What is the name of the father of the lead singer of the group iowa. Exclusive: Katya IOWA got married

Ekaterina Iowa Ivanchikova biography, photos - find out everything!

Biography Ekaterina Ivanchikova Iowa

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a very emotional and expressive singer, better known as the lead singer of the popular youth group IOWA. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of devoting her life to show business, touring with concerts and having thousands of fans.

It's safe to say that her childhood dream has become a reality. Since the creation of the group, she has been a true inspiration for listeners and bandmates.

Childhood of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Katya was born on August 18, 1987 in the Belarusian town of Chausy. The girl grew up in an ordinary, but very friendly family, trying to be an obedient daughter. Her parents, in turn, supported her in all her endeavors and tried with all their might to provide their daughter with a decent life.

Katya often “delighted” her parents with yet another selected street animal, which she brought home to feed and, in case of physical injury, to heal.

The girl was rarely alone; most often she was in the company of her best friends, of whom she always had many.

Study of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

From a young age, it was clear that Katya was growing up to be a very active, and most importantly, versatile girl. Despite her activity, she was a good student at school and often pleased her parents with good grades.

From an early age, she developed a craving for music, so her parents enrolled their daughter in a music school, where she spent all her free time. There she studied all the basics of playing the piano, however, these were not all her hobbies. In addition, Katya was interested in singing, dancing and even drawing, so her day was planned literally minute by minute.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova on the show “One to One!” Smile IOWA Group

During these same school years, the girl fell in love for the first time. New, previously unfamiliar feelings discovered another talent in her - writing poetry. It was then that she wanted to create her own group, whose songs in the future could inspire and delight listeners.

After graduating from school, Katya was not thinking about a hobby, but about her future, so she decided to get a profession that would probably be stable and generate income.

She moved to Minsk and submitted documents to the Belarusian Pedagogical University. Maxim Tank. Four years later, Katya received higher education in two directions at once - “Journalism” and “Philology”.

The beginning of Ekaterina's IOWA career

In 2009, the girl again returned to the dream of creating her own musical group, so she found equally ambitious and talented people with whom she created a new youth group IOWA.

In the future, its participants became not only colleagues, but also good friends. In the group, Katya serves as a vocalist and is responsible for writing lyrics for songs. Initially, she was also a bass guitarist, but soon began to devote all her strength only to high-quality singing.

Spectators who regularly attend concerts of the IOWA group note how energetic and professional Katya is during her performance. The girl not only puts all her energy into the performance, but also charges everyone present with it, from colleagues to devoted listeners. The songs that the girl writes are based solely on personal emotions and experiences, so it seems to every listener that the lyrics are written for each person.

For a whole year after its founding, the group performed concerts in the largest cities of the Republic of Belarus, however, in order to win an even larger audience, the entire team decided to move to the creative city of St. Petersburg.

Interview with Ekaterina Ivanchikova, lead singer of the group “IOWA”

Initially, they went there for a few days with concerts, but soon moved to a permanent place of residence. It was there that “IOWA” began to truly develop; literally from the very first performances, the residents of the Russian Federation fell in love with the visiting group.

History of the name of the group "Iowa"

Many people are interested in the question of what the name “IOWA” means and why the group members approved it. In fact, that’s what (Iowa) Katya was called by her comrades with whom she had previously performed. At that time, she was interested in heavy music, so her friends named her after one of the albums of the metal band Slipknot.

Having told a friend from America about her nickname, the girl learned that in the states this abbreviation stands for “Idiots Out Wandering Around,” which literally means “Idiots wandering along the street.” At the time of the creation of the group, the girl believed that such a name would be original and could be remembered by future fans.

Personal life of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Despite her busy musical career, the girl still finds time for her boyfriend, who is the guitarist of her band, Leonid Tereshchenko.

The couple had a friendly relationship for a very long time, after which they were in a romantic relationship for several years, and already in 2015 it became known that Ekaterina and Leonid would finally get married.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova today

It is worth noting that the group not only performed at various concerts, but also took part in numerous competitions. So, in 2012, “IOWA” became a participant in two competitions at once - “Red Star” on the First and “New Wave”. And even though they didn’t manage to win, they were still able to win over their audience and receive the “Love Radio Listeners’ Choice” prize.

