Project "Nikolai Nosov. Great inventor and visionary!" project (preparatory group) on the topic

Nikolai Nosov made a unique and significant contribution to the development of children's literature.

Game based on the stories of N. Nosov for primary classes

The writer V. Kataev said kind, accurate and fair words about the work of N. Nosov: “...He perfectly comprehended the psychology of that wonderful, strange, sweet human being called a “boy”... Nosov’s boys carry in themselves all the features of a real person: his integrity, excitement, spirituality, the eternal desire for innovation, the habit of inventing, the absence of mental laziness.”


1. Where does the story take place? (In the pioneer camp)

2. What did you decide to write on the red flag? (“To the best gardener”)

3. What prevented Mishka from digging up the garden? (Long root)

4. What did Mishka come up with to get the flag? (Dig up the garden at night)

5. What did Mishka and his friend first receive instead of a flag at their site? (Scarecrow)

6. Why did they receive the flag? (For the largest harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes)


1. Riddle about a vegetable. That's the name of the story.

Between the beds lies a smooth goose (Cucumber)

The house is full of pigeons, there are no windows or doors (Cucumber)

2. What are the names of the characters in the story “Cucumbers”? (Kotka and Pavlik)

3. Why was Kotka’s soul happy in the story “Cucumbers”?

"Mishkina porridge"

1 What did Mishka and his friend cook for dinner? (Porridge, fried minnows)

2. What objects did the guys drown in the well? (Bucket, kettle)

7. How did the guys get water from the well? (Mug)

8. This outbuilding is mentioned in the story. Mystery:

The wolf stands with his mouth open. (Well)

"Fedya's task"

1. What grain was brought to the mill in the puzzle? (Rye)

2. What prevented Feda from solving the problem? (Radio)


1. What did Kostya and Shurik want to make? (Beasts)

2. What did Kostya’s snake look like? (For liver sausage)

3. What happened in the cinema? (Kostya put the putty in a different place by mistake)

4. Why didn’t the kids like the movie? (They didn't even see him)


1. What brands of cars did Mishka and his friend consider? (“Volga”, “Moskvich”)

2. What details did they discuss? (“hood” – hood, “body” – belly, “bumper” – buffer)

3. What did Mishka and his friend do when the car started moving? (sat on the back bumper)

4. How did your friends decide to atone for their guilt? (wrote a letter to the policeman)

"Metro"(do not mention the title of the story)


Crowded, noisy, young

The city rumbles underground,

And at home with people here

They are running along the streets. (Metro)


1. What did Sasha dream of buying? (Pistol with caps)

2. what were the names of Sasha’s sisters? (Marina and Irochka)

3. How did Sasha mark his pistol? (I whittled the name on the pen)

4. Sasha sneezed under the sofa, but his sister said it was......? (Bobik the dog)

5. What conclusion did Sasha make at the end of the story? (Now I know that there is no need to scare people)

Hide and Seek"

1. Where was Vitya hiding?

2. What did Slavik do? (Locked the closet with a hook)

"Shurik at Grandfather's"

1. Why did the guys almost fight? (Because of the fishing rod)

2. What did the guys find in the attic? (Jam jar, shoe polish box, wooden handle, galosh for the right foot)

3. What witchcraft spell did Shurik shout? (Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather! Conjure, little gray bear!)

4. What use did Shurik find for old things? (I nailed a second pen, nailed a galosh instead of a mailbox)

5. Why were there no fish in the pond? (It was recently dug up)

"Hide and Seek"

1. Where was Vitya hiding? (Under the bed, in the dog kennel, under the coat, in the cupboard)

2. What did Slavik do? (Locked the closet with a hook)

"Grandma Dina"

2. Why did the girl Sveta know all the holidays by heart? (They gave her a gift for every holiday)

3. What did the teacher suggest you do for the holiday? (Exhibition of photographs)

4. Why did the children quarrel? (Whose mother is more beautiful)

5. What holiday did you decide to organize in kindergarten next time? (Dad's day)

"Living Hat"

1. Another vegetable appears in Nosov’s story. Mystery:

The empty hen built a nest outside the yard,

She carries eggs and places them in the ground. (potatoes) Hint: the guys threw this vegetable into the hat.

2. Name the sports equipment that is mentioned in the story? (stick, ski pole)

3. What furniture is mentioned in the story? (sofa, chest of drawers)


1. What did Misha’s mother promise for good behavior? (lollipop)

2. How did Misha behave? (ate a lollipop, broke a sugar bowl)


1. Besides the crucian carp, who else was with Vitalik? (cat Murzik)

2. What did Vitalik say to his mother, where did the crucian carp go? (ate by Murzik)

3. Do you think Vitalik did a good job?

2. Gather heroes.

The titles of the stories are written on the left, the characters on the right. Use arrows to connect the names with the characters.

Correspondence of numbers on tasks for children 1-7 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-9 6-3 7-2 8-1 9-8










3. Game "Sharp Shooter". Hit the pins with the ball.

4. Crosswords (enlarge by mouse click)

Crossword 1 (tasks)

1.Who was sitting under the hat?

2. Substance used to caulk windows

3. The fish that the guys fried in the story “Mishkina Porridge”

4. That was the name of the boy from the story “Patch”

5. Vegetable from the story “The Living Hat”

6. A piece of kitchen utensil that the guys drowned in a well

7. A piece of fabric to cover the hole.

8. Riddle: a wolf stands with its mouth open. (outbuilding)

Crossword 2 (tasks)

2. A person who comes up with something.

3. A piece of fabric to cover the hole.

4. Vehicle.

5. A substance used to caulk windows.

7. Candy

5. Game “damaged phone”.

Divide the children into teams of 10-12 people, line up. Be the first to say some name of the story and, on command, the children must convey these words to each other. Whose team will perform it faster and more correctly?

Municipal educational institution "Gavrilovskaya sosh"

Branch Deminskaya Primary School – Kindergarten

“Children’s childhood in the works of N.N. Nosov”

(Social project)

The project was developed and

implemented by students

1-2 classes

under the direction of

Gorelovskaya V.N.


Table of contents

Ì Explanatory note……………………….………………………...1

ÌÌ Stages of project development and implementation…………………...……………..3

2.1.Preparatory stage……………………………………………..5

2.2.Main stage………………………………………………………..…6

2.3.Final stage…………………………………………8

Ì Ì Ì Conclusion……………………………………………………………...9

ÌÝ List of used literature……………………………9


Ì Explanatory note

2016 has been declared the Year of Cinema in Russia. Everyone knows that any film begins with a huge amount of work by directors and screenwriters. Only then does the film become interesting when the characters get used to the images of their heroes. Films for children should be understandable to girls and boys. Through the life experiences of the characters, children learn to behave correctly in the modern world. Nowadays, children read less and less. And what interesting stories did Soviet writers write about children and for children... But in class very little time is devoted to studying these works, so we decided to develop and implement a project.

