Is it possible to name an academician a d. Moral values

Answer left by: Guest

Yes, the creation of a person can sometimes harm him, regardless of whether there is a protective device

Answer left by: Guest

A person is a subject in the legal system and has the right, in accordance with the constitution, to engage in any type of activity that does not contradict the law and corresponds to his level of legal capacity. A full-fledged capable citizen on the basis of the civil code is recognized as a person aged 18 years, with the exception of special moments when a citizen gains full legal capacity at the age of 16 years. The concept of activity is understood as one or another range of tasks thanks to which a person obtains the desired result during the process. Activities can be considered as various forms of exercising one’s rights and obligations; this includes study, work, everyday life or hobbies. Studying is the responsibility of a citizen in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is regulated by the federal law on education. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children receive a decent education. Labor activity is regulated by a huge range of labor law and is carried out in accordance with the law with all the ensuing consequences. A hobby is an individual way of realizing one’s rights and responsibilities for moral, physical, intellectual or other self-improvement

Answer left by: Guest

The Prosecutor's Office is a centralized federal structural system of bodies acting on behalf of the Russian Federation, which oversees the implementation of the Constitution, federal laws and, in general, the implementation of legislation on the territory of the Russian Federation. The supervision of the prosecutor's office is divided into 4 huge parts. This is oversight of the observance of human rights and freedoms; if they are violated, the prosecutor or his deputy is obliged to consider the citizen’s complaint and take specific measures. Supervision over the implementation of legislation by organizations, individual entrepreneurs, federal structures, bailiffs, municipal authorities and others. Supervision over the execution of the activities of organizations that carry out operational investigative activities - this is the investigative committee or bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, of course, Supervision over the execution of organizations carrying out the execution of punishments and the maintenance of citizens or organizations carrying out the detention and arrest of citizens not related to imprisonment. The prosecutor's office has 4 acts of prosecutorial response. 1 is a warning from the prosecutor, i.e. This is a warning about violations of the law related to received information about impending offenses in order to suppress them. 2. this is a presentation from the prosecutor, the prosecutor presents a request to eliminate violations identified during inspections or statements of violations, the prosecutor orders the organization to eliminate these violations. 3. Protest of the prosecutor - the prosecutor has the right to raise a protest against an inappropriate legislative act with a view to its immediate elimination by an organization or individual. Well, 4 is a resolution to initiate administrative proceedings, when obvious violations are noticed during inspections and they have not been eliminated, administrative proceedings are initiated to transfer them to court. Or criminal prosecution.

To a certain extent, this stereotypical image corresponds to reality. Both professor and academician are scientific titles, the path to which is difficult and long, and therefore they achieve such a position, as a rule, at an advanced age. But you can be a professor at any university or research institute, and an academician only at the Academy of Sciences.


Professor is both an academic title and a position, the path to which lies along a certain “career ladder”. The title is inseparable from the person; they are appointed to the position. A candidate of sciences can take the position of associate professor of the department, but can remain an assistant - or become one if he moves to work at another university. In a few years, he will receive the title of associate professor, and then he will be able to apply for an assistant professor position at any university.

The next career step is the position of professor of the department. There is no direct prohibition on appointing candidates of science to this position, but it is usually occupied by doctors of science. Just as in the case of an associate professor, after a few years of work in this position, a scientist can receive the title of professor, and for this a doctorate degree is already required. The professorial title gives the right to head the department.


Before the October Revolution of 1917, an academician in Russia was any student of an academic educational institution - for example, a university. During the Soviet era, this title was officially introduced in a different meaning, in which it is still used in the Russian Federation.

An academician is a full member of the Academy of Sciences, an organization that unites scientists and organizes the activities of the scientific community. Such an academy should not be confused with a higher educational institution that bears a similar name - for example, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

Theoretically, in order to become an academician, it is not necessary to be a professor, but in reality, such an honor is most often awarded to scientists who already have a professorship.

The first step to the title of academician is election as a corresponding member. For outstanding scientific achievements, a scientist is elected as a corresponding member by secret ballot, which takes place in the relevant department of the Academy, and then the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences approves his election. Academicians are elected from among the corresponding members at the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences, and this title is awarded for life.

Currently, there are many organizations calling themselves academies. Some of them - for example, the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences - have nothing to do with real science. Their members also call themselves “academics,” but they have no rights to this.

Only members of state academies can bear the title of academician. There are six of them in Russia: the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), the Russian Academy of Arts (RAA), the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN) and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAASH). ).


  • Academic degrees and titles: who is who

It must be clearly understood that “getting an assistant professor” can mean two different situations. The first is to obtain the position of associate professor (teacher at a higher educational institution). The second is to receive the academic title of associate professor. In the first case, to obtain the position of associate professor, you must have a higher education and teaching experience at a university. In the second case, not only higher education is required, but also an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science. So, how to get the academic title of associate professor?


First of all, for this you need to have an academic degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences and fulfill a number of mandatory requirements, among which the main ones are: a) Experience in teaching in a given higher educational institution for at least one year in a position not lower than an associate professor, or experience in scientific work in or scientific- research institute in a position not lower than senior (or leading, or chief) employee.b) Total experience in scientific and pedagogical work of at least five years, of which at least three years - in universities or institutes of advanced training.c) Created in three years (possible co-authored), or a monograph, or a chapter in a monograph, or at least two scientific or educational works. d) For creative or sports specialties: having an honorary title (“national” or “honored”), or the title of laureate (champion) of a competition , festival or competition of a level not lower than the all-Russian one. In addition, the applicant must prepare at least two students who have received honorary titles or become laureates (champions) at a level not lower than the all-Russian one.

When all the necessary requirements are met, the Council of the department or faculty at the university or the scientific division at the research institute, at the request of the applicant, draws up a package of documents that confirm that the applicant has fulfilled all the requirements. A package of documents (which includes a recommendation from the Council of the department, faculty or research unit) is submitted to the Academic Council of the university, scientific or research institute.

The Academic Council makes a decision to award the applicant the academic title of “Associate Professor” and applies to the Higher Qualifications Commission (HAC) for approval of its decision. When the Higher Attestation Commission approves the decision of the Academic Council, the applicant receives the coveted title of “Associate Professor”.


  • Regulations on the procedure for conferring academic titles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2002 No. 194

If you have been teaching at a university or in a department of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a long time, have written a textbook, or have served as a rector or vice-rector for some time, then you can apply for the academic title of associate professor in a department or associate professor in a specialty.

You will need

  • - personal sheet for personnel records;
  • - an extract from the work record book about scientific and pedagogical experience;
  • - extracts from orders on the conduct of teaching activities;
  • - an extract with the voting results of the Academic Council;
  • - list of published scientific works.


