Singer with dull eyes. Eljay biography: what’s wrong with his eyes and why they’re white

The biography of rapper Eljay has attracted attention since the release of his debut album in 2014, and interest in his personal life has been fueled by the latest news about his affair with Anastasia Ivleeva. Fans are interested in the artist’s age, height, weight, where he’s from and what’s wrong with his eyes.

Childhood and youth

Eljay's fans who are interested in his biography and personal life can easily calculate how old their idol is. Alexey Uzenyuk (the future hip-hop star received this name at birth) was born on July 9, 1994. His childhood was spent in his native Novosibirsk, where he took his first steps as a rapper.

His parents sent Lesha to a music studio for a vocal class, but he didn’t like singing in the traditional manner, but the teenager found himself in the hip-hop genre. From the age of 13, he took part in street battles between rappers, which were held in Novosibirsk, then tried his hand at online fights, performing with lyrics of his own composition. He soon became popular on social networks and decided to move from fights to solo work.

Artist during a concert

After 9 grades, Uzenyuk entered medical school, but did not finish it, concentrating on building a musical career.

Music career

The beginning of the musical biography of the promising domestic rapper can be considered in 2009, when 15-year-old Lekha-Eldzhey created a home recording studio and began posting tracks he had read to music online. Fans received his solo albums with delight. Listeners and spectators were attracted by the tough, aggressive style of the young performer, called “evil lyrics,” and daring, cynical words.

By the age of 20, Eldzhey “came out of hiding”, releasing his first official album “Boshki Dymatyatsya” with solo and joint tracks. Critics did not approve of the non-standard style, but fans happily accepted the debut of their favorite. A year later, the rapper pleased the audience with the EP (mini-album) “Guns” with 8 tracks. In 2016, two full-length albums, “Catacombs” and “Sayonara Boy,” were presented with an interval of several months.

The performer has tattoos not only on his body, but also on his face

It’s interesting that Allj chose this name (“goodbye, guy” in Japanese) not by chance. It was at this stage of his creative biography that he changed his image and performance style under the influence of rave groups from South Africa.

Now the artist has a total of 5 major albums and one EP. A duet with a rising star was sung by Kravts (Pavel Kravtsov), who started rapping back in 95, when Lekha Uzenyuk was still walking under the table. The two rappers’ joint single “Disconnect” was released in the fall of 2016, and the video that appeared on YouTube the following year received 39 million views.

Eljay is a lover of shocking antics

Having appeared online last summer, it has now accumulated 200 million streams, and the number of views of the video has reached 91 million.

At the end of 2017, Allj created his own label and became the face of a new line of perfumes from Yves Saint Laurent. This year also marked the beginning of the Russian hitmaker’s collaboration with the Black Cinema group from Odessa. And in 2018, fans of rapper Eljay learned not only about new achievements in his creative biography, but also about changes in his personal life.

Eljay's personal life

The popular rapper shocks many with his appearance, and the lyrics of his songs cannot be called modest. At the same time, Eljay shows restraint when talking about his biography and personal life, and in the photos that appear in open sources, he is mainly captured in his stage image.
Photos and clips in which the singer appears before the audience with absolutely white eyes, without iris and pupils, gave rise to myths about his blindness.

This is what an artist looks like without all the surroundings

Many fans ask why he doesn't have eyes, whether Eljay was blind from birth or lost his sight due to an accident.

Both versions are wrong; the rapper’s vision is fine, and the image of a blind man or zombie, which frightens many people, was created using special carnival lenses. Sometimes Alexey wears them off stage.

The rapper with his ex-girlfriend Nastya

Until recently, information about the performer’s personal life was limited to information about his friends and younger brother. The flamboyant rapper is more than tolerant of representatives of other nationalities. His closest friends are Kurdish Amiran Sardanov, a famous video blogger, and Azerbaijani Anar Zeynalov (Ves from the rap duo “Caspian Cargo”). Sardanov invited Eldzhey to one of the episodes of his “Khach Diary”. The rapper also appears in the video blog of his 14-year-old brother Danila (Dani CHOCO).

