The meaning of the origami crane: an ancient legend and manufacturing technique with step-by-step photographs. Paper crane What does an origami crane mean?

Topic: “Flying crane of happiness.”

tasks: introduce children to the history of the origin of the international symbol of origami - the Japanese crane.

Arouse interest in making paper cranes. Get children interested in teamwork.

Develop logical thinking and fine motor skills of the hands.

Prepared: primary school teacher Sivirchukova I.M.

Student 1:

The international symbol of origami is the Japanese paper crane. Any experienced origamist knows its diagram by heart and can easily fold this figure from memory.

Student 2:

The crane is a symbol of happiness and good luck in Japan. This figurine was folded in ancient times. Several ancient sources describe the making of a paper figurine of a crane (Tsuru). The gift of a paper crane was sacred and brought happiness and longevity to the recipient. In 1797, a book appeared in China called “Sembatsuru Orikata” - folding of a thousand cranes. The book described various methods of making cranes from a paper square and compositions with them.

Student 3:

There is also one sad legend story associated with the paper crane, which gave it additional meaning and turned it into a sacred bird of the world.

Student 4:

During World War II, there lived a little girl named Sadako Sasaki in Hiroshima. She was born in 1943 and was just a baby when her father and mother were killed in the bombing of Hiroshima. Sadako herself survived, but suffered from radiation sickness. The girl fought the disease as best she could, but she got worse every year. While lying in the hospital, Sadako folded paper cranes. She believed that if she folded a thousand cranes, her wish would come true. It became more and more difficult to work on the cranes, and, realizing that she would never recover, Sadako began to dream of peace for all the people of the Earth, so that there would be no more wars and innocent people would not die. But she did not have time to make a thousand cranes. After making 644 cranes, Sadako died of illness in hospital on October 25, 1955. Having learned about this, children from all countries began to send things they had made to Hiroshima.origami– paper cranes in the hope that Sadako’s dream will come true. A monument to Sadako was erected in Japan, and children still send paper cranes to the Peace Museum in Hiroshima as a symbol of peace and memory.

Student 5:

The most important and famous legend about this Japanese art is directly related to the most significant and important origami figure - the paper crane. In Eastern countries, the crane is considered a symbol of love, faith and hope. Since ancient times, people have believed that if you make a thousand of these figurines, and then give them all away to your loved ones and acquaintances, your most cherished wish will come true.

Student 6:

The legend itself goes something like this. Once upon a time on earth there lived a very poor master who devoted his entire life to origami and was amazingly kind to everyone and everything that surrounded him. He spent whole days folding various figures from sheets of paper, and then distributed them to the children. But one day he met a wandering monk on the road and gave him a figurine of a crane. The monk was touched. Then he said: “Stack your figures further. The main thing is your belief in their importance. Even if there is war around, stay true to your art, and it will thank you by making you rich and famous.”

Student 7:

Soon, as the monk prophesied, the war began. The young men went off to fight, but there was no end in sight to this horror. Only the poor master stubbornly continued to waste paper on his figures. Angry, the people decided to burn down his workshop. But when they found themselves in it, they were amazed at the variety and splendor of the figures. Then the master gave everyone a figurine according to their liking and taste. In front of the guests, the master folded a crane out of a leaf, which immediately flapped its wings and flew away - he was a messenger.

Student 8:

According to another legend, origami figures contain part of the soul of the person who made them. It is believed that by folding the figures, the master puts a piece of himself into them. They say that one day they thanked a rich man by giving him a large origami ball. But he found no use for it at home and gave it to his old mother, who lived separately. One day her son fell ill, but the evil daughter-in-law did not even let the old mother enter the door. Then he died. When they came to the mother to tell this sad news, she already knew everything, because at the moment of her son’s death, the ball he had given fell and crumbled into pieces.

Student 9:

You should only create origami in a good mood. The Japanese believe that all items made in a bad mood should be burned. You should never give such figurines to friends, so that they are not attacked by any illness. And if the master’s gift at some point is damaged, torn or thrown away, then the master himself will fall ill. It is for this reason that origamists ask to keep their gift as a talisman and rarely give their products to strangers.

Student 10:

At the same time, people believe in the success and luck that origami talismans bring. Therefore, they are often used as symbols. For example, the well-known icon of the Mitsubishi automobile company is nothing more than an origami figurine. Once you believe in the good power of the figurine, it immediately becomes almost a magical talisman for good luck. Another very interesting legend tells about this.