Check whether you meet the requirements for applicants for the title of associate professor in the department: whether you are a doctor or science, teaching at a high professional level at a university, whether you have scientific and educational works, whether you are the author or co-author of a textbook. A candidate for the title of associate professor in the department must work for at least a year as a substitute professor,

  • Answer the questions: Can academician A.D. Sakharov be called a kind person? Why do you think so? Which of the people you know could you call the Conscience of the People?
  • Of course you can. He fought for people's rights. He is a human rights activist. Read more about his biography and some aspects of his work. draw your own conclusions. So he felt sorry for the people, wanted to protect them from the arbitrariness of the authorities.
    The conscience of the People? You can call Rasputin
  • Please start your sentence with "I think"
    1. King Croesus of Lydia was considered the richest man in the world. One day the Athenian sage Solon visited him. Croesus asked who he considered the happiest man in the world. Imagine his surprise when, instead of the expected answer, he heard the following: “The happiest on this earth was the Athenian Tell. He was not too rich, but not too poor, he calmly went about his business and was not afraid of need and hunger, he had good, reasonable children, and he died in battle defending his state.” Solon then added that this is the fate every Greek dreams of.
    Why was Croesus disappointed by this answer? Think about what the Greeks valued most in life. How does this characterize their needs?
    2. While excavating the palace of one of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, archaeologists discovered a richly decorated room with a strange inscription at the entrance: “Pharmacy of the soul.”
    What do you think was hiding behind that door? Explain this name.
    3. Which famous person of the past (or modern) could you say that he has a rich inner spiritual world? Why?
  • 1. King Croesus of Lydia was considered
    I think that the Athenians were not such ascetics as the Spartans were. Still, they valued material wealth. But they were not unbridled fans of luxury and things either. Freedom and peace are their main wealth. They really appreciated and loved their Motherland, which was their city. We were proud of our children. And Croesus invested his whole soul in his wealth. He wanted to impress the Athenian sage, to hear praise from his lips. And when I didn’t hear this I was extremely disappointed.
    2. I think that behind the door there was a collection of papyri. This place can also be called a library, but you need to remember that at that time there were no books yet, there were scrolls of papyri. It was the knowledge that was written down on these scrolls that the Egyptians considered the medicine of the soul. Nowadays, many people also think so.
    3. I think. that the poet Nekrasov has a rich inner spiritual world. He. for example, in the poem “The Railway” he sees beauty even in swamps and stumps covered with moss, and the boy’s conversation with his father evokes in the poet such strong images and deep thoughts about the fate of people and the country.
  • 1. What conditions are necessary to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name and characterize the main forms of relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection between the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, and other subjects, give examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is it true that a worldview can be had not only by an individual, but also by a social group, a nation, or a historical era? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for the thinking mind, but also an essential condition for conscious and correct activity,” because it gives that eye of the situation, then sense of the moment, which protects a person “from both inertia and haste.” And then he gives advice: “When determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What significance do these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky have for our days? 9. The word “civilization” and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society (“he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and behavior”); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of a society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, system of power, values, lifestyle and psychology of the people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these principles to the analysis of specific societies known to you
  • A personality is a progressive person who knows how to use freedom of choice and achieves a goal. personality development is influenced by: 1) environment

    2) awareness of your mistakes

    3) do what you want to achieve in life

    4) communication

    The family carries the following functions: reproductive, educational, economic, recreational. These functions are necessary for society to continue life.

    A person needs a relationship with society to fulfill his needs

    historical process - the course of human life, its results, development

  • 1. What conditions are necessary to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name and characterize the main forms of relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection between the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, and other subjects, give examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is it true that a worldview can be had not only by an individual, but also by a social group, a nation, or a historical era? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for the thinking mind, but also an essential condition for conscious and correct activity,” because it gives that eye of the situation, then sense of the moment, which protects a person “from both inertia and haste.” And then he gives advice: “When determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What significance do these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky have for our days? 9. The word “civilization” and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society (“he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and behavior”); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of a society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, system of power, values, lifestyle and psychology of the people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these principles to the analysis of specific societies known to you. PLEASE DO WITH WHATEVER YOU CAN!.
  • Since a personality is a mature individual, it is necessary for him to become a full-fledged part of society, he must understand himself (achieve harmony between his inner world and the external environment), he must have his own opinion, he must not depend on other people, realize your strengths and weaknesses, find contact with others. Well, this is kind of how it should be ideally, in reality everything is different

  • 1)Live in society, observing moral and ethical standards.

    2) If the family is a unit of society, then the family is part of society. But in society the law is harsh. Those who do not have a family drop out of society.

    3) The main forms of relationship between man and society. Society is formed by people who enter into certain relationships with each other and perform various types of activities necessary for society as a whole.

    4) Historical process - the process of changing society in time and space.

    5) Without the past there is no future. If a people does not have its own past, such a people ceases to exist.

  • 1. What conditions are necessary to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name and characterize the main forms of relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection between the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, and other subjects, give examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is it true that a worldview can be had not only by an individual, but also by a social group, a nation, or a historical era? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for the thinking mind, but also an essential condition for conscious and correct activity,” because it gives that eye of the situation, then sense of the moment, which protects a person “from both inertia and haste.” And then he gives advice: “When determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What significance do these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky have for our days? 9. The word “civilization” and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society (“he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and behavior”); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of a society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, system of power, values, lifestyle and psychology of the people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these principles to the analysis of specific societies known to you.
  • 1) in order to become a person, a person must prove himself in activity, he needs to develop in society, without society there is no person.

    2) the family is the first institution of human socialization, it also performs a recreational function for him (here a person rests), the function of procreation.

    3) society is necessary for a person to transmit cultural values, help protect against danger, and exchanging goods is also very convenient in society. And society itself is a system, the main element of which is man.

    4) The historical process is a society in development.

    5) The connection between the past, present and future is manifested in the fact that the past teaches us, influences our behavior in the present and plans and forecasts for the future.

  • Help in the community is only needed today!

    1) What kind of person can be called a good friend? Why?

    2) What interferes with friendship? Give examples from life about how different guys are friends: how they play together, work, how they help each other, why they quarrel, how they make up.

    3) What human qualities do you consider the most important for friendship: help; kindness; the ability to forgive insults; listening skills; desire to give gifts, share things; the ability to stand up for a friend; share joy or sorrow?

    If anything, this is from a social studies textbook for grade 6 (blue textbook) paragraph 11 questions on page 11 paragraph p. 116-117

  • A good friend is a person who can always help in difficult times and suggest a solution to a difficult situation. What hinders each other is aggregation and financial dependence. different guys communicate in different ways, some guys are on social networks, others are always together, others don’t take each other seriously, etc. they help each other in different ways too, some don’t want to help at all. Most children quarrel because of their own gain, and only strong children make peace because they know how to forgive. the most important thing in friendship is to forgive, share your feelings with a friend, and the most important thing is to have a feeling of friendship for a friend.) we were asked this too.

