Presentation on the topic fathers and sons social studies. The history of the creation of the novel “Fathers and Sons”

Purpose: Purpose: Observation of the text of the novel, Observation of the text of the novel, to find out the reason for mutual rejection of P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov, find out the reason for the mutual rejection of P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov, determine the author’s attitude towards his heroes, determine the author’s attitude towards his heroes, note the means of creating images used by I.S. Turgenev; note the means of creating images used by I.S. Turgenev; work on the development of monologue speech, the ability to analyze work on the development of monologue speech, the ability to analyze

The history of the creation of the novel. The idea for the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in I860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. The idea for the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in I860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. It was a difficult time for the writer. His break with Sovremennik magazine had just occurred. The occasion was an article by N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel “On the Eve”. I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the gap was deeper: rejection of revolutionary ideas, “the peasant democracy of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky” and their intentions to “call Rus' to the axe.” The novel “Fathers and Sons” was an attempt to comprehend the character and direction of the activities of the “new people,” a type of which was just beginning to emerge in Russian society. It was a difficult time for the writer. His break with Sovremennik magazine had just occurred. The occasion was an article by N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel “On the Eve”. I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the gap was deeper: rejection of revolutionary ideas, “the peasant democracy of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky” and their intentions to “call Rus' to the axe.” The novel “Fathers and Sons” was an attempt to comprehend the character and direction of the activities of the “new people,” a type of which was just beginning to emerge in Russian society.

I.S. Turgenev about the novel “...At the basis of the main figure, Bazarov, lay one personality of a young provincial doctor that struck me. (He died shortly before 1860.) This remarkable man embodied - to my eyes - that barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism. The impression made on me by this person was very strong and at the same time not entirely clear; At first, I myself could not give myself a good account of it - and I listened intensely and looked closely at everything that surrounded me, as if wanting to check the veracity of my own feelings. I was embarrassed by the following fact: in not a single work of our literature did I even see a hint of what I saw everywhere; Involuntarily, a doubt arose: am I chasing a ghost?” “...At the base of the main figure, Bazarov, lay one personality of a young provincial doctor that struck me. (He died shortly before 1860.) This remarkable man embodied - to my eyes - that barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism. The impression made on me by this person was very strong and at the same time not entirely clear; At first, I myself could not give myself a good account of it - and I listened intensely and looked closely at everything that surrounded me, as if wanting to check the veracity of my own feelings. I was embarrassed by the following fact: in not a single work of our literature did I even see a hint of what I saw everywhere; Involuntarily, a doubt arose: am I chasing a ghost?”

Work on the novel continued in Paris in September 1860. Work on the novel continued in Paris in September 1860. During the winter, the first chapters were written. In letters from this time there are constantly requests to report on the news of the social life of Russia, seething on the eve of the greatest event in its history - the abolition of serfdom. To get the opportunity to directly become acquainted with the problems of modern Russian reality, I. S. Turgenev comes to Russia. The writer finished the novel, begun before the reform of 1861, after it in his beloved Spassky. The first chapters were written during the winter. In letters from this time there are constantly requests to report on the news of the social life of Russia, seething on the eve of the greatest event in its history - the abolition of serfdom. To get the opportunity to directly become acquainted with the problems of modern Russian reality, I. S. Turgenev comes to Russia. The writer finished the novel, begun before the reform of 1861, after it in his beloved Spassky. In the fall, upon returning to Paris, I. S. Turgenev reads his novel to V. P. Botkin and K. K. Sluchevsky, whose opinion he valued very much. Agreeing and arguing with their judgments, the writer, in his own words, “plows” the text, makes numerous changes and amendments to it. “I corrected and added some things, and in March 1862 “Fathers and Sons” appeared in the “Russian Bulletin” (I. S. Turgenev. “About “Fathers and Sons”). In the fall, upon returning to Paris, I. S. Turgenev reads his novel to V. P. Botkin and K. K. Sluchevsky, whose opinion he valued very much. Agreeing and arguing with their judgments, the writer, in his own words, “plows” the text, makes numerous changes and amendments to it. “I corrected and added some things, and in March 1862 “Fathers and Sons” appeared in the “Russian Bulletin” (I. S. Turgenev. “About “Fathers and Sons”). So, a year and a half after the idea was conceived, the novel “Fathers and Sons” was published on the pages of the February issue of the magazine “Russian Messenger”. I. S. Turgenev dedicated it to V. G. Belinsky. So, a year and a half after the idea was conceived, the novel “Fathers and Sons” was published on the pages of the February issue of the magazine “Russian Messenger”. I. S. Turgenev dedicated it to V. G. Belinsky.

