone else digging means that through hard work you will get out of need and deprivation.

If in a dream you are digging a hole on a clayey bank, in reality this means that your enemies are intensifying their efforts directed against you.

Digging the ground and reaching a layer of clay is a harbinger of annoying obstacles in your new and promising endeavor.

Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden portends you prosperity and well-being; in the field - the beginning of a fragile and too risky enterprise.

Digging a grave in a dream is a harbinger of the loss of friends and a lover cooling off towards you.

If in a dream, after digging a hole, you find a treasure in it, this is a sign of favorable changes in fate.

If you fall into a dug hole, changes for the worse await you.

If the hole you dug quickly fills with water, in reality you will be powerless to influence a situation that threatens to break all your plans and plans.

If in a dream you are digging a trench, you will feel unsure of your abilities.

Digging peat portends a punishment that you will suffer completely undeservedly.

If you dig potatoes in a dream, this promises you near success.

Digging something large and voluminous from the ground - in reality you will receive the desired message from a friend with good news.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Spear, lance

In general, a spear in a dream symbolizes enemies capable of any action against you.

Seeing people with spears is a sign of a future threat to your interests.

Being wounded by a spear means a miscarriage of justice regarding you.

Seeing yourself pierced through is a very unfavorable sign: for some time your enemies will triumph.

Breaking a spear is a sign that the seemingly impossible will be achieved and your cherished desires will come true.

Interpretation of dreams from

Sometimes we have no peace even in our sleep, and even on the other side of reality we carry out some difficult tasks. Did you dream about how you were digging the ground, or did someone else do it? Do not rush to forget this message from above. In this article you will find out why you dream of digging the ground.

Dream analysis

    Dream book of Gustav Miller

    In this dream book, earthworks, with the participation of the dreamer, or simply observing them, are a dual sign. On the one side, it foretells a person a rich and well-fed life, on the other hand, he will get all this with great difficulty.

    In some cases, a shovel and excavations with its help symbolize the freedom-loving nature of the dreamer. The condemnation of others will never force him to turn off his chosen path. However, this is not always good: it is still worth listening to the opinions of those closest to you.

    If in your dream you especially remember the shovel itself, know that soon you will have a powerful patron who will become your assistant in the business sphere.

    Esoteric dream book

    The esoteric dream book has its own interpretation of digging in a dream. This is rather a psychological sign that symbolizes your tendency to delve into yourself, your mind and your soul beyond measure. Unfortunately, such “zeal” makes you dissatisfied with yourself and unnecessary self-criticism. This dream advises - be simpler and treat yourself more leniently.

    To see in a dream how someone else is digging the ground - an extremely unfavorable sign that indicates the dreamer’s possible illness. It is especially bad if the digger was unfamiliar to you - in this case, you will face not only health problems, but also a threat to your reputation.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The Jewish clairvoyant paid special attention to the details of dreams about digging earth. In his opinion, dreams are especially important in which the person digging the earth has found something in it. Digging a hole and finding ancient treasures will soon bring you great luck. Find jewelry in the ground - all your dreams and desires, even the most daring and secret ones, will definitely come true.

    Digging the ground and finding an unusual object in it - your diligence will be fully rewarded. Finding any ordinary item means that the business you have conceived or started will be completed successfully. Dig up precious coins from the ground - soon you will have an interesting acquaintance that can seriously affect your life.

    Generally, Nostradamus considered dreams of digging earth to be an auspicious sign, but especially if something was discovered in the soil.

    Dream Interpretation “from A to Z”

    In this book of dreams, digging the ground is considered an auspicious sign that foretells. Someone else is digging the earth - you will get out of a difficult situation, but for this you will have to work hard. Digging wet soil mixed with clay - your ill-wishers will try to do everything to ruin your life and slow down your progress.

    Digging the ground and reaching sand and clay - Many unpleasant obstacles will arise on your life path, although at first everything seemed cloudless. Digging the soil in the garden means prosperity and prosperity awaits you in the near future.

    Digging in the field - the business you want to start will be too risky and unreliable. Before you take it on, think twice. Digging a trench means you are not entirely confident in your abilities. Digging peat soil means you will have to suffer punishment, and completely undeservedly. Digging something huge out of the ground - soon you will receive good news from your friends.

Plowed land: what does it mean?

