The meaning of the proverb is that when you are away, you are good at home. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better everywhere (away) is good, but at home it’s better

Your own corner is the most beautiful.

Even if you crawl through your corner sideways, everything is better.

No matter the swords, you won't find a better home oven.

Wed. Soon, father, we’ll be back... - “I miss you... Being a guest is good, but being at home is better"...

Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. 1, 26.

Wed. From that time on, I became a welcoming guest of the earth, waiting for the hour when the Father would call his prodigal children to himself. Whoever says anything - It's good to be away, but it'll be better at home.

Dahl. Varnak.

Wed. It's convenient in Europe, but the homeland of affection

Can't be compared to anything...

Nekrasov. Home is best.

Wed. Orders to weave, and spin, and sew,

Untying the mind and hands,

Tells me to love trading, science,

AND finding happiness at home.

Derzhavin. Felitsa.

J. N. Payne. Clari. (Op.)

Wed. Où peut on être mieux

Qu"au sein de sa famille!

Where could it be better than in your own family?

Marmontel (1723-1799). Lucile. 1769 (comp. Grétry). 14.

Wed. Piu viale fumo di casa mia, ehe il fuoco dell" altrui.

Wed. Domus propria - domus optima.

Your own home is the best home.

Wed. Nullus locus domestica sede jucundior.

There is no place nicer than home.

Cic. Fam. 4, 8.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what “Away is good, but home is better” in other dictionaries:

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. See YARD HOUSE HOUSEHOLD...

    Your own corner is the most beautiful. Even if you crawl through your corner sideways, everything is better. No matter the swords, you won't find a better home oven. Wed. Soon, father, we'll be back... I miss you... It's good to be away, but it's better to be at home... Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. 1, 26. Wed. WITH… …

    Away is good, but home is even better. See GUEST BASTERY... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Everywhere (away) is good, but at home it’s better. Your own corner is the most beautiful. Even if you crawl through your corner sideways, everything is better. No matter the swords, you won't find a better home oven. Wed. Soon, father, they’ll be back... “I miss you... It’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home”...… …

    No matter how good it is at a party, it’s better at home. Wed. Il n'y a pas de société qu'on ne quitte. Wed. “Il n’est si bonne compagnie qui ne se quitte” (disait en mourant le roi Dagobert à ses chiens). Wed. Il n'y a si bonne compagnie qui se sépare. Wed. Pluquet... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed. Il n y à pas de société qu on ne quitte. Wed. Il n est si bonne compagnie qui ne se quitte (disait en mourant le roi Dagobert à ses chiens). Wed. Il n y a si bonne compagnie qui se sépare. Wed. Pluquet. Contes popul. et prov. p. 116. See everywhere... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    HOME, adv. In your apartment, in your house. I'm not at home in the evenings. Make yourself at home. "Being a guest is good, but being at home is better." pogov. || At home, in native places (colloquial). Mowing has already begun at our house. I was on leave at home. ❖ Not all... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Houses- adv. 1) At home, in your apartment. Don't be there at home. To stay home. To be, to feel, to behave like (at home). (freely, at ease) * It’s good at a party, but at home it’s better (verb.) 2) At home, in native places. This writer... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    adv. 1. At home, in your apartment. Don’t catch d. Stay d. Be, feel, behave like (at home) d. (freely, at ease). * It’s good when visiting, but it’s better at home (Pogov.). 2. At home, in native places. This writer is not known... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (turned into a joke). See GUEST BASTERY... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


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There's no place like home - English proverb

There is no warmer and more comfortable place in the world than your home. Wherever we go, wherever we go, it doesn’t matter, sooner or later we return to exactly the place where our soul is.

House. Only there we feel good and comfortable. No matter how much we travel, no matter how much we dream of a different life, our heart always gravitates towards our native walls.

But, as they say, every home has its own rules. For some, home is a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of people, work, noise, where you can forget and relax in peace and quiet. Someone, on the contrary, is a regular at loud guests and parties, constant holidays and open doors.

LifeGuide loves his home, so he has collected for you sayings, sayings and proverbs about the house, its guests and owners, so that everyone will think more deeply about its meaning in our lives.


And the walls in the house help.


In my house I move it the way I want.


Bring it into the house, not out of the house.


They greet a guest based on their dress, and see them off based on their intelligence.


Each hut has its own rattles


“-... This is your house, it should be clean!
“There should be happiness in the house, not cleanliness...”


Don't wash your dirty laundry in public.


There is nothing better in the world than your own home.

The owner is lying down - the whole house is lying down, the owner is out of bed - the whole house is on his feet.


My home is my castle.


They do not bow to anyone in their home.


The house is strong not by its way of life, but by its harmony.