Student 11:

One rich girl did not want to accept the advances of a poor young man. And every day he put a bouquet of flowers on her windowsill. But then winter came. There were no more fresh flowers to be found. Then he started making them out of paper, putting all his love into them. Usually the maid would throw out the flowers from the windowsill, but one day she forgot to do so. And the girl nevertheless picked up a beautiful paper daffodil, which exuded a real, living aroma. The girl put the flower in the box and the next day discovered that the smell really came from the paper flower. Then she was touched, realized how strong the love of the poor young man was and accepted his advances.

Student 12: Origami figures really have a special energy. One parapsychologist decided to measure the bioenergy of origami products. He was amazed when he discovered that in rooms where origami is used as decoration, the positive energy is many times greater than that in ordinary rooms. Therefore, they are even trying to use origami figures for healing.

Origami diagram “Crane”

Chapter: Origami schemes

Perhaps the “Crane” is the most classic form of origami. Using the diagram below, you can easily fold this beautiful bird.
Origami diagram “Crane”:

1. We begin to fold the crane withbasic shape Square
2. We move the layers of paper apart on the sides and make three folds: we bend and unbend the right and left edges, after which we bend and unbend the top of the figure. Turn over and repeat the same with the other side;
3. Carefully lift the top layer of the diamond and bend it upward. We do this by pressing on the sides.
4. Turn the figure over and repeat the same with the other side;
5. Spread the layers of paper apart on the sides and fold the sides of the front layer of the figure towards the center;
6. Turn the figure over to the other side and do the same as in the previous point;
7. Now we spread the layers of paper along the sides of the figure and wrap the sharp lower ends up. Press on the sides, align the figure and bend to the sides, you guessed it, the nose and tail of the crane;
8. We bend the crane’s nose, spread its wings and the work is ready.

(Everyone is doing the work)

Teacher: Now let's attach our cranes to the poster. May every crane bring happiness, joy, love and mutual understanding to all people on our planet.

(All those present attach their works to a common poster)

Look how beautiful the work turned out, because each of us made the crane with love.

And now I want to suggest making another crane for yourself or for your loved one as a keepsake. After all, now we know what the origami symbol of the Japanese crane means.

(Work done independently)

Thanks to all. This concludes our lesson. I think that looking at the crane, you will remember our activity and will strive to do only good to others.

The crane depicted in the tattoo means longevity, wisdom, honor and loyalty. The Japanese assigned this meaning to this bird. In China they believe that it is associated with immortality. The Greeks tend to associate the crane with purity and the thirst for immortality. Europeans endow the crane with the ability to symbolize independence and homeliness.

The meaning of a crane tattoo is prosperity and a prosperous life. He was always given honor, since they were confident that the gods used him to broadcast their coming.

A girl who decorates her body with it is the personification of innocence. With this image she wants to show how much she loves her parents' home. It is very important for the man who owns this tattoo to have fearlessness and courage.

In a drawing, this bird can also carry a negative meaning. India endowed the crane with the ability to betray. She was perceived as a harbinger of accidents.

Many cultures believe that the crane represents justice. It is associated with a long life path and spiritual integrity. Some tattoo owners apply an image of a crane, pursuing their own goals and assigning their own individual meaning to it.

In Japan, there are many beautiful legends associated with wildlife. Identifying animals, birds, trees with the best human qualities, the Japanese created their own unique culture, where every object or action has meaning. A whole galaxy of legends are associated with the crane, so the history of the Japanese crane is extremely interesting.

The meaning of cranes in Japanese mythology

Japanese cranes are one of the most beautiful and graceful birds. It grows up to one and a half meters and personifies grace and elegance. It is believed that the crane is a person, and the Japanese refer to these birds as an honorable citizen. According to some beliefs, cranes can take the form of people, in particular monks. Snow-white, it has only a red head and black feathers in the tail and wings.

Paying tribute to the nobility of these birds, whose numbers are declining, the Japanese equip them with the following image:

  • Houseware;
  • dishes;
  • decorations;
  • emblems;
  • stamps.

For the Japanese, this bird symbolizes longevity and hope. Origami in the form of a crane is known all over the world. Japanese paper cranes have a special history. They began to fold them back in medieval times, investing in the craft a deep meaning of wishes for longevity.

The name of the crane in Japanese has the symbol of a turtle in its hieroglyph, which gave it such an interpretation. There is a legend about a crane that was saved by a young man. The crane turned into a beautiful girl. She married this young man and sewed magnificent fabrics from her feathers. But when her husband spied on her, the girl turned into a bird again and flew away. This symbolizes the independence of the cranes.

Externally, the origami crane is very simple and the technology of folding it can be done not only by the Japanese. The simple paper design clearly highlights the main feature of the crane – its long, flexible neck.

The Japanese believe that if you fold a thousand of these origami, your wish will certainly come true, and the patient can be healed. Not so long ago, another meaning penetrated into the symbolism of the crane - a symbol of peace.

