The image of Katerina in the drama thunderstorm lesson. Katerina's image

Subject literature

Class 10

The topic of the lesson is Katerina in the system of images. Protest against

"dark kingdom"


1. Organizational moment.

Purpose of the stage:

Encourage students to actively work in class, be diligent, and be relaxed in expressing their own opinions;

Warn guests about their friendly attitude to avoid unnecessary nervousness and embarrassment.

Greeting students.

2.Opening speech by the teacher.

Purpose of the stage:

Activate students’ attention to the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Slide 1. Portrait of A.N. Ostrovsky

In the previous lesson, we looked at the images of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov and gave them characteristics. The purpose of our lesson is to identify what place Katerina occupies in the system of images, to understand why she cannot live according to the laws of the “dark kingdom” and why she made such a choice.

Slide 2. Topic, purpose of the lesson, portrait of Katerina.

    The purpose of the lesson:


    what place does Katerina occupy in the system of drama images;

    why she cannot live according to the laws of the “dark kingdom”;

    why did the heroine make such a choice?

3.Poll on the drama “The Thunderstorm”

Purpose of the stage:

To identify students’ readiness to perceive new things.

To better understand the image of Katerina, let’s remember the norms and morals by which the city of Kalinov lives, let’s remember its inhabitants.

Express survey. Cards(3). A card (No. 4) with an individual task is given.

- “Cruel morals, sir, in our city.” Why does Kuligin say this?

How do you understand Boris’s words: “Whether you got married or buried here is all the same”?

How do her household feel about Kabanikha’s teachings?

4. Disclosure of the topic.

Purpose of the stage:

Determine the main character traits of Katerina;

Answer the question “What is Katerina’s conflict with those around her?”

Identify your attitude towards Katerina’s action.

Varvara and Tikhon have long adapted to life in their mother’s house: Varvara is convinced that they cannot do without pretense, Tikhon convinces Kabanikha of his obedience, and he himself is glad to “escape” from home at least for a short time. And Katerina?

Katerina peacefully tries to calm Kabanikha down and gently objects to her. No one has ever tried to object to Kabanikha or contradict her.

From the first remarks, Katerina appears as a special heroine, and in a conversation with Varvara she admits that she dreams of being... (a bird)

Slide 4. “You know, sometimes it seems to me that I’m a bird”

Let's listen to the monologue "Why don't people fly..." A prepared student speaks.

What character traits are evident from Katerina’s very first remarks?

Where did such features come from if the city lives by its own principles?

Yes, Katerina lived differently in her parents’ house.

Slide 5. “Yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity”

What did Katerina experience in Kabanikha’s house?

Now let's define the character traits of the main character and decide what her conflict with others is.

Slide 6. Katerina’s character traits - principles of life in Kabanikha’s house

The character traits of the heroine appear on the slide, students name the principles by which life in Kabanikha’s house takes place, and give examples from the text.
Love of freedom - submission
Independence - giving up one's will
Self-esteem – humiliation by reproaches and suspicions
Dreaminess and poetry - lack of spiritual principles
Religiosity - religious hypocrisy
Decisiveness - not letting one live according to one’s will (captivity)
Kindness, selflessness - rudeness and abuse
Honesty, spontaneity - deception

Let's draw a conclusion.

For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to her soul, but for Kabanikha, the main thing is to subjugate and not allow her to live in her own way. A sharp contrast arises here - an irreconcilable conflict ensues.

Slide 7. “It’s not good, it’s a terrible sin, ..that I love another?”

Love is the driving force of the plot. When will we learn about Katerina's love for Boris?

Answer on the card. Individual. exercise. Working with text d.2, yavl2

Card No. 4. What aspects of Katerina’s character are revealed in her conversation with Varvara? Give examples. What is her feeling towards Boris? Read out the lines.

Slide 8. “How can I love you when you say such words?”

Let us remember the scene of farewell to Tikhon. How does Tikhon behave with his mother?

Let's listen to the dialogue between Katerina and Tikhon. (Act 2, Episode 4 – beginning)

Presentation with an individual task. Reading the dialogue.

How do we see Katerina?

What is the significance of the scene “Seeing Tikhon” in the development of further actions?

(Katerina cannot love and respect such a powerless Tikhon. The meaning of this scene is the heroine’s desperate attempt to prevent trouble, to force herself to love her husband)

The key... The key to the hateful house of the imperious Kabanikha... The key to happiness, albeit momentary, but the happiness of being close to your loved one...

Slide 9. “Throw in the key! No, not for anything in the world!”

Individual task. Performing a monologue with a key. (action 2, appearance 10)

What feelings does Katerina experience? How are her feelings reflected in her speech? Was your classmate able to convey this in a monologue?

Actresses played the role of Katerina in different ways.

Slide 10. The first performer of the role of Katerina Nikulina-Kositskaya.

Lyubov Pavlovna Nikulina-Kositskaya is the first performer of the role of Katerina.The drama “The Thunderstorm” was filled with the actress’s memories of her childhood and youth on the Volga. Her stories, voice and whole appearance evoked in the playwright’s soul the image of Katerina with her independent and proud nature.

Slide 11. Glikeria Nikolaevna Fedotova.

The actress highlighted the dreaminess and religiosity in Katerina’s character, conveying the painful internal struggle between her feelings for Boris and the awareness of the sinfulness of her love. Revealing the heroine’s spiritual tragedy, the actress evoked not so much a feeling of protest against the “dark kingdom” as a feeling of pity and compassion for her.

Slide 12. Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova.

Ermolova created the image of a beautiful Russian woman, full of inner strength, readiness for heroic self-sacrifice, preferring death to captivity.

Of course, there were and are other performers of the role of Katerina. They all interpreted this image in their own way.

Is Katerina’s love for Boris a sincere feeling or a protest against the foundations of the Kabanikh’s life? Maybe she is embarking on the same path of lies and deception as Varvara?

Dispute: Is Katerina’s love a sincere feeling or a protest?

