Leonid Parfenov's son. Why Leonid Parfyonov forbade his wife to give birth

Philologist, TV journalist, host of a program about cooking delicious and healthy food “There is Happiness!”, writer, restaurateur, wife of Russian TV journalist Leonid Parfenov.


Elena was born on January 8, 1967 in Moscow in the family of Valery Chekalov, a journalist for Soviet Russia, and his wife, a literary editor and lexicographer. In addition to Elena, the family raised another daughter, who later received an engineering degree.


Parfenov gave birth to a grandson

The wife of Russian journalist Leonid Parfenov, Elena Chekalova, announced the birth of a grandson. She posted the post on Instagram.

“Grandma next to grandpa. Yes, today there is happiness in our family: Mikhail Ivanovich Parfenov-Broitman was born. Weight 3.94 kg, height 54 cm. I'm a granny! Many of my friends are not exactly shy about this title, but they prefer that their grandchildren call them “Masha” or “Lena.” But Lenya and I are just grandparents,” Chekalova wrote.

Elena Chekalova: what we should thank the great chef Paul Bocuse for

Bocuse was the first chef to come to television - and in his tall white cap, viewers saw a crown. He lightened the traditional cuisine of the classic Escoffier, shifted the emphasis from sophisticated and heavy classic sauces to the beauty and quality of a simple seasonal product - and in 2006, Lyon residents decided to give the name of Bocuse to the city market, which became his lifetime monument.

Journalist Leonid Parfenov gave birth to his first grandson

58-year-old Leonid Parfenov has a new addition to his family. The son of a television journalist, Ivan Parfyonov, became a father for the first time on the evening of February 5th. His wife, the daughter of an investment banker, Maria gave birth to a charming baby, who was named Mikhail. This happy event for the journalist and his relatives took place in one of the capital’s perinatal centers.

In the light of boiling oil

Next week is Hanukkah. Of the Jewish holidays, this is my favorite. As if not religious, but addressed to everyone - literally “to the city and the world.” Firstly, the holiday is fun - there are no prohibitions, you can even gamble, and eat and drink whatever your heart desires, and certainly fry something in oil, and who doesn’t like fried and crispy things? Secondly, in the legend of Hanukkah, in my opinion, the best feature of the Jews as a people is visible: to withstand the challenge, the challenge of fate. It is believed that a jar of olive oil nourished the menorah for a whole week instead of just one day. And an even greater miracle is that the Jews found the courage to rebel against the Syrians who enslaved them and desecrated the Temple and won a seemingly impossible victory.

What a bastard!

I'm talking about the octopus. It’s true, it’s a strange creature: legs from ears, head in the ass, stomach in the head - and such huge, unkind eyes. According to oceanologists, internally this cephalopod is different from everything else living on our planet. There are even pundits who seriously consider him a mysterious “alien”: they say, octopuses were the very first intelligent creatures on the planet, their intelligence developed at the highest rates, and then suddenly stopped. It’s as if someone bewitched this ancient prince - and he was left with the mind of a domestic cat (which is not so little), but without a drop of its charm: only boneless wriggling tentacle snakes covered with suction cups. In short, with an octopus it’s like with a tomato in the old joke: I love to eat it, but I hate it. Although his cooking is also full of witchcraft and mysticism. Sometimes it turns out to be a delicious delicacy, juicy and tender, but more often it is hard, as if rubbery, or almost cottony. Why? It is important to understand: in the summer, and even so rainy, and even when there is no more money, but you have to hold on, you really want something seafood, and octopus, apparently, is the only seafood that not only does not deteriorate from freezing, but even the opposite.

