Lazarevskoe. Where to go, what to see

Lazarevskoye is the very first resort on the Black Sea where I ended up. It happened a long time ago in childhood, about 3 years ago. We went there several times and I looked forward to each trip with bated breath. Perhaps that is why I have warm feelings for this village. Otherwise, it is quite ordinary, crowded in season, with a railway near the beach. If you like to relax in quieter places, then it is better to rent housing in neighboring villages. Sights can be visited no matter where you live.

Well, if you do go to Lazarevskoye, then look at my post - with the best rating and reviews. It’s better to book everything in advance, especially during the season, otherwise you won’t find what you want on site.

Park of Culture

Lazarevsky Culture and Recreation Park was founded back in the Soviet years, in 1975. It is located in the very center of the city, next to the embankment. The park is decorated with pedestrian paths, flower beds, lawns, and green alleys. Magnolias, eucalyptus, palm trees and rhododendrons - all these southern plants provide shade on hot summer days, are pleasing to the eye and make walks in the park especially enjoyable. In addition to a variety of exotic vegetation, the park is notable for its attractions. The tallest Ferris wheel in Russia operates here, you can ride a roller coaster, play classic slot machines, visit a fun room and a shooting gallery - just like in your Soviet childhood. There is also a modern children's playground for kids here. As in all entertainment places, there are many cafes, snack bars and stalls with all sorts of goodies. In general, a standard set of pleasures, especially typical for a southern resort town.

Ferris wheel

The Ferris wheel in the Lazarevsky Culture and Recreation Park began operating in 2012. At the moment, this is the largest Ferris wheel in Russia, its diameter is more than 80 meters. The wheel makes a full revolution in 8 minutes. From its highest point there is a wonderful view of the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, all the way to Abkhazia. The wheel has closed and open cabins for six and four people, respectively. It is better not to put children in open cabins, as they are swayed by the wind and it is scary to sit there. In the evening you can hardly see anything from the wheel, so riding after dark is not very interesting. Binoculars can be rented before boarding for an additional fee. The service, however, both throughout the park and specifically on the Ferris wheel is not yet the most “European” in quality.

Ticket price: from 200 rubles

Waterpark "Nautilus

The water park is located near the Lazarevsky Culture and Leisure Park, on the banks of the Psezuapse River. Nautilus is a fairly old water park (it opened in 2004) and looks shabby. The rides are not as exciting as, for example, in the Golden Bay; you can feel the joints on the slides, and the area is small. But still, in the heat, this is a good place for a family vacation. True, as elsewhere, during the season there can be queues and it can be difficult to find a free sun lounger with an umbrella, a life jacket or an inflatable ring. The water park has 4 pools: a swimming pool, with slides, a children's pool, and a pool with a Tsunami attraction, which is 14 meters high - quite extreme entertainment. There are no wave pools in Nautilus, but the children's area is good. If you don’t compare Nautilus to anything else, you may well like its slides and pools. There is also a cafe on the territory of the water park where you can buy corn, ice cream, and hot dogs. True, prices in the cafe and for other services inside the water park are not the most attractive.

Ticket price: 800 rubles

Waterpark Starfish

The water park is located near the seashore, as part of the large entertainment complex "Dolphin". Next to it are also the Tropical Amazon Oceanarium with a penguinarium and exoterrarium, the Starfish Dolphinarium and a children's amusement park with attractions. The water park area is small, there are few slides and you can feel the seams on them. For children there is a heated swimming pool and water attractions. Extreme ones include closed “Pigtails” intertwined with each other, as well as “Spaceball” and “Kamikaze”. In addition to water activities, the water park hosts daily shows. True, the service leaves much to be desired, during the season the water park is very crowded, there are queues and those who have been to other water parks will not be particularly interested in the attractions here.

Ticket price: 1000 rubles

Oceanarium Tropical Amazon

The Tropical Amazon Oceanarium is located in the Dolphin entertainment complex. The oceanarium and exoterrarium occupy two floors. On the first floor, in a cool, darkened room, there are large aquariums with different fish, from freshwater inhabitants of the Amazon, small sharks and piranhas, to tropical marine fish and corals. The area of ​​the hall is not very large, but it will be interesting for children to see the fish. On the second floor, visitors find themselves in a tropical jungle. Here you can see boa constrictors, monitor lizards, caimans, toads and turtles. In addition to open aquariums with reptiles and amphibians, waterfalls and tropical plants, here you can see a toucan, monkeys and even, suddenly, penguins. They sit in one small enclosure. There is a fee for photography, 100 rubles; you cannot take photographs with a flash, so as not to scare the animals.

Ticket price: 500 rubles

Dolphinarium Starfish

The Dolphinarium is located in the large entertainment complex "Dolphin". The performance at the dolphinarium lasts 50 minutes and features two white whales, three dolphins, a sea lion and a walrus. True, the animals do not always perform in full force and not in all cases they succeed in performing tricks the first time. After the performance, visitors can buy souvenirs and DVDs with a film about the dolphinarium, take pictures with dolphins or swim. At extra charge. Swimming with dolphins immediately after the show costs 2,000 rubles, 4 laps of the pool. According to reviews, this is not the most spectacular show and not the best dolphinarium in the Krasnodar region. Children may find it interesting, but adults will find it boring.

Ticket price: from 600 to 800 rubles, depending on the row.