Project topic: "Children's childhood in the works of N.N. Nosov"

Objective of the project: development of the creative, active, socially competent and developing personality of junior schoolchildren through familiarity with the works of N. Nosov.


Develop independent reading skills, the ability to see a problem and outline ways to solve it;

Expand the reading and cultural horizons of students;

Develop students' creative abilities;

- to cultivate goodness, justice, honesty, respect for people through the works of N. Nosov;- improve teamwork skills, good relationships in groups, cooperation; - develop respect for your comrades.

Project participants:

1st and 2nd grade students of the Gavrilovskaya Secondary School, branch of the Deminskaya Elementary School - kindergarten.

Implementation period : February-April 2016

Expected results:

Projectwill contribute to the development of the child’s personality and the cultivation of interest in the subject of literary reading.

While working on the project, the guys will get acquainted with the biography of the writer,with unfamiliar works, they will improve their acting skills.

The implementation of the project is a performance of a dramatization of N. Nosov’s story “The Patch” in a kindergarten.

ММ Stages of project development and implementation.

2.1. Preparatory stage.

1.1.Student survey and data processing

2.2. Main stage.

2.1. Conversation based on the story you read.

2.2. Discussion of the characters and behavior of the heroes.

2.3. Distribution of roles.

2.7.Announcement about a performance in kindergarten.

2.3.Final stage.

3.2.Student survey.

1. Preparatory stage.

1.1.Student survey and data processing.

Students were asked the following questions:

2. Do you read books from the library? (yes -36%, no -64%)

3. Do your parents read books? (yes – 36%, no -24%, don’t know -40%)

4.Name 5 stories by N. Nosov? (named 5 stories or more 40%, less than 5 stories 60%)

1.2.Acquaintance with the biography of N.N. Nosov and his works (work in groups).

Biography of N.N. Nosov (more details in APPENDIX 1)

N. N. Nosov was bornNovember 231908 (before the revolution) in Kyiv, Ukraine - After 7th grade, he went to work as a factory worker, while studying at the same time - Then he entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, and after graduating, he began working as a film director. Nosov has been writing stories for children not long ago. The beginning of his writing career was unexpected. His son grew up and demanded new poems and fairy tales, and Nosov began to compose short stories for him and his friends. One of Nosov’s first published stories is “Zateiniki” (1938). Since that time, we all love and read the writer Nosov. For over 40 years, children in many countries have been reading his funny and intelligent works. N. N. Nosov himself explains why he became a children's writer: “When I was little, I really loved reading about distant countries, amazing adventures and extraordinary people, that is, about adult people, and not about kids with whom nothing interesting happens. Then, when I myself became an adult, I often recalled my past childhood and saw that my life in those years was surprisingly interesting. And I wanted to tell the children about themselves: about what wonderful, interesting people they are, how they live, what they think about, what difficulties there are in their lives, in general about everything that happens to them. And that’s why I became a children’s writer.”

The students were given the task of visiting the library and reading N. Nosov’s stories. Anton Kirillov was tasked with making sure that the students read different stories.

1st grade students drew pictures based on the stories of N. Nosov.

2nd grade students drew a poster based on the work of N. Nosov and created a crossword puzzle.

1.3. Quiz based on the works of N.N. Nosov.

1. In what story did Mishka and I ride on the bumper of a car?("Automobile")2.What did Mishka boast to the guys in the story “Sparklers”?(Bengal lights)

3. Why is the story called “The Living Hat”?(A kitten sat under the hat and moved with the hat)4. What did the guys take in their hands in case the hat got into their hands?(Hockey stick and ski pole)5. What did the boys throw into the hat?(Potatoes)6. In what story did the guys Kostya and Shurik make a snake out of putty?("Putty")7.Why didn’t the kids like the movie?(They didn't have time to watch it)8.What is the name of the hero of the story “Patch”?(Bobka9. How did Bobka tear his pants?(Climbed over the fence, got caught on a nail)10. Why didn’t mom put a patch on it?(She said: “You managed to tear it, manage to sew it up!”)11. What did the patch look like that Bobka installed for the first time?(for dried mushroom)12.What did Bobka use to circle the patch on his pants?(Ink pencil)13.What did Bobka regret when he learned to sew patches?(About not learning how to sew on buttons)

14.Who sat at home while everyone was building the slide?(Kotka Chizhov)15.What did Kotka do to avoid slipping while climbing the slide?(Sprinkled with sand)

The winners of the quiz were:

1st place - Anton Kirillov – 2nd grade

2nd place – Smirnov Viktor -2nd grade

3rd place – Kristina Smirnova, 1st grade

1.4. Reading and working on N. Nosov’s story “Patch”.

2.Main stage.

2.1. During a literary reading lesson, second grade students read the story “The Patch” expressively. All the guys were involved in discussing the children’s actions. The students especially admired the behavior of Bobka, who managed to sew on a patch, although not the first time. Some guys decided that if necessary, they would sew the patches themselves, rather than ask their mother to do it.

2.2. The students were able to guess the age of the characters in the story and the location of the action. The children found out the character traits of the heroes, manners of behavior, intonation of voice and decided to try themselves in the role of heroes.

2.3. Distribution of roles:

Bobka-Kirillov Anton

Guys - Vitya Smirnov

Mom – Smirnova Kristina

2.4. Practicing the execution of roles.

During the first week, participants in the dramatization read the text of the work every day, role-wise, and tried to “get used to” the image of the hero. In the second week, the young artists were able to rehearse without a checklist, since they had already memorized the words.

2.5.Preparing costumes with the help of parents.

The guys imagined what clothes the children might have worn when writing the story; some students found confirmation of their assumptions on the Internet (they looked at the illustrations for the story). Parents came to help in making costumes.

2.6. Making scenery for scenes.

Since the main scene of action was the street (yard) and the room of the house, it was decided to make scenery for two scenes.

Yard - trees, bench, houses.

Room at home - table, chairs, carpet on the wall.

2.7.Announcement about a performance in kindergarten. Going to kindergarten.

When everything was ready, the children went to the kindergarten teacher O.I. Veselova. and made an announcement about the upcoming performance of the skit.

3.Final stage.

