What does right-hemisphere drawing mean? Right-brain, intuitive drawing as a method of stress relief and relaxation

Hello everybody!

Today I want to talk about Intuitive drawing, which is also called right-brain drawing.

What kind of drawing is this, what is it for, and how does it differ from regular drawing?


In the United States in the 60s, American teacher Betty Edwards founded a surprisingly effective method of teaching drawing, and called it “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.”

The method was based on Roger Sperry's concept of functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. Since our brain is divided into two hemispheres, it uses two ways to process information.
One hemisphere uses the verbal and analytical mode of thinking - it processes sounds, algorithms, mathematical calculations, and speech.
The other hemisphere uses the figurative mode - comparison of sizes, perception of color, perspective of objects that it sees in its entirety. Subsequently, in Betty’s works these modes were called “L-mode” and “P-mode”, respectively.

The essence of the right-hemisphere drawing method is to temporarily suppress the work of the left hemisphere and transfer the leading role in drawing to the right hemisphere, which is more suitable for this activity.
When working, opinions from memory about how the object should look are ignored. Instead, the artist "sees the object as it really is" - comparing its size as a whole, the size of individual elements, the relationship of space, light and shadow, and combining all of this into a single picture.

Sometimes the right-hemisphere drawing method is mistakenly confused with drawing predominantly with the left hand and drawing only upside-down objects. In reality, left-handers and right-handers can use the most developed of their hands, and drawing upside-down pictures is only a training exercise.

What is intuitive (right-hemisphere) drawing?
This is our key to our inner emotions and experiences, to our subconscious. When a person draws and does not think about his work as artistic, he writes on a piece of paper what he wants and seems necessary at the moment - his inner “I” always manifests itself in his images.

How it works?
Intuitive drawing leads to the activation of the right hemisphere, which in humans is responsible for ideas, images, and creativity. While in adults, the left is mainly dominant - this is logic, calculation, limitations.
Intuitive drawing as a method of art therapy is a wonderful method to avoid internal censorship, remove emotional blocks and look at the world and yourself from a different perspective.

Art therapy aims to help a person solve his problem, understand what it is, consider different and possible ways out of the current situation.
And this is where intuitive drawing helps. Fears, pressures, complexes, negative emotional states are no longer so significant, not so real and not so hopeless.
Right-hemisphere drawing simultaneously treats and diagnoses and brings pleasure from self-expression!
The most important and significant thing: YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AN ARTIST! You can draw even if you've never tried before! Art therapy is against evaluation, comparison and criticism!

When my youngest four-year-old daughter drew mountains and a drop, and drew it very well, both she and I were very pleased and happy. I am from the genuine interest with which the whole process took place, Lisa is from the result and from everything that is happening too)

What do you get from intuitive drawing?

-Learn to listen to your intuition and yourself
-Remove barriers “I can’t”, “I won’t succeed”
-Relieves stress and negative emotional states
-Develop creativity
-Express themselves by pleasing themselves

What else? Intuitive drawing is used even in the recovery period after a stroke. Since when working with such drawing, different hemispheres are involved (both right and left), zones that are little used in life are trained.
And it turns out that during exercise, cerebral circulation improves and a general activation of brain activity occurs, which leads to the formation of new pathways of interaction between different areas. And this, in turn, includes compensatory mechanisms.

Intuitive (right-hemisphere) drawing helps even with various diseases. It is especially recommended for people with high blood pressure, insomnia, and chronic stress. Suitable for those who have difficulty expressing emotions or in situations where emotions “boil” inside.

During such drawing, children learn to interact with each other, become more confident in their abilities, and become liberated.

Art therapy is one of the softest and, at the same time, deep methods of working with the subconscious. The process of creativity itself, turning to the internal, natural resources of a person, already heals. Art therapy can help change something in life, harmonize your internal state, develop self-confidence and flexibility of thinking.
I think I will no longer list all the advantages, which are already obvious.

Typically, right-hemisphere drawing training lasts from 2 to 4 hours.
What should parents do if they have no one to leave their children with during this time? Do you really want to? We have to put everything off until “better times”))
How many times have I put off such training myself, but I really wanted to participate)
But I was lucky, I had a friend, my colleague and just a wonderful mother of two fidgets, who conducts training on intuitive drawing.
And we, having consulted and discussed all the details, We decided to launch this training online, which I am incredibly happy about.