    3. A) freedom and independence

    b) initiative

    c) activities under conditions of risk and uncertainty

    d) innovative nature of activity

    4. Oil and gas producing;...

    5. Yes, of course.

  • Andrei Sakharov was hailed by his supporters as a kind of cult figure. Creator of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. A measure of morality. A freedom fighter. And many others. A symbol of something bright and good. Even selfless. But who was he really?

    An avenue in Moscow, on which he never lived, bears his name. And a nearby museum, where people who receive grants from Russia’s geopolitical competitors usually gather for their events.
    At the end of the 80s, when Gorbachev returned him from Gorky to Moscow, there were people who expected either political or moral revelations from Sakharov.
    True, after he took the podium at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, many were clearly disappointed: poor diction, slurred speech, empty thoughts.
    And there was also the obvious unethicality of the statements: many then, under the influence of “perestroika propaganda,” were negatively opposed to the participation of Soviet troops in the war in Afghanistan and were traumatized by rumors about closed coffins coming from there, but they were also offended by the words of this man, who called the Soviet soldiers fighting there “occupiers.” "

    Whether he really was the creator of the hydrogen bomb is for physicists to judge. Officially, he was part of the group working on it. True, his colleagues in the specialty are somehow evasive about his contribution, vaguely asserting that “he was, of course, a competent physicist.” And sometimes it was said that his part of the contribution to the development of the bomb overlapped too much with the contents of the letter of some unknown provincial colleague.

    Others also say that Igor Kurchatov signed his proposal for election to the Academy of Sciences in order to solve his housing problem.
    Some, in response to the question about his role in the creation of the bomb, suggest thinking about why the man proclaimed its creator then never created anything in science equal to this invention. Not even in military affairs, but in peaceful nuclear physics.
    But these are issues of corporate recognition. And then it’s up to physicists to figure it out. He himself became more interested in politics. And appeals to morality.

    For example, when he was once told that in the struggle for the happiness of people and the future of humanity there are sacrifices, he was indignant and declared: “I am convinced that such arithmetic is fundamentally wrong. We, each of us, in every matter, both “small” and “big,” must proceed from specific moral criteria, and not from the abstract arithmetic of history. Moral criteria categorically dictate to us: “Thou shalt not kill.”
    And in the draft Constitution he composed, he pathetically wrote: “All people have the right to life, freedom and happiness.” Whether the people of the country in whose destruction he took part have become freer and happier - everyone can judge this for themselves.

    In 1953 he was made an academician at the age of 32.

    By the end of the 50s, he would propose stopping new developments in the field of weapons and simply placing heavy-duty explosive devices of 100 megatons each along the US coast. And, if necessary, blow up the entire American continent.
    What would happen to the people living there and to all the other continents did not particularly concern him: the idea was bold and beautiful.
    Later, Roy Medvedev would write: “He lived for too long in some extremely isolated world, where they knew little about the events in the country, about the lives of people from other strata of society, and even about the history of the country in which and for which they worked.”
    Even the extravagant Khrushchev was not inspired by Sakharov’s idea to blow everyone up. And the relationship between them began to deteriorate.

    And when the question of new tests arose, they separated. Khrushchev believed that it was necessary to study the possibilities and consequences of using nuclear weapons. Sakharov believed that this was unnecessary: ​​everything that was already available could be blown up without particularly thinking about the consequences. And when the first one suggested that he not put forward his exotic ideas, but take up science, even if not military, the academician decided to fight for “human rights.”
    Once upon a time, he began to study the problems of the peaceful use of thermonuclear energy, but quickly moved away from the topic: it took a long time to work, and no quick result was expected.

    Yes, he will receive the Nobel Prize. But not for scientific discoveries - the peace prize. Like Gorbachev, for fighting against his country. And after Keldysh and Khariton, Simonov and Sholokhov and dozens of other iconic figures, scientists and writers, publicly condemn Sakharov.

    Sakharov will often swear in the name of morality and appeal to the commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” But in 1973 he would write a letter of greeting to General Pinochet, calling his coup and executions the beginning of an era of happiness and prosperity in Chile. The academician always believed that people have the right to life, freedom and happiness.

    His human rights activist followers do not like to remember this. Just as they deny in every possible way that in the late 70s he wrote a letter to the US President calling on him to launch a preventive, terrifying nuclear strike in order to enforce compliance with “human rights” in the USSR.

    In 1979, he published a letter condemning the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan on the pages of leading Western publications. Before that, he had not published such letters either condemning the American war in Vietnam or Israel's Middle East wars. And he will not condemn either the war between England and Argentina for the Falkland Islands, or the American invasion of Granada or Panama.

    As a true intellectual and humanist, he only knew how to condemn his own country. Obviously, believing that condemnation of other countries is the business of their intellectuals and humanists.

    In general, as the mathematician Yaglom, who knew him in his school years, recalled, even when solving a problem, Sakharov “could not explain how he came to the solution, he explained in a very abstruse way, and it was difficult to understand him.”
    And academician Khariton, giving a posthumous interview after Sakharov’s funeral, in which, of course, the rule “either good or nothing” applied, was still forced to say that Sakharov “couldn’t even imagine that someone would figure something out.” better than him. Somehow one of our colleagues found a solution to a gas-dynamic problem that Andrei Dmitrievich could not find. This was so unexpected and unusual for him that he extremely energetically began to look for flaws in the proposed solution. And only after some time, having not found them, I was forced to admit that the decision was correct.”

    And even then, in 1989, in conditions of hysteria, when it was simply dangerous to say anything in condemnation of Sakharov or in defense of Soviet society, Khariton will say, assessing his political activity: “To that part of his activity when he fought against obvious injustice, I have great respect for. My skepticism concerns his ideas regarding economic issues. The fact is that I did not agree with some of the provisions that Andrei Dmitrievich developed, in particular concerning the characteristics of socialism and capitalism.”
    Gorbachev brought him back from Gorky, and Sakharov became a deputy of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR from the Academy of Sciences. True, voters will fail it at the first vote. The media, supervised by Alexander Yakovlev, will throw a hysteria, and Gorbachev will cancel the election results, giving instructions to hold a repeat vote - with an expansion of the circle of voters and a strict attitude: “We need to elect.”
    In violation of the electoral norm, Sakharov will be made a deputy: Gorbachev recruited supporters for the congress. But having become a deputy, Sakharov will immediately turn away from his patron and become one of the leaders of the opposition to him - the “Interregional Deputy Group”, the co-chairs of which were also Boris Yeltsin, Gavriil Popov, Yuri Afanasyev.
    But, as the latter two do not admit today, Sakharov began to burden them more and more with his unintelligible speeches from the rostrum, his discrediting manner of speaking and his claim to be absolutely right.

