Forecast for the lunar day. Lunar birthday

28th lunar day

Name- “Lotus”, “Day of the Sun”, “Karma”.

A pure, auspicious day, on which spiritual insight is possible, the opportunity is given to know and find the purpose of life, the transformation and enlightenment of the soul occurs. A person in a dream or during meditation can experience his past incarnations. The time for comprehending the highest truths, gaining spiritual consciousness: a day of contemplation, disclosure of all energy centers (vortexes of power) and activities with them. But for such activities, a person must be pure in both soul and body, so it is advised to carry out all kinds of cleansing of the body, feelings, and thoughts on this day. It is important to maintain peace of mind and good mood. Intentions and thoughts should be bright and kind. These lunar days are intended for working with dreams and learning in your sleep. It’s good if a person flies in his dreams - this speaks of the purity of his Nav (astral) body. Exercises are beneficial for developing clairvoyance. On this day, you should try to be in high spirits, look inside yourself, manage your feelings and emotions; you need to try to find a state of inspiration in all matters. It’s good to plant useful plants, “sow good thoughts.” This is a day of “earthly” affairs: you can buy a house or land, make repairs. The first half of the lunar day is especially favorable; it allows you to receive support and protection from friends and Higher powers. The spiritual orientation of a person increases, the instinct and ability of foresight strengthens. This time is most favorable for changing your destiny, as well as freeing yourself from unnecessary acquaintances or rivals.

The second half of the day is less favorable, since the supply of vitality decreases, despondency and craving for sensual pleasures appear. The danger of illness, deception and misconceptions can lead to injuries, mistakes and further hinder human development. We need to pay more attention to the creatures of the plant kingdom: you cannot cut down trees, pick flowers and herbs unless absolutely necessary. On this day, you should give up violent and harsh activities, maintaining peace of mind.

Health- on this day it is advised to protect your eyesight: read less, do not look at bright light. You should take care of your eyes, head, brain, you need to monitor your blood pressure. Cleansing procedures for the eyes are useful. It is useful for people suffering from insomnia to look at a weak light for 5-10 minutes. (lamp power 15 W). The Muladhara energy center is associated with this day. Unused energy of the day leads to blood pressure disorders.

Nutrition- on this day it is favorable to eat juices, you can fast.

Conception - a person conceived on this day will be successful - he will be able to start any business, and it will be crowned with success. But this will become possible if parents can, by their example, teach such a Soul a lesson in life, since the danger of laziness, despondency and carelessness will constantly lie in wait for it. In the best case, peace and joy, self-awareness and knowledge of the secrets of the world, the secrets of Heaven and Earth will be kept in the heart of the incarnate child. At worst, he will not be able to use them, following his weaknesses.

Birth - people born on this day of the moon are very different. They say about the best of them: “with the sun in their blood,” since they bring goodness and light into the world, others are drawn to them. These are people of high moral principles, engaged in the search for truth and the root cause, the essence of all things. Being at a low level of spiritual development, people of this day of the Moon are unable to distinguish between good and bad, dark and light; They are characterized by cynicism, lack of warm feelings and emotional attachments. They may be lazy, but they are financially secure. Those born on this day are characterized by the ability to control dreams. The duty of parents is to cultivate in their child the bright sides of his character and teach him to appreciate the bright sides of life, instill hard work and a sense of proportion.

Dreams- on this day a person sees different dreams and should be treated differently. Vivid, clear dreams can be prophetic; in a dream, you can learn about your past incarnations and the purpose of this incarnation. Most confused, fragmentary, confusing dreams are deceptive. The day is favorable for working with dreams, exercising in your sleep. Especially if a person was born on this day of the Moon. Dreams carry great and deep meaning.

Stones- aragonite (Pisces), amethyst (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), aquamarine (Aquarius), belomorite (Cancer, Pisces), chrysoprase (Aquarius), jadeite (Virgo), milky opal (Pisces).

29th lunar day

Name- “Octopus”, “Hydra”, “Day of the incarnation of Lucifer and Maya (cosmic obsession, hassle)” and the revelry of demons. It falls on the days of Hecate - earthly days when the Moon is not visible. Due to the many difficulties that arise, it is called “Satanic Day.” This is usually the last day of the lunar month; new moon. Please note, Satanic days: 9, 16, 29.

The day of fighting evil, the day of responsibility, abstinence and fasting, humility should be shown. We must humbly accept even punishment, since it is a consequence of what we ourselves have done. On these lunar days, all the remnants of the “black” energies of the month are collected to be burned on the new moon. A person should be very attentive to everything that happens, he needs to check all incoming information. All started work should be completed if the 29th ld. the last one in the month - you need to summarize the past time. This is a day of forgiveness and repentance. It is best to take care of the house and household, only the most necessary everyday and everyday affairs. It is beneficial to communicate with relatives and old friends who are able to provide support and give the right advice. The second half of the day is more favorable, as instinct, foresight and creativity are enhanced. Thoughts and dreams at this time can be prophetic and allow you to change your destiny. But they say that if you are very lucky on this day, you will be rewarded by dark forces for some not very bright actions and thoughts. All the difficulties of this day can also be perceived as a blessing: as a sign that you are not a slave to dark forces, that you are not following their lead, that they are simply showing you what else you should think about. In the morning, you need to set yourself to think only about good things: no worries, doubts, bad thoughts. On this day of the Moon, you need to clean the house with water, light candles and a lamp, fumigate the room with wild rosemary, wormwood, juniper or incense, and illuminate it with prayers. A person should also carry out his own cleansing, in the evening - take a bath or take a shower.

The day when astral fog thickens over people (obsession, darkness) and any prophecies, thoughts, dreams, promises can be false and unfulfilled. Deception and self-deception are possible. You can’t start anything new (even think about it), but you also can’t shy away from the things that come to you on this day. You should not generate bad, negative thoughts and drive annoying, deceitful people away from you; you need to cut off unnecessary connections. Muddy water, fog, darkness, dark rooms and things should be avoided. You cannot wear items made of bone or horn, leather or fur. A bad sign on this day is to hear screams or similar musical sounds (for example, the sound of a trumpet) - this is a warning that you are doing something wrong in life. The first half of the day is especially difficult, the negative influence of the previous day persists, and relationships become complicated. At this time, you should not make new acquaintances or start new things. Abstain from sexual relations, be stronger than lust and the flesh. Sensual pleasures on this day test a person, taking away his vitality from the allotted days of life.

Health- on this day you should cleanse your body (for those who know how, it is useful to do prakshalana). Before going to bed, it is useful to cleanse with water, soak your feet in cold and salty water (but no more than 10 minutes) - this way you can even cleanse yourself of the evil eye. The day is favorable for healing. From the 29th ld. The rectum, anus and the energy center Muladhara (source) are connected. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids on this day shows that you have poor protection, and the discharge of diseases and negative energies will be on the rectum. On this day you cannot give injections, especially in the buttock. But those who fell ill on this day recover.

Nutrition- it is better if on this day your food consists of baked (cereal) products - pies, pancakes and other things. It is important to bake them at home. "When people bake bread, the devas run away to the mountains", says an Indian proverb, which suits the characteristics of this day very well. You must always be attentive to food, because with food we not only introduce something new into our body, but we build our body from food. “What I eat is who I am”- says a popular saying. Prayer before meals, thoughts and conversations about good things during the meal are favorable; it should be treated as a sacred rite. It is very bad to interrupt a meal over trifles and attend it in a dirty state. If a person leaves the table while other people are still eating, he interrupts his exchange of energies with them. On this day, fasting and eating food with the qualities of goodness are favorable.

