Likhachev development. Likhachev D.S.

  • 3. Comparative historical school. Scientific activity of A.N. Veselovsky.
  • 4. “Historical poetics” by A.N. Veselovsky. The idea and general concept.
  • 5. The theory of the origin of literary genera in the understanding of A.N. Veselovsky.
  • 6. The theory of plot and motive put forward by A.N. Veselovsky.
  • 7. Problems of poetic style in the work of A.N. Veselovsky “Psychological parallelism in its forms and reflections of poetic style.”
  • 8. Psychological school in literary criticism. Scientific activity of A.A. Potebnya.
  • 9. Theory of the internal form of a word by A.A. Potebnya.
  • 10. Theory of poetic language by A.A. Potebnya. The problem of poetic and prosaic language.
  • 11. The difference between poetic and mythological thinking in the works of A. Potebnya.
  • 13. The place of the Russian formal school in the history of literary criticism.
  • 14. The theory of poetic language put forward by the formalists.
  • 15. The difference in the understanding of the language of A.A. Potebnya and the formalists.
  • 16. Representatives of the formal school understand art as a technique.
  • 17. The theory of literary evolution, substantiated by the formalists
  • 18. The contribution of the formal school to the study of plot.
  • 20. Scientific activity of M. M. Bakhtin. New cultural meaning of philology: the idea of ​​a “text-monad”.
  • 21. Work by M. M. Bakhtin “Gogol and Rabelais”. Big time idea.
  • 22. M. M. Bakhtin’s discovery of Dostoevsky: the theory of the polyphonic novel.
  • 23. Understanding M.M. Bakhtin the essence of carnival culture and its specific forms.
  • 24. Scientific activity of Yu.M. Lotman. Tartu-Moscow semiotic school. Its ideas and participants.
  • 25. Basic concepts of structural poetics of Yu.M. Lotman.
  • 26. Yu.M. Lotman about the problem of the text. Text and artwork.
  • 27. M.Yu. Lotman’s works on Pushkin and their methodological significance.
  • 28. Justification of the semiotics of literature in the works of Yu.M. Lotman.
  • 29. Scientific activity of D.S. Likhachev. The methodological significance of his works on “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
  • 30. The concept of the unity of Russian literature by D.S. Likhachev.
  • 31. D.S. Likhachev’s teaching on the internal form of a work of art.
  • 32. D.S. Likhachev on the principles of historicism in the study of literature.
  • 34. Hermeneutic approach to the study of literary text.
  • 36. Receptive aesthetics. Justification of the subjectivity of perception of a literary text (V. Iser, M. Riffater, S. Fish).
  • 37. R. Barth as a theorist of culture and literature.
  • 39. Narratology as a new literary discipline within the framework of structuralism and post-structuralism.
  • 41. Modern interpretation of the function of archetypes in literature
  • 42. Motive analysis and its principles.
  • 43. Analysis of a literary text from the standpoint of deconstruction.
  • 44. M. Foucault as a classic of poststructuralism in literary criticism. Concepts of discourse, episteme, history as an archive.
  • 30. The concept of the unity of Russian literature by D.S. Likhachev.

    Likhachev was able to prove that Russian literature was able to fulfill its great mission of formation, unity, unity, education, and sometimes even salvation of the people in difficult times of devastation and decay. This happened because it was based and guided by the highest ideals: the ideals of morality and spirituality, the ideals of the high, measured only by the eternity of man’s destiny and his equally high responsibility. And he believed that everyone can and should learn this great lesson of literature.

    31. D.S. Likhachev’s teaching on the internal form of a work of art.

    Sixties of the twentieth century. marked by the expansion of literary horizons and the use of new methods of analyzing a work of art. In this regard, interest in the problem of “literature and reality” has increased. A return to this most important problem of poetics is marked by the well-known article by D.S. Likhachev "The Inner World of a Work of Art". The point of the article is to affirm the “self-legitimacy” of life depicted in a work of art. According to the researcher, the “artistic world” differs from the real one, firstly, by a different kind of systematicity (space and time, as well as history and psychology, have special properties in it and are subject to internal laws); secondly, its dependence on the stage of development of art, as well as on the genre and author.

    32. D.S. Likhachev on the principles of historicism in the study of literature.

    Thanks to Likhachev’s brilliant research, the history of ancient Russian literature appears not as a sum of literary monuments on some time scale, but as a vital and continuous growth of Russian literature, surprisingly accurately reflecting the cultural, historical and spiritual and moral path of many generations of our ancestors.

    34. Hermeneutic approach to the study of literary text.

    Hermeneutics is the theory and art of "in-depth interpretation of texts." The main task is to interpret the primary sources of world and domestic culture. “Movement to the origins” as a unique method of hermeneutics - from the text (drawing, piece of music, educational subject, action) to the origins of its origin (needs, motives, values, goals and objectives of the author).

    35. The concept of the hermeneutic circle.

    The circle of “whole and part” (hermeneutic circle) serves as a guideline for the semantic understanding of the text (to understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the elements, but the understanding of individual elements is determined by the understanding of the whole); the circle gradually expands, revealing wider horizons of understanding.

    36. Receptive aesthetics. Justification of the subjectivity of perception of a literary text (V. Iser, M. Riffater, S. Fish).

    From the moment of its appearance, receptive aesthetics, represented by the names of R. Ingarden, H.-R. Jauss, V. Iser, introduced into literary studies the opportunity to reflect the diversity of types of reception, distinguished, however, by the duality of its attitudes. In receptive aesthetics, on the one hand, a thesis is postulated, and on the other hand, the meaning of the message is made dependent on the interpretative preferences of the recipient, whose perception is determined by the context, which presupposes the individualization of each specific act of reading. The interpretation of the work, on the one hand, is obviously determined by the paradigmatic attitudes of the reader, on the other hand, M. Riffaterre points to the possibility of authorial control over decoding by forming the necessary context in the space of the text itself. The multiplicity of readings and ambiguity of meaning, which Y. Lotman also called not to mix, thus arise at the intersection of the author’s intention and the reader’s competence, provided that the author is also the recipient of his own work.

    Most recently, the scientific community celebrated the centennial anniversary of the prominent Russian literary critic, cultural historian and textual critic, academician (since 1970) Dmitry Likhachev. This largely contributed to a new wave of interest in his extensive heritage, which constitutes the cultural heritage of our country, and, most importantly, to a modern reassessment of the significance of a number of his works.

    After all, some of the researcher’s views have yet to be properly comprehended and understood. This, for example, includes philosophical ideas about the development of art. At first glance, it may seem that his reasoning concerns only some aspects of artistic creativity. But this is a misconception. In fact, behind some of his conclusions there is a holistic philosophical and aesthetic theory. The rector of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions (SPbSUP), Doctor of Cultural Sciences Alexander Zapesotsky and employees of the same educational institution, Doctors of Philosophy Tatyana Shekhter and Yuri Shor, spoke about this in the magazine “Man”.

    In their opinion, works of art history stand out in the thinker’s work - articles from “Essays on the Philosophy of Artistic Creativity” (1996) and “Selected Works on Russian and World Culture” (2006), which reflected Dmitry Sergeevich’s philosophical views on the process and main stages of the historical development of Russian art.

