One quiet dark night kosukhina read online. Natalya Kosukhina: One quiet dark night

    Rated the book

    Now you need to decide how to call the cat closer to you. Let's try to start with something simple.
    - Kitty Kitty.
    After waiting a couple of minutes, I tried another option.
    - Andrey... Andrey...
    Again no response.
    - Your mother, Khorsov, stomp here!

    Unexpectedly, a very sweet and pleasant read within the framework of brain relaxation.
    Initially, however, I assumed that the format of this story would be a little different, the everyday life of a forensic magician, all the cases, something like the series “CSI,” “Castle” and so on. Here the expectations were not met, the detective component will be directly tied to the same story along the same route throughout the entire narrative, periodically sagging in order to give way to romance and/or a showdown, but not at all interfering with the overall perception.

    Given: the main character Margot, who
    a) (not) self-confident, but very talented lady
    b) hangs out with werewolves, although from time to time he wants to strangle them
    c) knows how to find adventures to the fifth point and dissect corpses
    d) loves red shoes. all shades of red.

    Margot has a group of four closest friends, the main object of mutual hatred is her best friend's brother, her favorite job and a cool grandmother. One fine day, someone will get into trouble somewhere, the powers that be, assassinations and security, showdowns and sudden challenges and discoveries, as the romantic thread gets stronger, and the detective thread slowly but surely unravels .

    From the weighty volume by Natalya Kosukhina after It’s good where we are not, I must admit, I didn’t expect anything good. Thank Cain, I was wrong, 70% of the book is easy to read, excellent, perfect for vegetable therapy for the New Year holidays or as reading on the road. The author is still true to his love for tails, but the sharp transition towards the finale to explicit sex scenes was a little confusing, because why would such a thing be included so abruptly in the smooth and rather sweet in terms of romance narrative before. Add a couple of degrees? Yes, somehow it was normal...You're a freak. You're sick too. No, you're a freak! No, it's all your fault! It's a beauty. As for the “live a week with a tiger and survive” part, I actually chuckled, because the style, episodes and incidents were the cake. In general, I don’t know what and why there is such a boom-bam-bed, but from the moment of the racing theme onwards, the interest in reading somehow decreases, largely due to the change in emphasis in the narrative and scenery. The ending will be cute and - you won’t believe it - doesn’t end in the middle of the story, so the book can safely be considered read and put on a shelf with relaxing reading or given out to read to save someone else from the stress of everyday life.

    As a result - if you like slightly clumsy but cute detective stories, seasoned with the effect of deja vu due to the constant opening of doors in the morning, because they call moderately hysterical main characters who know how to stand up for themselves, werewolves and worlds that are good in concept - this is for you sandbox.

    Rated the book

    It’s a light book, with a detective story in mind, but, alas, it doesn’t quite live up to it. The most interesting thing was the bickering between the two heroes. I especially had fun when Andrey started having those very days of the month... his rampage. As for the rest... The conflict between the heroes is out of nowhere, the grievances are childish and, in some ways, too strained. Margot's friend has disappeared, and they forget about it and just fight with her brother. Well somehow...that made me do a couple of facepalms.
    I didn’t give a lower rating just for these funny moments + I liked that the author didn’t make the heroine a super duper racer, but just an amateur, at least a little more believable. Well, the “problem” of the characters, the investigation, the cause, the assassination attempt, the kidnapping, etc., is so crookedly written that you can’t wait for the book to end so you can stop reading this nonsense.
    I will not recommend it to anyone, because... I wasn’t even delighted with the love story itself, the author has much better books than this one, 3 out of 5 from me.