In the spring of the same year, the video for the beloved song “Mama” collected a million views on the Internet. At the end of the year, it became one of the 20 best songs of 2012.

Katya and her group often become invited guests on various TV shows and programs. For example, in 2013, “IOWA” performed the song “Looking for a Husband” on the famous Channel One project “Let’s Get Married” as a guest of the presenters Roza Syabitova and Larisa Guzeeva.

In 2014, the team actively continues to record new hits and perform with them throughout the country. In addition, some compositions became soundtracks for popular domestic TV series. For example, the hits “The Same Thing” and “Smile” were heard in the series “Kitchen”, and “Simple Song” became the soundtrack to the beloved series “Fizruk”, in which Dmitry Nagiyev plays the main role.

The group's songs have repeatedly taken first place in the iTunes top charts. At the end of 2014, they finally recorded their first album, “Export”.

In 2015, IOWA was repeatedly nominated for various prestigious awards, including “Best Group” at the RU.TV Awards, “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Song” at the Muz-TV Awards and “Best Russian Artist” at the MTV EMA Awards.

In April 2015, the musical group gave its first serious concert, which took place in Moscow, and a month later in Minsk.

More information

Ekaterina Ivanchikova was born on August 18, 1987 in the city of Chausy, Republic of Belarus. The girl grew up in a simple working-class family: her father worked as a machine operator, her mother raised children in kindergarten. Katya's talent for music was discovered early. Therefore, the girl was taken to a music school at the local House of Culture. Here she not only learned to play the piano, but also began to sing.

In high school, Ivanchikova became interested in hard rock. She herself began to sing in the manner of hard rockers and growlers. Catherine dreamed of the stage. She dreamed of crowded halls and stadiums, spotlights and applause. But it was not possible to receive a special education: the conservatory and the Mogilev School of Culture accepted applicants with academic vocals. Therefore, Ekaterina Ivanchikova went to Minsk and entered the Pedagogical University. After 4 years, she had a higher education and two professions at once: philology and journalism. True, none of them were ever useful.

The creative biography of Ekaterina Ivanchikova began in her student years. The girl got to the casting of the TV show “Star Stagecoach”. This is an analogue of the Russian “Star Factory”. At first, Ivanchikova was not accepted into the final stage, but when one of the past participants fell ill, Ekaterina was invited to take her place.

In 2009, Ekaterina remembered her youthful dream of forming her own musical group. Together with guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko and drummer Vasily Bulanov, she founded the rock band IOWA. Katya’s nickname, Iowa, was chosen as the name; that’s what the girl was called in the rock community in honor of her favorite album by the metal band “Slipknot.”

Initially, Ivanchikova not only sang in the group, but also played bass guitar. Later she decided to focus on vocals. The lyrics for all the group's songs are created by Ekaterina. She began writing poetry while still in school. Her talent was discovered when the girl first fell in love. All of Katya’s poems are sensual, “passed through” herself, always based on personal experiences. Fans call IOWA's songs and performance style expressive, energetic and energizing.

Throughout the year, the young rock band toured major cities of Belarus. The work of “IOWA”, as well as the lead singer of the group herself, was liked by the youth audience. Crowds gathered at the concerts to listen to the expressive singing of Ekaterina Ivanchikova. And then the guys realized that they needed to move forward and grow. To do this, we moved to St. Petersburg, where everything “breathed” creativity and where rock musicians of the direction chosen by “IOWA” were concentrated. The few concerts that the Belarusian group gave in the city on the Neva were received very warmly by St. Petersburg residents.

Soon, many residents of vast Russia learned about the existence of Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her team. The musicians now have a huge Russian fan group. “IOWA” developed and regularly delighted fans with new songs.

Some hits ended up on television and bright videos were shot on them. One of the group’s first hits was the song “Mama,” which was included in the top twenty compositions at the end of 2012. In the spring of the same year, the video for the favorite song collected a million views on the Internet.

The hit song performed by Ekaterina Ivanchikova “Looking for a Husband” was first heard in Larisa Guzeeva’s program “Let’s Get Married,” “A Simple Song” was performed in the TV series “Fizruk,” and “The Same Thing” and “Smile” turned into hits after they became soundtracks of the sitcom “Kitchen”.

In 2014, Katya Ivanchikova and the group “IOWA” released their second studio album “Export”. It had considerable success with the public and music critics.

