What do the reeds mean in the picture? Psychology. Drawing meaningless scribbles on paper, a person gives himself away completely

Hatching calms

Often a person does not even notice that he begins to draw involuntarily as soon as paper and pen are at hand. However, none of the drawings are “empty”. Each image is a code that our subconscious gives us.

Any human thought is expressed in movement. The drawing also reflects internal mental processes. “He can tell what the author is going through inside,” says art therapist Maria Yalysheva. - After all, when there was no writing yet, people communicated through rock paintings.

If you decipher the drawing, you can not only find out a person’s true mood, but also understand his problems and even cure mental illness. Of course, for each of us the same drawing may contain different subtext.

In my work as an art therapist, in addition to generally accepted interpretations of drawings and images, I try to rely on the individual symbolic language of each patient, his emotional and bodily reactions and manifestations, says Maria Yalysheva. - Each drawing can mean something different. But there is also universal symbolism. For example, if a person draws sharp lines, with strong pressure, which sometimes even cuts through the paper, it means that he is worried and angry. In art therapy there is even an exercise that relieves anxiety - ordinary shading. Before communicating, we suggest that clients shade the surface to relieve an anxious aggressive state.

Psychologists have summarized universal symbols and deciphered them. They interpret arbitrary drawings left by people without apparent meaning in this way:


Smooth, symmetrical shapes indicate a person who loves order and calculation in everything. The artist has clear goals in life.

Faces, heads, faces of people

They are usually drawn by cheerful, sarcastic, ironic people who want to laugh at themselves and the world around them.


Girls especially often draw lips. This is evidence of special sensitivity and talent. Such people love art very much and are creative people. However, if teeth are visible in the lip section, then this is a manifestation of internal aggression!


They express a tendency to observe. If the eyes are from different angles and views, the person is delving into himself.

Rough lines, strokes

The thicker the lines and the stronger the pressure, the stronger the internal tension of the drawer. He is clearly in the middle of some kind of conflict, from which he wants to get out as quickly as possible. But so far he is “attacking” the problem only on paper.


Evidence of chaos, inner disorder. A man is on the verge of an important decision.

Forests and trees

A person seeks protection in the surrounding world. It is believed that such drawings are usually created by people who are indecisive, unsure of themselves, and who do not like to defend their rights.

Strokes from the center

They are drawn by determined people who are able to organize other people to achieve a goal.

Sun, clouds

The sun, sky and clouds are usually drawn by a dreamer. By depicting the sun, a person shows his optimism, friendliness, joy and lightness.



The desire to harmonize everything around.


For such an “artist” the main thing is harmony in everything - both inside and outside! When a person draws flowers, most likely he expects failure or is faced with a problem, and this worries him. He subconsciously strives to harmonize the situation with drawn flowers.

Double arrows

Most likely, a person is faced with a choice and cannot make a decision. He is “pulled” first in one direction, then in the other.

Sandbox from troubles

To improve your mood, any person just needs to pick up a pen and start drawing. But if you need to solve a problem of a psychological nature, you will need art therapy. This is one of the methods of psychotherapy popular in the West. In St. Petersburg, this trend has been actively developing over the past five years and has already gained its fans. Citizens come to specialized centers to find themselves in a hectic developing world and the flow of information, to establish relationships with the opposite sex and to understand children's problems.

Art therapy is healing through art, solving mental problems through creativity, says Maria Yalysheva. - Both adult and small clients come. First, we ask what situation the person wants to talk about. Then we invite him to draw something. Afterwards we discuss the drawing and try to decipher it together.

According to the psychologist, sometimes only through drawing can a person heal. This often happens in children - by drawing their fears, they get rid of them. By the way, one way to calm yourself is to draw in the center of a circle.

If the drawing is not enough, then the patient is sent... to the sandbox. This method is called sand therapy. An adult enters a specially equipped sandbox and, using figurines, begins to sculpt his own world.

I myself tried the method of working in the sandbox. Only there I was able to grieve the loss of my grandmother,” admits psychologist Maria Yalysheva. - When she died, this misfortune did not let me go for a long time, it was hard to part with my beloved grandmother. Depression set in regularly. Thanks to the sandbox, I was able to close this wound in my soul. Sand therapy is explained simply: our inner world consists of images. In the sandbox we build this world. It’s like visualizing our inner state. Let's recognize it. Then we transform and perceive back - a new world without past wounds. In the sandbox we come to an agreement with our unconscious. Sometimes this dialogue occurs on an intuitive level. Let's say a person can make a figurine of a snake. And in fact, it will reflect the qualities that a person does not like about himself. You can talk and come to an agreement with this “snake”!


“Squares” are hard workers and good “circles”

The simplest psychogeometric test will help, for example, an employer to understand the psychological portrait of an applicant. Look at the six shapes - square, triangle, rectangle, triangle, circle, zigzag. Choose the one that attracted you the most, the one that is most “similar” to you. Arrange the rest in descending order of your “liking”. People who choose a square stand very firmly on their feet. They are good workers, stress-resistant, persistent and love order in everything. “Triangles” are ambitious leaders who want to be right in everything, energetic, strong individuals who set goals and achieve them. People who put the circle first are holistic natures who value interpersonal relationships. They are very friendly and sociable. Circle people know how to listen to others.

“Zigzags” are creative, creative, out-of-the-box thinkers. Natural generators of ideas. The rectangle is the most unstable shape in this set. Those who choose it are most likely in a state of transition and change. “Rectangles” restlessly seek a better life, as they are dissatisfied with the present. They are often confused and uncertain about themselves, but they are inquisitive. By the way, preferences may change over the course of a lifetime.

Know yourself

Draw a circle, square and triangle separately.

Now add a drawing to each figure so that the circle, square and triangle become not just figures, but in some way.

Now look carefully at the drawing: the circle is how you perceive yourself, the square is how you perceive the outside world. And the triangle is how you perceive your sexuality. In other words, if you have drawn a circle like a balloon, then most likely you see yourself in the world as a light airy creature. And if the square has become a beautiful house, then the outside world is probably a cozy, native and warm place for you. If the triangle has turned into a shark fin, then most likely you are a predator in sex.

Drawing is one of children's favorite activities. From the drawings you can see how the child sees the world, how he feels about himself, what worries him, who he loves.

Children's drawings are especially valuable material in cases where you need to find out whether the child has any problems - fears, anxiety, aggressiveness.

Here are a few basic rules to learn.

1. Drawings of children under five years of age are poorly informative due to the fact that the fingers are still poorly developed and the drawings are sketchy. At this age, one can only assume certain characteristics of the baby. by color scheme. If prevails black, this speaks of aggression. Red means activity, and brown signals possible ill health.