    What does this term mean in the worldview of a prominent scientist? By this concept he meant a complex system of relationship between the artist and the reality around him, and the creator with the traditions of culture and literature. In the latter case, the particular and the general, the natural and the random were intertwined. In his opinion, the historical development of art is a kind of evolution that combines both traditions and something new. Likhachev raised artistic thinking and related theoretical questions to the problem of truth as the basis of any knowledge.

    The meaning of the academician’s ideas about art as a sphere of highest values, about the importance of the search for truth for him is revealed most fully in comparison with postmodernism - a movement of philosophical and artistic thought that developed in the last quarter of the 20th century. Let us remember that adherents of this trend question the existence of scientific truth as such. In its place is communication: the participants of the latter receive information in an unclear way, then transfer it to an unknown person, being unsure that they did it correctly. In this theory, one true understanding of the event is considered impossible, because Many of its variants equally exist. Moreover, the basis of thinking becomes the concept of probability, and not logical argument. All this, the authors of the article claim, contradicts Likhachev’s views, because the task of finding the truth and deepening its understanding is the basis of his own worldview.

    However, he himself took a special approach to the nature of truth when the question of its relationship with art was raised. The scientist interpreted it in line with Russian philosophy - as the highest goal of knowledge. And therefore, in many ways, he innovatively posed the question of the relationship between science and art. After all, in his opinion, both are ways of comprehending the world around us, but science is objective, and art is not: it always takes into account the individuality of the creator, his qualities. As a true humanist, to whom Dmitry Sergeevich undoubtedly belonged, he called art the highest form of consciousness and recognized its primacy over scientific knowledge.

    This means, the academician believed, although art is a form of knowledge of nature, man, history, it is still specific, because the works generated by it evoke an aesthetic reaction. Hence its distinctive feature in comparison with science is “inaccuracy,” which ensures the life of a work of art in time.

    Likhachev believed that trained and unprepared people feel art differently: the former understand the author’s intention and what the artist intended to express; They rather like incompleteness, while for the latter, completeness and the given play an essential role.

    Such an interpretation of the peculiarities of artistic exploration of the world expands its possibilities and meaning for humans. Therefore, argue Zapesotsky, Shekhter and Shor, Likhachev also interprets the question of the originality of national art, which is familiar to aesthetics, differently. Its distinctive properties, according to the scientist, are determined primarily by the peculiarities of Russian cultural consciousness. Openness to the world has given our art the opportunity to absorb and then transform, according to its own ideas, the colossal experience of Western European culture. Nevertheless, it followed its own path: influences from outside were never dominant in its development, although they undoubtedly played an important role in this process.

    Likhachev insisted on the European character of Russian culture, the specificity of which is determined, according to his thought, by three qualities: the accentuated personal nature of artistic phenomena (in other words, interest in individuality), receptivity to other cultures (university) and freedom of creative self-expression of the individual (however, it has limits). All of these features grow out of the Christian worldview - the basis of the cultural identity of Europe.

    Among other things, in the analysis of the problems of art, the thinker gave a special place to the concept of co-creation, without which true interaction with art itself cannot occur. A person who perceives an artistic creation complements it with his feelings, emotions, and imagination. This is especially evident in literature, where the reader completes and imagines images. There is a potential space for people in it (and in art in general), and it is much greater than in science.

    For the scientist’s philosophy of art, it was also important to understand mythology, since both it and the artistic consciousness are trying to reproduce the unified structure of the real world. In addition, the unconscious principle is of paramount importance in them. By the way, according to Likhachev, mythologization is inherent in both primitive consciousness and modern science.

    However, the authors note, the academician paid the greatest attention to style in his theory: after all, it is this that ensures the completeness and genuine manifestation of the true and mythological in a work of art. Style is everywhere. For Likhachev, this is the main element in the analysis of artistic history. And their opposition, interaction and combination (counterpoint) are extremely important, because such interconnection provides a diverse combination of various artistic means.

    Dmitry Sergeevich did not ignore the structure of the artistic process. For him, there are macroscopic and microscopic levels in creativity. The first is associated with tradition, with the laws of style, the second - with individual freedom.

    He also paid attention to the topic of progress in art: in his understanding, the origin of the latter is not a one-line, but a long process, the significant feature of which he called the increase in the personal principle in artistic creativity.

    So, having examined in detail Likhachev’s philosophical concept set out in the article under consideration, one cannot but agree with the final thought of its authors that the ideas proposed by Dmitry Sergeevich are deep and largely original. And his special gift for immediately analyzing the unity of centuries-old historical artistic heritage and the possession of scientific intuition allowed him to pay attention to topical (including today) issues of aesthetics and art history, and what is most valuable is to define in many ways the current philosophical understanding of the artistic process.

    Zapesotsky A., Shekhter T., Shor Y., Maria SAPRYKINA


    The article examines the current problem of the spiritual and moral crisis of the younger generation in Russia and the need for its moral recovery in the context of the globalization of modern society. One of the ways to develop spirituality and moral values ​​among the younger generation was to involve schoolchildren in studying the creative heritage of Dmitry Likhachev through their participation in a creative work competition. The topics of the high school students' works were determined by epigraphs from the works of Academician Likhachev, and the content had to correspond to moral and aesthetic issues. The winners and runners-up of the competition took part in the Forum of High School Students, held as part of the XIII International Likhachev Scientific Readings - the largest international conference. More than 600 schoolchildren from 52 regions of Russia and the CIS countries were invited to participate.

    XIII International Likhachev Scientific Readings

    creative heritage of Dmitry Likhachev

    Olympiad in humanitarian disciplines

    high school students forum

    growing generation

    education of values ​​among schoolchildren

    spiritual and moral crisis

    spiritual and moral values ​​and guidelines

    spiritual culture

    Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

    1. Baeva L.V. Youth values ​​in a globalizing society // Philosophy of Education. – 2005. – No. 1. – P.55-59.

    2. Zapesotsky A.S. Dmitry Likhachev - Great Russian culturologist. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2007.

    3. Zapesotsky A.S. Philosophy of education and problems of modern reforms // Questions of philosophy. – 2013. – No. 1. – P.24-34.

    4. Kon I.S. Dialectics of development of modern youth. – M.: Progress, 2006.

    5. Likhachev D.S. No evidence. – M., 1996.

    6. Likhachev D.S. Notes about Russian. – St. Petersburg, 1998.

    7. Likhachev D.S. Letters about the good and the beautiful. – M., 1988.

    8. Likhachev D.S. Past to future. Articles and essays. – L., 1985.

    9. Oshchepko A.S. Youth: problems and hopes. – Ekaterinburg: Beck, 2010.

    10. Prochakovskaya O.A. Life guidelines and moral priorities of modern youth. – Saratov: Med, 2007.

    11. Rationality and value-spiritual principles in science and education. Round table, November 19, 2008 - St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2009.

    12. Toshchenko Zh.T. Youth values ​​and youth policy: how to connect them together? // Materials of the XIII International Likhachev Scientific Readings, May 16-17, 2013 (URL: - date of access: 9.09. 2013)


    The younger generation of Russia, together with the majority of the mature population, is currently experiencing a deep value, spiritual and moral crisis, which has actually been a companion to globalization and informatization of modern society. Sociological research in recent years shows that the scale of the spiritual and moral crisis of Russian society, especially the younger generation, has reached a critical point.