Changes in the socio-political system (constitutional monarchy); softening or abolition of serfdom; allocation of small plots of land to peasants; Russian national identity; Zemsky Sobors - the voice of the people; The only true and moral religion is Orthodoxy. In their opinion, the Russian people have a special spirit of collectivism. By this they explained the special path of Russia. Fought against the worship of the West

They advocated the development of Russia in line with European civilization; advocated the development of Russia in line with European civilization; explained the difference from the West by the historical backwardness of Russia; explained the difference from the West by the historical backwardness of Russia; denied the special role of the peasant community; denied the special role of the peasant community; advocated for widespread education of the people. advocated for widespread education of the people. They looked up to the West in everything, extolled Peter I as the great transformer of Russia. Westerners

They considered the peasantry as the main revolutionary force in the country; combined the idea of ​​a peasant revolution with the ideas of utopian socialism; they believed that Russia, after the abolition of serfdom through the peasant revolution, bypassing capitalism, would come to socialism through the peasant community; advocated for the development of social sciences, literature, and art. N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, A.I. Herzen, N.P. Ogarev Magazines “Sovremennik”, “Bell”

So, the novel “Fathers and Sons” was completed by the author in July 1861, published in 1862. These dates are certainly important. It is no coincidence that I.S. At the very beginning of the novel, Turgenev gives a whole series of numbers and dates. What can they tell the attentive reader? So, the novel “Fathers and Sons” was completed by the author in July 1861, published in 1862. These dates are certainly important. It is no coincidence that I.S. At the very beginning of the novel, Turgenev gives a whole series of numbers and dates. What can they tell the attentive reader? Russia in the second half of the 19th century lived on the eve of a huge social event - the abolition of serfdom, which for the country was supposed to become a turning point in all spheres of public life, including the breaking of the worldview of the advanced social strata. What does the expression “time split” mean? II half of the 19th century. “Time has split,” separating the liberal nobles and the “new” people of Russia—the commoners—democrats, “fathers” and “sons” on opposite sides of the historical barrier. II half of the 19th century. “Time has split,” separating the liberal nobles and the “new” people of Russia—the commoners—democrats, “fathers” and “sons” on opposite sides of the historical barrier.

Working with the text of a novel. Reading. Observation. Analysis - How is the confrontation between “fathers” and “children” depicted in the first chapters of the novel? - How is the confrontation between “fathers” and “children” depicted in the first chapters of the novel? This confrontation is revealed even more clearly in Chapter IV, when Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the elder brother of Arkady’s father, appears on the stage. This confrontation is revealed even more clearly in Chapter IV, when Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the elder brother of Arkady’s father, appears on the stage. Find this scene. We read by role. Find this scene. We read by role. What details caught your attention? What details caught your attention? What technique does the author use? What is its essence? What technique does the author use? What is its essence? Another character in the novel is the author. Based on the description of the heroes, based on the first impression, can one guess whose side he is on? Another character in the novel is the author. Based on the description of the heroes, based on the first impression, can one guess whose side he is on?

Bazarov is in no hurry to greet Father Arkady, emphasizes his simple origins, and abruptly interrupts Nikolai Petrovich when he quotes lines from Eugene Onegin. We see Arkady's secret superiority over his father. Bazarov is in no hurry to greet Father Arkady, emphasizes his simple origins, and abruptly interrupts Nikolai Petrovich when he quotes lines from Eugene Onegin. We see Arkady's secret superiority over his father. Nikolai Petrovich does not understand his son, notices dramatic changes in him, cannot “establish” a conversation, is embarrassed, timid, and silent. Nikolai Petrovich does not understand his son, notices dramatic changes in him, cannot “establish” a conversation, is embarrassed, timid, and silent. The author of the novel “above the fray”, he is equally ironic both in the description of Bazarov and in the description of P.P. Kirsanov, but there will definitely be a fight, and the first serious indication of it is in Chapter. 5 The author of the novel “above the fray”, he is equally ironic both in the description of Bazarov and in the description of P.P. Kirsanov, but there will definitely be a fight, and the first serious indication of it is in Chapter. 5