What to see in the area

33 waterfalls

33 waterfalls are one of the most famous tourist attractions in the vicinity of Lazarevsky. You can go to the waterfalls on a guided tour or on your own. They are located in the area of ​​the village of Bolshoi Kichmay. You can drive along the river to the waterfalls in almost any car, not just an SUV. From Lazarevskoye the road will take 40 minutes or a little more. A little before reaching the waterfalls there is a parking lot; a path leads from it to the ticket office, along which there are souvenir shops and shops. The very first (also the largest) waterfall is approximately 12 meters high. The rest of the waterfalls are lower, but they are still worth seeing; they are no worse than the first in beauty. Wooden decks and stairs with railings, and bridges across the river were made to the waterfalls on both sides of the river. In the summer season, there are a lot of people at the waterfalls, tourists swim (there are cabins at the first waterfall for changing clothes), and take pictures. But not all waterfalls can be climbed by stairs. Upstream there are several cascades to which you will have to climb the slope and tree roots. In addition to the waterfalls, this place is known for its beautiful and mysterious forest, with trees covered with moss, almost like in a fairy tale. .

Ticket price: 100 rubles

33 waterfalls

Svir Gorge

The Svir Gorge is interesting primarily for the Svirsky waterfall. This is the closest and highest of the gorge waterfalls. Climbing along Svirskaya Street in Lazarevskoye upstream of the stream, you can first come to a clearing, on opposite sides of which are the sights of the gorge. To the right is the Svirsky waterfall, to the left is the Slava dolmen, the Adam and Eve waterfalls, the Moonstone, the Tree of Wishes and the waterfall with the intriguing name Mother-in-Law's Tears. It’s not close to the dolmen, about three kilometers. The trail climbs uphill over rough terrain, winding from one bank to the other. It will take several hours to complete the entire route. Red marks on stones and trees will show the way and prevent you from getting lost.

Ticket price: 80 rubles

Berendey kingdom

You can get to the recreational facility Berendeevo Kingdom from Lazarevskoye by commuter bus (stop Sanatorium Yantar). The territory of the Berendeevo Kingdom Park is part of the Mamedov Gorge with waterfalls on the Bezymianny Stream, which is a tributary of the Kuapse River. In addition to natural attractions, the park is interesting because the fairy-tale film The Snow Maiden was filmed here. Wooden figures of fairy-tale characters are scattered throughout the park, and the waterfalls have romantic names: Kupava, Emerald, Berendey’s Beard. The trail along the stream with waterfalls, starting from the ticket office, is only 450 meters long. Further from the observation deck at the 30-meter waterfall Beard Berendey to the ancient megaliths, sanctuary and dolmen, another attraction of the park, a 700-meter route leads through tea plantations. The trail is equipped with bridges with railings, marked and quite simple even for children. A marvelous fairy-tale forest with intertwining tree roots and vines hanging from branches and stones stretches around. In addition to the beautiful nature on the territory of the Berendey kingdom, you can catch trout with your own hands in a small reservoir next to the cafe, take pictures with fairy-tale characters and take part in entertaining animated shows for children and adults.

Ticket price: 100 rubles

Mamedovo Gorge

Mamedovo Gorge is one of the most picturesque places in the Lazarevsky district. The name of the gorge is associated with the legend of the Adyghe Mamed, who saved his native village from Turkish robbers by sacrificing his life. The route along the gorge starts from the Yantar boarding house, followed by a dirt road that leads to the Kuren restaurant. Then for about half an hour the route goes along the river, in the shade of beeches, chestnuts and lindens. The road goes to the right of the river, and a path along the stones of the Kuapse riverbed leads to the Cosmos camp site and Orekhovaya Polyana. Further, a narrow corridor between the rocks leads first to a grotto with sinter formations and bizarre rocks, and then to the stone gate of the gorge, where converging stone walls form an arch. Behind the gate is the so-called “White Hall” made of limestone. A stream of the Mamed's Beard waterfall flows along one of the walls of the hall. Further along the route you can see a small natural reservoir called Mameda Bath. Three more waterfalls in the gorge are called Happiness, Youth and Love. They are a little more than 10 meters high. It is believed that you need to bathe in each of them in order to gain all of the above. Climbing up the path, you can walk to tea plantations and a tea house with a cafe near the village of Bolshaya Mamedka. In addition to the above, in the gorge you can see a stone blockage where the “Mamed’s Head” waterfall and a dolmen are located. The length of the route through the gorge is 7 kilometers.

Volkonsky dolmen

You can find quite a lot of dolmens on the Black Sea coast, but they are of varying degrees of preservation and accessibility. The Volkonsky dolmen is different from the rest. This is the only fully preserved full-size monolithic dolmen in the world. His chamber is carved from solid stone. The dolmen is located in the river valley, near the village of Volkonka, not far from the Novorossiysk - Sochi highway. Next to the dolmen on the slope of the gorge there is a spring with hydrogen sulfide water, and a little upstream of the stream there are the “Two Brothers” rocks. The dolmen inside is semicircular, with a strong echo. It’s better to come to him early, because... By noon, groups of tourists arrive. Of course, the place is covered in legends. Some people remember unknown civilizations and megaliths, others simply make a wish.

During the season, admission is paid - 100 rubles, the rest of the time it is free.