Throw mommy off the train

I was always pleased that, at least in the kitchen, the children considered me the main authority. True, recently son Vanya has been responsible for the meat for family meals. He invites his mom, dad and sister over for steaks, buys the right cuts of beef in advance and puts on a whole show with roasting and serving. And then he brought to the dacha a huge and expensive tomahawk (a ribeye weighing about a kilogram on the long rib bone). “Do you know,” he asks, “how to cook it correctly?” “Well,” I say, “what’s complicated here? First, fry thoroughly until crispy and chocolate brown, and then finish in a cool zone on a charcoal grill or in the oven. These are the basics - but just look at Julia Childe.” “No,” says Vanka, “your granny Julia didn’t know anything - everything needs to be done the other way around: first bring it to readiness in the oven, and then quickly burn it over an open fire!” So he did everything. The whole family tried it: the thick steak turned out tender, juicy, pink inside and caramel-crispy on the outside. And the most amazing thing is the roasting: very even throughout this huge piece! Such hefty steaks almost always either remain damp inside in some places or overdried in some places. “The newfangled technique,” ​​Vanka explained, “is called reverse sear, that is, reverse frying.”

mission Possible

In New York's Chinatown in Lower Manhattan, as in London, "non-Chinese" come primarily for the food. You can buy food - and it’s not just dried larvae and other exotic things. There are cheap and mostly high-quality fish and seafood shops, excellent tea and fruit. Of course, there are golden Peking ducks hanging everywhere. Full of inexpensive, tasty restaurants - almost always traditional.


Journalist, TV presenter and gastronomic observer Elena Chekalova, author of a book with the inviting title “Eat!” - about what a person of the 21st century needs to eat, how to seat “Bolsheviks” and “Mensheviks” at the same table, about kitchen fashion and what she feeds her husband Leonid Parfenov

The grandson of Leonid Parfenov was born in a star maternity hospital

TV presenter Leonid Parfenov and his wife, restaurateur Elena Chekalova, have two children: a son and a daughter. The daughter does not yet have her own family, but the son Ivan married Maria Broitman in 2015. The young couple became parents for the first time - their son Mikhail was born at the prestigious Perinatal Center on Sevastopolsky Avenue. Many heirs of the stars were born here.

Leonid Parfenov became a grandfather for the first time

The daughter-in-law of a famous television journalist gave birth to a charming baby for his son. Ivan Parfenov and his wife Maria named the child Mikhail. Users of social networks congratulate the family of Leonid Gennadievich and wish the child all the best.

Leonid Parfenov's son married a Jewish girl

The son of TV presenter Leonid Parfenov, Ivan, and the daughter of investment banker Mikhail Broitman, Maria, who had a wedding in Moscow according to Jewish custom on September 6, received many valuable gifts from relatives and friends at the celebration, but one in particular stood out among the series of generous gifts.

The famous obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician of the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (CPSR) Mark Kurtser, who personally delivered births to many Russian celebrities, presented the newlyweds with a certificate for the birth of their unborn child in his center. HELLO! talks about other wedding details. and presents the official wedding photo album of Ivan Parfenov and Maria Broitman.

Dynastic wedding: Maria Broitman and Ivan Parfenov performed the chuppah ceremony

On September 6, a wedding ceremony according to Jewish customs (chuppah) took place between the son of Leonid Parfenov, Ivan, project manager in the Asian markets of CSK Apostol, and the daughter of investment banker Mikhail Broitman, Maria. Among the guests were not only socialites, but also representatives of the financial community, for example Broitman’s partner Ruben Vardanyan.

Maria Broitman and Ivan Parfenov got married in June of this year. But they decided to hold the main event - the classic rite of the Jewish chuppah - in early September. The ceremony took place at the Erichson mansion in the center of Moscow. The location was not chosen by chance: the mansion is one of Maria’s favorite buildings, an architect by training. An ancient ceremony took place in its theater hall. During the chuppah, the bride circles the groom seven times (this number signifies perfection and completeness), says blessings and prayers over red wine, after which the groom breaks a crystal glass while the guests shout “Mazal Tov!” (“Happy wedding!”).