3.1. Performance with a production based on N. Nosov’s story “Patch” in kindergarten.

On April 12, 2016 at 11 a.m. the children showed their performance to the kids. As a souvenir, the children were left with drawings and a poster based on the work of N.N. Nosov. The librarian showed the children books - little ones with stories by N. Nosov.

3.2.Student survey.

1. Which stories by N. Nosov have you read? (10 stories) (10 stories were read by 100% of the students)

2.Did you enjoy completing the assignment while working on the project? (yes 86%, don’t know -14%)

3.Did you like the performance in kindergarten? (yes 76% no 12%)

4. Do you want to take other books from the library and read them? (yes...%, I don’t know....%)

3.3 Design of an album about work on the project.

Throughout the work on the project, the guys took photographs of the main moments. The photographs were printed and made into an album, which is a report on the work done.

ÌÌÌ Conclusion

Working on the project brought satisfaction to all students. During the work, the guys were able to complete both individual and group tasks. It’s good that the parents did not stay away from the common and useful work, but provided sponsorship in the manufacture of costumes and decorations. Involvement of librarian I.K. Khokhlova , also brought results, since the students expressed a desire to continue visiting the library in the future.

The value of the project lies in the fact that the children revealed their acting abilities and were able to organize a performance in front of kindergarten children. Such an event will remain in the children’s memory for a long time.

ÌÝ List of used literature

1. Heroes of Nikolai Nosov in illustrations of the best artists: A journey through books // When the reader smiles / ed.-comp. L.V. Nesterovich. – Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2010.

2. Kotomtseva I.V. Dreamers and entertainers: Extracurricular reading lesson on the works of N. Nosov: / Kruk N.V., Kotomtseva I.V. // Library reading lessons for grades 1-4. – M: Russian School Library Association, 2010.

3. Yatsenko I. F. Universal lesson developments for extracurricular reading: 2nd grade. – M.: VAKO, 2007


Biography of N.N. Nosov

The famous children's writer of Soviet times, Nikolai Nosov, who invented the famous hero Dunno, in life was an unsociable and silent person with a complex and unyielding character, but this did not stop him from creating very cheerful and funny works. The biography of Nikolai Nosov was not particularly different from the biographies of millions of his other compatriots, who were born in the turbulent years of wars and revolutions, but who nevertheless found the strength to live and create. Nosov was awarded many awards and medals, among them the Order of the Red Star (1943), the Stalin Prize of the 3rd degree (1952), the State Prize of the RSFSR. Krupskaya N.K. (1969). Nikolai Nosov: biography The writer was born in Kyiv on November 23, 1908. His father was an artist, and at the same time worked as a railway worker. Nikolai spent his entire childhood in the small town of Irpen near Kiev, where he went to study at the gymnasium. The biography of Nikolai Nosov tells that the future writer was not the only child of his parents; he had two more brothers and a sister. Little Kolya loved going to his father’s concerts and performances. And the parents began to seriously think about the fact that perhaps their boy would become an artist. Kolya wanted to play the violin, but it turned out to be beyond his strength, and he abandoned this activity.

The biography of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov further tells that the writer’s childhood and youth fell on the difficult years of the First World War and the Civil War. Hunger and cold were the companions of his family. As a result, all its members suffered from typhus, but God was merciful and none of them died. Nikolai himself later recalled that he was sick longer and more severely than anyone, and there was almost no hope for recovery. But, against all odds, he survived, and his mother simply cried with joy when he recovered. So he realized that tears come not only from grief. In addition to music and theater, Nosov was attracted to photography, chess, and electrical engineering. Times were hard, so from the age of 14 he had to earn extra money selling newspapers, as a mower, and as a digger. After the revolution, their gymnasium became a seven-year school. After graduating in 1924, Nosov first went to work as a laborer at the Irpin concrete plant, and then to a brick factory in Bucha. From his youth, the future writer became very interested in chemistry; he even had his own laboratory in the attic, where he and his friends conducted their experiments. It was then that he began to dream of becoming a chemist and wanted to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. To do this, he went to study at an evening vocational school, after which his plans changed dramatically. At the age of 19, he decided that he would study at the Kiev Art Institute. Then, after two years of study, in 1929 Nikolai Nosov was transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. The biography contains information that in 1932 he successfully completed it and went to work as a director and producer of animated, educational and scientific films. Then Nikolai Nosov tried himself as a children's writer in 1938. His first story was published under the title “Entertainers”, then “Living Hat”, “Wonderful Trousers”, “Dreamers”, “Mishkina Porridge” and others appeared. All these stories were published in the magazine “Murzilka”. In 1945, the first collection of stories, “Knock-Knock-Knock,” was published, and a year later another collection of his, “Steps,” was published. Nikolai Nosov himself admitted that he became a children's writer completely by accident. It all started when he began to invent and tell funny stories to his son, and then he realized that this was the best activity for him that he could do. Nosov began to thoroughly study not only children's literature, but also child psychology. The writer believed that children should be treated with love, warmth and great respect, which is why his books became popular among children's audiences. Other works for children In 1947, another adventure collection by Nikolai Nosov, “Funny Stories,” was published. And his most famous stories were “The Cheerful Family” and “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.” In 1952, Nikolai Nosov was awarded the Stalin Prize, III degree, for the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.” A little later, in 1954, the children's film “Two Friends” was made based on it. Using the examples of his heroes, he showed children what friendship, responsiveness, mutual assistance are, and how difficult it is to live without all this. Such bad qualities as envy, vanity and lies were very much condemned by Nikolai Nosov. The biography (it is also accessible and understandable for children) indicates that a moral educational theme can be traced in all his works. Dunno Nosov's most famous works were adventure stories about Dunno. It all started with his first work, “Vintik, Shpuntik and the Vacuum Cleaner,” followed by the trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends,” “Dunno in the Sunny City,” and “Dunno on the Moon.” The very first illustrator of his works about Dunno was A.M. Laptev, who gave the children’s viewer the image of a restless boy in a hat.

On July 26, 1976, the beloved writer Nikolai Nosov died in Moscow at the age of 68.

Tatiana Pavlyuchenko
Literary project to familiarize preschoolers with the works of children's writer N. N. Nosov

Municipal budget preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 13"Sun"


(preparatory group)

Subject: “A fascinating journey through the pages

Nikolai's stories Nosova»

Educator: Pavlyuchenko T. E.

“In the stories I wanted to put Problems: education of honesty, courage, sense of camaraderie, will, perseverance in achieving goals, ridicule of envy, cowardice, deceit, boasting, rudeness.” - wrote the Soviet writer N. Nosov

Artistic literature opens and announces to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and mutual understanding. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and gives beautiful images of Russian literary language. Her enormous educational educational and aesthetic value.