A small child picks up a brush and enthusiastically moves it across the sheet of paper, smears the paint with his finger and is rightfully proud of his masterpiece. It doesn’t matter to him whether he does it correctly or not, the main thing is to enjoy the process. As a person grows up, he becomes more and more surrounded by conventions and certain stereotypes. Childhood enthusiasm disappears, and in its place is the fear of doing the wrong thing. Right-hemisphere drawing helps to overcome the pressure and return a child’s attitude to artistic creativity. This technique appeared in the middle of the 20th century, and since then has continued to systematically conquer the world. Each generation brings something new, giving it development in accordance with changing realities.

What was wrong with the left?

Scientists have long proven that the right and left hemispheres are responsible for different human abilities and thoughts. The left is formal perception, logic, symbols and reason. The right is our intuition, emotions, feelings, inspiration. Modern life is designed in such a way that people trust the left hemisphere more. Constantly learn to listen to reason, not feelings.

Classical drawing training is designed for a long period of time. Training goes from simple to complex. You will have to spend a long time and tediously drawing various cubes and balls with a pencil, learning to build perspective. It will take a lot of time to listen to lectures about color, its combination, the direction of light and shadow. Gradually the student moves on to more complex forms, and only after a few months the teacher allows him to paint more complex landscapes and still lifes.

Before you start working on a complex painting, you first need to carefully lay everything out into the foreground, background and center. Make a few sketches, work on the sketches, and only after that the masterpiece comes into being. returns drawing to the field of creativity from the sphere of analytical thinking. The absence of analysis helps to calm down and remove restrictions from painting. Creativity is accompanied by relaxation and enjoyment of the process itself, and not the result.

Other principles

Classical drawing involves long-term training in technique and numerous techniques. What is the difference between right-hemisphere drawing? His technique is based on the discovery of unconscious creativity and blocking fears.

When a small child first draws, he first simply marks the sheet and only then determines what it looks like. Over time, under the influence of learning, certain symbols begin to be reproduced. The head is a circle, the leg or hand is a stick, the eyes are dots, and so on. When an adult picks up a pencil, intending to reproduce a portrait, the left one slips in symbols that came from childhood. As a result, instead of a masterpiece, children's scribbles appear on paper.

The main task is to get rid of these symbols, for which you need to push logic into the background and bring intuition and inspiration forward. Learn to transfer your vision of an object onto paper, and not the symbol that denotes it. By and large, you just need to learn to see an object as an object, and not its image processed by the brain.

Right-hemisphere drawing is a little simpler and more natural than academic drawing. There is no need to make complex sketches and sketches, just pick up a brush and start creating. To make the picture look natural, it is enough to know a few simple techniques. You can develop right-hemisphere drawing at home on your own.

Where is this taught?

This is a very popular topic now. Right-hemisphere drawing training is carried out mainly in special creative development centers, among other master classes. What the event organizers promise:

  • Learn drawing in just one day.
  • Good mood and emotional uplift.
  • Believe in yourself, after training you will never again say that you can’t draw.
  • You will be able to decorate your apartment with your own paintings, and you will not have to rack your brains over what to give to friends and family for the holiday.
  • The techniques are very simple, and everyone can easily transfer their skills to others. After training, you will be able to copy paintings by your favorite artists.

The lesson lasts several hours with a short break for a cup of tea. First, several simple exercises are carried out to activate the mood for right-hemisphere drawing. Gouache, paper, brushes and an apron are given to each participant to avoid getting dirty. Their price is included in the course price in advance.

Any person can undergo training - from a child to a pensioner. People with different skill levels study together in the same program. For some, this is the first step to drawing. Those who already know how to draw also come, but want to learn something new and discover unknown facets of creativity.

Feedback from participants

Many are skeptical, going on a right-hemisphere zombie journey, they believe, suspecting that it is impossible to learn drawing in just one day. But the wariness quickly disappears when their brush paints the first masterpiece. Even more positive emotions come with increasing confidence in your abilities.

Those who have mastered right-hemisphere drawing leave good reviews. Even those who come to class with a fair amount of skepticism go home happy and satisfied with themselves. Few people feel that they have wasted their money. There is a small percentage of people who have formalized their thoughts so much that they can no longer switch to creative paths and open themselves to something new.