In January 2015, fans of the group saw a video for the hit “The Same Thing.” Its director was Vladimir Besedin. In the same year, IOWA received the prestigious prize “For the popularization of Belarusian music abroad.” It was presented to the children at the national music award “Lira” in Minsk.

In general, 2015 turned out to be a very generous and eventful year for Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her team. In March, they were nominated for “Best Group” at the RU.TV Awards. In the same month, they were nominated for the Muz-TV Award in two categories at once: “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Song”. The last nomination is for the song “Marshrutka”.

In April, the group gave a big solo concert at Moscow's Crocus City Hall. And at the very beginning of summer, fans of the band saw the solo program “IOWA” in Minsk.

In September 2015, Ekaterina Ivanchikova’s team was nominated for the MTV EMA award. "IOWA" was included in the "Best Russian Artist" category.

And in October, the New Wave competition opened with the hit “Minibus”. There, the guys presented a new composition, “Beats the Beat,” which instantly turned into a hit.

The year ended wonderfully. In November, the group “IOWA” performed the song “Smile” at the 20th Golden Gramophone 2015 music awards ceremony. Here the guys received their first award.

2016 also brought Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her colleagues many pleasant gifts. They performed the song “Marshrutka” on January 1 on New Year’s Eve on Channel One. And in February, the premiere of the video clip for the song “Three Days of Cold” took place.

In April, “IOWA” was presented in the “Best Pop Group” category at the Muz-TV Awards.

A year ago, the lead singer of the group IOWA Ekaterina Ivanchikova told our portal about the difficult path to fame and casually mentioned her lover, but did not reveal his name. A couple of months ago it turned out that Ekaterina Ivanchikova and the band’s guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko got married. This time, in a conversation with the site, the singer spoke not only about her creativity, but also about her new role as a wife.

Until recently, the IOWA group remained a mystery to us. The members of the group - Ekaterina Ivanchikova, Leonid Tereshchenko and Vasily Bulanov - could talk for a long time about their path to fame, creativity and relationships in the group and almost nothing about their personal life.

Of course, Katya never hid that her heart was occupied, but she refused to name her lover. Fans suspected that the lead singer was having an affair with one of the members of her own group. Not long ago, the guesses were confirmed - Katya said that she married Leonid, and yet the young people have been together for 10 years. Therefore, in an interview with Ekaterina, we talked not only about creativity, but also about her new role as a wife. But first things first.

I have a diary where I write down all my poems, songs, thoughts. I used to write on the first pieces of paper that came to hand, and, of course, it all got lost. And it’s a shame, because even if the song didn’t turn out completely, sooner or later the inspiration will return and it can be finished. Therefore, now that my thoughts are collected in one diary, I randomly open any page, find the words, and a song is born in my head.

website: Do you have a stage image, or is what we see the real you?

E.I.: It is very difficult to embody an image all the time - sooner or later your real essence will appear, and people will immediately start writing about it. I think that's how the yellow press came into being.

“I’m lucky - my creativity is inseparable from myself. I don’t separate the concepts of personal life and stage.”

website: Can you imagine yourself in any other profession?

E.I.: I think I could be an artist who creates performances. I would definitely “weave” music, people, light into my creations and would do it in front of the audience. Or maybe I would become a dancer... You see, I still imagine something related to the stage. I really need people, their immediate reaction, interaction with them. This is such a feeling of euphoria, adrenaline... Once you experience these emotions, you will no longer be able to refuse them.

E.I.: Scenes - never. Rather, I was afraid of people’s reaction - how they would accept the song, its style, whether they would understand the idea.

E.I.: Absolutely right. You know, there are people who go through life with a smile and glow, come to the company, and everyone notices them. Just don’t confuse this with importunity and selfishness. I'm talking about people who set the pace, smile, joke, lighten the mood, give sincere compliments. I am somewhat similar to such people.

website: I generally got the impression that you are a kind, open, maybe even a little naive person. Do my feelings deceive me?

E.I.: Friends say that I can be 12 years old (smiles).

“It is believed that only children believe in miracles, and adults know that life disappoints, breaks down, and in general it is not sugar and not a fairy tale. But I’m sure that only what you believe in happens.”