Today we are increasingly faced with the fact that our children do not read and do not want to read books. Our time is losing in terms of children's literature, it’s rare to find books by new authors with truly interesting and meaningful fairy tales on store shelves, which is why we are increasingly turning to writers, has long proven itself. One way or another, we meet on our way children's stories by Nosov, which, once you start reading, you won’t stop until you meet you with all the characters and their adventures.

Works of Nikolai Nosova close and understandable to children. All his life he was a faithful comrade and a good friend of children. Heroes of stories by N. Nosova is definitely busy no matter how interesting business: they build an incubator, breed bees, work in the garden, go to the forest to get a Christmas tree or cook porridge. After reading the text, children want to listen to it several more times. The example of the heroes encourages readers to take on the same exciting task.

In this project I decided to work with works children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosova. Data project I would like to prove the relevance and modernity of the stories Nosova, their infectiousness, and extraordinary humor.

Type project: Informational – creative

List of participants project: children of the preparatory group.

Duration project: 1 month.

Cel project:

Development of speech and emotional responsiveness through the works of N. Nosova.

Living and understanding the moral and ethical foundations of a person in a social environment.

Creating conditions for the formation of children's knowledge about the work of writer N. N. Nosova.

Fostering interest, love and respect for literary creativity N. N. Nosova.

Tasks project:

-Introduce preschoolers to the biography and work of the writer, his numerous works.

Expand your reading horizons.

Improve dialogic speech, strengthen the ability to answer questions posed by an adult.

To develop the ability to recognize and correctly name the works of N.N. Nosova.

Teach children to be attentive to their peers, to loved ones, to do good deeds for them, to encourage children to take positive actions. Develop the ability to express your point of view.

Involve parents in family reading.

Ways of implementation project:

Replenishing the book corner.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings.

Visit children's library.

-Product Description resulting from project

Logistics resources:

Digital library; biography of Nicholas Nosova; presentation « Nosov»

N.N. Nosov, "Dreamers", "Entertainers", "Mishkina porridge", "Automobile" and others.

Expected Result:

The development of children's knowledge about N.N. Nosovo how about children's writer.

Children should be able to listen and express their opinions.

Children should be attentive to their peers and loved ones, and do good deeds and deeds for them.

Talk about the characters, expressing your opinion towards them.

Maintain interest in N.N.’s stories. Nosova through home reading, visiting children's library.


1. Nikolay Nosov"Dreamers". Publishing house « Children's literature» Moscow 1969

2. Nikolay Nosov“Vitya Maleev at school and at home”. Publishing house « Children's literature» Moscow 1969

3. Nikolay Nosov"Mishkina porridge". Publishing house "Samovar" Moscow 2010

4. Nikolay Nosov"Patch". Publishing house « Children's literature» Moscow 1981

5. Reader for preschoolers.

6. O the work of a wonderful writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosova, article 2007, Natalya Burtovaya.

7. Children's literature // edited by. E. E. Zubareva M., 1985

8. Children's literature // edited by. A. V. Ternovsky M., 1977

9. Russian literature for children. // edited by G. D. Polozova M., 1998

10. Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

11. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development with children 5-6 years old. - M.: Education, 2009.

12. Korotkova E. P. Education of children preschool age of storytelling. - M.: Education, 1982.

13. Gerbova V.V. Introducing children to the arts literature. Program and methodological recommendations. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

Preparatory stage:

study methodological and artistic literature.

create an exhibition of books by N.N. Nosova with illustrative material.

replenish your audio library with recordings of stories Nosova.

prepare consultation material on topics: "Why is it important to read fairy tales to children", “What books are good for children?”, “We read N.N.’s stories to children. Nosova» .

Main stage

1. Educational conversations and activities:

Acquaintance with the biography of N.N. Nosova.

Getting to know creativity N. N. Nosova.

Making your own funny stories poems from the work“How Dunno was writer» , choosing a rhyme.

Retelling of the work Nosova"Living Hat", "Cucumbers".

Examination of illustrations for books by N. Nosova illustrator I. Semenov.

2. Reading fiction literature:

Works by N. Nosova: "Patch", "On the Hill", "Dreamers", "Cucumbers", "Karasik", "Living Hat", "Entertainers", "Lollipop", "In the underground", "Putty", "Shurik at Grandfather's" and etc.

Listening to an audiobook "The Adventures of Dunno", "Mishkina porridge"

3. Artistic and aesthetic classes cycle:

Drawing based on the works of N. Nosova

The final stage:

View the presentation "Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov and his work»

Exhibition children's drawings"Stories by N. Nosova»

Excursion to children's library.

Quiz based on the works of N.N. Nosova.

Watching a feature film "Buddy" based on the works of N. Nosova

Appendix to project

Retelling of a work of art by N.N. Nosova"Living Hat"

using story pictures

Target: Development of coherent speech by mastering the ability to track a sequential plot through a series of pictures.

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to compose a story using a series of plot pictures; Demonstrate ways of constructing a plot story. To develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships through the sequential decomposition of plot pictures; the ability to arrange pictures in a given sequence; learn to correct a deformed plot by rearranging plot pictures; to develop in children the skills of joint activity and mutual control by working in a group. Enriching your vocabulary with adjectives by pronouncing them and matching them with nouns. Fostering a humane attitude towards pets.

Equipment: hat, clothespins for finger play, set of story pictures.

I. Organizational moment: (Conversation)

Educator: - Guys, what is this item? (hat)- I wonder where she could have come from here? (answers)“It seems to me that some idiot threw her here.” - Guys, do you know how to properly care for your things? (children's answers)– Yes, every thing should have its place. - What time of year do you think this headdress can be worn? (children's answers). - You know, guys, people used to be very well-mannered, and when they met, they took off their hats, thereby greeting each other. Let us also greet each other, say kind words of greeting. Repeat after me:


The teacher takes off his hat, addressing the person standing next to him. to kid: - "Good morning, Andryusha"(children continue).

2. D/I "Choose an excuse"

Guys, when we entered the room, where was our hat? (Children: The hat was on the floor).

Now where is our hat? (on the head). - Who can tell where our hat is now? (on the table, under the chair, near the table, in the closet).

Well done.

3. D/I "Which? Which? Which?"

(Agreement of nouns with adj. in gender, number and case. Expansion and replenishment of the dictionary with adjectives). - Guys, I’m very interested to know what color our hat is? (Black).

Take a clothespin and attach it to the brim of your hat. - To size? (large)

By time of year? (spring, autumn?

By the material from which it is made? (felt hat. What is it like) (felt) (new word).