Conception - a person conceived on this day will come face to face with Satan himself. Either he will become a tireless fighter against evil, or a “black monk,” or (if he is weak-willed) he will be doomed to great suffering, or (in the worst case) he will become a criminal, a murderer, a rapist. It is best not to approach each other on this day, spend the day in prayer and wish a better fate for your child.

Birth - People born on this day of the Moon have heavy karma, but they are given a long life to correct their mistakes and defeat the evil within themselves. They carry dark power within themselves, but they also have great light power within them to fight this darkness. But will they want to resist pleasures, temptations and temptations? The best of them spend their entire lives fighting for justice with someone (including themselves). If they are ready to listen, you can give advice: go through all the trials, temptations, obsessions, hit all sorts of bumps and gain experience in fighting evil and the elements of cattle in yourself, while maintaining your own dignity. If a person of this day of the Moon has a weak character, then he will be a failure. Such people do not even understand themselves, cannot fight their weaknesses and temptations, cannot explain their actions, follow the lead of their passions, deceiving themselves and explaining everything in lofty words. They are called "the scapegoats of the entire Zodiac." The weakest can become possessed and even criminals. People of the 29th ld. It is not by chance that they appear in a family - they have karmic knots with relatives that will have to be worked out. Usually, it is difficult to live next to them, but you can only help them love and understanding. This is the responsibility of parents. They must devote all their efforts to enlightening the child’s Soul. With the right attitude, with awareness and correction of what has been done, with the enlightenment of consciousness and the victory of the Spirit over the flesh, this earthly life can become their last.

Dreams- most often deceptive. But there are special dreams that can come true in three days or soon. Dreams can be of two kinds: on the one hand, they are false and frightening, on the other, we can also cast out our demons in them.

Stones- black pearl (Cancer), mother-of-pearl (Aquarius, Pisces), obsidian (Capricorn, Sagittarius, Leo), cacholong (Taurus), white opal (Pisces), Labradorite, colored jasper (Virgo).

The day of illusions that devour our energies. The day of the battle of the Archangel Michael with the Hydra. He is the conqueror of Satan, the patron of warriors. It is necessary to defeat the hydra in yourself: acquisitiveness, anger, envy, self-interest. The day of "casting out demons", fumigating the room and sprinkling with holy water. Homework is very beneficial. Only Satanists rejoice on this day. Everything secret becomes clear. Unite and fight dark forces at all levels. Don't start anything new. You cannot wear items made of horn or bone. We receive karma in concentrated form.

30th lunar day

Name - “Golden Swan”, in Hinduism - “Day of Paramahamsa” (High-Flying White Swan). It doesn't happen every lunar month. New moon.

A day of love and forgiveness, repentance and summing up the month. The time of proportionality of our actions and words. Often expressed as equal amounts of good and evil that we receive. On this day, we must take our path in life seriously, carefully consider what we have done over the past month, admit our mistakes and ask for forgiveness from the creatures we have offended. You need to be able to forgive yourself - “to remove the stone from your soul.” You should give up everything unnecessary, superficial, cleanse your soul and body (it is useful to take a bath). Forgive and thank everyone, wash away everything old and unnecessary. It is especially important to summarize such results before a solar eclipse. On this day they bring gifts to the Gods, accept spiritual initiation and move on to a new circle of development. We need to complete the affairs of the past lunar month, pay off debts, give alms, give people joy, learn to perceive beauty and contemplate the best in the world around us. It is necessary to clean the house, fill it with amulets and decorations for happiness and good luck (such as, for example, different horseshoes, amulets stones, certain patterns, etc.). On this day, peace of mind and body is desired. Communicating with nature, studying with books is beneficial, it is good to turn to friends and relatives (their advice may be useful in the future). But it’s better to spend this day alone, you should throw away the vanity and try to enjoy life, learning to see joy in small things.

The day is unfavorable for social and material activities, since a person’s vitality is weakened. The consciousness of many people is often captured by a craving for sensual pleasures, deceptions, obsessions, and meaningless dreams. Self-indulgence and narcissism, false conclusions and erroneous actions can negatively affect creative plans, actions and relationships of the next lunar month (including losses). It is bad to show hostility and anger towards anyone on this day. Any overload, risky undertakings, big plans and undertakings of this day are extremely dangerous - the likelihood of their implementation is very low and is fraught with consequences in the future. If in the 30th ld. you feel sorrow and melancholy, this is very bad! This means that you are drawing the wrong conclusions and are not freeing yourself from unnecessary things. You need to watch out for bad signs. Dog's bark on this day there will be a warning that a mistake was made on the path of life, usually in the past month.

Health- a day of rest for your heart and cleansing of the heart muscle. The heart energy center - Anahata (Persian) - is associated with this lunar day. Any overload is dangerous. A person’s vitality is weakened, and there may be exacerbations of chronic diseases. The day is dangerous for the sense of smell; it’s bad to get a burn. Wrong actions of this day may manifest themselves in the form of allergies to smells. The sick person will need urgent outside help, but the slight discomfort will go away on its own.

Nutrition- on this day, food should be light, vegetable or dairy. Foods with qualities of goodness are favorable, you can fast. You should not eat meat or rough food.

Conception - on this day a special person may come into the world. A child conceived on this day will need to be raised in mercy and love for everything and everyone.A wise Soul may incarnate, or perhaps a person who only seems so. Life-rest will await the conceived child in the future, but he may limit himself to sensual pleasures. If the soul is attracted weigh(farmer or craftsman) - his distinctive features will be calmness, homeliness, family life; if the soul is attracted warrior- he will either become a universal defender and supporter of justice, or - he will follow his passions, justifying them with lofty words and replacing justice with personal gain. If the soul is attracted cleric- his dream will be to acquire Higher love and the qualities of True Knowledge, and his main character traits will be mercy and non-violence. On this day of conception, much will depend on the spiritual purity of the parents. In preparation for such an event, fasting is favorable.

Birth - Usually, the birth of a child on this lunar day is a gift for the family. Man 30th ld. Called to bring joy and love to the world, he has an innate ability to forgive. The best of them are mentally pure and highly spiritual; they deserve respect for their actions even from their enemies. Having acquired the Supreme love and mercy for everything and everyone, such a person can complete the circle of earthly incarnations, since he has undergone training. But, if a person of this day of the Moon is weak-willed or lacks spiritual development, life will teach him many lessons. He will often wishful thinking (even to the point of self-deception), following the lead of sensual pleasures and the desire for pleasure. Justice can be understood by him in a way that is convenient and beneficial for him, to suit his goals. Clever materialists will influence his opinion, replacing moral values ​​with material ones and justifying these substitutions with lofty words. A person of 30 ld needs similar lessons. so that, having passed the last and most difficult tests of vanity, lust, flattery, lies, pleasures and others, he begins to strive with all his might to gain qualities of True Knowledge: modesty, humility, simplicity, non-violence and others. It is the duty of parents to teach such a child (who differs from other children in his experience of past incarnations) to constantly remember spiritual values ​​and perseverance in the face of carnal pleasures. They must teach him to share his gift of mercy with other people. In addition, parents from early childhood are obliged to teach their child to distinguish between Good and Evil, no matter what clothes they wear, to be moral under any circumstances and to be aware of their responsibility to any creature of this world. Otherwise, in the bustle of the world and the pursuit of pleasure, he can waste his life on trifles. Only after passing the tests of sensual pleasures and one’s own egoism, having found peace of mind and love for all beings, having learned to organize oneself and the surrounding space, can a person complete the path of earthly incarnations.

