Presentation "Old Russian culture". Presentation on the topic "culture of ancient Rus'" Presentation on the topic cultural heritage of ancient Rus'

Presented development on the topic " with a high-quality presentation, recommended by the author for use in 10th grade. The goals and objectives of the lesson presented in the notes are as follows:

introduce high school students to the characteristic features of Russian culture from the 9th to 13th centuries;

continue to develop students’ skills such as making notes on the presented material;

show, using the example of ancient Russian painting and architecture, the originality and beauty that culture of ancient Rus'.

To effectively organize a lesson you need: a computer ( laptop), screen, multimedia projector, presentation (you can download above).

Culture of Ancient Rus' - a brief description of the lesson

Monk Nestor of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery

We introduce 10th grade students to the topic of the lesson, informing them that the object of study will be culture of ancient Rus' namely the pre-Mongol period. Schoolchildren are trying to give a complete definition of the concept, remembering that it consists, first of all, of a set of values ​​of a spiritual and material nature, which were created by humanity in the course of socio-historical labor practice.

We lead students to an understanding of the patterns that reflect the presence of its own characteristics of cultural development in each historical period of time. In this connection, let us pay attention to the features of the culture considered during today’s lesson of the time - IX-XIII centuries:

the pace of development is slowing down;
the presence of traditionalism;
religious worldview dominates other views.

Culture of Ancient Rus' - stages of development

This period is characterized by the identification by culturologists of three stages of cultural development. The first of these is the period of pre-Christian culture among the peoples of the Eastern Slavs. Although the pagan traditions of antiquity still exist today ( omens, fortune telling, belief in the brownie and others).

The next stage in the development of the culture of Ancient Rus' is associated with its baptism by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, when in 988 Byzantine Christianity was adopted, reflecting Byzantine traditions in the development of culture.

Another stage when culture of ancient Rus' undergoes the influence of the increasing fragmentation of Rus' and local stylistic features begin to form in architecture.

Having analyzed the stages of cultural development, the teacher introduces schoolchildren to various examples of ancient Russian culture. And since one of the main signs of a developed civilization is considered to be the presence of a writing system, then its development among the ancient Slavs is considered.

Culture of Ancient Rus' - knotted writing and Slavic alphabet

The most notable thing is that the Slavs have their own system of signs, characteristic of the writing of the pre-Christian period and called knotted writing. We discuss in more detail with high school students the features and examples of knotted writing, accompanied by presentation slides .

We further draw an analogy between the emergence of writing and another version, more often found in literature related to the activities that are credited with the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet - the Slavic alphabet. The holiday celebrated today is also associated with the names of Methodius and Cyril.

The development of writing always leads to the development of literature. The following genres are distinguished in ancient Russian literature: the word, lives, chronicles and circulation. About 150 books belonging to Russian authors have survived to this day from that period of time. The most common genre of literature was hagiography.

By the first half of the 11th century, a chronicle was created that is considered the most ancient chronicle that has come down to us. It was written by the monk Nestor ( on the image), who composed it in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. This is familiar to high school students from literature classes "The Tale of Bygone Years". A little later, by the 12th century, a new genre appeared - walking.

Culture of Ancient Rus' - architecture

We turn students' attention to the development of another cultural object of Ancient Rus' - architecture. Basically, the dwellings of the Slavs were structures of two types: northern And southern. The northern type includes the dwellings that existed at that time with the walls cut down and the floor raised high. The dwelling had a large stove made of stones and a gable roof.

The southern type of dwelling was distinguished by a recessed floor in relation to the ground level, as well as wooden walls covered with earth. Wood was used as a building material in both types of housing. The first churches in Rus' were also built from it. And stone construction appeared by the end of the 10th century.

In such a fascinating rhythm, other directions inherent in ancient Russian culture are illuminated. Detailed development of a history lesson " , as well as the presentation for the lesson can be downloaded above. In addition, I suggest using the player below to view the slides of this presentation ↓

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What is culture?

