Home workout chart for men. The Ideal Gym Workout Program for Men - A Plan for Total Body Transformation

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The inability to regularly go to the gym should not be an obstacle to a healthy and beautiful body. You can and even need to study on your own. The home workout program for men is, of course, different from the one available in the gym.

Specifics of independent training

When you decide to start doing the exercises, don’t forget that although you are not in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, this does not change the rules of the training process.


  1. Before each workout, be sure to do a good warm-up.
  2. Make a study plan and stick to it.
  3. Choose your own loads. Don't overdo it, but at the same time, if you feel like you can do more, do it.
  4. Focus on the quality of the exercises, and then gradually increase the quantity.

“Home” training has some disadvantages, and the main one is the lack of exercise equipment. But this problem is not difficult to solve. If possible, purchase a barbell and collapsible dumbbells. Collapsible ones are preferable, because they can easily change the weight, and you don’t need to have a large amount of equipment at home. And if purchasing is not possible, you can make weights yourself.

For example, “folk” analogues of dumbbells are plastic bottles with sand. And of course, no rare muscle loads with a barbell or improvised dumbbells can replace regular high-quality training. Let's consider several options for what they can be.

Home workout program

When scheduling your workouts, be sure to take into account recovery and rest periods. The standard option would be loads three times a week, for example, or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.

Each day should be devoted to a separate muscle group. But no matter what part of the body you train, always warm up completely - from the neck to the ankles. Repeat each warm-up movement 8-10 times.

It is advisable to do the warm-up like this:

  • – bending back and forth and to the sides;
  • shoulders – rotations and jerks with straight arms back and forth;
  • body – turns to the sides, bends back and forth;
  • pelvis – circular rotation in different directions;
  • knees - squats;
  • ankles – circular rotations.

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Men today are very busy as we live in a society with a fast-paced culture that leaves little time for regular exercise. Against this background, Charles Atlas has developed an excellent 10-minute set of basic physical exercises. Of course, 10 minutes of exercise a day will not correct body deficiencies and return to good physical shape, but it is quite enough to prevent muscle atrophy and maintain good physical shape. This exercise technique showed very good results. The undoubted advantage of this complex is that you do not need any additional devices.

So, are you ready to get started? Then get ready and let's start working!

A set of physical exercises

Spinal stretch. This simple exercise will keep your spine flexible. Stand up straight and clasp your hands behind your head. Then bend down so that your elbows touch your knees. Return to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

Deep squats. This exercise is the basis for a good workout of the quadriceps of the thigh, buttocks and leg flexor muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Squat all the way to the floor. Straighten up and repeat the exercise 12 times.

Finger raises. This exercise develops the calf muscles. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Rise high on your toes. Lower your heels to the floor. To increase the load, you can stand with your toes on a small elevation, for example, on a thick book, and do the exercise like this.

Lying push-ups. Lean on the toes of your outstretched straight legs and on your two hands, shoulder-width apart. Lower your straight body to the floor by bending your arms, then return to the starting position by pushing up from the floor with your arms. To work different muscle groups, reduce or increase the width of your arms.

Lifting the body. Sit on your buttocks (preferably on a mat). Raise your legs straight and place them on a chair or sofa. After this, lift your buttocks and body as high as you can. Return to the starting position.

Leg lift. This exercise will allow you to work your abs; it is one of the main ones. Sit on the floor and extend your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands on the floor behind your body. Quickly lift your legs straight up so that your body and legs form a V. Lower your legs.

Bike. This exercise will perfectly work all the abdominal muscles, it is very easy to perform. Lie on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor and begin to slowly imitate pedaling. When your left knee is on top, lift your torso and touch it with your right elbow. Then do the same with your right knee and left elbow.

We hope that while sitting on the couch and eating a donut, you are thinking about where to start training at home and looking for exercises for beginners to start a new life not after the New Year, but right now.

Of course, you can remove the coffee table to free up space. Make sure you can get up 15 minutes early and find time to do some beginner exercises before work. And you can definitely stock up on barbells and dumbbells for exercise in your new home gym. But what next? With our help, your first steps towards good physical shape will not become more confident and for this we have prepared a set of exercises for training at home.