Conclusion: Katerina’s love is a sincere feeling, she is not capable of hypocrisy and pretending, she acts at the behest of her heart, violating the moral and religious law - cheating on her husband. And Tikhon did not strive to win Katerina’s love, but lived according to the orders and instructions of his “mama,” so Katerina did not find support and love in him, so she is looking for it on the side.

Slide 13. “I am a sinner before God and before you!”

What explains Katerina's repentance? What kind of heroine do you see in the scene of national repentance? This is the first climax of the drama.

Briefly recount the events of Act 5.

Slide 14. “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!"

Let's read Katerina's last monologue (act. 5, appearance 4)

This is the second climax.

Why couldn't Boris save Katerina?

Let's listen to the romance “Under the caress of a plush blanket” (poems by M. Tsvetaeva, music by A. Petrov, performer V. Ponomarev).

What kind of love is sung about in the romance? (This love is self-sacrifice, just like Katerina’s love)

Did Katerina have another way out?

How, influenced by Katerina’s act and her tragic fate, do other heroes protest against the despotism of tyrants?

Slide 15. Let's draw a conclusion.

    In the system of images, Katerina occupies...

    She cannot live according to the laws of the “dark kingdom” because...

    The heroine chose suicide in order to...

Katerina is a strong personality who knew how to love, is ready to sacrifice herself in the name of love, she is honest, sincere and therefore is not able to pretend, deceive, i.e. to live according to the laws of the “dark kingdom”, she chose a way out - suicide, in order to rid herself and her soul of remorse and get away from the norms and rules of the city of Kalinov.
She occupies a special place in the system of images: she belongs neither to the “victims” nor to the “owners” of the city of Kalinin.

It is not for nothing that the playwright Katerina gave her the name, which means “pure”.

Slide 16. Homework assignment.

5. Homework assignment.
Purpose of the stage:

Summarize what was said in class in the form of a note;

Prepare for your essay.

Slide8. Homework.

Complete a written task: summarize the material on the image of Katerina, draw up and write down a complex plan “Image of Katerina”

Love is stronger than death, stronger than fear
of death...
(I.S. Turgenev)

Lesson topic: “Don’t tempt me by loving!” (Katerina's love in the play
A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”)
The purpose of the lesson:
analyze the image of the heroine; understand why she decided to love
Boris, what did this love lead to?
find out Katerina's suicide - strength or weakness.
find out Katerina's character traits, why she cannot live according to the laws
"dark kingdom"
learn to conduct research work on a text.
learn to express your opinion.
Lesson form: debate.
Methodological techniques: conversation with analysis of episodes, student reports,
musical accompaniment, use of film and illustrations.
Equipment: A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”, illustrations for the play,
portraits of the actresses who played Katerina, film "The Thunderstorm", musical
accompaniment, poems by A. Dementiev and P. Vegin.
During the classes:
1. Organizational moment.
Communication attack. Students setting lesson goals through
problematic question. Objects on the teacher’s desk: (details –
white shawl - open wings - the heart is the key).
2. Why do you think these particular objects are in front of us?
Correlate your thoughts and reasoning with the topic of the lesson and with
epigraph “Love is stronger than death, stronger than the fear of death.”
3. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Music sounds: romance “Under the caress of a plush blanket” 2 min 35 sec.

What kind of love is sung about in the romance? (love is self-sacrifice, which
leads to death).
.The topic of our lesson: “Do not tempt me by loving!” (Katerina's love in
Love also led to death for the main character of the play “The Thunderstorm.”
Slide 1

play by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”)
Epigraph of the lesson: “Love is stronger than death, stronger than the fear of death.”
How do you understand these words?
When a person loves, he is ready to do anything, ready to sacrifice himself for
beloved, ready to perform a feat in the name of love. The main character of the play is
Katerina is ready to sacrifice a lot in the name of love, even her own
principles, she throws herself into the pool, without fear of God's punishment.
We must figure out why Katerina decided to love Boris,
why Katerina committed suicide,
identify Katerina’s character traits,
why can’t she live according to the laws of the “dark kingdom”,
What are the origins of Katerina’s character?
We conduct the lesson in the form of a debate, in which you must express your
Is Katerina's love weakness or strength?
Katerina's suicide Is it victory or defeat?
Can this be called Katerina’s protest against the “dark kingdom”?
During the lesson, each of you should form your own
the opinion on this matter that you will express during the debate.
4. Implementation of homework.
Slide 2 3. To better understand the image of Katerina and its incompatibility with
norm and morality of the “dark kingdom”, let us remember the previous lesson where we
talked about the life and customs of the city of Kalinov.
Homework question:

So, what is the life and customs of the city of Kalinov?
What was the position of women in Russia at that time?
Which of the characters in the play is neither a “victim” nor a “master”?
city ​​of Kalinov? (Katerina Kabanova). Why? (She's no one to herself
subjugates and does not know how to obey herself)
5. New material.
Slide 4. 1) Katerina’s character traits.
Katerina, the main character of Ostrovsky’s play, does not obey the “masters”
life (Kabanikha and Wild), the laws of the dark kingdom are alien to her, she lives
as her conscience tells her. The names of the heroes have a symbolic meaning:
Katerina - Greek “cleanliness”, “decency”; but the name of Kabanikha is
Martha - Greek “mistress”, “mistress”, that’s how she feels in the play; daughter
Kabanikha – Varvara – from Greek “foreign”,
Katerina is so (pure) due to her character.
What character traits are evident from Katerina’s very first remarks?
(read out remarks) inability to be hypocritical, directness.
Already from Katerina’s very first remarks, conflict is felt.
Where did such character traits of Katerina come from, if the city of Kalinov
lives by different principles?
(upbringing in childhood, in home)
The author talks in detail about Katerina’s childhood and her family.
Slide 5. Reading by heart Katerina’s monologue “Why don’t people fly?”
D.1, yavl. 7)
Slides 6, 7, 8, 9
Slide 10

Let's compare Katerina's life in Kabanikha's house and in her parents' house.
At the parents' house:

“like a bird in the wild”
“Mama doted on her”
“they weren’t forced to work”
“I embroidered, went to church, walked”
In her parents’ house, Katerina felt the cordial attitude of her relatives,
relative freedom, listened to the stories of wanderers, praying mantises, visited
church. Hence Katerina's morbid impressionability and romantic
attitude to life.
Slide 11. In Kabanikha’s house:
"withered like a flower"
“They scold you out of love”
"all under duress"
“He won’t be afraid of me, and even less so of you”
Slide 12. In Kabanova’s house, Katerina experienced cruelty towards her
mother-in-law, which caused a constant spiritual rebellion, and Tikhon did not understand
Katerina, but lived on Kabanikha’s orders.
The influence of life with the Kabanovs on Katerina:
A) Awareness of one’s doom
B) Isolation, disappointment in family life.
C) Passionate desire for freedom, love, happiness.
Now let's find out the character traits of the main character and what
her conflict with others?
Katerina's character traits and principles of life in the house
Slide 13.

Freedom-loving submission
Independence - renunciation of one's will
Self-esteem – humiliation by reproaches and suspicions

Dreaminess and poetry lack of spiritual principles
Religiosity religious hypocrisy
Determination not to let one live according to one’s will (captivity)
Kindness, selflessness, rudeness and abuse
Honesty, spontaneity - deception

Conclusion: For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to your soul, and for
The main thing for boars is to subjugate them and not let them live their own way. Here
a sharp contrast arises - an irreconcilable conflict ensues.
Your opinion on the question: How does Katerina differ from the residents of the city?
Kalinova? (spontaneity, kindness, sincerity, honesty, etc.)
Is Katerina’s desire for freedom a protest or a state of mind?
(Students' opinions)
Slide 14. 2) Katerina’s love for Boris - protest or sincere
Love is the driving force of the plot. What is love? Definition by
Ozhegov's dictionary (Love of children, parents, friends, high feeling)
1) all the characters talk about love, and especially Katerina.
2) We are talking about different types of love (the love of parents, friendship, sons
and about love as a high spiritual feeling.)
3) The first and last remarks about love belong to Katerina.
4) In 4.D, where the scene of Katerina’s repentance is described, there are no replicas at all
the word "love"
Is Katerina’s tragedy a tragedy of love or conscience?
Poem by A. Dementyev “The soul does not want change”
Love not only elevates.
Love sometimes destroys us.
Breaks destinies and hearts...

Beautiful in her desires,
She can be so dangerous
Like an explosion, like nine grams of lead.
She bursts in suddenly.
And you can no longer tomorrow
Don't see a cute face.
Love not only elevates.
Love accomplishes and decides everything.
And we go into this captivity.
And we don’t dream of freedom.
While the dawn rises in the soul,
The soul does not want change.
So Katerina’s love is not only a sublime feeling, but a feeling
destructive, which played a fatal role in her fate, led the heroine to
death. Cases of suicide in the patriarchal merchant world were not isolated
- we will see this from the history of the creation of the play “The Thunderstorm”
(student report) Dasha

Slide 15. “On the instructions of His Imperial Highness, Admiral General,
Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich for new materials for “Morskoe
collection" were distributed throughout the country by prominent Russian writers who already had experience
travel and taste for essayistic prose. They had to study and describe
folk crafts related to the sea, lakes and rivers, local techniques
shipbuilding and navigation, the situation of domestic fisheries and the
state of Russian waterways.
Ostrovsky inherited the Upper Volga from its source to Nizhny Novgorod. And he's with
got down to business with passion"

“In the ancient dispute between the Volga cities about which of them, by the will of Ostrovsky
turned into Kalinov (the setting of the play “The Thunderstorm”), arguments are most often heard in
benefit of Kineshma, Tver, Kostroma. The debaters seemed to have forgotten about Rzhev, and between
Thus, Rzhev was clearly involved in the birth of the mysterious plan of “The Thunderstorm”!
Where “The Thunderstorm” was written at a dacha near Moscow or in Shchelykovo in the Volga region - exactly
unknown, but it was created with amazing speed, truly by inspiration, for
several months in 1859.
For quite a long time it was believed that the plot of “The Thunderstorm” itself
Ostrovsky took from the life of the Kostroma merchants, which formed the basis for it
the sensational case of the Klykovs in Kostroma at the end of the summer of 1859. Up to
At the beginning of the 20th century, Kostroma residents proudly pointed to the site of Katerina’s suicide
- a gazebo at the end of a small boulevard, in those years literally hanging over
Volga They also showed the house where she lived, next to the Church of the Assumption. And when
“The Thunderstorm” was staged for the first time on the stage of the Kostroma Theater, the artists made up “to look like
Kostroma local historians then examined them in detail in the Klykovskoye archive.
case" and with documents in hand came to the conclusion that this particular story
used by Ostrovsky in his work on “The Thunderstorm”. There were almost coincidences
literal. A.P. Klykova was extradited at the age of sixteen to a gloomy and unsociable
a merchant family consisting of old parents, a son and an unmarried daughter.
The mistress of the house, stern and obstinate, depersonalized her husband and children with her despotism.
She forced her young daughter-in-law to do any menial work, refused her
requests to see relatives.
At the time of the drama, Klykova was 19 years old. In the past, she was raised with love and
The soul of her doted on grandmother, she was cheerful, cheerful, lively.
Now she found herself unkind and alien in the family. Her young husband, Klykov,
a carefree and apathetic person, could not protect his wife from the oppression of his mother-in-law and
treated her indifferently. The Klykovs had no children. And here on the way is young
Another man stood up, Maryin, an employee at the post office. Began

