We need peace on the blue planet! Scenario for the reading competition “All children for peace on the planet! We need peace on blue.

Municipal State Institution

“School – gymnasium No. 2”

Akimat of the city of Ust - Kamenogorsk

Extracurricular activity

Topic: We need peace

Prepared by:

Bulavskaya Valentina Anatolevna

Primary school teacher

Ust - Kamenogorsk


Explanatory note

Extracurricular activity "We need peace"

The extracurricular activity “We Need Peace” was developed in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The event is planned for the 3rd grade of primary school. The material for the event was selected taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students.

Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s Fatherland, to one’s people. A person’s attachment to home, city, country does not arise on its own: it needs to be nurtured. An indispensable component of patriotic education, along with the study of the heroic pages of the past of the Fatherland, should be the study by students of the history of their family. The child must know that he is the keeper of the memory of his ancestors and must pass it on to his descendants. But how can you make a small citizen feel part of the state in which he lives, want to be proud of his country and, if necessary, stand up for its defense? This event is aimed at developing a sense of homeland, respect for the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, and an understanding of the need and importance of peaceful life.

The purpose of the extracurricular activity " We need peace »:

Classroom objectives:

Form of the event: an oral journal with elements of research activities.

Direction : spiritual and moral education

Preparation for the event:

Give the task for the children to prepare photographs and stories about their grandparents, participants in the Great Patriotic War;

Give the task for the children to write a “Letter to a Soldier”

Announce the drawing competition “Let there always be sunshine”;

Release the stand “Trace of War in My Family”;

Distribute roles among students.

Class design:

Posters about the Great Patriotic War;

- an exhibition of children's drawings, a stand “Trace of the War in My Family” is displayed,

Audio recordings of songs:“Field mail”, “Let there always be sunshine”, “Children on the planet are friends

Materials: video projector; interactive boardmultimedia presentation “We need peace”;phonograms of the songs “Field Mail” (music: Yu. Levitin; lyrics: N. Labkovsky), “Let there always be sunshine” (music: Arkady Ostrovsky, lyrics: Lev Oshanin), “Children on the planet are friends”( Plyatskovsky)

exhibition of photographs “Trace of the war in my family”

Extracurricular activity for primary school students

"We need peace"


Fostering a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland, developing an understanding of the need and importance of peaceful life.

Classroom objectives:

- Develop moral feelings of empathy, feelings of gratitude;- formation of spiritual and moral qualities, education of patriotism and citizenship, formation of the idea of ​​continuity of generations;

Fostering respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

    Organizing time

Friends, let's join hands!

And let's smile at each other!

Let's wish each other well,

May things be successful!

    Event topic message:


Guys, listen carefully to the poem.

Tell me, what topic will our class hour be devoted to? (children's answers)

We need peace on the blue planet.

Both adults and children want it.

They want, waking up at dawn,

Don't remember, don't think about the war!

We need peace to build cities

Plant trees and work in the fields.

All people of good will want it,

We need peace forever, forever! (I. Kravchenko)

Guys, name the key words in this poem. (war, peace)

3 . Group work

Teacher - Guys, I suggest you work in groups. I ask you to create a cluster for the words WAR and PEACE. On one half of the sheet write down associations for the word WAR, on the other half for the word PEACE.



Speeches by children based on the results of group work (posters are hung on the board)

Teacher - Guys, why did you write down the associations for the word “war” with a black pencil?

What about the word “Peace” with colored pencils?

Guys, which of these words is the most important for us? Why?

Today we will talk about what war means and what peace means.

Teacher - Guys, please note that you all have the same associations to these words. You are now 9-10 years old. You were born and raised in a peaceful land, you know well how spring thunderstorms make noise, but you have never heard the sounds of military weapons. You see how new houses are being built in the city, but you have no idea how easily houses are destroyed under a hail of bombs and shells. It’s hard for you to imagine how easily life can end during war. War spares no one - neither the elderly nor children, war kills all living things, brings destruction and hunger, from which thousands of people die. What is war?

Children reading a poem

1: From stories and books I know the war,That made many children orphans.What made gray-haired mothers cry.I know the war from stories and books.

2: From stories and books I see war.I see walls, a house torn apart by bombs.Smoke from fires, blackening ashes all around.From stories and books I see war.

3: From stories and books I hear warI hear the roar of guns and the screams of wounded people.I hear the sigh of the partisans, who became silent for a moment.From stories and books I hear war.