    It’s difficult to say what actually happened there, on December 14, 1989, at a meeting of this “group,” but on the evening of the same day, Sakharov died of a heart attack. And it’s strange - he became much more useful and profitable to his dead comrades than to his living ones.

    And a month before this, Sakharov will present his draft of a new Constitution, where he will proclaim the right of all peoples to statehood, that is, to proclaim their own states and to destroy the Soviet Union.

    It is generally accepted that his departure from scientific work and the transition to the fight against his country was mainly influenced by his new wife, Elena Bonner. This is not entirely true: Sakharov met her in 1970 at the trial of a group of “dissidents” in Kaluga. Already then he wrote “Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom”, the main idea containing a call for the country to abandon its socio-economic structure and transition to development according to the Western model. And then he regularly went to such trials.

    But the truth is that it was after this acquaintance (they officially married two years later) that he focused almost entirely on “dissident activities.”

    As he himself writes in his diary about the role of his new wife: “Lucy told me (the academician) a lot that I would not have understood or done otherwise. She’s a great organizer, she’s my think tank.” She suggested so much and so urgently that he not only adopted her children, but also almost forgot about his own. As his own son Dmitry would later joke bitterly: “Do you need the son of Academician Sakharov? He lives in the USA, in Boston. And his name is Alexey Semyonov. For almost 30 years, Alexey Semyonov gave interviews as “the son of Academician Sakharov”; foreign radio stations shouted in his defense in every possible way. And with my father alive, I felt like an orphan and dreamed that dad would spend at least a tenth of the time with me that he devoted to my stepmother’s offspring.”

    The son recalled that one day he felt especially embarrassed for his father. He, already living in Gorky, once again went on a hunger strike, demanding that the fiancée of Bonner’s son, who had already remained in the United States without any permission, be allowed to go there. Dmitry came to his father. I tried to persuade him not to risk his health on this matter: “It is clear that if in this way he sought to stop nuclear weapons tests or demanded democratic reforms... But he just wanted Lisa to be allowed to go to America to see Alexei Semyonov. But Bonner’s son might not have bothered to go abroad if he really loved the girl so much.” After marrying Bonner, Sakharov would move in with her, leaving his fifteen-year-old son to live with his 22-year-old sister; he considered that they were already adults, and without his attention they could make do. Until he was 18, he helped his son with money, but then he stopped. Everything is according to the law.

    My father was really self-tormenting. Sakharov had severe heart pain, and there was a huge risk that his body would not withstand the nervous and physical stress. But his stepson’s fiancée, because of whom he was starving... “By the way, I found Lisa at dinner! As I remember now, she ate pancakes with black caviar,” the son recalls. But Dmitry Sakharov and Bonner strongly opposed the emigration: “My stepmother was afraid that I could become a competitor to her son and daughter, and - most importantly - she was afraid that the truth about Sakharov’s real children would be revealed. Indeed, in this case, her offspring could receive fewer benefits from foreign human rights organizations.”

    In 1982, the young artist Sergei Bocharov, fascinated by the legend of the “freedom fighter,” came to Gorky to visit Sakharov; he wanted to paint a portrait of the “people’s defender.” Only he will see something completely different from the legend: “Andrei Dmitrievich sometimes even praised the USSR government for some successes. Now I don’t remember why exactly. But for every such remark he immediately received a slap on the bald head from his wife. While I was writing the sketch, Sakharov got hit no less than seven times. At the same time, the world’s luminary meekly endured the cracks, and it was clear that he was used to them.”

    And the artist, having realized who really makes decisions and dictates to the “celebrities” what to say and what to do, painted a portrait of Bonner instead of his portrait. She flew into a rage and rushed to destroy the sketch: “I told Bonner that I didn’t want to draw a “hemp” who repeated the thoughts of his evil wife and even suffered beatings from her. And Bonner immediately kicked me out into the street.”

    Those who made and make him their banner declare him a “great humanist.”
    Him, who first called on the USSR to blow up the American continent, then called on the United States to launch a nuclear strike on the USSR in the name of “human rights.”
    Him, who welcomed Pinochet and declared the soldiers of his country occupiers.
    Him, who essentially abandoned his own children and was controlled by their stepmother, meekly enduring slaps from her when trying to praise his country. He did not know his country, nor its people, nor its history and suffered everything from his wife, who turned him into her political instrument.
    Of course, anyone who wants can continue to read it. But at a minimum, the truth must be told about him to the end. Who is he. Who was he. What he destroyed. And what exactly does it have to do with humanism and morality? And at the very least, admit that the citizens of the country they hate have neither the obligation nor the need to speak about it with reverence.

    Civics Lesson


    “Learning to live among people”

    Topic 10: Moral values. Good and evil in human history.

    Goal: To familiarize children with the moral category of goodness, to give an idea of ​​its significance in human life and interpersonal relationships. To cultivate in students moral, socially significant personality traits. Develop positive behavioral habits.

    Lesson type: Lesson-didactic game.

    Lesson structure

    IOrganizing time.

    IIMotivation for learning activities.


    AcademicianAndrey Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921 -1989) - an outstanding scientist andhuman rights activist ( i.e. a defender of human rights) who is respected throughout the world.

    As a physicist, he was convinced that to maintain peace, our country needed to have powerful atomic weapons that could protect it from any aggressor. And he participated in the creation of these weapons. For his discoveries he was awarded so many awards that it is difficult to list them. He was even awarded the title of Hero of Labor three times. But the most valuable award, he said, was the Nobel Peace Prize, which he received as a human rights activist.

    Numerous awards did not turn Sakharov's head. He always remained a man with a clear conscience, his heart was full of compassion for people. He was one of the first scientists to understand the danger nuclear weapons pose and resolutely opposed their production. He donated his savings to the construction of hospitals and to care for sick children and the elderly.

    Without interrupting his scientific activities, Andrei Dmitrievich devoted himself to protecting human rights and innocent victims. People from all over the country flocked to him in search of justice. His apartment was always full of visitors, and the door was closed on the newspaper. “If they call,” he said embarrassedly, “I’ll still open it.” After his death they began to call him the Conscience of the People. Few people receive such an honor.

    Is it possible to name Academician A.D. Sakharov a kind person? Why do you think so? Which of the people you know could you call the conscience of the people?

    Guys, you probably already guessed that we will talk about goodness.

    Lesson topic:

    The purpose of the lesson

    IIILearning new material

    Today we will remember: What good deeds have you done? What kind people have you met? Let's talk about: Why do people value goodness?

    Wordgood You know very well and you yourself have said more than once “good afternoon”, “good guy”, “a kind word is nice to the cat.”