suspicions, scenes of jealousy. It ended up that on November 10, 1859 the body
A.P. Klykova was found in the Volga. A long trial began, which received
wide publicity even outside the Kostroma province, and none of
Kostroma residents had no doubt that Ostrovsky used the materials of this
affairs in "Groza".
Many decades passed before researchers of Ostrovsky's work
have definitely established that “The Thunderstorm” was written before the Kostroma merchant’s wife
Klykova rushed into the Volga. Ostrovsky began work on “The Thunderstorm” in June-July
1859 and finished on October 9 of the same year.
We can conclude that such cases happened among merchants, so
the patriarchal foundations of society did not allow one to live freely, independently, and
subjugated, enslaved. A woman couldn't love whoever she wanted, they said
she was not married for love, and she had to accept her fate.
Katerina Kabanova did not accept it, just like A.P. Klykova.
Reading the dialogue between Katerina and Varvara (D.2, episode 2)
Who did Katerina fall in love with?
Why does Varvara guess about Katerina’s love?
What can be said about the principles of the Kabanov house? How did you adapt?
Katerina fell in love with Boris, but Katerina’s conscience, her religiosity
allows her to transgress the moral law - to cheat on her husband. Torment
Katerina was noticed by Varvara, who had adapted to the laws of the “dark
kingdom”, learned to deceive and secretly from her mother meets her lover
Curly. It is Varvara who arranges the meeting between Katerina and Boris when Tikhon
leaves on business.
Slide 16. Analysis of the scene “Tikhon’s Farewell” D 2, appearances 3,4,5.

(Reading by roles)
How do the characters behave in this scene, how does this characterize them?
What significance does this scene have in the development of events?
(In this scene it is revealed that Kabanikha’s despotism reaches the extreme,
Tikhon's complete inability not only to protect is revealed. But also to understand
Katerina. This scene explains Katerina's decision to go on a date with Boris.)
How does Tikhon behave before leaving?
(To understand Tikhon’s state of mind before leaving, you need to clearly
imagine his situation in his mother’s house, his desire for at least two weeks
will be freed from guardianship. With a feeling of relief, Tikhon pronounces his remark:
“Yes, mama, it’s time.” But it turns out that's not all. His mother demands that he
gave instructions to Katerina how to live without him. Tikhon understands that, fulfilling his will
mother, he humiliates his wife.
When Kabanikha’s instructions become completely offensive, Tikhon

tries to object to the bullying of Katerina, but the mother is adamant, and
he quietly, embarrassed, as if apologizing to his wife, says: “Don’t
look at the guys! The goal of Kabanikha is to lead to complete submission
family and, above all, wayward Katerina)
Slide 17. Answers to questions
Let's try to understand why Katerina fell in love with Boris?
We will find the answer in Dobrolyubov’s article: “For her, everything lies in this passion.”
life; all the strength of her nature, all her living aspirations merge here. To Boris
What attracts her is not just the fact that she likes him, that in appearance and speech he is not like
others around her, her need for love, which has not found
self-reproach in the husband, and the offended feeling of the wife and woman, and the deadly

the melancholy of her monotonous life, and the desire for freedom, space, hot, unforbidden
Analysis of a monologue with a key. D 2, appearance 10.
Slide 18. Reading a monologue. (student reads)
What feelings does Katerina experience, how are these feelings reflected in her speech?
What is the significance of the scene?
(Here the victory of Katerina’s natural feeling over dogmas is revealed
house building. Katerina's speech is full of short, abrupt questions and
exclamatory sentences, repetitions, comparisons conveying tension
Katerina's feelings.
After the excited introduction, Katerina’s bitter thoughts about life in
captivity. Speech becomes more restrained and balanced. Katerina
challenges the initial decision to throw the key: “What’s the point in this?”
It would be a sin if I looked at him once, even from afar! Yes, at least we’ll talk!.. Yes
because he himself didn’t want to.” This part of the monologue is accompanied by remarks:
after thinking
looks thoughtfully at the key,
characterizing Katerina’s condition.
The monologue ends with a strong outburst of feelings: “I even want to die, yes
to see him…"
Love choice dooms Katerina to torment. She's dating
Excerpt from the film “The Thunderstorm” (scene “Date”)
What is the complexity of Katerina’s internal state?
(Katerina cheats and stands on a par with Varvara, this is not typical
Katerina's nature. The author shows the evolution of the heroine’s state of mind - from
confusion towards asserting the right to love. Katerina “quietly descends

path, .. looking down at the ground,” turns to Boris “with fear, but not
raising his eyes,” “raises his eyes and looks at Boris,” “throws himself at his neck.”)
How is Katerina’s struggle with herself shown in these monologues? (her monologues
tense, emotional, it is not the mind that speaks in them, but the heart.)
How is Katerina’s determination expressed? (decided on love with Boris,
acted at the behest of the heart, not the law)
Conclusion: Katerina’s love is a sincere feeling, she is not capable of being a hypocrite
and pretend, she acts at the behest of her heart, violating
moral and religious law - cheats on her husband, and Tikhon does not
sought to win Katerina's love, but lived according to orders and
orders of her “mama”, so Katerina did not find in him
support and love, so he looks for it on the side.
So, is Katerina’s love a sincere feeling or a protest? (students' opinions)
1) Repentance of Katerina (D.4, Rev. 6)
After her husband’s arrival, Katerina “simply became her own person... She’s all trembling,
It’s as if she’s running a fever; so pale, rushing around the house, as if looking for something. Eyes
like a madwoman."
Why did the changes occur in Katerina? (Katerina was religious, cheating
husband, she committed a grave sin, she committed deception, which contradicts her
nature, that’s why Katerina’s soul is heavy, it’s easier for her to confess and repent)
Slide 19. Since the drama is called “Thunderstorm”, the thunderstorm motif is present on
throughout the play. Let's try to figure out how the title of the play determines
actions of the main character.
What do you think is the meaning of the title?
(Thunderstorm - in nature, the motif of an approaching thunderstorm is constantly heard.

