Excessive sweating during excitement: basic methods of treatment and prevention. Sweating and nerves

Increased sweating is one of the manifestations of stress. Sweat due to stress, emotions and other negative reasons is the result of activation of the sweat glands, which are located on the face, in the armpits, on the palms and surfaces of the feet. The sweat glands of these particular zones respond to adrenaline by moisturizing the palms, legs, and armpits. These are characteristic indicators, signs of stress. In addition to unpleasant sensations, sweat has an odor, which is caused by waste products of bacteria on the surface of the skin. The smell is an inconvenience in everyday life, so the fight against increased sweating during stress reactions is aimed at stabilizing the nervous system and blocking unpleasant symptoms. This happens through various methods: from purchasing antiperspirants to surgery.

Sweating is the body's response to stress

The mechanism of increased sweating during stress

Sweat glands are located in the middle layer of the skin and are divided into two types: eccrine and apocrine. The secretion of the eccrine glands consists of water and salts. They are located over the entire surface of the skin of the body and perform a thermoregulatory function.

Apocrine sweat glands are located in the axillary, groin and chest areas. The secretion of these glands includes protein, lipids and dead cells. Their secretions do not occur on the surface of the skin, like eccrine ones, but in the hair follicles. Apocrine glands produce sweat when we feel strong emotions, stress, pain or exercise. Stress leads to spasm of skin blood vessels, the sweat glands of these zones react to adrenaline: the palms, forehead, scalp, feet, and armpits sweat profusely. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood, but some scientists are of the opinion that glandular cells are sensitive to the action of adrenaline, which is released into the blood during stress. Also, profuse psychogenic sweating is associated with disruption of the sympathetic nerve under emotional stress.

Pathological causes of profuse hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a normal physiological function of the human body, which regulates metabolism, maintains water-salt balance, removes toxins dangerous to the body and is involved in thermoregulation. But excessive sweating without adequate irritation to external factors, such as increased body temperature, exercise or stress, can be a sign of pathology. Excessive sweating is also called hyperhidrosis.

This phenomenon is characterized by a disturbance in the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in uncontrolled stimulation of nerves that cause increased secretion of sweat. There are two types of hyperhidrosis:

  • generalized;
  • local.

When generalized, all parts of the body sweat profusely. Such hyperhidrosis is a symptom of endocrine disorders (most often hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), infectious diseases, and intoxication. With local hyperhidrosis, the armpits, feet, palms, face, and scalp sweat. The disease develops in childhood and progresses over time. Local hyperhidrosis is severely experienced by people with diabetes mellitus in a state of hypoglycemia.

Apocrine glands secrete secretions into the hair follicles, so often with strong nervous tension, the oiliness of the hair and scalp increases, and dandruff may appear.

Profuse night sweats are also a deviation from the norm. A healthy person sweats during sleep due to the high temperature of the environment: be it a stuffy, hot room, a thick blanket or synthetic bedding. The most common causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis are sleep disorders (insomnia, nightmares), heart disease, and endocrine disorders. If you have problems with sweating, you should consult a doctor.

Generalized hyperhidrosis occurs in childhood

Psychological problems with hyperhidrosis

Emotional sweating causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Sweaty palms leave marks on paper, phone screen, glass, etc. Liquid on women's faces ruins their makeup. This creates additional tension and psychological discomfort. Aesthetic problems associated with sweating can cause the development of complexes. The most vulnerable in this delicate matter are:

  • teenagers;
  • women during and after menopause;
  • pregnant women.

The sensitivity of these groups is associated with hormonal instability and low stress resistance. The main problem of the discomfort experienced is the unpleasant odor. It eats into clothes, accompanies any movement and seems to be “heard” by everyone.

People suffering from psychogenic sweating lose self-confidence and try to avoid society, close contacts, and emotional involvement. This disease reduces self-esteem and negatively affects the quality of life. Therefore, if you cannot stabilize your nervous system and overcome excessive sweating on your own, then working with a psychotherapist will help.