    What does this word mean? To help you answer, we’ll tell you a fairy tale.

    On a high column above the city stood a statue of the Happy Prince. He was very handsome, covered all over with leaves of gold, and instead of eyes, precious stones shone. There was also a precious stone on the hilt of the sword.

    One day a Swallow flew over the city. She needed to fly far, to warmer climes, and she decided to spend the night at the feet of the statue.

    Suddenly a drop fell on her, then a second, a third. The swallow became worried and was about to fly away when she realized that these were the Prince’s tears.

    - Why are you crying? After all, you are so beautiful! - she asked.

    - “When I was alive,” answered the Prince, “I did not know what tears were.” I lived in a palace where human entry is prohibited. A high wall was erected around the palace, and I never thought to ask what was happening behind it. I danced and had fun with my friends. “Happy Prince” - that’s what those close to me called me. And indeed, I was happy, if only happiness lies in pleasure. That's how I lived and that's how I died. And now, when I was no longer alive, they placed me here, so high that all the sorrows and poverty of my capital became visible to me. And although my heart is now made of tin, I cannot hold back my tears.

    And suddenly he asked:

    Swallow, please pluck the precious stone from my sword and take it to the woman with the sick child.

    - “I need to fly away quickly, winter is coming,” answered the Swallow.

    - Stay at least one night, help me,” the Prince asked again.

    The Swallow could not refuse him, pecked out the jewel and took it to the sick child. And when she returned, she admitted to the Prince that she was not cold at all.

    - “It’s because you did a good deed,” the Prince explained.

    Now let’s think, or, as adults like to say, philosophize. Let's try to define what good is and who is called good.

    Why did the Prince cry, because he was called happy? Why did the Prince decide to help people? (felt remorse). What did the Swallow sacrifice when she decided to help the Prince? (a feeling of compassion appeared) Why did the Swallow feel warm, despite the fact that winter was approaching? (a good deed warms the heart).

    Good means good

    The following feelings can be good: love, sympathy, mercy, compassion, gratitude, sympathy, etc. Deeds can also be good.

    Let's return to our main questions: what is good and who is called good? I will express my point of view, and you can agree with it or offer your answer.

    When we say “good,” we mean everything that is good, everything that is useful, everything that helps us live and protects life.

    Why did the Prince cry? Obviously, because he felt remorse. Why did he decide to help people? Perhaps because he developed a wonderful sense of compassion for the unfortunate residents of his city.

    This is probably the most important thing. It is important, of course, to show sympathy, but it is even more important to do a good deed, to help, to help out, sometimes even risking oneself. And this, as they say, makes your heart warm. After all, Swallow took a risk by agreeing to help people. She could have been cold, but a good deed warmed her.

    A person is called good who...

    Stop. Let's think some more.

    Parable "About two wolves"

    Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

    - There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil -envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies...

    Another wolf represents good -peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, faithfulness...

    The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

    - Which wolf wins in the end?

    The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:

    - The wolf you feed always wins.

    How sometimes good is repaid with evil.


    One day a snake was crawling through the forest. Suddenly a tree fell right on top of her. The snake twisted and twisted, twisted and twisted, but no matter how hard it tried, it was no use.

    Meanwhile, a woodcutter who lived nearby decided to chop wood. He took his ax and went into the forest, where he saw a snake crushed by a tree. The snake says to him:

    Good man, please free me! Roll away this tree that pinned me to the ground!

    The man answers her:

    No, I won't do that, because then you'll eat me!

    Snake again:

    Trust me, I won't eat you!

    And the man:

    I do not trust you.

    But the snake begged him for so long that the man took pity on it and rolled the tree away. The snake crawled out and, since it had not eaten anything all day and was very hungry, it said to the man:

    Good man, I’m dying of hunger and that’s why I’ll eat you now!

    What? Do you want to eat me even though I freed you?

    Yes. Don't you know that good is repaid with evil?

    That's how it goes! - said the man angrily.

    And the snake again:

    Do you think I'm wrong?

    Of course it's not right!

    “Okay,” said the snake. “Then call some animals here and we’ll ask them.” You'll see what they say.

    The man went looking for animals and brought a deer, a horse, a puma and a wolf. The snake began to ask them one by one:

    Tell me, puma, is it true that good is repaid with evil?

    Yes, - answered the puma.

    And you, horse, don’t you think that good is repaid with evil?

    Yes,” answered the horse.

    Brother deer, do you pay for good with evil?

    Yes,” answered the deer.

    When the man heard what all these animals said, he really got scared. Only the wolf remained, and the snake turned to him:

    Brother wolf, do they pay for good with evil?

    And the wolf answers:

    I don't know how it all happened or if you're telling the truth. Therefore, I cannot say whether you should eat this person. Lie down where you were, and then we'll see.

    All the animals agreed with the wolf. The snake lay down, and the man rolled a tree over it. And the wolf said:

    Now, snake, stay there!

    The man thanked the wolf and said:

    Now, brother wolf, come home with me, I will repay you, I will give you a couple of chickens.

    No, I won't go to you. Bring me the chickens tomorrow here in the forest.

    The man returned home. He told his wife what had happened to him and how he had promised the wolf chickens. But his wife was very angry:

    You want to give chicks to that dire wolf!

    But the wolf saved my life!

    And I'm telling you that you won't give him a single chicken! Instead of chickens, put dogs in the bag - the ones that bite the ears, they know what to do with the wolf. - And since the man did not want to argue with his wife, he did as she said. The next day he put the dogs in a bag and went into the forest.

    The wolf was already waiting for him.

    Brother wolf, I brought you chickens!

    Thank you! - answered the wolf.

    Then the man untied the bag, and the dogs jumped out - the ones that bite the ears. The dogs grabbed onto the wolf and chewed off both his ears. Finally, the wolf managed to escape, and he ran into the thicket of the forest, grumbling:

    The snake was right: good must be repaid with evil.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus said: “For people, evil grows out of good when they do not know how to manage it and use it properly.”

    Kindness without reason. No wonder the poet S.Ya. Marshak calls: “Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart.” Thinking and reasoning is always necessary.

    We say: “Kind, kindness, …”. What is kindness and what does it mean to be kind? (Children's response)

    Game "Continue the Phrase"

    Continue the following sentence: “Evil is……….” (Children's answers)

    Evil is war and betrayal, envy and greed, it is the persecution of people of a different nationality, a different skin color. Evil is indifference, selfishness, deception, drunkenness; This is when a strong person offends a weak person, the younger ones do not respect the elders, and the adults do not care about children. Unfortunately, evil is very common and insidious. Evil is disguised and sometimes difficult to recognize.

    Continue the phrase: “Good is………” (Children’s answers)

    Goodness is primarily associated with the ability to sympathize, rejoice, empathize, and respond to the feelings of others. Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

    What is kindness?