    Rated the book

    I was expecting something similar to “Case Study”, after all, the main roles are a forensic magician, a detective, investigations, magic, my favorites! :) But it turned out... Not so, in general. The detective line in the book is incredibly weak and boring; it is impossible to guess the main villain, because... up to a certain point he does not appear in the plot at all. And the second half of the book, where everything happens at the “big races,” is generally so dull that I wanted to quickly flip through the pages. The magic system seemed to have been developed, but remained somewhere on the edge of the story, as well as all forensic science. But SHE comes to the fore - a pseudo-romantic line in all its glory. Pseudo, because no romance was noticed between the two main characters. Andrey is somehow completely inadequate, even with a discount on his bestial essence. I don’t know about Margot, but I couldn’t warm to him until the very end of the book, even the caramel epilogues didn’t help. Of course, it’s immediately clear what all this hatred will lead to, but with all the greater bewilderment you read about these endless squabbles and fights between two seemingly adults (one of them is already well over a hundred years old). In short, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it. :/
    And the secondary characters are completely nonexistent, which is even more frustrating. Everyone falls for each other, everyone has some kind of sexual problems, no diversity. And it’s not very clear why there was a need to constantly switch between characters if everything was written in the same average language anyway. :/
    In general, it seems that the book was not read very well, for example, a character draws some conclusion, and after 20 pages it just mysteriously disappears from memory and it dawns on him for the second time. And I was a little confused by the presence of a couple of erotic scenes that happened literally 96% of the book and suddenly turned out to be very, very rich in detail (in the tradition of the best paperback novels for women). Somehow it didn’t fit into the general atmosphere of the book, is this a bonus for the most persistent? :) Plus the endless mentions of red shoes, by the end of the novel this phrase began to make me a little nauseous. Yes, a reference to "Little Red Riding Hood", so what? :/

Natalya Kosukhina

One quiet dark night

© Kosukhina N., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

Margarita Rogova

One quiet dark night, when I couldn’t sleep, my grandmother read me my favorite fairy tale:

– Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said about her: “Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!”

Usually at this moment I would calm down under the blanket and, listening to my grandmother’s calm voice, calm down. All fears receded, and it seemed to me that no one in the world could be happier than me.

I loved this fairy tale more than all the others, and I admired the girl about whom the story was told and considered her the bravest. Travel through a dense forest, full of ferocious werewolves and unknown magic, towards dangers. Don't be afraid of magical animals that come your way. And, having come to the grandmother, hold the wolf with your magical power until the control specialists arrive to keep order. This is courage!

Meanwhile, while I was thinking and dreaming, my grandmother somehow, unnoticed by me, came to the very end of the fairy tale.

- And this is so that I can eat you quickly, my child! - answered the werewolf with red eyes, which clearly showed that he was crazy, and before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the beast rushed at her.

Having created a magical leash, the girl threw it over the wolf, tying it to the house. The creature, gone crazy, howled and twitched, but could not do anything.

Fortunately, it was at that moment that the grandmother returned home and called the control in order to hand over the unfortunate man, who was no longer possible to help.

As soon as the fairy tale ended, I couldn’t resist and asked:

- Grandma, can I meet such a werewolf on the street?

– Margot, purely theoretically this is always possible. But you must understand that this is a fairy tale of bygone days and now all young werewolves are being vaccinated. But even if someone avoids this procedure, the chance of madness is very small.

– But the boy in the kindergarten is clearly not himself. He gnawed my crib yesterday!

Grandma laughed.

“This is probably the second time his teeth have changed, and new fangs have erupted.” So he couldn’t resist. Now go to sleep. It's already morning, and you've been out and about.

After kissing me on the forehead, my grandmother turned off the light and went out, and I lay there for a long time and thought about what she told me and about the fairy tale itself.

The only thing I didn’t understand about her was why they gave the girl a red riding hood? It's strange that she liked it at all. Now, if I could choose, I would want not a hat, but shoes. Yes, red shoes would be just right!

* * *

Two years later

I lay in bed and again could not sleep. Grandma went to some kind of sammi... basically, something like magic, and now we are visiting her, but the hostess herself is not there. It's a pity…

Suddenly a noise was heard. Turning my head, but still not understanding where the sounds were coming from, I listened. Silence... Was it really heard? No, there's some rustling again!

Desperately cowardly, I put on my red shoes, slowly descended from the porch and began to make my way into the yard to see what was happening there. But it was dark around and, despite the full moon, nothing was visible.

After waiting a little, I decided that I would go home, otherwise, if my parents woke up unexpectedly, I would get caught. But as soon as I made this decision, a plaintive meow was heard from the side of the barn.

Turning the corner, I saw a werewolf. Little panther. Of course, the beast was not exactly a cub, but in human form it was no older than me.

