In a dream, count paper money, find it and give it away: interpretation of the best dream books. What does it mean to give money in a dream?

Sleep is not only a time for relaxation and rest of the body. This is the time when we are immersed in a fairy-tale world: sometimes it alarms, sometimes it frightens, and sometimes it demonstrates everything that we would like to see around us.

For example, a dream in which we find or count money is very pleasant, but what can it portend? Few people think about this question. Perhaps it is our subconscious that gives us signs during sleep, or maybe higher powers are trying to warn us about something, to suggest some thoughts.

Finding money in a dream is a good sign, which indicates that the person seeing the dream has secret information that is very important not only for him, but also for another person. This fact can make the dreamer either happy or bring trouble, depending on the situation.

What kind of dreams are there?

If you see paper money in a dream, know that this is good if you receive it. Such a dream foreshadows the achievement of all set goals and the fulfillment of desires. Even more favorable is a dream in which you find a lot of paper money. This means that a very successful stage in life awaits ahead, when all obstacles will be overcome and goals will be achieved.

A large sum won in the lottery means even brighter prospects. Typically, the larger the amount in a dream, the more successful the outcome of the case will be.

If in a dream you give away significant material wealth to someone, then in reality you will have to part with some material wealth and give up the place of leadership to your opponent.

Why do you dream about a lot of money?

To dream of a lot of money means significant troubles, the cause of which will be money. If you receive this large amount from someone, then wait for your wallet to be replenished. It could also be a dream that prompts the idea that you currently have many responsibilities for which you must be responsible.

If you give this large amount of money to someone, then be prepared for the fact that, due to your indecision or slowness, you will miss an important moment in life to improve your well-being.

If in a dream you have to swallow a large amount of money, you should know that you are trying to acquire material wealth in a dishonest way. This dream also foreshadows an unexpected but exciting journey.

Why do you dream about a wad of money?

A wad of money in a dream foreshadows changes in life: for the better or for the worse, depending on the mood in which the dreamer holds them. If you find this pack or receive it from someone, it means profit. If you paid or gave it to someone - to a loss or disappointment.

Why do you dream of money in coins?

If in a dream you saw money in the form of coins, then pleasant events await you. If the money was gold, then you cannot avoid success. Perhaps a romantic trip with adventure. Silver - to betrayal of your significant other. Copper coins represent disappointment, deprivation, loss and tears.

Why do you dream about paper money?

If you give paper money and coins in a dream, this is not always a bad sign. If you do this consciously, voluntarily, for example, in a store you pay for some pleasant purchase, then in reality this will be a good sign: replenishment, success, fulfillment of desires.

If you have to give money away against your will, in reality you will face deprivation, grief, poverty and other troubles that arise from the loss of a significant amount of money.

Why do you dream of giving money?

If in a dream you lent money to someone, in reality you will have to face troubles associated with the betrayal of colleagues or a business partner.

Why do you dream of counting money?

In a dream you were counting money, know that you will face a lack of material resources. Counting small change - coins - leads to tears and poverty. Doing the same thing with a large sum indicates that you are overly greedy and stingy. If you have been counting your money, but have determined that a certain amount is missing, expect betrayal from your loved ones and colleagues.

It can be quite difficult to correctly interpret why you dream about paper money. After all, this symbol has different meanings, depending on the details of the dream. Therefore, you need to try to take into account all the circumstances and details of the plot that you managed to remember in the morning.

Why do you dream about paper money - interpretation from dream books

If the user needs to find out what paper money means in dreams, then the best decision would be to seek help from dream books from experienced professional interpreters. Most often, the meaning of dreamed paper notes is associated with change. They can relate to various areas of life.

Money according to Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, a whole small section is devoted to money. The interpreter believed that this is a very important symbol that should never be ignored. Miller gives several options for the meaning of such a plot, depending on the details:

  1. If a person pays for some purchase in a dream with paper bills, it means that in reality one should expect a loss. How large they will be can be judged by the number of bills given to the seller.
  2. Large bills in a bundle that are folded perfectly evenly are an excellent sign. They promise a person the fulfillment of desires and the rapid achievement of set goals.
  3. If a man or woman carefully counts paper money several times in a row, this indicates that in reality the sleeper has reached his financial maximum. If a person is dissatisfied with his financial situation, he will have to leave his comfort zone and make other efforts to expand his own “monetary boundaries.”
  4. It happens that in night dreams the dreamer lends large bills to someone. Such a dream suggests that in real life a person is constantly trying to seem better to others than he really is. He may even be living beyond his means.