    Confirmation of what has been said can be found in numerous scientific works on the axiological problems of modern Russian society and on the problems of forming the spiritual and moral potential of the younger generation (Abdulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., Baeva L.V., Bezdukhov V.P., Vershlovsky S. G., Vershinina L.V., Volchenko L.B., Vshivtseva L.A., Grigoriev D.V., Gorshkova V.V., Gurevich S.S., Zapesotsky A.S., Kefeli I.F. , Kon I.S., Konev V.A., Komisarenko S.S., Kolomiets G.G., Lisovsky V.T., Markov A.P., Prochakovskaya O.A., Sagatovsky V.N., Selivanova N.A., Skatov N.N., Titorenko A.I., Tonkonogaya E.P., Toshchenko Zh.T., etc.), and in dissertation research on general pedagogy and education theory (Akutina S.P. (2010), Baburova I. V. (2009), Bandurina I. A. (2010), Barinova M. G. (2011), Gorbunova E. V. (2011), Kokhichko A. N. (2011), Mikhailyuk A. N. (2012), Platokhina N. A. (2011), Pupkov S. V. (2010), Solovyova S. A. (2011), Shikhovtsova N. N. (2007), etc.).

    This fact is confirmed by the results of studies conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). For example, many reports especially emphasize that in modern conditions of market relations in Russia there is a loss of orientation of the younger generation towards the development of their inner world, while stating the fact that the family has partially lost educational functions that contribute to the spiritual and moral formation of the individual. These facts represent a dangerous trend today.

    In addition, today we can state that an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and education theory has become the problem of choosing guidelines for modern Russian youth, whose idols, as a rule, are representatives of Western subcultures and businessmen. The heroes that teenagers want to emulate are, unfortunately, not scientists, writers, artists and public figures, but mostly pop musicians, highly paid football players and businessmen, and less often modern politicians. In this context, we note that not all representatives from these groups of youth idols are harmoniously developed people capable of producing eternal values ​​in the minds of young people and capable of serving as a true guide for them in life.

    All of the above problems that concern modern scientists - educators, sociologists and philosophers - have been repeatedly considered at scientific all-Russian and international conferences organized by both the Russian Academy of Education (RAO) and leading pedagogical universities in Russia.

    Among these conferences, a special place is occupied by the annual scientific forum - “International Likhachev Scientific Readings”, held for more than 20 years at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.

    The agenda of the Readings traditionally includes the most universal debatable topics of our time related to contradictory trends in the development of human society, globalization processes, the role of humanitarian culture and education in the modern world, current problems of interfaith communication, tolerance, morality, etc.

    Among these topics at this year’s Readings, the topic of spirituality of modern youth sounded especially acute, within the framework of which such issues as were discussed:

    Academician Zh.T. Toshchenko focused the attention of the participants of the scientific audience on the problem of the crisis of values ​​of young people, for the majority of whom the first positions are occupied by a group of socio-biological values ​​and values ​​of the material and economic sphere (career, money, work), the level of tolerance among young people is becoming lower, especially with regard to ethnonational and religious relations. According to the academician, “trauma of consciousness and behavior,” when goals are unattainable and there are no moral guidelines left, can become a cause of suicide among adolescents. Deformation of values, anomie, and problems have led to the fact that every 12th teenager aged 15-17 years dies due to suicide every year.

    Thus, the difficulties of the spiritual formation of young people associated with social anomie, with a violation of the continuity of value systems, have become a pathology of modern social life. Most young people have become more pragmatic and choose the cult of money as their life value. It is possible to get rid of such social anomie only by attracting the creative power of culture, morality, religion, and traditions. Summarizing all that has been said above, it can be argued that values, guidelines, attitudes, meanings and expectations are vital components of the full life of every person, including the younger generation, moving from the ideal sphere to the real sphere. And in modern reality, it is necessary to pay special attention to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation - the future of the country.

    Purpose of the study

    As we noted above, in the value system of young people, spirituality becomes an alienated concept. Basic concepts are devalued: “morality,” “duty,” “conscience,” and interest in Russian history and culture is being replaced by an exclusive interest in Western traditions and pseudo values. In the spiritual quest of the younger generation, reliance on moral values ​​and the search for a source of spiritual and moral growth of the individual are more important than ever.

    Such a source for many Russian schoolchildren was their involvement in research activities to study the creative, spiritual heritage of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev and their participation in the Forum of Russian High School Students within the framework of the International Likhachev Scientific Readings.

    The forum of high school students in Russia “The Ideas of Dmitry Likhachev and Modernity” has been held since 2008 and has already become a kind of platform that makes it possible to realize the most important goals and ideas of spiritual, moral and cultural values ​​in modern society for a significant part of modern youth who came to the Readings. The main goals of the Russian High School Students Forum are traditionally defined as promoting the ideas of D.S. Likhachev in the youth environment, identifying and supporting talented youth through the Forum itself and the interdisciplinary Olympiad, the competition of creative works of schoolchildren “Ideas of D.S. Likhachev and modernity”, held several months before the start of the Likhachev Readings.

    On May 16-17, 2013, the XIII International Likhachev Scientific Readings were held at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions - the largest international forum that brought together over 1,500 outstanding Russian and foreign scientists, public figures, the best representatives of students and the teaching community.

    The thirteenth Likhachev Readings were devoted to one of the key problems of our time - the dialogue of cultures, in the context of which the participants discussed the prospects for the development of national cultures in the context of globalization and topical issues reflecting the problems of the influence of the media on the formation of values ​​and meanings, the place of the economy and rights in the context of global cultural development, social and labor conflicts in the CIS and others.

    Material and research methods

    During the Readings and the Likhachev Forum of high school students in Russia, schoolchildren, discussing, along with philosophers, sociologists, cultural scientists, historians, philologists, lawyers, and art critics, the key problems of our time, showed the best qualities of modern educated youth: erudition, erudition, the ability to formulate, justify and defend their own position . The active life position of schoolchildren in relation to the spiritual and moral values ​​of modern society was largely formed during their participation in the competition of creative works for high school students “Ideas of D.S. Likhachev and modernity" and participation in the interdisciplinary Olympiad in the complex of subjects "Humanities and Social Sciences".

    High school students in Russia and neighboring countries received a unique opportunity to come into contact with the personality of our outstanding contemporary, turn to his scientific works and journalistic works, and creatively comprehend them. The modern sound of the ideas of the scientific, socio-political and literary heritage of D.S. Likhachev was developed in 596 creative works of competitors from 52 regions of Russia and neighboring countries. Traditionally, the subject of quotations from the works of Academician D.S. Likhachev, proposed as a title or epigraph to the creative works of high school students submitted to the competition, is quite extensive and touches on a wide range of problems of modern Russian society.

    An analysis of modern pedagogical practice shows that education plays a key role in the spiritual and moral unity of society. It is in general education schools that the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual occurs most systematically and consistently. Personal education should be focused on achieving a modern moral ideal based on basic national values: patriotism, citizenship, justice, honor and dignity, respect for the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.