- By purpose: Is it worn by men or women? (male, female).

And if children wear it, what is it like? (children's) .

Guys, look what a wonderful, elegant hat we have!

II. Main part:

Guys, what do you think, is there a Living hat? (children's answers).

Look what a wonderful book I have! I want to read you my favorite story by N.N. Nosova, which is called "Living Hat". (Shows the children a book Nosova, from which pages fly out).

Guys, what should we do, we won’t be able to read this story. (Children say they will help, make up a story based on the pictures).

Can you help me write a story based on the pictures? (children's answers).

Take the illustrations and let's go to the table.

(Children lay out illustrations on the table, find the sequence).

Guys, who has the very beginning of the story, where did it all begin?

Writing a story:

1. Kitten Vaska sat near the chest of drawers and caught flies. The hat was lying on the chest of drawers. (Near where was the kitten Vaska sitting? Where was the hat)

2. Vadik and Vovka were sitting at the table and drawing. Suddenly something fell behind them. They turned around and saw that the hat was lying on the floor. (What were Vadik and Vovka doing? What did they hear behind them? What did the boys see)

3. Vovka approached the hat and wanted to pick it up. But the hat moved and crawled towards him. (What did Vovka want to do? How did the hat behave at that moment)

4. The boys got scared and ran out of the room. (Where the boys ran)

5. In the kitchen the boys took a hockey stick and a ski pole and went to scare the hat. But the hat was not afraid of them. (What did Vovka and Vadik take from the kitchen? Was their hat scared)

6. Then the boys took the potatoes and started shooting (throw) in the hat. One potato hit the hat. And a kitten ran out from under her. (What did the boys shoot at the hat? Who ran out from under the hat)

Guys, do you think kitten Vaska was scared under the hat? (children's answers).

Dynamic pause:

He probably imagined himself as a lion caught by hunters! Let us, like Vovka and Vadik, go hunting! (Hunters sneak quietly).

Word game "We are hunting a lion..."(a game for coordinating speech with movement, a game for breathing, relieving emotional stress, consolidating prepositions in speech).

Well done.

Secondary storytelling.

Guys, which of you can tell this story from beginning to end? (2-3 children are asked).

Did you like the story? Who remembers the author's last name? Well done. (An assessment is given for each child in the lesson.)

Guys, do you think this story is made up or could it actually happen? (children's answers).

III. Final Part:

Guys, such a wonderful story, but the hat is kind of sad, not bright, not cheerful. Perhaps it can be decorated?

What are we going to decorate with? (children's answers).

Well done, that's all we'll do tomorrow.

“Retelling the story of N. Nosova"Cucumbers".


development of oral coherent speech using the example of works of art.


Learn to retell using reference pictures. Develop grammar skills. Enrich your vocabulary. Answer questions in complete sentences. Cultivate interest in art literature.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Children, today we will learn to retell Nikolai’s story Nosova(portrait demonstration writer) .

Educator: What works of this author have we already read?

Children: "The Adventures of Dunno", "On the Hill".

Educator: What will N.’s new story be about? Nosova, you tell me yourself as soon as you guess riddle:

In the summer there are fresh greens in the garden,

And in winter there are yellow salted ones in a barrel.

Guess it, well done

What's our name?

Children: (cucumbers)

Educator: When there are many of them, they are cucumbers. And when alone?

Children: Cucumber.

Educator: Is there anything? (shows pictures)

Children: Cucumber, cucumbers.

Educator: No what?

Children: Cucumber, cucumbers.

Educator: Approached what?

Children: To the cucumber, to the cucumbers.

Educator: Satisfied with what?

Children: cucumber, cucumbers.

Educator: Think about what?

Children: About cucumber, about cucumbers.

The teacher reads the story. While reading, places illustrations on the board in order.

A conversation is held about the content of the story.

Educator: Who are the main characters of the story?

Where do the children live?: in the city or in the countryside?

Where did the children go?

Where did the children wander on the way back?

What were the boys doing in the collective farm garden?

How did mom react to the fact that Kotka came with cucumbers?

What was Kotka thinking when he was carrying the cucumbers back?

What did Kotka say to the watchman?

In what mood did Kotka return home?

Fizminutka: “Hold hands together”

A game: "What is good and what is bad?"

The teacher names different actions, the children evaluate them by raising and lowering their thumb in a fist.

1. Pavlik took Kotka with him to fish.

2. The boys climbed into someone else’s garden.

3. The boys ran away from the watchman.

4. Pavlik thought that he would get it from his parents and gave the cucumbers to Kotka.

5. Kotka told his mother where he got the cucumbers.

6. Mom sent Kotka to the watchman.

7. Kotka decided that he would throw the cucumbers into the ditch, but say that he carried them.

8. Kotka thought: "No! I’ll take it, otherwise grandpa will get hurt because of me!”

9. “Grandpa, I brought the cucumbers back,”- said Kotka.

10. Kotka said: “Pavlik took it, and I took it.”.

11. Kotka pulled out the cucumbers and put them in the garden bed.

Educator: Children, popularly They say: “It’s not up to you, it’s not up to you”. How do you understand this proverb?

Which character in the story needs to say this?


You can't take someone else's. -

You need to be responsible for your actions. -

Emotional exercise unloading: “Let’s not frown!”

One two three four five!

Let's not frown

Let's forget about sadness

Let's start smiling

It's fun to laugh!

All sorrows have flown away,

The faces became joyful!

"Pyramid of Good"

Educator: Children, everything we want to wish for Kotka and ourselves, we will put in our pyramid.

Children take turns saying wishes, placing their palms and building a pyramid.

Be honest!

Be hardworking!

Be brave!

Be smart!

Be healthy!

Be happy!

Educator: Children, everyone will hear our wishes and may they come true!

Abstract literary quizzes in the preparatory group

on the topic: "The Works of Nicholas Nosova» .

Target: In a playful way, generalize and systematize students’ knowledge about life and creativity N. N. Nosova, expand your horizons. Get acquainted with the works of N. Nosova.

Tasks: Promote the development of reproductive activities associated with active work thinking: ability to argue, analyze, classify, generalize.

Instill interest in the book.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Promote the activation of each child in activities (group work).

Equipment: Exhibition of books by N. Nosova, portrait writer, a set of items for competitions.

Preparation: Reading stories "On the Hill", "Dreamers", "Living Hat", "Patch", "Cucumbers", "Lollipop", watching a cartoon "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends".

Progress of the event.

Children enter the hall to the music and take their places.

Educator: Hello guys. Today, guys, we are going on a trip. And you will find out which one by guessing the riddle.

