Teapot in pencil. How to draw a teapot with a pencil step by step

The most ancient and interesting way of self-expression is drawing. Artists depict the reality around them on their canvases, using all kinds of techniques from a simple pencil to oil paintings.

A beginner amateur may think that learning to draw is difficult, and it is impossible to do it without a teacher. But step-by-step instructions and perseverance will help everyone achieve their dreams.

How and with what to draw a teapot

You can start drawing with simple household objects, a sample of which is visible. A beginner may be interested in the question of how to draw a kettle - after all, this is a simple appliance that is found in every home. It is best to use a simple pencil; it can be easily erased if something goes wrong.

Other tools that may come in handy include:

  • soft eraser;
  • paper of a suitable size;
  • ruler.

To understand how to draw a teapot, and the best way to do it, it is also important to determine the appropriate conditions for the upcoming work, tune in to the artistic process and do everything for your own pleasure.

Important Factors for Successful Drawing

Before you figure out how to draw a teapot with a pencil step by step, you need to prepare a workplace and the necessary tools. There are a few important points to remember:

  1. First of all, you need to study the shape of the object, decide on the proportions of all parts, think about the location of the drawing on the paper and observe the ratio of length, width and height.
  2. The workplace should be comfortable so as not to be distracted.
  3. It is important to provide good lighting for work. You can draw near a window or under strong artificial light.
  4. It is convenient to use an easel or tablet fixed at the desired angle, which can be placed both on your lap and on a chair, giving the desired angle of inclination.
  5. It is recommended for a beginning artist to use special medium-grain paper for drawing.
  6. The pencil is held at arm's length, without touching parts of it to the canvas.
  7. Pencils with leads of different hardness are required. Strong pressure from a sharpened pencil leaves a scratch. And soft ones will allow you to draw the natural shadow of an object.
  8. Errors can be eliminated with an ordinary eraser, on which it is recommended to first make a cut so as not to wipe away excess.

If you arrange your workplace and prepare all the necessary tools before figuring out how to draw a teapot, the process will go easily and give the desired result.

Step-by-step instructions for completing the drawing

The question of how to draw a teapot with a pencil step by step is acute for beginners until the process has begun. The first strokes give motivation and a rough vision of the future drawing, and then it will be easier.

The drawing should be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to mark a sheet of paper with two lines - vertical and horizontal.
  2. Mark the approximate height and width of the teapot, inside which draw an oval or circle that follows the shape of the body of the future teapot.
  3. Next, you need to determine the location of the spout and handle. On both sides of the oval you need to draw a triangle, maintaining the distance from the teapot to the edge of the spout and from the teapot to the uppermost point of the handle, so as not to distort the dimensions of the drawing.
  4. For the nose, draw a rectangle on the outer side of the oval of the triangle, placing it inside the triangle. In the upper part of the rectangle there is an oval - the future hole for pouring the tea leaves.
  5. On the opposite side of the oval, you need to round the outer corner of the triangle to the shape of the kettle handle.
  6. It is necessary to place ovals above and below the central oval, respecting the proportions of the lid and bottom of the teapot.
  7. The lower oval is united by smooth lines with the body of the teapot, and in the center of the upper oval there is a square on which another oval is drawn - this is the handle of the lid.
  8. All geometric shapes of the sketch must be connected and drawn with smooth contours, using the required line thickness.
  9. Use an eraser to remove the auxiliary lines used for the teapot sketch.
  10. Apply shadows using shading, at different angles and with different pressure.

If you follow all the agreed rules, the question of how to draw a teapot will gradually become clear and simple. And accuracy and effort will give the desired result.

The beginning of any work is drawing. It must be done subtly and carefully. You can first make a few pencil sketches and sketches to understand how to draw objects. Be sure to reflect such things as, for example, the width of the walls of the cup, the thickness of the handles of the cup and teapot.

Fill the shadow parts very lightly and transparently. Please note that each item is filled with its own color. Don't forget about the direction of the color, and therefore the location of the shadow. So, not only part of the outer side of the objects should be in the shadow, but also the surface inside the cup, the inside of the kettle handle and its spout.

Gradually intensify the color of the shadows. The first fill serves as our base and is the penumbra, and now we move on to the shadow itself. Let's start with the teapot. The most intense shadow will be on the right and below, under the spout of the teapot. The lower part of the spout is also in the shade. The shadow falls very beautifully in shape, further emphasizing the shape and volume of the nose. The same with the shadows on the handle and the ball on the lid of the teapot. We also intensify the shadows on the cup from the outer edge and inside, while complicating the color by adding a second color to it.

We continue to work with the shadow parts, complicating them in color. Feel free to introduce a second color on each item. Notice how much more active the two-color shadow becomes. With a thinner brush, work on small details, such as the rim of the teapot lid, the edge of the cup, so that its thickness is clearly visible. The shadow is also active on the handles, especially at the bends and connections to the larger shape.