    Competition winner E. Gulyaykina (Serdobsk, Penza region) in her essay “The relevance of the ideas of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev in modern Russia (analysis of the annual Address of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the context of the cultural ideas of D.S. Likhachev)” showed that modern politicians understand the significance of the problems that Academician D.S. drew attention to. Likhachev, realize the importance of the spiritual component of life for the state and society. Content analysis of the text of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation, carried out by the student, clearly proved that V.V. Putin and D.S. The Likhachevs are united in their desire to see Russia as a prosperous and influential country that is open to cultural dialogue and that carefully preserves its history and cultural traditions.

    Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev attached special importance to the education of the younger generation. So, in the book “Without Evidence” he wrote: “You always need to learn. Until the end of their lives, all the major scientists not only taught, but also studied. Stop studying and you won't be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and multiplying." This idea of ​​Dmitry Sergeevich was creatively developed in his writings by: O. Pravilova (Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory), T. Afanasyeva (Samara), S. Linkevich (Ulyanovsk), V. Ivantsov (Kilemary, Republic of Mari El), D. Shkumat (Medyn, Kaluga region).

    Many competitors, including: E. Nikolenko (Gubakha, Perm region), V. Bykova (Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region), K. Markin (Khabarovsk), T. Baranova (Kogalym, Tyumen region) turned to moral and ethical issues, identifying the problem of lack of spirituality in modern society as one of the most acute.

    Schoolchildren, relying on a quote from D.S. Likhachev from his work “Letters about Good”: “In a purely formal relation to teaching, to comrades and acquaintances, to music, to art, this “spiritual culture” does not exist. This is “lack of spirituality” - the life of a mechanism that feels nothing, incapable of loving, sacrificing itself, or having moral and aesthetic ideals,” in their writings they also noted the severity of the spiritual and moral crisis among their peers.

    Thus, the prize-winner of the competition A. Kuchina (Cherepovets) in his essay shows how important it is to preserve the “living soul”; you need to sincerely love life, your friends, relatives, your homeland, cultural and historical heritage. Indifference, callousness, reluctance to understand anything, laziness - all these are the vices of modern society, from which Academician Likhachev tried to protect young people in his creative heritage.

    Participants in the competition, in their creative works, have repeatedly emphasized that the creation of a solid ideological and moral foundation for Russia is unthinkable without a return to spiritual and moral ideals, to the impeccable moral authorities of outstanding thinkers of our time, to which, undoubtedly, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev himself belongs.

    The future of Russia is determined not only by the spiritual and moral health of the nation, but by the careful preservation and development of its cultural, spiritual heritage, historical and cultural traditions, and the preservation of the cultural heritage of our multinational country. For society as a whole and for the individual, the perception of cultural values ​​lies through historical memory and rethinking of the past. Students discussed the importance of culture in the life and education of the younger generation, the need to study and preserve cultural heritage: K. Filippova (Novaya Ladoga, Leningrad Region), A. Sadovnikov (Ufa), O. Polomoshnykh (Tokhoi village, Republic Buryatia), A. Mokhova (Krasnoyarsk) and others.

    Having creatively developed Dmitry Sergeevich’s idea that “... the Russian cultural sphere alone is capable of convincing every educated person that he is dealing with a great culture, a great country and a great people. To prove this fact, we do not need tank armadas, tens of thousands of combat aircraft, or references to our geographical spaces and natural resource deposits as arguments.” And the prize-winner of the competition, A. Aleksandrova (Petrozavodsk), based on the works of Likhachev, in her competition work argues that “the cultural sphere is a separate “atmosphere” of human existence, a huge holistic phenomenon that makes people inhabiting a certain space not just population, but by the people, the nation."

    It is my deep conviction that D.S. Likhachev “conscious love for one’s people cannot be combined with hatred of others.” Competition winner N. Genkulova (Syktyvkar), based on the thoughts of the academician, answers the questions: “Why has the development of a patriotic attitude among the younger generation become a problem?”; “Why are traits of everyday nationalism increasingly visible in the behavior of teenagers?”; “Where does hostility towards people of other nationalities come from?” This participant writes with pain about the loss of national cultural traits, humanistic values ​​and guidelines, which in the present leads to outbreaks of national intolerance and nationalism.

    The academician’s spiritual testament to the younger generation - to love their native land, preserve the cultural and historical heritage of small towns - formed the basis for the creative works of schoolchildren: V. Bartfeld (Kaliningrad), D. Platonova (Ust-Kinelsky village, Samara region), L Pashkova (village Yumbyashur, Udmurt Republic), M. Travina (village Naystenjärvi, Republic of Karelia).

    The academician’s thoughts on the problems of preserving the linguistic culture of Russian society, caring for the Russian language, and the norms of written and oral speech aroused great interest among the competition participants. This issue was considered in the works of the competition winners and diploma holders. So, for example: S. Smetkina (Rzhev) noted that “language, to an even greater extent than clothing, testifies to a person’s taste, his attitude to the world around him, to himself...”; K. Tsvetkova (Rzhev) - “D.S. Likhachev about language and speech as the basis of human morality"; A. Sadykova (Ozerny village, Republic of Tatarstan) - “Speech, written or oral, characterizes a person to a greater extent than even appearance or ability to behave...”; V. Kuznetsova (Samara) - “Please, write me letters! In our loud age they have no price...” (From letter to SMS); V. Bugaichuk (Severomorsk, Murmansk region) - “The key to understanding Russian national culture.”

    Research results and discussions

    All the works from which we gave examples were highly appreciated by the competition jury, and their authors received a unique opportunity to speak and convey the main points of their research to their peers - participants in the Likhachev Forum of High School Students of Russia. They had the opportunity to join the presidium of the Forum, which was headed by the Chairman of the Public Council of St. Petersburg, Director of the State Museum-Monument "St. Isaac's Cathedral", Professor, People's Artist of Russia N.V. Burov.

    In his opening speech to the forum participants, Nikolai Vitalievich noted that the competition participants touched the legacy of the great humanist of our time, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, whose life and creative path set an example of openness and deep respect for national culture and the cultures of other peoples. N. Burov emphasized that we live in a world where the interpenetration of cultures is growing, and the process of globalization opens up new opportunities for strengthening ties between people of different nationalities. With all the positive aspects that globalization brings in science, economics, technological progress and the dissemination of information, one cannot help but see its negative consequences: it strikes at the basic structures of national cultures, undermines the national and cultural traditions of the peoples of the world, and often promotes and approves far from the best samples of spiritual life. The spiritual and cultural heritage of our great compatriot should become an inspiring evidence for the younger generation that the future of our country is unthinkable without a return to the fundamental values ​​of Russian culture.

    During the Likhachev Forum, schoolchildren and teachers made presentations, the central place of which was occupied by words of gratitude to the legacy of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, reflections on the influence of his scientific works on the formation of the worldview of modern youth, their moral principles and ideals. The discussion that followed the speeches of high school students covered a wide range of issues: from reflections on the value of life, the uniqueness of the human personality, the essence of culture, sociocultural tolerance to the role of the teacher in the formation of moral values ​​of modern youth.