Analysis of Chapter 5 Again two central figures - Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. Find their description, pay attention to the word “nihilist” that sounded like a bolt from the blue and puzzled the senior Kirsanovs. Again two central figures - Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. Find their description, pay attention to the word “nihilist” that sounded like a bolt from the blue and puzzled the senior Kirsanovs. - Have you noticed how Pavel Petrovich’s first question about Bazarov sounds? ("What's happened?"). - Why is Nikolai Petrovich surprised, why did Pavel Petrovich’s hand freeze in the air? - Why is Nikolai Petrovich surprised, why did Pavel Petrovich’s hand freeze in the air? - Compare the interpretations of the word “nihilist” given by Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, what is the difference? - Compare the interpretations of the word “nihilist” given by Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, what is the difference? - A master of detail, Turgenev is true to himself here too, but now this is a different detail. Did you notice her? What is emphasized by this detail? - A master of detail, Turgenev is true to himself here too, but now this is a different detail. Did you notice her? What is emphasized by this detail? - In what phrases is Pavel Petrovich’s attitude towards nihilists expressed? What does he conclude? Do you understand it? - In what phrases is Pavel Petrovich’s attitude towards nihilists expressed? What does he conclude? Do you understand it?

Evgeny Bazarov Long robe with tassels, “clothes”; Long robe with tassels, “clothes”; naked red hand; naked red hand; introduces himself as a man of the people: “Evgeny Vasiliev” introduces himself as a man of the people: “Evgeny Vasiliev” N.P. Kirsanov “didn’t immediately... give his hand”; N.P. Kirsanov “didn’t immediately... give his hand”;

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov Beautiful hand with long pink nails; Beautiful hand with long pink nails; the snowy whiteness of a sleeve fastened with a single large opal; the snowy whiteness of a sleeve fastened with a single large opal; “He didn’t shake his hand to Bazarov and even put it back in his pocket.” To Bazarov “he didn’t shake his hand and even put it back in his pocket.”

Lesson summary. It was important for us to see the confrontation between old and new, fathers and sons, and also to determine the author’s attitude towards the heroes. Was it a success? Was it a success? Later we will see that Turgenev is ready to understand Pavel Petrovich, it is no coincidence that he cites the story of his life, the old Kirsanovs are closer in spirit to him than Bazarov, with whom the author will nevertheless sincerely sympathize when the “simple” formulas of Yevgeny Bazarov’s life begin to break down “ complicated” relationship with Odintsova. And this will once again prove that the author is trying to be “above the fray”, that the artist’s task is to show the truth of life and he will not impose his assessment on the reader.

Homework: Re-read chapters VI-X, re-read chapters VI-X, make a comparative table: the views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, in which include quotes characterizing the heroes’ attitude to art, love, the Russian people, nature, aristocracy and liberalism and other things about which the heroes will argue. (If you wish, you can make a spreadsheet) create a comparative table: the views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, in which you can add quotes characterizing the heroes’ attitude to art, love, the Russian people, nature, aristocracy and liberalism and other things that the heroes will argue about. (Those who wish can make a spreadsheet) individually: the story of Pavel Petrovich and the story of Bazarov (their lives before meeting in Maryino); individually: the story of Pavel Petrovich and the story of Bazarov (their life before meeting in Maryino); Feelings of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. (spreadsheet) Feelings of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. (spreadsheet)

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I.S. Turgenev novel “Fathers and Sons” Author: Polomoshnova T.A.
The most “sensational” novel by I.S. Turgenev (1818 – 1883) was the novel “Fathers and Sons” (1862). Reviews appeared in criticism: “Fathers and Sons” is perhaps the most noisy and scandalous book in Russian literature.” Antonovich called the main character of the novel, Yevgeny Bazarov, “a caricature of the younger generation.”