For example, you need to learn to give, because this is the only way you can get something in return. Previously, I couldn’t understand this: “Well, how can I go on stage now and spend all my energy? I won’t have anything left.” But in 2012, at the “New Wave”, I decided to give it my all, it didn’t matter to me whether I would get a return or not. A performance is more than just an “artist sings - people listen” scheme. This is an exchange of energy, and at the New Wave I learned how to manage it. Then I realized that I wanted to give, because such creative energy always comes in return. Sometimes fans write letters telling us how they have changed under the influence of a song or our performance. Some give back through hugs when they come into our dressing room.

website: Not long ago you and your husband Leonid declassified your relationship. Has this fact affected your creativity?

E.I.: Yes, sure. Our whole life intersects with our creativity. We just released the song “Your Poems, My Guitar,” and in the video for it, famous couples showed and included themselves in this story. Moreover, everything happened completely by accident, but as if on purpose. It’s not for nothing that they say, everything has its time.

E.I.: Initially, we were absolute opposites, it took us a long time to adjust, but we sincerely wanted to change for each other. We began to do one thing, and then feelings arose that seemed inappropriate to us in working together. And at some point we sat down at the table to talk about it, trying to figure out whether it would be possible to combine personal and work (and then we were serious about work). In the end, we decided that it would be better and more correct not to meet... And we kissed for the first time (smiles).

In a relationship, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, so you need to enjoy every day. Lenya, by the way, is a “professional” in asking for forgiveness, he apologizes every day, and he doesn’t do it automatically, but really worries about any little things.

“My husband is the most well-mannered and gallant person on earth - he constantly gives me his hand, opens the car door, takes care of me. It feels like we just met and he's trying to impress me. I have never met such people in my life and, of course, I am happy that Lenya is my husband. I never tire of telling his mother words of gratitude and I am amazed how she managed to raise such a person.”

website: I’ll assume that you quarrel quite rarely.

E.I.: In all the 10 years that we have been together, we have only quarreled once. Because of our cat. When we first got a kitten, we still couldn’t domesticate it. We lived on the first floor, and the kitten often ran through the window into the yard, and always into the same sandbox, so we knew exactly where to look for him.

But one day Lenya and his band (then he was a member of a rock band) went on tour to Kyiv, and I went to Minsk to see a vocal teacher - I had four training days planned. And then the cat ran away again, but this time someone offended her - Lenya found her shabby. In general, we had a big quarrel over this - the cat was our child, whom I did not keep track of, moreover, I did not come home straight away, but stayed in Minsk. He, of course, was offended, because the cat, in his opinion, was more important. Then we broke up for two days, then, of course, we made up. Don't worry about the cat, everything is fine with her, she feels great.

E.I.: No. From now on, if any misunderstandings or grievances arise, we just talk about it right away so that there are no breakdowns.

“People usually wait, accumulate everything within themselves, and then make a scandal. I think this is the main mistake.”

website: You’ve been together for quite a long time, haven’t you thought about children?

E.I.: The fact is that many members of our team have children, and if I give birth now, the group will cease its activities. I like what's happening now so far. Today I think in one direction, but with the birth of a child my thinking will change. I don’t know... Maybe it’s fear, because a child is a big responsibility, a different life. I'm not ready to step into the unknown yet. Or maybe, at the end of the conversation, I’ll think about it and understand: “She’s right.” (smiles). Let's see.

Today Ekaterina Ivanchikova, better known to her many fans as Iowa (IOWA), occupies a noticeable niche in Belarusian and Russian show business. For the talented and expressive singer, each song is like a story from her personal life. These compositions seem to have been passed through the heart and warmed by the girl’s experienced emotions. Which is understandable, because Katya herself writes poetry for all her compositions.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova was born in the Belarusian town of Chausy in August 1987. She grew up in a simple working-class family: her father worked as a machine operator, her mother raised children in kindergarten. Parents were busy at work all day long. They gathered under the roof of the house only in the evening. Therefore, Katya was left to herself most of the time. She did what she liked. I have never suffered from loneliness. Friends and girlfriends often gathered in her home. The girl also often brought home stray and sick animals. A kitten or puppy, picked up on the way home from school, always found shelter with kind Katya.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova’s talent for music was discovered early. Therefore, the girl was taken to a music school at the local House of Culture. Here Katya not only learned to play the piano, but also began to sing.