    Should only words be kind?

    What good deeds can you do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport?

    The children are asked to remember the use of polite treatment with the word kindness.

      For example: “Please call later”

      “Good health to you!” - greeting with wishes of well-being.

      “Good morning!” - wish you good luck.

      "Good luck!" - wishing success in any endeavor.

      From a good heart - with good intentions, without malicious intent.

      To remember kindly (with a kind word) - to remember, to respond well with gratitude, to speak, to think, etc.

      Welcome - a greeting, a polite way to come in.

    IVGeneralization and systematization

    The main rule of a good person

    There are many different rules in the world. There are rules of the Russian language, there are traffic rules, there are rules for playing football, etc.

    What do you know about morality?Morality - these are the rules of good behavior. There are also many moral rules, and all of them are very important for us. But among them there is the most important thing, which is called the golden rule of morality. (Feofilov)

    Why is it called gold? Because this rule briefly and accurately answers the main question for each of us: how should we treat other people? Treat others the way you want people to treat you. Couldn't have said it better!

    How do you want to be treated? The answer suggests itself: good, kindly. Because what normal person would wish bad things on himself?

    The Golden Rule requires us to treat another person kindly. This is the most precious, the most valuable of all relationships that develop between people.

    The golden rule always applies. Because at all times a person feels pleasant, warm, and comfortable when he meets a kind attitude towards himself. Both are happy - the one who was treated kindly, and the one who acted kindly, that is, morally. This is probably why the main rule of morality is called the golden rule.


    The golden rule of morality arose a long time ago. They say that a student came to the Chinese sage Confucius, who lived more than two thousand years ago, and asked: “Is there a rule that can guide you throughout your life?” The sage replied: “This is reciprocity. What you don’t want yourself, don’t do to others.” This was the golden rule.

    There is also a Hebrew story about an impatient young man. He asked smart people to explain to him the contents of the sacred books so briefly that their wisdom could be absorbed while standing on one leg and without getting tired. And one famous scientist told him: “Do not do to anyone what you do not want, what would have been done to you.” And this was also the golden rule.

    And at the beginning of our era it sounded from the lips of Jesus Christ: “And so in everything, as you want people to do to you, so do you to them.” This is how the golden rule entered people’s lives and has been living for thousands of years.

    Proverbs examples (children say)

    What do you think prevents people from always acting in accordance with the golden rule of morality?

    Choose proverbs that reflect the meaning of the golden rule of morality (for example, “Get lost yourself, but help your friend”).

    In the Bible there is a parable about the prodigal son, which was told by Jesus Christ. A parable is a short instructive story. It tells how a son demanded part of the estate from his father. And, having received what he wanted, he soon left home “to the far side.” There he led a wild life and quickly squandered his inheritance. In order not to die of hunger, he hired out to herd pigs and ate even the stew that was given to the pigs. One day he decided to return to his father's house.

    The artist depicted the moment of the meeting. The son fell to his knees in front of his father, clinging to him. Torn clothes and a shaved head indicate difficulties endured. Strick's father's fingers touch the young man's back. In the bowed head, facial expression, and gesture of the father’s hands, one can discern enlightened joy.

    What feelings of biblical characters was the artist able to convey? Compassion, joy, forgiveness. Son - shame and apology.

    Parables of children

    VKnowledge control.

      What is a good deed, a good deed? (sincerity)

      Which people are there more in the world: good or evil? Explain your opinion.

      What is the essence of the golden rule of morality? (this is the rule of being kind to others)


      Do you think it is possible to be rude towards others, but kind at heart? Explain

      What do you think are the benefits of good deeds?

      Prepare a story about a kind person you met in life.

      Why does the golden rule of morality live for many thousands of years? (it was invented by Jesus Christ and smart people) It works!

      What does the gold rule teach us?

      What kind of person do you consider yourself: good or evil? What do you yourself call evil? Have you ever done evil deeds, i.e. angry? Did you later regret your evil deed, were you ashamed, did you try to correct your mistake? Answer these questions for yourself - talk honestly with yourself, analyze your behavior. This will strengthen your morale.


    Where does kindness begin? There is only one answer to this question: caring for loved ones. If a person does not show attention to his loved ones, but tries to look kind in public, we will call him, at a minimum, a hypocrite.

    How should you take care of your loved ones? Remember three basic rules.

    First: do a good deed

    To do this, you must get involved in the affairs of your family as soon as possible and try to bring all possible benefit. You can’t hide behind someone else’s back, even your parent’s. Nothing in the house is done by itself, everything is done by the hands of your loved ones. Help them. Do a good deed.

    Second: accumulate experience of good deeds

    Try to do as much as possible and as best as possible yourself. If you don’t know how, ask for advice, learn. And don’t be afraid of mistakes - a smart person learns from mistakes.

    Third: say a kind word and smile

    A kind word and a kind smile are pleasant for everyone. Find a kind word for everyone, do not spare kind words and do not be shy to say them - the result will exceed all expectations.


    You can resist anything, but not kindness.

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

    Kindness - This is a person’s desire to give complete happiness to all people, to all humanity.

    Sooner or later, each of us has to make our own moral choice in life: to be on the side of good or evil, meanness and betrayal, or empathy and mutual assistance.

    Or, perhaps, not wanting to make a conscious choice, try to live like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand. Why should I care about the cruel world of violence and moral decline that surrounds me? What's in it for me?

    It's nice to say that beauty will save the world. F.M. Dostoevsky, from whose light pen this expression firmly came into use, meant by this, first of all, moral beauty, all the best that is in people.

    Kindness will save the world. I think this should become the motto of our time.

    What do I mean by kindness? Our good deeds: helping a grandmother cross the road, protecting the weak, volunteering in hospitals and working with difficult teenagers are also needed.

    But this is not the main thing. Just as from one candle we light the next candle without harming it, so we change the world for the better with our kind attitude towards people (first of all, in thoughts and feelings and only then in actions).

    Goodness disarms. No one, not even the most hardened criminal, can resist the field of love and goodness generated by the kind attitude of other people.

    And then the most “hopeless” people will awaken good feelings towards other people.

    Now in some countries of the world the movement of mutual responsibility and mutual guarantee is gaining strength.

    The goal of the movement is to build a society based on love and mutual assistance, like in a warm family. Victorious SocietyOf good.

    And then the world will be a better place. Kindness will save the world.

    D/Z on page 6

    Additional information for the lesson “Learning to live among people”


    Choose from three possible answers the one that is closest to your point of view in the proposed situations and questions.

    1. There is a newcomer in your class whose views do not coincide with the views of the class on most problems. He annoys everyone. Do you think it's best to:

    a) boycott him;

    b) ignore it;

    c) try to change your attitude towards the newcomer.