Having looked closely, I saw that the cat had a hand instead of a paw, which meant that this was the first call. Very very bad. If the panther does not take on human form when the first rays of the sun touch the ground, it will remain crippled forever.

All this is strange: my grandmother said that at such moments werewolves watch their offspring very carefully. And I was also strictly warned not to approach the half-turned animal. He can bully an outsider, since at this time only animal instincts control him.

But I felt sorry for the little panther, and I began to quietly creep up, saying:

- Hello! Don't be afraid of me, I won't harm you...

But in response I heard a hiss, and the creature hid in the corner between the fence and the barn.

One quiet dark night Natalya Kosukhina

(estimates: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Title: One Quiet Dark Night

About the book “Once Upon a Quiet Dark Night” Natalya Kosukhina

Once upon a time there lived a witch, Margot, who loved red shoes, and was also the heroine of the novel “Once Upon a Quiet Dark Night,” written by Natalya Kosukhina. The witch was not easy, because she was also a criminologist. Well, you understand, the plot will be detective.

The heroine of the novel “One Quiet Dark Night” has friends with whom she periodically communicates. And, of course, there is an enemy, with whom the enmity is mutual. By chance, this enemy is a werewolf.

But everything is not so simple, because gradually in the novel “One Quiet Dark Night,” parallel to the detective thread, a romantic thread appears, smoothly turning into love. Moreover, the more romance, the less detective.

Natalya Kosukhina managed to cleverly twist the plot so that the reader eagerly and without stopping looks for a solution. The author managed to mix the real world with the fantastic, people with creatures endowed with unusual characteristics. All this fuss ultimately results in a funny and exciting story with a detective-romantic twist. Pure reading for girls, without any stupid impurities.

Natalya Kosukhina has created a wonderful example of a book for relaxation, when you don’t want to overload your brain with cool intrigue and emotions. This is a great book for one evening, kind, warm and interesting in its own way.

Natalya Kosukhina made magic and unusual creatures the highlight of the novel. I was a little surprised by the erotic scenes at the end, which stand out from the general outline of a cozy plush work. Although such an action does take place, if the feelings of the heroes have gone over the edge and something needs to be done about it.

Whether or not to read the novel “One Quiet Dark Night” is up to you. Reviews about the book are mixed, however, there is an opinion that the work should be read in its own time. Perhaps the time and mood did not coincide for someone in the audience.

The novel is intended for a female audience, although particularly romantic men can also appreciate it.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Once Upon a Quiet Dark Night” by Natalya Kosukhina in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Once Upon a Quiet Dark Night” by Natalya Kosukhina

They say life is like a zebra. Black stripe, white, black, white, and then a tail and complete...

Natalya Kosukhina



One quiet dark night, when I couldn’t sleep, my grandmother read me my favorite fairy tale:

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said about her: “Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!”

Usually at this moment I would calm down under the blanket and, listening to my grandmother’s calm voice, calm down. All fears receded, and it seemed to me that no one in the world could be happier than me.

I loved this fairy tale more than all the others, and I admired the girl about whom the story was told and considered her the bravest. Travel through a dense forest, full of ferocious werewolves and unknown magic, towards dangers. Don't be afraid of magical animals that come your way. And, having come to the grandmother, hold the wolf with your magical power until the control specialists arrive to keep order. This is courage!

Meanwhile, while I was thinking and dreaming, my grandmother somehow, unnoticed by me, came to the very end of the fairy tale.

And this is to eat you quickly, my child! - answered the werewolf with red eyes, which clearly showed that he was crazy, and before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the beast rushed at her.

Having created a magical leash, the girl threw it over the wolf, tying it to the house. The creature, gone crazy, howled and twitched, but could not do anything.

Fortunately, it was at that moment that the grandmother returned home and called the control in order to hand over the unfortunate man, who was no longer possible to help.

As soon as the fairy tale ended, I couldn’t resist and asked:

Grandma, can I meet such a werewolf on the street?

Margot, purely theoretically this is always possible. But you must understand that this is a fairy tale of bygone days and now all young werewolves are being vaccinated. But even if someone avoids this procedure, the chance of madness is very small.

But the boy in the kindergarten is clearly not himself. He gnawed my crib yesterday!

Grandma laughed.