If the sleeper simply finds a stack of paper bills in his vision, then one can rejoice at such a plot. It promises big profits in reality. But, when at the end of such a dream a person appears, declaring that the money found belongs to him, then in real life one should expect problems in business or work. The reason for their appearance will be interference in the dreamer’s affairs by one of his relatives or colleagues.

Why do you dream that you had to give away paper money in a dream? To finish what you started, you will have to fork out a lot of money. The dream book offers a number of other interpretations of the image, depending on its minor details.

What should you pay attention to?

Why do you dream of cash anyway? In a dream, they symbolize control, competence and real power.

Seeing that you have to give it away literally means giving up all of the above. The characters, your own emotions and other nuances will tell you why you do this.

Features of the circumstances

If in reality you are in a difficult financial situation, then it is not surprising that in your dreams you sometimes see similar scenes.

The dream book is convinced that visions do not carry any special meaning, but are only the most negative projection of the current situation.

If in reality you are not short of money, but in the night you had to give money, then punishment is coming for what you previously committed.

What is the most valuable?

Dream cash also reflects something valuable and important to you. It could be life energy, time or love.

To correctly interpret a dream, the dream book advises remembering the quality and quantity of banknotes. The first factor will describe the situation, the second – its duration.

Why do you dream about giving away paper money? This is a sign of deception, hassle or fuss. At the same time, there is a hint that it is necessary to sacrifice something or make an effort in order to achieve what is planned.

Think about it!

Did you dream that you decided to give away paper money, but found that the amount was insufficient or there was a complete lack of funds?

The dream book believes that you clearly do not have enough time or energy to realize your goal. This image conveys the beginning of a long illness or spiritual search.

How did you feel?

Why else would you dream about giving away paper money? For a correct interpretation, the dream book advises to characterize your own emotions in a dream.

If you handed over the papers and felt relieved, then your dream will come true in real life. The same dream plot prophesies a useful acquisition or the arrival of unexpected profits.

Did you dream that when you gave money, you were angry and felt uncomfortable? Be prepared for bad times. In addition, you will have to understand problems that you have long forgotten about.

Miller's statement

Miller's dream book, for example, is convinced that giving away paper money in a dream means that you are destined to experience difficulties both at home and at your place of duty.


Why do you dream that you gave away large bills? If you have recently made a real investment, then the dream book recommends immediately canceling it. Otherwise, you will lose everything.

Did you dream that you gave unknown people large bills? In a dream, you literally bought yourself off from something, and therefore in reality for some time you are protected from unfavorable situations.

Some specifics

However, for correct decoding, it is necessary to take into account the type and features of paper banknotes.



  • this sign may be a warning to pay more attention to your financial affairs, at least for a while;
  • promise great anger that you will have to endure;
  • a good, calm mood in a dream in which you dream of money, is a harbinger of profit or some useful acquisition;
  • if, at the sight of money, your feelings overflow or you experience excessive excitement, then such a dream is most likely empty;
  • negative atmosphere of dreams about money usually portends difficulties in life, losses, or is a reflection of old problems.

If money comes to you in the form of coins or small change, it means it's time for change.

Seeing very big money in a dream– lack, decrease in income.

See a lot of money- unexpected wealth.

Metal money- indicate monetary profit.

Copper money- poverty, sadness.

Silver money- tears, profit.

Antique money- for gifts.

Paper money:

  • to quarrel, noise;
  • symbolize some pleasant acquisition or purchase;
  • dream of a long journey, and an ambulance one at that;
  • you will be deceived if you lend it, you will lose if you put it in the bank. Take your money before it's too late!

Paper obsolete money– disappointments, deception.

Change, coins:

  • to tears;
  • means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect troubles at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about insufficient attention on your part.

Counterfeit money- lies and harm.

Have counterfeit money- lose an inheritance.

Counterfeiting money in a dream- a very bad omen.

If you find money:

Find a wallet with money- fortunately, love.

If you found money and took it, and it happened at an intersection, in this case, such a dream portends a serious illness.

If in a dream you receive money from someone- the dream foreshadows the birth of a child or a court decision in your favor. In general, this is a dream that predicts your well-being.

Make money- heavy expenses.

If you dreamed that you received money- this speaks of prosperity and wealth in reality.

Receive money as a gift or for work- you will receive fair compensation for your services.

Receive paper money– anxiety, loss; trouble awaits you.

Receiving a salary means ingratitude, contempt for the wife.

Get gold- these are huge prospects and unclouded joys.

Borrow money means that your future well-being is in question, and you have a lot of work to do to avoid losses.

Giving money to a dead person- a sign of great misfortune or illness.