    The main goal of the completed Likhachev Forum of high school students was not so much the awarding of the winners and participants of the VII All-Russian competition of creative works of high school students “Ideas of D.S. Likhachev and modernity" and an interdisciplinary Olympiad in a set of subjects "Humanities and Social Sciences" with diplomas and cash prizes, as well as revealing the intellectual potential of the younger generation and introducing young people to the true values ​​of life.

    The next Forum of high school students, already the eighth in a row, will be held in 2014, but information about the upcoming Competition and Olympiad, conditions for participation in them have already been presented on the scientific website “Likhachev Square” (, which is a portal to the huge and rich spiritual and moral world of the creative heritage of Dmitry Likhachev.


    Litvinenko M.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Distance Educational Technologies, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow.

    Markov A.P., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Cultural Studies, St. Petersburg Humanitarian University, professors, St. Petersburg.

    A list of dissertations defended on the topic “values, value attitude, axiological approach” over the past ten years can be found on the website (

    The problem field of the XIII International Likhachev Scientific Readings was determined by the theme “Dialogue of Cultures: Values, Meanings, Communications.” Information about the Readings and the content of the participants' reports can be found on the University website and the Likhachev Square website

    Bibliographic link

    Ryzhova N.I., Efimova E.P., Zinkevich N.A. CREATIVE HERITAGE OF ACADEMICIAN D.S. LIKHACHEV AS THE BASIS OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SCHOOLCHILDREN // Modern problems of science and education. – 2013. – No. 5.;
    URL: (access date: 09/03/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences" Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev (1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, cultural critic, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (USSR Academy of Sciences until 1991). Chairman of the Board of the Russian (Soviet until 1991) Cultural Foundation (1986-1993). Author of fundamental works devoted to the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. The text is based on the publication: Likhachev D. Notes on Russian. - M.: KoLibri, Azbuka-Atticus, 2014.

    Russian nature and Russian character

    I have already noted how strongly the Russian plain influences the character of a Russian person. We often forget lately about the geographical factor in human history. But it exists, and no one has ever denied it. Now I want to talk about something else - about how, in turn, man influences nature. This is not some kind of discovery on my part, I just want to think about this topic. Starting from the 18th century and earlier, from the 17th century, the opposition of human culture to nature was established. These centuries created the myth of the “natural man,” close to nature and therefore not only not spoiled, but also uneducated. Whether openly or covertly, ignorance was considered the natural state of man. And this is not only deeply erroneous, this belief entailed the idea that any manifestation of culture and civilization is inorganic, capable of spoiling a person, and therefore one must return to nature and be ashamed of one’s civilization.

    This opposition of human culture as an allegedly “unnatural” phenomenon to “natural” nature was especially established after J.-J. Rousseau was reflected in Russia in the special forms of the peculiar Rousseauism that developed here in the 19th century: in populism, Tolstoy’s views on the “natural man” - the peasant, opposed to the “educated class”, simply the intelligentsia. Going to the people in a literal and figurative sense led in some part of our society in the 19th and 20th centuries to many misconceptions regarding the intelligentsia. The expression “rotten intelligentsia” also appeared, contempt for the supposedly weak and indecisive intelligentsia. A misconception has also been created about the “intellectual” Hamlet as a person constantly wavering and indecisive. But Hamlet is not weak at all: he is filled with a sense of responsibility, he hesitates not out of weakness, but because he thinks, because he is morally responsible for his actions.

    They lie about Hamlet that he is indecisive.
    He is determined, rude and smart,
    But when the blade is raised,
    Hamlet hesitates to be destructive
    And looks through the periscope of time.
    Without hesitation, the villains shoot
    In the heart of Lermontov or Pushkin...
    (From a poem by D. Samoilov
    "Hamlet's Vindication")

    Education and intellectual development are precisely the essence, the natural states of a person, and ignorance and lack of intelligence are abnormal states for a person. Ignorance or half-knowledge is almost a disease. And physiologists can easily prove this. In fact, the human brain is designed with a huge reserve. Even the most backward-educated peoples have the brain size of three Oxford universities. Only racists think differently. And any organ that does not work at full capacity finds itself in an abnormal position, weakens, atrophies, and “gets sick.” In this case, the brain disease spreads primarily to the moral area. Contrasting nature with culture is generally unsuitable for one more reason. Nature, after all, has its own culture. Chaos is not at all a natural state of nature. On the contrary, chaos (if it exists at all) is an unnatural state of nature. What is the culture of nature expressed in? Let's talk about living nature. First of all, she lives in society, community. There are plant associations: trees do not live mixed together, and well-known species are combined with others, but not all.

    Pines, for example, have certain lichens, mosses, mushrooms, bushes, etc. as neighbors. Every mushroom picker remembers this. Well-known rules of behavior are characteristic not only of animals (all dog and cat owners know this, even those living outside nature, in the city), but also of plants. Trees stretch towards the sun in different ways - sometimes in caps, so as not to interfere with each other, and sometimes spreading, in order to cover and protect another tree species that begins to grow under their cover. A pine tree grows under the cover of alder. The pine grows, and then the alder, which has done its job, dies. I observed this long-term process near Leningrad in Toksovo, where during the First World War all the pine trees were cut down and the pine forests were replaced by thickets of alder, which then nurtured young pine trees under its branches. Now there are pine trees again.

    Nature is “social” in its own way. Its “sociality” also lies in the fact that it can live next to a person, be a neighbor to him, if he, in turn, is social and intellectual himself. The Russian peasant, through his centuries-long labor, created the beauty of Russian nature. He plowed the land and thereby gave it certain dimensions. He laid the measure of his arable land, walking through it with a plow. Frontiers in Russian nature are commensurate with the work of man and horse, his ability to walk with a horse behind a plow or plow before turning back, and then forward again. Smoothing the ground, the man removed all the sharp edges, bumps, and stones. Russian nature is soft, it is cared for by the peasant in his own way. The peasant’s movements behind the plow, plow, and harrow not only created “streaks” of rye, but evened out the boundaries of the forest, formed its edges, and created smooth transitions from forest to field, from field to river or lake.

    The Russian landscape was mainly shaped by the efforts of two great cultures: the culture of man, which softened the harshness of nature, and the culture of nature, which, in turn, softened all the imbalances that man unwittingly introduced into it. The landscape was created, on the one hand, by nature, ready to master and cover up everything that man had disturbed in one way or another, and on the other hand, by man, who softened the earth with his labor and softened the landscape. Both cultures seemed to correct each other and create her humanity and freedom. The nature of the East European Plain is gentle, without high mountains, but not impotently flat, with a network of rivers ready to be “roads of communication”, and with a sky not obscured by dense forests, with sloping hills and endless roads smoothly flowing around all the hills.

    And with what care the man stroked the hills, descents and ascents! Here, the plowman's experience created an aesthetic of parallel lines - lines that went in unison with each other and with nature, like voices in ancient Russian chants. The plowman laid furrow to furrow, as he combed his hair, as he laid hair to hair. So in the hut there lies log to log, block to block, in the fence - pole to pole, and the huts themselves line up in a rhythmic row over the river or along the road - like a herd going out to a watering hole. Therefore, the relationship between nature and man is a relationship between two cultures, each of which is “social” in its own way, communal, and has its own “rules of behavior.” And their meeting is built on a kind of moral foundation. Both cultures are the fruit of historical development, and the development of human culture has been taking place under the influence of nature for a long time (since humanity has existed), and the development of nature, compared with its multimillion-year existence, is relatively recent and not always under the influence of human culture.