A patient with hyperhidrosis thinks that everyone around him can “hear” his smell.

Methods for treating hyperhidrosis

The choice of treatment method for sweating during nervous tension depends on the abundance of discharge, the individual characteristics of the person, and the presence of pathologies. The main ways to get rid of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Use of antiperspirants.
  2. Drug therapy.
  3. Psychotherapy.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Surgery.

Surgery is a last resort. Surgery is prescribed if conservative treatment does not help solve the problem. If excessive sweating bothers you, you should consult a doctor (general practitioner, dermatologist). If pathological causes of sweating are detected, adequate therapy is prescribed.


Cosmetics - antiperspirants will help get rid of sweat and unpleasant odor. They are produced in the form of sprays, hard sticks and gel rollers.

Antiperspirants contain organic salts of aluminum or zinc. They make the ducts of the sweat glands narrower, and secretion decreases. Aromatic additives, oils, and vitamin E combat strong odors and prevent dry skin.

Antiperspirants cope with first-degree hyperhidrosis. They do not prevent secretion, but slightly limit it.

It is important to remember that people with kidney failure should not overuse antiperspirants, since sweat performs an excretory function in the body.

Drug treatment

If excessive sweating occurs due to stress, you need to stabilize your nervous system and increase your own resistance to stress. For this purpose, sedatives and agents that block neuromuscular transmission are used.

The most commonly used drugs are:

Herbal sedatives - valerian, motherwort tincture, Novopassit, Persen, etc. Tranquilizers - they are prescribed for severe neuroses and anxiety conditions.

Anticholinergic drugs - “Atropine”, “Glycopyrrolate”, the active ingredients of which block the innervation of the sweat glands.

It is not recommended to treat hyperhidrosis with medication without consulting a doctor.

"Atropine" blocks the activity of sweat glands

Most people associate the word Botox with anti-aging injections. Botox contains highly diluted botulinum toxin. This is a paralytic poison. Its concentration in the drug is very small, so it does not produce a toxic effect. Botulinum toxin blocks neuromuscular transmission, which makes the sweat glands insensitive, they are not innervated and stop secreting fluid. Botox helps get rid of sweating for 4-6 months. Neuromuscular transmission is gradually restored. After the drug wears off, the injection must be repeated.

The immune system produces antibodies to the neurotoxin, so the effectiveness of each new injection is reduced. After several procedures, it becomes necessary to look for another method of treating hyperhidrosis. It is recommended to do Botox injections only in trusted, certified clinics.

Botulinum toxin injections are also suitable for treating scalp sweating. But this method has a significant drawback: facial expressions are disrupted.

Botox injections can only be performed in specialized clinics

Psychotherapy for excessive sweating

If a doctor diagnoses the nervous etiology of profuse sweating, then you should seek help from a psychotherapist. Therapy sessions will also help get rid of complexes caused by this unpleasant feature.

The psychologist in his work pays attention to the following points:

  1. Identifying stressful situations that cause the most anxiety.
  2. Analysis of stressful situations, search for the causes of their occurrence and solutions.
  3. Elimination of self-doubt and complexes that generate excessive nervousness.

To bring the nervous system into a stable state, drug therapy is also used.

Sedatives and vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed: B vitamins, magnesium, calcium. All these drugs normalize the functioning of the nervous system and stimulate brain activity.

The use of psychotherapy allows one to find individual keys to the treatment of psychogenic disorders, one of which is profuse sweating.

Surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis

Treatment of very severe sweating with surgical methods is allowed according to indications in the absence of a positive effect from previous therapy. There are several types of operations:

  1. Excision of the skin by removing an area with increased activity of the sweat glands (a very traumatic procedure that leaves scars).
  2. Curettage of sweat glands and nerve endings using a skin incision method (with a surgical instrument - a curette - the subcutaneous nerve endings are damaged, the sweat glands are scraped out)
  3. Sympathectomy is a method of blocking the action of the nerve that activates the secretion of sweat.