The dead man himself asks for money- a warning against rash actions that can bring grief to you and your family. After such a dream, try not to accept dubious offers for a while and do not start new projects. They may end badly.

Dead man gives you money- you may unexpectedly receive money or become rich, but you may also get big problems with money. It all depends on what kind of money it was, how much and who exactly gave it to you. It’s good if this person was good during his lifetime and treated you normally. If in such a dream the money was gold and a lot, or banknotes of high denomination - these are all signs of future prosperity. Otherwise, you will face problems with money.

If in a dream you count money, this means that you should think about whether you have too much tender feelings for them. Pettiness and stinginess escaping from your subconscious will doom all your attempts to make new acquaintances to failure.

To worry or be upset when counting money,- a direct indication that you should be more careful in your affairs.

Count a large amount of money- means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach.

Collect money– loss.

Collect scattered money- to failure.

To save money- to wealth and comfort.

Borrow money:

To dream that you borrowed money, predicts a dual situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction.

Ask to borrow money- means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary feeling of well-being.

Lending- anxiety and troubles.

See yourself repaying your debt- you have to go through a stormy adventure that will bring a lot of experiences, but will end happily if you act carefully.

Make monetary transactions- family growth.

Issue salary– separation.

Give money:

  • heavy expenses;
  • you will lose money in business;
  • the dream reflects your ability to borrow money.

Losing money in a dream:

  • a sign that in reality you are missing out on some opportunities to improve your well-being;
  • expect troubles, both at home and at work;
  • If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure.

Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend.

Give away money- to unexpected wealth.

To dream that you stole money, means you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully.

Collect money in a hat- a sign that some of your ideas can significantly improve your business. However, if there is not enough money in your hat or you are in a bad mood in this dream, then the dream, on the contrary, suggests that some of your plans can put you on the brink of bankruptcy and poverty.

Money in handfuls- the well-deserved fruits of your personal efforts and efforts. If there are few of them, it means that there was not too much effort or you applied your strength in the wrong direction.

Bag with money- long and prosperous old age.

To dream that every hour a large banknote disappears from your wallet before your eyes,- you don’t want to spend money because you think that they are offering you a deliberately losing business, which will not only not bring you profit, but will also take away your last. A person will appear in your circle whom you consider richer and capable of striking a blow to your financial affairs. To the failure of the contract, which will bring you large material costs.

Seeing a wad of money that is given to a dog to sniff, but it cannot find the owner of the money d - the dream means hidden hopes that the illegal activity will not be discovered and will not harm your business. You are faced with a choice between money and a quiet life.

Seeing in a dream a relative who does not want to return your money,- this means that a warm meeting awaits you ahead of you with a person whom you have not met for a long time. A distant relative you don’t know will come.

Seeing people around you, each of whom demands money from you and declares that you have long promised to repay the debt, - beware of “easy” money and “profitable” projects, you may be let down by those whom you completely trust.

To see in a dream a very good friend who came to ask for a large sum of money,- beware of a quarrel with someone you value and are afraid of losing, with whom you were too frank.

Lose all your money gambling– beware of careless people and casual acquaintances.

To dream that you are risking your life because they promised a reward for it,- you will be deceived, beware of disappointment, avoid personal details in conversations with those who are little known to you.

Seeing in a dream a treasure trove in which the coins are so fragile that they crumble before your eyes with just one touch is a sign of empty promises, wasted effort, vain hopes.

Seeing yourself in an empty house that belongs to a person who owes you a large sum of money,- a sign of an unexpected turn in affairs that were going smoothly and without problems.

To dream that you are swallowing money, portends the emergence of selfish interest in you.

To dream that you have found a wad of currency, but a young woman lays claim to it, means that you are at risk of losing your business due to the intervention of a person close to you. The person who has this dream may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart.

See and take pennies– contentment.

Give pennies to the poor- you will find true friends; the sin will be counted.

Find and pick up a penny- for work for which you will receive a purely symbolic payment.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Money with number one

Hold a ruble in your hands means that in real life you have overestimated your business partners, so within a month you will experience disappointment after disappointment.

If in a dream you throw a ruble on the ground, then in reality you will have to part with those who put a spoke in the wheels of your business.

For beginning businessmen this dream advises you to take a close look at the people who work with him - one of them may turn out to be a spy supplying information to a competing company.

For housewives such a dream shows that they have ceased to be interested in their husbands and if within ten days they do not change anything in their appearance or habits, then in a year their family life will be destroyed.

Seeing a penny in a dream– you are too selfish, your loved ones suffer because of your selfishness. If in the coming days you do not reconsider your attitude towards your family and do not pay attention to your children, then in ten days you will have to answer for all your mistakes and misdeeds.

