The most common name in the world. The most common female name is Seonan

Choosing a name for a newborn baby sometimes becomes a difficult challenge for parents.

If many women can choose in advance several of the most pleasant to hear or meaningful names, then already during pregnancy they often have to “replay” right on the go: either the name of the future baby does not fit well with the middle and last name, or the sex of the child on an ultrasound turned out to be completely wrong what the parents expected - in a word, the choice can be influenced by a variety of factors.

Not the least of them is fashion. In different eras, different names are heard. For example, in the late 80s, children vying with each other were called “ordinary” names - Olya, Katya or Natasha for a girl; Seryozha, Zhenya, Andryusha - for a boy. By the beginning of the 2000s, future parents went to great lengths, and kindergartens were filled with Sophia, Zabava, Bogdan and Borislav. In Perm there are even siblings Lucifer and Voldemar.

Most popular name for boys

The name Maxim has not gone out of fashion for many years. With the development of the Internet and the integration of Russia into the world community, parents who choose this name for their sons have another argument: the name Maxim is easily adaptable to most European languages. The same with the names Alexander, Denis or Ivan (the editors of znayvsyo.rf clarifies: Ivan in English will be John, but Evgeny will be Eugene, don’t confuse them!).

The situation is a little more complicated with the equally popular, but poorly translated names Yaroslav, Arseny, Kirill, Artem or Dmitry (Demetria is a name with the same root, but female. For example, actress Demi Moore bears this very name). Let us note that in recent years, significantly more Dmitrievs have been born in Russia than before; perhaps this is due to the figure of politician Dmitry Medvedev. Of course, young parents do not ignore the name Vladimir - often in honor of Vladimir Putin.

The most beautiful and rare names for boys

But Russian parents do not try to give unusual names to their children - statistically, boys in Russia are called “strange” names relatively rarely. If earlier registry offices registered such citizens as Angel, Ogneslav, Summerset, and even Ocean, now there are only a few original names.

At the same time, the fashion for “old” names returned. So, quite often babies are called Bogdans, Matveys, Zakhars, Timofeys, Glebs, Anatolies. There are also rarer names - for example, Foma, Miron or Luka (in fairness, it is worth noting that Miron Fedorov, known as the rapper Oksimiron, received this name when it had not yet become fashionable).

But this is in the regions of Russia, but in the national republics the sons are called Timurs, Tagirs, Arthurs and Amirs. The situation in the republics of the North Caucasus is somewhat different. For example, in Vladikavkaz the most common name is Alan, in Makhachkala and Grozny it is Magomed, and in Kazan and Ufa it is Ruslan.

Most popular name for girls

The fashion for names for girls has changed somewhat. If three decades ago it was rare to meet a girl named Lisa or Sonya, now these are perhaps the most popular names, and the fashion has lasted for about a decade. However, other sonorous and beautiful names are not inferior to their positions.

Girls are still often called by the name Anastasia. This name comes from the Greek “anastos”, which means resurrected. In esoteric circles, it is believed that a girl with this name will be able to overcome all hardships and achieve any heights in life. At the same time, she will have a subtle mental organization. Anastasias are usually gullible. They can become excellent psychologists, artists, or kindergarten teachers.

“Strong” names for girls are Irina and Marina. Not so popular in recent years, they are still in some demand among parents who believe in the role of a name for the child’s destiny. These names are given to girls so that they grow up confident and filled with inner strength. The list of popular names for girls also includes Anna, Alexandra, Maria, Polina, Elena, Daria and Natalya.

The most beautiful and rare names for girls

Newborn girls, like boys, are often given names with a touch of antiquity. Among the names that sound archaic to our ears are, for example, Lyubava, Jaromira, Glafira, Taisiya and others. In addition, Milena and Milana, Eva and Vitalia, Varvara and Kira are popular.

Fashion for names as a sign of the times

We at the editors of uznayvsyo.rf are materialists, and we are not sure that the name influences the character and destiny of a person. But we can say with confidence that life influences the choice of a particular name. An example is the first Soviet years in Russia, when names such as Oktyabrina, Revolution, Clara or Rosa (in honor of the revolutionaries Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg) were in fashion.

Today's trend is difficult to determine, but we can say with confidence that children's names have become a field for parents' self-expression. Many babies are called Kings, Charismas, Eros and even Lenins. And in 2008, seven hundred Messiahs were born in Russia.

