I have been learning to draw with a pencil for 5 years. How to teach a child to draw in different techniques? Diagram of a full-length image of a man

To achieve good results in the upbringing and development of a child, you need to offer him activities to his liking. One of the activities that all children love to do is drawing. By inviting a child to draw, we stimulate his cognitive interest, mental development, fine motor skills, and creative thinking. From our article you will learn what simple ways there are for kids to learn drawing.

Types of drawing

Learning to draw is an educational activity through which a child can improve his innate drawing skills. And adults - parents or teachers - should help him master the necessary skills. Methods of teaching fine arts should pursue the goal of not only teaching how to properly hold a pencil or brush in your hand, but also, first of all, cultivating aesthetic feelings, namely the ability to see beauty and create it yourself, depict your thoughts, and bring your ideas to life.

When teaching drawing, take into account the age characteristics of the child

"Advice. When teaching children to draw, one should select methods that would arouse interest in drawing and evoke an emotional response in the child’s soul.”

When starting to draw with children, you need to take into account their age characteristics and select the appropriate types of drawing. Young children have not yet developed many skills. Younger preschoolers cannot yet correctly hold a pencil and brush in their hand, monitor the force of pressure they put on a sheet of paper, correctly position images on a sheet of paper, not go beyond the contours when painting what they have drawn, etc. Based on these reasons, it is best to start drawing classes for kids of the simplest types, skills and techniques.

What you need to teach your child to do first:

  • hold a pencil (brush, felt-tip pen) correctly in your hand
  • depict the simplest lines and shapes, “sticks” and “paths”
  • do not go beyond the contours of the drawing when coloring it

When the baby masters this initial arsenal of drawing skills, he will be able to put his ideas on paper, while feeling more confident.

It’s easy to implement ideas if you master the simplest types of drawing

Show your child the simplest types of drawing:

  1. "Drawing in the air." One of the first drawing lessons can be a conventional drawing of lines and geometric shapes with a hand in the air. This can be done using your index finger or your entire palm. This type of initial drawing prepares the child to begin to depict something on paper. The same movements can be done on a straight, smooth surface, such as a table.
  2. "Collaborative drawing." The next stage in teaching children to draw is when an adult guides the child’s hand with a pencil along the paper. The child sees how the image is created, and the adult comments on what happens. With the help of this type of drawing, the child learns to hold a pencil correctly, press it onto the paper and, ultimately, draw simple lines and shapes.
  3. "Completing the details." This is drawing based on a workpiece, where part of the pattern is drawn (like a mirror image) or points for connection. The child must complete the details that are missing in the drawing by analogy with the image on the right or left, or connect the dots, thus obtaining a drawing. It’s better when the picture has a plot and the adult tells something exciting in accordance with the intended plot.
  4. “I draw myself.” Having practiced all the basic types of drawing, the child will be ready to draw something himself. And an adult can help him by suggesting a plot for a drawing and giving him a task.

Image techniques

Introduce your child to those image techniques that are easy to master.

If you continue to show your child drawing techniques that are easy to master, this will significantly enrich his visual activity. This way the child will master what he could not do before. Make sure that your baby’s hand is strong enough that he can hold a pencil firmly enough and quite consciously repeat the strokes he sees. After that show him several image techniques:

  • drawing lines (straight, wavy)
  • shading with short straight strokes
  • shading with long vertical and horizontal strokes
  • shading with oblique tear-off and continuous strokes
  • shading using extending strokes
  • image of round and rectangular objects
  • dab (brush)
  • painting (pencil, brush).

It’s good when an adult doesn’t just show a child how to trace paper with a pencil or brush, but accompanies the creative process with stories that he understands. For example, when drawing different lines, an adult suggests depicting a path, a stick, etc. And a wavy line is already a river or sea, smoke from a house chimney, a forest path. It is important that the images are familiar to the child.

Watch the video in which an art teacher talks about where to start when teaching kids to draw.

How to teach a child to draw step by step

If you decide to teach your child to draw, be prepared for the fact that you will have to practice a lot and regularly. This is how skills are developed. Parents will have to draw pictures themselves, because the baby needs something to focus on. The child will look at the drawings you made and try to repeat them.

"Advice. There is no need to simplify the task too much by drawing objects for the child schematically. If you are drawing a house, then let it be surrounded by a dense forest, flowers, and funny animals. The drawing should be bright and attract the child.”

In step-by-step learning to draw, it is important to voice the plot of the image. In this case, not only fairy tales, but also poems are well suited. This way you will also contribute to the development of your baby’s speech skills.

Showing how the simplest lines and geometric shapes are drawn, gradually transform them before the child’s eyes. So from a circle you will get the sun, from a triangle - the roof of the house, and short vertical lines will become grass. This is the basic principle of step-by-step drawing.