If in a dream you were shown plowed land in your garden, you can be congratulated - prosperity, success and abundance await you. However, if soil stains your clothes, it's not as good. It portends either the need to leave for a long time, or illness.

To plow the land yourself - thanks to your own efforts, wealth and success in business will come to you. You, and only you, can help yourself.

Plowing the ground in a field is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the dreamer’s promotion to a position, an increase in his salary, or a change of job to a much more successful option. Nevertheless, such a dream warns that a person will have to work very hard.

Plowed black soil is the personification of sadness, despondency and a feeling of meaninglessness that will become your companions for a long time. It is especially bad if the black earth was cold and wet - a serious illness awaits you, which can have tragic consequences.

The soil was warm - a very good sign. It promises the dreamer abundance and prosperity. If you are a landowner in reality, such a dream should be taken literally - wealth awaits you.

Arable land is considered a symbol of upcoming changes, and very significant ones (moving, marriage, moving, etc.). It is especially good if the soil was level and smooth - in this case, all changes in your life will be positive and will bring you only joy and satisfaction. However, dream books warn: you, too, will have to make an effort to make this possible.

The dug up earth is covered with holes and irregularities - the dreamer's problem is that he lacks composure and concentration. He does not know how to organize himself, which will lead to a complete collapse in business.

Plowed soil in a garden - the business you are undertaking is very noble and beautiful, but at the same time completely futile. Have you plowed the soil in your garden yourself? Rejoice - such a dream foreshadows a rich autumn harvest.

A vision in which you yourself managed to dig up the entire area is considered a good sign. This suggests that you are an incredibly economical and economical person; these qualities will bring you.

Plowing damp soil - soon you will have some troubles related to love relationships. The dug up earth sticks to your shoes - obstacles await you on the path of life.

Sowing and planting

Sowing seeds in the ground is a very good symbol, which foretells the dreamer successful acquisitions, abundance and well-being in the material sphere. Sometimes such a dream can foreshadow an interesting and exciting journey in the near future. However, dream books warn: to reap the benefits, you first need to sow the seeds generously! That is, in order to receive all these benefits, the dreamer will have to make his own efforts.

Planting flowers is an ambiguous sign that is interpreted depending on the details. It’s especially good if you planted plants in a greenhouse - this is a harbinger of your cherished dream coming true. Moreover, it is worth remembering - the brighter and more beautiful the flowers were, the more favorable your future will be.

It is important to remember exactly what flowers you planted:

  • Tulips- you will dare to do a noble and beautiful act that will make people respect you.
  • Gladioli- soon you will be invited to visit, where you will be able to truly “shine”.
  • Daisies– your health will be strong.
  • Roses– complete harmony will reign in your family and love affairs.
  • Forget-me-nots- soon you will accidentally meet your former love, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Planting onions is definitely a negative sign. It foretells the dreamer the most unpleasant emotions: envy, hatred, powerlessness and despair. Onions bring tears not only in reality, but also in dreams - planting them on the other side of reality prophesies suffering and disappointment to the dreamer. True, there is an exception here too - if in a dream you managed to plant and grow a beautiful onion, your suffering will be rewarded with further happiness.

Planting a tree is basically a good prophecy. To better understand its meaning, remember what kind of tree you planted:

  • apple tree- pleasant love adventures.
  • Pear- Betrayal awaits you.
  • Cherry- wealth will soon come to you.
  • Lemon- you will have a reason for jealousy.
  • Apricot– a change of place of residence or work awaits you.
  • Peach- New acquaintances.
  • Orange– joyful acquaintances and meetings.

Plow with a tractor or plow

Plowing the land with a tractor or plow - such dreams mean very hard work, which, however, will allow you to become successful. Therefore, the dreamer should be patient and not lose hope.

It also doesn’t hurt to remember the details:

  • Plowing the land on a wheeled tractor– the work will be hard, the salary will be small.
  • Crawler– you won’t have to work so hard, and the pay will be decent.
  • Drive the tractor– soon you will be able to start your own business.
  • Plow the plow with your own hands– you have the hardest work ahead of you, and alone.

Having seen a dream about the earth, its cultivation and digging, do not rush to forget it. Arm yourself with the best dream books and try to understand what exactly the higher powers wanted to warn you about.