2. It is important to understand that a drawing is always a reflection of the child’s momentary mood. Therefore, it is impossible to judge his character from just one drawing. You should always look at general trends, having at least 5-6 samples made at different times. And ideally, if you want to make a psychological portrait of your baby, choose a time when he is in a good mood and ask him to draw .

3. If you give your child a task to draw something on a given topic, do not interfere with the process. The task itself should be given in the most general form - for example, draw a tree (house, person) of whatever kind you want. Don't suggest that a person has ears and you forgot to draw them. Try to be nearby, but pretend that you are minding your own business. And watch for yourself at this time.

Your observation and patience are the key to success, which will allow you to understand the hidden characteristics, fears, doubts and character traits of your child.

4. For test drawing, it is better to offer the child pencils - they allow you to see the force of pressure.

5. Even if all the child’s drawings speak of internal negativity, do not be afraid. Perhaps the baby is going through a difficult period now. In any case, a drawing is not a diagnosis, but a reason to think about what is happening in the soul of a little man. If you find it difficult to understand the causes of children's problems yourself, consult a psychologist.

So, you asked to draw person, house, tree, family .

And after the drawing is completed, the first step in the analysis may be your first superficial impression, you should evaluate what your child’s drawing is like, how it reflects reality, the child’s mood.

Look at the color your child used. According to psychologists, color determines the child’s inner mood, his emotional sphere.

A child chooses a simple pencil and refuses color altogether, this indicates a rather low intellectual level. Sometimes refusal of color is motivated by a bad mood, but, as a rule, this does not happen often. A child who uses dark colors is most likely at a low level of general development, has underdeveloped abstract thinking, and has memory problems.

The child uses the standard color for the depicted object, this indicates a normal level of his intellectual and general development. The baby adequately perceives surrounding objects and people around.

If, when depicting a given object, your child uses non-standard colors or colors that do not correspond to certain parts of the given object, this indicates non-standard thinking, a highly developed imagination.


As a rule, if a child is asked to draw a person, it will be a person of his gender. The drawing of an asexual being or a person of the opposite sex indicates internal discord. If the figure is located in the center, this is a sign of a confident person. At the very bottom of the sheet (with 2/3 of the space at the top empty) children who have low self-esteem draw a person. A figure depicted in profile can indicate anxiety and problems with communication.

Each part of the drawn person means something.

Head is a symbol of intelligence. A large head indicates developed mental abilities, a small one indicates insufficient mental abilities for his age. If a child needs protection, he will definitely draw a headdress.

Face will talk about the baby’s sociability. Fuzzy facial features mean that the child is “closed” towards other people. Drawn ears are a sign that hearing is an important channel for the child’s perception of information, that he listens to the comments of other people. Aggressive children draw an open mouth with teeth. Very large eyes with pupils symbolize the child's fears.

Big long hands show that the baby is dexterous and physically developed. Small hands will be drawn by a weak child. If he is unsure of himself, he will hide the hands of the little man in the picture behind his back or in his pockets. Raised hands indicate aggression, wide arms indicate a desire to act.

Legs- This is a symbol of support in real life. If a child has a great desire to be independent, he will draw very long legs. Widely spaced legs signify the baby's self-confidence.

Angular or square torso Boys usually draw - this is a sign of masculinity. If a person's torso is disproportionately small, this means that the child feels humiliated.


If a child often draws a house without windows and doors, this indicates problems in communicating with other people and isolation. The smaller the window, the more shy the baby is. Sometimes the number of windows corresponds to the number of family members.


A large tree in the picture means that the child has great vital energy. The branches of the tree are directed upward, and the tree itself has a thick trunk and stands firmly on the ground (even the roots are drawn) - in front of you is a self-confident, cheerful child.

More details:

Trunk symbolizes the inner core of the child, his personal potential.

Base extended to the left - the child is a dreamy introvert, timid, indecisive, and does not show initiative.

The trunk is straight, regular in shape - the child has difficulty adapting, but it is easily restored. The general development of such a child is at a fairly high level.

The base extended to the right means that the child is characterized by prudence, prudence, and perseverance. He ignores other people's opinions and is not inclined to trust recognized authorities.

A trunk closed at the top speaks of vitality and impulsiveness. The child is not prone to abstract thinking and is diligent in his work.

Rounded and widened base - the child is slow, thorough, but somewhat inhibited. At the same time, he has such undoubted advantages as responsibility and reliability.

The pointed trunk is usually drawn by the smallest ones, in whom it is difficult to identify the constituent parts of the personality.

contour lines, barrel filling, indicate certain character traits of the child drawing.

Weak, uneven, dotted lines speak of an enthusiastic, uneven, impatient and impulsive character, which is how an intuitive, sensual and vulnerable child usually draws.

Hatching and scribbles inside the trunk indicate uncertainty, dissatisfaction and spiritual fragility of the baby.

Reproduction of the bark pattern is a good sign - a sign of observation, critical mind, inquisitiveness, possibly a good sense of humor and fairly high intellectual development.

Specks and spots inside the trunk are evidence of dissatisfaction and feelings of guilt, and perhaps that the child is going through a difficult period of development.

The wavy outlines in the picture mean liveliness, flexibility, a tendency to adapt, and a positive attitude of your baby.

Branches can tell about the child’s relationship with the outside world.

Branches drawn in parallel lines express constancy, positivity, and activity.

Lines of branches diverging towards the ends - expansion, adventurism, high self-esteem, desire to assert oneself.

Radiant branches indicate nervousness, hot temper, lack of self-determination, and the wandering in search of his “I” in the young artist.

If your child has highlighted one branch in the picture, this indicates his ability to improvise, be creative, and think outside the box, rejecting conventions.

Curved branches - susceptibility to other people's influence. The child who drew a tree with such branches loves games and fun activities, but it is difficult to force him to do what seems tedious and boring to him.

Branches hanging down depict ordinary dreamers, melancholic people.

Bend branches - restraint, humility, responsibility, discipline.

Branches pointing upward - practicality, hot temper, and a tendency towards adventurism.

Crown informs about the energy characteristics and capabilities of the baby.

If a child draws a tree crown in the form of a cloud, this indicates his characteristic caution, thoroughness, and high level of self-control.

The crown-corolla testifies to the prudence and diplomacy of the young artist.

Crown circle – calmness, self-sufficiency, egocentrism.

Children, who are characterized by dynamism, absent-mindedness, a sense of humor, and cheerfulness, usually draw a crown with curls.