Fill the background with translucent color. Make the background in the background a little darker. And the surface on which objects stand is lighter, since it is more illuminated. But that's not all, don't forget about cool and warm colors. We make the background colder, and the foreground, accordingly, warmer.

Adding shadows from objects. Be very careful, as the shadows can merge into one, and in addition, the shadow of an object that stands in front falls slightly on the object behind. Do not forget that the shadow additionally draws the shape. The shadow of the cup's handle lies on the cup itself. Also, the shadow of the ball lies on the lid of the teapot.

After the entire composition has been sorted by color, all that remains is to do detailed work. Add light partial shade to the illuminated part of the cup and teapot. In this way we achieve a visual rounding of the shape, figuratively speaking, the edge seems to be wrapped. Make small accents of color in the darkest areas that are at the junction with the illuminated ones. This contrast is always very sharp. It is especially important to work on areas such as the illuminated and shadowed parts of the handles, the inside of the cup and its thickness. At the same time, large parts located in the shade do not have sharp contrasts with the penumbra. Make the last few strokes on the shape. We visually bring the convex middle of the teapot forward using a horizontal stroke and at the same time, as if we indicate a “break” in the shape.

Often we draw a picture where all the details seem to be simple, but when it comes to drawing, we fail to draw it as we intended. Therefore, our lessons will help you in drawing. Today we will talk about how to draw a teapot. It's very easy if you draw it step by step and take your time. We hope you will be pleased with our article.

Drawing stages

  1. Choose pencils that are of a comfortable stiffness for you. It's better to take professional pencils. Draw a round teapot. First we draw a roundness - this will be the base of the teapot. You can come up with its silhouette yourself; it can be elongated or flattened.
  2. Then draw the silhouettes of the teapot spout and handle. This can be depicted in the form of triangles drawn onto a circle.
  3. Then place a pencil on the top corner of the triangle (which will be the nose) and draw a rectangle on top at a slight angle. Make sure that your drawing turns out natural; if you see inaccuracies, correct them immediately, and draw a semicircle above the second triangle. This will be part of the handle. Take a teapot from your sideboard to copy, it will be easier for you. How to draw a teapot? Follow all our drawing steps and you will succeed!
  4. Next, draw the lid and bottom of the teapot (base). While this is difficult to do, now you are just figuring out how they will look.
  5. After all the steps given above, you draw out the teapot and outline its contours with a more saturated drawing pencil, maybe black or any other.
  6. Now it's time to paint the teapot. Do this in any color, just be sure to highlight the shadows or highlights on the teapot to give it dimension.

We hope you liked our article on how to draw a teapot step by step.

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a teapot. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a teapot we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Ordinary household things are the easiest to draw, because you can always look at the teapot, it’s always at hand and you can examine every detail. You have to draw not from your head, but from nature, and this is much more pleasant and easier. If you do not have the opportunity to look at what you are drawing, it is better to turn to a search engine and look at the photos before taking the lesson.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. What do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies? Try making a sketch not with outlines, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Now we will draw a teapot with a pencil step by step. There are different types of kettles, such as electric, wall-mounted, camping, teapots and many others. We will draw a teapot.

First draw a large circle for the base of the teapot.

Draw two triangles on both sides of the circle.

On the left side of the triangle, draw a rectangle at an angle. On the other side, draw a semicircle.

At the bottom of the large circle, draw a curved line and connect its edges to the circle. Draw an oval on the top of the large circle. Draw a square in the center of the oval. Draw a small oval at the top of the square.

Now trace your teapot with a black pen and erase the teapot sketch with an eraser.

Finally, decorate your teapot using dark colors. For example, brown or gray. That's it, the teapot is ready, you can pour the tea leaves and drink tea.

A lesson on how to draw a teapot is dedicated to tea lovers. A kettle is a device for heating water to maximum temperature. As a result, most (and possibly all) living creatures living in water are killed. It was invented by the British, according to the British themselves. Can be powered by either fire or electricity. You will not be able to boil water in two ways at the same time.

People also call a teapot a person who has a very unfortunate knowledge of a certain area. Synonyms: lamer, noob. These types of people can be found especially often in the field of computer and space technologies.

There are many varieties of it:

  • Electric is a very convenient device, especially for people with sclerosis. Does not allow the apartment to burn down and can maintain the desired temperature for an indefinite period of time;
  • Mounted - the same as for the stove, only suspended in the air to save space;
  • Camping - it is also called campfire.
  • Tetsubin is a Japanese cast iron device.

I took an electric one as an example:

How to draw a teapot with a pencil step by step

Step one. Divide the paper with one vertical and horizontal line, then draw parts of the device in each sector. Step two. Clearly outline its contours, handle and lid on top. Step three. Remove the auxiliary lines applied in the first stages and write the name of the Breville company, or any other. Step four. Add shadows. Here: Here you can find many more similar drawing lessons, try for example.