Bride's Diary: Maria Broitman about her wedding with Ivan Parfenov and their “honey trip around the world”

In September of this year, a magnificent wedding took place in Moscow between the son of TV presenter Leonid Parfenov, Ivan, and the daughter of investment banker Mikhail Broitman, Maria. The lovers had a wedding according to Jewish custom, to which both television stars and businessmen were invited. Immediately after the celebration, the couple went on an original honeymoon - the couple preferred an eventful trip around the world to idleness at an all inclusive resort. Yes, Maria and Ivan circumnavigated the entire globe in 31 days! Maria spoke about all the details of the wedding and her “honey trip around the world” in the “Bride’s Diary” section.

Leonid Parfenov's son received a certificate for the birth of an unborn child as a wedding gift

The son of TV presenter Leonid Parfenov, Ivan, and the daughter of investment banker Mikhail Broitman, Maria, who had a wedding in Moscow according to Jewish custom on September 6, received many valuable gifts from relatives and friends at the celebration, but one in particular stood out among the series of generous gifts. The famous obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician of the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (CPSR) Mark Kurtser, who personally delivered births to many Russian celebrities, presented the newlyweds with a certificate for the birth of their unborn child in his center. HELLO! talks about other wedding details. and presents the official wedding photo album of Ivan Parfenov and Maria Broitman.

Gorko: the wedding of Maria Broitman and Ivan Parfenov

On Saturday, June 20, the wedding of the hereditary architect Maria Broitman and the project manager for the Asian markets of the Apostol CSK, Ivan Parfenov, took place.

Jewish Chuppah by Ivan Parfenov and Maria Broitman

After the traditional wedding that took place on June 20, 2015, Maria Broitman and Ivan Parfenov entered into a marriage contract “Ktubah” on September 6, 2015. To be precise, this happened on Sunday 22 Elul 5775, the first day of the week according to the Jewish calendar.

The birth of a media legend - the childhood of Leonid Parfenov

Then, on January 26, 1960, in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region, in the family of the chief engineer of a metallurgical plant and a teacher, no one could have guessed that not just a boy, Lenechka, was born. On that day, a brilliant journalist, TV presenter, director, actor, producer and simply an intellectual of his time was born - Leonid Parfenov.

Later, in 1966, another boy was born to the family - Leonid’s brother Vladimir, who would become a well-known businessman involved in the purchase and sale of medical equipment. Leonid's father was very fond of fishing and hunting; as soon as he had free time from work, he often took his eldest son with him.

Coming into the profession

The formation of a journalist Parfenov began to occur from the moment he entered the journalism faculty of one of the most prestigious universities in the country in 1977 - the Zhdanov Leningrad University, which Leonid successfully graduated in 1982.

After graduation, Leonid Parfenov served in the ranks of the Soviet army in Leningrad. There are people who enter the profession by accident, but this was truly the right choice. As a journalist, he will try himself in a wide variety of publications, among them will be “Red Star”, “Pravda”, “Moscow News”, “Ogonyok”, “Vologda Komsomolets”.

Oblomov, Sobchak, Parfenov - Rap prayer in support of faith

After experience in print media, Parfenov will begin to understand the significance and possibilities, and will gradually begin to fall in love with the television space. His first experience on television was his work on regional Cherepovets TV. He was the first, of the few journalists of that time, to begin making friends with famous rock performers and music critics who were just appearing in the Soviet music space. Among them will be such names as Alexander Bashlachev and Artemy Troitsky, whose meeting took place precisely with the light hand of Parfenov in 1984. Leonid regularly held meetings with legendary personalities of that time as part of regional television programs.

Parfenov's adult life

Journalist Parfenov’s growing up began from the moment he joined Central Television in 1986 as a special correspondent for the youth editorial office, where he worked with other fellow journalists to create the “Peace and Youth” program. But this was not enough for Leonid Parfenov, and in 1988 he went to work for Author’s Television, where he could not only experiment with words, but also look for completely new forms of presenting material to the viewer. The result of his work at ATV was a three-part documentary project, “Children of the 20th Congress,” jointly with Andrei Razbash, about the famous generation of the 1960s. Then Parfenov will write with particular trepidation about the process of working on his first documentary television film in the book “Vlad Listyev. A close requiem."