Crown with scribbles or shaded - disorder, anxiety, tension, indecisiveness, impulsiveness, susceptibility to other people's influence.

Flat crown – depression, dependence, desire to lean on someone.

Children often do not draw tree roots because they are not visible.

My family

Children usually draw the most significant person in their lives first. The larger a person’s figure, the greater the authority he is for the baby. A child lovingly decorates such a person and pays attention to details.

If a child does not draw a picture of one of the family members, it means that he is unpleasant to him and quarrels often occur with him. A sign of reluctance is a small, sketchy figure.

If all family members hold hands, the family is friendly.

Everyone does their own thing - the family is divided.

If there are objects between people that separate them, this indicates problems in communication.

People involved in the game are a reflection of the rivalry in the family.

Raised hands of someone in the picture indicate aggression or a need for help.

Very often, children draw an imaginary family: a dad who does not live with them, a sister who is not there, a deceased relative, or even a stranger. This means that the child experiences discomfort in his family and wants to change it.

If a child draws himself the same size or even larger than adults, this indicates that he feels significant and unique.

The baby is not in the picture at all when he feels out of place in his family.

The attitude towards family members can be judged by the force of pressure. The baby will draw an unpleasant person with sharp, strong strokes, and will often erase the drawing. The baby draws his loved ones with smooth movements, decorates them in every possible way, chooses pastel or bright rich colors.

Surely the first manifestations of human creativity were drawings, not writing. Today, while talking on the phone, being at a meeting, discussing a new hobby with a friend, we often draw. These designs can be abstract, consisting of individual lines and geometric shapes. What are we drawing and what does such modern “rock painting” mean?

While studying a fairly extensive scientific and popular literature, I noticed that often, when analyzing drawings, some scientists do not consider some of the factors that are interesting from a diagnostic point of view.Firstly , for example, not everyone studies the question of whetherwhen and under what conditions was the drawing made? , what happened at the same time. It’s one thing when the image was “born” in a relaxed atmosphere, and quite another if at the same time you had to listen, for example, to instructions from your boss. This situational mood will certainly be reflected in the theme of the drawing, the force of pressure on the surface of the sheet, the sharpness of some lines, and much more.Secondly , we must take into accountwas the topic predetermined? drawing: whether something specific was depicted or simply what the subconscious dictated.

While studying psychology, I obliged myself not to use vulgar popular publications for my work. The latter may entertain the reader, but at the same time they give a clearly erroneous interpretation of the psychological characteristics of the individual. This disappoints some and pleases the morbid ambition of others. Therefore, in this article I tried to present something that is both scientifically proven and may be of interest to those interested in studying other people.

Features of “unconscious drawings”

Unconscious drawing should be consideredas a psychophysiological act , defined by a conditioned reflex system of movements, and not as an image of a specific semantic object.

Forming the skill of fairly fast, clear and at the same time harmonious drawing movements (as well as writing) is associated with the formation of a certain image in the brain. Until this motor image of movement and the drawing itself are thought out and composed, carrying out the movement will be impossible. On this occasion, the famous psychophysiologist Nikolai Bernstein noted that when training any movement, it is not the hands that are trained first, but the brain. Those who are interested in psychophysiology know thatthe formation of an imaginary image of movement entails changes in the somatic, autonomic and psychological systems of the body .

Each movement is closely related to the corresponding processes in the psyche through the levels of construction of movements of the central nervous system (so called by N. Bernstein -approx. author). These levels provide individual movements during the drawing process. The individuality of such movements determines the specificity of the image of the drawing, which, in turn, depends on the same individuality of individual character traits.

Without delving into the scientific details of the theory of the levels of structure of the nervous system, we note the following. The areas of the brain and other organs of the body assigned to these levels provide the general tonic background of the writing limb. They support the necessary working position of the body, fine motor skills of the forearm muscles, and contribute to the gradual transition of tension from some muscles involved in drawing to others. In addition to these, at first glance, purely mechanical moments that help to draw, there is an analysis and semantic assessment of what will be drawn, because the image is not only a graphic configuration, but has a certain symbolic or concrete meaning. Since this is due to the psychophysiological characteristics of the body, the drawings, being a projection of our internal experiences, show purely personal interests, problems and much more. Thus, our drawings must be considered taking into account individual psychophysiological characteristics. According to scientists Lyudmila Lebedeva, Yulia Nikonorova and Natalya Tarakanova, the psychological principle of projection is found at the basis of all types of artistic creativity. A person who creates displays or projects in this way his unconscious or hidden complexes, experiences and motives. The main mechanism of visual activity is projection. That is, what we draw consciously or automatically, while doing other work along the way, is a reflection of our individual psychological properties and worldview.

Principles for interpreting drawings

When interpreting drawings, the author’s previous emotional experience, his individuality, and possible neurotic reactions are assessed. For example, if in a simple conversation many people behave quite constrained, then in a drawing they can manifest themselves much more widely. Let us dwell on the consideration of drawings or scribbles made involuntarily during conversations with other people on the phone, at meetings in the process of thinking, etc. Such drawings, first of all, reflect the background emotional state of their author while drawing, and, consequently, the attitude to what was happening to him at that very moment or shortly before that.

Stages of interpretation

Images must be interpreted according to a certain scheme: from assessing the general appearance of the drawing to studying the details and features of the lines. Let's look at this scheme in more detail.

Evaluation of the drawing as a whole. First, the entire drawing is assessed for its integrity, harmony, aesthetic completeness, unusualness or ordinaryness. Such componentsdetermine the degree of a person’s giftedness, the development of mental abilities, the presence of taste, the level of internal culture .

Aesthetic completeness is evidence of the level of volitional development, the supply of neuropsychic energy, a person’s ability to work and the state of his nervous system as a whole. Strict adherence to the accepted canons of drawing does not demonstrate personal characteristics or indicates “average” abilities for everything. And in some cases, this indicates excessive pedantry, reluctance, and sometimes fear of change, and the manifestation of initiative.

The non-standard nature of the drawing shows the level of identity of the individual. The more noticeable the unusualness of the drawing, the more original the personality in different spheres of life. But everything is fine to a certain extent. Too unusual drawings, “encrypted” abstractions may indicate accentuation (overly pronounced mental qualities of one direction), a mental state close to pathology. It is enough to recall the bright, incomprehensible to simple perception paintings of Van Gogh, who suffered from psychopathology, Salvador Dali and some other famous artists whom society admires to this day.

Location of the drawing. The option of placing an image on a sheet of paper is psychologically associated with self-esteem and self-realization, the subjective perception of integration into the world around us.