    2. Your friend suddenly changed his image and you didn’t like it. You will strive to:

    a) “prick” him;

    b) ignore it;

    c) be tolerant of him.

    3. How do you feel about a person whose religion is different from yours?

    a) I want to humiliate and insult his faith;

    b) every person has the right to his own choice;

    c) I respect any religion.

    4. How do you feel about a classmate from a disadvantaged family?

    a) I try not to communicate with him;

    b) I don’t notice it;

    c) I try to support him.

    Answer the questions (on the back of the sheet):

    5. What is tolerance?

    6. What does it mean to be tolerant?

    If a person loves only himself, he has neither friends nor comrades, and when difficult life trials come, he is left alone.

    Experiences a feeling of loneliness and despair. Now concepts such as kindness, mercy, goodwill, and attention to each other are being revived.

    The philanthropy of society is determined by the attitude towards children, the elderly, our most defenseless brothers, towards our native nature, the desire to help people in misfortune.

    It is not often that you meet a person who has never quarreled with anyone in his life. We give you advice: avoid quarrels, conflicts, and ill-considered actions. Quarrels develop bad character traits, a person becomes angry, grumpy, and unrestrained.

    In a dispute, be restrained and tactful. Never reproach anyone. True, it often seems to the speaker that he is not reproaching, but making fair comments. If, nevertheless, reproaches were made, and a quarrel took place, make peace.

    A kind word is the subtlest touch to the heart. It can become a delicate fragrant flower, and living water, restoring faith in goodness, or it can turn into a sharp knife, picking at delicate fabric.

    In a word, you can wound and heal, sow confusion and dispel doubt, you can create smiles and tears, instill faith and disbelief. With the help of words you can even conduct military operations and undermine the foundations of the state.

    Be kind to each other. If you look into the eyes of a friend and see pain and despair there, support him. Give people the joy of communicating with you. Polite words, supported by kind deeds, warm the soul and save you from despondency.

    I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents. Sometimes children are insolent, rude to their parents, and inattentive to them. This is upsetting. Be gentlekind, attentive sons and daughters. Show love and gratitude to those who gave you life, put you on your feet, whose days and nights are filled with caring for you. Adult children are obliged to take care of their parents, protect their peace, and be good helpers to them. Your grandparents need sympathy, kindness, and attention.

    These people, who gave life to your parents, endured difficult trials of war, devastation, and famine and survived them.

    You cannot cause even the slightest suffering to all living things. We are discussing those heartless people who throw cats and dogs into the streets, dooming them to torture or even death. Guys, show concern for homeless animals, feed them, help them survive.

    Guys! Be kind to those around you. Do good to people and rest assured, they will thank you in kind. Remember that without good deeds there is no good name.

    “Please don’t be afraid of Doctor Lev! "

    He'll look into the animal's throat first.

    And he writes out an urgent prescription for the patient:

    "Pills, medicine and a warm word,

    Compress, rinse and a kind word,

    Mustard plasters, jars and a gentle word -

    Not a drop of cold, sharp, evil!

    Without a kind word, without a warm word,

    Without a gentle word, they don’t treat a patient!”

    Yunna Moritz

    Rajneesh tells a beautiful parable about Buddha. When Buddha went around preaching his teachings, in one village he was received poorly and pelted with abusive words. He said, "Thank you." People were surprised: “Why are you thanking us?” Buddha replied: “In the village in front of you, people greeted me with flowers and fruits, but I didn’t take them, I don’t need them. You throw curse words at me, but I don’t need them either.” "Thank you, I don't take them."

    If you don’t need it or you have no reason to believe these people, why on earth would you let their words or views into your soul? If you know your worth, why believe the random words of another? What is said about you is either true or false. It is stupid to be offended by the truth, and doubly stupid to be offended by a lie.

    Once upon a time, a man was walking along the seashore. He noticed that a huge number of sea snails and stars had washed ashore overnight. Joyfully, enjoying the morning sun, he walked mile after mile along the sand.

    In the distance he saw someone enjoying life in such a strange way, he came closer.

    When I got closer, it became obvious that the figure was not dancing, but was diligently repeating some actions. Approaching even closer to the small figure, the man saw that it was a child. A little girl diligently collected starfish on the shore and threw them into the sea. In surprise, the man stopped for a moment, and then asked: “Why are you throwing starfish into the sea?” “If I leave them on the shore,” the girl answered, “the sun will dry them out and they will die. I throw them into the sea because I want them to live.”

    The man thought for a moment, amazed by the girl’s words, but then remembering how many miles of sea coast he had walked, he said: “And there are billions of them, these stars! What can you change?

    The girl thought about this for a moment, slowly bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the raging sea.

    Then she turned to the man and smiled: “Perhaps the truth is yours,” she said, “but it was for this star that I changed my life.”

    Even if I don't have a penny to my name

    The soul is important for all people

    I don’t give villas or yachts

    But I will save my soul

    Friends, family, children and home

    And there is a lot of happiness in that house

    I don't know what else to say.

    Who to stay with is up to you to decide

    Good and Evil from afar

    Don't let this dispute go.

    Do not boast about silver, but about good things.

    Do good and expect good.

    A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.

    Peace builds, but war destroys.

    Life is given for good deeds.

    The salesman stood behind the store counter and looked absently at the street. A little girl walked up to his store and literally stuck her nose to the glass window. Her light blue eyes sparkled with delight when she saw what she was looking for.

    She went inside and asked to be shown turquoise beads.

    This is for my sister. Can you wrap them nicely? - asked the girl. The owner looked at the baby with disbelief and asked: “How much money do you have?” The girl pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket, unfolded it and poured a handful of change onto the counter. With hope in her voice, she asked:

    Is this enough?

    There were only a few small coins. But the girl continued proudly:

    You know, I want to give this to my older sister. Since our mother died, my sister has been taking care of us, but she has no time for herself. Today is her birthday and I am sure that she will be happy to receive such beads, they will suit the color of her eyes very much.

    The man took the beads, went to the back of the store, brought a beautiful case, put turquoise in it, wrapped it with a beautiful green ribbon, and tied a bow.

    Hold it! - he said to the girl. - And carry it carefully!

    The little girl ran out happy and skipped towards the house. The working day was coming to an end when a young girl crossed the threshold of the same store. She placed on the counter a case familiar to the seller and, separately, red wrapping paper and an untied green bow.

    Were these beads purchased here? How much did they cost?

    A! - said the store owner, - the cost of any product in my store is always a confidential agreement between me and the client.

    The girl stated:

    But my sister only had a few coins. The beads are made of real turquoise, right? They must be very expensive. We can't afford it!

    The man took the case, restored the packaging with great tenderness and warmth, handed it to the girl and said:

    She paid the ultimate price, more than any adult could pay: she gave everything she had. Silence filled the small store, and two tears rolled down the face of the girl, clutching a small package in her trembling hand...