    One (natural culture) can exist without the other (human), but the other (human) cannot. But still, for many past centuries, there was a balance between nature and man. It would seem that it should have left both parts equal and passed somewhere in the middle. But no, the balance is everywhere its own and everywhere on some kind of its own, special basis, with its own axis. In the north of Russia there was more nature, and the closer to the steppe, the more people. Anyone who has been to Kizhi has probably seen a stone ridge stretching along the entire island, like the backbone of a giant animal. A road runs near this ridge. This ridge took centuries to form. The peasants cleared their fields of stones - boulders and cobblestones - and dumped them here, near the road. A well-groomed topography of a large island was formed. The whole spirit of this relief is permeated with a sense of centuries. And it’s not for nothing that a family of epic storytellers, the Ryabinins, lived here on the island from generation to generation.

    The landscape of Russia throughout its heroic space seems to pulsate, it either discharges and becomes more natural, or condenses in villages, graveyards and cities, and becomes more humane. In the countryside and in the city the same rhythm of parallel lines continues, which begins with the arable land. Furrow to furrow, log to log, street to street. Large rhythmic divisions are combined with small, fractional ones. One smoothly transitions to the other. The city is not opposed to nature. He goes to nature through the suburbs. “Suburb” is a word that seems to have been deliberately created to connect the idea of ​​the city and nature. The suburbs are near the city, but they are also close to nature. The suburb is a village with trees, with wooden semi-rural houses. He clung to the walls of the city, to the rampart and moat, with vegetable gardens and orchards, but he also clung to the surrounding fields and forests, taking from them a few trees, a few vegetable gardens, a little water into his ponds and wells. And all this in the ebb and flow of hidden and obvious rhythms - beds, streets, houses, logs, pavement blocks and bridges.

    November 28, 2009 will mark the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the great Russian scientist and thinker of the 20th century, Academician D.S. Likhacheva (1906-1999). Interest in the scientific and moral heritage of the scientist does not wane: his books are republished, conferences are held, and Internet sites are opened dedicated to the scientific activities and biography of the academician.

    The Likhachev Scientific Readings became an international phenomenon. As a result, ideas about the range of scientific interests of D.S. have significantly expanded. Likhachev, many of his works, previously classified as journalism, were recognized as scientific. It is proposed to classify Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev as an encyclopedist scientist, a type of researcher that has practically never been found in science since the second half of the twentieth century.

    In modern reference books you can read about D.S. Likhacheve - philologist, literary critic, cultural historian, public figure, in the 80s. “created a cultural concept, in line with which he considered the problems of humanizing people’s lives and the corresponding reorientation of educational ideals, as well as the entire education system as determining social development at the present stage.” It also talks about his interpretation of culture not only as a sum of moral guidelines, knowledge and professional skills, but also as a kind of “historical memory”.

    Understanding the scientific and journalistic heritage of D.S. Likhachev, we are trying to determine: what is the contribution of D.S. Likhachev into domestic pedagogy? What works of an academician should be considered a pedagogical heritage? It is not easy to answer these seemingly simple questions. Lack of complete academic works of D.S. Likhachev undoubtedly complicates the search for researchers. More than one and a half thousand works of the academician exist in the form of separate books, articles, conversations, speeches, interviews, etc.

    One can name more than a hundred works by the academician, which fully or partially reveal the current issues of education and upbringing of the younger generation of modern Russia. The scientist’s other works, devoted to the problems of culture, history and literature, in their humanistic orientation: their appeal to man, his historical memory, culture, citizenship and moral values, also contain enormous educational potential.

    Ideas and general theoretical principles valuable for pedagogical science are presented by D.S. Likhachev in the books: “Notes about Russian” (1981), “Native Land” (1983), “Letters about the good (and beautiful)” (1985), “Past for the future” (1985), “Notes and observations: from notes books from different years" (1989); “School on Vasilyevsky” (1990), “Book of Worries” (1991), “Thoughts” (1991), “I Remember” (1991), “Memories” (1995), “Thoughts about Russia” (1999), “Treasured "(2006), etc.

    D.S. Likhachev considered the process of upbringing and education as introducing a person to the cultural values ​​and culture of his native people and humanity. According to modern scientists, Academician Likhachev’s views on the history of Russian culture can be a starting point for the further development of the theory of pedagogical systems in their general cultural context, rethinking the goals of education and pedagogical experience.

    Education D.S. Likhachev could not imagine without education.

    “The main goal of high school is education. Education must be subordinated to upbringing. Education is, first of all, instilling morality and creating in students the skills to live in a moral atmosphere. But the second goal, closely related to the development of the moral regime of life, is the development of all human abilities and especially those that are characteristic of this or that individual.”

    In a number of publications by Academician Likhachev, this position is clarified. “Secondary school should educate a person capable of mastering a new profession, be sufficiently capable of various professions and, above all, be moral. For the moral basis is the main thing that determines the viability of society: economic, state, creative. Without a moral basis, the laws of the economy and the state do not apply...”

    It is my deep conviction that D.S. Likhachev, education should not only prepare for life and activity in a certain professional field, but also lay the foundations of life programs. In the works of D.S. Likhachev we find reflections, explanations of such concepts as human life, the meaning and purpose of life, life as the value and values ​​of life, life ideals, life path and its main stages, quality of life and lifestyle, success of life, life creativity, life building, plans and life projects, etc. Books addressed to teachers and youth are specially devoted to moral problems (the development of humanity, intelligence, and patriotism in the younger generation).

    “Letters about goodness” occupy a special place among them. The contents of the book “Letters about Good” are thoughts about the purpose and meaning of human life, about its main values... In letters addressed to the younger generation, Academician Likhachev talks about the Motherland, patriotism, the greatest spiritual values ​​of humanity, and the beauty of the world around us. An appeal to every young person with a request to think about why he came to this Earth and how to live this, in essence, very short life, makes D.S. Likhachev with the great humanist teachers K.D. Ushinsky, J. Korczak, V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

    In other works (“Native Land”, “I Remember”, “Thoughts about Russia”, etc.) D.S. Likhachev raises the question of historical and cultural continuity of generations, which is relevant in modern conditions. In the national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, ensuring the continuity of generations is highlighted as one of the most important tasks of education and upbringing, the solution of which contributes to the stabilization of society. D.S. Likhachev approaches the solution of this problem from a culturological position: culture, in his opinion, has the ability to overcome time, to connect the past, present and future. Without the past there is no future; those who do not know the past cannot foresee the future. This position should become the conviction of the younger generation. For the formation of a personality, the sociocultural environment created by the culture of his ancestors, the best representatives of the older generation of his contemporaries, and himself is extremely important.

    The surrounding cultural environment has a huge impact on personal development. “Preserving the cultural environment is a task no less important than preserving the natural environment. If nature is necessary for a person for his biological life, then the cultural environment is no less necessary for a person for his spiritual, moral life, for his spiritual settledness, for his attachment to his native places, following the behests of his ancestors, for his moral self-discipline and sociality.” Dmitry Sergeevich classifies cultural monuments as “tools” of education and upbringing. “Ancient monuments educate, just as well-groomed forests instill a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature.”

