!! Pirates!!! Drawings on a pirate theme.

Who among the boys did not read books about these fearless sea robbers in childhood? "Treasure Island" and "The Adventures of Ben Gan", "The Odyssey of Captain Blood" and "The Heir from Calcutta", "The Black Corsair" and "The Black Swan".

We imagined ourselves at the helm of a caravel or brigantine, sailing towards adventure and treasure hunting. We ran as fast as we could to watch movies about pirates, and then played in the courtyards on imaginary ships with sabers roughly cut from a suitable branch or board.

Let's remember the most famous fictional and real pirates

The first person who comes to my mind when I hear the word pirate is, of course, John Silver

“Ham”, “Long John”, “One-Legged”. Despite his cruelty, he always aroused my sympathy

John Silver has a prosthetic to replace his left leg, which he lost in battle. His parrot, Captain Flint, often sits on his shoulder. The parrot can speak, most often he shouts “Piastres, piastres, piastres!”

“Some were afraid of Pugh, others were afraid of Flint. And Flint himself was afraid of me.”

Silver's popularity can only be rivaled by Jack Sparrow(and modern children even bypass it)

A colorful, mannered pirate captain. The main character of the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, brilliantly played by Johnny Depp.

Henry Morgan

A real-life English navigator, pirate, privateer, later planter and vice-governor on the island of Jamaica. 90% of Captain Blood's adventures are copied directly from his biography

Captain Peter Blood

A former doctor, a victim of circumstances, Irish by birth, one of the most successful pirates of the Caribbean. The hero of pirate novels by Rafael Sabatini and many films

Edward Teach

"Blackbeard". According to many, the toughest pirate of all time. Teach served as the prototype for the image of Captain Flint in R. Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island"

William Kidd

A famous British privateer whose treasures are still sought to this day. William's actual exploits as a privateer and pirate were noticeably inferior to the fame of other pirates of the time, but thanks to the efforts of writers who found an interest in the adventures of the terrible highwayman, Captain William Kidd became one of the most famous pirates in history

James Hook

Better known as Captain Hook, he calls himself Jez Hook - a character in J. Barrie's book "Peter Pan", captain of the pirates from Netinebudet Island, Peter Pan's eternal enemy

Captain Flint

The fictional captain of the pirate ship "Walrus" from the novel "Treasure Island". Ronald Frederick Delderfield, in his novel The Adventures of Ben Gunn, gives a more detailed description of Flint than Stevenson. After reading this novel, you can find out the character of this character, his life story, and where “The Walrus” came from.

Since we're talking about Silver and Flint, let's mention two more very charismatic pirates from their company

Billy Bones

Bones was a navigator on Captain Flint's ship. Along with the “lanky” John Silver, he was one of the leader’s inner circle. According to the recollections of Silver and other pirates, he was distinguished by cruelty: “Billy was heavy on his hands and quick to kill...”. His favorite saying was: "dead people don't bite." After Flint's death, he took possession of the map of Treasure Island, becoming a target for other pirates

Blind Pew

One of the most striking characters in Treasure Island. Even blind, he led a pirate gang and was not afraid to come to Billy Bones with a black mark

Francis Drake

English navigator, corsair, vice admiral. The first Englishman to circumnavigate the world. An active participant in the defeat of the Spanish fleet (Invincible Armada) in the Battle of Gravelines, thanks to Drake's skillful actions, the British managed to gain an advantage over enemy forces with superior firepower. Famous for his unprecedented cruelty and incredible luck


A pirate baron in the truest sense of the word, the owner of a fleet of 19 ships, who received the title of baron personally from Napoleon for his successes as a corsair. The French even have a good tradition of naming ships after this pirate.

Madame Wong

Well, I decided to finish the theme of pirates with one of Bulychev’s most popular characters - space pirates

Veselchak U and Rats

The first appearance of the Rat and Veselchak U was in 1974 in the story “Alice’s Journey”

They gained the greatest popularity after the release of the television film “Guest from the Future” where the role of the Rat was played by actor Mikhail Kononov, the role of Veselchak U - Vyacheslav Nevinny

Of course, these are not all famous pirates. If you would like to add to this list, I will be only too glad

All children love to draw and often ask their parents what they should draw. Creativity develops children's imagination and helps them explore the world around them, so it is important to respond to such requests and help the child. Moreover, the choice is large and varied, although little artists love to draw cartoon characters most of all, even if they don’t get them quite right.

To suggest a pirate, it is enough to break the picture into its component parts and learn to depict them step by step. Or try to make a drawing yourself, enjoy the creative process and have fun with your child. Usually the process brings no less satisfaction than the result.

The better to draw

When choosing tools for a future children's masterpiece, it is better to opt for colored pencils. All children love to draw with them, and the more colors and shades in the palette, the brighter the child’s imagination manifests itself. To help your child, you can draw a pirate with a pencil and let him color it.