New meaning of the red-crowned crane

Today, the Japanese crane is better known not so much for its origami as for its song. The song "Japanese Crane" tells about an amazing story that happened during World War II.

After surviving the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the girl Sadako Sasaki received radiation sickness. The belief that by collecting a thousand origami she could recover, the girl made flexible necks of cranes out of paper. She managed to fold all 643 cranes, dying at the age of 14. In the last years of her life, the girl folded origami from any scraps of paper that came to her hand.

The song about the paper crane is written about this sad story. It talks about the difficult fate of a girl and the symbol of hope that is embedded in origami. The story of that girl is world famous; there is a monument dedicated to her in Japan. The history of the Japanese crane is multifaceted and carries deep meaning.

Even despite serious measures to preserve the species, they have not helped to effectively conserve the birds. However, the Japanese are very sensitive to the majestic crane, which symbolizes such significant health, longevity, faith, and peace. Many legends and beliefs are associated with the Japanese crane, but after the story of the girl from Hiroshima, the crane became a symbol of faith and longevity.

However, now the crane itself needs protection, so the irony of fate - the symbol of health itself is on the verge of extinction - requires increased attention to solving this problem, to which the Japanese devote a lot of effort.

Video: Making an origami crane

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The Japanese crane "tsuru" is a symbol of longevity and a happy life. There is a beautiful ancient legend according to which, if you lovingly and carefully fold a thousand (senbazuru) of these cranes, give them to others and receive a thousand smiles in return, your cherished wish will come true.

***Once upon a time, there lived a very poor master on earth who devoted his entire life to origami and was amazingly kind to everyone and everything that surrounded him. He spent whole days folding various figures from sheets of paper, and then distributed them to the children. But one day he met a wandering monk on the road and gave him a figurine of a crane. The monk was touched. Then he said: “Stack your figures further. The main thing is your belief in their importance. Even if there is war around, stay true to your art, and it will thank you by making you rich and famous.”

Soon, as the monk prophesied, the war began. The young men went off to fight, but there was no end in sight to this horror. Only the poor master stubbornly continued to waste paper on his figures. Angry, the people decided to burn down his workshop. But when they found themselves in it, they were amazed at the variety and splendor of the figures. Then the master gave everyone a figurine according to their liking and taste. In front of the guests, the master rolled a crane out of a leaf, which immediately flapped its wings and flew away - it was messenger of peace. People believed in themselves, were inspired, and soon victory was theirs.***

This story began in 1945 - when the Japanese girl Sadaka was 2 years old, a nuclear bomb fell on her hometown of Hiroshima. Her house was located a mile from the explosion, yet outwardly she continued to grow up as a healthy child.

10 years later, the girl fell ill with radiation sickness. One day, a friend, visiting her in the hospital, brought with her a sheet of gilded paper and made a crane out of it. She told Sadako an old Japanese legend: whoever folds 1000 paper cranes will receive one wish from fate - a long life, a cure for illness or injury. The crane will bring this desire in its beak.

Sadako folded cranes as best she could from any paper she could find, but she only managed to make 644 cranes. On October 25, 1955, Sadako passed away. Her friends finished their work and Sadako was buried along with a thousand paper cranes. Alas, the disease won. But the white crane remained a symbol of hope. And a symbol of peace without war.

Three years later, a monument appeared - on a high pedestal, a fragile girl holds a crane above her head, soaring upward. The authors called the monument the Children's Monument to Peace. Locals more often call it the Obelisk of Paper Cranes.

It stands surrounded by the large trees of the Peace Park, very close to the place where the atomic pillar shot into the sky on August 6, 1945. Today, many senbazuru are enclosed in glass enclosures around the monument.

Words by Vladimir Lazarev
Music by Seraphim Tulikov

Returning from Japan, having walked many miles,
A friend brought me a Japanese crane,
And with this little crane the story is the same,
About a girl who was irradiated.

You are an ever-living souvenir.

“When will I see the sun?” - I asked the doctor.
And life stretched on thinly, like a candle in the wind.
And the doctor answered the girl: “Spring will come again,
And you will make a thousand cranes yourself.”

I'll spread paper wings for you,
Fly and disturb this world, this world,
Crane, crane, Japanese crane,
You are an ever-living souvenir.

But the girl did not survive and soon died,
And she didn’t make a thousand cranes.
The last little crane fell from children's hands -
And the girl did not survive, like many around.

I'll spread paper wings for you,
Fly and disturb this world, this world,
Crane, crane, Japanese crane,
You are an ever living souvenir

At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, paper cranes made by Sadako are placed next to a mock-up of an atomic bomb as two incompatible symbols of life and death.