Dreams - may be fulfilled that same morning, may soon bring joy. Many of the dreams of this day show us our own mistakes. Dreams are true and prophetic, in them we also receive a well-deserved measure of good and evil.

Stones- rock crystal (Aries, Leo, Virgo), white coral (Pisces), tourmaline (Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius). Day of activities with stones.

Summing up the results for the month. Transition to a new stage of life. Don't make plans, wait for the 1st lunar day. Thank the Creator for the lessons of the past month. Make an offering to your brownies (household spirits), and also pamper your pets. It's good to shop and give gifts. Day of love, forgiveness and repentance. The day is good for all sorts of things, just don’t start anything new. A sudden bark warns the dog that a mistake has been made.

People born on the twenty-ninth lunar day are usually endowed with quite heavy karma, but have a rich and interesting life. These people carry dark power within them almost from birth. But they have a number of options to combat this force. Therefore, these people are constantly fighting within themselves. Usually these people are long-lived. But often they live not for pleasure or joy, but in order to atone for their sins, and it happens that not only their own, but the whole family.

in the 29th
lunar day

Those born on this day often have an unhappy fate. His whole life is associated with struggle, searches, battles. He often faces various problems, and without the support of relatives or close friends he will not last long. If a person can pass all the trials that befall him, goes through life with his head held high and does not break under the onslaught of failures, a reward awaits him. The reward is wisdom, insight and longevity. In the worst case, someone born on the twenty-ninth lunar day and unable to defeat the forces of evil himself becomes a source of negative energy.

Potential given by nature to those born on the 29th lunar day

  • the inner world will react very sensitively to external influences
  • have a tendency to fight with someone all their lives
  • must go through all illusions and temptations, but emerge from the tests alive with dignity

People born on the 29th lunar day are endowed with complex karma, but at the same time they have a very busy life. From birth they carry dark power within themselves, but at the same time they have the ability to fight it.

Get rid of negative thoughts. Let the positive into your life!

Those born on the 29th lunar day will not live long without outside help or without the support of good aspects in the birth horoscope with Jupiter or Venus. May have many problems. They spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but losers. They can only be given one piece of advice: go through all the illusions and temptations, hit all sorts of bumps and try to emerge from the ordeal alive and with dignity.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 29th lunar day

  • subjective evil and fears of obstacles and the unknown
  • will absorb everything indiscriminately

People on the 29th lunar day are long-lived. Life is lived not for joy, but for the atonement of one’s sins, often also the sins of the family or clan. Mistakes on the path of life are not uncommon, just like temptations. But the easier it is to treat trials, the faster they recede.

People born on the 29th lunar day


Associated with Pisces. One of the most dangerous days. Day of Lucifer (devil). This is the day when all the evil to which they are exposed thickens over people. Deceptions, nightmares, fears and secret vices - all this surrounds a person in the form of a clot. On this day you cannot do anything except ordinary household chores.

On the 29th lunar day there may be heart attacks, strokes, and nervous breakdowns. If there is no thirtieth day in the lunar month, at the end of the twenty-ninth you can sum up the results for the month.

The 29th lunar day requires us to take full responsibility for our actions. It is necessary not only not to commit evil deeds, but also to fight evil that comes from the outside, including in dreams. On this day, debts should be repaid, including non-material ones. This day is classified as the so-called satanic day.

On this day you should not start new things. You should drive out evil spirits from your home and fight dirt, including energy dirt. It is necessary to preach repentance, humility, and abstinence. You need to spend the day in prayer for your loved ones and yourself.

Healing and sacrificing one’s interests for the good of another person are held in high esteem on this day. To cleanse, you can smoke your home, but in moderation.

On this lunar day, you should avoid dark places, and you should not wear jewelry made from bones or animal horns.

The moon is not visible in the sky, and very little of the previously accumulated energy remains.

Try to independently track your thoughts and events of this day. If it is successful for you, it means that you have earned help from dark forces and your behavior and thoughts are far from the well-known moral principles of Christianity or any other world religion. Difficulties that arise these days can be considered a blessing; because higher powers have not turned away from you and show your problems on an external level. A highly spiritual person practically does not feel the influence of this day, but there are only a few such people on our Earth.

The main recommendations for behavior on the 29th day are humility and repentance. We must accept punishments humbly, since they are the result of what we have previously done. It is necessary to drive away negative thoughts from yourself. It’s good to give yourself a mindset in the morning so that you don’t think about anything bad. No worries, no doubts, no agony. On this day, you cannot completely avoid business and you need to bring everything to the end, but you need responsibility and building reliable protection from negativity, confronting it. It is necessary to observe fasting and abstinence. You cannot start new things or even plan them. You should cut off false connections, drive away annoying people and annoying thoughts, and cleanse your body. Before going to bed, it is useful to cleanse with water: soak your feet in cold water.

Satanic day, and the most dangerous and terrible of all Satanic days of the lunar month. At this time, black, moonless nights - the new moon is about to come, and the Moon is not visible in the sky. Black magicians and sorcerers carry out their affairs. Darkness is gathering over people. People are weakening, their energy is depleted.

We must take care of reliable protection from Satanism. It is necessary that the light burns brightly throughout the house, there is not a single dark corner. In addition to electricity, light more candles, preferably church ones. It is recommended to limit yourself in food and abstain from sex. We need to get rid of all gloomy, bad thoughts and drive away annoying and empty people who keep getting into our souls. Before going to bed, be sure to take a shower, imagining how the water washes away all the foreign, bad and dark energy from you.

On this day, you can’t even make any plans mentally, and even more so you can’t start anything new. It’s better to do everyday things related to the house and household, but only so that they are not complicated. You cannot trust any promises, rumors or forecasts for the future - there is complete deception all around.

These lunar days may be the last in the lunar month. If they are the last, it is necessary to sum up and complete everything previously started.

The twenty-ninth lunar day is a rather complex and difficult day, located next to one of the critical points - the new moon, and therefore is very energetically saturated. But this energy is very unstable and has a difficult character. As a result of this, positive and negative personality traits become aggravated on this day. The influence of instincts and emotions increases, people become subject to illusions, delusions, deceptions, and therefore become very vulnerable.

The first half of the twenty-ninth day of the lunar month is more favorable than the second. During this period, you are able to actively resist negative influences from the outside. It is advisable to carefully monitor your condition, paying attention to any changes. It is recommended to avoid gloomy thoughts, negativity, conflict situations and strive to maintain a positive state. Cultivate in yourself such qualities as humility, love, patience and repentance. By remaining internally calm, you will gain the opportunity to rationally assess what is happening and thereby be able to prevent the emergence of provocative moments, while maintaining your strength.

The negative impact of the twenty-ninth lunar day can be mitigated through the use of spiritual practices and austerities. Solitude, abstinence and fasting have a beneficial effect. It is also useful to turn your attention to spiritual development. This is the period when a transition to a qualitatively new level of consciousness can occur. It is possible to understand and accept responsibility for the actions taken, the result of which depends only on you. That is why awareness and concentration are so necessary on this day.