If you give a penny to a beggar or throw it away, then in real life expect a surge of feelings - you will probably feel happy and free, completely surrendering to your passion, but after one month and 19 days you will understand that the consequences of your unreasonable love affair are the most terrible.

Seeing foreign money in a dream, for example, 1 dollar, 1 franc or 1 tanga,- to well-being in the family and meeting old friends.

However, if you dream that you cannot spend this money, but you absolutely need it, then expect problems with your other half: perhaps your husband or wife will make a purchase that will cost your entire family budget. And you will learn this good news on the 1st, 19th or 28th. And the more money (10, 100, 1000, and so on), the larger the purchase will be.

If you dream about big Russian money, then in reality in ten days you will receive an important business offer; most likely, it will be made to you over the phone by a person born on the 10th. Under no circumstances accept this offer, otherwise you will regret it very much!

If you dream of a Soviet chervonets or ten kopecks, then you can count on the fact that after 91 days your work-related wish will come true, but not in the way you would like.

Money with number two

Having a lot of two-kopeck Soviet coins in a dream means that in reality you will conclude several important contracts and establish connections with the right people. Pay special attention to people whose phone number includes the number "767".

If in a dream you have 2 kopecks or 2, 20, 191, 200, 2000 and so on rubles (if you add up the numbers, you will definitely get a two!), then after a while you will enter a period of increased tension, which will last from 2 months to 2 years. This dream is favorable for businessmen, as it shows that all this time their business will develop and prosper.

If in a dream you waste this money or lose it, then on the 11th or 29th you will appear in court. If in a dream you manage to find this money, then the trial will end well for you, but if not, then get ready for the worst.

Buy this money in a dream means that your doubts will be dispelled, and you will be able to start your own business or find a profitable job.

The more money, the sooner this will happen.

For the young For people, this dream is advice to listen to the words of their parents and not go to the party that is scheduled for the 20th or 29th. But in February, young people can do as they please.

Seeing foreign money in a dream, say 2 dollars, 2 pence or 2 pounds sterling, means a quick arrival of relatives to your house. The more money you hold in your hands, the more trouble this event will cause you.

Money with number three

If in a dream you have 3 kopecks, 3 rubles, 12, 21, 30 or 300 rubles and so on (in total the digits of the number necessarily add up to three!), then next week the person you asked for 3 months ago will come to you favor, and will provide you with some information for your consideration. If you meet him at 3 o’clock in the afternoon or at 12, then you should take the information received very seriously, but at all other times you may not attach much importance to the facts; most likely, they are already outdated.

If in a dream you give someone 30 rubles or kopecks, then in life you are going to commit betrayal and are waiting for the right moment for this. If you do what you are going to do, then in 3 months there will be a severe reckoning, and you will execute yourself.

If in a dream you give someone a much larger amount of money (the digits of the number add up to “3”) or lose it, then in reality you will have difficult relationships with neighbors or colleagues, and minor troubles in 30 days can develop into a cold war if you do nothing to improve relations at an early stage, that is, right now.

Seeing foreign money in a dream in the same amount (3, 12, 21, 75 and so on)- to hard work for the benefit of your family. You may have to do renovations in your apartment or country house in the near future, so you will need a lot of money. Don’t consult with anyone, act as you see fit, especially don’t get into arguments with a person whose date of birth falls on the 12th, and don’t let him convince you and force you to do something you don’t like.

If in a dream they give you money, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Russian or foreign, then in reality, after 12 days, you will find yourself in a situation of choice - whether to follow the same path and not change anything in life, or to take a risk and radically change everything. The larger the amount of money you see in a dream (of course, adding the numbers, you get a constant three!), the more serious the choice will be. Give yourself the right to think and weigh the pros and cons within 3 days, but do not involve anyone in resolving this problem, so that in case of failure you do not blame others for it.

Money with number four

If in a dream you understand that money was stolen from you, of which there was quite a lot, for example, 4,000 rubles, 490 dollars or 31,000,000 francs, then in reality you will be discouraged by the words or actions of your household members. You missed something, and now the next 4 weeks will become a period of all sorts of surprises for you. If your money is in a dream, then you can rejoice - life will pamper you, even your mistakes will turn out for the better for you.

Wonderful, if in a dream you yourself grab a thief or publicly expose him to clean water: you will be able to sort things out with your superiors and even set your own conditions, to which management will be forced to agree during this period of time.

But if the money is not found, then this is just a temporary success, and you can’t make plans for the future; soon your luck, no matter how sad it is to say, will end.