The collapse of the USSR, the arrival of glasnost in the country and the formation of the new Russian state became milestones in the work of the young, promising television personality. In 1990-1991, he became the author and host of the entertainment program “Namedni,” but because of his razor-sharp words and conclusions, he was suspended from working on television at the beginning of 1991. But this fact not only did not clip Parfenov’s wings, it would give him even more confidence in his abilities and show the way to the creation of a new documentary project, “Portrait against a Background,” which was created over the course of 1991-1993 and consisted of six films. Then he will work on the release of non-political news on Ostankino Channel One, and in 1994 he will begin working on the NTV channel, with which he will have many good and not so good events in his life. In addition to his special love and awe for television documentaries, Parfenov also tried himself as the author of such popular New Year projects in the early 1990s as “Old Songs about the Main Thing.”

While working at NTV from 1997 to 2001, Leonid Parfenov will be a permanent presenter and author of the historical program “Namedni. Our era. 1961-1991”, he will also have the idea of ​​​​creating some of the most ambitious television projects of our time “Russian Empire”, “Living Pushkin”, “Leonid Parfenov’s Un Certain Regard”, he was also their permanent presenter. After leaving NTV in 2004, Parfenov went to work for Channel One, which found in him the author and presenter of documentaries “Oh, world - you are sport!”, “Lucy”, “And personally Leonid Ilyich”, “ Zvorykin-Muromets”, “Bird-Gogol”, “Ridge of Russia” and many others. All of them became proof of Parfenov’s journalistic talent and innate love for analytics. Since 2012 he has been working on the Dozhd TV channel.

Speech by Leonid Parfenov on Bolotnaya Square

Work is not just television

. Leonid Parfenov was the editor-in-chief of the Russian Newsweek magazine from 2004 to 2007, and at the end of 2007 he began work on his long-term project - writing the book-album “Namedni. Our Era,” which at that time was supposed to consist of four books – decades. But already in 2010, Parfenov began writing the fifth volume of the book, the first half of which he presented in 2011, and the second half in March 2013.

Leonid also tries himself as a dubbing actor for animated and feature films, worked as a member of the jury of the television programs “Minute of Fame”, “Major League of KVN”, “Voting KiViN”, and since 2010 on Channel One he has been a permanent presenter of the program “What our years! together with presenter Tatyana Arno.

Professional recognition

Over the years of work on television, Leonid Parfenov has created about 38 projects, many of which are a series of television shows or television films. His work has been marked by five Teffi awards for programs created at different times, he has been awarded prizes from the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Vladislav Listyev Personal Prize, he has been awarded prizes from the television press, and is also a permanent member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

Personal life of Leonid Parfenov

Like many successful people who have realized themselves in the professional sphere, Leonid Parfenov is also successful in family affairs. His only wife since 1987 is Elena Chekalova, who is also a famous journalist and the author of numerous books about television.

The family has two children - son Ivan and daughter Maria, who were educated abroad and do not in any way connect their future lives with journalism. Parfenov’s son has an economics education from the University of Milan, and his daughter wants to connect her life after graduating from the Italian School of the British Council with the restaurant and hotel business.

Leonid Gennadievich Parfenov is a talented journalist, TV presenter, director, producer, actor and simply the smartest person of his time. Born on January 26, 1960 in the city of Cherepovets.


Since childhood, Parfenov showed a special love for literature and by the sixth grade he had already mastered the entire school curriculum. The young man was not amenable to exact sciences, but he always excelled in literature and history. In 1977, the young man entered the Zhdanov University, choosing the profession of journalist. After successfully graduating from university, he managed to work as a journalist in many print publications, after which he began to conquer television.

Initially, Leonid worked on local television channels, but his talent gradually began to echo on central television. The turning point in the career of a television journalist was his author’s program “Namedni,” which made him popular throughout the USSR. The peak of his television career was his work on Channel One and NTV. During his time working on television, Leonid managed to receive many awards, including the TEFI award.