When placing a picturein the central part of the sheet one can judge the desire and a certain ability to find a balance between one’s egoistic needs and the desires of others, the ability to find compromises, and defend one’s interests. In addition, this arrangement of the picture is evidence of a subjective feeling of security. If the drawing located in the center occupies almost the entire sheet of paper, then this indicates pronounced egocentrism, possibly aggressiveness and inflated self-esteem. The same can be said about a person posting his drawing.at the top of the sheet . This placement of the image indicates a desire to dominate and meet a high social standard. According to the above-mentioned scientists, drawings arranged in this way, related in theme to the depiction of people, often indicate a tendency to escape reality and the presence of defense mechanisms such as fantasy.

From the left sidePictures are posted by those who connect everything good in life with the past. For such people, the emotional sphere dominates. Most of them are dreamy introverts prone to inactivity.

Drawings on the right side of the sheet for the most part belong to those who have a predominant expression of the intellectual sphere, aspirations are directed towards the future. Such people are active and active. If the drawing is located in the upper right corner of the sheet, we can talk about the author’s tendency towards insubordination, unpredictability, and excessive conflict. Some scientists (Lyudmila Lebedeva, Yulia Nikonorova, Natalya Tarakanova) say that such people in extreme situations can direct aggression towards themselves. In my opinion, they may have injuries when performing activities in extreme conditions, for example, when skydiving or performing work related to urban mountaineering.

Posted at the bottom of the sheet the image shows a person with low self-esteem, who is constantly dissatisfied with himself and his life, feels dependent, oppressed and depressed. Such individuals often have depressive moods, feelings of insecurity, and sometimes increased levels of anxiety.

Emotional background of the drawing. Regardless of your own experiences, you should give it an objective assessment. For example, a smiling kind animal or a calm sea will indicate a similar state of the artist, and the wind tilting the trees to the ground, the toothy mouth of a shark, the crying sun will in no way be a sign of a peaceful attitude towards the process or event during which the drawing was created.

Drawings that express our emotions are a reflection of our internal state or situational attitude towards the time during which they were created. We can talk about a cheerful little devil as a projection of a good emotional background, a perky mood, a desire to “do something special.” A crying sun will be a sign of internal hidden or obvious frustration or resentment. In principle, it is not difficult to assess the emotional coloring of a drawing.

Analysis of individual parts of the image. If the drawing consists of multiple details, then this indicates the author’s energy, activity, and initiative. Hands or paws characterize the communicative sphere of the individual. They are typically portrayed as extroverts. The absence of arms or paws expresses problems in the sphere of communication, or simply the author’s inability to draw these parts of the body. For example, tentacles indicate courage and, possibly, enterprise, ears indicate the desire to receive and possess information. Horns express aggressive defensive aspirations. Paws, if they are stable and clear, show an attentive attitude to the basics of activity and the validity of decision-making. Weak, unconnected with the body, on the contrary, thoughtlessness of decisions, inability to be consistent. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. In a drawing of an adult, empty eye sockets drawn in the form of identical circles may indicate internal emotional emptiness, dullness, sometimes degradation, asociality and fear. Beautiful and well-drawn - a symbol of the desire to please others, to be attractive. “Dots” or “dashes” instead of eyes indicate an internal prohibition on showing emotions, possibly paranoid traits. Blackening the eyes and depicting them in dark glasses are associated with the fears of the author of the drawing, Lyudmila Lebedeva, Yulia Nikonorova, Natalya Tarakanova talk about this in the book “Encyclopedia of signs and interpretations in projective drawing and art therapy.”

Analysis of drawing lines. Next, the lines of the drawn image are evaluated: broken, sharp-angled or smooth, rounded, individual clear and neat, or multiple, randomly intersecting each other. As a rule, the features of drawing lines reflect such properties of the nervous system as its strength or weakness, inertia, dynamism. Some psychologists, analyzing the lines, associate them with the properties of a person’s temperament and say that the sharpness of the lines is evidence of a choleric temperament, and excessive smoothness - a phlegmatic one. In my opinion, such an assessment “works” when interpreting the characteristics of handwriting, but not always when studying a drawing.

In general, when depicting something, we, without realizing it, are drawing either ourselves or our inner state, or rather both. As a result, the outer lines (contours) of the central or only figure in the drawing are initially a symbolic boundary between us and the world around us, and the nature of these lines often reflects our attitude to this world, its subjective perception. For example,confident, bright and light lines indicate self-confidence to the point of self-confidence.

Uneven, unclear lines indicate fearfulness and timidity, especially clearlyunderlined and highlighted - a sign of increased self-control, the desire to hide one’s problems and experiences from others.Darkening, "smudging" - expresses increased levels of fear and anxiety.Clear, framing the image of lines drawn as if in one movement is an indicator of self-isolation from society, or the subjective perception of one’s state as isolated.Unfinishedlines, as if the author did not have enough strength to complete them - a frequent sign of an asthenic* state. Unconscious tendencies towards extreme economy of strength, the desire to conserve the remainder of psychic energy.

Pressure force.I always additionally consider such a feature of the drawing as pressure. With the help of pressure, you can evaluate the nature of the author’s external emotional and volitional manifestations. Both in handwriting and in drawingstrong pressureis characteristic of people who are emotionally active, mobile, distinguished by bright gestures and articulation. Those who draw withlight pressure, are in an emotionally depressed mood, do not like to speak in front of an audience, and are “pale” in emotional manifestations. Such weak pressure characterizes an anxious person. If these lines can be called “web-like,” then there is an asthenic, weakened state both physically and mentally, depression. A tree trunk drawn with the help of such lines indicates a person’s fear of self-affirmation and avoidance of independent actions. Foliage depicted in this way speaks of developed sensitivity, impressionability, and susceptibility to outside influence.

Impulsive, fickle In terms of force, the pressure of the drawing is the most undesirable. After all, constant, sustained pressure is evidence of a balanced character, the ability to think through your decisions. And fickle indicates nervousness, impulsiveness, excessive emotionality when making vital decisions, impetuosity, and often an inability to work systematically. If the pressure in the lines of the drawing is weak and at the same time uneven, then this may indicate uncertainty, sometimes neurasthenicness and, possibly, mental masochism. The last statement is usually confirmed if the picture as a whole is emotionally “sad” and expresses negative moods or tendencies.

Strong, but not very differentiated pressure is observed in individuals who are characterized by fixation on a problem, some experience, and a difficult transition from one type of activity to another. But such people successfully get to the bottom of certain ideas and almost never give up what they have started.