At the same time, over the last decade, a trend has been emerging in the country - traditional names are returning to fashion. If a century ago the street was full of Aleksandrovs, Dmitrievs, Anastasii and Mariy, then the situation is similar now (though with a noticeable bias towards “Russianness”).

We suggest you draw your own conclusions, and at the same time read about what names Russian stars choose for their children.
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There are a huge number of names in the world. More than three thousand are mentioned in the Bible alone. Among them is the most common female name for many centuries and even millennia - Anna. In addition to him, the name of the Mother of God - Mary - has always been very popular among women. By the way, Anna was the name of the mother of the Blessed Virgin. Of course, these names are pronounced differently among different peoples. For example, in English Mary sounds like Mary, and Anna sounds like Anne, and in other languages ​​it sounds different, but nevertheless, throughout the history of mankind, these names have always been the most popular among many peoples. In eastern cultures, especially in China, girls were named after flowers, for example, Chrysanthemum or Peony.

The meaning of the name Anna

So what does the most common female name mean? It is found in and, naturally, has Hebrew roots. The name comes from the Hebrew word hanna, which means "grace" or "mercy of God." As noted above, this was the name of Mary’s mother, who, after many years of infertility, was finally able to give birth to her daughter. From a sound point of view, this name evokes only positive emotions and creates a feeling of something bright and kind. Women wearing it are distinguished by their patient and open character. The story is familiar to many royalty bearing this name. In Rus' it became popular after the adoption of Christianity. By the way, that was the name of the wife of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, the baptist of Rus'.

Celebrities with the most common female name - Anna

List of common female names in Russia

What other female names are popular in our country? Below is a list of them.

  1. Anastasia.
  2. Anna.
  3. Alexandra.
  4. Maria.
  5. Pauline.
  6. Elena.
  7. Daria.
  8. Olga.
  9. Marina.
  10. Natalia.
  11. Catherine.
  12. Victoria.
  13. Elizabeth.
  14. Nina.

The most common female names of 2013

The leader among female names given to girls born in 2013 was the name Sofia (Sofia). The second level of the ranking is occupied by the name, and the third is Anastasia (Nastya). As you can see, all these are the names of Russian queens or grand duchesses. Ekaterina is also popular. As for the name Anna, despite the fact that it is the most common female name in the world, it could not enter the top three. Nevertheless, it was quite common when registering newborns in 2013. Parents like to name their girls Victoria in the hope that they will be winners in life. However, the list also includes foreign euphonious names: Diana, Christina, Angela, Angelina, Marianna, Daniela, Eva, Evelina, Elina, etc. By the way, there is a tendency to name daughters Lada, Varvara, Pelageya, Agrippina, etc.

Photos from open sources

Determining which name is the most popular in the world is extremely difficult, since there are no official statistics on this matter. We have identified the 7 most common names, from Muhammad to Andrey.

1. Muhammad

According to one British agency, today the most common name in the UK is Muhammad. It was ahead of even such popular names among the British as Jack, Daniel and Thomas.

For example, in London in 2009, 1,800 babies were born and named Muhammad. By comparison, only 800 families chose the name Daniel for their offspring. In other regions of Britain, the situation in terms of the ratio of these names is similar - in Yorkshire it is 1255 to 854, and in the West Miles - 1399 to 768. Only in Wales did Jack and Oliver supplant Muhammad.

Interestingly, in some other European countries the name Muhammad is also popular. Experts include Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium among them. This is not surprising, given the recent intensified process of immigration to Europe of residents of Arab countries. Considering that in the countries of the Middle East the name Muhammad is the undisputed leader, it may well compete for the title of the most common name in the world. According to some reports, about 150 million people on the planet bear this name.

2. Ivan

The name Ivan has taken root so successfully in Russia that it has already begun to be considered natively Russian. Moreover, the most popular surname in Russia today, Ivanov, does not raise doubts about its nationality. However, the name Ivan is ancient Jewish. Yehoan – as it used to sound – is translated as “Yahweh be merciful.”

This name has gained popularity from century to century and now exists in various versions in almost all countries of the world: Jhon, Evan (Britain), Giovanni (Italy), Jan, Janusz (Czech Republic, Poland), Hans, Johann (Germany), Jean ( France) is not a complete list of names derived from the Hebrew Yehoan, including its female variants - Ivanna or Johanna.

If we consider each country separately, the name Ivan is not the most common - the only exception is Switzerland with its popular variant - Jan. But if you pay attention to the wide distribution of the name Ivan, then it will certainly be among the leaders.