If in a dream you are holding old Soviet money in your hands, say, 4 kopecks or rubles, or 13, 22, 85 (and others from the same series!), and don’t know where to put them, then in real life you are an object increased attention from your enemies. Perhaps 4 days ago you did something that allowed them to think that you could be easily seduced into an adventurous venture or made to dance to someone else's tune. In order not to live up to their expectations, control yourself and do not relax, even in friendly company, for at least 22 days, otherwise, contrary to your own wishes, you will be grist to the mill of your competitors.

If in a dream you have foreign money and you like to count it, and when you add up all this money you get the number “4”, then this is a warning to you - you eat and sleep too much, perhaps you are depressed and need the attention of others. Instead of being sour at home and feeling sorry for yourself, go for 4 or 13 days to the countryside or to nature, if the weather permits, in any case, you should dramatically change the situation. There is no need to think about the current state of affairs and look for a way out of it; during your short rest, everything will become clearer in your head; all you have to do is do what seems right to you.

If in a dream you pick up 4 kopecks or 4 rubles from the ground, then this is symbolic: you have embarked on a difficult but honorable path, in 4 weeks you will receive the first results of your activity, and in 4 years you will enjoy its fruits. This dream promises young mothers that her child will be sick, but by the age of 4 he will be completely cured of all his illnesses and will be strong and healthy in the future.

Money with number five

If in a dream you have a large amount of Russian money in your hands, say, 5,000 rubles, 55,400 or 86,000,000 (and so on, do not forget that when adding all the numbers you get the number “5”), then after 5 weeks and After 5 days of hard work, you will understand that the business has not burned out. However, don’t be upset, it won’t turn out that your loss turned into a victory.

If in a dream you give this money to someone or lose it, then in reality you will have a person who will be able to protect you from life’s troubles. You will meet him on the 5th or 14th and stay with him for a long time. For women, this dream promises divorce and new love, which will turn out to be a saving outlet and consolation for their wounded heart.

To have foreign money in a dream, for example, 5 dollars, 14 dinars or 50 tugriks (the rest of the numbers are from the same series - when adding the numbers you get the coveted five), you know something that can ruin or disgrace someone from your family. environment, and this someone started hunting you. At best, you will be under severe pressure, at worst, your life will be in danger. For 14 weeks, hide and take no action to avoid becoming a victim of an angry person. If in a dream you get rid of money, then terrible circumstances will pass without unpleasant consequences for you.

If in a dream they give you money (5, 14, 23, 32 kopecks, rubles, etc. from the same series), then know that in a month your well-being and quiet life will be at stake.

Unless you find a large sum that, when added up, gives the number "5", then you can say goodbye to hopes for a bright and joyful future. For students and graduate students, this dream promises new troubles in the educational institution and their bad ending.

If in a dream you find a treasure in the form of an old chest, and in it there is a pile of Soviet money, among which you clearly see five-kopeck coins and 5-ruble notes, then in reality you will have an interesting conversation, during which you will completely reconsider all your principles and attitudes and you will feel reborn. If this conversation takes place 5 days after your sleep, the consequences will be global and difficult to predict. But if this strange conversation occurs 23 days after you receive this warning in a dream, then it will leave a small but deep mark on your soul, and will have virtually no effect on your future life.

Money with number six

If in a dream you have a lot of money, for example, 6 million rubles or 240 thousand (all numbers add up to six), then in real life you will be attacked by petty critics. Don’t be upset, only a small part of what is said to you will be truthful, everything else will be aimed at humiliating you and forcing you to make excuses. If this happens in June, then do not pay attention to those who will bother you, but if this happens in other months, especially on the 24th, then tell your opponents to present evidence of your wrongness, not limited to unfounded accusations. You will win if you remain calm to the end.

If in a dream you throw away or lose money, the amount of which is indicated by the number “6”, then in life, expect an outbreak of an infectious disease in your home. Maybe one of your children or relatives who came to visit you gets sick, in any case, you have a 6-week quarantine.

If in a dream you feel sorry for parting with money or, having lost it, you are terribly upset, then in the end, you will also become infected and be laid off for a long time.

If in a dream you don’t care and you’re not upset at all, then you will be able to stand on your feet and not surrender to the power of an unpleasant disease.

Owning foreign money in a dream, for example, 6 francs, 60 dollars, 24 pence, 42 thousand crowns, and so on (do not forget that when adding the numbers you get a constant six!), means cooling in love. If you are proud of your wealth, then in reality you will worry about this state of affairs for a very long time, but you will not be able to really change anything.