Where there are many owners in the house, there is no sense.


“Those who have a place to return to are much less likely to be attracted to distant countries.”


That we should build a house.


Everything is fine at home, but life outside is worse.


You can’t sit at home and don’t invite you to visit.


“A person should have his own home, albeit small and cramped, but his own. A place where he could be alone. This is very important for maintaining mental clarity."


Meet not with flattery, but with honor.


Make yourself at home, but don’t forget that you are a guest.


The house is a full cup.


Home is not a decree.


The cat and the woman are always in the hut, and the man and the dog are always in the yard.


The house is waiting for the mistress, and the mistress is waiting for the owner.


Without the Trinity, a house cannot be built.


How nice it is to be in your own home! As the proverb says: “Away is good, but home is better.” This is true, any person probably feels much more comfortable at home than anywhere else. You can come to visit someone, where there is a lot of all sorts of entertainment and games, but after some time the person will begin to miss his home.

I was convinced of this yesterday when I went with my parents to visit their friends. The house we arrived at was very interesting. First we ate delicious food, I was treated to a cake and was introduced to the children of the owners of the house. We went to the children's room, two guys, a boy and a girl, showed me their toys and let me play, we played all evening, it was a lot of fun. There were also a lot of animals there: three cats, a hamster and a dog! These people love animals very much! The cats are very friendly, they behaved well when I picked them up and stroked them, then we played with them, the cats ran all over the house. The hamster we fed was very funny. Overall, it was very interesting and fun. I really liked these guys, we became friends, and I promised that we would definitely come again. I felt very comfortable in this house. There is someone to play with here, because I have no brothers and sisters, but here are two new friends!

But while the adults were sitting at the table and having their conversations, I suddenly felt somehow bored, the house was fun, but very noisy, and that made me tired. I told my mother about this, and they suggested that I lie down and rest. When I was lying on someone else's bed and I was not comfortable in someone else's room, the bed seemed to be comfortable, but for some reason I could not feel at home. I really wanted to go home.

Finally, an hour later, my parents said that we were leaving home. I was sad and happy at the same time. I didn’t want to part with the guys and cute cats, but I really wanted to go home. We said goodbye to everyone and went home.

When I found myself at home, in my own room, I realized that nothing could be better than my own home, bedroom, my own bed and pillow. Even the smell in my house is somehow more familiar. And it’s true, “it’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.” No matter how beautiful and cozy a person is in, he will only feel truly comfortable at home. You can do whatever you want at home. When visiting, you cannot climb into someone else’s bed without asking or take a beautiful vase to look at. And at home you can take whatever you want, sleep where you want and do as you wish. Home has its own special atmosphere, to which a person always wants to return, no matter where he is. With these thoughts, I covered myself with my favorite blanket and quickly fell asleep.

Option 2

Actually, I was convinced of the truthfulness of this phrase... Many people told me that it’s better at home. But I always didn’t really believe it. How can this be? You go on a visit, they greet you there, feed you delicious food, entertain you... But at home it’s just business and business. This needs to be done, then something else. Not a minute free! At home there is a routine, everything is repeated, everything gets boring. But when visiting, the place is new, the food is new, and just everything.

But somehow we were visiting for a week. We ate deliciously and walked around. There was plenty of time. You would clean your house in the evening, but here you can just watch TV and read. And it was all very cool. But already on the seventh day I began to miss home. And I think, why am I sitting here when I would have already done so many useful things at home. And the food is no longer as tasty, the entertainment and walks are no longer the same. I want to go to my yard, my native park. And how glad I was to return home! I was very happy with all the usual little things. After all, we create our own home - every thing has a story that, perhaps, only you know. And you don’t just know (they can tell you this at a party), but you have felt it. And I can’t say that I felt bad visiting – quite the opposite, but at home it’s much better!

It’s clear that routine gets boring, that you need to take a break from it, but you can’t completely abandon your home. By the way, you need to break up the routine a little sometimes. Cleaning every Sunday is boring. Well, there’s no way to do it, that is, postpone it to another day. And you can also break up your routine by going on a visit to appreciate your own more. And it’s useful to host guests! Even if they say that your place is good, their home is still better. This is how it should be, otherwise they will stay with you. I think this is not part of your plans.

I understand that it often feels like your neighbor has a house or whatever is better. But yours, even if it’s not the best according to general opinion, should be family to you. And if you really liked something at a party, then you can do the same at home - exchange experiences!

Guests often say this phrase when they leave. They seem to apologize, they say, it’s very good here, thank you and all that, but at home we have relatives - it’s better.

And in the end, this is a very positive phrase, because it’s good there, and it’s even better here. Great - positive thinking! And it doesn’t hurt anyone, that’s why I use it often now.

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