Judging by the reviews, right-hemisphere drawing helps not only to develop creatively. With constant drawing using this technique, your whole life changes for the better. It becomes easier to find a solution, because you have paints at hand. A rested mind itself gives answers to questions that previously seemed difficult.

Self-learning possible

There is an experienced teacher at the training, a special atmosphere is created for fruitful creativity, and there is definitely no one to distract you. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay for these classes, and not all cities have special schools. What about those who still passionately want to learn?

You can learn the right-hemisphere drawing method on your own. Its founder is Betty Edwards. She taught mainly graphic drawing. Her students drew a portrait of themselves at the beginning of the course, and repeated the same thing at the end. The result is simply amazing.

The Russian school slightly changed right-hemisphere drawing. The exercises here are mainly done in gouache. In the learning process, you can learn to make paintings that are not much different from the works of great artists. Particular emphasis is placed on landscapes.

Studying the material on your own will be a little more difficult. But for a person who is serious about changing his life, nothing is impossible.

How to determine the work of the hemisphere

How to determine when the desired function is activated in the brain, and right-hemisphere drawing begins? Exercises to create a conflict between reason and intuition will help with this. You will need a classic optical illusion. What is drawn - a vase or two profiles? Everyone pays attention to different elements, but that’s not the point.

To do the exercise, you need to cut this picture in half. Right-handers take the left side, left-handers take the right. Place the picture with half a vase on a blank sheet of paper. Let's start the exercise:

  1. Draw a pencil along the finished profile, while mentally or out loud saying the names of the parts of the face: forehead, nose, lips, chin.
  2. Now you need to complete the picture immediately after speaking.
  3. At the moment of drawing, the mind will begin to dictate previously spoken words. This is where a conflict between consciousness and subconscious arises - profiles, pronouncing words, are almost impossible.

It is worth considering how this problem was solved. If, without paying attention to symmetry, the subject simply drew a profile, then logic has prevailed. When you manage to abstract from words and draw lines, right-hemisphere drawing is activated.

Upside down

There is a very interesting way to improve perception for the right-hemisphere drawing technique. You need to choose any drawing where there are only contours and nothing else, like in a children's coloring book. Then turn the image over and redraw it upside down.

The left side of the brain does not perceive an inverted picture well, so it will be very difficult to draw. You just need to copy the lines as they are. Watch the location of the strokes relative to the sheet and other parts of the drawing.

There is no need to first transfer the general and then draw small details. The slightest mistake in this case will lead to disruption of the entire composition. You can cover part of the image with your hand or another sheet of paper so that only the part that is being drawn is perceived.

If suddenly the realization came that each line is just a part of a single picture, and drawing turned into putting together a puzzle from them, then the right hemisphere has started working. But this fragile state is very easy to break.

Contour drawing

This is another right-brain drawing task. It can be easily done at home. To do this you need a pencil, a piece of paper and tape. We fasten the paper to the table with tape and turn sideways so that the working hand remains on the table. We fold the fingers of the other hand together to form many small folds and wrinkles, and place them on our knees. You should be comfortable. You will have to sit like this without moving. We time it for 5 minutes.

Once the countdown begins, you can no longer look at the sheet. The eyes should very slowly follow the lines of the folds on the hand. Speed ​​- approximately 1 mm per second, not faster. The other hand, which holds a pencil, repeats the movement of the eyes on a piece of paper. Continue drawing continuously in this manner until the timer goes off. There is no need to worry about the result; in this task, achieving image accuracy is not the main thing.

During the exercise, a problem may arise - either the eyes move too quickly, or the hand runs ahead. The main goal is to achieve synchronization of vision and pencil movement.

The task is designed to maximize visual perception. You can continue the lesson with a wad of paper, a drapery on a chair and other objects with many multidirectional lines. After just a few repetitions, the world begins to look completely different.


For a new exercise, you will have to make an auxiliary tool - a viewfinder. It consists of a cardboard frame and transparent plastic or glass inserted into it. Once the frame is ready, you can begin the task.

We aim the viewfinder at the selected object, this could again be a hand. We secure it so that it does not move, and take a comfortable position. During the exercise, only the working arm should move, and nothing else. Close one eye so that the picture does not blur. Using a permanent marker, we trace all the lines and contours of the object in the viewfinder directly on the glass. This is another way to learn to see an object and draw it, and not a symbol.