Thunderstorm in Katerina’s soul - disagreement with the morality of the “dark kingdom”, the desire to live
according to the dictates of the heart, love for Boris leads to confusion of the soul.
There is a storm in society - a conflict is brewing, the reluctance of many to live according to the norms and
rules of house-building, in an unfree society free feelings awaken.)
Thunderstorm in nature - refreshing
Thunderstorm in the soul - cleanses
A thunderstorm in society enlightens.
How the residents of Kalinov perceived the thunderstorm (as a divine phenomenon. As punishment
God, Katerina is no exception, she is afraid of thunderstorms, following religious
Slide 20. How is the repentance scene motivated? (read an excerpt from the play)
(A thunderstorm is approaching, which, according to the Kalinovites, “is our punishment
is being sent." The gloomy flavor is enhanced by the action scene - instead of a panorama
The Volga is a narrow gallery with oppressive arches. Katerina is now “unarmed.” Her
Both Kabanikha’s hints and Tikhon’s affectionate joke hurt. The caress of her husband, before whom
she is to blame - it’s torture for her)
What is the difference in Katerina’s state of mind in D.1 and D.4?
(The difference in Katerina’s state of mind is also expressed in her exclamations after
departure of the lady in D.1 “Oh, how she scared me, I’m trembling all over, as if she was prophesying
something for me; D.4. :"Oh, I'm dying!" Katerina is waiting for God's punishment. She is searching
protection from God, kneels down and sees an image of hell in front of him. So
Ostrovsky leads to the climax of the play - the scene of repentance.)

Slide 21.yav.6. - Read the passage. What feelings does he have now?

(If in the monologue with the key and in the date scene the victory of love in the soul is revealed
Katerina, then in the scene of repentance the power of those gravitating over
Katerina norms of religious morality.)
Can Katerina’s repentance be considered her weakness? What would happen to Katerina?
if she hadn't repented?
(If Katerina had hidden her sin, she would have learned to pretend and deceive,
continued to go on dates with Boris, this would mean that Katerina
adapted to the surrounding society, reconciled with its moral
foundations, despotism)
What explains Katerina's repentance?
(Katerina’s repentance is explained not only by the fear of God’s punishment, but also by the fact that
her high morality rebels against the deception that has entered her life.
She said about herself: “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything.”
For Katerina, the moral assessment of her actions and thoughts is
important aspect of spiritual life. And in the popular recognition of Katerina you can
see an attempt to atone for one's guilt, to severely punish oneself, an attempt at moral
Could Katerina find a way to save her soul? Why? (students' opinions)
Slide 22. Farewell to Boris. (D.5, Rev. 3.4)
(Reading passage)
The romance “And finally I’ll say” sounds
Katerina rushes into the Volga, not reconciled with the laws of the “dark kingdom”.
Why couldn’t Boris save Katerina (He was a “victim” of the “dark kingdom”,
lived under the influence of the Wild One, and could not disobey him, obeyed him and could not, how
Katerina speaks out against captivity due to fear of “victim”)
What can be concluded?
Conclusion: Katerina has not betrayed herself anywhere, she decided on love according to
at the behest of her heart, she admitted to betrayal according to her inner feeling

freedom (a lie is not freedom), says goodbye to Boris not only because
feelings of love, nor because he suffered because of her, rushed into
Volga at the request of a free soul.
Prove that Katerina's death is a protest.
(Timic Tikhon blames his mother for his wife’s death, Varvara runs away from home)
Who will pray for the heroines who died for love?
Poem by P. Vegin “Keeper of the Hearth”
You are destroying the hearth.
The blue fire is boiling
In desperate eyes.
Warrior in love
What is drama to you, what is shame?
And you destroy the house
To build a temple.
The heroine of the play, destroying her family, went to love, experienced moments of happiness,
built a temple of love, probably the goddess of love will pray for her soul.
6. Work from the textbook (Reserve)
The role of Katerina was played by many actresses, everyone had different approaches to
interpretations of this image
"Performers of the roles of Katerina"
1 Kositskaya
Work according to the textbook: How did the actresses embody the image of Katerina?

Conclusion: Diverse stage incarnations are a continuation
Controversy: is it strength or weakness? Protest or humility?
6.Critics about the play.
“What is a critic supposed to do here?”
Student message
Dobrolyubov “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom”
“Thunderstorm” is the revolutionary forces maturing in the depths of Russia
the critic noted strong, rebellious motives in the character of Katerina
In Katerina we see a protest against Kabanov’s concepts of morality.
Katerina is a healthy person. Who found the determination
end this rotten life at all costs.
D. Pisarev “Motives of Russian drama”
Katerina is a “crazy dreamer”
Katerina's whole life consists of internal contradictions
She constantly goes from one extreme to another
She confuses her life and the lives of others at every step.
She, having confused everything, cuts the lingering knots with the stupidest means -
Apollon Grigoriev
I saw in Katerina the poetry of folk life
Noted the beauty of nature, the Volga, against which it unfolds
action: “It’s as if not an artist, but a whole people created here!”
8. Lesson summary.
So, in the lesson we looked at the image of the main character of Ostrovsky’s play
“Thunderstorm”, what conclusion can be drawn about it?

Lesson conclusion: Katerina is a strong personality who knew how to love,
ready to sacrifice herself in the name of love, but she is honest, sincere and
therefore, she is not able to pretend, to deceive, i.e. live by the laws
"dark kingdom", she chose a way out - suicide, in order to save herself and
your soul from remorse and get away from the norms and rules of the city of Kalinov.
The romance “Love is a magical country” sounds
 Reception “Help from a psychologist”
What do you guys think, do Katerinas remain in modern society?
(Of course have)
How can modern Katerina get out of the current situation?
(Today, anyone can seek help from
qualified specialists. This includes the help of a psychologist and
educational books, consultations, as well as various recommendations in
field of psychology)
What positive aspects should a modern person have?
(This is a healthy lifestyle, the desire to live, create, enjoy every
moment, to feel the feeling and state of complete
strive to realize goals and dreams, cherish and love loved ones and
others, have a favorite hobby, hobby)
Find yourself - there is no shortcut,
Find yourself - there is no longer a road;
Finding yourself means opening a source in your soul,
Find yourself - and become stronger!
Yuri Entin
D/z Essay “Don’t kill a woman’s love”
If time permits

4. Generalization of what has been learned.
Teacher. I propose to compose a five-line poem in which you can give
a generalized description of the image of Katerina. (Work in groups).