4: I don’t know war, but why do I need it?I want to live peacefully and sing hymns to beauty.We need to strengthen peace so that always and everywhereIf only they knew about the past war.

Teacher - Exactly 70 years ago, on an ordinary summer day, June 22, 1941, the most terrible, bloodiest of all wars began. This war claimed more than 20 million lives. You can count how many years, months and days the Great Patriotic War lasted, how much was destroyed and lost, but how can you count the amount of grief and tears that this terrible war made you shed.

This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the victory in the Great Patriotic War over the Nazi invaders.

Presentation demonstration

1 slide

At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let's tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so they will remember.

2 slide

The summer of 1941 started off wonderfully for many boys and girls. Summer promised its joys. The sun was shining brightly, flowers spread across the meadows like a colorful carpet...

3 slide

When the trumpet sounded
Anxiety in my beloved land,

The boys froze
In a stern soldier formation.

4 slide

On the first day of the war, the entire huge country stood up to fight fascism. In these ranks stood people of different nationalities - Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Uyghurs. At this terrible hour, everyone became one big family, which suffered great grief. Of every hundred soldiers who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, war!

5 slide

The war means 1,725 ​​destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages. War means 32 thousand blown up plants and factories, 65 thousand railway lines.

6 slide

War means 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop grown on soil salty from sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you. War is a childhood taken away.

7 slide

War is a cruel business. We call it Great because the courage of the people is great and their anger is great. We call it Patriotic because everyone defended their Fatherland - the most precious thing that people have. We call it national because all our people rose up to fight the invaders.

Children read a poem:

Let the machine guns not fire,
And the menacing guns are silent,
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
May the sky be blue

Let the bombers run over it,
They don't fly to anyone
People and cities don't die...
Peace is always needed on earth!

Let the peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests ring out

And may the years pass peacefully,

Let there never be war!

Teacher – The Great Patriotic War lasted for 4 long years, and, probably, there is no family that would not have been affected by this war. How many fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, children did not return to their families. How many destinies were broken by the most terrible war. Let's listen to those guys in whose families the memory of the past war is sacred.

Children's performances “Trace of the war in my family”

Teacher - During the war, it was very important for every soldier to receive news from home, or send a letter from the front line to his family. These letters helped the soldiers survive all the hardships of the war and gave them strength to fight for victory. During the war, field mail operated, military postmen delivered small letters - triangles - directly from the battlefields to the families of soldiers.

(Song “Field Post”music: Yu. Levitin; words: N. Labkovsky)

Today I invite you guys to honor the memory of all those who won this Great victory for us. You have prepared letters for the soldiers who fought for the lives of all peoples. Each letter contains words of gratitude to the soldiers for their immortal feat. Let's collect the letters in the mailbox and give them to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

(A postman in military uniform collects letters from children)

Children read a poem:

    Even then we were not in the world,When fireworks thundered from one end to another.Soldiers, you gave to the planetGreat May, victorious May2. Even then we were not in the world,When in a military storm of fire,Deciding the fate of future centuries,You fought a holy battle!

    3. Even then we were not in the world,When you came home with Victory.Soldiers of May, glory to you foreverFrom all the earth, from all the earth!

    4. Thank you, soldiers.For life, for childhood and spring,For the silencefor a peaceful home,For the world we live in!

    Group work

Teacher – At all times, all nations dreamed of peace. They wrote poems about this, composed songs, and came up with proverbs and sayings. Guys, I suggest you collect proverbs about peace and war in groups. Connect the parts and create a proverb. Explain the meaning of one proverb.

1 group

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

War is good to hear, but hard to see

2nd group

Living in peace, do not forget about war.

Stand by your edge to the death.

Peace builds, war destroys.

3 group

He who sows peace will reap happiness.

The defense of peace is the work of all the peoples of the world.

Light will conquer darkness, and peace will conquer war.

4 group

Those who want to fight have no reason to go to war.

The enemy has peace on his tongue, but war in his heart.

To cherish peace means people will live long.


Teacher - Guys, today we talked about the most important thing for all humanity. We talked about what war is and what peace on earth means to us. Since ancient times, the dove has been considered a symbol of fertility, and subsequently peace. Today, every person in every corner of the world dreams of a peaceful sky above their heads, of the happiness and well-being of their people. Let us also send wishes of peace to every corner of our planet. After all, we all need peace so much!