Eljay and Amiran Sardarov

Now the singer’s height is 176 cm, and his weight fluctuates around 76 kg. The musician, who is not yet 24, is not yet thinking about starting a family and children. There were rumors that he had a girlfriend named Nastya, but they broke up. And recently, the public has suspected Eldzhey of having an affair with another Nastya - popular video blogger Anastasia Ivleeva, who has been hosting the program “Heads and Tails” for more than a year. Reboot".

Eldzhey and Nastya Ivleeva

In June 2018, suspicions were confirmed first-hand. Spicy joint photos appeared on the blogs of young people.

The peak of attention to Eljay came in November last year in connection with the scandal surrounding the “Pink Wine” video. The video, which managed to gain 2 million views in the first 2 days, suddenly disappeared from the network, and Eljay himself blocked it. He was outraged that Feduk, who uploaded the video to his channel, put his name first in the title of the composition.

Later, in “The Diary of a Khach,” Eljay stated that he was actually not satisfied with the color correction. By the way, soon after filming the video, the rapper changed the color of his mop-shaped hair to yellow. There are many other scandals associated with Eldzhey’s name:

  • when PEOPLETALK planned to record an exclusive interview with the rapper, he demanded luxury brand clothes for filming, which he paid for only after repeated reminders;
  • The singer never gave answers to the interview questions, but he used the photos sent to him for approval for his own purposes without the editor’s permission;
  • at the end of last year, at a concert in Ryazan, one of the spectators threw a mug of beer onto the stage;
  • in Voronezh, the performer became furious because the audience, in his opinion, turned on their flashlights at the wrong time.

The rapper often wears tracksuits and chains

Eljay now

In February 2018, Eljay was invited to the “Evening Urgant” show, where a parody of his latest hit called “Rose-Raspberry Wine” was presented. Igor Nikolaev starred in the video, trying on “branded” white lenses. It’s interesting that the hit “Raspberry Wine” used in the parody is the same age as Eldzhey.

The title of the latest album, presented in March of this year, differs from the previous two by only one letter - “Sayonara Boy X”. It includes many compositions that have already appeared on the Internet, as well as new items. In 2018, 2 new singles by Eljay appeared.

Poster with Eljay

In May, a video for the song “Suzuki”, recorded two months earlier, was shot in the capital of Kazakhstan, and the premiere of the track “360°” took place, the cover of which was decorated with a photograph of Nastya Ivleeva. Now the attention of fans is focused mainly on the development of the relationship of this couple; some doubt that the young people are connected by romantic feelings, and suspect them of a PR stunt.

Many people have noticed that the famous rapper Eljay has strange eyes, which are sometimes very frightening. He achieves this effect thanks to special lenses. The lenses are called

White Crazy Lenses without pupil. You can order them on the Internet. Their amount ranges from 500-1000 rubles. We can say that such lenses are the highlight and stage image of the performer.

The rap artist, performing under the pseudonym Allj (Eldzhey), really, in order to at least somehow stand out among similar so-called singers, walks around with inserted white lenses and scares small children. But, as they say, to each his own. This rapper’s eyes don’t hurt and everything is fine with them. It is thanks to his tattoos and these white lenses that he wants to draw attention to his extraordinary person.

Such lenses called “White lenses Crazy without pupils” can be bought in this online store kawaicat for eight hundred and ninety-nine Russian rubles. This online store sells youth clothing from Korea and Japan. It can be assumed that the lenses are produced in Korea or Japan.

Rapper Allj (Eldzhey) what's wrong with his eyes? What are the lenses called?

Indeed, in many photographs, rapper Eljay looks strange, to put it mildly.

His eyes can be very scary, because they have absolutely no pupils and therefore they look intimidating.