Very strong pressure on the drawing indicates that a person has a sharp rise in anxiety, probably attempts to aggressively suppress the source of fear, and great emotional tension. Broken and shaky lines drawn slowly indicate indecisiveness, self-doubt, increased levels of anxiety or even pronounced anxiety. Howeverthin and graceful lines drawn quickly and energetically are proof of the author’s confidence in what he is doing, lack of embarrassment, and desire to achieve the goal.

Thick lines framing the central figure of the picture indicate a tendency to impulsive behavior, sometimes thoughtlessness of actions and deeds, and some aggressiveness, including verbal. In part, this may be a desire to maintain independence from the environment, as if to preserve one’s integrity and originality. But sometimes, the desire to draw with very thick, bold lines has not entirely socially acceptable forms.

Thick lines, without strong pressure, can be found in those who like to eat delicious food and get some physical pleasures from life.

In many drawings, their authors not only depict the contours of a figure or a drawing as a whole, but also hatch, highlight some parts by blackening, in this way indicating shadows, etc. Dark tones that predominate in shading, tracing the internal space with broken lines of different lengths and directions indicate the presence of internal conflict and an increased level of anxiety. If such shading is done with strong pressure, then the author may be in a state of forced aggression towards someone.

Color drawings. A separate topic is the color of the drawing, lines or sketches, if any. As a rule, drawings that “came to light” during a telephone conversation or meeting are made in one color, whatever is at hand. Therefore, the appearance of color is in itself evidence that a person wanted to especially emphasize something. Preference for the color black indicates compensatory behavior, a desire to reject (for example, what is being discussed at the time of drawing), to show aggression, and active opposition.

White color is a symbol of purity and openness. If you mix all the colors of the rainbow, you get white. It is important to know that the attitude towards these, and some other colors, is different, for example, among Europeans and the peoples of the East. In China, white is the color of mourning, and black, on the contrary, is the color of joy and celebration. Therefore, studying the drawings of representatives of other nations requires knowledge about their archetypal and national attitude to color.

Red is the color of aggressiveness, offensive activity and sexuality, sensual passion, but also anger and violence. Sometimes the choice of this color indicates the presence of a “burning” problem, emotional tension, reaction to danger,

According to I. Goethe, the orange color of the picture creates the impression of warmth and satisfaction, as it is a shade of fire, characteristic of the setting sun.

Blue color is a projection of depth, the desire to withdraw into oneself, peace and quiet, reliability, harmony and hope. It is also the color of introspection and self-deepening.

All the same authors express the idea of ​​the association of yellow with warmth and light, the sun, which feeds life with energy. This is the color of clarity, joy and fun, openness, determination and the desire for active creation, as well as pleasure from the results of this activity. Commenting on the drawings with a predominance of yellow color, we can say that their author is an inquisitive, active person, sometimes fickle in his secondary attachments, striving for new interesting activities and hobbies. Such people easily establish contacts with others and often try to take relationships into a relaxed direction. It can also be assumed that the author has a visual-figurative, artistic type of thinking. It is quite possible that those selected by the author sent to the competitionFigures 6–9the background and color of the paper indirectly indicate the presence of the mentioned qualities and aspirations.

The same I. Goethe associated his idea of ​​harmony with the color green, believing that in it there is a reconciliation of opposites, male and female, black and white, soul and body.

When talking about the use of color, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that green grass, red or yellow sun are natural uses of color. It’s another matter when a person with normal color perception (not colorblind) draws a black sea with a blue pencil, brown grass, etc.

Theme of the drawing.And the last thing that is evaluated and interpreted is the theme of the drawing, what is depicted in it. What we draw directly reflects our inner world and its state.

We have already talked about lines. However, I would like to add that drawing straight lines with sufficient pressure shows a certain degree of irritation towards the subject of the conversation or the person with whom it is being conducted. This is especially noticeable when the lines cross each other. A typical example isFigure 6. Such drawings are created by people who endure long enough and try to avoid conflicts, but experience them inside and sooner or later throw out all their emotions on the offender. Such an offender can be either a specific person or a job. On the other hand, such drawings are a reaction to aggression, a kind of protective, psycho-corrective technique that promotes relaxation.

Wavy lines are evidence of peace, calm, diplomacy, and the ability to find reasonable compromises in the current situation.

A drawing of the sun with a kind expression on your face indicates that you are in a good mood, full of energy, communication at the moment is enjoyable or promises good prospects.

Let's pay attention tofigure 7. It shows two faces from the front. Such an image reveals a person who knows how to communicate, who easily finds common ground with other people; a similar interpretation is outlined by Alina Lanskaya in the book “The Language of Drawing. A person’s character is in full view.” But the faces are clearly distorted, which indicates an interpersonal conflict with a loved one, dissatisfaction with oneself. The specificity of the image of eyes (glasses) is a sign of the author’s awareness of his wrongness in this conflict. Either the author is tired of frequent discussions of common mistakes in relationships, stupidity that can ruin them. The drawing also expresses a certain degree of internal anxiety and tension. Other drawings by this author speak of conflict not only interpersonal, but also within oneself.

Author Figures 1–5clearly loves to depict polygons, complementing them with ornate lines that decorate the picture. Polygons are drawn by people who are quite demanding of themselves and others, who achieve success in life not only thanks to patronage, but also to their own strength. When polygons have five, six or more angles, and are connected with decorations, then we can say that they were drawn by an emotional person who sometimes makes intuitive decisions. If such people are not raised correctly in childhood, they can be conflicting, uncompromising, and picky. Analyzing the drawings of our contestant, painted in color, we can assume that she is active and cheerful, sometimes she is overwhelmed with energy, but there is not always a person nearby who can understand and accept her wishes and aspirations.

Figures 10–11They give off as a sociable, interesting person, inquisitive, who loves to travel. Such people know how to give gifts, not only material ones, but also emotional ones. In combination with the chosen color of the drawing, we can talk about a large supply of neuropsychic energy and the sexuality of the author.

Our drawings are a treasure trove of information. Having studied unconsciously made drawings, you can “read a person” like an open book, understanding his problems and joys, states and hidden desires.