Below is a list of the best exercises for beginners to do at home, along with information on how to do them correctly and what makes them beneficial. Read and combine them, creating an individual training program that will make it more convenient for you to start your first home fitness classes. They include basic exercises that are accessible to every beginner, but no less effective, as well as several isolated movements to make the training safe. Good luck.


How to do the exercise?

To get into a push-up position, lie on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart and your back straight, creating a straight line from head to toe across your buttocks. Lower your body until your chest is an inch off the floor, then quickly rise up, straightening your arms completely. Repeat.

Why do this exercise at home?

Doing push-ups maximally utilizes multiple muscle groups, making your shoulders stronger and stronger. This exercise is easy to do at home. It prepares you for further heavy loads on the shoulder girdle that you will encounter during exercise, such as when performing an incline bench press.

Standing Dumbbell Press

While standing, hold two dumbbells at shoulder level, with the grip on top and your palms facing forward. Make sure your elbows are out to the sides rather than pointing forward. Raise the dumbbells above your head until your arms are completely straight. Slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

This is a safer way to strengthen your shoulders than the overhead press. The beginner's goal should be to prevent shoulder strain and also to protect himself from an injury called rotator cuff syndrome. Skipping classes so early in the initial stages of working with weights is especially unacceptable.

With dumbbells in each hand, stand in a “shoulder-width apart” position. Keeping your head and back straight, squat down until the dumbbells are an inch off the floor. Avoid leaning your knees against your chest or toes, and avoid bending your back or leaning forward as if you were falling. Exit, straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

For what?

Squats are an excellent exercise in all respects, one of the best for strengthening all muscle groups. Dumbbells will allow you to focus on technique and work on your range of motion with light weights. Once you learn how to do this, you can take it to the next level by squatting at the gym.

"Farmer's Walk"

Grab two heavy dumbbells for each arm—about half your own weight—and hold them at your sides. Stand tall, point your shoulders back, and walk forward in short steps as quickly as you can.

For what?

There is no need to worry about technique with this very simple exercise. It targets the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder, as well as the upper trapezius and anterior deltoids. In addition, this exercise increases grip strength, which will also be useful in future exercises with a load.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

For this standing exercise, hold a light dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lift the dumbbells, arms out to the sides, until they are at shoulder level—no higher—and resist the urge to fool yourself by simply swinging the weights. Stop, then slowly return your arms to your sides. It is slowly - only in this way, resisting the force of gravity, you will pump up your muscles more than if you allow gravity to work for you.

For what?

If you do the exercise at home, it will best demonstrate the development of your shoulder girdle. The lateral raise directly targets your medius deltoids, the middle of the three shoulder muscles, helping to develop width and thickness in the shoulder girdle. All this best creates that very V-shape that you dream of.

Calf raises with dumbbells

For this standing exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand with the balls of your toes and heels touching the floor. Rise onto your toes and hold this position as long as possible. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

For what?

Many beginners tend to skip foot work when it comes time to exercise the leg muscles. Incorporate this exercise into your home workout to ensure you're developing your legs just as much as if you were going to the gym.

Bicep curls with dumbbells

While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand, keep your shoulders still, and lift your weighted arms up until the dumbbells are level with your shoulders. Concentrate on keeping your elbows in the same position and only your forearms moving. Squeeze your biceps as hard as you can, then slowly lower and repeat.

For what?

The exercise is ideal for developing those muscles that you want to see in front of the mirror. By keeping your shoulders motionless, you achieve maximum effect in increasing the entire biceps.

Step-ups with dumbbells

Stand in front of a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Rise up onto it with your right leg, pushing off from your heel so that you are completely on the bench. Step down from it with your left leg and repeat the exercise on the other side of the apparatus.

For what?

Activation of all upper leg muscles (glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings) represents an entire day of activity achieved in one exercise. Additionally, due to its low impact, it does not lead to the knee injuries associated with higher impact exercises.