The next stage is transferring the image from glass to paper. This must be done strictly along the lines, as in the exercise of drawing upside down. The process should gradually turn into a redrawing of the reality around you. With the modern way of thinking, it is very difficult to get rid of stereotypes and begin to see the world as it really is. With this skill, pictures will begin to appear on their own.

Little artists

Right-brain drawing is a natural activity for children. A small child initially has a more developed intuitive and creative beginning, until we began to drown it out with our training and upbringing. Children do not need to deliberately fantasize; for them, the dream becomes an integral part of reality.

The first drawings are unique in their own way. It doesn’t matter what came out and what didn’t, what is important is the creative process itself and the pleasure of the fact that a brush or pencil leaves a mark on paper. A simple scrawl can turn out to be a winter night, windy, and after 5 minutes it will turn into a mother’s portrait.

For adults, the task turns out to be very difficult. Most often they turn into symbols: love is a heart, hope is a dove. The peculiarity of children's drawings is that children are not familiar with symbolism until adults talk about it. A bright spot of color may turn out to be a portrait, until the child is told that the head is round and the eyes can be drawn with dots.

The main task of parents is not to spoil the child’s original creative perception of the world. You should never tell a young artist that he is drawing incorrectly; this can completely change his picture of the world. There is no need to impose your symbols and your vision. The child often transfers onto paper not the image of the object itself, but its perception or feelings associated with it. No child has ever drawn the sun as a yellow circle with a smile and eyes on his own until he was shown it.

For those who still believe that right-hemisphere drawing is a zombie, the path to a new vision of the world is inaccessible. It’s still not possible to become a real artist in one day. But paintings created using this kind of thinking deserve pride of place on the living room wall. Creativity influences our entire lives and allows us to become a harmonious person. In addition, drawing perfectly relieves stress and nervous tension and even helps cope with depression.

Good afternoon, my beloved and dear ones! Continuing the topic, today I propose to dwell in more detail directly on creativity and touch on the issue of right-hemisphere drawing.

In general, the process of drawing itself is an entertaining and useful thing not only for children, but also for adults. But it turns out that this type of creativity is not at all the fine art to which we are accustomed. This is a special technique that, in a short period of time, turns a person completely far from drawing into almost Leonardo da Vinci, who, by the way, was brilliant.

So, let's get to know what it is, right-hemisphere art, and how it is possible.

Lesson plan:

How did it all start?

Each of us is a creator at heart, especially our children, who have not yet come to the conclusion that they are doing something wrong, feel this way.

Only as we grow older do we realize that nature does not give artistic talent to everyone. Well, not everyone can convey feelings and emotions on canvas so that those around them will take their breath away, or at least paint flowers or trees so that they want to hang the picture on the wall in their home interior.

And so, when “Come on! I can’t do anything!”, we quickly give up on this, get a weak B in drawing at school and are content with little, without returning to this in adulthood. And it’s completely in vain, as practitioners of right-hemisphere creativity claim.

The fact that it is possible to reveal talent even in the most “untalented” was first discussed back in the 70s and 80s, when psychobiologist Roger Walcott Sperry, with his studies of the brain, opened a window into the inner world for science, declaring publicly that every part of the brain is hotel mechanism.

It became clear that the right half develops imaginative vision and thinking according to the principle of a mosaic, when a whole image emerges from small pieces of different information.

It was then that the artists took into account the explanation of why one is a mathematician and the other a writer. Among them was an American, a doctor in the field of art, Betty Edwards, who developed a method of express training in drawing skills. Her special exercises transfer the brain to “P-mode”, during which, without analysis, when the evaluating factor is turned off, the vision of the object is transferred to a piece of paper. And then off we go...

What's the point?

How are future artists taught in professional institutions? Dali “stencils” are a set of techniques and techniques laid down by art masters many years ago. Use it! But supporters of the right-hemisphere approach shout: “This deprives you of individuality! This is copying someone else’s inner world!”

And you can create your own, unique, as right-hemisphere geniuses can, only by depriving yourself of logic and turning on your feelings to the fullest. They are sure that when you don’t think about how it should be right and how it should be good, but just take a brush and start painting, then you get your own art, and not someone else’s art.