See how you can easily show your child how to draw a chicken:

Know that children quickly get bored with simple drawing. Don’t be lazy to suggest and show your child new techniques, offer new images to reinforce the skill of step-by-step drawing. An interested child will be able to draw better and better.

Pick up a pencil

Teach your child how to use a pencil correctly

To properly organize your child’s learning to draw with a pencil, follow these recommendations:

  1. Teach your child first to hold a pencil in his hand in the correct position, and then directly to learning to draw.
  2. Help first: guide the baby's hand with your hand.
  3. Start learning with straight and wavy lines, simple shapes, gradually “revitalizing” what you have drawn.
  4. As soon as your child masters drawing simple large shapes, gradually complicate the tasks by inviting him to draw small details: a man near the house or fruits on a tree.

"Advice. While drawing, teach your child to recognize colors, select and combine them correctly.”

Remember that to consolidate the skill you need to regularly repeat exercises with a pencil.

Painting with paints

When starting to introduce your child to paints, choose watercolor and gouache.

Tips for parents on teaching their child to work with paints:

  1. When starting to introduce your child to paints, choose watercolor and gouache. These paints are safe for children and are easy to wash.
  2. Provide your baby with brushes of different sizes, which should be made of soft bristles. Brushes made from pony and squirrel hair are good - they are soft and inexpensive.
  3. Stock up on thick drawing paper. The A-3 sheet format is ideal for the creativity of preschoolers.
  4. Buy your baby a special sippy cup for washing brushes. Such a glass will not stain your beautiful carpet if your baby accidentally pushes it off the table.
  5. It's good to have a palette for mixing colors. At first, a regular plastic plate will do.
  6. Start the first lesson by talking about paints and brushes. It is better if it is a fairy tale or even a small theatrical performance.
  7. Tell about flowers, supporting the story with visual materials (colorful pictures). Tell us clearly what color is used to paint.
  8. Teach your child to hold a brush and use it: hold it in your hand, pick up paint, apply it to paper, rinse the brush, blot it. First, let the baby move a dry brush over the paper, practice the degree of pressure and the accuracy of the movements.
  9. Start painting using one color at first. Let the child draw lines - straight and wavy, strokes, simple shapes with closed contours that can be colored. Show how to do dipping.
  10. Learn in stages. When the baby masters drawing with one color, add another, then another.

Gradually, the child will learn to draw much more accurately.

When the child draws in two colors, you will see that the drawings are not clear and accurate. It’s okay, because the little artist has not yet fully consolidated the skill of depicting clear and neat lines. Multitasking is not yet possible for a child: he must learn to work with two colors, not to smear, not to go beyond the outline, to wash the brush on time, not to pour water. Gradually, the child will learn to do everything much more carefully.

“If an experienced teacher guides learning to draw, he will contribute to the child’s development of observation, creative imagination, and accuracy.”

The drawings of three-year-olds are chaotic, since they are not yet capable of drawing objects. Do not require careful drawing and maximum similarity to real objects: all this will be gradually formed if the baby exercises regularly. To maintain a child’s interest in drawing, you need to support him in every possible way and create positive situations related to drawing. Do not scold your child if he stains his clothes or carpet with paint. Clean up the clutter together.

It’s good when the baby attends a kindergarten or a child development center, where he will be taught to draw simple objects, closed lines, and color an outline.

“It is important that the child does not get upset if the intended drawing does not work out. Mark what turned out well in the drawing, praise the child, and comfort him if necessary. Offer to draw on this topic again.”

Now you know simple ways to teach children to draw. Get your child interested in drawing and create conditions for his creative development. This way you will reinforce your child’s interest in drawing with positive emotions, and soon he will delight you with his masterpieces.

It is better to start drawing from childhood - this is one of the most fertile periods for mastering the basics of fine art.

Step-by-step drawing for children is a way that will help you develop your child’s creative abilities, regardless of his natural abilities.

You will spend many exciting hours learning the basics of drawing step by step and then be able to turn all your creative fantasies into reality.

Step-by-step drawing is a drawing method that allows you to create a drawing sequentially, in stages, from simple to complex.

Sometimes the whole thing stands still simply because a person does not know where to start. Often a child asks mom or dad “Draw a turtle,” and the parent would gladly fulfill the child’s wish, but doesn’t know how.

And if he had a diagram of a step-by-step drawing of the same turtle in front of him, he could easily cope with this task.

For children, step-by-step drawing is a good help: firstly, they learn to draw without mistakes, following a certain order of actions, and secondly, in the process of repeated training, they develop an algorithm that will subsequently allow them to accurately depict many things without a diagram.

Finally, it’s just very interesting and exciting to watch how a whole image emerges from small figures and strokes, and failures rarely happen.

How to teach a child to draw step by step?

Of course, first it would be nice for the parents themselves to master this simple method. And if a child watches how his mother or father tries to do something creative, the desire to follow the elders will definitely arise.