Curettage is the least traumatic method of treatment, but has an unstable effect. Nerve endings sprout in new places and connect to the sweat glands.

Sympathectomy is the most painful procedure, and although the probability of recurrence of the disease is only 5%, half of the patients develop a side effect in the form of compensatory hyperhidrosis.

This disease is characterized by the disappearance of the symptom of sweating in one area, despite the fact that sweat begins to flow several times more intensely in another area.

No special preparation is needed before the operation. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Surgical methods are strictly not recommended for the treatment of scalp hyperhidrosis.

Prevention of sweating

The most accessible way to reduce sweating during nervous tension is to correct your own lifestyle. The following preventive measures will help:

  1. Hygiene: Taking a warm shower every day will greatly reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin that causes bad odor. And using antiperspirants after water procedures will consolidate the achieved effect for a long time. If your palms or feet sweat a lot during the day, you can rinse them with cold water. This must be done for additional cooling and narrowing of the receptors in problem areas of the skin.
  2. Nutrition: it is recommended to give preference to clean and slightly cool water, giving up strong coffee and tea; the daily menu should include foods rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium and calcium. The consumption of spicy foods and alcohol is not recommended, and smoked, fried, fatty and spicy foods increase the unpleasant odor of sweat.
  3. Physical activity: small daily exercise adapts the nervous system to stressful situations, normalizing sweat production. Hiking, jogging, playing tennis, etc. are great.
  4. Herbal medicine: it is beneficial to brew soothing herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm, etc.), which are taken after breakfast or before going to bed.
  5. Physiotherapy: electrosleep, electrophoresis

Excessive sweating is one of the main indicators of stress. Abundant secretion of sweat glands from the surface of the skin indicates a disruption of the nervous system, hormonal or psychogenic disorders. But there are effective methods to combat this fairly common phenomenon. Understanding the true causes of hyperhidrosis and an integrated approach to its treatment will have a positive effect

Fighting sweating is not only possible, but also necessary. Firstly, this is a rather serious cosmetic defect. Secondly, hyperhidrosis can be a signal of a serious disease beginning in the body. Often the main cause of excessive sweating is stress and anxiety. They negatively affect the functioning of the human nervous system, as a result of which breathing accelerates, the heartbeat increases, and appetite is disrupted. The nervous system is also responsible for thermoregulation of the body, and therefore is also responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In a state of stress, the work of the glands noticeably accelerates, and sweating increases.

Why sweating makes you mad

Quite often, those who complain of excessive sweating note not so much excessive sweat production as the fact that it is accompanied by a pungent and unpleasant odor. As soon as you have a not-so-pleasant conversation or perform an energetic dance, your body begins to smell strongly.

The appearance of the odor is due to the fact that during stress, the sebaceous glands secrete not only sweat, but also lipid secretion. This is a favorable area for bacteria to multiply. They, in turn, become a source of unpleasant odors.

You can fight the smell with the help of special antiperspirants. And it is imperative to do this so that people do not run away from you. In addition, do not neglect frequent showers.

To combat excessive sweating, which can occur with too much stress or anxiety, it is worth using the entire available arsenal of means - from cosmetics to medications. First of all, it is necessary to take care of normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. To do this, start taking sedatives, possibly herbal ones. Remember that their effect is cumulative, so use the whole course. In this case, if you start to worry, sweating will no longer be so pronounced.

Various herbal teas also help very well. Sage occupies a special place in the ranking of useful herbal preparations. It calms the nervous system and helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

You should avoid synthetic materials, because... the skin does not breathe in them, and the sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively.

It is imperative to monitor your weight and prevent obesity. After all, this is a metabolic disorder, which additionally leads to disorders in the body, including increased sweating.