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In the summer of 1860, Turgenev turned to the study of German materialists, who convinced that “one should not listen to the experience of the fathers, but should believe only in the cycle of chemical matter and physiology...”. Turgenev created a young hero who is convinced that natural scientific discoveries explain absolutely everything in man and society, and who rejects the experience of generations, the soul, feelings, art, and authorities. Nihilist-destroyer Bazarov believes only in “matter and force.”

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The tragic nature of the conflict in the novel
The nihilist-materialist Evgeny Bazarov is contrasted with the conservative and romantic nature - Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. But his main opponent is the esthete and aristocrat Pavel Petrovich. Ideological differences between generations are strengthened by family differences. The clashes between the son, Arkady Kirsanov, and his father Nikolai Petrovich gradually give way to living standards and mutual respect.

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Liberal Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov talks about the need to follow norms and trust authorities, reproaches Bazarov for contempt for the common people. Bazarov claims that “the people deserve contempt,” and “a chemist is more useful than any poet or philosopher.” But Bazarov also has attractive sides: a habit of work and determination. For Kirsanov, principles and faith are important, for Bazarov - the destruction of authorities and principles. These are extreme positions that elude the truth.

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The novel presents a world on the verge of social catastrophe: strained relations between masters and servants, rollicking peasants going to the city to drink, serf-dominated desolation, poor villages. “Transformations are necessary,” thinks Arkady Kirsanov, but does not know how to implement them. Evgeniy is convinced that he knows: burn everything and build something new.

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The author of the novel takes his hero through a series of tests. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova becomes the culprit of Bazarov's mental torment. Love for Odintsova splits Bazarov: one half of his soul does not recognize romantic feelings, the other loves passionately and deeply. Odintsova is a beautiful and strong woman. Her beauty is capricious and unyielding. Bazarov's passion frightens Anna, like a fire or a flood.

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Parallel to the story of Bazarov and Anna, the story of Arkady’s rapprochement with Katya Odintsova unfolds in the novel. This is a story about friendship that gradually develops into pure and tender love. Bazarov always reproached Arkady for being “excessive,” in his opinion, kindness: “You are a gentle soul, a weakling...”. But it is Arkady who finds mutual love, family happiness, and his son is born. Bazarov is deeply unhappy and lonely.

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Bazarov says that he loves his parents, but rarely visits them, he is bored in his father’s house, he is dissatisfied with everything... The Bazarovs’ servant Timofeich reproaches Evgeniy: “Do you believe God, your heart is tired of looking at your parents.” Having become infected during an autopsy, Bazarov loses his confidence and self-control, asking himself: “Does Russia need me?” And he answers: “No, apparently it’s not needed...”

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At the end of the novel, life returns to everyday life: Nikolai Petrovich marries the commoner Fenechka. Arkady Kirsanov - on Katya Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna also marries “not out of love, but out of conviction.” According to Turgenev, a person can never come to terms with lack of spirituality and denial of life values; he believes in the omnipotence of devoted love.

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With Bazarov's departure, the poetic tension of the novel subsides. With his death, it was as if life was “orphaned.” Like orphans, parents come to their son’s grave. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov was also orphaned when he went abroad: “It’s worth looking at him in the Russian church, when, leaning against the wall, he thinks, bitterly clenching his lips...” Turgenev “punishes” his heroes, but also sympathizes with them.

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“Fathers and Sons” in Russian criticism
“When Bazarov falls ill, the life around him becomes more intense... Bazarov’s grave is illuminated with light and peace... Bazarov turns away from nature, Turgenev does not reproach him for this, but only paints nature in all its glory...” (N.N. Strakhov) “Hero” - a triumphant nihilist. He remains true to himself until the last minute...” (D. Pisarev) “No one seems to suspect that I tried to present a tragic face in him - but everyone interprets: - why is he so bad? or - why is he so good? (I.S. Turgenev)

Novel "Fathers and Sons"

Written in 1862.

There are 3 stages of writing:

1860-1861 - creation of the main text

1862 “plowing up the novel”, introducing numerous amendments

History on the pages of a novel.