In the process of drawing, we transfer our emotions, joys, anxieties, achievements and much more onto a sheet of paper. Psychology makes it possible to use drawings not only to determine the positive qualities of a person, but also to diagnose his problems, fears, and bad character traits. Therefore, one should not forget about the “psychologist’s code of honor” and interpret what is purely personal for each person. Some of these comments are “highlighted” only with small strokes so that the author of the drawing can understand them and draw appropriate conclusions

Judging by the nature of the lines and arrows (which contain numbers) in the figure, their direction in different directions from the same center, we can say that the author of this figure (rice. 1) person is sufficient, proactive and decisive . But in life prefers second roles , wanting to stay “behind the scenes.” Sketches in the form of rectangles with smoothed edges are one of the evidencesresponsible attitude to business , in particular to the one shown in numbers and letters in the figure. However, for the author, this work is already boring, or is associated with communication with unpleasant people, or insufficient appreciation of her contribution. However, there may be many reasons, but the essence is the same - something in this process causes negative emotions. A small, carefully hidden and sometimes unconscious anxiety arises, which haunts from all sides, both from leaders and from the environment. In the figure, this is manifested in careful shading, darkening with straight and broken lines of almost all corners and sides of rectangles. The author seems to be hiding in these rectangles, closing himself off from everyone. Small “spiny” hedgehogs or stars from many lines are another confirmation of this.

Despite the above, the authoran optimistic and lively person, active and attentive to work, down to the smallest detail, eager for changes that will help harmonize relationships, first of all, with himself .

The unusual configuration of the various components of the picture indicatescreativity, good level of intelligence . But the ability to create is not used for various reasons, full self-realization does not occur, which may be the cause of the already mentioned anxiety. The girl who drew this drawing is quite stubborn, always strives to finish the job she has started and achieve her goal, putting a lot of effort into achieving it. But, often, she hides her desires, grievances, and sorrows, while others take it for granted, regardless of her.

A drawing depicting a flower reaching towards the sun (rice. 2) - harmonious and holistic. It contains not only a form depicting flowers, the sun, grass, but also a unique, visually perceptible movement. Such kinesthetic features of drawings are rare. A person who is able to express them is distinguished by artistic taste, imagination, and often lives in a world of abstract ideas, as the famous German psychologist Hermann Rorschach believes. Most likely this is expresseddesire to pay more attention to the spiritual side of life, originality in relationships and at work . Based on the general assessment of the nature of the drawing, we can say thatthe creator of the drawing wants more warmth, intimacy, something that will touch the delicate strings of the soul, and not everyday routine . This warmth and attention is lacking primarily from a figure that is stronger, in the author’s subjective understanding. Perhaps this person or organization is not attentive to the artist and is to a certain extent authoritarian. If we consider the drawn sun as a source of heat, then in most cultures close to us, primarily Slavic ones, the sun personifies the male, strong, energetic half. In our case, the sun can just be a symbolic image of a person, whose warmth and understanding helps to find psychological peace and balance. For such complete balancethe author lacks emotionally warm communication, sincere understanding of emotions .

It can be said with a reasonable degree of certainty that the author is goodcopes with work that requires creativity, the ability to use associative thinking, see well and highlight the main thing . The girl probably needs it more oftenlisten to your intuition and to your dreams, peculiar clues from the unconscious. She can be receptive to inner experiences and contemplations, without which both scientific discoveries and deep feelings are impossible.

Well crafted shapes and patternsFigure 3 They say about the desire for harmony, about a calm and organized life , which does not at all indicate a desire to do nothing and sit with arms folded. But some people like constant travel, noisy entertainment and big companies, but our author would probably preferlook at the sea, the sunset and the fire in a group of close friends . She's got enoughhigh level of intelligence , but it is not fully used in everyday work. She alsocapable of long concentration of attention, has good performance, prefers quiet work , where thoughtfulness and attentiveness of activities with simple results are required. The author is a personsociable, romantic .

Figure 4, depicting a clown with wings, is interesting because its author actually painted herself and her inner state. It can be assumed, thatthe artist has a high supply of neuropsychic energy, is interested in many areas of human activity, tries to take part in as many different activities and events as possible . All this is aimed at winning a place in the sun, explainspassion for your activities .

The author expresses wellcommunication skills , communication for her means work, rest, development, and much more. Whereinshe is interested in all aspects of communication , be it a meeting with friends or a discussion of the latest interesting films and exhibitions, a one-on-one conversation. Such communication also performs a kind of protective function. The shading of the picture indicatesconstant fear . It's quite possible thisassociated with the fear of not being accepted, misunderstood or abandoned by a psychologically significant person . Therefore, in order to establish and maintain the contacts she needs,Both light coquetry and childish whims are used . Multifaceted communication gives self-confidence, and the main way she uses to maintain relationships is to be an interesting interlocutor with a lot of knowledge,the ability to present oneself , just be an interesting person.The author has a very well developed active imagination, her curiosity “fuels” the intellect, makes it possible to generate ideas, be inspired and inspire others, and be interesting to the interlocutor.

Based on the nature of the drawing and its theme, we can say that the artist still, when making vital decisions, subconsciously turns to a psychologically stronger female figure for approval. For example, to your mother, grandmother, sister, friend. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with this, but on the other, the author finds herself in a situation of a kind of psychological prison, from which she is not allowed to leave, or she herself does not want to,afraid of responsibility for decisions made , the likelihood of a conflict occurring. Perhaps you need to win, and not beg, the respect of this person, stop being afraid of being misunderstood or not accepted, becoming yourself, stop suppressing those wonderful impulses that prevent you from living the way you want.

An artist at heart, positivelyambitious and ambitious , with desire achieve and possess . For this she is ready to work hard and well, to grow upward like her flower (rice. 5).

Psychological test: House-Tree-Person. How to decipher it correctly?

Psychological test is a tool that helps specialists understand the state of the psyche of an adult or child. The simplest testing method is an ordinary drawing. If you know how to decipher it correctly, you can find out about all the fears and problems of the person who drew it.

Psychological test based on drawings - house, tree, person: decoding with interpretation for children

Psychological test on drawings for children
  • If you want to find out how your baby really feels, then ask him to draw a house, a tree, a person, and then carefully examine the drawing, paying attention to all, even the smallest details. The first thing you should pay attention to is how hard your little one presses the pencil when creating her masterpiece. If the lines are weakly expressed and barely noticeable, then this indicates that you are growing up a timid and somewhere passive person who is trying to be invisible.
  • It is also a bad sign if the child uses an elastic band very often. This indicates uncertainty and excessive anxiety. If a son or daughter draws with strong pressure, this indicates that they are quite tense. In addition, you must pay attention to what colors the picture is made of. The ideal option is to use pastel colors.
  • Typically, this indicates that you have been able to develop a personality that lives in harmony with its environment. But still remember, so that the moral state of the children remains the same, it is extremely important for them to feel your love, and it will be better if you show it tactilely. To do this, it will be enough to hug and kiss your child a couple of times a day.