And, of course, it’s worth limiting stressful situations. After all, if you analyze most of them, it turns out that they were not worth it to be nervous.

What to consider when dealing with excessive sweating

First of all, try not to get complex. Remember that no one is immune from this problem. Just start fighting it and everything will return to normal.

If folk remedies do not help, you can try to resort to official medicine. So, for example, if your hands sweat, use hand baths with the addition of potassium permanganate.

Alternatively, you can use the services of a physiotherapy office. Various methods that help reduce sweating need to be completed in entire courses. Doctors, depending on your condition, will determine the number of procedures. However, on average it will take 10 sessions to get rid of the problem.

Keep tissues ready to help you dry your hands before an important handshake or clean your armpits a little before an exciting meeting.

You can also try modern advances in medicine, such as laser correction or other innovative methods. They are quite reliable and very helpful. Their only drawback is their fairly high cost. There are other options that can be used, but they cost slightly less.

Do not try to completely get rid of sweating - after all, it is a natural action, like breathing. Just try to minimize the consequences.

Let's start by saying that it's normal to sweat. No matter how clean a person is, and no matter how skimpy he is on expensive deodorants, it is nature’s nature for the human body to sweat.

By sweating, the body protects itself from overheating - this is considered the only physiological process. By the way, sweating, for example, releases a large amount of harmful substances contained in our body.

It is known that sweat glands are located throughout the body; it is physically impossible to sweat less. Another thing is the unpleasant odor generated by this physiological process. But it is not the body that is to blame, but the bacteria that contribute to the breakdown of substances that cause that very aroma.

Thus, if you have one of the above diseases, it is necessary to cure it. If the excess is associated with stress or bad habits, you should reconsider your lifestyle.

Sweating may be associated with a psychological anxiety reaction. Anxious people are known to sweat quite a lot. If you notice causeless and frequent anxiety, try to overcome it. The elevated symptoms will probably also disappear.

When sweat is released from the body, a large amount of harmful substances that negatively affect human life. Remember that the body's reaction during physical activity should be accompanied by sweating. Try not to worry too much and not focus on your problem.

Some people suffer from excessive sweating of the palms. Often such a physiological problem develops into a psychological one. As a rule, it is expressed in nervousness and various nervous breakdowns. As a result, people begin to avoid communication because they experience complexes associated with it.

Hyperhidrosis is an unpleasant phenomenon, but you can get rid of excessive sweating of your hands. To do this you will need to find out whether it occurs. There can be many reasons, so you need to contact a specialist who will make the correct diagnosis.

Natural factors

First of all, you should know that sweating is an important function of the body. Due to this, cooling occurs, and for each person this process is purely individual. That's why, if your hands are strong, you shouldn't sound the alarm. When this phenomenon just begins to bother you, it is recommended to think about the fact that perhaps it is caused by natural factors. These include: too spicy food, heat, strong, intense mental activity, heavy physical activity.


The most common cause of hyperhidrosis is stress. You need to observe yourself, then you will be able to understand why your palms sweat under the circumstances. If this happens in a state of stress, when a person is worried, then such situations should be avoided. In this case, hyperhidrosis is a peculiar feature of the body that cannot be avoided. Of course, there are ways to control this process. A person will need to worry less and be in harmony with himself and others. Also here you need to understand why this or that event causes stress, after which a solution can be found.


The next step is to affect the pores of your facial skin. Oak bark, boiled in water for 20 minutes and infused for half an hour, has excellent properties that narrow pores. You should wipe or wash your face with a strained decoction of oak bark 2 times a day.

Among modern cosmetic hardware procedures, there are those that counteract the excessive activity of the sweat glands in the armpits, back and face.

Infusion of sage as a lotion on the face is also a very powerful way to reduce sweating. Pour two tablespoons of dry sage herb into two glasses of boiling water, let it brew, strain.

In addition to wiping your face with sage infusion, it will be useful to drink half a glass twice a day to reduce hyperhidrosis of the whole body.