Write on the dove - the messenger of peace - what important things you learned today, what you want to tell your loved ones and friends about. What was important to you? What would you like to wish to people all over the world?

Children read a poem:

Let it fly from edge to edge
Dove of peace... white wing...
Black power, dispersing the clouds,
Will bring Hope and Goodness...
So that children smile calmly,
So that fire does not fly into the icons.
You are these embittered hearts,
I ask you to touch with your wing...(song"May there always be sunshine" (music: A. Ostrovsky, lyrics: L. Oshanin)

Students write wishes on “Dove of Peace” stencils and attach them to the poster “I wish the world PEACE!”

    Event summary

Children reading a poem

1 student : Shine on us, sunshine, shine,
Let the children laugh

May there be peace throughout the whole earth,

On our blue planet.
2 student : Shine on us, sunshine, shine on -
Let it not be for anything in the world,

Children don't know dark days

On dear planet.
Teacher : Shine on us, sunshine, shine.
I wish you, children:

May there be peace throughout the whole earth

And the sun is shining brightly!
(I. Filchenko)

"Circle of Joy"

( Song“Children on the planet are friends”music: Yuri Chichkov, lyrics: M.Plyatskovsky)

Literature used:

1.Newspaper "First of September.Primary School" (Supplement to the magazine "Primary School") No. 13/2003, p. 13.

2. Poems about the war by T. Sharygina, I. Filchenko, I. Kravchenko

3. Poems about war for elementary school

4. Liver N.A. “Symbols of military glory” - M. Vlados, 2004

We bring to your attention children's poems about peace and friendship between peoples. These verses may be useful for organizing ceremonial assemblies and Peace lessons in schools and kindergartens, as well as for Children's Day.

I think about the world

If we could connect,
All the guys should make friends,
If we united
All villages, cities,
No more tears would flow
Never on the planet!
In the sky, on the water, on land
The dove of peace would soar
Everyone in this world
He spoke to us about peace.
(M. Ignatieva)

We have one Earth

We have one Earth, one
She's so blue.
She calls us to help,
So unprotected...

If you don't respond - at the same moment
She will accuse us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!

Flowers bloom on her alone,
Children are laughing on it alone,
And there is no more beautiful beauty,
And there are no doves on the planet.

She gave us joy
Gave dew and sunrises,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.
(D. Zevina)

EXTRACTS from the poem “Children of the Whole Earth”

Compiled by teacher
Survey questions
And in several classes
I read it to the pets.
The guys are on them
Wrote answers
Then I go to that school
came to the meeting.
The teacher handed it to me in a huge envelope
Answers, these sheets are multi-colored.
I read your notes, children,
And translated it into poetic language.

I appeal to you, children of the planet!
Do you need bombs,
How will this century end?
What should a person be like?
What do you think about adults?
Do you dream of the stars?

A piece of paper on a notebook.
KARIMOV Akhmed. I 1 years.
"To the overseas presidents
I appeal to:
All guns, tanks, machine guns
And deadly missiles
Should be out of work
On the territory of the planet.
Take them apart and then
Send for scrap metal.
On the spot
military bases
Build for children of all races
Swimming pools
and attractions, Park under the blue tent
And even a children's cosmodrome!
I really ask you to do this.
I'm not the only one who thinks so,
My comrades, friends!

KLYCHEV BAKHADIR. 13 years old.
It means child of the Earth.
He must be brave, and kind, and simple.
His paths and roads ran from his earthly home
to the very stars.
But, having learned the wisdom of a hundred thousand books,
But, having comprehended the birds and flowers, the language
Only by your courage
The man is great
With your kindness
The man is great!
And wherever the routes go -
He is a child of the Earth! He is a child of the Earth!

The answer is on the poplar sheet.
LIMA BERZIN. 14 years old.
“Even a blade of grass cannot be saved,
If an atomic tornado rises.”