In fact, the twenty-ninth lunar day is the final one. It can be used to judge how you lived this lunar month. For example, failures and difficulties that arise today indicate that in the previous period you did not use the opportunities provided to you. And palpable fatigue at the end speaks of wasted energy. In this case, it is recommended to analyze the stage passed. This will help you identify and discard everything superfluous and unnecessary, and determine at what point you have lost your way so that you can move in a favorable direction in the coming month.

Resentment and anger are bad traveling companions today. Quarrels and conflicts that arise on this day can drag on for a long period. On the twenty-ninth lunar day, it is advisable to devote to the eradication of such qualities as hot temper, intolerance, self-confidence, and pride. It is good to forgive insults and pay off debts, avoid fuss and useless connections, and sacrifice your interests. In addition, today your ally will be intuition. If you pay attention, it will help you avoid many sharp corners.
According to beliefs, on this day you should not wear bone items, including items made of horn, and avoid dark places. It is also recommended to take a cool shower before bed. It is believed that this helps wash away all the negative experiences accumulated during the day.


lat. Primationes lunae, Interlunium -
phase of the Moon, conjunction of the Moon with the Sun (ecliptic

the longitudes of the Sun and Moon are the same), that is, the Sun, Moon and

The Earth is on the same straight line (with the Moon located

between). At the same time, the Moon faces the Earth unlit

side and not visible

During the new moon, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, facing the Earth with its dark side and therefore invisible.

During this period, everything that the Moon controls is minimally expressed. Emotions, mood, ability to remember, atmosphere in a team, blood pressure - all this goes through a low point on the new moon. This gives rise to the practical application of knowledge about the lunar cycle: if one or another area governed by the Moon is already in a weakened state, during the period of the new moon a critical decline in activity may occur in it due to a decrease in the energy content of lunar functions throughout terrestrial nature.

Since the pressure of fluids in the body decreases during the new moon, it can become a difficult period for hypotensive people, people whose blood pressure is already low. Emotional decline can adversely affect people prone to depression. It is unlikely that during this period one can expect high performance and inspiration from the work team, academic success from the school class, or a quick recovery of the patient.

The new moon or the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is the beginning of the lunar month. It should not be confused with the beginning of the calendar month. At the beginning of the cycle, the Sun gives the Moon the seeds of the new. These are the days of the symbolic conception of the cycle. The moon becomes pregnant and grows, comes in light. But on the first two and last two days of the lunar month, the Moon is not visible, it does not shine. These days are called the days of Hecate, the goddess of darkness, fatality and mystery. It is believed that there will be strange, inexplicable events in the fate of a person born at this time. Emotionally, these dark days without the Moon are manifested by a person’s deep self-absorption and secret fears. The subconscious awakens and dictates its will. People need psychological support at this time. Possible feelings of loneliness and pessimism. The second day of the lunar month is dangerous because any word is taken on faith and there is a danger of suggestion.

These days the effects of alcohol are stronger than usual. The risk of contracting a bad disease increases. Men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are tense, nervous, aggressive, and sexually excitable. Much the same can be said about women on a full moon. But, perhaps, the full moon is a more poetic time, and therefore women under the full moon are more intuitive, sensual and sensitive.

If you decide to start a new life, then it is better to do it after the new moon, and not on Monday!

During its revolution around the Earth, which the Moon completes in about 28 days, it always faces one side because it does not rotate around its axis. When the Moon, as seen from us, is between the Earth and the Sun, its silhouette is completely hidden in the darkness. At this time, the Moon is not visible because it is close to the Sun. There is a new moon on Earth. There is a very important observation: during a new moon, the Moon is in the same part of the sky for 2-3 days and, therefore, in the same zodiac sign as the Sun. This is understandable if we take into account that at this time the Moon is closest to the Sun, and three points (the Moon, the Sun and the observer on Earth) are on the same line. So, on the March new moon, the Moon is always in the sign of Pisces, and on the August new moon, in the sign of Leo, etc. It makes sense to remember this rule in order to be able to calculate which sign the Moon is in at one time or another. Remember: the Moon is in the same sign for 2-3 days in a row. By the next full moon after the March new moon, the Moon will have passed halfway through the Zodiac, that is, after 14 days the Moon will enter the sign of Virgo or Libra. This principle can be transferred to all other months of the year. If you are lucky enough to be in line with the Sun and Moon, you will see the Sun completely covering the Moon. For a short time, a solar eclipse occurs in certain regions of the Earth (as, for example, in 1999 in Austria and Germany). In calendars, the new moon is marked with a black circle. Within a short time, certain impulses have a strong influence on people, animals, and plants. A one-day fast at this time is an excellent preventive measure, because harmful substances are well removed from the body. If you want to get rid of a bad habit, it is best to do it during the new moon. If you prune sick trees on this day, they will quickly recover. The earth begins the process of inhalation. The impulses of the new moon are not as strong as the impulses of the full moon, they are more indirect, because the change of poles and reorientation of forces during the transition from the flawed to the young Moon is not felt as brightly as the opposite change during the full moon.

From the book by I. Paungger and T. Poppe “With the Moon, Day by Day”

On the new moon and on the 1st day - the body is weakened, immunity is reduced, the person is irritable, and easily falls ill; Overwork, eating spicy and very hot food are dangerous. Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances. These days it is necessary to create yourself in a positive mental image, but not to destroy. Acute viral diseases begin in the evening around the new moon. When an illness occurs, the illness may linger for a long time, but the person will definitely recover. All dreams are for joy.

On a new moon, with increased gravity of the Moon and Sun, a person’s mass becomes smaller, fluid from the head area rushes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body, the activity of metabolic processes increases, and the number of mental disorders increases. During this period, it is good to cleanse the skin, replenish it with microelements, and take warm baths. At this time, the liquid is well absorbed through the skin and enters deep into the body. Men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are aggressive, nervous, and more often suffer from a heart attack. Women react more strongly to the full moon.

The New Moon has a hidden or subconscious influence. Children and women become especially capricious, but at the same time they easily obey strict leadership. Drivers' reaction speed decreases. Symptoms of diseases appear weaker, but at the same time vitality weakens. Any action taken during the new moon can be very risky. Starting new real projects can cause big unforeseen setbacks. Beware of making promises at this time and do not make important decisions. Don't make the final choice or make the final commitment. Hiring new people during the new moon can bring problems later. Avoid rushing into new relationships if you meet new people during the new moon. There is an element of mystery associated with the new moon; later you will learn a lot about this person. You can use the new moon to go with the flow and not initiate anything new. This is a great time for meditation and yoga, personal inventory and working on your image. Come up with new ideas, create a wish list, write down your dreams and thoughts. Do something inspiring. Go with the flow.

Neomenia- new moons

(Greek neomenia - new moon), obsolete - first light -

first appearance of the crescent moon in the sky after

new moon Neomenia occurs no later than 3

days after the new moon. In Neomenia, the Moon is observed in

twilight in a few minutes

before sunset

The first visible appearance of the Moon in the evening sky after the new moon, “the birth of a new moon.” From this moment, ancient astronomers began counting the days of the new lunar (synodic) month. Nowadays it most often begins from the moment of the exact conjunction of the Moon and the Sun (given in the ephemeris).

It is possible to accurately record the moment of the new moon only during solar eclipses, and they are rarely observed. Therefore, we had to choose a phase close to the new moon, namely, observe the first appearance of the crescent moon after the new moon. The Greeks called this moment neomenia.