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Culture is a set of spiritual and material values ​​developed by a certain era, a certain people

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The development of ancient Russian culture took place in direct connection with evolution

East Slavic society, the formation of the state, strengthening relationships with neighboring countries

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Features of the culture of Ancient Rus'

  • The basis of Old Russian culture was the heritage of the Eastern Slavs;
  • Old Russian culture also absorbed the cultural achievements of its closest neighbors;
  • Byzantium and the adoption of Christianity in Rus' had a special influence;
  • The masters, despite the influence of Byzantine culture, sought to remain original.
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    Oral folk art-folklore

    Everyday life and amazing events were reflected in folklore: songs, epics, riddles, proverbs, spells. The epic epic occupies a special place.

    Give examples.

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    Bylinas are folk epic songs that originated in Ancient Rus', about heroes and their military exploits.

    The heroes of the epics are Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and other heroes defending Rus' from nomads. The epics glorified the power of Rus' and aroused patriotic feelings (“Ilya Muromets and Kalinin the Tsar”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Vladimir the Red Sun”, etc.).

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    Assignment: remember the ideas of the Western European epic?

    Conquest, religious war, baptism of infidels

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    Russian alphabet on birch bark, found in Novgorod

    The alphabet is a great step; every nation needs its own written language. The birth of the Slavic alphabet is the merit of Cyril and Methodius.


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    Cyril and Methodius arrived in the Great Russian Empire to conduct services in the Slavic language. And then the creation of the alphabet began. Kirill took some letters from the Greek alphabet, others he invented himself. The brothers began to translate Greek and Latin manuscripts into Slavic, in particular the main liturgical books. There is a tradition that the first phrase translated by Cyril read: “in the beginning was the word...”

    Question: What does this find mean?

    About the fact that in Rus' there was writing and there were literate people. Writing originated in Rus' before the adoption of Christianity.

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    Birch bark letter from the boy Onfis. Novgorod.

    They taught writing not only to men, but also to women. Children who studied in ancient Russian schools in many ways resembled their peers today - this can be judged by the funny drawings made many centuries ago in Novgorod by the boy Onfim.

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    After the baptism of Rus', church leaders and translators began to arrive from Byzantium; Schools were opened at monasteries and churches, where they taught literacy, the basics of Christian doctrine, and arithmetic. Translations of Byzantine church books, biographies of saints, and historical works began to appear.

    They wrote on parchment (cured calfskin).

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    The first ancient Russian books, as in Europe, were handwritten and very expensive. Only rich people owned books. The books were bound in leather and richly decorated with precious stones.

    The books were decorated with miniatures—small, elegant pictures that illustrated the texts.

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    Why were there many literate people in the Old Russian state?

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    • Lives - literary descriptions of people canonized as saints
    • “The Tale of Boris and Gleb”, “The Lives of Princess Olga”
    • A chronicle is a record of events that took place, compiled by year.
    • "The Tale of Bygone Years"
    • “Word” is a solemn and instructive address “The Word of Law and Grace.”
    • “Walking” (or, in Old Russian, walking) are a kind of travel notes.
    • Hegumen Daniel's "walk" to the Holy Land.
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    Among the genres of ancient Russian literature, the chronicle occupies a central place.

    An outstanding literary monument belonging to the chronicle genre is “The Tale of Bygone Years” - a chronicle collection that apparently began to be compiled around 1113 by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, who used records from the 11th century. Nestor's chronicle preserved evidence of the most important events of ancient Russian history, including the calling of the Varangian princes, the emergence of princely power, the campaigns of the Slavs, the adoption of Christianity and the creation of the Slavic charter, and the exploits of the holy martyrs.

    Chronicler Nestor

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    Wooden architecture

    Peasant huts, princely and boyar towers, and city fortresses were built from wood.

    Assignment: Name the features of Russian wooden architecture

    Features: multi-tiered buildings; the presence of a variety of buildings; crowning buildings with towers and turrets; wood carving.