At first, during step-by-step drawing lessons with a child, convenient and understandable diagrams are needed.

The essence of the method is that drawing something takes place in several stages.

That is, when drawing a cat, we will not start with the tail or face, but will follow a certain pattern that will allow us to avoid mistakes and inaccuracies in proportions.

The easiest way to start mastering step-by-step drawing is with pencil sketches. Paints and pastels will come in handy later.

Lessons on drawing a house step by step

To organize the process you will need:

  • a sketchbook of good quality (fairly thick, non-creasing paper);
  • pencils of different softness;
  • eraser;
  • diagrams in which everything is clearly visible.

If pencil drawing has already been mastered, or you want to immediately move on to pastels or paints, all this should also be available.

Provide the aspiring artist with an excellent workspace: a comfortable table and chair, good lighting, and the absence of all distractions. The child should be comfortable.

If you have a board or easel nearby, great, you can attach the diagrams there. You can also use a book stand or wall.

Before you start drawing, be sure to tell your child about the following rules:

  • there is no need to rush, everything works out only for those who try;
  • you need to act strictly according to the scheme, especially if you are just starting to learn to draw;
  • remember what you are doing, and next time you may not need the diagram;
  • start with the simplest ones, gradually moving on to more complex drawings.

Next, we show the child interesting diagrams. Offer several schemes to choose from, let the young artist choose what he likes. Remember that it is best to start with simpler diagrams: first we master the step-by-step drawing of animals and patterns, and later we move on to drawing a person.

Examples of step-by-step drawing

How to draw a hare

Let's start with a stylized, cartoonish bunny, which can be easily created by a preschooler.

  1. We draw a large horizontal oval, and under it a small vertical one, but without a top.
  2. Draw the paws to the small oval.
  3. A small oval and two circles in a large oval - draw the muzzle.
  4. We draw the nose and pupils - exactly according to the diagram.
  5. We draw identical ears.
  6. We draw small details - mouth, eyebrows, mustache, fingers. The bunny should have a flower in its paw.
  7. And now all that remains is to draw a skateboard under the bunny’s paws - our bunny is very sporty and mischievous.

Cat drawing

Now let's draw a cute cat.

  1. First we draw a circle - this will be the head.
  2. Two triangles on top - they turned out to be ears.
  3. Inside each triangle there is another small one.
  4. Two dots and a triangle nose - a muzzle begins to emerge.
  5. From under the nose there are two arms going in different directions – the cat’s mouth. Let's not forget about the luxurious mustache.
  6. Draw the body - start with an arc.
  7. We draw a collar for our cat.
  8. On the other side we draw the foot.
  9. It remains to draw one more paw.
  10. Now you can take pencils or paints and make our cat colorful. Ready!

Drawing a dog

Now let's draw a charming puppy.

  1. We start with an oval and a semi-oval, they should not be connected!
  2. Now we draw the eyes and tail.
  3. Ears, nose, spot around the eye - we continue to draw the muzzle.
  4. We draw a tongue and connect the head with the body and the ears with the head using thin rectangles.
  5. Draw the paws.
  6. All that remains is to decorate the puppy. That's all!

Drawing a rose

  1. Draw a simple oval on a thin stem.
  2. Draw leaves on the sides of the stem.
  3. Inside the oval we draw two main petals.
  4. Inside the petals is the base of the bud, like a rolled up roll.
  5. Draw the side, small petals.
  6. Add colors and the charming rose is ready!

Drawing cornflower

  1. Draw a circle on a thin stem.
  2. Draw the core and small stems on the large stem.
  3. We draw buds on the stems. Separate the petals.
  4. We finish drawing the buds, highlighting the teeth of the petals.
  5. Erase the line of the circle with an eraser.
  6. We paint the cornflower in color.

Drawing a man

This simple diagram will help your child master proportions in drawing a person.

  1. We draw the head (oval), neck and triangle - the future base of the body.
  2. At the bottom of the large triangle is a small triangle, legs (knees are drawn).
  3. We draw the hands based on the marks indicating length.

Tank drawing

Any boy will want to learn how to draw a tank, and it’s not at all difficult.

  1. We draw the base, observing the proportions as much as possible.
  2. We draw the caterpillar wheels and the barrel.
  3. Let's focus on the small elements.
  4. Using pencils we draw a tank in color.

How to draw a pattern

Perhaps, after mastering the drawing of these elements, the child will be interested in painting on wood - a very interesting, traditional creativity.

Drawing the “Grass Ornament” pattern

  1. A few curls will be the basis of the ornament. They should be smooth and graceful.
  2. Draw red petals in the two large corners.
  3. All that remains is to draw the smaller black petals.

Pattern "Leaves"

Many examples of Khokhloma painting contain these elements.

  1. A thin stalk is a small, curved line.
  2. We draw an elongated oval on the stem in green.
  3. To “pair” it with two more leaves, in which we draw the veins in yellow.