The young Moon can be observed at dusk a few minutes before it sets. The day on which the first setting of the young Moon was observed was taken as the beginning of the calendar month among all peoples who kept track of time according to the lunar calendar. The time interval from the new moon to neomenia depends on both astronomical and meteorological circumstances. In chronology, it is taken on average to be 36 hours. Neomenia was carefully observed by many peoples of the ancient world: the Babylonians, Jews, Greeks, Romans, Indians and some others.


Medically, the rectum and anus are associated with these lunar days. Problems of these organs show that you have poor protection and the discharge goes to the rectum.

Exacerbation of mental illness, the occurrence of depression, melancholy. It’s good to start a complete cleansing of the body, do prakshalana. Before going to bed, you need to cleanse yourself with water, soak your feet in very cold water. Food should consist mainly of flour, especially baked at home.

Health on the twenty-ninth lunar day requires careful attention. The immune system is weakened during this period, and therefore various chronic diseases can remind themselves. Poisoning is also possible and there is an increased risk of injury. On this day, moderate physical activity is quite acceptable.

The twenty-ninth day of the lunar month is a good period for cleansing, as the body can easily part with everything unnecessary. Fasting or fasting will bring benefits. But it should be borne in mind that entering and exiting fasting on this day is not recommended due to the body’s inability to adapt to sudden changes. As a result, complications may arise.

Nutrition on the twenty-ninth lunar day should be moderate. It is advisable to exclude meat consumption. Give preference to cereals and dairy products. It is good to drink herbal teas that help cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. Alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

From a medical point of view, the rectum and anus are vulnerable on this day. It is not recommended to do enemas or give injections in the buttock on this day. Surgical interventions and untested treatment methods are not recommended. Diseases that arise on this day are mostly chronic in nature and require more careful attention. Apparently, it was not their cause that was eliminated, but only the symptoms.

Quite an unfavorable day. Associated with a decrease in the overall vitality of the body and the manifestation of chronic diseases. High likelihood of depression, trauma and deception. It is better to spend the day solving only the most necessary everyday issues, driving away bad thoughts.

Vulnerable rectum, anus

Haircut It is better to postpone it until a more favorable period for this. The periods of the Moon's passage through the Zodiac circle also have an impact on the hair.

Food should consist mainly of baked (cereal) products - pies, pancakes. It is important to bake them at home. If the 29th day is the last in
lunar month, before going to bed, it is advisable to take stock of the month.

On the 29th lunar day, all food needs to be cleansed. Water is purified in the same way; all this requires conscious attention, especially on the 9th, 15th, 29th lunar days. We must remember that a person is what he eats. All the products that we introduce into ourselves change our structure. This is not only a chemical process of decomposition, but also energy. In the same way, any glass of water can become a source of energy if you clean it with your hand and then drink it in slow sips with the mental image that each sip is giving you energy. Just like we do before an eclipse, when we first introduce a cleansing liquid into ourselves before the eclipse, and then, after the eclipse, strengthening us in the new state that we received after the eclipse.

New moon diet 36 hours

This diet should begin at 6 pm on new moon eve and continue until 6-7 am the next day. The menu includes vegetable soups and vegetable broths of your choice (you can do both), 4-5 times a day. The soup can be prepared from your favorite vegetables (carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, beans, roots). Vegetable broths are valuable for their diuretic properties, but to avoid monotony, you can treat yourself to poultry, meat or fish broth once a day. Vegetable soups and broths supply the body with minerals. For a more effective effect on weight, it is better to limit yourself to broths, but soups contain fiber, which dulls the feeling of hunger. Result: intensive flushing of the body and weight loss of about 500 g. If you consume only vegetable broths, then by 1 kg.

New moon diet for 6 days.

For the three days preceding the new moon and the two following it, you eat exclusively raw and boiled vegetables. But keep in mind that, as with the full moon, it is up to you to tailor your diet to your needs. There is no need to turn dieting into torture. The only limitation: the diet should not last longer than 6 days. Result: weight loss of 1-3 kg, depending on the duration. Recommendations from the President of the International Federation and the French Society of Herbal and Aromatherapy, therapist Christiane Duraffour.


The forces of Mars and Saturn act simultaneously. An ideal day for black magic rituals. There is no need to guess on this day.

The day of the Black Moon, the full revelry of the Forces of Darkness in their most powerful destructive aspect. Energy of Saturn and Mars at the same time. All the hard, “killer” work: damage to health, death, revenge on enemies, attacks. I categorically do not advise beginners to work on this day. For a warlock, this day is freedom.

Stones: jet, adularia, magnetite, sapphire, aventurine. You can practice geomancy, work with Earth magic. Work with the instinctive principle, purification of the animal nature, separation of the mind from instincts (training is performed with immersing the feet in water). Other mantics and magical practices are contraindicated!

The most dangerous and terrible day of the lunar month. This is the time of the black moonless nights of Hecate, when the astral fog thickens, witches and sorcerers carry out their dark deeds. People are weakening, their energy is depleted. It is necessary to take care of reliable protection. You should stop false and unnecessary connections, avoid annoying and empty people, get rid of gloomy thoughts and hopeless melancholy. This is the worst day to drink alcohol.

On this day, even mentally it is better not to make any plans, not to start new things. It is better to take care of the house, household chores, and not very important matters. You cannot trust any promises, predictions, forecasts. If this is the last day of the lunar month, then you can sum up the results.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in fortune telling and other subtle practices. You cannot wear items made of bone or horn. It is recommended to light candles, lamps, and fumigate the room with incense.

The day is fundamentally unhappy - in everything and for everything. You shouldn’t start or undertake anything - everything will go wrong. One of the most dangerous and terrible days. The day when the astral fog thickens over people, and any dreams, any prophecies will be deceptive and false.

On this day, responsibility is needed in everything, false connections should be cut off, annoying people and annoying thoughts should be driven away. The body should be cleansed.

You cannot wear items made of bone or horn.

Ask only those questions that relate to breakup, death, etc. In general, today it is better not to guess, since the day is characterized by difficulty in the passage of astral energies, which threatens very strong distortions. It is also not worth interpreting prophecies during this period.

The moon is not visible in the sky, the new moon is about to come. People are weakening, energy is depleted. Satanic day, the most dangerous and terrible of all the Satanic days of the lunar month. You need to think about reliable protection. Make sure that there is not a single dark corner in the entire house and that there is light everywhere. In addition to electricity, light more candles, better than church ones. The 29th day is thoroughly unhappy in everything and for everything. This is the time of the black moonless nights of Hecate, when the astral fog thickens, witches and sorcerers carry out their dark deeds. You cannot trust any promises, rumors or forecasts - there is complete deception all around. It is strictly forbidden to engage in fortune telling and other subtle practices.

The day of fall and catastrophe. It is not recommended to do anything. The body should be cleansed. If this is the last day of the lunar month, then you can summarize: this month is for the lessons and discoveries that it brought you and with a pure heart, get ready to enter the new month.

The morning is unfavorable. Results in business and relationships are successful. In the second half of the day, intuition intensifies, trust it - thoughts can be prophetic.

This is a satanic day. Here the “chernukha” of the entire lunar month is collected before being burned at the time of the new moon. On this day, protection against Satanism is also created. Day of the fight against evil. When evil is gathered together, it can be easily destroyed. You have to be very careful and monitor what is happening. If the day is successful, it means that you are being rewarded for some not very bright deeds. Difficulties on the 29th lunar day should be considered a blessing, since this sign that you are not a slave of darkness shows our problems that need to be worked on. Humility and repentance are recommended. We must accept punishments humbly because they are the result of what we have done.