    The morning was very cold. The boy who sold newspapers was very cold, and he no longer had any strength from hunger. He needed to sell newspapers because he needed to earn money for bus fare to school, since there were no high schools in his village.

    The boy was so hungry that he plucked up courage and decided to go to the nearest house and ask for food. When the door was opened for him, he felt awkward, and he only asked for a drink.

    The woman who opened the door for him realized, looking at the boy, that he was hungry. She brought him milk in a large glass. When the boy drank all the milk, he asked:

    How much do I need to pay for milk?

    “Nothing,” the woman answered him with a smile on her face, “I was taught from childhood not to take money for good deeds.”

    “I will pray for you,” the boy whispered quietly.

    He felt full of strength when he left home, and his faith became stronger. He realized that God always helps those who suffer and comes to the rescue at the most difficult moment.

    Many years have passed and everything around has changed. That young woman had already become an old woman and was overcome by a serious illness. The doctors who were in that village could not help her. She was transferred to the city hospital. Still, no one could make a diagnosis. For this purpose, a doctor of medical sciences was called.

    As soon as the doctor found out where this woman was from, he immediately went to examine this woman. This was the same boy who earned money by selling newspapers.

    He recognized this woman and did everything possible and impossible to help her. The treatment took a lot of time and effort from the doctor, but in the end, the disease left the old woman.

    After the treatment, the doctor said that the bill for the treatment should be provided to him first.

    When he received the bill, he wrote something at the bottom of the bill and only then ordered that the bill be given to the woman.

    The woman was waiting for the bill to arrive for her treatment and understood that it would cost her very much and that she might have to sell all her property.

    When they brought her the bill, she prayed to God. She began to look closely at the bill with round numbers and saw at the bottom of the bill the inscription: “Bill paid in full for one glass of milk” and the doctor’s signature.

    The woman burst into tears and immediately remembered the hungry boy and the glass of milk that she brought him.


    Carry love and kindness in your hearts, and give it to the people around you. Yes, the world may seem, at first glance, cruel and merciless. But this is only at first glance. If you bring sincere goodness and love to the world, then you receive ten times more from the world

    Peace is what is inside us, in our hearts!

    “A person who does good feels happy.” (M. Gorky)

    Kindness is a positive quality that every person on planet Earth should have. A kind person will always help someone who needs it. In times of famine, people shared their last piece of bread. People donate blood to help the sick in difficult times; share shelter with those left homeless. This is real kindness.

    Recently, a strong earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan, affecting thousands of people. Many countries immediately responded to their plight, including Russia. They sent rescue teams, medicines, food, and clothing to Japan. No wonder popular wisdom says: “Kindness will save the world.” People have long believed that goodness is one of the important qualities. Even in folk tales, good triumphs over evil. Kindness can replace a gift on a holiday, help a patient overcome an illness faster, or lift their spirits in a sad moment.

    Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who have kindness. More and more indifferent, selfish. A person is indifferent to the problems and troubles of other people. After all, everyone is busy with their own affairs, their own worries. Telephones and computers have replaced human communication. Technology has made man addicted.

    Indeed, today, in an age when machines perform hundreds of operations and replace dozens of people, the problem of spiritual warmth arises as a priority. Therefore, it is necessary to think about this more often, because we need to be kinder to each other. How to become kinder? Listen, feel the souls of others, do not pass by people calling for help. It’s bad when people, striving for their own well-being, forget that they exist, they do not live alone in this world, that there are also people around them who need to be thought about, who need to be taken into account.

    A.P. Chekhov said: “Hurry to do good.”

    Many acquaintances reproached the Master for leaving a sick girl in His house: “What will those who want to learn from You think of You?! They will decide that You are a bad healer and not a real Master if a cripple lives in Your house!”

    But the Master calmly answered: “I accept what Allah sends! And I thank Him for His gifts!”

    The Master's disciples began to call the girl Sufi, since she lives with a Sufi sheikh. So - this affectionate nickname became her spiritual name much earlier than she received her first serious initiation.

    Almost every evening the Master told Sufi tales or parables, but did not finish them.

    And the Master spoke as if the heroes of His stories were coming to life, as if the sounds of their speeches were heard, their figures and movements were visible. Even the scents of flowers and the breeze seemed to reach the little listener...

    Each time the Master ended His next story with a question about what one or another hero of the story should do next.

    And the next day Sufi answered him. And - depending on her answer - the fairy tale took on a new twist and a happy or bitter ending.

    The girl was used to thinking about the answers seriously - as if her right or wrong decision, not a fairy-tale character, but a real person could get rid of trouble or suffer. And if she was wrong, she was very upset and tried to correct the mistake. And then the fairy tales found a happy ending!

    And during the day, the girl learned from the Master and His students to read and write, wash and cook food. She tried to do everything she could, with all her weak strength.

    One day Sufi asked the Master:

    - How can I make sure I don’t make mistakes in my answers?

    - Not making mistakes at all is difficult, probably even impossible... Every person in his life learns not only from his correct, but also from his incorrect words and deeds.

    Do you remember how I once asked you to wash glass medicine containers and told you how best to do it? But then you became stubborn and broke them... I remember you were very worried then. But you remembered that incident - and since then you have listened carefully to My advice. When you understand something important from your own mistake, then you know very well how to do the right thing!

    But there is one way that allows you to make fewer mistakes.

    - Teach me! - asked Sufi.

    - Every person has a spiritual heart. There his love for everything is born: for fragrant flowers, and for caressing animals, and for the endless beauty that surrounds us, and for kind people, and for Allah Himself, who created all this and gives life to everyone! The spiritual heart is where you inhale and where you exhale air. Here in your chest there is this special center of you-soul. All love begins here. Hence, it expands and embraces those we love, no matter how far the person or many people are from us. If love is strong and pure, it can expand immensely and fill everyone and everything, regardless of distance!

    It is in the spiritual heart that a person is able to understand the advice of Allah. This is where we can decide what is right to do. And the Love of Allah can also be felt only here: in your spiritual heart, when it becomes large and sufficiently developed!

    And Master Sufi taught: how you can immerse yourself in your spiritual heart, how to look through the eyes of your heart at the world, at people, how to listen to Allah in the silence of a spiritual heart filled with love and peace, how to expand this heartfelt love more and more.

    And Sufi learned! From a sickly girl who longed for self-care from others and their attention to her ailments, she began to magically transform! Every day she became happier and healthier! A smile of happiness increasingly lit up her face! Soon her pure laughter, like a ringing bell, suddenly began to ring, emphasizing the beauty of the transparent silence that usually reigned in the Master’s house. And now Sufi gifted everyone with warmth and gentle peace!