So, step-by-step drawing is a method based on order and schematics. In order to consolidate a certain algorithm in the creative mind of a child, it makes sense to resort to this method. You should start with simple stylized drawings, images of cartoon characters, etc. It is simple and interesting, and the result will be successful.

When a child masters the basics of step-by-step drawing, he may want to continue his creative activities in a fine arts studio or art school. Or maybe he will continue to improve his ability to draw using patterns that will become more complex.

Growing up, your baby learns to explore the world in new ways and learns a lot of interesting things. There are also improved opportunities for communicating your thoughts and observations. By learning how to teach a child to draw, you will help him with this.

Drawing techniques and methods

Children develop their first interest in fine arts quite early. At 2-3 years old, children begin to actively use improvised means to create pictures. During this period, it is important for parents to develop the child’s interest in drawing. This provides a number of advantages:

· the baby develops fine motor skills;

· learns to express one’s thoughts, observations, experiences;

· throws out accumulated grievances, negativity, fears;

· learns new colors, paints, textures;

· develops imagination and intelligence.

You can choose a specific teaching method at an art school, using the advice of teachers, or online, where the achievements of foreign and domestic experts are presented. It is important to take into account the capabilities, interests and desires of your son or daughter, and not fashion trends and trends.

How to teach a child to draw with pencil and paints?

Before starting classes, you need to prepare a place and supplies for work.

When choosing pencils, choose ones that are not very small so that your child can hold them comfortably in his hand. For kids, it is preferable to purchase thick triangular pencils (the thumb, index and middle fingers are naturally located on three sides); older children can already be offered thin hexagons.

As for color, it is better to take a set of 12 primary colors - this will be enough for both simple tasks and real masterpieces.

Many stores offer pencils with double-sided sharpening. It is better to refuse this option - it is difficult for small children to navigate colors, and for children it is not at all safe.

When buying pencils in opaque boxes, do not forget to buy a pencil case, otherwise they are easy to lose and break. You should not skimp on educational supplies; they must be of high quality and reliable.

If you have chosen paints for creativity, then also monitor their quality, shelf life and the presence of harmful substances in the composition. Preschoolers are most often recommended to use gouache, which has a dense texture and is inexpensive and safe to use. In addition, it can be easily washed off from any surfaces or the young artist’s hands.

Popular and fashionable among modern parents, finger paints are perfect for the youngest artists, as they develop motor skills and imagination.

When choosing finger paints, pay attention to their composition: apart from food coloring, water and salt, there should be no impurities.

Out of curiosity, a child may decide to taste the paints, so you must be sure that they are absolutely safe for the baby.

Don’t try to buy a large number of flowers - for the first time, a pack of 4 colors will be enough. And so that your child does not paint all the wallpaper and furniture, organize a space for creativity and buy whatman paper.

Before starting work, you should tell your child about the secrets of this type of art, offer to try each type of instrument and choose for yourself what you like.

How to teach a child to draw a circle?

Drawing circles, triangles, squares and other geometric shapes is an important skill for a young child. With the help of these figures in the future you can create interesting compositions, favorite characters and animals.

And the instructions for creating a drawing of a turtle from a magazine will show how you can combine geometric shapes and lines to create a funny animal.

At the beginning, it is better to teach how to draw a circle and its friends step by step, cell by cell, so that the child remembers their location and shape, and then you can move on to a more complex level - unlined white sheets.

How to teach a child to draw a person?

In most cases, the child, having received a piece of paper and a pen, tries to portray those whom he sees every day - mom, dad, brother, doll or princess from his favorite cartoon. Drawing a person seems difficult even for an adult, let alone a child.

If we approach the process schematically and step by step, we will see that there is nothing complicated about it.

We divide the sheet into three parts: the head (small oval), body (rectangle) and legs. Schematically, we have a little man. We add hands and ears to him, work on the details of the portrait and get a pretty good image. While working on the face of a drawn doll, we tell the child about the proportions and location of each detail, thus studying the structure of our body.

How to teach a child to draw a house?

The ability to depict a house is very important for a little person. Psychologists say that such a structure symbolizes protection, safety and family comfort in the understanding of the baby.

First, tell us what shapes the house consists of, what sizes each part is and where they are located. Then proceed to a step-by-step drawing, cell by cell, to demonstrate all the nuances of the drawing. For convenience, advise your daughter or son to use pencils or felt-tip pens, because it is difficult to draw all the small details, as well as the room and furniture in it, with paints.

How to teach a child to draw a tree?

Trees, flowers, mushrooms and landscapes are the children’s favorite theme. Therefore, in class it is worthwhile to dwell on these subjects in more detail.

Step-by-step instructions from the magazine will help you draw a beautiful tree. Starting with drawing simple details and gradually increasing the complexity of the composition, your child will be able to develop their skills and create a beautiful drawing.