On the 29th lunar day, you need to drive away negative thoughts from yourself. It’s good to give yourself a mindset in the morning so that you don’t think about anything bad: no worries, doubts, no torment. Fasting and abstinence are recommended on this day.

There is a practice for cleansing from negativity on this day. If the moon is not in water signs, then water procedures in salty, cold water are recommended for the feet. You need to stand in the basin for no more than 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, all the “black” energy will leave you. If you stand longer, the good energy will begin to fade. Thus, we are cleansed from the evil eye. Make the water temperature such that you do not feel discomfort. When you stand, you must always think that everything bad goes into the water. If it’s very bad on this day, you can take a candle in your left hand. This candle cannot be extinguished. It should all burn out. You can cut off as much as you need in advance so that it burns. You cannot blow on the fire. It is better to extinguish the candle with the fingers of your right hand. It is better to cover the fire with earth. You can fan the fire.

On this day, it is recommended to clean the room, fumigate it well with incense, wild rosemary or juniper. Ledum should smolder, not burn, so that smoke comes out. You can also fumigate it with incense. It’s good to clean chaga, it smolderes well. Smoke purifies and drives out evil on this day.

The twenty-ninth is the most dangerous day of the lunar month. All the negativity, all the dirt that you have picked up over the month, under the influence of powerful gravitational disturbances, strives outward to be destroyed. When the “chernukha” is collected in a heap, it is easy to deal with – that’s why this day is needed. The 29th lunar day is the day of the fight against evil. Although it is dangerous, it is very important, and if you live it correctly, the unpleasant surprises that it conceals within you can be easily avoided.

The lunar month ends and the new moon begins. The Moon came as close as possible to the Sun and took an intermediate position between it and the Earth. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun overlap each other, mutually reinforcing and “pulling” the Earth’s water shell in one direction, which causes strong ebbs and flows. And since you and I are 70% water, the same thing happens to us. At night, the fluids and energies of the body flow to the head, and during the day, since the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth, they move in the opposite direction - to the legs. A strong flow of energy and fluids, directed from the head to the feet, washes the entire body and pushes all dirt out.

For this reason, today you will feel slightly worse than usual. You may be overcome by irritability, depression, headaches, exacerbation of chronic diseases, causeless fear and anxiety, gloomy thoughts, and forebodings. In such a state, it is difficult to give an objective assessment of events, make decisions, and engage in responsible, intense work. Try to refrain from all of the above, as well as from new beginnings - this is almost a rule: if you want to fail, start it on a bad lunar day. Do not enter into conflicts and do not sort things out, although, most likely, you will have a very strong desire to express your painful concerns. And save your money! The less often you take out your wallet today, the safer your money will be. Remember: everything bad that happens to us happens, as a rule, on unfavorable days, and the 29th of them is the most dangerous. If something very good happens to you on this day or you receive a valuable gift, this is a bad sign. You have received a reward for bad deeds. Difficulties and failures on the 29th day should be perceived as a blessing. They are a sign that you are a pure, bright person, and the Higher Powers are showing you problems that need to be worked on.

You probably already guessed what you need to do on the 29th lunar day to weaken the influence of gravitational forces. Rest if possible, do not overload yourself and cleanse your energy and home. When leaving home, be sure to install protection so as not to contract damage or the evil eye and not suffer from a “vampire”. Finish things, pay off debts, get rid of unnecessary things: this will attract new things to your home and help you avoid getting into debt. Any practices aimed at attracting money are useless today. The best thing that bad days can give us, and especially on the 29th, is the opportunity to get rid of the bad. Today you have at your disposal all the practices of the 9th, 19th, 23rd and 26th lunar days. And if possible, perform any of the rituals described below: this will help you end bad luck and lack of money, and get rid of the evil eye, if you suspect one. I specifically saved these rituals for the 29th lunar day, because they are the strongest, most effective.

The most powerful rituals of expelling bad luck and lack of money from home

If things are not going well for you, you are chronically unlucky, financial luck stubbornly refuses to notice you, perform any of the rituals below. They will take you out of bad luck.

Consecration of the house

Church candle,

Holy water,

Incense burner and charcoal.

You need to go around the house three times clockwise without missing a single room.

First round. Walk through the house with a burning candle in your hand and read the prayers “Our Father” (see the 7th lunar day), the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos (see the 9th lunar day) and the “Creed”. Cross all the corners in each room, doors and windows, resting places with a candle three times.

Symbol of faith

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages. Light from light, true God, true from God, born, not created, Consubstantial with the Father, by Him all things were. For our sake, man, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And he rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. Tea of ​​the resurrection of the dead. And the life of the next century. Amen.

Second circle. Place the charcoal briquette in the censer and light the charcoal. When the sparking stops, place incense on the coal. Take the censer and walk through the house, fumigating the rooms with incense and reciting the same prayers.

Third circle. Walk around the house with holy water. It should be sprinkled on all corners, windows and doors, all resting places, while saying “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" For spraying, you can use a regular brush or feather.

For the ceremony you will need a church candle, a ladle of water and a silver spoon. The water must be melt water - in this ritual this is mandatory, because melt water in its ability to wash away negativity cannot be compared with ordinary water, even thoroughly purified. And one more condition: the water must be with ice.

Light a candle, put the ladle on the fire and, stirring the water with a spoon, whisper a spell into it:

Mother water, with your swift and golden stream you wash the steep banks, yellow sands and white stones. Don’t wash your steep shores, yellow sands and white stones, but wash away from God’s servant (name) all the tricks and tricks, the evil eye and the evil eye, curses and spells, sorrows and illnesses, evil poverty. Carry them, mother fast river, in a golden stream into an open field, into the deep sea, beyond the trampling mud, beyond the quicksand swamps, beyond the pine forest, beyond the aspen tine. Be my words strong and sculpted. The key is in the sea, dashingly at the bottom, the tongue is locked in the mouth. Amen.

The spell is pronounced 12 times. There is no need to count in your head, do not be distracted, use a rosary or mark somewhere on a piece of paper how many times you have read it. Heat the water over low heat, do not bring it to a boil. Adjust the burner so that you have time to say the spell 12 times before the water boils.
The candle should be allowed to burn out, and the water should be placed at the head of the bed overnight. Before going to bed, looking at the surface of the water, read the plot 12 more times. The next day, bring the water to a boil and forcefully exhale air onto its surface three times, imagining that you are freeing yourself from all your troubles, misfortunes and sorrows, from lack of money and bad luck. After this, the water must be immediately poured into the sewer.

The last dangerous day of the lunar month has come to an end. I sincerely hope that it went well. You already know so much and know how to do to protect yourself that, it seems, in this regard I can be calm for you.

People on the twenty-ninth lunar day are more susceptible than others to the influence of instincts and emotional states, and as a result are vulnerable to illusions, deceptions and misconceptions. They may be attracted to the darker sides of life. And in this case, they are doomed to a life full of suffering. And in order not to fall under the influence of the negative part of their personality, they must be taught from childhood to control their thoughts and desires. Filter out negativity and cultivate positive qualities in yourself. It is important to learn repentance, humility, patience, and self-sacrifice. Such people need to learn to distinguish good from evil and rationally evaluate the world around them.