1. Topic (noun).
2. Two definitions (adjectives).
3. Actions (three verbs).
4. Associations (four nouns).
5. Actions (three verbs).
6. Topic (noun).
Direct, honest.
Loves, strives, rebels.
Freedom, passion, isolation, sin.
He becomes disappointed, suffers, and dies.
Poor Katerina

study of the female type in Russian literature

A detailed recording of the lesson, which presents work with a literary text, test work, children’s work with slides, acting skills of the student who played the role of Katerina

Lesson summary

One hero's lesson. The image of Katerina in A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”

teacher of Russian language and literature

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 4" of the city of Saratov

Technical support: projector, laptop, portrait of A.N. Ostrovsky, literary text of the play, blackboard

Goals and objectives of the lesson: understand what components make up the image in a dramatic work, analyze the text from the point of view of the theme, see the individual and typical in the image of Katerina, try to independently interpret the text, draw parallels between life and literature, use slide materials from the history of theatrical productions of "The Thunderstorm"

During the classes

1.Organizing time: checking readiness for the lesson, the presence of a workbook on literature, the text of the drama “The Thunderstorm”.

Record the topic of the lesson in workbooks.

Goal setting for the lesson (see above).

Recording the epigraph of the lesson from the board :

The decisive, integral Russian

in Ostrovsky in the female type.

N. Dobrolyubov

We will come to understand the meaning of the epigraph during the lesson. And the text of the great 19th century playwright, hearing writer A.N. Ostrovsky will help us (addressing the portrait of the writer on the board).

2.Warm-up in the form of a test based on the text “Thunderstorms” read.

A) In which city on the banks of the Volga does Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm” take place:

1) Bryakhimov, 2) Kalinov, 3) city, 4) Glupov

b) About whom in the play do the city residents say: “scold”, “shrill man”?

1) Kuligin, 2) Boris, 3) Dikoy, 4) Kudryash

c) Which of the characters in the play is well acquainted with the works of Lomonosov and Derzhavin and quotes their poems out loud?

1) Katerina, 2) Kuligin, 3) Boris, 4) Kabanikha

d) In “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky Glasha

1) Kabanikha’s daughter, 2) a wanderer living in the Kabanovs’ house,

3) Boris’s sister, 4) a girl in the Kabanovs’ house

e) What city is the wanderer talking about: “I’m walking early in the morning... I see on a tall, tall building, on the roof, someone standing with a black face... And he makes with his hands, as if he’s pouring out something, but nothing’s pouring out. ..”:

1) Kalinov, 2) Petersburg, 3) Moscow, 4) city

e) Whose words are these? “You don’t know my character! If I get really tired of being here, they won’t hold me back by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the Volga.”

1)1)Katerina, 2)Varvara, 3)Tikhon, 4)Kuligin

Examination to complete it: one student comments on his answers out loud, the other two submit their notebooks to the teacher for checking. The teacher announces 3 grades.

3. It is no coincidence that this question (e) was posed last in the test.

QUESTION: What character trait of Katerina is visible in these words? (decisiveness, strength of character, pride...). From this position we will begin to think about the image of the heroine.

Work with text

QUESTION: What does our idea of ​​a dramatic hero usually consist of?

Based on the students' answers, we make notes in their notebooks.:



Dialogues of heroes,


Relationships with other characters

Hero's speech


QUESTION: Describe the situation in the Kabanovs’ house. What place does Marfa Kabanova take here? Which Katerina? (students’ answers according to the text)

Question: Tell us about Katerina’s backstory. We recognize her from the conversations of Katerina and Varya.

(Analysis of Katerina’s monologue - action 1 phenomenon 7 - about the girl’s free life in her parents’ house:

Lived like a bird in the wild

Dressed like a doll

There are flowers all around, beauty (in Katya’s speech - key, water...)

Morning and evening prayers in church and in the garden,

Work is a joy (embroidery...),

Wanderers, pilgrims in the house.)

WRITTEN conclusions about Katerina’s character in a notebook:


The desire for freedom




Closeness to the people, their culture,

Poetic soul

QUESTION: How does her monologue in Act 1, Rev. 7 characterize the heroine about her dreams in her father’s house, about her feelings during prayer?


QUESTION for student No. 1.

How does the student understand the heroine’s feelings in this monologue? What is important for understanding the inner essence of Katerina?

Conclusions about Katerina’s “golden” character, her genuine faith in the Lord, honesty, and unique character.

VOPR. to the class:

What words of Katerina testify not so much to her gentleness as to the strength of her character (about Katya’s childhood)? (“They offended me... she ran out, got into the boat... The next morning they found her 10 miles away!

Or “You don’t know my character!.. I’ll throw myself into the Volga... I don’t want to live here, I won’t do that, even if you cut me...”


Katerina's determination.

Many details indicate Katerina’s position in Kabanikha’s house. For the first time, I gave the task to study from the text of the drama how Katerina addresses others and how they address her.

Student 2 will come up with conclusions on this problem (the student says that Katerina is gentle with everyone, humane: she even communicates sweetly with her mother-in-law who hates her; she calls her mother, Boris calls her her love, joy. Varya is a girl, etc. A No one speaks kindly about her, as if they don’t want to see in her radiant humanity, love, honesty, tenderness. It’s all Katya and Katya...)

VOPR. What pushes Katerina into Boris's arms? What did Katerina’s love for Boris give? Does she love her husband Tikhon? Does she complain about incomplete female happiness, being deprived of something? (Katerina complains about being deprived of true love, children - act 2, phenomenon 8)


Need for love

The dream of women's happiness,


VOPR. What does Katerina’s last, dying monologue tell us (act 5, scene 4)?