  • Alexander II is in power.
  • The flourishing of education and culture.
  • The serf system hinders the development of the country.
  • The capitalist system is developing in Russia
  • Commoners enter the arena of political struggle.

  • Straight
  • Portable
  • Opposing-

Change of generations, fathers transform their experience, children accept the inheritance and rethink it

the conflict between two forces, the social conflict of liberal nobles and commoners

The composition of the novel is circular




  • N.P.Kirsanov
  • P.P.Kirsanov
  • Bazarov's parents
  • Odintsova
  • E.V.Bazarov
  • Essentially “fathers”, but imitating “children”:
  • Arkady
  • Sitnikov
  • Kukshina

Ideological disputes between “fathers” and “sons”. On the attitude towards the nobility, aristocracy and its principles

  • Pavel Petrovich
  • Aristocracy is the main social force
  • The aristocracy gave freedom to England
  • A. has a highly developed self-esteem and sense of self
  • Bazarov
  • Aristocrats are of no use to anyone; they sit with folded hands
  • Arguments of P.P. about the freedom of England are very doubtful.
  • Aristocrats care only about themselves, live at the expense of others


About attitude towards the people

  • Pavel Petrovich
  • The Russian people are patriarchal and cannot live without religion.
  • He is touched by the backwardness of the people.
  • Uses a lot of foreign words.

*Darkness and ignorance

the cruelty of the people evokes in him

* He is proud that he is one of the people.

*Bazarov’s language is simple, he uses many proverbs.

About views on art, love, nature.

  • Pavel Petrovich
  • Recognizes old art
  • Has a negative attitude towards new artists.
  • He himself is a victim of fatal love.
  • Bazarov
  • Denies love and art.
  • Doesn't know Pushkin
  • But he denies it.
  • He does not deny nature, but sees it as a consequence of human activity.

Principles of activity of nihilists

  • Nihilists act from the principle of usefulness to society.
  • They deny the social system and religion.
  • They don’t believe in reforms (including the reform of 1861)
  • They do not consider it necessary to build on what has been destroyed.
  • They do not have a program for further action.

  • Accordingly

are there any views?

Bazarova nigi-

static air

rhenia or

Turgenev's mistake -

Xia, counting

Bazarov to nigi-lists?

1. Nihilism-denial

generally accepted values:

ideals, moral standards,

forms of public

life. (B.E. Dictionary)

2. Nihilism - "ugly"

and immoral teaching,

rejecting everything

cannot be touched.” (V.I. Dal)

3. Nihilism is naked denial

of all, logically not justified-

ny skepticism. (Explanatory

Russian language dictionary)

Nihilism is a rigid belief

And unyielding, based on

denial of everything that preceded

Experience of human thought, on

destruction of traditions and state

military institutions. Philosophy

nihilism cannot be positive

tive, because it rejects everything,

without offering anything in return...

This happens all the time

at turning points. Usually,

This is typical of young people and quickly

passes. (Britannica)

  • Nihilism is a belief that is rigid and unyielding, based on the denial of all previous Experience of human thought, on the destruction of traditions and state institutions. The philosophy of nihilism cannot be positive, since it rejects everything without offering anything in return... This happens at all times, at turning points. As a rule, this is typical for young people and passes quickly. (Britannica)

Do Bazarov's views correspond to the principles of nihilism?

  • Scientific and philosophical views:

1. “There are sciences, just as there are crafts, knowledge, but science does not exist at all... Studying individual personalities is not worth the effort. All people are similar to each other, both in body and soul; each of us has a brain, spleens, lungs are built the same way;

and the so-called moral qualities are the same in everyone; small species

Negation means nothing. One thing is enough -

th copy to judge everyone.

2.“...we are now above medicine in general

We laugh and don’t bow down to anyone.”

3.”…I stick to the negative

directions due to sensation. I have

It’s easy to deny - my brain works that way - and

That's it! Why do I like chemistry?

Why do you love apples? - also due to

Feel. It's all one. Deeper than this

People will never get in.

  • “The only good thing about a Russian person is

that he has a very bad opinion of himself.”

  • “Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, just think,

so many foreign and useless words! Russian people don’t even need them for nothing.

