The only currency in the world that will never depreciate. The only currency in the world that will never depreciate Loyalty is the only currency that will never depreciate

“In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.”


I don't like it when the conversation is half done or when the conversation is interrupted.
I don't like being shot in the back, I'm also against being shot at point-blank range.
I don't like myself when I'm afraid. It annoys me when innocent people are beaten.
I don’t like it when people get into my soul, especially when they spit on it...

© Vladimir Vysotsky

You have changed, you have become somewhat rude.
-No, I just stopped allowing my feet to be wiped on me.

A woman just needs to be loved - Nonsense!!!
A woman needs a lot: love, attention, care,
respect, compliments, flowers for no reason,
kind words and much more. Too much?
Perhaps... But the one who will give her all this
- will receive much more!

Believe in your dream. It has a pleasant feature - it comes true.

Even in difficult life situations, smile. You never know what kind of swamp just the ability to smile sincerely will pull you out of.
Svetlana Hodchenkova

It’s not so scary when they dump you, it’s scary when they forget about you, forget to call, write, pretending that everything is fine, but that really hurts.

I respect those men who: are faithful to the end to their spouse!
He gives his whole soul to his family, he was not devoted to another friend.
Who today, as always, extols his wife above all others,
and who asks God every day for health for his beloved!

Take care of your beloved women..
After all, while she scolds, worries and freaks out
- she loves, but as soon as she starts smiling and
be indifferent - you have lost her.
© Faina Ranevskaya

The most ridiculous joke of LIFE is to TIE YOUR SOUL with one person, and DESTINY with ANOTHER...

Everyone has someone in their life who will never let you go, and someone who you will never let go of.

There will definitely be someone in the world next to whom you will forget about those who never appreciated you.

I really appreciate a sense of humor in people, because often it is our only weapon against all the nasty things and injustices of life.

There are no guarantees in this world, there are only possibilities.

We will never understand how little we need in this world for absolute happiness until we lose it.

Grandma told me that you need to fall in love with eyes because eyes are the only thing that does not age, so if you fall in love with eyes, you will always be in love.

There is a lot we don't understand in this world. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Night. How I love this time of day. A time when no one touches you. Nobody needs you. Just you and your thoughts.

If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

Never go back to the past. It kills your precious time. Stories don't repeat, people don't change. Never wait for anyone or stand still. Just go forward, don't look back. The people who need you will catch up with you.

There is a crisis right now. Not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Layoffs, layoffs, exorbitant loan payments. The ruble has fallen, the euro may soon disappear altogether, just like the European Union. Yuan, dollars, all kinds of crypto - all this is temporary. No one can guarantee that the hardest currencies today will not lose their name tomorrow. But there is a currency that will always be convertible! And today I will tell you how you can make money on it.

Many people probably read Alexander Belyaev’s story “The Air Seller” in childhood. There, the Englishman Bailey assembled an air liquefaction factory in the Russian wilderness in order to sell oxygen to a suffocating world. The Englishman Leo de Watts (this is already in our non-literary world) did not complicate the task - he decided to enter the ready-made oxygen-deficient Chinese market with the idea of ​​selling... clean British air.

Each 580ml jar costs £80. This is 115 US dollars. Almost 9000 rubles. The Englishman offers different types of air for sale - there are jars from Yorkshire, Samerset, Wales and so on.

The business is built according to the following model - first, an enterprising Briton and his assistants (a family business, of course) travel out of town to beautiful British fields, then place the jar in a large net and run with it in the wind, filling the vessel with “the purest English air.” Well, all this is sold through an online store to rich Chinese suckers.

Unfortunately, the author does not indicate what kind of turnover he has already managed to achieve in his project - after all, the price per can is quite high. However, if you think this idea is humorous or absurd, then you are very mistaken. The Canadian company Vitality Air sold more than 4,000 cylinders of “the cleanest Canadian air” to China in November-December 2015 - a 7.7-liter cylinder retails for 100 yuan ($15).