In high school, Ivanchikova became interested in hard rock. She herself began to sing in the manner of hard rockers and growlers. Catherine dreamed of the stage. She dreamed of crowded halls and stadiums, spotlights and applause. But it was not possible to receive a special education: the conservatory and the Mogilev School of Culture accepted applicants with academic vocals.

Therefore, Ekaterina Ivanchikova went to Minsk and entered the Pedagogical University. After 4 years, she had a higher education and two professions at once: philology and journalism. True, none of them were ever useful.

The creative biography of Ekaterina Ivanchikova began in her student years. The girl got to the casting of the TV show “Star Stagecoach”. This is an analogue of the Russian “Star Factory”. At first, Ivanchikova was not accepted into the final stage, but when one of the past participants fell ill, Ekaterina was invited to take her place.

In addition, the singer took part in the musical “The Prophet” and also lent her voice to a number of animated films.


In 2009, Ekaterina Ivanchikova remembered her youthful dream of forming her own musical group. Together with guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko and drummer Vasily Bulanov, she founded the rock band IOWA. As the name, the guys chose Katya’s nickname – Iowa, which is what the girl was called in the rock community in honor of her favorite metal band album.

Initially, Ivanchikova sang and played bass guitar in the group. Later, the girl decided to focus on vocals. The lyrics for the group's songs are created by Ekaterina. The girl began writing poetry while still in school. Her talent was discovered when the girl first fell in love. All of Katya’s poems are sensual, “passed through” herself, always based on personal experiences. Fans call IOWA's songs and performance style expressive, energetic and energizing.

Throughout the year, the young rock band toured the cities of Belarus. The work of “IOWA”, as well as the lead singer of the group herself, was liked by the youth audience. Crowds gathered at the concerts to listen to the expressive singing of Ekaterina Ivanchikova. And then the guys realized that they needed to move forward and grow. To do this, we moved to St. Petersburg, where the air “breathed” creativity and where rock musicians of the direction chosen by “IOWA” were concentrated. The concerts that the Belarusian group gave in the city on the Neva were received very warmly by St. Petersburg residents.

Soon, many residents of vast Russia learned about the existence of Ekaterina Ivanchikova and the singer’s group. The musicians now have a huge Russian fan group. “IOWA” developed and regularly delighted fans with new songs.

Some hits ended up on television, and bright videos were shot on them. One of the group’s first hits was the song “Mama,” which was included in the top twenty compositions at the end of 2012. In the spring of the same year, the video for the beloved song collected a million views on the Internet.

The hit song performed by Ekaterina Ivanchikova “Looking for a Husband” was first heard in the program “Let’s Get Married”, “A Simple Song” was performed in the TV series, and “The Same Thing” and “Smile” turned into hits after they became the soundtracks of the sitcom.

In 2014, Katya Ivanchikova and the group “IOWA” released their second studio album “Export”. The disc was a considerable success among the public and music critics.

It is noteworthy that the team initially consisted of only three people. Today there are six members of the group. The producer of the group was Oleg Baranov.

In January 2015, fans of the group saw a video for the hit “The Same Thing.” The video was directed by Vladimir Besedin. In the same year, IOWA received the prestigious prize “For the popularization of Belarusian music abroad.” The award was presented to the children at the national music award “Lira” in Minsk.

In general, 2015 turned out to be a very generous and eventful year for Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her team. In March, they were nominated for “Best Group” at the RU.TV Awards. In the same month, they were nominated for the Muz-TV Award in two categories at once: “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Song”. The last nomination is for the song “Marshrutka”.

In April, the group gave a solo concert at Moscow's Crocus City Hall. And at the very beginning of summer, fans of the band saw the solo program “IOWA” in Minsk.

In September 2015, Ekaterina Ivanchikova’s team was nominated for the MTV EMA award. "IOWA" was included in the "Best Russian Artist" category.

And in October, the New Wave competition opened with the hit “Minibus”. There, the guys presented a new composition, “Beats the Beat,” which instantly turned into a hit.

The year ended wonderfully. In November, the group “IOWA” performed the song “Smile” at the 20th Golden Gramophone 2015 music awards ceremony. Here the guys received their first award.