This is probably the second time his teeth have changed, and new fangs have erupted. So he couldn’t resist. Now go to sleep. It's already morning, and you've been out and about.

After kissing me on the forehead, my grandmother turned off the light and went out, and I lay there for a long time and thought about what she told me and about the fairy tale itself.

The only thing I didn’t understand about her was why they gave the girl a red riding hood? It's strange that she liked it at all. Now, if I could choose, I would want not a hat, but shoes. Yes, red shoes would be just right!

* * *

Two years later

I lay in bed and again could not sleep. Grandma went to some kind of sammi... basically, something like magic, and now we are visiting her, but the hostess herself is not there. It's a pity…

Suddenly a noise was heard. Turning my head, but still not understanding where the sounds were coming from, I listened. Silence... Was it really heard? No, there's some rustling again!

Desperately cowardly, I put on my red shoes, slowly descended from the porch and began to make my way into the yard to see what was happening there. But it was dark around and, despite the full moon, nothing was visible.

After waiting a little, I decided that I would go home, otherwise, if my parents woke up unexpectedly, I would get caught. But as soon as I made this decision, a plaintive meow was heard from the side of the barn.

Turning the corner, I saw a werewolf. Little panther. Of course, the beast was not exactly a cub, but in human form it was no older than me.

Having looked closely, I saw that the cat had a hand instead of a paw, which meant that this was the first call. Very very bad. If the panther does not take on human form when the first rays of the sun touch the ground, it will remain crippled forever.

All this is strange: my grandmother said that at such moments werewolves watch their offspring very carefully. And I was also strictly warned not to approach the half-turned animal. He can bully an outsider, since at this time only animal instincts control him.

But I felt sorry for the little panther, and I began to quietly creep up, saying:

Hello! Don't be afraid of me, I won't harm you...

But in response I heard a hiss, and the creature hid in the corner between the fence and the barn.

After squatting next to him and looking closely, I realized: the cat was on its last legs. Apparently, the struggle with her own nature greatly depleted her strength.

Remembering the spell that my grandmother taught me, I extended my hand forward and directed a light flow of life towards the werewolf. Some of the energy dissipated along the way, but from the way the small body shuddered, it became clear: something had reached the addressee.

After that, I began to slowly approach, but there was no more indignation. So my hand touched the skin and gently stroked it. Then, having created a thin stream of energy, I fed the cat again, without stopping stroking.

Gradually the beast came to its senses and, stopping trembling, relaxed.

Here you go. You feel better. - And, after being silent for a while, I hesitantly added: - Let me help you with the appeal.

They looked up at me in disbelief, in which fear and hope flashed.

Don't be afraid. All the same, if you don’t change your mind before dawn, you’ll remain like this forever. And at best, you will fall under the tutelage of control.

The panther trembled again. And no wonder. Such a case, which I am now observing, is very rare, and yet even at my age I knew what this could mean. As my grandmother said, our world is cruel, and especially with those who do not know how to cope with their nature or magic.

Without waiting for an answer, I extended my arms and picked up the werewolf. The cat tensed, but did not react. And I almost let go of my burden: it was so heavy.

Having somehow dragged the panther into the barn, I brought it to a log that was inclined toward the second floor and said:

They looked at me in bewilderment.

Do you really want to turn around on the street?

After my question, the little panther climbed up the log with difficulty, and I climbed the stairs. And we ended up on the second floor of the barn, on the hay, at about the same time. Lying down on the soft mat, I put my hand on my paw and said:

Now it's up to you. You are taught this, unlike me. And I’ll back it up with energy, if anything happens.

Looking at me with fear, the panther began to turn, and I, having tied the threads of magic to it, felt the energy being jerkily pulled out of me. This beast does not need to be here now, but at the totemic place of the clan, where the energy of their clan is collected.

Despite the torment that the werewolf experienced, with the help of my nourishment, he managed to regain his former appearance. Although not right away. And when the rays of the sun touched the ground, lying next to me... girl!

* * *

I sat in my room and sulked at my parents. Having discovered me in the morning in inappropriate company, they became terribly angry and scolded me, and at that time my new friend, having already exchanged words without any problems, disappeared into the thickets.

Yes, we became friends! Having woken up, this miracle called itself Valya, said that she owed me, and bit me, apparently she wanted to mark me. Howling in pain, I almost cried.