Waterfalls of the village of Nadzhigo

The area in the area of ​​the Nadzhigo village is interesting for the waterfalls of the Kumyshtepe and Gumyshtepe rivers, exploring which you can take a route that is not very difficult, but long - about 12 kilometers. From the Sochi highway, you first need to get to the village of Nadzhigo, then climb up the mountain along a dirt road, about two kilometers away there will be a cafe that is open only in the summer season. If you go down to the confluence of the Gumyshtepe and Kumyshtepe rivers, to the right, on the Kumyshtepe river there will be a huge 32-meter waterfall. One of two large and beautiful waterfalls that are worth going here for. In the other direction, at the confluence of two rivers, if you cross the bridge, a canyon will begin ahead and then a two-level waterfall, around which bridges are also laid. even further away there will be the most beautiful 35-meter waterfall. The water in it falls onto a rocky ledge covered with moss. A powerful jet of water breaks against the stone, forming a cloud of spray around. If you return to the cafe, ride over the waterfall on Kumeshtepe and go further up, you can see many smaller waterfalls, 5-8 meters high. The clean and clear water of the mountain river fills small natural depressions. Light limestone makes the water azure. Multi-layered rocks, sometimes overgrown with moss or covered with ivy, stick out of the ground at an angle or rise vertically. The sun breaks through the tall trees, there are many fallen trunks all around. The nature here is very beautiful, there are few people, especially in early spring and late autumn. This place is just perfect for a contemplative walk.

Aul Thagapsh

The upper reaches of the Thagapsh River and the surrounding area of ​​the village of the same name are part of the Sochi National Park. The place is not very touristy, but it is quiet and has a certain charm of nature not trampled by mass tourism. From the center of Lazarevskoye to the village of Thagapsh it is only 16 kilometers. The road is narrow, it goes through the mountains, but the views from it are very picturesque: a narrow riverbed and a river valley below, framed by green low hills. The village of Thagapsh is small and quiet, notable only for its trout farming. The 800-meter-long path to the waterfalls requires closed shoes and a bit of sports training, as in some places you need to climb moss-covered boulders using homemade ladders and climb very rough terrain. The route starts at the ticket office, but there may not be anyone there, even in the summer season. In addition to low waterfalls in the river gorge, you can see rubble of huge boulders and free-standing boulders. In the vicinity of the village you can see the Tiger Cave. There are also about a dozen dolmens left in this area, and one and a half kilometers from the village, downstream of the Bzhizhu River, there is the Kholodnye Klyuchi tract with a small cork oak plantation on the southern slope of the Nikhekh ridge.

Psedakh and Shapsug waterfalls on the Asha River

The Ashe River valley attracts tourists with several interesting natural sites. This is the half-flooded Cave of Witches, dolmens, Psydakh and Shapsug waterfalls, picturesque suspension bridges across the river. Powerful and beautiful waterfalls on the Asha River are among the highest on the Black Sea coast. Previously, it was possible to get to the waterfalls only by SUVs, but now almost any car can pass here. If you do not have your own car, in principle you can walk to the waterfalls (although it is quite tiring and far away) or drive up in an UAZ or GAZ (for a large group). At the first waterfall, tourists are collected payment. This is a three-cascade waterfall Psydakh (or Psedakh, translated as “Beautiful Water”) on a tributary of the Ashe River, its total height is about 20 meters. The water in it flows through a stone chute, washed into the rock and falls in spectacular streams in a cloud of spray. You can walk to the upper cascades along wooden walkways with railings, specially made for ease of inspection. Near the Psydakh waterfall during the season there are trays with honey and various foods. To get to the second waterfall you need to walk uphill for about ten minutes (600 meters). Shapsug is located on the right bank of the Ashe River. A suspension bridge with railings 30 meters long leads here. Then you can climb to the top point of the waterfall using a wooden staircase. This waterfall has four cascades, with a total height of about 50 meters. If you walk up the river for about 15 minutes from the waterfall, you can see the so-called Psychef stone Jacuzzis, located on the Bekishey stream. The fast flow of water in the river here encounters a stone blockage made of sandstone blocks, breaking into smaller ones with seething water. The village closest to the waterfalls, the village of Kalezh, is also interesting with its Cave of Witches (or Salvation), about 70 meters in length, to which a long suspension bridge leads over the Ashe River.

Ticket price: 100 rubles

Where to go in Lazarevskoye? Lazarevskoye is a resort village that is part of Greater Sochi. It is loved by couples and young people, lovers of quiet and active recreation. Lazarevskoye is a popular resort with clean pebble beaches; unlike Sochi itself, there are fewer vacationers here.

While vacationing in Lazarevskoye, you can not only visit the beach and give preference to seaside recreation, but also visit interesting places in the resort. Where to go and what to see while relaxing in Lazerevskoye?

The resort has a developed tourist infrastructure; there is something to see here when relaxing with children. There are many family-friendly attractions and attractions located within the city.

In the evening, clubs and evening restaurants open, bowling alleys and other entertainment for young people. Active tourists will be interested in climbing the mountains and visiting natural attractions in the vicinity of Lazarevskoye.

Reviews about the Lazarevskoye resort are mostly positive, and prices here for entertainment and accommodation are lower compared to Sochi. We will consider a detailed description of the attractions and entertainment of the Lazarevskoye resort below.

Natural attractions of Lazarevskoye and its surroundings

  • Tulip tree- liriodendron from the magnolia family, not a common tree for the Krasnodar region; North America is considered its homeland. According to legend, it was planted by the famous General Raevsky in 1840, but scientists claim that the tree is much older.

The height of the tree is about 30 meters, and the diameter of its trunk is more than 2 meters. Hundreds of tourists come to see and take photos with the unusual tree. You can find it in the village of Golovinka, in the vicinity of the Lazarevsky resort. There are many legends and beliefs around the tree, according to which the tree fulfills wishes, energizes and helps cure diseases.

The tree looks especially beautiful during its flowering period, from late May to June; its flowers look like tulips, which is how the tree got its name.

Such a majestic tree in the latitudes of the Krasnodar region makes it unique, and photos against its background will keep memories of the resort.

  • Berendey kingdom is a natural park created based on Ostrovsky’s fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. In the park, in addition to a variety of trees, shrubs and flowers, there are many sculptures of fairy tale characters.