    Prince's Court

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    Stone architecture

    The first outstanding monument of ancient Russian stone architecture was the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, founded by Byzantine craftsmen in Kiev in 989 and completed in 996. Since Prince Vladimir allocated a tenth of the income for the maintenance of this church, it was called Tithe. The church collapsed in 1240 during the capture of Kyiv by Batu. Only the remains of its foundation have reached us.

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    The features of ancient Russian architecture were clearly manifested in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, founded in 1037 in Kyiv by Yaroslav the Wise. By naming the main city cathedral after Hagia Sophia, Yaroslav the Wise entered into a kind of rivalry with the famous Sophia of Constantinople. The cathedral was decorated with frescoes, the themes of which included both gospel and everyday scenes, in particular, depictions of members of the princely family.

    St. Sophia Cathedral in

    Kyiv, 1037

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    St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

    Following the example of Kyiv, in the 40s - 50s of the 11th century, St. Sophia Cathedrals were built in Novgorod and Polotsk. Sophia of Novgorod, which has survived to this day, is much more strict and monumental than the Kyiv Cathedral - the harmonious Byzantine tradition is felt much weaker here. Novgorod architecture, unlike Kyiv, does not know mosaics - Sofia of Novgorod was decorated only with frescoes.

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    Golden Gate in Kyiv

    We know ancient Russian works of not only church, but also secular architecture. Judging by the chronicles, stone chambers were built for princes back in the pagan era - archaeological excavations confirm this information. However, buildings from the 11th century have reached us - first of all, the Golden Gate in Kyiv.

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    Temple painting

    Works of painting are iconography (the art of depicting saints according to strictly defined canons), frescoes (paintings painted with water paints on wet plaster) and mosaics (paintings made from glassy pebbles pressed into wet plaster).

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    Set the correct match

    • Epics are a literary description of the lives of people canonized by the church as saints.
    • Architecture wall painting, in which paint is applied to wet plaster
    • Mosaic small multicolor pattern in handwritten books
    • Life is a poetic tale about the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified
    • Fresco image made of stones or pieces of glass
    • Miniature art of constructing various buildings
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    Insert in place of blanks

    The oldest chronicle that has reached us is

    “_______ ________ ___.” It was created in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery by the monk ______. A major writer of Ancient Rus' was _______, the first native of Rus' to become the Kyiv metropolitan. His most famous work is “_____________________”, written in the genre of a solemn and instructive address. St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was built during the reign of _______

    • The Tale of Bygone Years
    • Nestor
    • Hilarion
    • A Word on Law and Grace
    • Yaroslav
  • View all slides

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    Historical conditions of formation

    Heritage of the Eastern Slavs (ancient myths and tales, traditions of wood and stone carving, art of blacksmiths) Achievements of neighbors (Finno-Ugric, Baltic tribes, nomads, Khazars) Influence of Byzantium (adoption of Christianity, stone construction, icon painting, frescoes) Patriotic idea (unification of popular forces against external enemies)

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    The epic is a poetic tale about the exploits of Russian heroes (the idea of ​​liberating the native land, its protection from enemies; the hard work of a plowman-farmer)

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    “You stand for the faith, for the fatherland, you stand for the glorious capital city of Kyiv”

    The heroes of ancient Russian epics are Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich.. Vasnetsov. Mikula Selyaninovich

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    Writing and literacy

    Byzantine monks Cyril the Philosopher and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet Glagolitic - one of the first Slavic alphabet for recording church texts in the Slavic language.