In general, despite this incident, we chatted normally and became friends, although usually I could not find a common language so quickly with women my age. Maybe the problem was my isolation. Valya was outwardly about the same age as me, and I did not believe that she was thirty-six years old.

But as soon as we agreed on where we would meet and play secretly, mom and dad showed up. At first they did not understand anything, and then, frightened, they screamed so much that they seemed to be out of their minds.

And now I'm sitting under house arrest and sad. The parents urgently called the grandmother, who arrived excited and excited. After which they discussed something for a long time in the kitchen. And I still didn’t understand what happened...

After that memorable incident, my life changed and strange things and adventures began. They couldn’t keep me at home for a long time, and soon I started going out and running everywhere. And especially often she went into the forest, where my girlfriend and I played, passing the time idly.

For me it was just an outlet, since my parents and grandmother, out of the blue, decided to take care of my education and preparation for school, which was about five months away. And I really didn’t want to go there. It's like working!

But this could not continue for long, and after two months of our secret friendship, I, rushing to meet Valya, unexpectedly encountered a tiger in the forest, ready to jump at me from the bushes.


Margot is a witch and forensic magician. She likes her job, has interesting friends, and doesn't want to change anything in her life. And even more so to get involved with an arrogant werewolf, to whom she once inflicted a terrible insult, and he almost strangled her. But life is a complicated thing, and the fairy tale told by your grandmother one night becomes reality. But in life everything is not as simple as in a fairy tale. Especially when troubles fall out of the blue, best friends stop trusting, and an unknown enemy begins to hunt.

Natalya Kosukhina

Natalya Kosukhina

One quiet dark night

© Kosukhina N., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

Chapter 1

Margarita Rogova

One quiet dark night, when I couldn’t sleep, my grandmother read me my favorite fairy tale:

– Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, the girl wore it everywhere. The neighbors said about her: “Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!”

Usually at this moment I would calm down under the blanket and, listening to my grandmother’s calm voice, calm down. All fears receded, and it seemed to me that no one in the world could be happier than me.

I loved this fairy tale more than all the others, and I admired the girl about whom the story was told and considered her the bravest. Travel through a dense forest, full of ferocious werewolves and unknown magic, towards dangers. Don't be afraid of magical animals that come your way. And, having come to the grandmother, hold the wolf with your magical power until the control specialists arrive to keep order. This is courage!

Meanwhile, while I was thinking and dreaming, my grandmother somehow, unnoticed by me, came to the very end of the fairy tale.

- And this is so that I can eat you quickly, my child! - answered the werewolf with red eyes, which clearly showed that he was crazy, and before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the beast rushed at her.

Having created a magical leash, the girl threw it over the wolf, tying it to the house. The creature, gone crazy, howled and twitched, but could not do anything.

Fortunately, it was at that moment that the grandmother returned home and called the control in order to hand over the unfortunate man, who was no longer possible to help.

As soon as the fairy tale ended, I couldn’t resist and asked:

- Grandma, can I meet such a werewolf on the street?

– Margot, purely theoretically this is always possible. But you must understand that this is a fairy tale of bygone days and now all young werewolves are being vaccinated. But even if someone avoids this procedure, the chance of madness is very small.

– But the boy in the kindergarten is clearly not himself. He gnawed my crib yesterday!

Grandma laughed.

“This is probably the second time his teeth have changed, and new fangs have erupted.” So he couldn’t resist. Now go to sleep. It's already morning, and you've been out and about.

After kissing me on the forehead, my grandmother turned off the light and went out, and I lay there for a long time and thought about what she told me and about the fairy tale itself.

The only thing I didn’t understand about her was why they gave the girl a red riding hood? It's strange that she liked it at all. Now, if I could choose, I would want not a hat, but shoes. Yes, red shoes would be just right!

Two years later

I lay in bed and again could not sleep. Grandma went to some kind of sammi... basically, something like magic, and now we are visiting her, but the hostess herself is not there. It's a pity…

Suddenly a noise was heard. Turning my head, but still not understanding where the sounds were coming from, I listened. Silence... Was it really heard? No, there's some rustling again!