  • “We saw that our wise men, the so-called progressive people and accusers, are no good, that we are busy with nonsense and trifles, talking about some kind of art, creativity, about parliamentarism, about the legal profession and God knows what, when the matter goes about our daily bread, when the grossest superstition is strangling us...

Bazarov's aesthetic views

  • “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet.”
  • “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and

the person in it is a worker.”

  • “Raphael is not worth a penny.”
  • “I only look at the sky when I want to sneeze.”
  • “I find that speaking beautifully is indecent.

“The other day, I see he’s reading Pushkin...

  • Please explain to him that this is no good... Give him something useful to read.”

Topic: The history of the creation of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” ( 1862) . Composition of the novel.

Shcherbakova Liliya Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.


"Fathers and Sons"

Perhaps the noisiest

and a scandalous book

in Russian literature.

P. Weil, A. Genis.


Is it really a novel?

“Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev

is a scandalous work

The appearance of the novel “Fathers and Sons” occurred at a turning point for Russia. The role and place of Turgenev’s novel can only be compared with the comedy “Woe from Wit”

A.S. Griboedova.

  • The idea for the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in I860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. “...It was in the month of August 1860, when the first thought of “Fathers and Sons” came to my mind...” It was a difficult time for the writer. His break with Sovremennik magazine had just occurred. The novel “Fathers and Sons” was an attempt to comprehend the character and direction of the activities of the “new people,” a type of which was just beginning to emerge in Russian society. “...At the base of the main figure, Bazarov, lay one personality of a young provincial doctor that struck me. (He died shortly before 1860.) This remarkable man embodied - to my eyes - that barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism. The impression made on me by this person was very strong and at the same time not entirely clear; At first, I myself could not give myself a good account of it - and I listened intensely and looked closely at everything that surrounded me, as if wanting to check the veracity of my own feelings,” wrote I. S. Turgenev in an article about “Fathers and children."

“Well, he got it for Bazarov...” F.M. Dostoevsky

  • The novel was published in 1862 in the Russian Messenger magazine. I. S. Turgenev dedicated it to V. G. Belinsky.
  • He caused such a storm that no other book has ever caused

"Air of the era"

Time of writing

novel - 1861

Time of action -

1855-1861 – time,

difficult for Russia;

Governing body

Alexandra II


to the formation of various

layers of the population

Are changing

centuries-old foundations


Writer - visionary

Turgenev, with his characteristic social acuity, grasped and developed the main conflict of the crisis, revolutionary era - the uncompromising struggle of democratic revolutionaries with liberals

Rasnochintsy Democrats

RAZNOCHINETS– in pre-revolutionary Russia: a person from unprivileged classes, from petty bureaucracy, engaged in mental work, usually a bearer of democratic ideology. Common writers.

What are they?

  • “Everyone... had to devote all their abilities to natural science. Everyone was mesmerized by the great significance of this science. “(from the memoirs of a contemporary)
  • It is not surprising that Turgenev made his hero a physician and forced him to work on serious experiments to study various patterns of the structure of organisms.

Let's get acquainted with the word

Who is called a nihilist?

NIHILIST 1) A supporter of the democratic movement, denying the foundations and traditions of noble society, serfdom. 2) A person who has a sharply negative, skeptical attitude towards everything

In a letter to K.K. Sluchevsky from Paris dated April 14, 1862, Turgenev names the true “deniers,” the leaders of the democratic movement.

In their teachings, commoner democrats drew material for their theories, for building political and aesthetic programs

"Deniers, or Nihilists"

Dobrolyubov N.A. (1836-61), Russian critic, publicist, revolutionary democrat. Since 1857, a permanent contributor to the Sovremennik magazine.

"Deniers, or Nihilists"

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich(1828-89), writer, literary critic. One of the leaders of the Sovremennik magazine. The ideological inspirer of the revolutionary movement of the 1860s.

"Deniers" or nihilists

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich(1811-48), Russian literary critic. Collaborated in the magazines “Telescope”, “Otechestvennye zapiski” and “Sovremennik”

Turgenev knew them personally

The political and philosophical views of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov served as materials and sources for creating the ideological image of the main character of the novel

Great writer

“Turgenev himself will never be Bazarov, but he thought about it and understood it in a way that none of our realists will understand,” – wrote Pisarev

“The connection of times has broken down...”