Therefore, drawing is not under the control of logical thinking, which is guided by the left hemisphere, but creativity through intuition, internal knowledge and the ability to hear oneself, for which the right part of our brain is responsible, is the basis of such a right-hemisphere technique.

At the same time, according to teachers, this technique can in a short time teach you to draw not only individual objects, but entire pictures, saturated with the depth of feelings and multifaceted images.

Of course, I will not cause anger among those who have completed a full course in art school, because such a technique will not make a real creator out of you. I completely agree with this. But on the other hand, right-hemisphere drawing does not have such a professional task! His goal is to gain confidence, open up possibilities, teach experimentation and show that drawing is accessible to everyone.

At the same time, those who are sure that this method of express education does not provide artistic foundations are completely mistaken. This is absolutely not true! The right teacher will give you the basics of drawing, introduce you to techniques, teach you how to work with oil and gouache, watercolor and pencil, but all this not in a template version, but with an active search for something new without fear of a white canvas.

Today, artists practicing right-brain drawing (Note! This is taught by artists, not just outsiders!) have developed their own techniques, for example, they paint with their fingers, or there is a method in which they completely ignore the boundaries of the canvas.

And after completing the course, you can continue to use the equipment at home and enjoy it yourself and delight your family and friends with masterpieces.

Who is it suitable for?

I’ll answer right away: everyone! Everyone without exception!

Let's now watch a very interesting drawing lesson. And let’s make sure that drawing is easy!

Happy creativity!


There are many techniques for developing creative thinking. One of the most popular today is right-hemisphere drawing; both adults and children can enroll in courses using this technique. The lessons help develop intuition and relax. In the process of drawing, the left hemisphere is blocked, only the right one works. Find out about all the features of the technique and its basic principles.

What is right hemisphere drawing?

This is the name for a method of quickly teaching the basics of artistic vision and perception of form. In our country, right-hemisphere drawing began to gain popularity about 7 years ago. The point is that a person creates by turning off the left part of his brain, which is responsible for rationality and logic. We did this kind of drawing in childhood, without thinking about why we needed it, what benefits could be derived from the painting. The right hemisphere is responsible for creative thinking and controls the process.

The method was developed by the American Betty Edwards based on the theory of the famous psychobiologist, Nobel Prize winner Roger Walcott Sperry. This concept states that drawing with the right hemisphere is simply a skill, the same as writing and reading. Anyone can master it. Analyzing the works of famous artists, it can be noted that the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci are drawing with the right hemisphere of the brain. And he was not the only one who created, guided by emotions and feelings, and not by logic.

The technique of drawing with the right hemisphere helps to get rid of all subconscious blocks and clamps. It promotes:

  • manifestation of individuality;
  • increasing attentiveness;
  • simplifying the creative process;
  • improvement of general emotional state;
  • disabling activity analysis;
  • revealing creative abilities;
  • getting rid of internal barriers;
  • finding inner harmony.


The main difference between such drawing and the left-hemisphere mode is that in the second case a person learns to depict objects, and in the first - to see them and perceive them. In order, for example, to draw an animal with the left hemisphere, we must first study anatomy, proportions, and become familiar with the theory of perspective, volume, light and shadow. Right-brain painting does not require this. Techniques are used to turn off logic and activate intuition. Drawing pictures happens very quickly, because a person does not think about the result, but enjoys the process.

For a right-hemisphere painting class, the student will need 12 different shades of paint (gouache), 3 high-quality brushes of different thicknesses and a lot of paper. The first drawing will be small in size, about the size of a postcard. First we get acquainted with the colors. Students are encouraged to paint with their fingers, touch the brushes, feeling their thickness and scope. This causes confusion, but then the person becomes completely involved in the drawing process. Then they move on to exercises, creating backgrounds, landscapes, and portraits. Right-hemisphere drawings are performed using the following technical techniques:

  • mirror drawing for children;
  • right hemisphere pattern upside down;
  • intuitive drawing along contours;
  • right-hemisphere pattern with viewfinder.


Right-hand drawing does not involve a clear pattern and is based on spontaneity. During the lesson, you can start drawing from anywhere. By copying details, you must gradually arrive at the whole image. One of the most effective exercises is copying inverted contour drawings. Creative finger painting, going beyond the boundaries of the sheet, is also very effective. Thanks to special exercises, a person enters “P-mode”. During it, the work of the left hemisphere stops. A person transfers his own vision of an object onto paper. He does not analyze, does not evaluate.