The teacher reads this monologue expressively. There is a discussion of its content (we hear the stream of consciousness of lonely, humiliated Katerina, who sees no way out of the impasse; these are thoughts in the face of death, in a state of detachment and confusion; abundance! and... signs)

4. Conclusions on working with drama text

VOPR. Is it possible to call the image of Katerina not quite finished? Sketchy? (no, this is a solid character, lively, juicy, multi-colored. In contrast to the dramatic female characters created earlier by Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Pushkin, Gogol. This is the merit of the author - A. Ostrovsky.)

Return to the lesson epigraph on the board. We continue to quote the critic Dobrolyubov: “The character of Katerina constitutes a step forward not only in all of Ostrovsky’s dramatic activities, but also in all of our literature.” This “decisive, integral Russian character ... appears in Ostrovsky in the female type.”

Katerina’s character is a character that harmoniously combines individual traits, and at the same time it is a typical character! (students’ proof of this statement sounds).

  1. We talked about many components of Katerina’s image, and discussed the issue of the character’s appearance casually when we gave feedback on the costume that our actress chose to perform the monologue.

WORD to the students who prepared SLIDES from the history of the production of “The Thunderstorm”. They will tell us about the actresses of leading theaters in Russia who had the opportunity to play Katerina on stage in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Student 1 and Student 2 talk during slide show about M. Ermolova, G. Fedotova, P. Strepetova, Pashennaya, Roshchina-Insarova, Elanskaya, who created deeply individual images of Katerina.

Teacher's ADDENDUM: Snetkova played Katerina for the first time on December 2, 1859 at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Critics responded about her this way: she well expressed the moral purity and poetic enthusiasm of the heroine, but she deprived the image of everyday colors and in appearance was more like a St. Petersburg young lady!

QUESTION: Who, in your opinion, really expresses Katerina’s character outwardly? (usually the guys agree with the image given by Strepetova (Alexandrinsky Theater, 1881)). Students do not agree with the costume of Snetkova (veil, a lot of merchant in the image), Fedotova (large beads, kokoshnik, wide skirt on the artist).

6.HOMEWORK. We will not consider this conversation about the great female type in Russian drama to be complete, because The home assignment is given to make a summary of N. Dobrolyubov’s article “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” on the questions asked in the first lessons on the playwright’s work. Individual task 2 students receive - read “The Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky and answer questions (the story of L. Ogudalova, her tragedy, the difference between this female type and Katerina from the drama “The Thunderstorm”).

7.REFLECTION: What did you like about the lesson? Is the “One Hero's Lesson” format interesting?

  1. The teacher gives grades and explains them.

Morozova N.T. In the first half of the 19th century, the position of women in Russia was dependent in many respects. Before marriage, she lived under the unquestioned authority of her parents, and after the wedding, her husband became her master. The main sphere of activity of women of the lower classes was the family. According to the rules accepted in society and enshrined in Domostroi, she could only count on a domestic role: the role of daughter, wife, mother. The spiritual needs of most women, as in pre-Petrine Rus', were satisfied by church holidays and church services. “Domostroy” is a monument of Russian writing from the 16th century, representing a set of rules for family life

Morozova N.T. Katerina. Name - image - fate Ekaterina - colloquial Katerina, translated from Greek: pure, noble, decent: 1. corresponding to the rules of behavior and morality accepted in society. 2. Observing the rules of behavior, decency (about a person)… SYNONYMS – decent, modest

Morozova N.T. Katerina in her parents’ house “She lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild,” “mama doted on her soul,” “didn’t force her to work.” Katerina's activities: cared for flowers, went to church, listened to wanderers and praying mantises, embroidered on velvet with gold, walked in the garden Katerina's activities: took care of flowers, went to church, listened to wanderers and praying mantises, embroidered on velvet with gold, walked in the garden

Morozova N.T. And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Either the temples are golden, or the gardens are some kind of extraordinary, and invisible voices are singing, and there is a smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as if depicted in images. And it’s like I’m flying, and I’m flying through the air. And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Either the temples are golden, or the gardens are some kind of extraordinary, and invisible voices are singing, and there is a smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as if depicted in images. And it’s like I’m flying, and I’m flying through the air. - How did the church shape both the moral and aesthetic sense of the girl? - How did the church shape both the moral and aesthetic sense of the girl?

Morozova N.T. “And to death I loved going to church! Exactly, it happened that I would enter heaven, and I didn’t see anyone, and I didn’t remember the time, and I didn’t hear when the service was over. Just like it all happened in one second. Mama said that everyone used to look at me, what was happening to me! Do you know: on a sunny day such a bright pillar goes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this pillar, like clouds, and I see that it used to be as if angels were flying and singing in this pillar...” “And to death I loved going to church! Exactly, it happened that I would enter heaven, and I didn’t see anyone, and I didn’t remember the time, and I didn’t hear when the service was over. Just like it all happened in one second. Mama said that everyone used to look at me, what was happening to me! Do you know: on a sunny day, such a light column goes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this column, like clouds, and I see, it used to be as if angels were flying and singing in this column...”

Morozova N.T. Conclusions: Features of Katerina’s life in her parents’ home 1. The cordial attitude of her relatives. 2. Visiting church, listening to the stories of pilgrims, praying prayers. Relative freedom. Katerina’s character traits, developed under the influence of her parents’ life: Morbid impressionability, exaltation. Romantic attitude towards life.

Morozova N.T. Katerina about life in the Kabanov family “I’ve completely withered here,” “yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity.” The atmosphere at home is fearful. “He won’t be afraid of you, and even less so of me. What kind of order will there be in the house?” The atmosphere at home is fearful. “He won’t be afraid of you, and even less so of me. What kind of order will there be in the house?”

Morozova N.T. What prompted Katerina to fall in love with Boris? What prompted Katerina to fall in love with Boris? - What was Katerina running from when deciding to date Boris? - What was Katerina striving for? -What did Katerina have to go through? -What kind of love was Katerina counting on when she went on a date with Boris?