Make ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or sage. Quickly wipe your face with cubes in the morning. Then blot it with a paper napkin. This method significantly narrows the pores of the face, hardens and tones the skin.

There are special cosmetic antiperspirants without fragrance that should be used to wipe your face. However, their protective properties are not enough for a long time. Therefore, you can use them only for a while. But don’t forget about the methods mentioned above. They are much more effective than modern cosmetics.

If sweat runs intensely on your face from the temples and forehead, wear a bandage on it that absorbs moisture well. The bandage can be terry, matching the color with your clothes. Or made from dryline material, which retains moisture much longer than terry fabric.

You should carry paper napkins and baby talcum powder with you, which you can use to blot those areas of your face where beads of sweat appear.

Follow a diet if your face sweats excessively. Proper nutrition will reduce sweating. Eliminate spicy, starchy and sweet foods from your diet. Also try, at least temporarily, not to drink coffee, cocoa, tea, or hot chocolate. Perhaps these foods and drinks on your menu are causing excessive facial sweating.

Tip 8: How to get rid of headaches during pregnancy

Often during time pregnancy Women experience headaches. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body. Expectant mothers are not recommended to take painful drugs, so it is better to resort to traditional medicine recipes.

You will need

  • - potato juice;
  • - cabbage leaf;
  • - paracetamol;
  • - mint;
  • - lemon balm;
  • - chamomile flowers;
  • - dog-rose fruit;
  • - ice.


Take a fresh cabbage leaf, knead it a little and apply it to the sore spot. Apply cabbage juice to your wrists and the indentations behind your ears.

You can take a herbal decoction. Take a tablespoon of mint leaves, lemon balm, chamomile flowers, and rose hips. Grind all ingredients thoroughly and mix. Pour a glass of boiling water over the prepared herbs, cover and leave for half an hour. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day with meals.

Ventilate the room you are in more often, walk more in the fresh air, avoid stress, watch your diet. Drink enough fluids.

“I sweat at the slightest excitement” - doctors rarely hear this complaint, because the symptom is more like a character problem than a diagnosis. However, according to statistics, almost 50% of people suffer from sweating during anxiety and nervous shock. It is not surprising that hyperhidrosis becomes a real test for people with a weakened nervous system: VSDs, panickers, neurotics, depressed patients. Why does the body react this way to anxiety?

Why does a person sweat?

Exuding sweat regularly is completely normal from the point of view of nature. This is how our body throws out toxins and waste, ensures healthy heat exchange and protection from overheating, and keeps water and salt in ideal concentration. If there were no sweat glands, our skin would not be so soft and elastic. In case of viral diseases, profuse sweating cools the body and removes the infection. How can we explain sweating from nerves in natural language? There are two explanations for this phenomenon. They are the main drivers of hyperhidrosis in psychogenic diseases:

This is how our bodies use sweat to protect themselves. And nature doesn’t care if sometimes its saving mechanisms only spoil everything (many will remember how they blushed and sweated unpleasantly when meeting a loved one). So, the only way to permanently eliminate nervous sweating is to change your attitude to the situation, your thoughts. Stop perceiving an object or circumstances as deadly. Of course, this is not so easy to do. Especially with neuroses and VSD, when our brain decides everything for us.

The relationship between anxiety and sweat

Nervous patients, especially those prone to hypochondria, cannot always control excessive sweating. If a person understands that his sweating embarrassment only happens in stressful situations, he can try to avoid it with the help of psychological techniques or medications. Simply put, he will try to be less nervous. But with some forms of neurosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is impossible to keep sweat under control - the nervous system does not always take our commands into account and sometimes does not play by the rules.

With the next failure, the hypothalamus can give the body a command to sweat, and the patient will not be able to change anything. Also, any situation that the subconscious mind considers life-threatening (this could be a banal cup of strong coffee) will trigger the release of adrenaline. And the body will react properly - just like in the good old days of predators and enemies.