3. Anna

The Hebrew name Anna translates as “favor, favor, favor.” According to researchers, the favor and favor towards those who bear the name Anna in the minds of the ancients came not only from God, but also from people. This ultimately predetermined the fate of the name and its popularity.

The name Anna exists in almost all languages. Its English form is written as Ann(e), German and Italian - Anna, Spanish - Ana, Polish - Hanna, Belarusian - Ganna. Moreover, the name Anna is in Japanese and Chinese, although its spelling is fundamentally different from European languages, but the pronunciation is basically similar. The masculine version of the name Anna exists in India.

However, no language can compare with Russian in the variety of options for diminutive pronunciation of the name Anna - Anya, Anechka, Annushka, Anyuta, Nyura, Nyusya, Asya - the list can be continued. According to a number of studies, about 100 million women bear the name Anna and it is the most common female name in the world.

4. Alexander

The roots of the name Alexander go back to Ancient Greece. In Hellas it meant “man, man, protector.” Over time, this name not only became extremely widespread, but also acquired a popular feminine form.

Today, in different languages ​​of the world, we can hear the derivative sounds of this name - Oles, Alex, Iskander, Alejandro, Sandor, Leso. In Russia, the name Alexander has long been among the top ten most popular names. At one time, Catherine II contributed to its popularity by laying the foundation for calling the scions of the imperial family it.

As of 2011, the name Alexander was also among the top ten names in Estonia, in Germany and Italy it was in the top three, and in Sweden and Ukraine Alexanders topped the list.

5. Peter

The name Peter came into Greek from Aramaic, which meant “stone, rock.” The fate of this name is reminiscent of the fate of the name Ivan - it is widespread and has very diverse pronunciation and spelling options.

In English it is Peter, in Spanish - Pedro, in Polish - Piotr, in Czech - Petr, in Romanian - Petru, in French - Pierre, in Italian - Pietro, in Belarusian - Piatro.

Over time, the name Peter acquired many diminutive forms, primarily in Russian - Petro, Petrusya, Petrukha, Petryai, and also became the basis for the names of fairground characters - Petrushka and Pierrot.

6. Maria

The name Maryam is translated from Semitic as “bitter”. According to legend, it appeared during the difficult times of the captivity of the Jews by the Egyptians. According to another version, this name comes from the root “rejected.”

The name Maria became one of the main Christian names, which is why it was extremely popular in Tsarist Russia. In the Orthodox tradition, it is usually translated as “mistress.”

According to statistics, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Russia every fifth girl born was called it. After the revolution, the name Maria was devalued: many vulgar diminutive variants of its pronunciation appeared - Manya, Masya, Mulya. And then this name completely lost its popularity.

In recent years, the popularity of the name Maria has been steadily growing in Russia. According to the registry office, it is firmly among the top three names.

7. Andrey

According to statistics from various foreign search engines, the name Andrey is consistently among the top ten names for search queries. This is not surprising given the prevalence of this name.

From Greek the name Andrei is translated as “courageous, brave.” Over time, each country developed its own forms of this name: Andrea - in Italy, Andreas - in Germany, Andrze - in Poland, Andrias - in Hungary, Andriy - in Ukraine, Andre - in France, Antti - in Finland.

The name Andrey is also popular among the peoples of Russia: for example, in Chuvash it sounds like Untri, in Udmurd - Ondi, and in the Khanty language - Vantar.

There are a huge variety of different names, but people use a very small part of them, choosing the most popular ones. So what is the most common name in the world? Among women, Anna is clearly the leader. It has been popular in many countries for a long time. And even if it was not always fashionable, it was certainly among the top ten.

But among men there is no such favorite. In recent years, news has spread across the Internet that the most common name among boys is Muhammad. It's interesting that the Jacks, Thomases, and Daniels were left behind. In many countries, not only Muslim, but also in Europe, it ranks first in popularity, for example, in England, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway. But not in Russia and the countries of the former Union closest to it.

For several decades now, the most common male name in Russia has been Alexander. He is followed by Maxim, Dmitry, Daniil, Artem. Last year, 2013, Russians most often named their children Artyom and Sophia. By the way, Sophia has been leading in popularity in America for the last 2 years.

Fashion dictates its own rules. She forces women to wear either long or short skirts, and can force them to name their daughter Electrification. After 1917, trying to match the era, people came up with many new names. Some are still alive: Kim, Vladlen, Oktyabrina. Others disappeared because of their cacophony. In the 1970s, a study showed that the most common name in the Union was Nikolai, followed by Alexander and Ivan. Based on patronymics, it was established that in the previous generation Ivan was in the lead, followed by Vasily and Nikolai. The most at that time were Maria and Anna.