Personal life

First love overtook Ekaterina Ivanchikova when the girl was a high school student. The chosen one turned out to be several years older than the girl. This first pure feeling became the impetus for the singer to begin writing poetry, which later served as the starting point for the lyrics of future hits.

In 2008, Ekaterina Ivanchikova’s personal life was illuminated with a new romantic light. The girl met guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko. The musicians liked each other immediately. The romance lasted ten years. From these relationships grew not only the group “IOWA,” popular in Belarus and Russia, but also a loving family.

Katya's fans claim that the couple lived in a de facto marriage for 7 years. According to the singer, Tereshchenko proposed back in 2012.

However, the musicians decided to legalize their relationship only in 2015. Ivanchikova and Tereshchenko said in an interview then that they were already preparing for the wedding and choosing the bride’s dress. At this point, the lovers finished devoting fans and the press to the details of their personal lives.

The musicians decided to hold a secret wedding and even before the solemn event they did not inform fans and the press that they were planning to become a family in the coming days. As a result, only family and friends of the newlyweds had fun at the wedding.

The wedding took place in October 2016 in Karelia and lasted two days. The wedding itself took place in a church built in 1935 in the village of Lumivaara. This is an abandoned church that no longer operates as a regular church and is not in the best condition, but exotic lovers periodically decide to get married here.

Ivanchikova and Tereshchenko did not comment on the marriage for a long time even after the wedding. Fans learned that Ekaterina Ivanchikova had changed her marital status thanks to one photo in “ Instagram” of the singer, which does not even capture the solemn moment itself.

The photo with which the singer revealed that she got married shows a room at a country club with two small children playing on the floor. The interior is decorated with festive garlands, and a light lace dress with an open back hangs on the window. Ivanchikova’s followers immediately recognized this outfit as a bride’s dress and rushed to congratulate Ekaterina on this happy event.

Today the young family lives in St. Petersburg, which has long been home to this couple.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova’s appearance, model parameters, figure, height and weight were the reason why photographs of the beauty appeared in Maxim and Playboy magazines. The husband did not make his wife jealous about this. Katya and Maxim have a wonderful, trusting relationship. Each of them understands that being in the public eye is extremely important for a popular artist. And you have to put up with some things.

The singer is also involved in charitable and social projects. Ivanchikova’s team launched the Dobroposhta project. This differs from other charity projects in that the organizers ask not for money, but for a letter or postcard with kind words addressed to a sick child. In 2018, the singer gave an interview about this initiative, telling what goals the project pursues.

According to Ekaterina, the project provides psychological assistance to sick children. After all, such children, while in the hospital, drop out of social life, and letters of support become for them a symbol of their own importance and connection with the world. By talking about children to whom you can write a letter, the organization also disseminates information, which means that someone may want to help certain children financially.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova now

2016 brought Ekaterina Ivanchikova and her colleagues many pleasant gifts. They performed the song “Marshrutka” on January 1 on New Year’s Eve on Channel One. And in February, the premiere of the video clip for the song “Three Days of Cold” took place.

In April, “IOWA” was presented in the “Best Pop Group” category at the Muz-TV Awards.

And in September the team visited New Wave for the second time. The guys performed at the opening of the competition with a new song “140”. In the same month, they began filming a video for the new single “My Poems, Your Guitar.”

In December 2016, Ekaterina Ivanchikova sang her song “Beats the Beat” on the 5th season of the “Voice” project.

In 2017, the singer recorded a joint composition and starred in the video for this song with, the lead singer of the famous American rock band Systemof a Down. The result of joint creativity was the song “A Fine Morning To Die” (“A Fine Day to Die”). This composition became the soundtrack to the Russian historical action film “Kolovrat”, which made it possible to write in the film’s release that the film’s soundtrack was created on both sides of the ocean.

Also in 2017, Ivanchikova recorded a new dance hit, “Bad to Dance,” where she urged fans to be themselves, because “to dance badly is also an attitude,” as the refrain of the incendiary song says. Later that year, the singer also presented a music video for this track.

In 2018, the actress’s new song “Fall!” premiered.


  • 2012 – “Never Saw It Coming”
  • 2014 – “Export”
  • 2016 – “Import”
  • 2016 – “Remixes”

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is a popular singer, songwriter and creator of the group “IOWA”, originally from Belarus, born on August 18, 1987.