If you are perplexed in a dream, what should you do with foreign money? then in 6 months you will meet a person who will make you forget all your suffering and surrender with all your soul and body to a new feeling.

However, if you get rid of foreign capital in a dream, then in life your new love will be carefully hidden by you, since making it public for you will be tantamount to public nudity. You may fall in love with someone of the same sex or an outsider.

If in a dream you are given 6 kopecks, rubles or thousands, then in six months peace will come to your soul, since during this time you will complete all your affairs and draw a line under everything that prevented you from starting a new life with a pure heart.

Money with number seven

Money– if in a dream you have a lot of money, for example, 7,000,000 or 394,000 rubles, that is, when adding the numbers you get seven, then in life you will have to take a decisive step or make an important decision that will affect your entire future life.

If in a dream you give this money to someone or lose it, the change will affect family life or love relationships.

But if you keep this money with you or put it in a chest or wallet, then everything that happens will be related to business.

If in a dream you have foreign money, for example, 97 yen or 34 cents and so on- from the same number series, then in reality you will worry about your loved one who will have health problems in the coming week.

If in a dream you find a large treasure, also expressed by the number “7” (seven billion rubles or 7 huge diamonds and so on), then this means that you are ready to break off relations with everyone around you and give up all your affairs just because that they were disappointed in everything and everyone. Don’t rush - in 7 weeks your blues will pass, and you will lament that you succumbed to temptation and isolated yourself from the whole world.

Money with number eight

If in a dream you have Soviet money, for example, 8, 17, 26, 80 rubles or kopecks, then in reality you have at least 8 wonderful ideas that are just waiting to be brought to life.

If you throw away this money in a dream because you don’t know what to do with it, then in reality you are simply missing out on your luck, which will come to you in the form of a young man of 26 years old.

If you hide Soviet money in a wallet or pocket in a dream, then you can count on the fact that you will recognize your lucky chance in time.

If in a dream you find a treasure - a chest full of Russian coins, and you know for sure that the total amount of this money is equal to the number “8”, then after 26 weeks you will receive a new position or a rich gift from your superiors. This dream is good for the military - it means the assignment of the next rank and pleasure from it.

If in a dream you own foreign money in quantities equal to 8, 17, 26 and other numbers from this series, for example, 17 crowns or 71 dinars, then in reality you will seduce a married man or a married woman and in connection with this your life will be filled with sharp impressions and unpleasant troubles and worries.

Money with number nine

If you dream of old money, Soviet nine rubles or nine kopecks, then this means that in life you cling to unwinnable things and people you don’t need at all.

If you give this money to someone, then after nine days it will become clear to you that you need to throw off the burden of the past and start living a new life. If they give you this money, then soon you will be deceived and betrayed.

If you dream about foreign money, then this is a direct indication that you are spending too much money. You need to come to your senses and try to use the money wisely - for example, invest it in some business.

If in a dream you have a large amount of money, say, not 9 cents or 9 pence, but 9 thousand dollars or francs, then this means that in real life you are about to have a chance to get rich. However, in order to know exactly what capital will help you acquire, pay special attention to the 9th, 27, 18. Your main assistant will be the person whose birth year numbers add up to the coveted nine.

If you dream about working Russian money, then this is an important sign - unknown forces recommend that you start establishing friendships and business connections. For women, this dream promises marital joys and the birth, soon, of healthy children. Young girls, however, should beware - if she gives nine rubles to a young man, then in the next nine days she will do something stupid, which she will later bitterly regret.

Vanga's Dream Book

Find money in a dream- evidence that someone around you is preparing great evil against you. Do not take other people’s things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, for it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers.

If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then the people around you see you as a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life.

Seeing torn money in a dream- a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery committed on your home.

If in a dream you were counting money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because it will never replace human relationships.

Handing money to someone in a dream- soon you will need a lot of funds to successfully complete the business you started.

See also “Wallet”, “Coin”.

The presence of this word in other interpretations:
* Kopeck * Give * Pay * Shpana * Advance * Cash * Cashier * Borrow * Copper * Piggy Bank * Lend * Borrow * Poultry * Loan * Ginger * Millionaire * Buy * Purchase * Bank * Matches * Be scared * Spices * Seasoning * Spices * ATM * Promotion * Walk * Fur * Flour * Feeder * Kebab * Liquor * Tenant * Beach * String Bag * Take * Carrion * Vendace * Pebbles * Index * Traveler * Ellipsis * Wallet * Receipt * Count * Throw * Sideburns * Savings Bank * Take out * Fan * Business * Hitchhiker * Casino * Button * Debt * Heap * Barn * Ash * Hay * Sink * Brothel * Jester * Mustard * Attack * Assault * Fine * Pawnbroker * Pocket * March * Fireworks * Winning * Glue * Carriage * Lead * Microwave * Auction * Charity * Petting * Throne * Louse * Poor * Castration * Neuter * Massage * Rent * Lie down * Champagne * Pasta * Nails * Tsar * Gut * Bun * Crossroads * Barrel * Slit * Chocolate * Herring * Plywood * Whirlwind * Boy *