    According to Likhachev, the entire historical life of the country should be included in the circle of human spirituality. “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality, memory is the basis of culture, the “accumulations” of culture, memory is one of the foundations of poetry - the aesthetic understanding of cultural values. Preserving memory, preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” “That is why it is so important to educate young people in a moral climate of memory: family memory, folk memory, cultural memory.”

    Education of patriotism and citizenship is an important direction of D.S.’s pedagogical thoughts. Likhacheva. The scientist associates the solution of these pedagogical problems with the modern aggravation of the manifestation of nationalism among young people. Nationalism is a terrible scourge of our time. His reason D.S. Likhachev sees the shortcomings of education and upbringing: peoples know too little about each other, do not know the culture of their neighbors; There are many myths and falsifications in historical science. Addressing the younger generation, the scientist says that we have not yet learned to truly distinguish between patriotism and nationalism (“evil masquerades as good”). In his works D.S. Likhachev clearly distinguishes between these concepts, which is very important for the theory and practice of education. True patriotism consists not only in love for one’s Motherland, but also in enriching oneself culturally and spiritually, enriching other peoples and cultures. Nationalism, walling off its own culture from other cultures, dries it out. Nationalism, according to the scientist, is a manifestation of the weakness of a nation, not its strength.

    “Thoughts about Russia” is a kind of testament of D.S. Likhacheva. “I dedicate it to my contemporaries and descendants,” Dmitry Sergeevich wrote on the first page. “What I say on the pages of this book is my purely personal opinion, and I do not impose it on anyone. But the right to talk about my most general, albeit subjective, impressions gives me the fact that I have been studying Russia all my life, and there is nothing more dear to me than Russia.”

    According to Likhachev, patriotism includes: a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised; respect for the language of one’s people, concern for the interests of one’s homeland, manifestation of civic feelings and maintaining loyalty and devotion to one’s homeland, pride in the cultural achievements of one’s country, upholding its honor and dignity, freedom and independence; respectful attitude towards the historical past of the homeland, one’s people, its customs and traditions. “We must preserve our past: it has the most effective educational value. It fosters a sense of responsibility towards the Motherland.”

    The formation of the image of the Motherland occurs on the basis of the process of ethnic identification, that is, identifying oneself as a representative of a particular ethnic group, people, and the works of D.S. Likhachev can be very useful in this case. Teenagers are on the threshold of moral maturity. They are able to sense nuances in the public assessment of a number of moral concepts; they are distinguished by the richness and diversity of experienced feelings, emotional attitude to various aspects of life, and the desire for independent judgments and assessments. Therefore, instilling patriotism and pride in the path that our people have traveled among the younger generation acquires special significance.

    Patriotism is a vivid manifestation of people's, national self-awareness. The formation of true patriotism, according to Likhachev, is associated with turning the thoughts and feelings of the individual towards respect and recognition, not in words, but in deeds, of the cultural heritage, traditions, national interests, and rights of the people.

    Likhachev considered the individual as a bearer of values ​​and a condition for their preservation and development; in turn, values ​​are a condition for preserving the individual’s individuality. One of Likhachev’s main ideas was that a person should not be educated from the outside - a person should educate himself from within. He should not assimilate the truth in a ready-made form, but throughout his life he should be closer to developing this truth.

    Turning to the creative heritage of D.S. Likhachev, we identified the following pedagogical ideas:

    The idea of ​​Man, his spiritual powers, his ability to improve along the path of goodness and mercy, his desire for an ideal, for harmonious coexistence with the world around him;

    The idea of ​​​​the possibility of transforming the spiritual world of man through Russian classical literature and art; the idea of ​​Beauty and Goodness;

    The idea of ​​connecting a person with his past - centuries-old history, present and future. Awareness of the idea of ​​continuity of a person’s connection with the heritage of his ancestors, customs, way of life, culture, develops in schoolchildren the idea of ​​the Fatherland, duty, patriotism;

    The idea of ​​self-improvement, self-education;

    The idea of ​​forming a new generation of Russian intellectuals;

    The idea of ​​cultivating tolerance, focusing on dialogue and cooperation

    The idea of ​​a student mastering cultural space through independent, meaningful, motivated learning activities.

    Education as a value determines the attitude of the younger generation to the most important aspect of our lives - lifelong education, which everyone needs in the era of rapid development of scientific and technical information. For Likhachev, education was never reduced to learning to operate with a sum of facts. In the process of education, he emphasized that internal meaning that transforms the consciousness of the individual towards “reasonable, good, eternal” and the rejection of everything that undermines the moral integrity of a person.

    Education as a social institution of society is, according to Likhachev, precisely an institution of cultural continuity. To understand the “nature” of this institution, an adequate assessment of the teachings of D.S. is very important. Likhachev about culture. Likhachev closely linked culture with the concept of intelligence, the characteristic features of which are the desire to expand knowledge, openness, service to people, tolerance, and responsibility. Culture appears to be a unique mechanism of self-preservation of society and is a means of adaptation to the surrounding world; the assimilation of its patterns is a basic element of personal development, focused on the moral and aesthetic values ​​of a person.

    D.S. Likhachev connects morality and cultural outlook; for him this connection is something self-evident. In “Letters about Good,” Dmitry Sergeevich, expressing “his admiration for art, for its works, for the role it plays in the life of humanity,” wrote: “...The greatest value that art rewards a person is the value of kindness. ...Awarded through art with the gift of a good understanding of the world, the people around him, the past and the distant, a person makes friends more easily with other people, with other cultures, with other nationalities, it is easier for him to live. ...A person becomes morally better, and therefore happier. …Art illuminates and at the same time sanctifies a person’s life.”

    Each era found its prophets and its commandments. At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, a man appeared who formulated the eternal principles of life in relation to new conditions. These commandments, according to the scientist, represent a new moral code of the third millennium:

    1. Do not kill or start a war.

    2. Do not think of your people as the enemy of other nations.

    3. Do not steal or misappropriate your brother’s labor.

    4. Seek only the truth in science and do not use it for evil or for self-interest.

    5. Respect the thoughts and feelings of your brothers.

    6. Honor your parents and ancestors and preserve and honor everything they created.

    7. Honor nature as your mother and helper.

    8. Let your work and thoughts be the work and thought of a free creator, and not a slave.

    9. Let all living things live, let all imaginable things be thought.

    10. Let everything be free, for everything is born free.

    These ten commandments serve as “Likhachev’s testament and his self-portrait. He had a pronounced combination of intelligence and kindness.” For pedagogical science, these commandments can serve as a theoretical basis for the content of moral education.

    “D.S. Likhachev plays a role that is in many ways similar to the role of not only a theorist who modernized moral precepts, but also a practical teacher. Perhaps it is appropriate here to compare him with V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Only we are not just reading a story about our own teaching experience, but as if we are present in the lesson of a wonderful teacher, leading a conversation that is amazing in terms of pedagogical talent, choice of subject, methods of argumentation, pedagogical intonation, mastery of material and words.”