Time “split,” separating liberal nobles and democratic commoners, fathers and sons on opposite sides of the historical barrier...

"Retired people" and "heirs"

  • It was belonging to time that was the source of the conflict between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov
  • In the novel, people of the 40s and 60s found themselves face to face. XIX century

Who is right?

As a great artist, overcoming his likes and dislikes both in the depiction of fathers and in the depiction of children, he tried to paint a true picture of the life of Russian society in the 60s XIX century.


Turgenev's novel reflects the ideological struggle between the main social forces in Russia in the 50s 60s years XlX centuries.

The composition of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is monocentric: the main character is in the center, and all the “formal” elements of the work are aimed at revealing his character.

During his “wanderings,” Bazarov visits the same places twice: Maryino, Nikolskoye, Bazarova. Thus, we first get acquainted with the hero, and then we witness how, under the influence of circumstances (a duel with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a quarrel with Arkady, love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, etc.) his views and beliefs change.

The novel consists of 2 parts

(28 chapters)

Ring composition


(Kirsanov estate)


(Odintsova’s estate)

Bazarov's parents

(small house

small landed gentry)

The meaning of the novel's title "I tried to imagine conflict of two generations" (I.S. Turgenev)

Fathers children


(conflict of aristocrats



conflict (conflict






Young people

Aged people

Different generations.

Those who don't understand

each other







Always arguing.

Wise with experience


People in need


Engines of progress.



Symbol of life.

People are outdated



People of new views


Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich

Very funny, good, old man, dad, nothing, was in the sieve and in the sieve, poor fellow, old man, kindest, eccentric, talks a lot, has no prejudices, etc.

I don’t remember that any literary work caused so much noise and aroused so many conversations as Turgenev’s story “Fathers and Sons.” It can be said positively that “Fathers and Sons” was read even by people who had not picked up books since school.

A. Panaeva

Bazarov faces...

Old men








False -


Turgenev's skill in creating images of a novel

Portrait characteristics

Pavel Petrovich

The face is “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed nose downward, with large greenish eyes and hanging sand-colored sideburns... enlivened by a calm smile and expressing self-confidence and intelligence... His dark-blond hair, long and thick , did not hide the large protuberances of the spacious skull.”

“His short-cropped gray hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if carved with a thin and light chisel, showed traces of remarkable beauty; The light, black, oblong eyes were especially beautiful. The whole appearance, graceful and thoroughbred, retained youthful harmony and aspiration upward, away from the earth, which for the most part disappears after twenty years.”


Using the table, describe the images

Portrait details

Area of ​​interest

I am a hero concept

Hero's story

The fate of a hero

Characteristics given by other heroes.

  • re-read chapters VI - X,
  • draw up a comparative table: the views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, into which include quotes characterizing the heroes’ attitude to art, love, the Russian people, nature, aristocracy and liberalism and other things that the heroes will argue about.
  • individually: Characteristics of images:
  • -Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov;
  • - Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov;
  • - Arkady Kirsanov;
  • - Anna Sergeevna Odintsova;
  • - Katya is the younger sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova;
  • -Fenechka.

Roman I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” Bazarov and Kirsanovs “The connection of times has broken down...”