Seventh grader Vitya's answer.
VITE is soon 14 years old.
"In anticipation of the coming century
I believe in bright days of triumph,
I believe in the good essence of Man,
I believe in his wise power!”
(Raim Farhadi)

I want people to calm down
They went to bed, got up,
So that songs about happiness
They haven't stopped talking since morning,
So that people can all live
In love and harmony...
I vote for peace
And for bright happiness.
(Nina Matyushonok)


White bird, light bird,
a point above the sea circles and lands
on the coast, getting stuck in the sand.
Another one is already flying towards her from the cliff.
White birds, light birds!
The sea plays and sparkles for them,
birds fly in this big world,
in a beautiful world, in a happy world.
(Yu. Titova)

We need peace

We need peace
On the blue planet.
They want him
Both adults and children.
They want to wake up
at dawn,
Don't remember
Don't think about war!
We need peace to build
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace
Forever! Forever!
(I. Kravchenko)

For the whole Earth

The trees are rustling, the sun is shining,
Tulips and mignonette are blooming.
But there are not always children in the world
They live happily. Not always.
And so that the earth smells fragrant,
The children laughed and grew
Our desires alone are not enough,
We need to save the world first.
For all people, for the whole Earth!
(L. Sinenko)

Take care of your children!

Shells are exploding,
And the bullets whistle.
Dies under bullets
Lots of guys.
Children are reaching out
To the sun and light.
People, fight
For peace on the planet!
(A. Koreneva)

The language of friendship

One day an offended neighbor came to me:
- My older brother gathered friends
From class to council.
They threw their bags on the sofa,
They told me: “Freeze!”
And we sat down to discuss the plan
Under the code "dictionaries".
"To the festival from many countries
We are waiting for our friends to visit.
We put dictionaries in our pockets -
And we will understand everyone with them.
We will find icons for everyone,
We'll show you our palace,
We will take guests around the parks
Sometimes in the evening."
I asked my brother: “How do I know
What country is the guest from?
Otherwise you’ll start flipping through the dictionary
Completely, completely different!
And won't it bend you like an arc?
From morning until dawn
Along the streets of Moscow with you
Should I carry all the dictionaries?
The unequal battle was short -
And here's the result:
In his hearts he slammed the door behind me
My strong older brother...
Friendship has a sunny language,
Intelligible, simple!
Like a blue spring in the grass,
It is refreshing in the heat.
The language of smiles, gestures, eyes,
He's a rainbow broadcast
Will bloom millions of times
Invincible: “Peace!”
And I say to my neighbor:
- To friends - Moscow is like home!
Without referring to the dictionary,
We will understand each other!
(Yu. Lutskevich)

Our song

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine”
Let the children laugh
On our blue planet.
Shine on us, sunshine, shine on -
For no reason in the world
Children don't know dark days
On dear planet.
Shine on us, sunshine, shine on.
I wish you, children:
May there be peace throughout the whole earth
And the sun is shining brightly!
(I. Filchenko)

Peace on earth

If there is laughter but no grief,
If you look and there is no quarrel,
This means peace on earth.
If the sun is high
If the sky is blue
This means peace on earth.
To prevent bombs from exploding,
So that the songs don't end,
We need peace on earth!
(S. Sukharenko)


Fly, red petal,
And to the West, to the East
And to the North, warm South,
Tell me who is your best friend.
Here is a green petal -
Shawl from Australia.
I'll dress up Katyusha,
I'll show all the guys.
But here is the blue pure light,
Everyone knows him from an early age.
And here is a yellow ray of sunshine,
He is friendly and powerful.
Finally, here is the black color -
I don't want war. No!
Let Katyusha be the mascot
Everyone is invited to join us for a holiday.
I want the globe
Was a little mischievous
So that you laugh, don’t grieve,
It was a colorful meadow!

Let the pigeons walk on the roofs,
Let the cranes melt in the sky...
Let there be peace!
We need him so much!
People all over the world need peace!
Let there be rivers, cities and villages,
Let the forest grow, bridges be built...
Let the children of the whole planet go to school,
Let flowers bloom in all yards!
(N. Gavrilenko)

The Earth is small only for the Universe,
It's big for a person,
And for him everything about her is priceless,
From oceans to sand.
From the beautiful face of the planet
It would be careless to swipe
Even a mote: suddenly this
The path changes in space.
Everything on earth is smart and necessary:
And bread, and air, and water,
And only terrible weapons
Let it disappear forever!
Then the grandchildren of our grandchildren,
Opening my eyes to the world for the first time,
We didn’t see the terrible explosions,
Only blue skies.
(M. Stepanova)

Children, fight for peace!

Happy children of a great country,
We are interested in living in the world:
Palaces and stadiums of the Fatherland are given,
All the best is given to the children.

And in countries where capital now rules
There is no care for children
He rebelled against the world again:
Produces rocket after rocket.