In this sense, people on the twenty-ninth lunar day are advised to pay attention to various spiritual practices and choose the path of spiritual improvement. This direction in life will help them calm their dangling mind, teach them to release positive energy and generally manage their energy balance. In connection with this, the fear of the trials presented by life disappears, and confidence in one’s decisions and actions appears. All this brings stability, which means those born on this day can live a completely happy life, despite all the difficulties. Moreover, there is enough internal strength for this.

A person on the twenty-ninth lunar day is naturally endowed with good intuitive qualities. These are often very talented people who can make a good career in the field of art. But those born on this day often have poor health. They are advised to pay attention to nutrition and physical condition. General strengthening practices are very useful. Yoga, performing various austerities, fasting and fasting are good options.

It is believed that on this day people endowed with strong magical properties or famous personalities are born.

People born on this lunar day spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but losers. They can only be given one piece of advice: go through all the illusions and temptations, hit all sorts of bumps and try to emerge from the ordeal alive and with dignity.

There is an opinion:

People born on this day have the worst of it, these are the scapegoats of the entire Zodiac. The only good work for them is to personally go through all the illusions, hit all the bumps and come out of it all alive and with dignity, if possible.

DREAMS: Dreams can be difficult and unpleasant, but they are deceptive. Often the dreams of the twenty-ninth lunar sleep are difficult and unpleasant. This is mainly due to the fact that due to the intense energy of the day, sensitivity is heightened and positive and negative personality traits come to the surface. In some ways we become more open, and hence more vulnerable. And if in reality there is some opportunity to control your thoughts and actions, then in a dream, everything that we have consciously filtered and sealed with a “seal is forbidden” cannot be controlled and finds its way out.

Dream images have no direct meaning and are rather psychological in nature. And therefore, the interpretation of these dreams requires special attention. In fact, on the twenty-ninth lunar day we see our own burden of accumulated problems. Unresolved issues will not go away, no matter how deeply you hide them, but will only put more pressure on you, causing constant tension. You can level out your psychological and emotional state only by starting to work on solving problems. And in order to truly find the root of the problems, it is recommended to interpret dreams on the twenty-ninth day of the lunar month with a person who is professionally involved in this area.

29th lunar day. This is the heaviest, most difficult day of the lunar month, people usually weaken, their energy is depleted. In ancient times, dreams of this day were considered difficult, but true. E. Tsvetkov also believes, adding that these dreams come true in three days. For protection on this day, it is useful to light candles in the house, light a fireplace, engage in cleansing procedures, and not succumb to aggression and despondency. It is not recommended to start new businesses.

Stones- Black pearl, white opal, mother-of-pearl, obsidian, kahalong, Labradorite, serpentine, colored jasper.

This day is feared by many who are familiar with the lunar calendar, and it has a not very good reputation. Indeed, on the 29th lunar day absolutely everyone should be careful, because there are quite a lot of risks.

But it’s worth saying right away: you shouldn’t be at the mercy of prejudices and think that the twenty-ninth lunar day itself will bring troubles, this is not so. You just need to know what its characteristics are, its features, and live this day correctly. Then not only nothing bad will happen, but on the contrary, the lunar month will end harmoniously and favorably.

The twenty-ninth lunar day is not bad in itself, and its energy is not that dark and dangerous, but simply too powerful, and can affect a person in different ways. Today, every person awakens unusual powers, there is a huge amount of energy in him, and often it comes out through neuroses, aggression, conflict and outbursts of anger. But if you know what the characteristics of a given lunar day are and how to behave, then you can avoid trouble. Its main characteristics:

  • The symbol of this day is the octopus.
  • The number of luck is two.
  • The element of the day is earth.
  • The shades of the day are bloody and black.
  • The talisman of the day is black pearls.
  • Lucky day is Monday.
  • The direction of happiness is southwest.
  • Successful shapes are square.
  • Angel - Oswada.

This period is a true test of strength for every person. The essence of this day is the completion of the month of the Moon, and how you behave will demonstrate a lot. Spend it correctly, in accordance with the calendar recommendations!

Don't be afraid of him! The twenty-ninth lunar day does not threaten anyone who is clear of conscience and soul and does not wish harm to anyone. And higher powers will help you protect yourself from external negativity.

1. An extremely important and main recommendation is to remain calm on the twenty-ninth lunar day. It is worth restraining yourself as much as possible, because today every careless word or even glance can lead to a real war. People are tense, nerves are tense, relationships are strained. Today everyone feels the powerful, even destructive energy of the lunar day, and not everyone can cope with it.

On these days, it is better to avoid communication altogether and be alone. But if this is unrealistic, then at least try to remain silent, not show aggression and suppress irritation (it can come from God knows where, and anger at people arises for no reason). Be calm and don’t pay attention to the fact that someone is nervous and irritated, don’t cling to the words of others, don’t find fault. If someone offends you, restrain yourself, remain silent, suppress negative emotions.

2. It is best to spend today in solitude and spiritual work. You need to look inside yourself and analyze your emotions, figure out where anger and aggression, resentment, the desire to offend or take revenge come from. It is very useful to carry out a ritual of forgiveness: mentally focus very carefully on the person with whom the relationship is strained, and ask him for forgiveness for everything. Even if it seems to you that you are not to blame for anything, sincerely apologize mentally to him and forgive him for everything! It is advisable to do the same today in relation to all loved ones.

3. Be careful and take care of yourself today. Do not go to places that may be dangerous or dubious, and do not leave the house at all in the evening. On the twenty-ninth lunar day, negative qualities and feelings take over in many people, and many become not only aggressive, but also dangerous. Stay at home. Try to protect yourself from any negativity this day!

Programs about crime or life dramas, films with intense plots, aggressive music - all this is contraindicated today. But positive films, good family comedies, programs about nature and travel, online meditations, spiritual music - this is what is simply necessary today. Look for the positive in everything, even in the smallest little things. Throughout this difficult day, control your mood and do your best to maintain it in an upbeat, calm and kind state.

4. To protect yourself from the negative energies of this day, stay at home. If you are a believer, read prayers. Cleanse your house, fumigate it with various pleasant incense. Let candles burn in the apartment throughout the day today, mantras or other spiritual music sound quietly. Do not open the windows, wipe the window sills with a damp cloth, look in the mirrors less often and do not open the door for anyone. Stay alone or with your family, cancel all activities and meetings.

5. Today is an indicative day. Many things are possible, and your attitude towards chance will show how you accept life, what the world has taught you. Take everything calmly and with dignity, live this day wisely. And then the next month will bear wonderful fruits, because the 29th day of the Moon is the main lesson of the entire month according to the lunar calendar.

Observe everything that the lunar calendar says about these days, because they are special. Let's find out whether the haircut is good today, what kind of people born on this day are, what dreams mean, and other useful details.

1. This is a dangerous period for work. Ideally, take a day off, even if you “get sick” for the day, close your establishment and let your workers go on the day off. This may be unreasonable from a practical point of view, but it is very correct. Because the day is dangerous for business, doing business, negotiating. It is better to spend it passively, not start anything, not undertake anything, not enter into any agreements.

2. You cannot get married during this period. The wedding should definitely be postponed, because it will be extremely difficult to keep the family and maintain peace in it. Unions born at this time often fall apart, and in order to maintain family relationships, both spouses will have to gain great wisdom.

3. Take care of your health today! The energy of the day has a negative effect on the body, and it is worth protecting it. You cannot eat meat, heavy foods, alcohol is very dangerous. Eliminate physical activity completely. Practice relaxation techniques and meditate. Do not swim in ponds or go out into nature.