But of course, this is not a feature of Eljay, it’s just that he wears such special lenses, in general, this is the image of the performer, that’s how he puts it.

Such lenses can be bought on many sites, especially since their cost is not that high.

Nowadays, in order to be noticed and remembered, you need to stand out in some way. There is a lot of competition on stage. And so the rapper Allj came up with such a move as white eyes, or rather lenses where the pupils are not visible. It is clear that people look and are surprised. A friend of mine wears the same thing, but in black, it looks creepy.

But the price varies greatly, depending on the manufacturer and quality. You can get it for eight hundred rubles.

Eljay wears white lenses all the time and on the street, and even performs at his concerts in a certain image; he even has a song called “What’s wrong with my eyes.” Similar lenses are now sold in many stores and their prices are different everywhere, for example, from 500 rubles to 5000 rubles, depending on the quality and period of use, there are simply white ones, there are ones with designs for every taste and color.

Allj is a musical performer. Real name Alexey Uzenyuk. Born on July 9, 1994 in Novosibirsk. At the beginning of his career he took part in rap battles, but after that he focused on creating tracks. Since the beginning of his career, the style of the tracks has also changed: from underground rap to a more popular direction, which we can see in the album called "Sayonara Boy". Unfortunately, there is no page about Eljay’s biography on Wikipedia, so we have collected information for you from various sources, including an interview, which you can watch at the end of the article.

Detailed biography

The creative career of rap artist Allj begins at the age of 13. It was at this age that Alexey got into a rap battle, after which it all began. It seemed to him that he could do the same or even better. He decided not to give up this idea and began to take part in competitions, where he received his first victories.

Quote from the interview:

"The guys were reading something from the stage. The people liked it all. I didn’t like what the guys performed on stage at all. I thought: “Why am I worse?” I came to this party a month later. It was some kind of battle "I won. So off we go. I started doing this."

He tried his hand at online battles several times, but soon realized that this was not exactly what he wanted to do. Eljay did not want to move in the direction of rap battles. That experience remained only the start of his career.

The beginning of a musical career. First album "Gundezh".

LJ's musical career began in 2009. Then Alexey bought the necessary equipment and began recording his first tracks, which he posted on the Internet. He was immediately noticed, as is often the case with talented performers. Eljay himself says that gaining popularity was not very difficult:

Quote from the interview:

“Well, of course, I had to work. I had to build myself hardware. Equipment on which to record myself. Learn to mix it all. Because no one wanted to just help me do all this... I began to release tracks, put them on the network. It all happened somehow quickly. Literally 3 tracks were posted and the statistics flew up. I thought: “Oh, cool”... People started flocking to my page, writing to me something, contacting me... "

Thus, the young performer began to have his first fans who searched for him on VKontakte, added him as friends and wrote their positive reviews about his work. The rapper's first listeners called his style "evil lyrics."

At the same time, Alexey is studying at the Novosibirsk Medical School. There was not enough time for music, so he decided to quit studying and working in order to completely devote himself to his creative self-expression. [this information is not confirmed].

Quote from the interview:

“School, university, work - this, of course, is all a cool thing. I tried everything, both work and university. By the way, it ended for me this year... Those who cannot find themselves definitely need to do work, university. I also "I found myself a pussy. I had something to occupy my head, something to strive for. And still I see the path to which I need to go."

In 2013, Eljay and rapper Mal recorded a joint album called “Gundezh,” which contains 11 tracks.

Album "Gundezh"

2014: album “Boshki are smoking” and new singles

In 2014, a new album was released - “Boski are smoking”. The album includes joint tracks with such performers as Chet, Tetris, Montblunt and Dom1no. The album turned out to be quite successful, and the track ‘Bosses are smoking’ received a lot of positive feedback from listeners.

Album "Bosses are smoking"

This same year we can see many singles from Allj, which only contributed to the growth of the popularity of the new rap artist.

2015: album "Cannon"

After the release of his next album, Lesha begins to give concerts, because he already has a fairly large audience of listeners.