Decoding the colors of the picture

Interpretation of the colors of the picture:

  • Red. This color scheme should not alarm you as it is most often used by open and restless children. Yes, sometimes they may disobey or even act out, but this speaks more about individual characteristics rather than mental disorders.
  • Blue. Most often, this color scheme is preferred by calm, balanced children who sometimes like to be alone with themselves.
  • Green. This color scheme should alert young parents as it indicates that your baby lacks attention. If you do not try to correct this state of affairs, then with a high probability we can say that your child will grow up withdrawn and will be afraid to trust people.
  • Yellow. The predominance of such a color scheme indicates that a dreamy person is growing in your home, who looks at the world around him through rose-colored glasses.
  • Dark shades(black, brown, gray). The use of such a color scheme indicates that your child has quite serious psychological problems, which without proper correction can turn into a rather severe depressive state.

Decoding the location of the house
  • Another criterion that you must pay attention to is the placement of the house, tree and person in the drawing. If the child drew the figures you suggested as very large and cumbersome, this indicates that your baby’s anxiety is quite high, and he cannot relax even when he knows for sure that nothing threatens him. True, in this case there is one exception to the rule. If a hyperactive child is growing up in your house, then this arrangement of figures on a piece of paper can be considered quite normal.
  • If the house, tree and person are located at the very top of the leaf (as a rule, the lower part remains completely clean), then this indicates that you raised a child with very high self-esteem. In the future, such a child may have problems at home, in kindergarten or at school. Due to the fact that the son will consider himself better than everyone else, he will not be able to find true friends and, worst of all, will not be able to fit into the children's team.
  • A negative signal is very small figures located at the bottom of the sheet. Most often, children who have psychological problems draw this way. It is likely that your child is depressed or has very low self-esteem. Ideally, all the details of the drawing should be drawn as proportionally as possible and in no case overlap each other.

  • Well, at the last stage, conduct a general analysis of what your child has drawn. Be sure to pay attention to how he depicted the person and where he placed him. If a person comes out very sad and very small compared to other objects, then this indicates that your child is very lonely and feels unnecessary to anyone. It is likely that you simply spend little time with your child, and in his subconscious there is an opinion that he is not that important to you.
  • Also a bad signal is the complete absence of facial expressions in a person. This suggests that your baby has a rather poor emotional state, indicating terrible moral well-being. As for the house, it should also be as realistic as possible. Of course, a small child is unlikely to be able to draw an ideal home, but still, because he does this, you can understand how comfortable he feels in the family. So, if the house turns out to be very small and located as if far away, then it is likely that your baby feels rejected or alien.
  • If the house has normal dimensions and is placed proportionally in the picture, then this indicates family harmony and openness of your baby. Also a good signal is the presence of doors and windows at the painted home. A reason to be wary is a tree that seems to be hiding behind the house. Most often, children of very strict and dominant parents who try to control every step of their child arrange their vegetation this way.

Psychological test based on drawings - house, tree, person: decoding with interpretation for adults

Psychological test based on drawings for adults

As you probably already understood, a drawing can tell a lot about a person. True, in the case of adults, more attention should be paid to the small details of the resulting picture. Unlike children, they can already control their emotions and very often try to deceive a specialist by using the right color scheme or drawing with the right pressure. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is whether there is a wisp of smoke above the house.

If a very thin stream comes from the chimney, then this shows that the person is emotionally exhausted and does not feel warmth and care from his loved ones. Too thick smoke coming from the chimney indicates that a person is under very strong moral stress. And the thicker and darker the smoke coming out, the worse the internal state of the person undergoing the test.

Deciphering the house

Decoding the drawing of the house
  • If a person draws a beautiful, proportional house that has all the windows and doors, then this indicates that he is in harmony with himself and with those around him. If the building is depicted without windows and doors, this is a sign of a closed person, which is most often provoked by quite strong problems at work. In this way he is trying to show that he is not going to let anyone into his life. Also a bad signal is the presence of steps or stairs that are not located near the door or window, but simply near a blank wall. As a rule, this is how a long-standing conflict manifests itself, which requires an immediate solution.
  • Also pay attention to how the walls of the home are drawn. If they are clear and clearly visible, then the person does not have any special problems. But if the lines denoting the outline of the house are very thin, almost transparent, then the person feels some kind of danger and is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself from it. Open doors at home indicate that a person has no problems either at home or at work, and is always happy to have guests. But if the doors are too large and occupy most of the wall, then this indicates that the man or woman has problems with self-esteem and at the moment they are trying to show their importance and irreplaceability.
  • Another negative sign is the lock on the door, especially if it is very large. As a rule, in this way a person’s subconscious shows his hostility, closedness and aggressiveness. Windows can also tell a lot about a person. If they are of normal size and there are flowers on them, then this indicates that the person does not have any psychological pressures that interfere with his life. If the windows are almost completely covered with curtains, it means that it is difficult for a person to interact with the outside world, and he is trying to isolate himself a little from it.

Decoding a drawing of a person

Decoding a drawing of a person
  • Most often, the presence of problems in men and women is indicated by the size of the person they depict in the picture. The smaller and more noticeable it is, the more insecure the person being tested feels. In this case, proportions are also very important. After all, if, for example, the person depicted has a very large head, then this indicates a desire to dominate others. A too small head shows that a person has problems with intellectual development, and he is very worried about this. If a man or woman does not like criticism and tries to distance themselves from unpleasant words, then the picture will depict a man without ears.
  • The size of the neck can also tell about internal psychological problems. A wide, but at the same time short neck indicates that males and females have character traits that they do not like, but they are trying to get rid of them. A neck that is too long and thin is usually depicted by people who are prone to aggressive behavior and who do not know how to keep their emotions under control. And, of course, don’t forget to pay attention to the person’s arms and legs. If they are drawn as clearly as possible, with bright lines, then this indicates that in front of you there is a man or woman who stands firmly on the ground and is not afraid of any difficulties arising.
  • As for the eyes, they also play a huge role in deciphering the drawing. If a person draws very small eyes, this indicates that he is too immersed in his internal problems. The presence of too large eyes indicates that the person being tested is rude and assertive. But beautiful and fluffy eyelashes reveal a flirtatious person who loves the attention of the opposite sex.