4. Limit communication to a minimum; ideally, be alone. No meetings or parties, no public events, no concerts, avoid crowds. You can’t receive guests, and it’s better not to even start a telephone chat with your girlfriend: it will end in conflict.

5. But a haircut will work well. Oddly enough, on this difficult 29th lunar day, a haircut will bring self-confidence, strengthen luck and charm, and improve the health of your hair and the entire body. A haircut will also help those who are making big and important plans for the next lunar month. But under no circumstances should you dye your hair today.

6. Unfavorable day for conception and planning of offspring. A child who will be conceived today will have a difficult and changeable fate from birth. The dark and light sides will always fight within him, there will be tendencies towards destructive actions and bad habits.

7. People born on this lunar day are very strong and active, they are not characterized by laziness and idleness. They are sometimes aggressive and unpredictable, but not at all evil. These people from birth are warriors, conquerors, they achieve their goals. As a rule, they are loved and respected, they are destined for happiness in the family.

What do dreams say?

Dreams on the twenty-ninth day of the Moon are different: sometimes nightmarish, sometimes wonderful. What do they say, and should we believe them?

1. Almost always dreams of this period show the dark side of our personality and subconscious. Everyone has it, but some people hide this side away from themselves, while others accept it and work with it. Dreams will show you what you are hiding from yourself. Think and analyze, do not push away what the dream shows you.

2. Interpret the dream through the dream book, think about what the interpreter says. If these dreams were a warning or advice, be sure to heed it, accept this advice, think about how to continue living.

3. Don't be afraid of nightmares: they are common during this period. They do not carry any evil, these are just games of the subconscious. However, know that the more unpleasant visions you had in your dreams today, the more there is in you that needs to be changed. Perhaps your soul and conscience are not entirely clear.

You should not be afraid of lunar days, even ones like this one, the twenty-ninth. It will bring joy and a harmonious end to the lunar month if you spend it with dignity. Don't break down, control your emotions, stick to the right path - and everything will be fine!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Do you know that every day is different? They differ not only in name and number. They contain opportunities and pitfalls, priority areas and hidden pitfalls. Let's get acquainted with one day. Let's find out what the characteristics of the 29th lunar day are. We will not say that it is better or worse. He is different, special, unique. After reading the material, you will see for yourself and understand how to use it correctly.

Common features

Let's start with the totem.

The symbol of the 29th lunar day is the octopus. This is a dangerous, insidious, unpredictable animal. It is clear that it does not bring anything good to the day it controls. Therefore, the characteristics of the 29th lunar day are not for the faint of heart. You need to be mentally prepared to read it. Although, on the other hand, we live through this period every month, without even knowing it. By the way, it’s worth remembering when you pick up the lunar calendar when the most dangerous incidents happened to you. Most likely, these were exactly the days described. Therefore, the characteristics of the 29th lunar day are necessary for any person. Having familiarized himself with it, he will be able to face potential problems fully armed. But there is something to be afraid of. If you are calculating favorable lunar days, then feel free to skip this one. Unless you need to choose a period for a bold and decisive step, tinged with adventurism. Then the day of the twenty-ninth moon is quite suitable. But more on that later.

The influence of the day on the psyche

The most important thing in the described day is the enormous pressure exerted by the queen of the night. They say that the characteristic of the 29th lunar day is that it is better not to do anything, not decide, not find out, and so on. People become weaker during this period. All previously unnoticed or consciously rejected temptations roll over them. This is bad in itself.

However, this state does not attract happy situations. On the contrary, trials begin to appear precisely during the period described. Another day is characterized by an increase in the number of diseases. Chronicles feel this regularly. Some kind of melancholy takes root in the soul of almost every person, even very positive ones. It pushes the weakest into the abyss of black depression into rash, dangerous actions. You understand that the characteristics of lunar days are not always so gloomy. This day is an exception. They are considered to be the most dangerous and critical.

The essence of the day

Experts call the described days karmic. Some people rejoice when they manage to get rid of accumulated sins not through their own labor, but thanks to circumstances sent from above. To such individuals, most likely, it seems that favorable lunar days are not replaced by black ones. That is, they perceive this day as a gift from heaven. This is exactly how experts recommend treating the twenty-ninth lunar day. They bring retribution for the sins of the past month. Those who have not committed them do not notice the monthly “black streak”. If troubles happen to you, your mood plummets, then analyze your recent past. You have sinned somewhere: in actions or intentions. By the way, the same experts say that people living in the rhythm of the moon are less susceptible to unfavorable trends during this period. The darkness of the day may not touch them and may pass unnoticed. The rest have a hard time.

This period is favorable for spiritual work. Surely you understood this when you read about karma. It is advisable to abandon activities, especially those related to making important decisions. The probability of error is very high. Better to read, connect with nature, or spend the day in prayer. Some people prefer meditation, that's their right. Any work of the soul is welcomed on the day described. By the way, its negativity is emphasized by the positivity of the previous period. The characteristics of lunar days 29 and 28 are completely opposite. The positive and joyful light of the twenty-eighth day is suddenly followed by the “failure” of the next. This transition is so energy-intensive that it can knock any unprepared person out of his normal state. This fact must be taken into account if you have to do something important. They try not to schedule financial transactions, business and love meetings for this day.

About the good

There are people who strive to calculate the lunar day suitable for getting rid of something that has long been obsolete. These could be feelings or habits, things or attitudes. A more suitable day is simply recommended during this period to strictly monitor your thoughts and emotions. This is done in order to identify accumulated “garbage”. You need to get rid of it boldly and firmly. According to the recommendations of experts, negativity should be turned into love. There are enough methods for such work. For example, interrupt every negative thought with prayer. It’s difficult, of course, to vigilantly control yourself for so long. But the effect will be much greater than from work in any other period. Therefore, it is not necessary to calculate the lunar day to get rid of something. Check out the calendar! Now you know exactly when to throw out old furniture or throw

back side

The positivity of the twenty-ninth day easily turns into black negativity, as soon as you loosen control. Any quarrel started during this period quickly turns into a huge scandal. Confrontation can drag on for a long time if its causes, which lie in the karmic problems of the parties to the conflict, are not understood. It is advisable to avoid any aggressive actions, interrupt incipient squabbles, ignore rudeness, and not follow the lead of intemperate opponents. Especially if their role is played by dear people. But it should be postponed for a more favorable time. In general, you should be especially attentive and gentle with your loved ones. Let them feel your care and lean on your strong shoulder. This is necessary for any person, regardless of gender. Sometimes a man also wants to be weak, to be capricious. We need to forgive each other during this period. Believe me, it's worth a lot.

Lunar birthday

This period leaves the stamp of its darkness on all its children. Those born on this day live a long, but difficult life. Inside their souls there is an irreconcilable battle between the dark and light sides of the personality. Those whose lunar birthday falls on the twenty-ninth are advised to constantly focus on the positive, joy, and happiness. It is sometimes necessary to make incredible efforts so as not to fall into the deep abyss of devilry. By the way, these individuals are often prone to magic and have the corresponding abilities. They can only be developed when the eternal confrontation between good and evil is brought under control. Otherwise, there is a possibility of causing a lot of trouble to both yourself and others. And retribution will certainly come. These people need to be firm in their pursuit of good, more often help the weak, mentally turning all their strength to other people’s problems, distracting themselves from their own war.