Money in a dream - Big money, lots of paper money- this is the fulfillment of a desire that will happen unexpectedly for you. This may be accompanied by a noisy celebration and congratulations.
In general, all dreams about receiving or finding money are favorable.
Seeing written notes in a dream- get bogged down in gossip or become the object of discussion among others.
Seeing a lot of paper money in a dream means that you will have to suffer big losses in business. paper money in a dream predicts troubles, bad news, and grief.
Seeing wet paper money in a dream- to discord in the family, reproaches from them.
Seeing counterfeit bills in a dream- a sign of impending trouble.
Seeing torn paper money in a dream- to the loss of any of your rights, flying in the air - to shaken hopes.
To dream of paper money flying through the air means that your hopes may have been in vain. You will have to work hard to get out of trouble.
In a dream, you can receive money, or you can give it away. Depending on what specific money you dream about and how exactly it is presented, the meanings also differ.
Return money in a dream- in reality, drive away a serious illness from yourself.
Returning money to someone is fulfilling your duty, liberation from a heavy duty, getting rid of an illness.
All dreams about losing or paying money do not bode well.
Paying money to someone means failure in important matters, but losing it is a bad sign. This may mean that not the best times have come in your life at home and at work, and troubles await you there. Therefore, be prepared.
Sharing money with someone means losing your opportunities in something, limiting your self-realization, or breaking up with someone.
People dream about money quite often, but each dream is different from the other. So the meanings of these dreams differ radically from each other.
Money is a symbol of abundance, desire and energy.
Money, in the form of coins, seen in a dream foreshadows success and prosperity in reality.
Money seen in a dream can portend both success and loss.
If in your dream you receive gold coins from someone, get ready for unprecedented success in reality.
If in your dream you stole money from someone, this is a warning about a threat looming over you. It can manifest itself in various ways. An accident, accident, injury, robbery and other unpleasant event may happen to you in the near future. Are you giving or paying money to someone in a dream? You will have to endure failures and expenses. To problems at work, scandals in the house, you dream that you have lost your money.
If you dreamed of paper money, then such a dream predicts vital energy for you.
If someone gives or pays you money, this portends you success in financial transactions, profit and the conclusion of a profitable agreement.
If you dreamed of paper money, it means your vitality will increase.
If you dreamed about money- this promises changes in your life.
If you dreamed that you have earned a lot of money and don’t know what to spend it on, it means that in reality you are setting too big goals for yourself, which are simply unrealistic to achieve.
If you dreamed that you were marking money, it means that in reality you do not trust those who are really worth trusting.
If you dreamed that you found money, it means that you will soon have a chance to earn money.
If you dreamed that you lost your money, then in reality you will suffer some kind of failure. And the larger the amount, the more serious this failure will be. Such a dream threatens trouble both at work and at home. Dreams in which you are paying someone off have approximately the same meaning.
If you dreamed that the money you earned was not given to you, it means that in reality you are doing something wrong. Perhaps you are deceiving someone.
If you dream of money that now no longer exists in circulation, then such a dream primarily means that in the next month you will need to solve problems, otherwise there may be serious adverse consequences.
If you have a dream in which you voluntarily give money to a needy person, then soon expect profit in reality.
If you dream that you find someone else's paper money and take it, then in reality minor troubles await you.
If you dream of old paper bills, then in reality you can expect pleasant gifts.
If you often dream about money, this may also indicate that you urgently need to take care of the business that brings you money, otherwise you may lose your source of wealth.
If in a dream you find a shortage while counting money, you should also be wary - perhaps someone is trying to deceive you.
If in a dream you happened to count a huge amount of money, then you can be sure that you are able to achieve decent wealth.
If in a dream you see someone giving you a salary, then expect a decent reward for the work done in the near future.
If in a dream you return money to a person that belongs to him, then in this way you get rid of the disease.
Find money in a dream- to changes, small expenses and troubles, worries and worries about something.
If in a dream you pay money, then expect failures soon.
If in a dream you are bathing in a bathtub filled with paper money, then in reality you should be wary of greedy people, and not become one yourself.
If in a dream you found paper money, then you should prepare for quite serious changes that will happen in your life in the near future. Most likely, these changes will be primarily related to the financial sector.
If in a dream you found a certain amount of money, then this indicates that in reality you will encounter minor worries that will ultimately result in favorable changes.