Plank exercise

Get into a push-up position, but use your forearms instead of your hands. Make sure you straighten your back and tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. Maintain the position without allowing your hips to sag.

For what?

Repeated crunches put pressure on your spine, and if done incorrectly, you'll end up with your abdominal muscles in strange, stretched shapes. The plank exercise is great for your core without causing any injury. By doing it, you will get a flat stomach with six-pack abs.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs straight. Raise your legs, helping yourself with your abdominal muscles, until your legs are above your head. Keep your body still, slowly lower your legs to the floor and repeat.

For what?

By keeping your core still and not allowing your pelvis to move, you activate your rectus abdominis (your inner six pack). Choose this exercise after squats every time.

"Dead Bug"

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up above you, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Straighten one leg until your heel is an inch off the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

For what?

By straightening your legs and keeping your heels off the floor, you not only work your abdominal muscles, but also stabilize your core. This means that you develop muscles that you can not only see in the mirror, but also use on the sports field.

"Side plank"

Lie on your left side, keep your legs straight and lean on your elbow. Lift your body and lift your hip until your body forms a straight line. Breathe deeply while holding this position. Turn over and repeat on the other side.

For what?

This excellent exercise targets the small muscles of the back - the quadratus lumborum muscles. Strengthening them is key to spinal health and will help avoid the notorious back pain for beginners. The cut obliques are a bonus.

Lie on the floor with dumbbells in your hands. Bend your elbows and hold the weight above you. Perform the press by straightening your arms up. Raise your arms to the maximum, stop and slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

By limiting the range of motion in this exercise, you will help strengthen your chest and protect yourself from the risk of shoulder injury from overuse. Consider this your springboard to showing off how great of a bench presser you are in the gym.

Triceps extension

Use your left knee and left arm as support on the bench and lean forward until your chest is parallel to the floor. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, with your biceps facing your torso and your elbow close to your body. Your arm should be bent 90 degrees so that the weight hangs below you. Gradually move the dumbbell back until your arm is completely straight behind you, then slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

Push-ups using the edge of a couch instead of parallel bars place an unsafe amount of tension in the shoulders. And this exercise affects only the triceps, which gives them maximum development, without putting unnecessary pressure on the joints. And considering that the triceps muscles make up two-thirds of the arm, this means that the weapon can be hidden in the sleeve in less time.

How to use the complex for weight gain and weight loss?

This set of exercises for beginners at home is designed for the first 2-3 months of training from scratch. Men and women can follow it, the main difference will be the working weights; for girls you need to take less.

To gain muscle mass with this training regimen, you need to use working weights with which you can do no more than 10 repetitions in one approach.

To lose weight, you need to perform exercises as intensely as possible in the style of endurance training, more than 15 repetitions per approach. A superset scheme is also good, in which you perform exercises one after another. For example, we did push-ups from the floor 10 times and immediately went to press dumbbells while standing, also 10 repetitions. We rested for a minute and a half and repeated the superset again. Do this up to 4-5 approaches, then take the second pair. The training should last no more than 1 hour, it is better to do it in 50 minutes. You can train like this 3-4 times a week, and if you have the desire and strength, you can do it more often.

(6 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Men also tend to care about their appearance. Unlike women, representatives of the stronger sex do not strive to reduce the size of their waist or hips, but to increase muscle mass, make their muscles more prominent, and remove the “beer belly”. For this, there are special exercises for men, which are designed taking into account the metabolism and metabolic processes occurring in their body.

Home exercises for men

1. Warm up.

A set of home exercises for men must include such an important component as warm-up. You cannot start strength exercises without preparing your muscles - this is harmful to the body. The main rule for a successful workout is to warm up the body with light physical activity before the main one.