First, step by step, disassemble the tree into its component parts: crown, branches, trunk. Think about what geometric figure each object resembles (rose, mushroom, chamomile or bushes) and transfer your observations to a piece of paper. The trunk of a tree, for example, is a long rectangle, the branches are lines in different directions, and there will be foliage in the shape of a cloud around them. As you can see, this type of art is quite interesting if you give free rein to your imagination and imagination.

How to teach your child to draw a car?

The passion for vehicles is interesting for both girls and boys, so it’s worth learning how to draw cars, airplanes and steamships.

First, as usual, we will understand the proportions: circles, triangles and squares. The picture should have two circles (these are wheels) and rectangles of different sizes (the smaller one is the cabin, the larger one is the trunk and hood of our vehicle) as the basis of the car. If we need a truck, then we draw the cabin in the form of a square.

How to teach a child to draw a Christmas tree?

A beautiful and fluffy Christmas tree is a favorite of children, so very often they want to transfer it to a sheet of paper. To learn how to draw a forest beauty, you need to remember a few simple rules:

· the trunk of the Christmas tree is a long brown rectangle;

· schematic representation of branches - triangles that decrease in size towards the top;

· toys, decorations and pine cones are added in such quantity and form as our imagination allows.

A beautiful snowflake, bunny or Santa Claus can complement the winter landscape.

How to teach a child to draw animals?

Everyone knows that children love animals. No one will be surprised if your child asks you to draw a bunny, fox, bear, dog, cat, fish, horse, bird, elephant or cow.

Don’t let such a request scare you, because transferring these animals onto a sheet of paper is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the basic principles of depicting animals. Each drawing is based on an understanding of the proportions of the body and the main figures that demonstrate them.

For example, you can draw a kitten using several ovals of different sizes located next to each other: the head is a medium-sized figure, next to which there is a larger oval - the body. Four small ovals are the paws, and a long and thin oval is the tail. The child can depict the ears, nose, mustache and eyes at his own discretion, allowing his imagination to run wild. This also applies to the color of the animal - do not set any frames or restrictions, allow the child to express himself on paper by drawing domestic and wild animals (tiger, frog, elephant, butterfly or dinosaurs).

Techniques for teaching a child to draw. Pictures that help you learn to draw objects, animals and people.

  • Every mother wants to raise her child to be at least a talented and successful person. On the way to this dream, women strive to comprehensively develop their children, invest in them maximum knowledge and teach them as many skills and abilities as possible.
  • One of these skills is the ability to draw. Many kids get quite upset due to their lack of artistic talent.
  • In this article we will try to figure out how to teach a baby to draw certain things and animate objects.

How to gradually teach a child to draw at 3-4 years old?

Step-by-step learning to draw a child with a pencil or pen:

  1. At the age of 3-4 years, the baby still cannot press hard enough on a pencil, so we select soft pencils for him. Such pencils are capable of leaving marks behind them even after very light pressure.
  2. We demonstrate to the child how to hold a pencil in his hand correctly. If the child is unable to pick up a pencil on his own, we help him with this. Subsequently, we constantly ensure that the baby holds a pen or pencil in his hand correctly.
  3. The first stage of training will be to instill the skill of drawing an even and clear line. At this age, kids are still quite uncertain when holding a pencil in their hand. Therefore, their lines turn out uneven and intermittent. We teach the baby to draw a line confidently and evenly
  4. It is advisable to purchase a special notebook for your child to trace pictures. In such notebooks, all drawings are depicted using numerous dots. The baby just needs to connect all the dots with one line. The result is a beautiful drawing.
  5. At first, we help the child trace the pictures, guiding his brush with our hand. Later, we let the baby independently connect all the dots on the piece of paper.
  6. At the next stage, we teach the child to draw the simplest geometric shapes - circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, trapezoid.
  7. When the baby learns to draw simple figures, we teach him to create drawings from them. For example, using a square and a triangle we draw a house, using a circle and straight lines - the sun, using a rectangle and circles - a bus, etc.
  8. You can purchase or print children's drawing books from the Internet. In such manuals, various animals and objects familiar to children, created from simple figures, are gradually depicted. Subsequently, the child himself will learn to break all objects into shapes and create whole pictures using this technique.

  • If by the age of five the child has already completed the pencil training described above, you can begin the next stages of developing drawing skills
  • Now you can expand your little one’s creativity with the help of colored pencils, markers and paints. It is necessary to explain to the child that after sketching a drawing with a pencil, he can color it
  • On a large sheet of paper, the baby can now create entire compositions and interconnected plots
  • An ordinary walk on the street can be an excellent help for the development of a child’s imagination. You simply need to ask the baby to capture in his memory pictures that are interesting to him for later displaying them on a sheet of paper. The baby will then very carefully and intently examine the objects around him in order to remember them. Parents can give their child some tips. To do this, you can ask him leading questions like: “What color is this or that object? What are its dimensions? What is the ratio of the sizes of several objects that the baby likes? What do objects feel like to the touch, according to the baby?”
  • All this will help the child to imprint interesting moments in his memory as best as possible, and then express them on paper.