If in a dream you unexpectedly find money- expect improvements in your financial situation.
If in a dream you tear paper money, then in reality difficulties await you, because of which you will fall into anger.
If you stole money in a dream, it means that in reality you will have the opportunity to prove that you are capable of what you are talking about.
If you lose or give paper money to people in a dream, you will soon receive a large sum of money.
If you find a large amount of money- your financial situation will change significantly.
If you find money made of copper, then wait for the moment when you grab luck by the tail. However, luck will appear with you not in the area that you think about, but in a completely unexpected case. no major changes are expected in the near future.
If you pay for the purchase, then success in business awaits you.
If the money is small and copper, then your options will be limited. You will not be able to achieve your goals, and frustration and tears are expected.
If a woman had a dream in which she is very poor and in bad clothes gives alms to the poor, then in real life wealth awaits her.
If you pay the salary, then most likely you will have to leave your significant other for a while.
If the coins in your dream were gold, then in the real world you will be a happy, rich, famous and influential person. This dream prophesies an exciting and educational journey.
If a man gives money to someone in a dream, then he should expect serious purchases in reality.
Taking money from someone in a dream- to wrong actions.
The exception is dreams in which you steal money. These dreams warn you of danger; be more vigilant and careful, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.
As a rule, after such a dream, the financial situation changes for the better.
When in a dream you see coins in your hands- expect a promotion or an unexpected opportunity to make good money. Therefore, get ready for painstaking and fruitful work.
When we dream about money, it is very pleasant.
When you dream of a lot of money, this can be regarded as a sign that wealth will come into your life.
Saving money in a dream- to well-being.
A young girl who in a dream readily offers money to an unfamiliar man is very burdened by the lack of love and attention to herself. She is actively looking for a potential lover, and a fateful meeting is possible soon.
Copper coins seen in a dream indicate that in real life you will suffer losses, hardships, hard work and need.
Coins promise small changes that together will significantly change your future. Paper money in a dream suggests that events will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia. The same thing means coins and change that roll towards you.
Silver coins dream of the dishonesty of your significant other, of family troubles, which, however, will quickly end, leaving behind no remorse or difficult memories.
Wrinkled, shabby money dreams of discord with colleagues, problems at work, and even dismissal.
Having found money in a dream and counted it, you will soon lose your last hope in life.
Find money in a dream- this portends a lucrative offer that must be accepted in order to further make a profit in life. This could be a profitable project, a profitable job, an opportunity to prove yourself at your true worth.
If you find paper money in a dream, then this dream predicts minor worries, but very great joy and happiness. Changes are coming in your life.
Dreams in which you borrow money do not promise anything good. Such dreams promise troubles and worsening relationships with friends.
Paying off monetary debts in a dream means correcting mistakes in reality, saying goodbye to the past, getting rid of remorse or any illnesses.
Pay off debt in a dream- loss of money in business.
You receive money from an unknown person in a dream- you will find family happiness in life.
Receive a salary in paper money in a dream- to a well-deserved reward for your work. Colored paper money dreams of joy and adversity.
Hiding coins in a dream, burying a treasure with gold coins means that your curiosity and desire to participate in all events in the lives of friends and relatives will not lead to anything good. People begin to dislike you, feel irritated and angry towards you.
Break a piggy bank with money in a dream- to joy or to a feast.
Collecting scattered money in a dream promises you a quarrel with your boss or colleagues. Count your own money and discover that part of the amount is missing. Such a dream speaks of trials, troubles and anxieties awaiting you in real life.
A dream in which you give a bribe in monetary terms means losses, melancholy and sadness in reality.
Count paper money and detect shortages- a symbol of trouble with payments.
Counting paper money in a dream- to profit.
Counting money in a dream- to family well-being.
Spend coins- the dream prophesies a big win, great luck, a fateful meeting and a lot of fun in reality.
To dream that you have stolen paper money is a warning that you should more closely monitor your actions and actions.
Seeing metal money in a dream- to profit.
Seeing money stolen by someone in a dream- to temptation or wastefulness.
Seeing counterfeit money in a dream- to lies, deception, unfair decisions towards you (at work or at home).
To dream about money falling from the sky- to empty troubles or to unpleasant conversations and gossip.
Seeing money in a dream- this is to appreciate your capabilities in business.
See a bag of money- these are life opportunities for a long time: long life, health, prosperity, receiving an inheritance.
Saving and putting aside paper money in a dream promises you a calm and happy life.