So, the main warm-up exercises:

  • Rotational movements of the hands: clasp your palms together and rotate them, as if turning your hands inside out. You can simply make rotational circular movements with your hands (clench into a fist);
  • From the hands we move to the elbows: we rotate the elbow joints in different directions, alternately changing direction - away from ourselves, then towards ourselves. Next, we make movements reminiscent of a children's “duckling dance.” In total, this exercise should last no more than 2-3 minutes;
  • An important component of introductory home exercises for men is gymnastics for the neck muscles. It prepares the upper spine and shoulder girdle muscles for work. To begin, simply roll your head: lower your chin to your chest, slowly turn your head to the right, lifting your chin up. Do 10 rotations. The task can be further complicated: by rotating your head, raise your shoulders to your ears one by one, then simply swing your head left and right, moving your shoulders;
  • Exercises for the shoulder girdle: bend your arms at the elbows, touch your shoulders with your fingers. We begin to actively move our shoulders without taking our hands off the shoulder joints. Do this 10-15 times;
  • Rotation of the upper body: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. We begin to slowly rotate our pelvis, while turning our back (as if twisting our body in different directions). Duration – 2-3 minutes.
  • Classic exercises for men are bending. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. We tilt to the left, raise our right hand, and place it behind our head. We take the starting position and tilt to the right. Repeat the exercise 10 times;
  • Bend forward. Initial position. Spread your arms to the sides and slowly bend forward, take a deep breath and return to the starting position, lower your arms along your body. Repeat 5 times. Next, we lean forward and move our hands back, behind our backs. We take a deep breath and close our fingers behind our back. Slowly straighten up in this position. Repeat 5 times;

2. Basic home exercises for men.

A home complex for men includes well-known elements that effectively affect various muscles of the body, allowing you to maintain them in good shape.

Exercise 1.

The best exercise for men that you can do at home is push-ups. They very effectively strengthen muscles, give them maximum load, increase arm endurance and make the male body more prominent.

Push-ups can be performed in several ways:

  • Regular push-ups (classic method);
  • Push-ups upside down: the legs rest against a support at some elevation from the floor (example - push-ups with a fitness ball), and the hands are placed on the floor;
  • Push-ups with a narrow position of the hands: the hands are not shoulder-width apart, but placed next to each other;
  • The opposite of the previous push-up: arms should be placed wider than shoulder width. In this position, the main load falls on the chest muscles;
  • Push-ups with fists. Instead of palms, we rest on the floor with clenched fists;
  • Clapping push-ups: a fairly difficult exercise where the goal is to make a clap after each push-up;
  • One arm push up.

Exercise for men No. 2.

Squats. At home, you can significantly strengthen the muscles of the lower torso with the help of squats. You need to do them at least 40-50 per day.

Exercise No. 3.

To strengthen the abdominal muscles. You can pump up your abs by simply lying on the floor. You need to perform the exercise at least 50 times.

Abdominal exercises for men

A set of abdominal exercises for men without the use of special exercise equipment (suitable for doing at home):


Lie down on the floor. At the same time, pull your legs towards your chest and raise your upper torso. Stay in this position for a few seconds and straighten your body. Repeat 10 times.

Single leg curl.

We do the same, but alternately pull the left leg, then the right leg, to the chest. Repeat 10 times.

Leg lift.

Lying on the floor, we raise our legs bent at the knees to chest level and lower them again, straightening them. At first we do the exercise slowly, then the pace needs to be increased. Repeat 10 times.

Keeping your legs suspended.

Sit on the floor. Arms bent at the elbows, palms resting on the floor. We pull our knees to our chin and straighten our legs without laying them on the floor. Do 10 approaches. This abdominal exercise for men perfectly trains the abdominal muscles and makes the torso more prominent.

Half press.

Lie down on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your chest. With quick movements we lift our back up, not completely leveling, but only slightly rising above the floor. The exercise should be done quickly, while changing the position of the arms: first at the chest, then cross them on the stomach. Thus, we change the level of stress on the body. Repeat 20-30 times.

Exercises with dumbbells for men

Exercise No. 1.

Sit down so that the main load is on the knee of your right leg (romantic lover’s pose). Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body. Rise up sharply, lunging with your left leg and raising your arms above your head. Do the same with your right leg. Do 6 repetitions for each leg.

Exercise for men with dumbbells “Strongman” No. 2.