Album "Cannon"

2016: new track with MiyaGi and Endgame, albums “Catacombs”, “Sayonara Boy”, “Library”

On February 3, 2016, the new album “Catacombs” is released. It consists of 8 tracks, 2 of which are collaborations. In the track "Moths" we can hear Montblunt. But the track ‘Music’, which was recorded with the duet MiyaGi & Endgame, became more popular. (Biography of MiyaGi / Biography of Endgame).

Album "Catacombs"

Six months later, in September, Alexey presented to his listeners a joint work with Kravets, which was called “Disconnect”. And already in October the album “Sayonara Boy” was released, which doubled Eljay’s popularity! But this is nothing compared to the current (2017) popularity of the artist.

The album "Sayonara Boy" was for a long time in the top “iTunes” among works of a similar genre. It is worth saying that this work became a kind of transition from one style to another. And, as we will see later, Eljay made the right choice.

Album "Sayonara Boy"

Quote from the interview:

“Sayonara means “goodbye” in Japanese. On this release, I say goodbye to many moments, periods of life that... well, not that I liked them - I didn’t like them, they just were there, and now they’re gone. The second meaning, I guess this is all that Sayonara Boy is 'goodbye, kid'. No boundaries, nothing like that."

The next work of the artist Eldzhey was released on October 28, 2016. The album "Library" consists of the usual number of tracks: 8, among which one was recorded together with 4atty aka Tilla. The artist himself says that this album is a compilation of previously recorded tracks (approximately 2012-2015).

Album "Library"

Since 2016 was a year of change for rap artist Allj, his fans perceived it differently. The changes affected not only the music, where the tracks acquired a more modern sound, but also the appearance of the artist. Some people reacted positively to this, others did not like it very much.

2017: new style

In 2017, Eljay released another album called "Sayonara Boy ろ", which, like previous albums, consists of 8 tracks. The artist's new style radically changed his popularity. Here is an image that shows the release dates of the albums and the artist's popularity accordingly. As you can see, now (09.2017) information about Allj is searched on the Internet many times more than it was in 2016.

Album "Sayonara Boyろ"

Along with the release of the album, Eljay and Kravets presented their fans with the video “Disconnect”.

On August 4, the undisputed hit from Eljay and rapper Feduk is released - the track “Pink Wine”. At the time of writing, this track was in the top of many charts, including in the tab of the most popular songs according to social media. VKontakte network.

In September, rapper Elejey starred in one of the videos of popular blogger Amiran Sardarov in the project “Khach’s Diary”. From this interview we can say that Alexey is doing fine financially. One of his concerts can cost about 1 million.

As you can see from the interview, Alexey Uzenyuk (aka Eldzhey) is quite modest and taciturn, so there is not much information about him. Do you know anything else or do you think this article contains false information? - Write it in the comment.


What's wrong with Eljay's eyes and why do he have white eyes?

The white eye effect appears when using special lenses. Alexey doesn’t take them off at concerts and sometimes even walks down the street wearing them.

Where can I see Eljay's photo?

There are not so many photos on the Internet (at least at the time of writing this article). You can see all available materials on Eldzhey’s photo page

Does Lyokha have a brother or sister?

Yes. On Eldzhey’s official VK page it is written that he has a younger brother, Danil. He maintains a video blog on YouTube, where you can sometimes see Eljay.

Eljay. Interview.

Who is Eljay / Allj
Real name— Alexey Uzenyuk
Date of Birth — 09.07.1994
Hometown— Novosibirsk
Nickname— Eldzhey / Allj
Activity— Rapper

Eljay / Allj biography

So, Eljay is a young rap artist from Novosibirsk, who this year blew up the charts with his tracks that stick in your head for a long time.

Before he became famous

Alexey was born in 1994, in Novosibirsk, from childhood he had a craving for music, the guy attended a vocal class and was engaged in creativity. After graduating from school, he enters medical school and begins to work at the same time, but his desire to become a musician takes its toll and Eljay gives up routine classes and devotes himself to music, as you can see, not in vain.