Therefore, we need to protect the world -
Join the fight, even though we are children:
Perform with a song, drawing, poem
For happiness, for peace on the planet.

Never fall again
Rockets are coming at us from the sky,
To the peaceful cities of our country,
To our homes and factories.

(Denis Kotelnikov)

Every year on May 9, our country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day. This holiday takes place in cities, towns and villages.
Every Russian family celebrates Victory Day, because there is no family in Russia that has not been affected by the war.
With bated breath, the children listened to the teacher's story about the first day of the war. It was a summer Sunday, June 22. The sun was shining tenderly, warming the earth with its rays. The birds were singing. People woke up and made plans for the day off. There were no signs of trouble. And suddenly the terrible news came from the loudspeakers that Nazi Germany had attacked Russia. And the terrible years of fear, horror, tears stretched in an endless series - the years of war!

69 years have passed since then. Veterans are leaving for another world. The time has come when we can learn about those events only from books, feature films, songs, but no matter how many years have passed since then, in the grateful memory of people, in their hearts will live the feat of unbending courage and heroism of the people who, at the cost of their lives, defended our dear Fatherland!

We need peace on the blue planet!
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.
We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it -
We need peace forever! Forever!

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Class: 1

Target: systematize children's knowledge about their native country, about the shape of planet Earth, introduce them to the meaning of the words Peace, War, introduce them to symbols of peace, cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, a responsible attitude towards preserving peace on Earth, cultivate collectivism, develop interest in learning, new knowledge, a sense of friendship, camaraderie, develop monologue speech, attention, memory, teach to listen to each other and understand.


1. Organization.

2. Subject message.

Today in our lesson we have not a fairy tale, but a true story. What is “truth”?

Right. This is reality. Let's imagine that we are not in a classroom, but in a clearing, in a forest, near the sea. What did you see? (I sunbathe in the country, I swim in the sea...)

This is all our Motherland! What is the name of our Motherland? What is she like?

The cheerful sun is pouring
Golden streams
Over the gardens and over the villages,
Over fields and meadows.

It's raining mushrooms here,
Colored rainbows shine,
Here are simple plantains
Since childhood we have been dearest.

What does the word “Motherland” mean to you?

3. Teamwork. Game “Collect proverbs”.

How do you understand this?

4. Conversation about our planet.

Our country is big. There are other countries in the world where people live, with their own customs, and speak different languages. And we all have a big house.

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That our house is a huge ball.

What do you know about our planet? (It is shaped like a ball)

What is the name of our planet? Earth.

What is the name of the Earth model? Globe.

What colors is our planet painted in? What does the color blue mean? Brown or yellow? Green?

“I hugged the globe” V. Orlov.

I hugged the globe.
One is over land and water.
Continents are in my hands
They quietly whisper to me: “Take care.”

Forest and valley in green paint
They tell me: “Be kind to us.
Don't trample us and don't burn us,
Take care in winter and summer.”

I hear all the birds and fish:
“We ask you, man,
Promise us and don't lie,
Take care of us like a big brother.”

I hugged the globe,
And something happened to me.
And suddenly I whispered: “I won’t lie,
I will save you, my dear.” .

5. Symbol of peace.

(There is a knock)

Who's knocking? Who came to us?

This is a small bird
Lives in cities
You'll pour some crumbs for her -
Coos and pecks.

This is a dove.

(A dove flew in - the girl plays the role of a dove. She flew around the whole class, stopped in front of the guys, waving her hands.)

6. Dove's story

Tell us about yourself “Dove”.

I'm a dove. I am a symbol of peace.

What is a symbol? (Answers from the guys)

World peace is my dream,
Let people live like one family.
Let there be no more wars and guns,
Let doors be opened in houses everywhere.
Love and trust are for me,
And endless peace - to the whole Earth!

7. Conversation about peace and war

Guys, how do you understand the word “peace”? (Children's answers)

Peace is friendly agreement between people.
Peace - silence, peace, tranquility.

What is war? How do you understand this word?

War is an armed struggle between states or peoples.
War means exploding shells, tears of children, loss of loved ones.

What do you children want to say to all the adults?

Moms, dads,
All adults!
Listen to your children's voice:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the path to war quickly!

We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.

We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

We will not let it become ashes and cinders.
To what is called earthly beauty.
May the sky above the Earth be peaceful.
May childhood always laugh loudly.