“Strongman” is an exercise that is performed in kettlebell lifting. In our case, a dumbbell (one) is used instead of a weight. Take a dumbbell in your right hand, place your hand in the center, parallel to your body, and squat slightly. Next, we make a sharp jerk with our right hand (we move our left one back slightly), as if letting the dumbbell fly. We straighten the body. Repeat 5 times for each hand.

Exercise No. 3. Training the biceps.

This exercise with dumbbells for men is not difficult to perform, but it requires a lot of effort, as it puts the main load on the biceps. To perform it, it is recommended to use light dumbbells at first, and after a few weeks switch to heavier ones.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body. We get down on one knee and raise our arms with dumbbells to our chest - pumping up our biceps. The wrists should be turned towards the chest. We get into the starting position and repeat everything on the other leg. Do 20 approaches (10 for each leg).

In order for all exercises for men to produce results, it is necessary to do them regularly, avoiding long breaks in training.

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At one moment, when you want to get yourself in order, but many years have already been lost, and you don’t want to review tons of information - read the article to the end and everything will become clear, you will learn everything about training at home for men.

A man lived calmly, built his life, has a job he loves, children, a wife, and suddenly an idea creeps into his head - maybe it’s worth putting his body in order.

Not necessarily for anyone, just for yourself to be proud of.

Life is about setting and achieving goals, in any business it is important to know points A and B in order to achieve results, and to conquer yourself - your inner component.

Sport is an antidepressant, it makes life brighter and every day a joy, because the brain directly depends on the state of the body.

Workouts for men from scratch

You shouldn’t run to the gym at the first opportunity and eat a lot. You need to start with exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. Be sure to run - this is the basis for strengthening muscles, it allows you to lose excess weight and activate muscles after year-long stagnation.

Base – horizontal bar, parallel bars, push-ups

Lack of physical activity atrophies muscles, and let's start with a simple but necessary element.

Training program for men

  • Push-ups on the horizontal bar and uneven bars - we do short workouts of 40 minutes, and 3 approaches to each apparatus, perform the approach until we run out of strength, rest, and do it again. The first time the muscles will ache terribly, and the next morning the enslavement will be terrible, when it’s all over, you’ll want to do it again.
  • Push-ups will help a man strengthen absolutely all the muscles of the torso, just like with the horizontal bar and parallel bars, we do 3 approaches to the end.
  • An excellent piece of equipment, cheap and useful, is a jump rope, it increases overall functionality and makes a person work more actively, the lungs increase, and shortness of breath disappears. When jumping rope, a person exhales and inhales at the same interval, so the lungs become more resilient.

Sport is also beneficial from a medical point of view. Testosterone and hormonal levels rise in the body, problems in bed and poor erection disappear.

How to organize economical and healthy nutrition

When you ask people why they don’t play sports, you hear two options in response: no money and no time. Ask yourself, just be honest, if there really is no time. Remember the moment when you really wanted something, then there was time. When you loved your girlfriend and went on a date, did you find time? Obviously yes!

Decent nutrition does not require a lot of money; patience, perseverance and desire are more useful here.

Nutrition program during training

For saturation, per day you will need:

  • 1 banana
  • 2 pieces of fish
  • 200 grams chicken
  • 300 grams of buckwheat
  • 100 grams of oatmeal
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • Potatoes 500-600 grams

Now we make a menu from these products

♦ We wake up after 8 hours of sleep, at 9 o’clock in the morning, go to the kitchen, for a good mood we turn on music to recharge ourselves with energy. We always start the morning with carbohydrates, in this case oatmeal, we are not involved in bodybuilding, so we don’t care about portions and grams. Add oatmeal, add water, after 15 minutes you can eat, do not forget to drink 0.5 water before eating.

♦ After 2 hours, you will want to eat again. If you are at work, then pack everything in a small container in advance. The second intake is again carbohydrates in the form of buckwheat, and protein, preferably fish.

The preparation is quite simple - put the water on, when it boils, add buckwheat in the proportion of 1 cup of buckwheat to 2 cups of water, low heat, the water boils away, after about 15, and voila, you're done!