With psychological childhood trauma, a person may not consciously remember many shocking situations by adulthood, but in the digital library of the subconscious everything is recorded down to the smallest detail. Any reminder of an old trauma that touches layers of the subconscious can trigger the production of adrenaline, and then sweat. And the person will think that his body is abnormal or sick, since he sweats for no reason. This often happens with depression and neuroses.

Sweating in nervous patients outside of organic pathologies is not considered dangerous to health. However, it causes significant discomfort. After all, the patient cares how others will react to the unpleasant smell, what they will talk about it behind their back. Therefore, often in exciting situations a person sweats more if there are other people nearby: he already foresees his embarrassment in advance and panics because of it, which aggravates the situation.

Of course, heavy sweating during excitement is not necessarily the result of some kind of mental disorder. It can be:

If profuse sweating begins to bother you suddenly, severely, and has never happened before, it may be worth undergoing a medical examination.

Surely, many remember the tragicomic episode from the old French comedy “Toy” with Pierre Richard, where the owner of the company fired his subordinate only for sweaty palms. Of course, many people have sweaty hands from excitement, and it is unlikely that a good employee will be fired for this. But still, most people feel embarrassed when their hands sweat from nervous tension, and many of us have found ourselves in this situation. The reason for such an incomprehensible phenomenon is simply explained - it is essential hyperhidrosis, which occurs in a person at a time when his nerves are acting up, but usually no health problems are felt.

Stress and sweating

It is difficult to name the cause of essential hyperhidrosis; more precisely, it is not entirely clear why the body reacts in such a way that cold sweat literally breaks out throughout the body. Excessive sweating, which appears as a result of the excitement, anxiety and fear experienced by a person, is definitely associated with a temporary failure of the autonomic nervous system, on which many processes occurring in the body depend, in particular: heartbeat, breathing, digestion.

In addition, the autonomic nervous system takes part in the body’s heat regulation, directly influencing the functioning of the sweat glands. That is why hyperhidrosis and stress are closely linked, and excessive anxiety for a person is fraught not only with sweaty palms and forehead, but also in especially serious cases, loss of appetite, sleep, loss of strength and other troubles. Any strong emotion in a false way causes the need to normalize body temperature - this is why, when excited, sweat flows non-stop, although in fact there is simply no need for thermoregulation for the body at that moment.

The main problem with sweating due to nerves is the terrible smell. The fact is that during stress, apocrine sweat glands located in the hairy parts of the body activate their activity, which, in addition to ordinary fluid, also secrete a lipid secretion, favorable for the proliferation of bacteria. In fact, it is microbes that multiply unhindered that cause such a shameful “smell.”

What’s unpleasant, first of all, is not only the fact that your armpits sweat and the sleeves of your clothes get wet from excitement, but also the fact that sweat caused by strong emotions cannot be controlled. Stress is an inseparable part of modern life, so it is impossible to predict when it will make itself known. However, one should not come to terms with the idea that if I sweat a lot from nerves, then no preventive or health measures will help with this scourge; on the contrary, you need to try the whole arsenal to choose the most effective ones for yourself.

I'm sweating a lot from excitement, what should I do?

“What can I do if I sweat when I’m worried?” - everyone who has encountered this obsessive problem that lurks at work, at home, and on vacation will exclaim. There are many ways to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of essential hyperhidrosis:

  • wearing comfortable, loose clothing made from light natural fabrics;
  • bringing the body to optimal weight;
  • limiting your needs for drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • daily water procedures, including wiping with cold water;
  • drink soothing herbal teas and listen to relaxing music,
  • if necessary, use reliable antiperspirants that normalize sweating and therefore give a feeling of self-confidence.