Drawing with a simple pencil or pen will be inconvenient for a child, at least until a certain age. It's not as fun as You also have doubts about how to draw a pirate with felt-tip pens. After all, any line will remain on paper forever, and the child may be nervous because it didn’t turn out the way he wanted.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a pirate

Despite the fact that the finished drawings of sea robbers look bright and complex, drawing a pirate step by step is not difficult. To do this, you can follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. It's better to start with the header. Simple arcs within which you can draw a skull.
  2. Eyes and a beard are added to the hat. One eye should be covered with a black bandage.
  3. Next you need to draw the nose and mustache. The pirate will be scary and terrible.
  4. After this you need to draw the ears and teeth. To make it more intimidating, one tooth can be depicted as knocked out.
  5. When the pirate's head is ready, you can proceed to the body. First draw the sleeves. Instead of one hand there is a hook, in the other there is a pirate saber.
  6. After this, the body needs to be extended to the bottom, draw a caftan, buttons and a belt.
  7. Complete the pirate drawing with a foot and a crutch.

The result is a tough, but quite cute sea robber that will amuse every child. Having painted the first one, you can explain to your child how to draw a pirate on his own and help him in this process.

What else to draw

In addition to the pirate, you can draw a lot of things in the same theme. The ships alone are impressive in their diversity, especially since the complexity of the design can be selected depending on the age of the child and his skills as an artist. Pirates come in different genders, so even girls will be interested in drawing something unusual and colorful.

By drawing a ship, pirates and the island where they buried the treasure, you can come up with a whole story of their adventures. The child will be interested in this. And in the process of drawing, develop communication skills, fine motor skills and color perception.

What to do with drawings

It’s not enough to teach a child how to draw a pirate; you also need to decide what to do with the many creative masterpieces that he will create every day. There are quite a few options:

  • make a frame and hang the picture on the wall;
  • create a pirate exhibition of works, including many drawings;
  • give the resulting masterpiece to grandparents;
  • make a pirate postcard and give it to your friends.

An older child can try to come up with a story himself, write it on sheets of paper and accompany it with his own drawings. Such a mini-book about pirates will become the real pride of the little creator and his parents.

Arrrrr, land rats. I can’t set foot on the ground, the sand, the sea - that’s life, that’s freedom. Treasures, eternal drunken swimming, racketeering and blackmail, big guns and... Rum, rum, rum. Oh yes, kids, now you will find out. Do you know what is more beautiful than open space, hidden treasures, the rigors of everyday life on the deck and a bottle of rum? Piracy originated in those days when people realized that the sea was not a bad way of transportation. The downside is that there is nowhere to go. Plus - sirens, huge ferocious squids. In general, not boring. But there are always people who will think What? - and they will sink the ship, taking with them everything that is luminous and golden. And women. And alcohol. And when you are doing something exciting, you need to name it. This is where the concept of piracy came into being.

But this was not enough. We need symbolism, something that distinguishes pirates from ordinary mortals. This is how the Jolly Roger appeared - a skull and knuckles on a canvas. If suddenly, completely unnoticed and quietly, a boat with a flag with an hourglass on it sailed up to you, this meant a very interesting thing. It read: We do not take prisoners for ransom. They will die. Everyone will die, that is.

Now closer to the water. There are several things that you landlubbers might know, but it would be of no use, since you don’t know everything correctly. Listen here:

  • If you think that all pirates were one-eyed because they wore eye patches, you are ignorant, monsieur. All because there was no electricity, there was only water all around, and the hold was as dark as night in Uganda. To do this, one eye sees in the dark, the other in the light of God's day. Simple and brilliant.
  • If you think that pirate earrings are all the rage, you are twice as ignorant, sir. The life of a pirate is hard, you can die at any second, but who will arrange the funeral? Who will invite classmates and former lovers to the repose of the soul? Nobody. And who will pay? But this issue was resolved in this way - the earrings were expensive, and their price was quite enough to bury the pirate with honors. Or to feed one African tribe for a week.
  • Well, if you think that software piracy is when someone surfs the Internet on their modem and steals files, then forgive me, of course. And although modern piracy is not so seaworthy and joyful, it brings no less hemorrhoids to ordinary people. And in our native Rus', almost everyone uses the product of the allocation of pirate organizations.

But don't worry, pirates still exist. Have you ever heard of ship hijackings? Pirates are here to stay, as long as maps of undiscovered treasures exist. Try your luck and draw a pirate girl. Come on, try it. Take a risk.

How to draw a pirate with a pencil step by step

Step one. Yes, the girl is a pirate. And there were such things. Using sticks we draw a little man with a saber and a hat. We miss some sticks, it’s a girl. Step two. The stereotype says that pirate girls were like modern Victoria Secret models, which means she still has the same figure. Using contours we draw beautiful shapes, long legs and a large saber. And a feather in your hat, of course. Step three. We remove unnecessary lines, putty, contours. We leave our beautiful body to be torn to pieces by a pencil. A little fluff on the legs, ribbons on the hat, various bells and whistles, and so on, as you can see. Step four. More, more gadgets! We'll fix the belt there, more trinkets in the chest area, belt, wrists. Pirates loved to carry all the loot, no matter what was there. Stylish, promising, extravagant. Step five. Let's try to make a beautiful face. Well, and most importantly - Roger on the hat. Now it’s clear that this is a pirate. You can also take a look here, I highly recommend trying it.