After successful work on television, Parfenov began to engage in his own projects. Now he writes books and makes documentaries, which receive great response from his readers and viewers.


Leonid Parfenov entered into his first and only marriage in 1987. His chosen one was Elena Chekalova, she is also a fairly famous journalist and the author of a large number of books. It was a common interest in journalism that brought this couple together. Elena read an article in the newspaper authored by Leonid and after that she simply dreamed of making an acquaintance with him.

At one of the events, Elena’s friend invited Parfenov. This day became the beginning of their great love. Later, in one of the interviews, Elena talked about the first days of their acquaintance and the moment when she realized that she had fallen in love. After they became friends, Leonid invited her to show her a Petersburg like she had never seen it before. Tatyana, after walking around St. Petersburg, was very surprised and definitely realized that she was in love. At their first meetings, she spoke of Leonid, on the one hand, as an honest and natural person in communication, but on the other hand, ironic.

Leonid Parfenov prefers not to discuss his personal life and does not pay attention to all sorts of gossip around him. But his wife Elena Chekalova speaks about married life only with pleasure. In an interview, she admitted that she considers herself the woman who receives the largest number of flowers from her husband. And both with and without reason. All her life she feels only a chivalrous attitude towards herself from Leni. Even when she comes home tired from filming late in the evening, there is a laid table waiting for her at home and a husband who is looking after her.

The Parfenovs have been leading a calm and peaceful family life for many years, and since the wedding they have never caused any noisy scandals around their couple.


The man has a son and daughter. Both studied abroad and do not want to connect their lives with the profession of journalists. Parfenov's son's name is Ivan. He studied in England and Germany and received an economics education at the University of Milan. Ivan recently got engaged to his girlfriend and did it very romanticly on Valentine's Day. Daughter Maria graduated from the British Council School in Italy and is going to start a business related to the arrangement of hotels and restaurants.

Elena speaks of her husband as a very caring father. According to her, he always helped around the house, washed diapers, ironed, no matter how busy he was with work, he always found time for his son and daughter.

TV presenter, journalist, author of the projects “Namedni” and “Russian Empire” Leonid Parfenov and his wife, restaurateur Elena Chekalova, became grandparents for the first time. Their eldest son Ivan and his wife Maria Broitman had a son, Mikhail, on the evening of February 5th. The young mother herself and Leonid Gennadievich’s wife reported about the joyful event on social networks.

“Grandma next to grandpa. Yes, today there is happiness in our family: Mikhail Ivanovich Parfenov-Broitman was born. Weight 3940, 54 cm. I am a granny!” Elena Chekalova wrote on Instagram.

According to the happy grandmother, many of her friends prefer not to hear this title and ask their grandchildren to call them “Masha” or “Lena”: “But Lenya and I are just grandparents,” the restaurateur noted. The first grandson of the famous couple was born at the Perinatal Medical Center in Cheryomushki.

A post shared by Elena Chekalova(@helenachek) on Feb 5, 2018 at 12:13pm PST

Leonid Parfenov and Elena Chekalova

The happy grandmother addressed the young parents with heartfelt words and maternal advice: “This is what I want to wish Masha and Vanya and other young parents. Both be a Jewish mother, for whom her child is always the best. Don’t make your child fit the image you created for yourself. Don't compare your child with others - he is unique!

Be wary of what strangers, especially educators and teachers, will tell you about your child - they can be wrong, cruel, hypocritical and even ignorant.”

Elena Chekalova cited her youngest daughter as an example: “That’s how much they scolded my Masha at school: they say she’s lazy, doesn’t want to study, makes 20 mistakes in dictation. The trouble turned out not to be that my daughter was a bad student, but that I almost believed other people’s aunts. Masha turned out to have dyslexia, and she just needed a different rating system and even more love and support.”