Throughout the park, there is a tourist route with paths, benches and signs that will lead you to the 27-meter waterfall “Berendey’s Beard”. There are 7 waterfalls throughout the park; natural and man-made attractions are intertwined here. In the clearing you can see the “wishing pond” and take memorable photos on Berendey’s throne.

Here, walking along the gorge, you can discover ancient burials - dolmens.

You can visit the park on your own or as part of a tour group.

  • Svir Gorge, is located on the outskirts of Lazarevskoye and has a tourist route length of 3 km. Here you can see many attractions: the Adam and Eve waterfall, Svirsky, Mother-in-Law's Tears, dolmens, the mysterious Moonstone. Tourist routes are marked with signs, and to visit the Svir Gorge it is recommended to have comfortable shoes.
  • Mamedovo Gorge- This is the most popular tourist route, 7 km long. The Mamedov Gorge is located between two mountain ranges and has many waterfalls. Here you can see the “Health and Youth”, “Happiness”, “Love” waterfalls, and the “Mamedov Usy” waterfall forms a natural bath in which you can swim. However, it is worth remembering that the water of mountain rivers is very cool.

There is a legend around the gorge about old man Mamed, who saved his village. You can hear it from local residents or tour guides.

You can visit the Mamedovo Gorge in the vicinity of Lazarevskoye, 3 km from the resort. For a walk, it is better to wear comfortable, waterproof shoes, as the gorge is very damp.

  • Crab Gorge originates on the outskirts of the resort. The gorge got its name in honor of the habitat of a large number of local crabs, which are difficult for tourists to catch because they hide and are afraid of noise.

In Crab Gorge you can see many waterfalls, grottoes, canyons, rocks and natural swimming pools.

The length of the tourist route is about 1 km, and you can get to the gorge on foot.

  • Volkonsky dolmen- this is the only monolithic dolmen in the world. In addition, its uniqueness lies in its size: the dolmen is about 17 meters long, 8 meters wide, and 1 meter high.

The dolmen is not built of stone, but carved into the rock, dating back to the 2-3 century. Scientists suggest that the dolmen was used not as a burial place, but as a temple.

There is a fee to visit the dolmen. There are many legends surrounding this attraction. Local residents consider the dolmen a place of power and fulfillment of desires.

You can visit the dolmen in the village of Volkonka, in the vicinity of Lazarevskoye.

  • Psezuapse River has a length of about 40 km. The name of the river is translated as “Clean Water”.

The mountain river flowing into the waters of the Black Sea has blue, clear water and a waterfall.

The river contains valuable species of fish: mullet, salmon, blue trout.

  • Waterfall "Miracle Beauty" is a beautiful sight of crystal clear water falling from the rocks, straight into a natural bowl, filling it with sky blue water with shades of emerald. Admiring the waterfall and hearing its murmuring streams is a real pleasure. However, the waterfall received its name not because of its beauty, but in honor of the Chudo-Krasovka farm founded in these parts in the pre-revolutionary period.
  • 33 Hydrogen- This is a water cascade, the most popular among tourists. Its location in the gorge and the vegetation around it transport tourists to a fairy-tale forest.

The waterfalls range in height from 1 to 12 meters; you can swim in some of them; according to legend, the water of the waterfall has healing properties.

The most beautiful sight of the waterfalls can be seen in the spring during high water. In summer, in the heat, water cascades may not seem so bright due to drying out.

The waterfall is formed by the Dzhegosh stream, and you can admire it in the village of Golovinka, in the vicinity of Lazarevskoye.

  • Aquarius Waterfall, 10 m high, has a relatively small width - 2 m.

The waterfall is located on the territory of the Sochi Park, you can get to it along a picturesque hiking trail, along which there is rare vegetation, some of which is listed in the Red Book. The area around the waterfall is well equipped, there are benches, stairs, and bridges.

On the territory of the Sochi National Park in the Lazarevsky district there are many waterfalls, the most famous of them are Tears of Laura, Psydakh, Igristy.

The height of the waterfalls can reach from 2 to 72 meters. Some of them are located in gorges, caves, rocks, which makes them extremely attractive, but also less accessible. The infrastructure around the waterfalls is well developed. The approaches to them are equipped with paths and stairs. Entrance to the territory of a park or waterfall is paid, the cost is symbolic, this allows you to keep the territory of the waterfalls clean, which is important, with a large flow of tourists.

  • Witches Cave located in the valley of the Ashe River. The cave is also called the “House of Spirits”, “Cave of Salvation”. The cave itself is an unusual natural object. The entire territory of the cave has not yet been explored due to the fact that it is flooded.

It is better to visit the cave with an experienced guide who will provide boots and flashlights. Additionally, you can pay for the boat cave, which will allow you to familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

There are lower passages in the cave that are currently impossible to get into, so where they lead is still unknown.

There are many legends surrounding the cave. Local residents believe that at a time when the cave was not flooded, the entire village managed to escape from enemy attacks through hidden passages. Also, according to legends, witches and sorceresses were herded into the cave.

A visit to the legendary attraction will not leave any tourist indifferent, and the mystery of the cave will add thrills during a boat excursion.

  • Cool Canyon is formed between rocks, the walls of which are covered with vegetation, which, along with water cascades, forms an incredible spectacle. Falling waterfalls in the canyon, breaking against the rocks, form life-giving drops of moisture that cover all the vegetation of the canyon.

Such a spectacle will take you into the movie picture with an incredible view. There are hanging bridges across the stream of the same name in the canyon, photos of which will preserve the memory of this natural spectacle for a long time. The tourist paths of the canyon are equipped with wooden decking; for convenience, the steep passages are equipped with stairs.