Talk to her more often - you'll be four times smarter (book).

We are going to travel through the works of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosova.


The book will tell us

The book will show us.

Why does the sun go down

Where the surf hits the shore.

Where is it warm and where is it frosty?

I brushed all the leaves off the birch trees.

If we read the book.

We will learn a lot of interesting things.

So let's start our quiz game.

1 task "Blitz - questions"

1. State your first and middle name Nosova. (Nikolai Nikolaevich)

2. Where and when was you born? (He was born in Kyiv in 1908)

3. What did Volodya throw at his hat in the story? "Living Hat"? (potato)

4. In which magazine N. Nosov published your first story? ( "Murzilka")

5. What is the name of the story in which Mishutka and Stasik composed fables? ( "Dreamers")

6. In what fairy tale N. Nosov told us about the short people? (The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends)

7. What did the boys pick in the collective farm garden? (cucumbers)

8. What did Dunno and his friends travel on to Green City? (on the air balloon)

9. What was the name of the boy in the story "Patch"? (Bobka)

10. Who composed poems from short stories?

11. The most famous resident of the flower city? (Dunno)

12. What Shurik nailed to the gate in the story "Shurik at Grandfather's"? (door handle and galosh).

Task 2. Lost and found.

Define from which works by N. Nosov lost items.

1. Hat – "Living Hat"

2. Threads, needles, fabric, - Patch

3. Balloon - a fairy tale Adventure of Dunno and his friends

4. Shovel, sand – "On the Hill"

5. Cucumbers – "Cucumbers"

6. Pot of porridge – "Mishkina porridge"

Educator: And now we will be transported to N.’s story. Nosova"Living Hat" and let's play a little.

A game "hit the target".

Potatoes and a hat are given. You need to hit the hat with a potato.

3 task "Episode" name the work and its characters.

1. One day Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But on this day they don't lucky: no fish were caught at all. But when they walked back, they climbed into the collective farm garden... (The boys' names were Pavlik and Kotka. "Cucumbers")

2. Misha got scared: “What will mom say now!” He took the two halves and leaned them against each other. They're okay, they're holding on. It’s not even noticeable that the sugar bowl is broken. (Lollipop. Boy Misha)

3. “I took jam on Irka’s lips. Mother came: “Who ate the jam?” I I say: "Ira". Mom looked and her lips were covered in jam.” (Dreamers. Ira, Mishutka, Stasik, Igor)

4. “Now I’ll sprinkle sand on it and climb on it.” (On the hill. Kotka Chizhov).

5. “They took a poker and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.” (Living Hat, Kitten Vaska, Vovka and Vadik)

6. “Managed to tear, managed to sew up” (Patch, Bobka)

4 task. "Mimic motives"

Story - tell me a riddle

And without words you convey,

Contents of a story or fairy tale,

Using only movement or facial expression.

For the first team: ("Cucumbers", "Patch")

For the second team: ("Lollipop", "Mishkina Porridge")

Educator: And now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

He's a funny little guy

And lives in his own country:

Interesting children's book

Quite fascinating.

He wears a brimmed hat,

Raising his forelock to the top,

Recognized by friends

He's funny, but not stupid.

And he is always the first, boldly,

But without knowing anything

Took on any task

So that everyone knows about him.

Thus adventures were born;

(Striking the whole country,

From magical transformations

Before flying to the moon.

Children: Dunno!

Music sounds, Dunno runs in with a disheveled book.

Educator: And here he is, meet him!

Dunno: Oh - oh - oh... Where did I end up?

Educator: You're in kindergarten.

Dunno: You recognized me? I flew to you from the Flower City.

Do you know all my friends? Let's play, I'll tell you riddles about my friends, and you'll guess them. Want to? Then listen carefully.

Exercise "Riddles from Dunno"

1. He always dresses in a black suit, and when he sits down at the table, he puts glasses on his nose and starts reading some book. (Znayka)

2. He always wears a white robe, and wears a white cap with a tassel on his head and treats short people from all diseases. (Doctor Pilyulkin)

3. He has different musical instruments and plays them often. Everyone listens to the music and praises him very much. (Gusla musician)

4. He always dresses in a long blouse, which he calls "hoodie". He had long hair. Standing at the easel with a palette in his hands (artist Tube)

5. A hunter lived in the house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and also had a gun that shot corks. (Bullet)

6. He is a famous astronomer and made a large telescope out of magnifying glasses. (Steklyashkin).

Dunno: Well done boys!

Educator: Dunno! I noticed that your book is all so shabby, don’t you know how to handle books?

Dunno: Why I don’t know, I know! The pages need to be crumpled, you need to draw in the book, you definitely need to drink tea with a sandwich and put it on the book, and the book can also be used well as a stand for a flower pot.

Educator: What are you talking about, Dunno, you can’t handle a book like that! Let the children tell you how to properly handle a book.

Entertainers team; Team Dreamers

1. Take a book only with clean hands.

2. Do not tear or bend the pages.

3. Don't draw in the book.

4. Use a bookmark

5. You need to wrap the book.

6. If a page is torn, you need to seal it.

Dunno: I got it, thanks guys! Now I know how to handle a book!

Educator: Dunno, we know what your favorite song is "In the grass Grasshopper sat", we have an orchestra that will perform a song, would you like to listen?

Dunno: Want.

Educator: Sit on a chair and listen.

Children perform a song "In the grass Grasshopper sat".

Dunno: Well done! Guys, I have to get back to my friends. But we will meet again, and I will tell you how I flew to the moon. Goodbye!

5 Task "Collect a picture"

Children are asked to collect a picture and say which story it is from.

Educator: And now, like the heroes of the story Nosova"Cucumbers" you will go fishing.

Each team has 2 people. One needs to catch a fish from the pond with a fishing rod, and the other needs to remove it from the fishing rod and put it in a bucket. Whoever does everything faster, that team gets a chip.

Fishing game. Use an improvised fishing rod with a magnet to catch as many fish as possible.

6 task. What's superfluous.

Required for a set of pictures, define: which one is extra and name from which work.

Fish, fishing rod, cucumbers, tomato. (cucumbers, extra tomato)

Hat, potatoes, ski pole, dog (live hat, extra dog)

Trousers, needle, thread, sewing machine. (patch, sewing machine)

Galoshes, doorknob, fishing rod, cat. (Shurik at grandpa's)

Educator: Often They say: Books are our friends"

Let's listen to poems about books.

Until a book becomes a book

She has a long way to go

And so much different knowledge is required

Labor and care so that she is born.

The book is our friend, big and smart,

It will not let you get bored and discouraged.