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    Cyrillic alphabet 43 letters (19 vowels). Each letter has its own name, similar to ordinary words:

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    Baptism of Rus' - development of literacy

    Scriptorium - workshops for copying books and binding them Yaroslav the Wise - development of education in the Kiev Cathedral (circa 1037) Yaroslav the Wise founded a book depository. It presented the most complete collection of monuments of Ancient Rus'. Not only liturgical books were presented here, but also moralizing, educational, medical, and historical literature. Every book was a masterpiece. There could not be two identical books. Saint Sophia

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    School in Ancient Rus'

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    The first Russian books are a work of art

    Material – parchment Font – calligraphy Writing rules – charter Illustrations – miniatures Ornament Red line Binding – leather, wood (read “from cover to cover”) Inlay – gold, precious stones

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    Old Russian literature

    Chronicles are a record of historical events by year. Life of Prince Vladimir Word - a solemn and instructive address Lives - literary descriptions of the lives of people canonized

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    Chronicles are historical works in which events are presented according to the so-called yearly principle.

    9th century – extracts from the chronicle of Prince Askold Chronicle of Olga and Svyatoslav 997 – chronicle collection of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich 1113 - “The Tale of Bygone Years”

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    “The Sermon on Law and Grace” 1049 Metropolitan Hilarion

    Part 1 – praising the idea of ​​Christianity Part 2 – “Praise to Prince Vladimir,” the baptizer of Rus' Part 3 – Yaroslav the Wise – a worthy successor to the cause of Christianization General idea: the greatness of Rus', the special role of Rus' in the Christian world

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    Rus' is a country of cities “Gardariki”

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    Torzhok, bargaining

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    Architecture is the art of constructing and decorating buildings.

    Wooden architecture

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    Residential premises - mansions

    Boyar mansions Princely mansions (stone) Chernigov.

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    Peasant huts

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    Stone construction. 10th century

    Visiting Byzantine masters Byzantine architectural tradition 989 – Tithe Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Vladimir Svyatoslavovich) 1036 – St. Sophia Cathedral (Yaroslav the Wise)

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    St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Golden Gate in Kyiv Walls of ancient Izborsk

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    The art of temple decoration

    Mosaics - paintings made of multi-colored glass pebbles (smalt) pressed into damp plaster Frescoes - painting with water paints on damp plaster Iconography - images of God, the Virgin Mary, the holy apostles

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    artistic craft

    Scan - (from the Old Slavonic verb “skati” - to twist, twist several strands into one thread) an ornament applied with thin gold or silver wire soldered to metal. surface Jewelry - fine processing of precious metals and stones "Treatise on various crafts" historiographer, presbyter Theophilus, XI-XII centuries

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    Filigree, grain, filigree (from the Latin words filum - thread and granum - grain.)

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    Temporal rings

    Kolts – hollow temple rings of the hryvnia

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    Ryasny (chains of round or quadrifolium plaques) and kolta - headdress

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    Mob technique

    Typically, niello jewelry was made from a thin sheet of silver. To obtain a hollow product from a thin sheet, a very ancient method was used - hand punching, when a sheet of silver took the required shape under the blows of a wooden hammer. The second stage in the manufacture of jewelry with niello is engraving on metal

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    Cloisonne enamel

    The contours of the design were soldered onto the gold surface using the finest gold wire or a groove-shaped plate. Glass powder - enamel - was poured into the resulting cells. When heated, the enamel was firmly connected to the surface of the product. To obtain one color or another, a specific heating temperature was required. Enameling was the pinnacle of ancient applied art; mastery of it testified to the highest level of the master.

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    Culture of Ancient Rus'

    Fedorova I.A. MAOU "Lyceum No. 36"

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    Culture is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by human hands.

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    Features of the culture of Ancient Rus'

    1) The Eastern Slavs received pagan culture (epics, fairy tales) from the primitive era. 2) Formed during the era of the formation of a single ancient Russian nationality. The culture of individual tribes was reflected: Polyans, Vyatichi, Novgorodians. 3) Christianity had a huge influence. 4) Despite the influence of Byzantium, a distinctive Russian culture was formed.

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    "Phenomenon of Russian culture"

    1) Openness 2) Synthetic 3) Reliance on folk roots. 4) Interweaving of Christian and pagan influences. 5) Monumentality, scale

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    Writing. Existed before the adoption of Christianity.