Maria Broitman and Ivan Parfenov

Leonid Parfenov’s wife recalled that the main task of parents is only to love, always protect and give their child the opportunity to try himself in different ways in order to one day find his own: “He should know: you love him not because he behaves well and makes progress , but simply for anyone, even if at some point he did something not entirely worthy. Yes, you will worry, but you won’t stop loving?

It would seem funny to talk about such things when the child has only been in the world for two days. In fact, all this is important to understand even before his birth.

Yesterday and today, everyone wishes your baby happiness, and you yourself want your child to be happy. But your child’s happiness may not be what you think it is. Everyone has their own path, their own talents - help him find them and just love him. Only because he is yours,” the young grandmother concluded her appeal to her parents.

Elena Chekalova– Russian TV presenter, journalist, wife of the author of popular television projects Leonid Parfenov.

Elena Chekalova/ Elena Chekalova is a philologist by training, a graduate of Moscow State University. Your creative path Elena She began as a teacher of Russian and literature at school and university, and later became interested in journalism. Chekalova worked in newspapers "Soviet culture" And "Moscow News". Today she is a gastronomic columnist and runs her own column "Food with Elena Chekalova" In the magazine "Kommersant Weekend".

Elena Chekalova and the Good Morning program

In 2009, she was invited to host a column about food "Happinnes exists" to the program "Good morning" on Channel One, and already in 2010 a project of the same name was released, where she herself became the host Elena Chekalova. This program is not just another culinary show, but a whole collection of recipes from chefs from different countries, ideas for the next romantic dinner or noisy feast.

A person should eat everything, because food is pleasure. For example, in Paris you will rarely find a fat woman: French women eat both butter and buns... and do not gain weight. But because they don’t eat, but try. And my principle of life: do not eat, but try, without denying yourself anything. And I always want to be hungry so I can try more!

Every week on the show Elena Chekalova you can see a famous person. Guests ask the TV presenter to cook their favorite dish, and viewers can easily repeat even the most complex recipe.

Each program features a certain Indian, French cuisine, and sometimes a combined lunch. Guests will come and we will talk about this food and what they like to eat. The essence of the program is that even when famous people come, we do not discuss the films in which the guests are starring or their books, but we talk about their impressions of food, travel, and what new things they have tried.

Personal life of Elena Chekalova

The married couple has been together for 23 years. They got married back in 1987 when Parfenov just started his career at Central Television. Together with Andrey Razbash Leonid made his first documentary "Children of the 20th Congress". Today Chekalova recalls that time with a smile: “When I watch these old films, it’s so funny sometimes - it’s like some kind of duckling.”

It is thanks to my wife, Parfenov turned into a spectacular dandy with his own, unique style. In 1990, the couple released a book “Our portrait is being returned to us: Notes on television”. It was included in the compulsory program of the “Fundamentals of Television Journalism” course, and it was in it that the idea of ​​the project “Old Songs about the Main Thing” was first formulated.

When my husband became a famous television character, it became somehow awkward to engage in television journalism. Yes, and Lenya said: “No matter what you write, they will still be accused of bias and bias.” And then my daughter was born, and I had to quit my job. And then TV changed beyond recognition. And today I sincerely sympathize with Irina Petrovskaya and Arina Borodina, because for their columns they have to watch a bunch of programs that are unacceptable to them both in spirit and ideological orientation! So everything worked out well in the end - my husband and I chose topics that have nothing to do with politics, and besides, cultural history and cooking are difficult to censor.

The couple are raising two children: son Ivan (born 1988) and daughter Maria (born 1993), and are preparing to celebrate their silver wedding.

Elena Chekalova has been interested in cooking since the age of 25. She was the first to independently master Georgian cuisine, and then her favorites, French and Italian cuisines. The TV presenter collected her entire huge collection of various recipes while traveling to different parts of the planet.

Today Elena Chekalova accepts offers from publishers and is thinking about publishing his own book with recipes.

I hope to make this book and even wrote the structure. The first book will be dedicated to French cuisine. It will be called “A Romance with French Cuisine.”