Starts an argument - cheerful, noisy

Allows you to learn new things.

A book will tell you about heroes,

It will lead to the south, to the north.

Even space is somehow with her closer:

She will find the answer to everything.

And let the girls and boys

All naughty kids,

Today they will say loudly - loudly:

“Thank you, book country!”

Educator: So, you passed all the tests,

Educator: You guys received a very expensive gift - a book. Books tell us about the Motherland, about work, about friendship; books enrich our mind and soul. They help to overcome difficulties, become brave, polite, and skillful. When reading books, it is important to think about their content.

I think that from today you will handle books even more carefully, ask your parents to read them more often, and those who go to school will soon learn to read them themselves.

The children leave to the music.

Khromova Galina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten compensatory type No. 6"
Locality: Korolev, Moscow region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Project “Through the pages of Nikolai Nosov’s works”
Publication date: 17.11.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Project “Through the pages of Nikolai’s works”


Prepared by 1st category teacher Galina Nikolaevna Khromova

MBDOU Korolev, Moscow region

“Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 6 “Thumbelina”

“In the stories I wanted to pose problems: education of honesty, courage, feelings

camaraderie, will, perseverance in achieving goals, ridicule of envy, cowardice,

deceit, boasting, rudeness,” wrote writer N. Nosov


Teachers have always been faced with the task of emotional development, or formation

moral qualities of the personality of preschool children. The importance of "social

emotional" or "moral" education is obvious. It was in preschool

age, the emotional and moral foundations of the individual and attitude towards

to other people. Fiction opens and announces life to a child

society and nature, the world of human feelings and mutual understandings. She develops

thinking and imagination of a child, enriches his emotions, gives beautiful images

Russian literary language. Its enormous educational, educational and

aesthetic value.

Objective of the project:

- introducing children to the works of N. Nosov

- development of speech and emotional responsiveness through the works of N. Nosov and

living, and understanding the moral foundations of man in social


1. Introduce children to the works of children's writer Nikolai Nosov.

2. Learn to understand funny, funny, amusing plots of Nosov’s works.

3. Promote the development of children’s dialogical speech, enrich and activate

vocabulary, increase the expressiveness of speech.

4. Develop individual emotional manifestations in all types of activities,

creative abilities of preschoolers.

5. Nurture the moral qualities of the child’s personality.

6. Interact with specialists in project activities.

7. Involve parents in family reading of literary works.

Type of project – research - creative

The subject of the research is the works of N. Nosov

Project period – short-term (1 month)

Project participants: educators, students of the compensatory group

directions for children with speech impairments 5-6 years old, parents, teachers -


Expected results:

To interest children in the works of Nikolai Nosov.

Attract interest in listening to stories.

Teach children to see a problem and outline solutions (with the help of an adult).

Learn to work in a team.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1. Preparatory

Drawing up a project passport.

Selection of children's fiction for reading to children (works by N.

N. Nosova)

Preparing the presentation.

Work with methodological material and literature on this topic.

Creating a developmental environment: selecting materials, theatrical attributes

activities; illustrated material, works by N.N. Nosova, cartoons

according to the writer's stories.

Preparation of consultation material for parents “Biography of N. Nosov”,

“How to develop speech in children?”, “What benefits does a book bring to children?”

Stage 2. Performance



Conversation “Where the book came to us” (the history of the book’s creation)

Conversation on moral topics “What is friendship?”, “Good and

bad deeds"

Conversation “Illustrators”

Conversation with practical actions “How to provide first

Conversation “Rules of behavior on the road”

Conducting an educational lesson “My beloved

children's writer - N. Nosov."

Conducting a lesson on familiarization with artistic

literature “Tell me about your favorite hero!”


Outdoor games “Dreamers”, “Get to know a friend”, “Colored


Role-playing games: game “Car”, “Library”,

“Construction of the Flower City”, “Cooking Porridge”

Exercise “Put yourself in the shoes of the hero of the story”

Didactic games: “Patch”, “Call kindly”, “Transfer

feelings”, “Find out the story from the illustration”

Pantomime game “Get to know the hero”



Making your own funny poems from

works “How Dunno Was a Writer”, choosing a rhyme.

Reading the work “Dunno and His Friends”

Reading and conversation based on the stories “Patch”, “Telephone”, “Live

hat”, “Karasik”, “Step”, “Knock-knock-knock”, “Entertainers”,

“Putty”, “Dreamers”, “Metro”, “Cucumbers”, “Car”

Watching cartoons about Dunno.

Dramatization of the story “Patch”, “Dreamers”



Making paper crafts “Hat”

Drawing on the theme “Book covers by N. Nosov”

Drawing in coloring books “Dunno and His Friends”

Design of a homemade book “Kaleidoscope of Stories”

Stage 3. Final

Presentation “For children about Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosovo».

Design of an artistic and productive exhibition of family works based on friends

works by N. Nosov “Children's writer Nikolai Nosov and his book heroes.”

Literary and musical leisure “Through the pages of N. Nosov’s works”


During the project, the children got acquainted with a short biography of the children's writer N.N.

Nosov, also got acquainted with the writer’s new works. Children

retold the story of N.N. Nosova, close to the text or on questions asked

teacher, participated in performances. They played out the actions of the heroes of the works

in games. The literary and musical leisure time based on stories was interesting

works by Nosov. Exhibition of crafts and drawings made by the children of the group

together with parents based on the works of Nosov. Preschoolers began to show

sustained interest in fiction. The group has created the necessary

conditions for introducing children to Nosov’s work. Parents were introduced to

family reading of literary works, involved in the life of the kindergarten.


1. N. Nosov “Big Book of Stories”. 2014

2.A. Levertinov “Biography of Nikolai Nosov”. 1998

3. N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.” 1991

4. Agapova I., Davydova M. Literary games for children; Lada - Moscow, 2010.

5. N. Semenova “N. Nosov in children’s literature.” 1991

6. Gritsenko Z.A. Send me readings of good...: A guide for reading and storytelling

7. Korotnova N. Fiction in educational work with children

senior preschool age/Preschool education, 2001.

7. Ostrovskaya L.F. Conversations with parents about the moral education of preschoolers. –

9. Petrovsky V. A. “Development of social emotions in preschool children.” M -

10. Kolpakova N. “Development of the emotional and moral sphere and communication skills in

senior preschool children.

Topic: creativity of N. Nosov.

Stories: “Dreamers”, “Gardeners”, “Putty”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Cucumbers”.