8. Song “Let there always be sunshine”

(children sing a song)

Words: Lev Oshanin
Music: Arkady Ostrovsky

9. “Katyusha” symbol

There is also a symbol of peace - this is Katyusha. (We dress the doll)


Fly, red petal,
And to the West, to the East,
And to the North, warm South,
Tell me who is your best friend.

Here is a green petal -
Shawl from Australia.
I'll dress up Katyusha,
I'll show all the guys.

But here is the blue pure light,
Everyone knows him from an early age.
And here is a yellow ray of sunshine,
He is friendly and powerful.

Finally, here is the black color -
I don't want war. No!
Let Katyusha be the mascot
Everyone is invited to join us for a holiday.

I want the globe
Was a little mischievous
To laugh, not to grieve
It was a colorful meadow!
(L. Dudarchik)

(Olympic rings appear)

What are these rings called?

What is this a symbol of?

Yes, human athletes from 5 continents compete. The Olympic Games are a symbol of peace.

10. Decorate the globe

(Parents drew our planet.)

Take some white sheets on which you will draw

doves, flowers, butterflies, clouds,..., with which you decorate the model of the Earth.

11. Creative work

(When finished, the guys glue their work on the “Planet Earth” drawing.)

12. Summing up.

I want people to calm down
They went to bed, got up,
So that songs about happiness
They haven't stopped talking since morning,
So that people can all live
In love and harmony...
I vote for peace
And for bright happiness.
(Nina Matyushonok)

13. Children get up in a round dance. There's a song playing “So let’s have a big round dance” words by E. Zhigalkin, music by A. Hayt.

Scenario “We are for peace”

Attributes: posters on the theme of the action, helium balloons for each participant of the action, audio equipment, microphone.

(A recording of the songs “Wider Circle” and “Children of the Whole Earth” plays.)

1 Presenter:

Today we have a fun holiday,

Music flows all around.

Today we are this holiday

Let's call it a day of peace and friendship!

Dear Guys! Dear adults! It is no coincidence that we have all gathered together today; we are holding the “Children for Peace on Earth!” campaign. There are still places on our planet where guns thunder, children, old people, and women die from war.

2 Presenter:

Dads, moms, all adults!

Let there be no war and explosions forever,

Block the path to war quickly!

Children's poems about peace.

1. Let the sun shine for us, let the rivers flow,

Let our mothers bake us buns,

And let the dads plow and sow grain...

No one can destroy the earth.

2. We need peace! To you and me

And to all the children in the world!

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.

We need peace!

Grass in dew

Smiling childhood!

We need peace!

A wonderful world inherited!

We need a colorful meadow, and a rainbow over the meadow!

We need to run, jump, sing and talk to each other!

3. We need peace on the blue planet, both adults and children want it.

They want, waking up at dawn,

Do not remember or think about the war.

We need peace to build cities

Plant trees and work in the fields.

All people of good will want it.

We need peace forever! Forever!

4. Adults and children know that the world should be treasured!

So that we can live under the high sun all over the planet!

Let the sun pour over us and give light to you and me,

The sky always needs the sun, the Earth always needs peace!

We open our autumn holiday with a ringing song

Let her fly on wings and circle the entire globe.

(Song “Sunny Circle”)

1 Presenter:

Peace is the most important word in the world,

Our planet really needs peace.

Adults need peace

Children need peace

Everyone needs peace!


White doves are messengers of peace

From the White Sea to the foothills of the Pamirs

Free bird, kind bird,

Suddenly take flight next to people,

They fly in a circle in a flock of white,

They embrace the earth with their love.

(Dance “Kalinka”)

2 Presenter:

Let the dove of peace fly from edge to edge... a white wing...

Black power, dispersing the clouds. Will bring Hope and Goodness...

(Song “Fly, pigeons!”)

1 Presenter:

Look, there are so many kids everywhere,

And in your hands there are bright balls on strings.

Here they are swinging, here they are shining.

The balls want to fly away after the pigeons.

2 Presenter:

The sun is shining brightly above the fields.

It’s good to live in your native country and be friends with all the children.

It’s good to run to the meadow along the morning path,

If your best friend is next to you.

Forest, and field, and river, the sky is endless,

And in your hand there is nothing better.

Spring gives a rainbow, sends a smile to children

We need peace, not war everywhere on the planet

(Musical number_________________________________)