  • Literature lesson in 10th grade
  • Teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 17 Tyrma
  • Kulygina E.G.
Lesson Objectives
  • continue observing the text of the novel,
  • find out the reason for mutual rejection of P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov,
  • determine the author’s attitude towards his characters,
  • note the means of creating images used by I.S. Turgenev;
  • work on developing the ability to analyze and compare.
Check of knowledge
  • The novel “Fathers and Sons” was completed by the author in July 1861 and published in 1862. , the action takes place in May-August 1859. Why are these years important? Why is the author so precise in dates?
  • What is the significance of the novel's title?
Check of knowledge
  • What was the internal political situation in Russia? What were they arguing about in advanced circles?
  • How does the novel relate to this?
Question to think about...
  • Have you noticed where the action takes place?
  • Yes. In the Russian province, outback, on an estate whose name, Maryino, was invented by the author.
  • Why do you think the action does not take place in the capital? not in a provincial town?
The novel talks about the "split of time"..
  • In the second half of the 19th century, “time split,” separating the liberal nobles and the “new” people of Russia on opposite sides of the historical barrier.
  • common democrats,
  • "fathers" and "children".
What is the main idea from the first chapter of the novel?
  • “...Transformations are necessary...”
  • Who “uttered” (thought) these words?
  • Why him?
  • What gave him this idea?
  • Let’s read an excerpt from the novel with the words “The places they passed through...” Let’s analyze..
How is the confrontation between “fathers” and “children” depicted in the first chapters of the novel?
  • Bazarov is in no hurry to greet Father Arkady,
  • emphasizes its simple origins,
  • abruptly interrupts Nikolai Petrovich when he quotes lines from “Eugene Onegin”
  • There is a noticeable feeling of Arkady’s internal superiority over his father.
  • Nikolai Petrovich does not understand his son, notices dramatic changes in him, cannot “establish” a conversation, is embarrassed, timid, silent
Check of knowledge
  • Turgenev masterfully uses the “talking detail” technique.
  • Tell us about this using an example from the first chapters of the novel.
What is the secret psychology of Bazarov's behavior? Describe the hero...
  • What character traits of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov are manifested in his words and behavior?
  • What is most important in his life?
  • What dictated such goodwill when meeting Bazarov?
Question to think about
  • How do Arkady Kirsanov and Bazarov relate to each other?
  • What connects them?
  • Do you agree with the statement that in friendship one rules, the other obeys?
  • Is this noticeable in this case?
Let's continue our acquaintance with the heroes of the novel...
  • In Chapter V we again have two central figures
  • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov
  • and Bazarov.
  • Find their description
Did you imagine this hero?
  • In different illustrations and in different films, P.P. Kirsanov appears like this. Is it similar to yours?
What was the reaction of Kirsanov P.P. and Bazarov at each other?
  • Through what details do we understand that they have a harsher attitude?
  • Analyze the episode of their first meeting
What question did Kirsanov the Great ask about Bazarov? What is hidden in this question?
  • What question did Kirsanov the Great ask about Bazarov? What is hidden in this question?
  • The question sounded like this: “ What's happened?"
  • And further: “is this hairy one?”
How did Kirsanov P.P. react? to the fact that Bazarov is a nihilist?
  • How did Kirsanov P.P. react? to the fact that Bazarov is a nihilist?
  • What does this mean in his concept?
Content knowledge testing...
  • Who, why and why is telling the life story of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov?
  • What do we learn about fate?
  • Tell this story in your own words...
  • What conclusion did Bazarov make from this story? Do you agree with him?
Conclusions from the lesson:
  • Between whom will the main conflict unfold? Why?
  • They are the most irreconcilable representatives of their generation
  • What kind of relationship developed between P.P. Kirsanov from the first minutes? and Bazarov?
  • Disliked
  • re-read chapters VI, X,
  • make a comparative description of the heroes:
  • views of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich,
  • their attitude to art, love, the Russian people, nature, aristocracy and liberalism and other things that the heroes will argue about.
  • Those interested can add material to our presentation
Sources of materials
  • - biography of Turgenev I.S. , portrait of a writer
  • - portrait of I.S. Turgenev
  • - Arkady Kirsanov and A.S. Odintsova at the governor’s ball (film “Fathers and Sons”, 2003)
  • (Film "Fathers and Sons" 1958)
  • - portrait of Bazarov (Film “Fathers and Sons”, 1958)
  • - portrait of A.S. Odintsova (film "Fathers and Sons" 1958)
  • - meeting of Kirsanov N.P. and Bazarov
  • - the Kirsanov brothers on the veranda (film “Fathers and Sons”, 2003)
  • - Bazarov’s declaration of love (Film “Fathers and Sons” 1958)
  • - Arkady Kirsanov Film “Fathers and Sons” 1983)
  • - illustration for the novel, episode - parents at the grave of A. Bazarov
  • Illustrations by Russian artists based on the novel -