    1) Clay Smolensk vessel of the 9th century. (was found in 1949. The inscription “gorushna” - spice 2) Treaty of Prince Oleg with Byzantium (911). 3) Cyril and Methodius created their alphabet based on the Slavic letter.

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    Cyril and Methodius.

    Brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), reformers of the Slavic alphabet, creators of the Church Slavonic language and preachers of Christianity. Their father is named Leo, “of good birth and rich.”

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    Cyril and Methodius at the Monument “1000th Anniversary of Russia”

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    Glagolitic is the oldest Slavic alphabet, created by Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century. Cyrillic alphabet, named after Kirill, formed the basis of the Russian alphabet.

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    "Kyiv Glagolitic sheets".

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    The Cyrillic alphabet is based on the Glagolitic alphabet.

    The Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, and Serbian alphabets were created on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet.

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    In Bulgaria, the holy king Boris converted to Christianity in 860. Bulgaria becomes the center of the spread of Slavic writing. The widespread use of Slavic writing, its “golden age,” dates back to the reign of Tsar Simeon the Great (893-927), son of Tsar Boris, in Bulgaria. Later, the Old Church Slavonic language penetrates Serbia, and at the end of the 10th century it becomes the language of the church in Kievan Rus.

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    The composition of the original Cyrillic alphabet is unknown to us; “classical” Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet of 43 letters. The Cyrillic alphabet entirely includes the Greek alphabet (24 letters), but some purely Greek letters (xi, psi, fita, izhitsa) are not in their original place, but are moved to the end.

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    Writing material.

    Birch bark is a writing material made from the top layer of birch bark. Most birch bark letters are private letters of a business nature (debt collection, trade, household instructions). Birch stopped being used for writing only in the 15th century.

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    Parchment is a writing material made from untanned rawhide of animals. In the 11th-12th centuries, parchment in Rus' was not able to be made and was imported from Byzantium or the West, and only in the 13th century did the writing of books on domestic parchment begin.

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    Cera - a tablet covered with wax and used as a writing surface. Cera is convenient because the text written on wax can be easily erased and a new one written.

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    Graffiti has a long and rich history among the Eastern Slavs. In Novgorod, 10 graffiti from the 11th century have been preserved. A large number of graffiti from the 11th to 15th centuries can be found in the Cathedral of St. Sofia in Kyiv, they contain both drawings and (usually) text. For the most part, ancient Russian graffiti is writing on the walls of churches, so their most common content is prayer requests to God or saints. For Kyiv, where, unlike Novgorod, there are no birch bark letters, graffiti is one of the main sources of information about everyday writing and colloquial speech.

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    Yaroslav the Wise opened libraries, workshops for copying books, and schools for boys.

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    Oral folk art: conspiracies, spells, proverbs, riddles, epics (poetic tales of the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified) Bogatyrs - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets - people's defenders. Sadko- (Rich Guest) is the hero of the epics of the Novgorod cycle.

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    Mikhail Vrubel. Bogatyr

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    Victor Vasnetsov. “Bogatyrs” (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich). 1881-1898

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    Mikula Selyaninovich is a representative of agricultural life.

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    Ilya Repin "Sadko"

    Andrey Ryabushkin. Sadko, a rich Novgorod guest. 1895.

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    "The Tale of Bygone Years." Written by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor, a chronicler, in 1113. Hegumen Sylvester made a new vault of it in 1116-1118. The main question is “Where did the Russian land come from?”

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    Hilarion - “The Sermon on Law and Grace” (40s of the 9th century.

    "Readings about Boris and Gleb."

    "Daniel Abbot's Walks to Holy Places."

    Vladimir Monomakh "Teachings to children."

    Daniil Zatochnik “Word and Prayers”.

    Kirill Turovsky “The Parable of the Human Soul.”