Decoding the tree drawing

Decoding the tree drawing
  • The more symmetrical and beautiful the tree is depicted in the picture, the more harmonious a person feels. If somehow part of the tree is larger or smaller than necessary, then this indicates the presence of psychological problems. For example, if a person draws a small tree and very massive roots, then this is a sure sign that he has some problems that he is trying to hide from strangers.
  • Very often in a picture you can see a tree whose leaves are poorly drawn, but at the same time the trunk is very brightly painted. This state of affairs indicates that the test taker is not afraid to face difficulties. Branches hanging down seem to tell us that a person has given up and is not even trying to deal with the problems that arise on his life’s path.
  • Pay special attention to the lines used to draw the tree. If all the lines are clear, smooth and are not interrupted anywhere, then we can definitely say that in front of you is an individual who is not afraid of life’s difficulties and always goes towards his goals. If the lines are crooked and periodically interrupted, then this is evidence of indecision, cowardice and inhibition.

Description of the drawing according to the method of house, tree, person: how to draw and draw correctly?

Recommendations for taking the test
  • If you decide to conduct a similar psychological test on your child or simply one of the adult family members, remember that in order to get the most accurate result, you need to give the person complete freedom of thought. You have no right to tell him how to draw this or that part of the drawing. It is also strictly forbidden to push the test taker to choose a certain color. The entire time the person is completing the task, you will have to sit silently on the sidelines. And it will be even better if you leave the room altogether for a while. This way you will allow the person to be alone with you.
  • Also be sure to take care of the place where the testing will take place. You must create conditions in which the person will be as comfortable as possible. This means that on the table on which he will draw there should be no objects that distract attention. Ideally, only a piece of paper, pencils and an eraser should be on the table. If a child is being tested, then in addition to the above-mentioned things, you can also place markers and paints on the table.
  • With their help, the baby will be able to reveal his inner world as well as possible. As for drawing, there are no clear rules. You just have to give the person a task, and he must decide for himself where he will start creating the drawing. All that will be required of you in this situation is to silently observe and wait patiently for him to finish.

Drawing of an adult man

Drawing of a child

While the person is being tested, you will need to record:

  1. His reaction to the task
  2. How quickly did he figure out what was required of him?
  3. How quickly does a test taker decide on a color?
  4. How long did it take for the person to complete the task?

After the drawing is ready, you can ask your child or adult questions that will help you get the most accurate result. But remember, you must do this in the most relaxed manner possible. In general, a conversation with a child is best done in a playful way. After all, the more relaxed he is, the more reliable information his subconscious will give out.

Test questions:

  • Who did you depict in the drawing, boy or girl (man or woman)?
  • Is it you or your relative?
  • Do you like what you drew?
  • What kind of tree did you draw?
  • Why do you like it so much?
  • Is this your house?
  • What is your home made of?

In principle, the questions can be different, as long as they are relevant to the picture. For example, during a post-drawing survey, you can ask the test taker why some significant details are missing in his drawing (leaves on a tree, windows and doors on a house, or ears on his head). You should also be interested in the not entirely correct arrangement of the elements of the picture.

For example, obliquely growing trees or very skewed walls of a house. A person must definitely try to explain why he sees his world in a slightly distorted form. After you find out all the details that interest you, you can begin the final analysis of what the person has drawn.

Video: Psychoriunok. An example of analysis of the drawing test “House Tree Man”

While listening to a verbose interlocutor on the phone or sitting at a boring meeting, we almost unconsciously begin to draw patterns, faces or geometric shapes on a piece of paper. According to psychologists, such scribbles can tell a lot about a person’s character.

The connection between aspiration level and scribbling was studied by psychologist Elliot Aronson. He found that people with a higher need for achievement were more likely to draw many separate, unrelated lines, while those with a lower need for achievement were more likely to draw connected, intersecting, or closed lines.

We learn about how to determine character from drawings thanks to the German psychologist Michael Thiel.

How to find out a person's character from a drawing

  • Bee honeycombs. They talk about the desire for peace, harmony, and an orderly life. They can also mean a desire to start a family. This last explanation is worth thinking about especially. It is possible that in this case the main problem is the reluctance to admit such a dream.
  • Spirals, circles, wavy lines. Determining character from drawings is not a difficult process. Such figures often accompany an ambitious and selfish person. For such a person, everything revolves exclusively around his own person; other people's worries annoy him and seem burdensome. If the drawing was made at a time when a person has to deal with other people’s affairs, then it seems that he strives to end them as soon as possible. Curls can also mean: at the moment my thoughts are occupied with a big problem that I am unable to solve.
  • Flowers, sun, clouds in the picture. Vigorous and sweepingly drawn flowers signal: by nature I am a dreamer with unbridled imagination. Softer and rounder shapes allow one to recognize a deeply sensual personality. Clouds and sun rather characterize a cheerful, joyful person, looking forward to the future with optimism.
  • Lattices and meshes. A frequent and drawn with great pressure grid means: a person is in a risky or awkward position, feels cornered. Each line, energetically drawn on paper, is like an attack, which, however, there is not enough courage to make in a direct conversation (the line is crossed out!) If in the end the drawing is circled, this means that the problem is over, at least outwardly.
  • Determining character by drawings that depict patterns, like wallpaper. Sharp corners and smooth ovals are combined into a motif that is repeated ad infinitum. This pattern suggests that the person is bored, tired of the conversation, or maybe disgusted with the whole way of life. It is possible that soon we can expect some extravagant act from a person that goes beyond the usual boundaries.
  • How to determine character from drawings in the form of geometric shapes? Symmetrical shapes symbolize a love of order and neatness, rectangles symbolize prudence and a penchant for planning. This man is not easily caught off guard. He rarely fears his opponents and competitors. The more angular the geometric shapes, the more aggressive it is, although this is not always noticeable outwardly. He clearly sees very real goals in front of him and is determined to defend his own opinion to the end.
  • Crosses. They appear quite often in drawings. Women usually give them the appearance of jewelry, while men have more strict outlines. In both cases, the crosses express a feeling of guilt that most likely arose during this conversation. It is advisable to find out the reason for this (though not necessarily right away), otherwise a painful misunderstanding will remain in the relationship for a long time.
  • Little people. Don't let their funny appearance fool you. This image is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade some responsibility. People usually draw little people at a moment when they should say a decisive “no”, but they cannot bring themselves to say this word.
  • How can you recognize a character from a picture that shows chess squares? The person drawing them does not want to forget or keep silent about something in a conversation, but at the same time he is afraid of something. He is probably in a difficult situation and dreams of a clear and reliable path that would lead him out of the crisis. The simpler the drawing, the more businesslike the personality is hidden behind them.
  • Interweaving circles. Round shapes intersecting and touching each other make it possible to recognize a person’s desire to participate in a common cause or obtain permission to be present in a team. The thought of stable personal connections? Maybe. Intertwined circles signal that a person is somewhat deprived of outside attention and are associated with his longing for friendship and spiritual closeness.