However, the most important condition for getting rid of excess sweating will still be to reduce stress-generating situations. Almost every person who complains of excessive sweating reports that they are sweating profusely from fear, but forgets to say whether such a waste of invaluable nerves and energy was worth it specifically for that particular case. For the most part, people exaggerate the significance of events and circumstances, so they worry in vain about its outcome. I’m nervous and sweating – this motto hides the well-known wisdom “fear has big eyes,” so it’s important to learn to identify really important moments when you need to act decisively, not paying attention to the sweat that appears, and situations in which you shouldn’t sweat in vain.

How not to sweat from excitement

Essential hyperhidrosis most often manifests itself when the palms sweat due to excitement, while in society it is believed that a strong, warm handshake is a symbol of openness and friendliness. With such cultural and social overtones, it is natural that ordinary inner experiences will be misinterpreted by business partners, work colleagues, and acquaintances, who will think that the person greeting them is unpleasant, secretive and slippery. However, when your hands sweat due to excitement, it is very awkward for the owners of such palms themselves, because constantly wiping them with napkins or handkerchiefs ultimately turns into a painful procedure that creates a lot of inconvenience.

The most effective way to get rid of such a flaw is to regularly use various healing hand baths. The most used methods include:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • alum;
  • decoction of birch leaves;
  • infusion of oak bark and St. John's wort;
  • bath with sage and nettles;
  • bath with vinegar and soda;
  • a decoction of horsetail and calendula;
  • saline solutions.

Such treatment procedures should usually be completed with powders and deodorizing agents. In addition, it is recommended to use special rubdowns during the day, as well as wash your hands with special means, for example, adding a teaspoon of ammonia to the water. Sage tincture is very useful for sweating hands, which should be drunk twice a day for half a month. You can reduce hand sweating by rubbing a mixture of glycerin, lemon juice and alcohol into your palms.

How not to sweat from excitement and always be confident? You need to find a way to get rid of increased emotionality that suits you. If you are a naturally excitable person, then our advice will certainly help you. To take specific measures, you must first find out why you are constantly sweating.

Modern life constantly keeps a person in a state of tension. A lot of things don't allow you to relax. One stressful situation replaces another. There are periods when troubles seem to be deliberately waiting for the moment to fall in full force with full force, to hit harder. Hence profuse sweating or, scientifically, essential hyperhidrosis. A person with a weakened psyche sweats just from the thought of stress.

Surprises await people at every step - at home, at work, on public transport, on the road. Stress can be long-term (conflicts, everyday troubles) and instantaneous, for example, from fear. Just be nervous and you will be guaranteed wet armpits, face, neck, arms, and back. Even if the room is cool, your underwear becomes wet. Those suffering from a similar illness say: “I sweat a lot because I’m nervous.”

Features of nervous sweat

Most people sweat from nerves. The mechanism of thermal regulation of the body is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Strong emotions can increase body temperature, so a stressful situation immediately turns on the process of sweating, although there is no particular need for cooling. When stressed, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood. This process stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands. If the glands actively react to adrenaline, then people sweat when excited.

There is an opinion that the root of the problem lies in heredity, the characteristics of certain areas of the brain that are responsible for sweating.

When the nerves are tense, the apocrine glands located in the groin and armpits begin to work. The sweat released in this case is oversaturated with lipids. A favorable environment is created for the growth of bacteria, which emit a pungent, unpleasant odor. This type of sweating can seriously damage your reputation, as it often appears at the most inopportune moments - during an unpleasant conversation or an energetic dance.

Some people worry about awkward situations with the appearance of a pungent odor and are looking for ways to stop sweating when nervous.

Start taking care of yourself

The phrase “when I’m worried, I sweat a lot” is said by people who are unsure of themselves, who are constantly looking around, worrying about what others will think or say about them.

Most often, the one who worries is the one who cannot control himself or maintain his presence of mind. You need to stop being afraid and try to increase your self-esteem. First you need to be clean and tidy. It is advisable to take a shower several times a day, use an antiperspirant, and try all sorts of methods - from medications to cosmetics.