In natural swimming pools formed in the rocks by the streams of the mountain cascade, you can swim in crystal clear but cool water. This picturesque place is considered one of the most beautiful in the entire Krasnodar Territory, and after enjoying the walk, tourists can have a snack in a cafe located at the entrance to the canyon.

  • Mount Jesmi, equipped with hiking trails for climbing to the top. In the vicinity of Lazarevskoye, near the village of Soloniki, the ascent to the mountain begins.

The route, 13 km long, ends with luxurious gardens and tea plantations.

And the climb up a mountain 1109 meters high, and the views of the sea and the mountain range buried in vegetation will be remembered for a long time by every tourist who has overcome the route

Cultural attractions and shrines of Lazarevsky that tourists can visit

  • Ethnographical museum located in the building of an architectural monument of the 19th century, which belonged to a local merchant.

Now in three halls of the museum there are exhibitions dedicated to the indigenous people who lived on these lands since ancient times and the settlers who inhabited these lands after the Caucasian War.

Here you will get acquainted, in chronological order, with the development of the culture of the local region. Among the exhibits are the national costumes of the Caucasian people who inhabited these lands during the Middle Ages, dishes, weapons, household items and crafts.

  • Center of National Cultures presented in the form of the main stage and local cultural houses.

The main cultural and entertainment programs of Lazarevsky take place on the main stage of the CSC. Pop groups of different nationalities from Greater Sochi, as well as Georgia, Abkhazia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries perform here.

Having visited the main stage in the evening on a weekend, tourists will definitely have the opportunity to enjoy the singing and dancing of different groups.

  • Museum EstateAdyga-Shapsuga, located in one of the buildings in the village of Thagapsh. Here you can get acquainted with the costumes of local residents, their culture and way of life. You can even take pictures in costumes. Residents of an ancient family will treat you to dishes of national cuisine and give you a tour of their farm, where they breed bees and keep livestock.

They will let you try tea from local tea plantations and home-made mead.

  • Godlik Fortress It is now ruins with surviving towers and part of the wall with loopholes.

Nobody knows the exact date of construction of the fortress, but the date of the last reconstruction is attributed to the 14-15 centuries. You can see the historical ruins on your own, on the territory of the village of Lazarevskoye. And as part of the excursion, a professional guide will introduce you to the detailed history of the creation of the fortress and all the battles that took place on the walls of the fortress.

  • Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1903. In addition to bricks, river stone was used for the construction of the temple. During the Soviet period, the church was closed and the building was used as a museum.

Only with the fall of the Soviet regime, the temple was returned to the Orthodox Church. After years of restoration and restoration, the temple is open and serves Orthodox parishioners.

  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker- a young shrine, erected in 1999.

The peculiarity of the temple is that during construction, decorations brought from Greece were used, and a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is kept on the territory of the temple.

Entertainment and relaxation in Lazarevskoye

  • Promenade and beach of the resort- this is what tourists come here for.

The pebble beach of the resort is full of tourists during the season and has a developed infrastructure. Here you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas; the beaches are equipped with changing rooms, bathrooms, and showers.

A paved embankment stretches along the beaches, along which you can stroll, admiring the sea and flowering flower beds. On the embankment you can relax on the benches or spend time actively. Here you can rent skateboards, bicycles, hoverboards and have fun riding with the whole family.

Along the entire embankment there are many cafes and restaurants, which especially come alive in the evening. Here you can try dishes of various cuisines, visit the bar, and listen to live music.

During the daytime, there are spa salons on the embankment with fish and snails that offer popular treatments, as well as stalls with drinks and ice cream. Souvenir shops will delight you with their variety of gifts.

  • Ferris wheel in Lazarevskoye- this is the largest attraction in the entire Russian Federation. The Ferris wheel has a diameter of 80 meters and is a symbol of the village.

Here you can ride in closed safe cabins, and for thrill-seekers there are open cabins. Rumor has it that the Turkish coast can be seen from the Ferris wheel. Whether this is true or not is worth checking out. In any case, a visit to this attraction will not leave either adults or children indifferent!

  • Park of Culture and Recreation Worth a visit for all vacationers with children. Here, among eucalyptus trees, palm trees and magnolias, children can relax on free playgrounds. And for older children, there are many attractions here.

There are many stalls with sweets and fast food and cafes in the park, so it’s worth stocking up on money.

In the park you can visit an aquarium, a dolphinarium and a penguinarium.

  • Waterpark "Nautilus" will delight the whole family with a vacation. There are 7 slides with varying levels of difficulty and extreme, 4 swimming pools, a relaxation area with umbrellas and sun loungers.

For children there is a separate playground, its own swimming pool and playground.

The water park is equipped with modern changing rooms, toilets, and showers.

And after an active holiday, tourists can have a snack in a cafe on the territory of the water park.

  • Water park "Starfish" It also has a developed infrastructure. The water park area is equipped with green spaces and benches where you can stroll. The water park slides are distinguished by their extreme nature, and the pools are filled with sea water. You can have a snack at the local foot court, and buy gifts for all your relatives in the souvenir shops, right on the territory of the water park.
  • Dolphinarium "Starfish" will impress tourists with its performances and show programs. Here, in addition to dolphins, you can see whales, beluga and walruses, which perform colorful tricks and even paint. After visiting the dolphinarium, you can separately take pictures with the animals, as well as swim. The practice of dolphin therapy has been developed at the dolphinarium. In general, no tourist will remain indifferent from communicating with animals.
  • Oceanarium "Tropical Amazon" - This is a unique complex, the only one in Russia. In addition to the oceanarium, more than 500 thousand fish are represented here, and there is a penguinarium and an exotarium.