The girl’s childhood was creative, although she was born into a simple family that had nothing to do with art. But, noticing the little girl’s artistic abilities that showed up very early, the father and mother made great efforts to develop their daughter’s talents and provide her with a good education and a wonderful future, for which Katya is very grateful to them.

In turn, she was a problem-free child who studied diligently and obeyed her parents. The only reason for periodically arising disagreements were homeless animals, which compassionate Katya constantly dragged into the house.

While she grew up, cats, dogs, birds and even small rodents managed to visit the apartment. However, the girl had less and less time for them every year.

In parallel with regular school, Katya enjoyed studying in music school. A little later, dancing was added to the music. As a teenager, she also became interested in drawing. And having fallen in love, while still very young, she suddenly began to write poetry and compose her own songs. Naturally, about love.

That’s when the idea of ​​creating her own musical group first occurred to the young hothead.

First steps

And although in her dreams Katya saw herself as a famous singer performing original songs, seriousness and prudence prevailed when the question of choosing a profession arose. The girl entered the Faculty of Philology and at the same time graduated from the Faculty of Journalism. This is what it means to be able to do everything at once, which she developed at school.

In 2009, Katya moved to Mogilev, where she began working in her specialty. However, the childhood dream of having her own group can’t get out of her head. Being a regular at various musical parties, Katya meets fellow musicians who later formed the backbone of the Iowa group.

The repertoire was based on songs composed by Katya in modern youth arrangements. Later, guitarist Lenya Tereshchenko joined in writing music.

The group tries to perform at every opportunity, and soon enough they begin to be invited to various clubs, including capital ones, and to corporate events. The popularity of guys in Belarus is growing every day. But this is not enough for young artists. Having saved up some money and created a full-fledged and fairly high-quality repertoire, the guys decide to go to Moscow.

Conquest of Moscow

The Russian capital received them coldly, as, indeed, it receives all strangers without serious connections or substantial sums of money. It is clear that the guys had neither one nor the other. The accumulated savings quickly disappeared. And during this time they failed to find not only a music producer, but even a stable job in a decent metropolitan club.

IOWA Group

In order to somehow stay afloat, musicians begin to play on the streets and passages. This brings in a small but constant income that allows you to survive in a big city. Who knows how soon even stubborn Katya, who was the ideological inspirer of the team and the initiator of the move, would have given up if not for the chance given to them by fate.

During this period, a new music show “Red Star” was launched on one of the TV channels in Moscow. The talented guys went to test their strength and passed the casting surprisingly easily. This is how they first appeared on one of the central television channels. The audience liked the group, but literally a month later no one remembered them.

However, as former TV show participants they were already considered more seriously in clubs, so the first stable earnings appeared. Realizing that they won’t last long, Katya persuades the guys to spend their newly accumulated small savings on a video clip. After a short search, we managed to find the artist behind this idea, and within a few weeks the group’s first video for the song “Mama” appeared on YouTube.

In the first week alone, the clip received more than a million views. After that, the guys managed to find a sponsor who helped them go to the New Wave youth music festival in Jurmala. And although the group did not receive any prize, they managed to make themselves known quite loudly and gain thousands of fans - the festival was broadcast on all central channels.

Today, the Iowa group has become successful and popular. The guys shot and aired six more videos, and their repertoire already includes several dozen high-quality compositions. The group has big creative plans, but nevertheless they continue to work on improving their professional skills, believing that even light music must be performed with high quality.

Personal life

Katya Ivanchikova carefully protects her personal life from journalists. Many people are surprised how such a smart and beautiful woman manages to remain alone. But in her early years, Katya was burned in her first relationship and for a long time was not ready to start another. And when the heart wound healed, she completely devoted herself to music - her only love in those years was “Iowa”.

Until now, no one knows 100% whether Katya even has a permanent boyfriend. Online publications are full of various gossip and photographs of men who are passed off as “Ivanchikova’s husband.” But what we know for sure is that there is no stamp about legal marriage in the singer’s passport. And she herself said in one of her interviews that her heart is free, but the moral requirements for her chosen one are high.

Maybe that’s why it’s almost impossible for her to find a companion in the world of show business, and now she almost never appears in the ordinary world. But everything is still ahead, and we hope that in the near future, a talented and purposeful girl will still meet someone who can win her heart and become a happy chosen one, and maybe even a life partner!