- Our first batch of 500 fresh air cylinders was sold in four days, said company co-founder Moses Lam.

The main problem for the company is the ratio of supply to rapidly growing demand - each bottle is filled with Canadian air manually, so the process itself is quite lengthy and difficult.

Why China? Yes, because the shortage of clean air there is the most acute in the world. In Beijing and Tianjin, “red” danger levels are regularly announced - the concentration of harmful substances in the air reaches 300 mg per cubic meter, with a maximum allowable of 25 mg. This is why the idea of ​​entrepreneurs resonates so strongly in such polluted cities. Air is the only currency in the world that will never depreciate!

So it’s not just realtors who are selling air. In general, stop whining, friends. A crisis is an ideal time for maximum brain function. Create, invent, create - most importantly, do something.

V. Vysotsky said: “In this world, I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.” He probably meant that the concept of fidelity will always remain relevant, because it is the core in human relationships, allowing them to continue for a long time.

Without fidelity, everything loses its meaning, a person turns out to be of no use to anyone, completely left to his own devices.

I completely share the author's position. Indeed, fidelity can help a person find a goal in life and overcome obstacles on the way to it. It is often the only thing that supports people in difficult life situations, forces them to correctly set priorities and make conscious, morally correct choices.

Reflecting on this topic, I would like to cite as an example the work of I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”. The main character of the story, Princess Vera, has been receiving letters from a secret admirer, Zheltkov, for 8 years. He is a minor official, poor and seemingly unhappy. But he is presented to the reader in a different light: his happiness is the opportunity to love Vera, she is his whole life.

Zheltkov remains true to his feelings until his death, and this, in its own way, elevates him above the other heroes. Not everyone is able to live for another person while remaining faithful to him.

Another proof of my words can be an episode from B. Vasiliev’s story “Not on the Lists.” Nikolai Pluzhnikov ends up in the Brest Fortress after college right before the start of the war. The Red Army loses one battle after another, and in the end Pluzhnikov turns out to be the last defender of the fortress. The Germans offer him a comfortable life in Germany, but the platoon commander refuses and dooms himself to death out of loyalty to his state, his beliefs. Thus, loyalty to one's principles is a characteristic of brave, determined and honest people and, of course, worthy of respect.

In conclusion, it should be said that fidelity can elevate a person and fill his life with meaning. People who are true to their beliefs, feelings, and promises have always commanded respect, which is why this concept has always been extremely significant.

Updated: 2017-12-11

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Exactly 80 years ago, Vladimir Vysotsky was born - an actor and poet, performer of his own songs. His works have not lost their relevance even now, almost 40 years after his death. Interesting stories, crazy love and the tragic death of the singer - in the material “360”

Today, January 25, marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of the legendary actor, singer and poet Vladimir Vysotsky. The Soviet government did not like the artist - he was not shown on television, was not played on the radio, and collections of his poems were not published. Despite this, the whole country knew and sang Vysotsky’s songs; he was - and remains - an idol for several generations.

Vysotsky was born into the family of a military officer and translator on January 25, 1938 in Moscow. He spent his early childhood in a communal apartment on Prospekt Mira. During the war years he lived with his mother in evacuation in the Orenburg region.

Mom Zhenya

Vysotsky's parents divorced in 1947. His father married a second time - to an Armenian woman, Evgenia Stepanovna Vysotskaya-Likhalatova. Little Volodya began to live with them. His relationship with his stepmother was surprisingly wonderful; he affectionately called her “Mama Zhenya.” To emphasize his special respect for her, Vysotsky was baptized in the Armenian Apostolic Church.

“And this is not mine”

After school, Vysotsky, at the insistence of his relatives, entered the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Kuibysheva. However, he did not like studying there, and after one semester he left there and entered the Moscow Art Theater School.