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    “... Do not forget the more wretched, but, as much as you can, feed the orphan, and justify the widow yourself, and do not let the strong destroy a person... .... When you go to war, do not be lazy, do not rely on the commander; do not indulge in drinking, eating, or sleeping; Dress up the guards yourself, and at night, placing guards on all sides, lie down near the soldiers, and get up early; and do not take off your weapons in a hurry, without looking around out of laziness, because suddenly a person dies. Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul and body perish from this... But here is the basis for everything: have the fear of God above all.”

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    (the full title is “The Tale of the Campaign of Igor, Igor, the son of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Olegov,” is a famous monument of ancient Russian literature. The plot is based on the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians, undertaken by the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185.

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    Artistic craft. Jewelers

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    Grain - Small gold or silver balls (diameter from 0.4 mm), which are soldered onto filigree ornaments in jewelry. The grain creates a spectacular texture and a play of light and shadow.

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    Filigree is a type of jewelry technique: an openwork or soldered pattern on a metal background made of thin gold, silver or copper wire, smooth or twisted into ropes.

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    Black - the use of various types of paints to give metal products a more attractive appearance.

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    Cloisonne enamel.

    To create it, on a thin metal base plate made of copper, gold, less often silver, cupronickel or high-quality steel, a sketch outline of the future image is scratched, engraved or cut through. Next, metal partition strips are soldered along this contour. The thickness of such strips depends on the author’s idea, but rarely exceeds 1 millimeter. The stripes create both closed and open cells of various shapes and sizes. Each cell is filled with enamel to the upper edge of the partitions and fired.

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    Rus' is the country of Gardariki.

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    The Church of the Tithes (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in Kyiv is the first stone church of the Old Russian state, erected by Saint Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, on the site of the death of the first martyrs Theodore and his son John.

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    Christ the Pantocrator" (Christ the Pantocrator. Mosaic image). Main dome:

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    Church of Hagia Sophia in Novgorod, created in 1045-1050.

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    Clothing: outerwear, raincoat.… Monument " 1000th anniversary of Russia" 5a/Kiev_Glagolitic_list_X.jpg http://s301407763.onlinehome.u…… 12)Ilya Repin Sadko /Sadko.jpg/422px-Sadko.jpg 13)Andrey Ryabushkin.……

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    Andrey Ryabushkin.…… /in... 2b...…..Kiev. Ancient Kyiv in the 11th century. Ancient Kyiv in the 10th century. - Picture 11... http: //…… am/news/2009... http://everdream. ru/forum/inde……

    Culture of Ancient Rus'

    a history teacher

    MAOU secondary school in the village of Orekhovno

    Features of culture:

    1. The basis of ancient Russian culture was the heritage of the Eastern Slavs:

    Ancient myths and tales

    Traditions of wood and stone carving

    The art of blacksmiths and potters.

    2.Influence of Byzantium

    For culture.

    • Songs
    • Fairy tales
    • Bylinas (poetic tales of the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified)
    • Russian epics are imbued with the idea of ​​liberating one's land, protecting it from enemies.

    • The favorite epic heroes were the peasant son, the fearless and mighty warrior Ilya Muromets, the sensible and fair Dobrynya Nikitich, and the cheerful and quick-witted Alyosha Popovich.

    • Writing among the Eastern Slavs originated even before the adoption of Christianity. The Slavic alphabet was created by the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius. Slavic writing penetrated into Rus' in the second half of the 9th century.

    • Cyril (in the world Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher, 827-869, Rome) and Methodius (in the world Michael; 815-885, Moravia) - brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), creators of the Slavic alphabet, creators of language and preachers of Christianity.
    • One day, the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Michael.
    • The king summoned two learned brothers, Constantine and Methodius, and sent them to the Slavic land.
    • This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originates.

    • "The Tale of Bygone Years":
    • ... Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and teach us and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; Some teach us this way, and others teach us differently, so we don’t know either the shape of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning...

    • The Baptism of Rus' gave a powerful impetus to the development of writing and literacy. Church literati began to come to Rus'. Schools were opened at churches and monasteries. Education was conducted in the native language, they taught reading, writing, the basics of Christian doctrine and counting.