Lesson objectives:

1. Introduce the work of N. Nosov.

2. Development of skills and abilities of independent reading of fiction books.

3. Expand the literary horizons of students.

4. To cultivate moral qualities in children, such as honesty, curiosity, good manners and culture of behavior.


1. “The Book is a Lifesaver”, Moscow, New School, 1995.

2. Extracurricular reading in 3rd grade. Publishing house "Prosveshchenie" 1983, "Works of N. Nosov."

During the classes.

Phase 1 “Generating Interest”.

1.Today we will get acquainted with the work of N. Nosov. He wrote many stories for children, which you have already read.

What stories of his do you know?

K. Perepelkin will introduce us to the work of N. Nosov. “About the author”

Wizards, as you know, are different: good and evil. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976) was a wizard because he owned the mysterious “golden key” to the hearts of millions of little citizens of our country and the entire planet: his books were translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world, they traveled across all continents. And he was not just a kind wizard, but, I would say, the kindest. And fun too!

Like all real wizards, N. Nosov was a rare dreamer: it was his imagination that gave us all the famous Dunno with all the most fascinating his traveling with friends, in the Sunny City, and on the Moon.

The works about Dunno are so significant and instructive (although there is not a hint of sad edification in them!) that they were awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after.

But Nikolai Nikolaevich’s creative path did not begin with Dunno...

First there were stories for children. One of them was called “Steps”. Then the stories “The Cheerful Family” and “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” were written. The USSR State Prize was awarded to the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.”

They say that the future of a young man, his future “adult” years, largely depend on what books he read as a child, and what literary characters he became friends with. Anyone who becomes friends with the books of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov will become a Man with a capital letter - brave, cheerful, selflessly loving our Motherland. Thanks for this to a wonderful artist of words, the kindest wizard and friend of children!

Anatoly Aleksin

Phase 2. “Perception”.

· Al Astrakhantsev introduces one of the works. It's called "Cucumbers".

· Questions for the story:

What did Kotka and Pavlik steal?

What did mom say?

Did Kotka take the cucumbers, and was he scared?

Phase 3. “Comprehension”.

· Match the proverbs to the story.


1. Whoever walks is not afraid.

2. Life is given for good deeds.

3. Take care of your dress again, and your honor from a young age.

4. Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune.

5. Handsome is the one who acts beautifully.

6. A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.

7. There is time for business, but an hour for fun.

3. K. Perepelkin will introduce us to the work “Dreamers.”

· Describes the content of the work “Dreamers.”

· Questions for the story:

1. Which of the guys fantasized and which lied?

2. How did they calm the girl Ira and how did Stasik and Mishutka calm her down?

3. What did they draw?

4. choose a proverb?

4. Al Astrakhantsev introduces the work “The Blot”.

· Questions for the story:

1. What did Fedya like to do?

2. What did the teacher say?

3. Why was Fedya scared and what did he stop doing?

· You drew a picture for this story. What did you draw that you wanted to show?

5. We listened to children's speeches about the heroes of N. Nosov. What are they? (truthful, funny, amusing, good, brave)

6. You may encounter the same characters in different stories. Who are they, name these works?

7. The teacher’s word: N. Nosov’s funny stories depict ordinary guys who most often lack life experience, and sometimes the ability to see themselves from the perspective of what is very important for every person who not only wants to be good, but also tries to become so (Mishka ), willpower, intelligence, understanding of how to act and find the right way out of the current situation (Kostya from the stories “Mishkina Porridge”, “Friend”, “telephone”.

Phase IV . "Implementation".

8. Dramatization based on the story “Putty.” Choose a proverb.

9. Let's test your knowledge on the test.

Tests based on the stories of N. Nosov.


1. What did Mishka and his friend Kolya want to buy in the store?

A) lamp; b) constructor; c) a typewriter; d) telephone.

2. What decision did the boys make to buy the thing they needed?

A) ask your parents for money; b) save money;

c) steal money from parents; d) do not eat or drink - save

3. Who did Misha put on the phone to buzz?

A) a fly; b) bumblebee; c) dragonfly; d) beetle

4. How did the boys come up with the idea of ​​talking after Mishka broke his phone?

A) learned the Latin alphabet; b) invented their own language;

c) crowed d) learned Morse code

5. What did Mishka make from the phone?

A) table lamp; b) electric bell;

c) sparklers; d) shoulder blade


1. What did Kostya and Shurik pick out from the window?

A) plasticine; b) paint; c) putty; d) glue.

2. Where did the boys go after their mischief?

A) to the zoo; b) to the circus; c) to the cinema; d) to the park.

3. What did Kostya confuse the putty with?

A) with ice cream; b) with candy; c) with cake; d) with gingerbread.

4. Why did Kostya and Shurik crawl under the chairs in the cinema?

A) behind the key; b) for putty; c) for gingerbread; d) behind the hat.

5. Who sat on the putty lying on the chair?

A) man; b) baby; c) grandmother; d) Shurik.


1. What did Pavlik and Kotka steal from the collective farm garden?

A) cabbage; b) tomatoes; c) cucumbers; d) beets.

2. What did mom tell Kotka to do with the stolen vegetables?

A) prepare a salad; b) give Pavlik a treat;

c) take it back; d) throw it away.

3. Where did Kotka initially want to throw the vegetables?

A) in the trash can; b) into the river; c) into the well; d) into a ditch.

4. How did the watchman react when he learned that it was Kotka who stole the cucumbers?

A) reported to the police; b) didn’t let me go home;

c) explained that this is wrong; d) shouted.

5. How many cucumbers did Kotka eat on the way to the collective farm garden?

A) ten; b) everything; at two; d) one.


1. What were Mishutka and Stasik talking about while sitting on the bench?

A) who is stronger; b) who is smarter; c) who will lie; d) who is more beautiful

2. Who “bite off” Mishutka’s head?

A) dog; b) shark; c) wolf; d) whale

3. Who ate Stasik in Africa?

A) antelope; b) tiger; c) lion; d) crocodile.

4. Where did Stasik fly?

A) to Mars; b) to Mercury; c) to the moon; d) on the Sun.

5. What did Igor eat without permission?

A) cake; b) jam; c) honey; d) ice cream.

10. Crossword.

1. The main character of the fairy tale who lived in a flower city?

2. What is the name of the story where the main characters are Kotka and Pavlik?

3. He saw the old woman and let her come closer - it was like a pistol going off. What was this boy's name?

4. The guys dug the site all night. What is the name of this story?

5. There was a cat under the hat. What was his name?

Read the word from the first letters vertically. What happened? Who is he?

11.What positive qualities can be adopted from heroes, and which cannot?

V. "Creative laboratory"

Write your own story, similar to the ones you read.