Morozova N.T. Why is Katerina looking for a way out in love? “What am I saying, that I’m deceiving myself? I could even die to see him. To whom am I pretending!.. Throw in the key! No, not for anything in the world! He’s mine now... Whatever happens, I’ll see Boris! Oh, if only the night would speed up!..” “What am I saying, that I’m deceiving myself? I could even die to see him. To whom am I pretending!.. Throw in the key! No, not for anything in the world! He’s mine now... Whatever happens, I’ll see Boris! Oh, if only the night would speed up!..” Did Katerina love her husband?

Morozova N.T. Varvara. If you can’t bear it, what will you do? Varvara. If you can’t bear it, what will you do? Katerina. What will I do! Katerina. What will I do! Varvara. Yes, what will you do? Varvara. Yes, what will you do? Katerina. Then I’ll do whatever I want. Katerina. Then I’ll do whatever I want. Varvara. Try it, you'll get eaten here. Varvara. Try it, you'll get eaten here. Katerina. What about me? I will leave, and I was like that. Katerina. What about me? I will leave, and I was like that. Varvara. Where will you go! You are a man's wife. Varvara. Where will you go! You are a man's wife. Katerina. Eh, Varya, you don’t know my character! Of course, God forbid this happens, and if I get really sick of it here, they won’t hold me back by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me. Katerina. Eh, Varya, you don’t know my character! Of course, God forbid this happens, and if I get really sick of it here, they won’t hold me back by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me. - - Comment on the dialogue

Lady. What, beauties? What are you doing here? Are you expecting some good guys, gentlemen? Are you having fun? Funny? Does your beauty make you happy? This is where beauty leads. (Points to the Volga.) Here, here, into the deep end. Varvara smiles. Varvara smiles. Why are you laughing! Don't be happy! (Knocks with a stick.) You will all burn inextinguishably in the fire. Everything in the resin will boil unquenchable. (Leaving.) Look, there, where beauty leads! (Leaves.) Why are you laughing! Don't be happy! (Knocks with a stick.) You will all burn inextinguishably in the fire. Everything in the resin will boil unquenchable. (Leaving.) Look, there, where beauty leads! (Leaves.)

Morozova N.T. “Eh, why feel sorry for me, no one is to blame,” she went for it herself. Don’t be sorry, ruin me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I’m doing... If I wasn’t afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment ?" “Eh, why feel sorry for me, no one is to blame,” she went for it herself. Don’t be sorry, ruin me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I’m doing... If I wasn’t afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment ?"

Morozova N.T. - What is the power of Katerina’s love? - Why does the heroine so resignedly “accept” Boris’s decision to leave her? - Take me with you from here. - You can’t, Katya; I’m not going of my own free will, my uncle is sending me. What way out of this situation do you see? What way out of this situation do you see?

Morozova N.T. Positive aspects “No one will take my love away from me...” “Kabanova is old, she will soon need my help...” “How much joy children will bring me...” Negative aspects “I will never see Boris, these night fears again, these long nights, these long days..."

Morozova N.T. As a child, in the Kabanov family, “Like a bird in the wild,” “mama doted on my soul,” “didn’t force me to work.” Katerina’s activities: cared for flowers, went to church, listened to wanderers and praying mantises, embroidered on velvet with gold, walked in the garden “I’ve completely withered here,” “yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity.” The atmosphere at home is fearful. “He won’t be afraid of you, and even less so of me. What kind of order will there be in the house?” Traits of Katerina: love of freedom (the image of a bird); independence; self-esteem; dreaminess and poetry (story about visiting church, about dreams); religiosity; determination (story about the act with the boat) Principles of the Kabanov house: complete submission; renunciation of one's will; humiliation by reproaches and suspicions; lack of spiritual principles; religious hypocrisy For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to her soul. For Kabanikha, the main thing is to subjugate, not to let her live in her own way.

Morozova N.T. Where to now? Should I go home? No, whether I go home or go to the grave, it doesn’t matter. Yes, to home, to the grave!.. to the grave! It’s better in a grave... There’s a grave under a tree... how nice!.. The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring the grass will grow on it, so soft... birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out children, flowers they will bloom: yellow, red, blue... all sorts of things (he thinks), all sorts of things... So quiet, so good! I feel better! And I don’t even want to think about life

Morozova N.T. N.A. Dobrolyubov: “Katerina is a ray of light in a dark kingdom. At the tragic end...a terrible challenge was given to tyrant power. In Katerina we see a protest against Kabanov’s concepts of morality, a protest carried to the end...” (N.A. Dobrolyubov “A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom”). D.I. Pisarev: “Education and life could not give Katerina either a strong character or a developed mind... She cuts the knots that have been tied with suicide, which is completely unexpected for her.” (D.I. Pisarev “Motives of Russian Drama”) ________________________________________________________________ D.I. Pisarev: “Education and life could not give Katerina either a strong character or a developed mind... She cuts the knots that have been tied with suicide, which is completely unexpected for her.” (D.I. Pisarev “Motives of Russian Drama”) What What is your opinion and why? "Thunderstorm" in Russian criticism

Morozova N.T. Information sources Teacher template N.T. Morozova 4 slide – woman in the 19th centurywoman in the 19th century 5 slide – “Domostroy”“Domostroy” 6 slide - Katerina Katerina 7 slide - View of the Volga View of the Volga 8 slide - Katerina Katerina 9 slide - churchchurch 10 slide - girl, service in the churchgirl, service in the church Light in the church 12 sweet - Kabanikha, Katerina, Boris Kabanikha, Katerina, Boris 13 slide - Dikoy and Kabanikha Dikoy and Kabanikha 14 slide - evening exercise Kalinov 15 slide - Katerina Katerina 16 slide - Katerina and Varvara Katerina and Varvara 17 slide - Katerina Katerina 18 slide - under the vaults of the churchunder the vaults of the church 20 slide - Katerina's repentanceKaterina's repentance 21 slide - painting by Vasnetsovpainting by Vasnetsov 22 slide - Katerina with Boris Katerina with Boris Katerina's farewell to Boris Katerina and Boris on bench near the Volga 23 slide – Katerina with Boris Katerina with Boris 27 slide – Katerina Katerina 28 slide – Katerina and Tikhon Katerina and Tikhon