In the aquarium you can meet colorful exotic fish, as well as predators - sharks and piranhas. Tourists are especially delighted by the fish feeding show. In the penguinarium you can observe exotic animals kept in an environment close to the animals’ natural habitat.

  • Exotarium will surprise you with its exotic inhabitants. Here you can see a huge land turtle, sloths, caimans and many other exotic animals. To visit the entire complex you need to purchase only one ticket, which allows you to observe all the residents.


The Lazarevskoye resort will delight you with its beach and sea recreation. There are plenty of standard sea activities with catamarans, banana boats and excursion boats.

Those who like a relaxing holiday will be interested in fishing in the open sea. For active tourists, in addition to climbing the mountains and visiting a park with caves and fountains, rafting will be an interesting adventure. Descents along mountain rivers will add extreme sports to your life.

A diving dive will allow you to explore the underwater world of the resort. You can dive into the depths of the sea and rent equipment with the help of professional instructors.

Holidays in Lazarevskoye for every taste. Where to go is up to you!

Sights of Lazarevsky - Excursions of Lazarevsky 2019 prices

The note lists the most famous attractions of Lazarevsky.

Lazarevskoye is a promising Black Sea resort with a string of parks, beaches, fun and unforgettable sights, most of which you can see in time during your vacation.

Typically, familiarity with the infrastructure of a microdistrict begins with . During the unheated season, it is probably almost the busiest space in Lazarevskoe, concentrated with cafes, shopping centers, and fun parks. A unique snow-white balustrade isolates the embankment. Vacationers buy gifts and strive to relax by the sea or designate the upcoming walking route according to exciting places.

The number of more visited attractions in Lazarevskoye includes entertainment - with extreme and childish attractions, aqua mountains or a gala show program. The Starfish water park is so famous that it’s as if vacationers from other towns and small populated villages come to the resort because of them.

Natural attractions in Lazarevskoye, first of all - and natural caves attract functional, independent travelers. Often similar objects are located not in the resort coastal part of the town, but in the Lazarevsky region, but are fully accessible by walking routes or as part of short trips by car.

All data and other attractions of Lazarevsky are on the site map.

9 year, you don’t have to be content with the embankment and beaches: of course, almost all of them are very magnificent, sections of the coast also differ in entertainment infrastructure, but interesting places far from the coast have every chance of existing and are no less interesting.

Lazarevsky has a personal concert platform - where famous performers perform.

With your family you are allowed to find time for a cultural program: visiting the Ethnographic Museum. Its permanent exhibition includes over a thousand exhibits - historical relics, household items, clothing; More detailed information has been collected about the dolmens that are allowed to be found within the resort. After the museum, it will be interesting to find, without the help of others, without moving away from the center of the town, the remains of the castle walls of Fort Lazarev, and go and look at the megaliths scattered around the surrounding area.

It’s worth getting to Golovinka to see the famous vast , often attributed to medicinal properties, it enjoys the status of a natural and historical monument.

Holidays in Lazarevskoye 2019 are usually accepted as one of the main destinations for holidays with children on the Black Sea coast. Vacationers choose it because of the abundance of fun, clean, albeit pebble, beaches, comfortable accommodation - excursions in Sochi 2019 and wandering around Greater Sochi.

Traditional summer attractions in Lazarevskoye operate in the central recreation garden - . In its area there are concentrated carousels, autodromes, the latest extreme mountains, shooting galleries and kiosks with cotton candy, in the absence of which it is difficult to deliver homemade ones in the garden.

In the coastal zone of the garden, in 2012, the main attraction in Lazarevskoye opened, which soon occupied the niche of a recognizable sign of the resort - it became a huge Ferris wheel, the largest in the Russian Federation. Due to the season, those who are retiring have time to ride on it a number of times: in covered and open cabins, during the day (due to the panoramic view of the coast) and at dusk with beautiful lighting.

Another irreplaceable part of a summer holiday in Lazarevskoye 2019 with children is a trip to the water park for the whole day. In the season from June to September, the resort has 2 water parks with mountains in an open atmosphere - “Nautilus” and .

And the exhibitions of the aquarium located near it - an interesting program. The natural interesting places of the Lazarevsky region include several well-thought-out routes.

It will be convenient to assign to the nearest objects: , .

Think about the route

The Starfish water park is an excellent place for relaxation and entertainment for both adults and children. There is a car and a railway station close to the water park, so getting to this popular vacation spot will not be difficult. In addition, literally a 5-minute walk from the Starfish

Waterpark "Nautilus"

Water park "Nautilus" is a water entertainment complex located in the village of Lazarevskoye on the right bank of the Psezuapse River. It was named after a mollusk that lived here 500 million years ago in large flocks and families. It still lives here, but not in such large numbers.


In the summer of 2010, in the resort village of Lazareskoye, a penguinarium was opened in the Starfish entertainment complex. Animals were brought here from all over the world, for which conditions were created as close to natural as possible. Here you will be met by fur seals, d

Sea activities

Lazarevskoye is one of the best resort towns, which offers residents and guests of the village a large number of water attractions. At your disposal: jet skis, “banana”, “tablet”, water parachute, hydrobikes and more. Let's take a look


Diving is swimming underwater with equipment specially designed for this (scuba gear). Every year such underwater travel becomes more and more popular. Lazarevskoye is one of the resort villages that can offer you this type of entertainment.