The purpose of drawing classes is for a person to learn to see the world as it is, without illusions that are created by logic, reason and life experience. The right and left hemispheres of the brain find harmony, a person quickly enters a state of inspiration, becomes calmer, and receives psychological relief. He approaches all areas of life creatively. Drawing helps develop a child’s potential and reveal the abilities of an adult. The right-hemisphere painting method will be useful for people of any gender and age, regardless of their profession or social status.

Drawing Rules

In the right-hemisphere painting method, there is only one instruction that must be followed - logic should be turned off. Otherwise, there are no rules; this is the difference between the right-hemisphere mode and the classical one. You can start a picture from any element, go beyond the canvas, use any brushes, paints, and paint certain details with your fingers. If you enjoy the process, then all the rules have been followed.

Right hemisphere drawing exercises

There are a number of introductory techniques that need to be practiced in order to turn on the “P-mode”. With it, there is a temporary activation of the right hemisphere and a suspension of the left hemisphere. The exercises are aimed at ensuring that you stop seeing completeness in an object and perceive it as a collection of certain details that make up the final result. Learn how to perform these techniques for right-brain activity.

Upside down

This right-brain drawing technique is amazingly effective for children and adults. It's done like this:

  1. Choose a simple graphic design. It is advisable to have someone else do this for you. Ideally, you should not see the picture in the correct position so that the left hemisphere does not have time to create a standard.
  2. On the computer, have your assistant turn the image upside down and print it.
  3. Place the picture in front of you. For greater efficiency of the right hemisphere, cover a few centimeters from below with paper. You will have access to this part of the drawing later.
  4. Start drawing from any point. Concentrate not on the overall image, but on the lines, strokes, just copy.

Contour drawing

This right brain exercise is very easy to do at home. You will need paper, pencil and tape. Use adhesive tape to stick the paper to the table, turning it so that your working hand remains on the table. Fold the other palm so that more small folds become visible. Don't move. Time it for 5 minutes. It is forbidden to look at the paper. Slowly move your eyes along the lines of your hand and repeat the movements with a pencil. Draw until you hear the timer sound. In this task, what is important is not the result, but the achievement of synchronization of vision and pencil movements.


To do this exercise on the right hemisphere, you will need additional equipment. You need to cut out a frame from cardboard and glue a screen made of transparent plastic or thick film to the center. Aim the viewfinder at an object. Secure. Take a comfortable position, because only the working arm should move. Close one eye. Using a marker, trace the contours of your chosen object directly on the film. Then you will need to transfer the object from the viewfinder to the paper. Do this along the lines, as if copying an image upside down.

Good afternoon, dear readers who have visited our website! You've probably heard the term right-hemisphere drawing. We will be happy to tell you what it is in this article.

Initially, all babies have a more developed right side of the brain. But over time, the left hemisphere gets the main “reins of power”, and thanks to it the baby learns to talk, read, write and make decisions. Often, a child’s aspirations to draw, dream and fantasize, for which the right hemisphere is responsible, are underestimated by adults, and this part of the brain is less and less active. Without sufficient development of both hemispheres of the brain, it will be difficult for a baby to become a holistic, harmonious person. But the situation can be corrected, and we will tell you how to practice at home with your child using the right-hemisphere drawing technique.

Why do you need right-hemisphere drawing?

This method is based on a person’s inner potential, so there is no need to learn anything new. Many people drew as children, but most of them stopped doing it at the age of 10-12 years. Why? Teenagers develop critical thinking, and they are already clearly aware that the drawing does not exactly correspond to the real image. Therefore, many people stop drawing, mistakenly believing that they do not have the ability to do so.

In fact, already half an hour after the start of the lesson, the brain begins to function at full capacity. In this case, physical energy is not spent, on the contrary: moral satisfaction comes, which fills a person with energy. As a result, the child learns not only to draw, but also to be creative in all areas of life.

Even if the baby does not become an artist, a developed right hemisphere will fill his life with colors and emotions, and will also prevent depression and mental disorders.

What are the left and right hemispheres responsible for?