What to name the baby?

Throughout his life, a person hears his name more often than other words. It can determine fate and become a talisman, it has its own energy and meaning. That is why his choice should be taken responsibly. There are many issues to consider. There is no need to rush to give your baby the most common name, following fashion. But even rare, exotic things can complicate his life. If parents are thinking about the future of their child, then it is worth considering that when traveling, working, studying abroad, an unpronounceable name will create problems for its owner. It should be harmonious in any language, in harmony with the patronymic and surname. In China, there is already a tradition of naming a newborn in two ways: in Chinese and in Western style. Very convenient for future life. Another important question. You should consider what meaning the name has in other cultures, whether it carries a negative meaning.

Last year's Water Snake top 10 for boys was: Maxim, Ivan, Mikhail, Daniil, Dmitry, Andrey, Kirill and Nikita. Perhaps among them there will be one suitable for the future baby. The most common names of girls last year: Sofia, Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Anna, Victoria, Elizaveta, Polina, Varvara, Ekaterina. All these options have positive energy and euphony. They are modern and fashionable.

A name is given to a person once - and for the rest of his life. Some still decide to change it, but in most cases this gift from their parents is worn all their lives. But there are a lot of people in the world, but not very many names. As a result, fashion for one name or another often appears at certain periods. It changes over time, but some stay at the top for years. And today we will try to find the most common name, the one that occurs most often.


It’s just that the Russian name actually has very deep roots. It originally appeared in ancient Judea. True, then it did not sound very familiar: Yehoan, which means “Yahweh will be merciful.” In this simple way, mothers wanted to attract good luck to their sons. What mother would want the opposite? It is not surprising that the number of Yehoans increased every year.

The name Ivan was and remains especially popular among the Slavic peoples. It even became a household word, denoting a Russian. And during the Soviet Union, on the wave of friendship with fraternal peoples, it moved to Latin American countries.

How many Ivans do you see on the map of the most common names?

At the same time, most languages ​​have their own version of the name Ivan. But it’s not always possible to recognize them. Their list is impressive: John, Jan, Yas, Jean, Juan, Zhuan, Johann, Hans, Vano, Gianni, Giovanni, John, Ivo, Ehan, Sean, Ivan. And this is not counting the female variations: Ivanna, Ivanka, Yasya, Yana. By the way, one of the most popular Russian surnames, Ivanov, is popular for this very reason.


Like many of the most common names, it has a biblical history. By the way, in meaning it is close to Ivan and means “favor, disposition.” It is interesting that the Bible mentions both women who bore this name (the mother of the Virgin Mary, for example), and men (the high priest, one of the members of the Sanhedrin who condemned Jesus Christ). There is also a more common male version - Hanan.

And now we are looking for An

But still, today this name has become exclusively female, but has become widespread in many languages: Anna, Ann, Ani, Ganna, Nana, Hannah. It turns out that, unlike Ivan, numerous translations from language to language spared Anna. Relatively.


And this name is already from a different culture. And if Anna and Ivan are most often found among Christian countries, then Muhammad is one of the favorite names of Muslims, whose number is increasing every year.

It is not difficult to explain this popularity. It was the name Muhammad that the prophet bore - the most revered personality of Islam. Members of many faiths traditionally call their firstborn this way, so it is not surprising that this is now the most common name among men.

The statistics are enhanced when we consider that this name has a lot of variations: Muhammad, Magomed, Muhamad, Mahmud, Magomed, Magoma, Mamed, Mehmet, Maoma, Mamado. Outside of Islam, this name is quite rare; the religious aspect in it is very strong.


One of the most popular names has a long history. Its roots must be sought back in Ancient Greece, when it meant the banal “man, man,” sometimes “protector.” Such a long history allowed it not only to spread, but also to gain a fairly popular female form.

In different languages, Alexander took on a variety of forms: Alex, Oles, Sandor, Iskander, Alejandro, Leso. At the same time, there are also women’s ones: Alexandra, Sandra, Alex. And there are a great many such diverse Alexanders around the world.

Now you know which name is the most popular in the world. They all have deep meaning and a long history. They are beautiful and noble, but if you don't want five children turning around when you call yours, you should look for something more original. The main thing is not to overdo it.