Early creativity

Strangely enough, Eljay’s journey as a rapper began with battles. In his hometown, rap battles were held, Alexei had a chance to attend one of them, impressed by this phenomenon, he understands that he can do better than the guys who performed there. At the age of 13-15, he even takes part in both offline and online battles, winning many of them.
In 2013, Allj released his first studio album together with rapper “Mal”.

It sounds like “entryway lyrics”, underground, that is, completely different from the style in which we are used to hearing Eljay now.
In 2014, Alexey’s second album entitled “ The heads are smoking". The audience received the album with a bang, the sound became better and the music became more interesting. And the main composition of the album, with the same name, sounded from every car, for the sake of it they even installed a subwoofer in order to impress the fairer sex. This was the performer's first success, but far from the last.

In 2015, Allj released the album “Pushka” and began to tour the country with concerts, thereby further expanding its audience of listeners.
In 2016, he published his solo album “Catacombs”, in which I would like to note the rather hit track “Music”, recorded together with the performers MiyaGi & Endgame, and you can already feel a new sound in it, a departure from the old style.


The turning point in Eldzhey’s work can be noted in September 2016, it was then that the joint track with Kravets “Disconnect” was released, which instantly “shots”, takes first place in all charts and becomes a hit at all parties.
Then Alexey’s career quickly took off, he released the album “Sayonara Boy”, which for a long time remained in the first positions in “iTunes” and “PlayMusic”
“Sayonara Boy” is a completely new sound, a new style.
In 2017, Eljay released another solo album, “Sayonara Boy ろ”. With the release of which, one’s own style is formed, namely appearance, tattoos, and of course the recognizable white eyes.
In our opinion, the peak of popularity was August 2017, that’s when the joint composition with Feduk was released “ Allj (Eldzhey) x Feduk – Rose wine”. Which, without any doubt, became the main hit of the summer of 2017.

What's wrong with Eljay's eyes?

Allj is fine with his eyes, there are no problems or diseases. And he wears white lenses like tattoos and provocative clothes, only to attract attention and create a memorable image. Due to frequent questions about the eyes, he even has a song called “What's wrong with my eyes.”

Eljay now

March 27 Eljay releases his new album with title LJ - “SAYONARA BOY X”. Eljay, as promised, released his new album entitled “ Sayonara Boy X" Two compositions " Suzuki" And " Minimal” the rapper posted on social networks before the release of the record. All tracks from the album are performed in the same style, so beloved by fans, even the themes of the compositions have not changed.

Eljay works very actively. His image is unusual, his fans like it. We look forward to new creative successes from him.

The popular Russian musician Eldzhey’s real name is Alexey Uzenyuk. The young rapper was born in 1994 in Novosibirsk - on July 9, the singer turned 24 years old.

I have been involved in music since childhood. After finishing nine grades of school, he entered medical college, but soon dropped out due to a desire to engage in creativity.

Eldzhey's creativity

In his youth, he successfully took part in rap battles.

Eljay’s first joint album with rapper “Mal” was released in 2013. In 2014, Eldzhey’s second album, entitled “Bosses are Smoking,” was released, and in 2015, “Cannon.”

Another album, “Catacombs,” was presented to the public in 2016. A year later, the joint album “Disconnect” with Kravets was released, followed by the albums “Sayonara Boy”, “Sayonara Boy ろ” and “Sayonara Boy X”.

The rapper gained popularity back in 2016 after the release of the hit “Disconnect”. However, Eldzhey gained the greatest popularity in 2017, after a joint successful track with Feduk “Pink Wine”.

Eljay's personal life

Little is known about Eljay's personal life. The rapper has a younger brother named Daniil. A special place in the image of a musician is occupied by his appearance: the artist has many tattoos on his body, and Alexey also wears white lenses.