Among the celebrities who masterfully mastered right-hemisphere drawing skills is the genius Leonardo da Vinci. At the time of his work, little was known about the functions of the human brain. But Nobel Prize winner, scientist Roger Sperry, managed to prove that the left and right parts of the human brain are endowed with different powers. With the help of the left hemisphere we:

  • we hear;
  • we see;
  • we speak;
  • We process sounds, numbers and letters.

The right hemisphere is responsible for:

  • creation;
  • fantasy;
  • dreams.

All creative individuals have well-developed functions of the right hemisphere. If the functions of the left hemisphere predominate, then the person has an analytical mind, he is characterized by logic, clarity, and consistency of actions.

How to “turn on” the right hemisphere of a child?

This is easy to do with the help of simple exercises that can be performed both before drawing classes and separately - while walking, in transport or in line:

  • Let the baby touch his nose with his left hand and his left ear with his right hand. Now let him lower his hands. Upon clapping, he must touch again, but in reverse: with the right hand to the nose, with the left hand to the right ear.
  • Ask your child to make “rings” with his fingers. To do this, he must connect the thumb and index finger, thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, and so on. The exercise must be done quickly, first with each hand separately, and then with both hands simultaneously.
  • Performing any action with both hands, we activate both hemispheres. Therefore, encourage playing musical instruments in every possible way. He can also try to write his name with both hands at the same time. Invite him to brush his teeth with his left hand if he is right-handed - this is fun and useful for harmonious brain function.
  • Invite a child who can read to quickly name the colors in which the words are written:

How to organize a right-hemisphere drawing lesson with your child at home?

In order for the child’s right hemisphere to actively engage in work, before drawing, it is necessary to make the child’s imagination and his imaginative thinking work. Smooth background music will help him relax. In this case, the child will stop assessing the situation and analyzing whether he is doing it right. Let's take a closer look at examples.

Drawing a name

Invite your child to close his eyes and imagine a white piece of paper with his name written on it. Let him imagine that it is written in blue, then red, green... And now let him imagine that someone is calling him by name. But who is it? Let him imagine what his name feels like to the touch? What about the taste? Let the baby open his eyes and tell him what his name is.

Now it's time to take the pencils and draw your name. Moreover, there are no prohibitions, rules or time frames here. A slow child can do it in 20 minutes, and a fast kid can do it in 5. Talk to the young artist about why he depicted his name this way. Please note that when performing this exercise, all parts of the child’s brain were involved.

Drawing ourselves as an adult

We start the lesson according to the same principle. We close our eyes and fantasize about how tall an adult will be, what hairstyle, clothes, gait, favorite foods he will have... And only after that we draw. You can come up with a variety of topics for the lesson: what gift to give to a friend, what flowers grow in the garden, and so on.

Draw a picture standing upside down

One of the techniques that allows you to activate the right hemisphere of a child’s brain is to draw a picture upside down. In this case, part of the picture should be covered. The kid, not understanding what exactly he is drawing, copes with the task perfectly. At the same time, his logic is turned off, and the functions of the right hemisphere of the brain come to the fore. He draws without judging what he is doing, and after 20-30 minutes the artist will be pleasantly surprised by the result. You can draw with pencils, gouache, watercolors or acrylic paints - at the child’s discretion.

Who benefits from right-brain drawing?

This type of creativity is suitable for everyone. It not only unleashes creativity, but also strengthens relationships between people. It’s not for nothing that teachers and psychologists use right-hemisphere drawing.

Joint right-hemisphere drawing classes for mothers and children bring them closer together and have a beneficial effect on the overall psychological state. This also applies to pregnant women, for whom calmness, balance and a positive attitude are so important.

Want to know more about this? Artist Betty Edwards published the book “Discover the Artist in You” so that any reader can develop the hidden abilities of the right side of his brain.

Right-hemisphere drawing - beauty, harmony, creativity

We hope we have inspired you to develop the creative abilities of not only your child, but also your own, respected adults. Draw for your health! And we will list all the bonuses that you will gain by practicing this technique for working with your baby:

  • development of artist skills;
  • development of your own vision of the world;
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional background;
  • relieving tension and internal blocks;
  • development of intuition, imagination, imaginative thinking.
  • creativity in all areas of life;
  • a surge of strength and desire to create.

Draw with pleasure, and also join our group of like-minded people, be active and cheerful! We will be happy to review your feedback. See you soon!