Dolphinarium "Starfish"

Dolphinarium "Starfish" is an excellent place to relax, where a boost of energy is guaranteed for both small children and adults. An exciting show featuring walruses, white whales and, of course, dolphins, lasts no more than 50 minutes. But during this time, these amazing animals will be able to

Cinema "Voskhod"

The Voskhod cinema in Lazarevskoye is always ready to offer its visitors only the latest film releases that will satisfy the taste of the most avid film lover. This is probably why it enjoys special pride among local residents and guests of the city. Having a large hall of 450 landing meters

Dolphinarium "Colosseum"

In the village of Lazarevskoye there is a wonderful place, from visiting which any person - be it an adult or a child - will receive a lot of positive emotions. This is the Dolphinarium "Colosseum". Several very smart and cheerful dolphins named Sultan, Mona and Lucky live here. He is from

Ferris wheel

The Ferris wheel in Lazarevskoye is currently the largest in all of Russia. Its grand opening took place in 2012 on June 30. This event was included in the Guinness Book of Records - 65 artists of a multinational choir performed 2 anthems at high altitude - Russia and Ku

Horse rides

If you are tired of the noise and bustle of the city, and the problems and stresses of everyday life simply do not give you peace, then drop everything and go horseback riding in Lazarevskoye. After interacting with horses, you will be charged with energy and a positive mood for the whole day, and maybe even a week. Horseback riding

Boat trips

Have you finally gone on vacation to Lazarevskoye and still don’t know what boat trips are? Then don’t waste time and immediately go to the beach to look for the organizers of this unusual pastime! There are a large number of companies in the village, thanks to which you have the opportunity to enjoy

Night life

The village of Lazarevskoye is one of the resorts in the Krasnodar Territory, which is a favorite place for a huge number of people. Many of them come to the sea not only to lie on the golden sand and swim, but also to

Waterpark "Nautilus"

The Nautilus water park in Lazarevskoye is not only the pearl of the resort, but also the pride of the local residents. It is located in a wonderful place - at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains. The aquatic complex received its name from a mollusk, which was no different from its relatives, but had a

Park of Culture and Leisure

On May 12, 1970, the Council of Deputies of the city of Sochi decided to transfer the land plot to the village of Lazarevsky for the opening of a Park of Culture and Recreation on it. Over the course of five years, the improvement of this site took place, and in 1975, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War,

Dolphin therapy

Dolphins are active, curious animals, communication with which brings joy and calms. Their appearance is unusual and exotic, touching their skin evokes unusual and pleasant sensations. Dolphin therapy is a unique healing method and a comprehensive therapeutic method.

Cocktail bar

The cocktail bar in Lazarevskoye is one of the most popular and iconic places for recreation for the youth of the village and visiting tourists. Bright light music, popular hits of the season, fresh sea air, a large assortment of alcoholic drinks and exotic cocktails - all this awaits anyone who visits this establishment.

Night club

One of the largest and most popular clubs in Lazarevskoye is the Panorama nightclub. Here every night positive and incendiary music is played, led by the best DJs along the entire Black Sea coast. This is the place where the most advanced people rest

Disco bar "Tequila"

Disco bar "Tequila" is a place where incendiary music plays all night long and dances until you drop. These are exciting show programs with fire and striptease, inexpensive hookahs, excellent cuisine and excellent service. Come and see for yourself!

Cafe "Izyum"

Cafe Izyum in the very center of Lazarevsky is an establishment that will not let its visitors leave hungry and unrested. Thanks to its close location to one of the most popular fountains in the village, Dandelion, you can always feel the coolness here, which is so necessary on hot summer days. This is comfort

Cafe "Ledum"

Cafe Bagulnik is one of the most popular places in the village of Lazarevskoye, where you are guaranteed good company and excellent dishes of Caucasian and European cuisines. A huge selection of cooling drinks, light breakfasts with invigorating coffee, live music, fiery dancing, an assortment of Kuban wines and beers


In 2004, in one of the most popular resorts of the Black Sea, a wonderful place for recreation for the whole family was opened - the Starfish Oceanarium. This is an underwater world of extraordinary beauty, into which a person finds himself almost immediately after entering the building. If you want to find yourself in the depths of the sea and


The Coliseum Dolphinarium in Lazarevskoye is a place where any child and adult will get a lot of pleasure from watching the incredible performances of a family of talented dolphins. Cute dolphins will show you a lot of tricks and sing songs

The tallest Ferris wheel in Russia

Probably everyone wants to admire the beauty of the landscape of the Black Sea coast from a bird's eye view. From June 30, 2012 this became possible! It was on this day in Sochi, in the park of culture and recreation, located in the Lazarevsky district, that the grand opening of the largest wheel took place

Water park "Starfish"

The Sea Star water park in Lazarevskoye is one of the most popular vacation spots in this cozy village. After visiting it, excellent impressions are provided not only for children, but also for all adults. Excellent care and service, availability of luggage storage and parking for cars, rescuers and service

Dolphinarium "Starfish"

Have you come to Lazarevskoye on vacation, but don’t know where to go to relax? Dolphinarium "Starfish" is at your disposal. From watching a show featuring dolphins, white whales and walruses, your whole family - from young to old

Penguinarium "Starfish"

In the summer of 2010, a penguinarium was opened on the territory of the most popular entertainment complex “Starfish”. This place for relaxation for both children and adults will surprise you with its unusual animals that were brought here from all over the world. And for each of them

Kirov Park

Kirov Park is a cultural and recreation park in the resort village of Lazarevskoye. This is a nice place where you can calmly and leisurely stroll and get some fresh air. Neat tiled paths, numerous benches and a large number of different trees

Boat trips

Surprisingly, many tourists who visit Lazarevskoye almost every year, or are just going on vacation for the first time, do not even know what boat trips are. Are you one of them? Then you are welcome to learn more about this type of entertainment. What is a boat trip?