Update your clothing style and wardrobe by adding things made of cotton and wool. Fabrics must have absorbent properties. Dress lighter, don't bundle up. In synthetic clothes, a person sweats quickly. Lose excess weight, which is a consequence of improper metabolism. The functions of organs and tissues are disrupted, sweating increases.

Avoid stress, don't worry about trifles.

Using antiperspirants

The easiest and most affordable way to stop sweating. This will not help completely overcome hyperhidrosis, but it will reduce the amount of moisture released and get rid of odor. Thanks to one of the constituent components (aluminum chloride), sweating is sharply reduced. This substance penetrates deep into the sweat ducts, narrowing the tubules by forming chemical compounds that are safe for the body.

Select refreshing sticks, sprays, and deodorants carefully so that they do not cause allergies.

Use of medications

Start taking sedative medications to stabilize the nervous system. Stop worrying and life will get better. You can start with herbal infusions. Buy a special herbal mixture at the pharmacy or make it yourself. Brew mint, motherwort, chamomile.

Consult a doctor who can prescribe appropriate sedatives or tranquilizers. The completed course of treatment will strengthen your psyche and help you resist stress.

If the case is severe, the doctor may recommend taking Prozac, propantheline, atropine and other drugs that slow down sweating.

The above substances contain botulinum toxin, one of the paralytic poisons.

The poison penetrates the muscle tissue, causing paralysis of the nerve endings of the sweat glands. Sweating decreases temporarily. After six months, the functions of the glands are restored. You have to go through the procedure again so as not to sweat again when nervous. This event is expensive and not everyone can afford it. In addition, the body will gradually get used to the poison, which will reduce the resulting effect.

New methods of psychiatry

Experts in the field of mental pathologies have developed a number of techniques and trainings that increase the patient’s self-esteem and teach how not to sweat from anxiety. They also do not eliminate sweating completely, but they enable a person to take control of his psychological state and emotions.

Treatment will change your attitude towards the disease, teach you to think about more pleasant things, not to focus on the problem, not to be afraid of troubles, but to successfully overcome them.

When your armpits sweat

Sweaty armpits occur in the presence of a number of diseases. These could be infections (tuberculosis, sepsis), hormonal imbalance, emotional instability, metabolic disorders, side effects of certain medications. Perhaps you drink too much coffee or energy drinks. Think about what is wrong with you and then you will understand how to stop sweating.

If you've tried everything, but your hands, armpits, face are still sweating, and you don't know what to do, turn to folk recipes.

Folk remedies for excessive sweating

A natural deodorant is a decoction of oak bark. Brew one tablespoon of bark in one glass of boiling water. You can add lemon juice. Wipe sweating areas of the body with a cotton swab dipped in the infusion.

Chamomile infusion has antibacterial and aseptic effects. Pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons of flowers, and after a few minutes add two tablespoons of soda.

Take sage infusion internally - a quarter glass 3-4 times a day. It has a calming effect and normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.

Degrees of sweating and methods of control:

  1. Easy. Then the skin of the armpits becomes covered from mild excitement or physical activity. You can treat sweating with leeches, burnt alum, and use physiotherapy and reflexology. After a shower, dry your skin with a towel, then apply antiperspirants at night. Drink soothing herbal teas - lemon balm, mint, chamomile, peony, valerian root. Take up auto training. Observe what makes you worry (people's words, actions) and try to suppress fear or anger at this moment.
  2. The average degree (the appearance of sweat stains on clothes, a pungent odor) can be cured by psychotherapeutic techniques and medications - Atropine (affects the glands), tranquilizers or antidepressants. Contact a doctor or psychologist.
  3. A severe degree is accompanied by streams of sweat with minimal excitement. A depressive state occurs. There is no desire to do anything, meet people, go to work. Operations to mechanically remove sweat glands help temporarily relieve excess sweat. The last resort is surgery (