Desperately cowardly, I put on my red shoes, slowly descended from the porch and began to make my way into the yard to see what was happening there. But it was dark around and, despite the full moon, nothing was visible.

After waiting a little, I decided that I would go home, otherwise, if my parents woke up unexpectedly, I would get caught. But as soon as I made this decision, a plaintive meow was heard from the side of the barn.

Turning the corner, I saw a werewolf. Little panther. Of course, the beast was not exactly a cub, but in human form it was no older than me.

Having looked closely, I saw that the cat had a hand instead of a paw, which meant that this was the first call. Very very bad. If the panther does not take on human form when the first rays of the sun touch the ground, it will remain crippled forever.

All this is strange: my grandmother said that at such moments werewolves watch their offspring very carefully. And I was also strictly warned not to approach the half-turned animal. He can bully an outsider, since at this time only animal instincts control him.

But I felt sorry for the little panther, and I began to quietly creep up, saying:

- Hello! Don't be afraid of me, I won't harm you...

But in response I heard a hiss, and the creature hid in the corner between the fence and the barn.

After squatting next to him and looking closely, I realized: the cat was on its last legs. Apparently, the struggle with her own nature greatly depleted her strength.

Remembering the spell that my grandmother taught me, I extended my hand forward and directed a light flow of life towards the werewolf. Some of the energy dissipated along the way, but from the way the small body shuddered, it became clear: something had reached the addressee.

After that, I began to slowly approach, but there was no more indignation. So my hand touched the skin and gently stroked it. Then, having created a thin stream of energy, I fed the cat again, without stopping stroking.

Gradually the beast came to its senses and, stopping trembling, relaxed.

- Here you go. You feel better. “And after being silent for a while, I hesitantly added: “Let me help you with the appeal.”

They looked up at me in disbelief, in which fear and hope flashed.

- Don't be afraid. All the same, if you don’t change your mind before dawn, you’ll remain like this forever. And at best, you will fall under the tutelage of control.

The panther trembled again. And no wonder. Such a case, which I am now observing, is very rare, and yet even at my age I knew what this could mean. As my grandmother said, our world is cruel, and especially with those who do not know how to cope with their nature or magic.

Without waiting for an answer, I extended my arms and picked up the werewolf. The cat tensed, but did not react. And I almost let go of my burden: it was so heavy.

Having somehow dragged the panther into the barn, I brought it to a log that was inclined toward the second floor and said:

They looked at me in bewilderment.

- Do you really want to turn around on the street?

After my question, the little panther climbed up the log with difficulty, and I climbed the stairs. And we ended up on the second floor of the barn, on the hay, at about the same time. Lying down on the soft mat, I put my hand on my paw and said:

“And now it’s up to you.” You are taught this, unlike me. And I’ll back it up with energy, if anything happens.

Looking at me with fear, the panther began to turn, and I, having tied the threads of magic to it, felt the energy being jerkily pulled out of me. This beast does not need to be here now, but at the totemic place of the clan, where the energy of their clan is collected.

Despite the torment that the werewolf experienced, with the help of my nourishment, he managed to regain his former appearance. Although not right away. And when the rays of the sun touched the ground, next to me lay... a girl!

I sat in my room and sulked at my parents. Having discovered me in the morning in inappropriate company, they became terribly angry and scolded me, and at that time my new friend, having already exchanged words without any problems, disappeared into the thickets.

Yes, we became friends! Having woken up, this miracle called itself Valya, said that she owed me, and bit me, apparently she wanted to mark me. Howling in pain, I almost cried.

In general, despite this incident, we chatted normally and became friends, although usually I could not find a common language so quickly with women my age. Maybe the problem was my isolation. Valya was outwardly about the same age as me, and I did not believe that she was thirty-six years old.

But as soon as we agreed on where we would meet and play secretly, mom and dad showed up. At first they did not understand anything, and then, frightened, they screamed so much that they seemed to be out of their minds.

And now I'm sitting under house arrest and sad. The parents urgently called the grandmother, who arrived excited and excited. After which they discussed something for a long time in the kitchen. And I still didn’t understand what happened...

After that memorable incident, my life changed and strange things and adventures began. They couldn’t keep me at home for a long time, and soon I started going out and running everywhere. And especially often she went into the forest, where my friend and I played, right...