Diving is an unusual type of entertainment that involves diving underwater using special equipment - scuba gear. The village of Lazarevskoye, Krasnodar Territory, is one of the resorts offering to see with your own eyes the underwater world of the Black Sea. A little

Horse rides

Horseback riding is an excellent way to help you relieve accumulated stress, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle and simply enjoy clean air and nature. The benefits of such a pastime are considerable - the whole body is tightened, since all muscle groups are involved; Ukrainian

Cinema "Voskhod"

The Voskhod cinema in Lazarevskoye is very popular both among residents of the resort village and among tourists who come here. Even the most avid film lover will be able to truly appreciate the comfort of the cinema and the quality of fresh films.

Hookah bar

In Lazarevsky, in the entertainment center "Dolphin" there is an unusual room - a hookah bar. A hookah is a special device designed for smoking tobacco. Nowadays everyone smokes cigarettes, but earlier in the Ancient East and India it was a standard device for

Cafe Lazarevsky

Lazarevsky's cafe annually serves more than a million tourists who come to the village on vacation. After all, in order to fill their vacation with unforgettable colors and impressions, most tourists prefer not to stand at the stove preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, but to have fun to the fullest. Cafe Lazarevskogo nakhod

Lazarevskoye Restaurants

"EVELIN" Restaurant "EVELIN" has a large banquet hall for 150 people and offers visitors to taste Caucasian cuisine. There is a large assortment of desserts, grilled dishes, appetizers, salads and first courses. Also&nbs

The Krasnodar region is a great place for a summer holiday. Clean and gentle sea, picturesque nature, healthy microclimate. What is especially pleasant is that in recent years the tourism sector has been actively developing here. And today in this area you can not only join the traditional beach and active recreation, but also visit various attractions and have fun no worse than at a foreign resort. What to do on vacation if you choose Lazarevskoye for your vacation? Sights and entertainment in this area are in our review.

Gorges and waterfalls

Although Lazarevskoye has been known to vacationers for decades, many unique protected areas and real natural monuments have been preserved in its vicinity. Be sure to visit the Svir Gorge: in this unique area you can see a mountain stream, picturesque rocks, waterfalls, and water bowls. What is noteworthy is that this object is not included in the most popular tourist routes. This means that during your visit you will be able to relax in silence and fully appreciate the natural beauty. Interesting places to visit are Mamedovo Gorge and Crab Gorge. They are located near the village of Lazarevskoye. The attractions and entertainment here are the same as in all similar zones: a walk in a picturesque area, as well as inspection of individual unique objects. Many reserves have their own “shrines” - places where you should make wishes. In the vicinity of Lazarevskoye there are many waterfalls and water cascades, the most famous are Psydakh and Shapsug.

Unique natural monuments

Ancient beliefs and legends are associated with many natural areas. Old Man's Rock is no exception - a steep cliff from which, according to local residents, in ancient times the aborigines threw frail elderly people. It’s not for nothing that the Lazarevskoye resort is popular among tourists: the attractions and entertainment in this area amaze with their diversity. In the Svir Gorge, for example, you can see a “moonstone” - an ancient sand block with a sharp top. Also in the vicinity of the settlement there are many dolmens - ancient religious ritual buildings.

Resort museums

Tourists who choose Lazarevskoye for their vacation usually like the attractions and entertainment of this resort. One of the most interesting museums in the area is the ethnographic one. The exhibition is located in a merchant's house, upon visiting which you can see national costumes, household utensils and tools dating back to different periods. In the vicinity of the resort there are also interesting village museums where you can see reconstructions of local life and original antiques. The Adygo-Shapsuga estate, located in the village of Tkhagapsh, not far from the village of Lazarevskoye, is very interesting in this regard. Attractions and entertainment, the prices for which will please everyone, should be sought in the surrounding area. A worthy example is museums of everyday life in villages: a visit to the Adygo-Shapsuga estate will cost only 30-50 rubles per person. In addition to viewing the collection, tourists will be offered to try national dishes and take pictures in local costumes.

Lazarevskoye: attractions, entertainment for the whole family

Many vacationers come to the Krasnodar region with children. And this is the right decision: the local climate is good for the health of children, and the developed infrastructure will not allow them to get bored. You can visit two water parks and a dolphinarium if you go on vacation to Lazarevskoye. Attractions and entertainment for children in this area are found at almost every turn. There are a lot of open-air playgrounds here, and there are attractions in city parks and squares. It will also be interesting for the whole family to visit the Tropical Amazon aquarium, the dolphinarium, or one of the water parks - Nautilus or Starfish.

Parks, Recreation and Adventure Activities

There is a Central Park of Culture and Recreation in Lazarevskoye. This is a landscaped area with pedestrian paths, decorated with sculptures and decorative fountains. There are attractions here, including a fairly high Ferris wheel. The resort also offers a lot of truly extreme entertainment. Fishing, boat trips, diving - decide for yourself what your vacation in Lazarevskoye will be like. Entertainment, attractions and interesting excursions will not let you get bored. You can always try something new: for example, take classes at the diving school that is available in this locality. Many tourist centers offer rafting - rafting down mountain rivers.

Lazarevskoye: attractions and entertainment. Reviews from tourists

The resorts of the Krasnodar region are experiencing their rebirth these days. Beautiful nature and cozy beaches are not enough for today's vacationers. Every tourist wants to get a lot of impressions during their vacation and see something special. A trip to Lazarevskoye will fully justify such expectations. Everyone who has managed to relax here in recent years speaks enthusiastically and says that the vacation went even better than planned. Everyone will find their place in the sun at this resort. Prices here are noticeably lower than in Sochi, but there is plenty of entertainment and beautiful places, and if you wish, you can go on one-day excursions to neighboring cities.