  • Upon arriving home from a walk, it is advisable to immediately give the baby all the items necessary for drawing and provide him with a place convenient for creativity.
  • If your child suddenly has any questions, you need to help him find answers to them.
  • Parents can also ask their child questions about what he intends to portray. You can ask what sensations the child experiences, trying to draw what he saw earlier
  • In such classes, you can give your child the right to express his emotions and show them through drawing. For example, you can ask your little one to draw his favorite animal in different moods. That is, the child’s task is to show how the dog laughs, how angry it is, how afraid it is of something. Such lessons will develop the child’s imagination and at the same time express the state of his psyche

How to teach how to draw a tree?

How to learn to draw a tree?
  • Any tree always consists of a trunk, branches and greenery
  • You need to start drawing a tree from the trunk. It is worth noting that the tree trunk expands from top to bottom. In other words, the base of the tree is thicker at the bottom and tapers towards the top.
  • The same applies to tree branches - at the base they are thicker, and towards their end they become narrower
  • The thickness of the trunk depends on the type of tree. If you want to draw a birch, then the trunk should be thin with bends; if you want to draw an oak, then the trunk should be thick and massive

  • After the trunk is drawn, it is necessary to cover it with branches. As a rule, the branches of a tree do not start from the root, but from a quarter of its height. The lower branches are usually depicted wider than the upper ones
  • The direction of the branches is always upward - they seem to stretch towards the sun
  • On large branches you can draw smaller branches
  • The crown can be drawn as a solid mass using paints, or it can be drawn with a pencil in the form of individual leaves
  • When all the elements of the tree are drawn, all that remains is to paint it over. To depict a tree, you will need at least two colors: trunk and branches - brown or black, crown - green

How to draw animals?

As mentioned above, to make drawing animals easier, their body must be visually divided into simple geometric shapes. Having drawn each of the figures one by one, you need to connect them with smooth lines. This is how animals are made.

Machine drawing

How to teach a child to draw a person?

It would seem that drawing a person is very difficult. However, if you adhere to a certain scheme, even a preschool child can cope with this task. So, step by step drawing of a person:

  1. Draw an oval. The oval will later become a human head
  2. Under the oval we draw a rectangle that will act as the upper part of the human body (to the waist)
  3. We connect the oval and rectangle with two smooth lines. Thus we draw the neck
  4. Draw a second rectangle adjacent to the rectangle. Its width should be equal to the width of the first rectangle, but in length it will be slightly more oblong
  5. We divide the second rectangle in half with a line running exactly in the center from top to bottom. This line will help us create some semblance of legs
  6. Along the first rectangle we draw one more thin rectangle. This is how we draw the hands
  7. Smooth the upper part of the rectangles with a smooth line - these will be the shoulders
  8. Now we draw the neck of the sweater, the triangle on the pants, shoes and hands. All extra lines need to be erased with an eraser.
  9. Video: How to teach a child to draw?

Pugachevskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna
How to teach a child to draw.

Consultation for parents.

How teach a child to draw.

Educator: T. M. Pugachevskaya

MBDOU No. 139 kindergarten "Antoshka" Bryansk.

Your child I’m already familiar with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, I already see and understand how to leave marks on paper, lines, scribbles. What's next? How to achieve child consciously depicted familiar objects, even the simplest and most elementary phenomena?

How teach a child to draw


IMPORTANT- teach the child to see and understand that in nature there is very little white color, practically none. Therefore, from the first lessons I teach the children how to apply a background, or give them already tinted paper. Well, it doesn’t happen that a chicken walks in white snow! Can a fish swim in a milky white river? Therefore, we draw grass, sea, sky. yeah whatever. I show the children how a brush “walks” across the paper (from one edge to the other, runs back, makes a smooth long path, and runs back again - something like this is what I say. Show everyone, take your hand baby together with your brush and paint)

Be sure to play with everything (“pour jam into a jar” - cut out a sheet in the shape of a jar, decorate a rug for the dog, pussy, etc. Then, when the work is dry, be sure to show this rug to the pussy, let her sit on it, if there is no toy cat, dogs, then stick a paper figure onto the finished background

Try a variety of game techniques, here's a HOMEMADE EXERCISE:

Together with look for it as a child who hid or what was hidden (to do this, first draw on a sheet of paper with a candle a simple image of any object, phenomenon or animal - the sun, a cloud and rain, a butterfly, fish, etc. and paint over the sheet of paper with watercolors). - display

You need to start with one color.