According to legend, Vysotsky made his final decision on New Year’s Eve, when he and his friend spent a long time making a large drawing for the exam. When the work was already ready, the future actor spilled coffee on it (according to another version, ink). After this he said:

All. I’ll prepare, I still have six months, I’ll try to enter the theater school. And this is not mine...

Vladimir Vysotsky.

Photo: RIA Novosti

“We protect you and the Lord for 12 years”

Vladimir Vysotsky was married three times: the first marriage happened in 1960 with Iza Zhukova, who also studied at the Moscow Art Theater School. But literally a few years later the couple divorced. He married for the second time five years later - in 1965. His wife was Lyudmila Abramova, also an actress, whom Vysotsky met on the set. They had two sons. But this marriage did not last long.

Probably the reason for this divorce was Marina Vladi - his third wife and last love. They met at the theater, where a French actress with Russian roots came to watch a play with Vysotsky - she had already heard about him. And he saw her on television in French films.

Thus began a love story that ended only with the death of Vysotsky. They lived in two countries and bounced between Russia and France. For the sake of the poet, Vladi gradually abandoned her career, trying to spend as much time as possible with her talented but very unstable husband - Vysotsky was already drinking a lot. But she could not save the poet from himself. He did not value his life, his health, his time. As he himself said, theater is his craft, and poetry is his passion. He was faithful to them and Marina Vladi to the end.

In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.

Vladimir Vysotsky.

“The government forbade me”

There is another legend about Vysotsky and his popularity. One day he was driving to the station with a driver who was speeding. The car was stopped by a policeman to punish a traffic violator. But then he saw the passenger, forgot about the driver and asked Vysotsky for an autograph. As luck would have it, not a single piece of paper was at hand. Then the policeman pulled out a 25-ruble bill and handed it to the musician. Vysotsky laughed and joked: “The government forbade me to put my signature on state signs.”

Photo: RIA Novosti

“Sorry, Vladimir Semenovich”

Another interesting story happened with Vysotsky in Sochi, where he came on tour. While he was away, the thieves took everything from his hotel room: things, money, documents, keys. Having learned about the robbery, Vysotsky went to the police. When he returned to the hotel, he saw that almost all the stolen items were in place. He found a note on the table.

Sorry, Vladimir Semenovich, we didn’t know whose things these were. Unfortunately, we have already sold the jeans, but we are returning the jacket and documents safe and sound.

Hamlet and Galileo

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Vysotsky entered the Pushkin Theater, but left there. He was fired from his next job - the Theater of Miniatures.

In 1965, he came to get a job at the newly opened Taganka Theater. Having heard his songs, the artistic director of the group did not let Vysotsky go. Lyubimov immediately began to involve him in performances, and also use his songs in productions. Vysotsky was faithful to the Taganka Theater until his death - he appeared on his favorite stage for the last time a week before his death.

I was terribly lucky that I went straight to Lyubimov’s theater. Because he immediately began to use my songs to sound in plays. He was very supportive of me singing at various evenings, he simply invited me to his place so that his friends - writers, poets, artists, etc. - would listen to me, and he always wanted me to sing, sing, sing.

Vladimir Vysotsky.

He played in a large number of performances, but he considered his main victory to be the role of Hamlet in Shakespeare's play of the same name. He also played in the plays “The Good Man from Szechwan”, “A Hero of Our Time”, “Ten Days That Shook the World”, “The Life of Galileo”.

Photo: RIA Novosti

“I have something to sing when I appear before the Almighty”

Vladimir Vysotsky died on July 25, 1980. An autopsy was not performed at his father's request, so the exact cause of death is unknown. According to some sources, it was asphyxia, according to others - acute myocardial infarction.

In recent years, the poet and actor has been unwell. He drank a lot and used drugs - morphine and amphetamines.

Vysotsky died in the midst of the XXII Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. His death was simply ignored - there was no official information about his death or funeral anywhere. They wanted to get rid of him quickly and quietly, without attracting attention. But a huge crowd gathered near the Taganka Theater; tens of thousands of people came to say goodbye to Vysotsky. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.