    • The books were handwritten and very expensive. The pages of the books were made from specially tanned calfskin. Each letter in them was carefully written out according to strict rules - regulations. The books were decorated with small elegant pictures illustrating the text - miniatures. Only very rich people could order books.

    • letters and records on birch bark, monuments of writing of Ancient Rus' of the 11th-15th centuries. Birch bark letters are of primary interest as sources on the history of society and the daily life of medieval people.
    • The place where birch bark letters from medieval Rus' were first discovered was Veliky Novgorod.

    • Hilarion is the first Metropolitan of Kiev, a native of Rus', a major writer. He created a number of works in the genre of words - solemn and instructive addresses.
    • "The Sermon on Law and Grace", first spoken in 1049 in honor of the completion of the fortifications of Kyiv. The idea of ​​the greatness of Rus' runs like a red thread through the entire work.

    • was created around 1113 by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. Nestor recreated a broad picture of historical events. In the first lines of his chronicle, he posed the question: “Where did the Russian land come from, who was the first to reign in Kyiv?” Answering this question, the chronicler tells about the formation of the Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv, about the activities of its first princes, about relations with other peoples.

    • Literary descriptions of the lives of people canonized by the Orthodox Church. Lives necessarily told about various miracles performed by saints during life and after death.

    • Wooden architecture is the art of constructing various buildings. Peasant huts, princely and boyar towers, and city fortresses were built from wood. Russian wooden architecture had its own traditions. It was characterized by multi-tiered buildings, crowning them with turrets and towers, the presence of various kinds of outbuildings - cages, passages, vestibules. Intricate artistic wood carvings decorated wooden buildings.

    • Stone construction began in Rus' at the end of the 10th century after the adoption of Christianity. In 989, Prince Vladimir founded the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv, dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.
    • “In the summer of 6497...Volodimer thought of creating the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and sending masters from the Greeks.”
    • ("The Tale of Bygone Years")
    • It was a powerful structure with several domes, erected from thin brick interspersed with natural stone, richly decorated with carved marble.
    • Ruins of the Tithe Church

    • St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, St. Sophia (founded in 1037), an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture, the main religious and public building of Kievan Rus; the main temple of the Kyiv metropolitans. St. Sophia Cathedral combined Slavic and Byzantine traditions.
    • Interior decoration
    • Modern view of the temple

    • St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, St. Sofia (built in 1045-50), an outstanding monument of Russian architecture. It was a cathedral (now a museum). Built in "Detinets" (Kremlin; mainly made of stone, plinth was used mainly in the laying of vaults).
    • This is the only building of that time that has survived to this day almost unchanged.
    • Sofia has become a symbol of Veliky Novgorod.

    • Frescoes are paintings painted with water paints on wet plaster.
    • A mosaic picture made from glassy pebbles pressed into damp plaster.

    • Rus' was famous for its skilled artisans. Warriors from many countries highly valued weapons and armor made by Russian craftsmen - spears, swords, shields, chain mail.

    art of Russian jewelers

    It was of a high standard. Jewelers are masters of fine processing of precious metals and stones, making expensive jewelry, gold and silver dishes. Very complex techniques were used to make jewelry:

    • Grain - a pattern consisting of many tiny balls-grains was soldered onto the product.
    • The scanned pattern was applied with thin gold or silver wire, which was soldered onto a metal surface.

    • The Old Russian state was distinguished by a high level of cultural development for its time. At the same time, Rus' creatively reworked the cultural achievements of Byzantium and other neighboring states, forming its own distinctive cultural traditions.
    • Old Russian culture has become an integral part of world culture.

    Bibliography: Danilov A.A. Kosulina L.G. “History of Russia. From ancient times to the end of the XYI century" M., 2013 information sources : ancient+russ+pictures & newwindow =1&biw=1280&bih=887&tbm= isch&imgil =zG-fZxfhAItFYM%253A%253B8mvf2f5azxkd8M%253Bhttp%25