To make your work beautiful, bright, and neat, it is better to use not just albums for drawing, and watercolor paper. It is dense and the paint adheres to it perfectly due to the rough surface.

Child and drawing.

All children love paint. Sometimes they start doing this before they speak. And it is very important to support baby at the very beginning of his creative path and pronounce the first formula education: "YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING!"

Many parents mistakenly believe that child really starting paint only from the moment when he can convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the object - draw similar. In fact, this happens much earlier - during the Karakul period. Karakulnoye drawing has three phases:

1. Chaotic scribbles (random, unorganized)

Period from 1 year to 1.5 years.

2. Stages of circular scribbles. Graphic movements have a repetitive nature.

3. Stage of developed scribbles. The period is about 2 years. Child begins to react to the edge of the sheet - the line goes around the edge of the sheet or ends at the edge. At this time the children enjoy paint with different colors. And also, the graphic language is being formed very actively. There are 16 types of graphic movements in total and the larger the type of scribble, the higher the intelligence baby.

Draw with children from a very early age using the following reasons: - let it develop;

Let him work;

Let him rejoice;

Let him create!

Often from as early as three years old the baby can be heard: "I can't paint» . Involuntarily arise questions: "How did you know that? Who told you this? And have you tried? Let's try it together. A sheet for you, a sheet for me, a pencil for you and a pencil for me. Let's draw the Sun, big, on the entire sheet, round, kind, warm. It smiles like a mother. Look, it stretches out its hands to us - rays. Isn't this a miracle? Just now the sheet was white, clean, and suddenly... The Sun was born, real, alive, it was not born on its own - we helped it. Our Sunshine."

The role of parents and teachers is not only to give to kid certain skills and abilities. The main thing is to help child to see the world, experience beauty with him, instill in him confidence in his abilities and ignite the flame of the joy of creativity. Remember, a lot depends on you, on whoever is next to you. child at the entrance to the complex and diverse world of beauty. Hurry to make your children happy, because a happy childhood is a smart childhood.

Rules pencil drawing

1. The pencil should be held with three fingers (between the thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with the index finger, without squeezing tightly, not close to the sharpened end.

2. When you draw a line from top to bottom, your hand with a pencil goes to the side of the line, and when you draw a line from left to right, your hand goes to the bottom of the line.

You need to move your hand this way in order to see how you draw, then you will get a straight line.

3. Line needed draw right away, without stopping, without lifting the pencil from the paper, otherwise it may turn out uneven. There is no need to draw the same line several times.

4. Triangular and square shaped items are needed paint with stops at corners so you can think about how draw further.

5. Round-shaped objects must draw in one motion, endless.

6. You need to paint over the drawing with a pencil by continuously moving your hand back and forth.

7. When painting a drawing, the strokes must be applied in one direction: top to bottom, left to right, or oblique.

8. When painting a drawing, you must not go beyond the outline. drawn object.

9. You need to paint over the drawing without gaps.

10. When painting a picture, you need to press evenly pencil: Press harder if you want to paint brighter, and lightly if you want to paint lighter.

Rules brush painting

1. The brush should be held with three fingers (between the thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with the index finger, behind the iron tip, squeezing lightly with your fingers.

2. When drawing For different lines, the brush must be drawn along the pile, so the hand with the brush moves in front of the line.

3. When drawing wide lines should be based on the entire bristle of the brush, holding the stick at an angle to the paper.

4. To draw a thin line, the brush should be held with the stick up and the end of the brush touching the paper.

5. When painting drawings with a brush, the lines must be placed side by side, drawn in one direction and only in one direction, each time starting from the top or left.

6. Each line at drawing and when painting, it only needs to be done once.

7. You need to draw lines immediately, without stopping.

Consultation for parents.

Games with drawing.

In the process of visual arts, a child not only learns to draw lines, roll balls and cut paper - he develops as a person. Creativity at an early age promotes mental development baby. After all, in order to depict any object, the baby must first highlight the main thing in this object: round wheels on the car, mom’s face, and so on. Drawing helps a child express his attitude to the world, he learns to convey his emotions with the help of color, lines and shapes. By achieving results, albeit small, but still, the baby becomes more confident in his abilities. And a positive assessment of these results by adults gives the child a sense of significance and value.

You can develop your creativity baby, if from a very early age you introduce him to a variety of materials and teach them how to handle them. Show your baby how to do it draw and sculpt. Use paper of different colors and types for drawings and applications.

Help to kid choose subjects for creative work. Together, remember a familiar fairy tale, sing your favorite song, or refer to the baby’s personal experience, to what interested him ( "Masha collects mushrooms", "Elephant at the Zoo", "Dad is driving a car", "An excavator digs sand"). Drawing It’s also great because it’s easy to move from it to other types of learning activities, and vice versa: the drawing can be inscribed and read, the parts of the drawing can be counted, and if the plot of the work is fairy-tale, you can act out the fairy tale. Visual activities make the activity interesting and exciting for the baby. Before each lesson, the child must be interested in what he will be paint. For this Can:

Observe natural phenomena in advance (rain, snow, rainbow);

Dance and clap ( "like bunnies");

Sing a song (about the rain, about the geese, about the car);

Play a role-playing game ( "Locomotive", "Cat and Mice").