    Educational potential of D.S.’s creative heritage Likhachev is unusually great, and we tried to comprehend it as a source of formation of value orientations of the younger generation, developing a series of moral lessons based on the books “Letters about Good”, “Treasured”.

    The formation of value orientations of adolescents based on Likhachev’s pedagogical ideas included the following guidelines:

    Purposeful formation of Russian identity in the consciousness of the modern younger generation as the creator of the state and the custodian of its great scientific and cultural heritage, the desire to increase the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation;

    Education of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral qualities of a teenager’s personality;

    Respect for the values ​​of civil society and an adequate perception of the realities of the modern global world;

    Openness to interethnic interaction and intercultural dialogue with the outside world;

    Fostering tolerance, orientation towards dialogue and cooperation;

    Enriching the spiritual world of adolescents by introducing them to self-exploration and reflection.

    The “image of result” in our case implied the enrichment and manifestation of the value-oriented experience of adolescents.

    Reflections and individual notes of Academician D.S. Likhachev, short essays, philosophical poems in prose collected in the book “Treasured”, an abundance of interesting information of a general cultural and historical nature is valuable for a teenager. For example, the story “Honor and Conscience” allows teenagers to talk about the most significant internal human values ​​and introduces them to the code of knightly honor. Teenagers can offer their own code of morality and honor (for a student, a friend).

    We used the “reading with stops to answer questions” technique when we discussed with teenagers the parable “The people about themselves” from the book “Treasured.” A deep philosophical parable gave rise to a conversation with teenagers about citizenship and patriotism. The questions for discussion were:

    • What is a person's true love for his homeland?
    • How does a sense of civic responsibility manifest itself?
    • Do you agree that “in the condemnation of evil there is certainly hidden a love for good”? Prove your opinion, illustrate with examples from life or works of art.

    Schoolchildren in grades 5-7 compiled Ethics Dictionaries based on the book by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about goodness”. The work of compiling a dictionary gave teenagers not only an idea of ​​moral and spiritual values, but also helped them realize these values ​​in their own lives; contributed to effective interaction with others: peers, teachers, adults. Older teenagers compiled the Citizen's Dictionary based on the book by D.S. Likhachev "Thinking about Russia".

    “Philosophical table” - we used this form of communication with older teenagers on issues of an ideological nature (“The meaning of life”, “Does a person need a conscience?”). The participants of the “Philosophical Table” were posed in advance a question, the answer to which they looked for in the works of Academician D.S. Likhacheva. The art of the teacher was manifested in timely connecting the judgments of the pupils, supporting their bold thoughts, and noticing those who had not yet acquired the determination to say their word. The atmosphere of active discussion of the problem was also facilitated by the design of the room where the “Philosophical Table” took place: tables arranged in a circle, portraits of philosophers, posters with aphorisms on the topic of conversation. We invited guests to the “Philosophical Table”: students, authoritative teachers, parents. The participants did not always come to a common solution to the problem posed; the main thing was to stimulate the desire of adolescents to independently analyze and reflect, to look for answers to questions about the meaning of life.

    When working with the book by D.S. Likhachev “Zavetnoe”, business games can be carried out as a combination of situational and role-playing games, providing many combinations of solutions to the problem posed.

    For example, the business game “Editorial Board” is an almanac edition. The almanac was a handwritten publication with illustrations (drawings, caricatures, photographs, collages, etc.).

    In the book “Treasured” there is a story by D.S. Likhachev about traveling along the Volga “The Volga as a reminder.” Dmitry Sergeevich proudly says: “I saw the Volga.” We asked one group of teenagers to remember a moment in their lives about which they could proudly say: “I saw...” Prepare a story for the almanac.

    Another group of teenagers was asked to “make” a documentary film with views of the Volga based on the story of D.S. Likhachev “Volga as a reminder. Turning to the text of the story allows you to “hear” what is happening (the Volga was filled with sounds: steamships hummed, greeting each other. Captains shouted into their mouthpieces, sometimes just to convey the news. Loaders sang).

    “The Volga is known for its cascade of hydroelectric power stations, but the Volga is no less valuable (and perhaps more so) for its “cascade of museums.” The art museums of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Ples, Samara, Astrakhan are a whole “people's university”.

    Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, in his articles, speeches, and conversations, has repeatedly emphasized the idea that “local history fosters love for the native land and provides the knowledge without which it is impossible to preserve cultural monuments in the field.

    Cultural monuments cannot simply be stored - outside of human knowledge about them, human care for them, human “doing” next to them. Museums are not storerooms. The same should be said about the cultural values ​​of a particular area. Traditions, rituals, and folk art require, to a certain extent, their reproduction, performance, and repetition in life.

    Local history as a cultural phenomenon is remarkable in that it allows us to closely connect culture with pedagogical activities, uniting young people in circles and societies. Local history is not only a science, but also an activity.”

    The story “About Monuments” from D.S. Likhachev’s book “Treasured” became the reason for a conversation on the pages of the almanac about unusual monuments that exist in different countries and cities: a monument to Pavlov’s dog (St. Petersburg), a monument to a cat (Roshchino village, Leningrad region), monument to the wolf (Tambov), monument to Bread (Zelenogorsk, Leningrad region), monument to geese in Rome, etc.

    On the pages of the almanac there were “reports on a creative trip,” literary pages, fairy tales, short travel stories, etc.

    The presentation of the almanac was carried out in the form of an “oral journal”, a press conference, and a presentation. The educational goal of this technique is to develop the creative thinking of adolescents and search for an optimal solution to the problem.

    Excursions to museums, sightseeing places in one’s hometown, excursion trips to another city, trips to cultural and historical monuments are of enormous educational importance. And the first journey, Likhachev believes, a person should make in his own country. Getting to know the history of your country, its monuments, its cultural achievements is always the joy of the endless discovery of something new in the familiar.

    Multi-day hikes and trips introduced students to the history, culture, and nature of the country. Such expeditions made it possible to organize the work of students for the whole year. At first, teenagers read about the places they were going to, and during the trip they took photographs and kept diaries, and then they made an album, prepared a slide presentation or film, for which they selected music and text, and showed it at a school party to those who were not on the trip. The cognitive and educational value of such trips is enormous. During the campaigns they carried out local history work, recorded memories and stories of local residents; collected historical documents and photographs.

    Raising teenagers in the spirit of citizenship based on the development of moral feelings and guidelines is, of course, a difficult task, the solution of which requires special tact and pedagogical skill, and this is the work of D.S. Likhachev, the fate of a great contemporary, his reflections on the meaning of life can play an important role.

    Works of D.S. Likhachev are of undoubted interest for understanding such an important and complex problem as the formation of value orientations of an individual.

    Creative heritage of D.S. Likhachev is a meaningful source of enduring spiritual and moral values, their expression, enriching the spiritual world of the individual. During the perception of the works of D.S. Likhachev and their subsequent analysis, there is an awareness and then justification of the significance for society and for the individual of this heritage. Creative heritage of D.S. Likhachev serves as the scientific basis and moral support that creates the prerequisites for the correct choice of axiological guidelines for education.

    10. Triodine, V.E. Ten commandments of Dmitry Likhachev // Very um. 2006/2007 - No. 1 – special issue for the 100th anniversary of the birth of D.S. Likhacheva. P.58.