Next we cook the fish, just throw it into boiled water, who doesn’t know – this is when bubbles appear on the surface. Add spices to taste - pepper, salt, and put it on a plate along with buckwheat, and a delicious meal is ready, inexpensive, but the effect is excellent.

♦ Next meal in 3-4 hours, boiled potatoes plus chicken. Cook the potatoes, check for doneness with a fork, then the chicken, here it’s better to cut off a piece and try, again add spices to taste. This lunch is very healthy, filling and cheap.

♦ Now the last time we eat is in the evening. Dinner should be as light as possible - take cheese, cut a banana into pieces and you can eat. No more sweets in your diet.

Such a schedule will protect you from many diseases and saturate your body with useful micronutrients and vitamins.

The entire meal will cost 300 rubles maximum, we buy it once a week, divide it into portions and sit down to eat every day at the same time. In order not to get tired, we replace meat, fruits, and cereals with analogues of these products.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money, you just need to know the features and composition of the products, you can look great for little money.

Is it worth going to the gym?

If you have extra money for a coach, then yes! It’s best not to start on your own without a trainer, you’ll only end up with a hernia. To pump yourself up, first use only the base - a squat with a barbell, a chest press, a deadlift.

If you have never played sports, before going to the gym, go to the doctor, do a cardiogram and tests: blood, it is also advisable to check your hormonal levels with an endocrinologist. Choose a special doctor; in big cities there are doctors who specialize in sports and diets. The doctor will compare the facts and answer whether it is worth going to the gym.

Determine your goals precisely; if the goal is not to work out and gain weight, then you can simply do the exercises at home with the materials at hand.

A set of home exercises for men

The weight is thrown off from top to bottom, and the muscles grow the other way around. If you want to pump up your arms, pump up your legs. Testosterone increases with leg exercises.

  • Squats, first done without weight, several approaches for the maximum amount. Don’t plan important meetings tomorrow, if you do a squat today, you’re unlikely to get out of bed tomorrow.
  • Push-ups from the floor can be performed with different positions of the hands - palms together, or place the index fingers and thumbs so as to form a diamond, suitable for pumping up the triceps.
  • The chest is developed by placing the arms wide, lowering slowly and rising quickly for better effect.
  • To strengthen the shoulders, we take a lying position, palms at chest level, and move the body forward as much as possible, and begin the exercise.
  • Another exercise for triceps - take 2 chairs, move your arms behind your back and place them on the chair, and your legs on another chair, begin to do push-ups as deeply as possible.
  • To pump up the biceps, you need additional weight, with the help of which we will bend the arm and pump up the biceps. Instead of a barbell, we take empty bottles, pour sand, fill with water, each bottle with a volume of 2 liters, thus creating a weight of 5 kg, make 5-6 of these, throw them inside the backpack, into the holder on the backpack, launch the towel and make a donut , it is convenient to hold it in your palm.
How to easily and simply make a horizontal bar at home or imitation bars

Making a horizontal bar in a house or apartment is easy. This option does not require a lot of money.

We need a pipe; we select the diameter to suit your needs so that it is convenient. You can make a horizontal bar in a doorway or a narrow corridor.

We take a pipe, attach rectangles to both sides of the pipe using welding, there is no welding machine at home, then we go to the market, they will make it for you for 200 rubles. We make a hole on each side and hang it in the opening.

For a narrow corridor we buy holders for cabinets. The holder looks like a piece of pipe cut in two, we insert the pipe there and screw it on.

Bars. We place two chairs side by side, with two stands on top. We take 4 wooden squares, 2 for each stand. We screw the pipe sections on top. If you just put two chairs next to each other, it will be low, but on stands it will be just right.

Such simulated projectiles will give a good effect, and will temporarily replace a real sports ground if you don’t have time after work.

Be not big, but alive and active

Weight loss workouts at home will help men regain confidence, vigor and, of course, the attention of the opposite sex!

You need to engage in self-development and the functionality of your body, jump, run, swim, no matter how old you are, such exercises are suitable for everyone.

It's never too late to develop! The saying has a caveat - it’s never too late, but it’s worth starting today!

Video workouts for men at home