Examples of activities:

“Drawing the rain”

WHAT WE'RE LEARNING: ability to use paints and brushes; paint the technique of dipping; depict familiar natural phenomena.

WILL BE NEEDED: sheets of white paper, saucer with water, brush, watercolor paints.

HOW TO PLAY. Place a sheet of white paper in front of the baby and place a saucer of water. Offer him draw rain with water. Using your hand, show how to dip the brush into water and draw rain. Apply the brush to the leaf using leisurely, soft movements. Having filled the sheet with such rain, rejoice result: “What a rain! Lots of drops!”.Give to kid another sheet and place the paints in front of it. Help him put the right amount of paint on the brush and fill the sheet with strokes. Let there not be very many of them. There is no need to place the drops in a row - it will not look like real rain. Drawing rain can be combined with singing. Then the brush can be applied to the paper in time with the singing.

Rain, rain,

Drip and drip

Don't drip

It's been like this for a long time.

It's raining, it's raining,

It’s not given into your hands,


OPTIONS. Play with the finished drawing. Look at it with your baby and sing the song. While singing, you can tap the leaf with your fingers, imitating the sound of rain. You can knock with only two fingers, or you can knock with all of them at once.

“Drawing berries in the grass”

WHAT WE'RE LEARNING: skills painting with paints; different techniques drawing.

WILL BE NEEDED: sheets of white paper, a saucer with water, a brush, watercolor paints, 2-3 felt-tip pens.

HOW TO PLAY. Before draw berries for real, draw them first in the air and then on a sheet without using paint. Place the brush in the baby’s hands and, guiding his movements, draw a circle in the air, speaking: “This is such a round berry!” Let him try to repeat this movement on the sheet, after dipping the brush in water.

Help the baby draw on a blade of grass, a few straight or curved lines are enough. Then ask child draw berries on their own. If he fails, guide his hand by commenting on each movement: “This is how we draw a line, connect here!” You can paint over the berry, or you can leave only the outline.

Enough draw 3-4 berries. After the drawing has dried, offer to kid outline the berries with a contrasting colored felt-tip pen. At the same time with drawing It’s good to sing a song about berries. For example:

Let's go to the garden through the raspberries,

Let's go to the garden, let's go to the garden.

We'll pick raspberries

Let's dial, let's dial...

Secure the circular drawing movement is possible, drawing berries not in the grass, and on a plate. Demonstrate to kid How this is done is by drawing a large circle on a sheet of paper with a brush dipped in water. Have your child draw a plate directly on top of this line. Paint 3-4 berries inside the plate with paints. Place them far apart from each other, otherwise the paint will mix. You can go with berries draw tails and rounded leaves. Place a green marker in your hand child and show how they are drawn.

Material for a sliding folder.

Commandments for parents drawing with children.

1. Remember: child takes his first steps in art. This is a very important moment. Therefore, you should always be nearby - after all, many surprises can arise when a senior’s advice is important. Otherwise, in case of failure, child will lose all interest in visual arts for a long time. Moreover, together "to create" more fun.

2. Organize art exhibitions more often baby. But never criticize the drawings. Affirm everyone's right to individuality.

3. Child should feel joy from every lesson drawing. Therefore, the tasks that you set for him must be accessible to him, and they can only be made more difficult gradually.

4. Remember that failures can lead to development baby feelings of self-doubt, and this is undesirable. Praise more often child for his diligence, do not ignore any of his work. Do not forget, child Looking forward to your approval! He wants everyone to like his work. Enjoy it

successes and under no circumstances ridicule the young artist in case of failure. It doesn't matter that it didn't work out. It'll work out next time.

5. Provide an opportunity child to work"yourself". If you suggest every time that paint what paints to take, child in the future he will not be able to act independently. He will wait for a hint every time.

6. What if child quits work halfway, explaining that he doesn’t want to anymore? Maybe he doesn’t understand, it’s difficult or he’s tired? Think about it. Most likely, he just can’t do it, help him finish the drawing he started. Start your next lesson with what didn’t work last time. Today it will definitely work. It's bad if child will get used to not finishing the work he starts. This may later become a character trait. A joint drawing will and should bring joy to both you and to kid. Therefore - patience!

7. Collect drawings baby. Home drawing collection baby may play an archaeological role. If there are a lot of drawings at home and you need to make room, then deciding which drawings can be thrown away must be made together with child. Be friends with your children, because childhood passes so quickly! Go ahead and create! Let creativity bring joy to you and your children!