What kind of people lived in the Golden Age? Golden age of earth's history


yellow heron parade,

Brocade reins, mast tusks,

White seagulls soar.

dances of days gone by...

Du Fu. Eight stanzas about autumn.

L and Yuan did everything that the rebellious people demanded - he opened all the barns and distributed bread to the starving, abolished taxes for a while, and forbade soldiers from entering villages and robbing peasants. Slaves were given freedom, Yang Guan's cruel laws were abolished, the imperial gardens were opened to ordinary people - and even palace concubines were released to their families. The people gradually calmed down and the uprisings ceased; the detachments that refused to lay down their arms were defeated, and peace was established in the country. In 626, Li Yuan's son Taizong became emperor, going down in history as an ideal sovereign who vigilantly cared for the common people. Taizong's advisor was the legendary "mirror man" Wei Zheng, a wise monk who helped the emperor restore fair governance. The “jin-tian” system was restored, and all peasants received identical plots of 100 mu, the tax did not exceed 1/20 of the harvest, duties were light and not burdensome. In case of crop failure, peasants were helped with grain and money; officials were obliged to monitor the welfare of peasant farms.

The wounds of the war were gradually healed, and during the Kaiyuan period (713-40) the Middle State achieved unprecedented prosperity. “The Kaiyuan period was a full and prosperous day,” wrote the great poet Du Fu, “even small towns hid countless families. Streams of flowing rice sparkled and millet turned white, both state and private barns hid untold wealth. On the roads of the country there were no no jackals, no tigers... men worked in the fields, women raised silkworms." Carts of goods crowded the roads, trading cities flourished, and thousands of ships left the harbors every day. Emperor Taizong defeated the rulers of the Steppe, the Turks, and opened a trade route to the west; caravans of camels loaded with silk and porcelain walked along the Great Silk Road to Bukhara and Samarkand. The Buddhist monk Xuan Jiang went to India along this road in 627; he left a detailed description of this country and again discovered the distant world of the West for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. Returning to his homeland, Xuan Jiang built the famous Wild Goose Pagoda in Chang'an - it was a brick tower 65 meters high, it amazed the residents of the capital: after all, the Chinese did not know how to build brick and stone buildings, and this complex art came from India together with Buddhist monks. Chang'an, the magnificent capital of the Empire, was a city of graceful wooden palaces and parks with ponds, peacocks and goldfish; dignitaries and ministers lived here, surrounded by dozens of servants and traveling in luxurious carriages.

At the beginning of the Tang era, the great Emperor Taizong restored the ancient examination system that had existed during Han times: from now on, only a candidate who had passed the examination for an academic degree could become an official or minister. This caused a protest from the few Xianbing noble families who survived the peasant war - but they had to humble themselves before the almighty emperor. The new nobility of the Tang era consisted of scholar-officials who received positions by passing a difficult exam: candidates had to demonstrate knowledge of the theory of government based on the ancient works of Confucius, Mencius, Han Fei - and in addition had to show the ability to express their thoughts in poetry . The essence of the then theory of management came down to the words of Confucius: “If there is enough food, then the people trust the ruler,” so it was necessary to take care of maintaining a system of equal allotments, encouraging agriculture and saving in expenses; it was necessary to regulate prices on the market and maintain state monopolies on vital crafts - iron production and salt mining.

Using the power of the state to provide the people with food and guarantee their safety was the main idea of ​​​​Confucius, the idea that underlay all eastern monarchies. From this idea it followed that in times of famine it was necessary to take from the rich in order to give to the poor, that people should be brothers and love each other - it followed what Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and other prophets said. All this constituted the content of the doctrine that is now called socialism - and the Tang Empire was a socialist state - just like the Han Empire and the ancient empires of the Middle East. The peasant war and revolution placed power in the hands of learned officials, “shenshi,” and learned officials wrote essays on how to help the people and ensure the tranquility of the state. Tradition demanded that every cultured person be able to express their thoughts in poetry - and they wrote beautiful poems that sounded like Christ’s sermons:

Oh, if only I could build a house like this

Under one huge roof,

So that there are millions of rooms in it

For the poor, offended by fate.

So as not to be afraid of wind and rain

And like a mountain, he was strong and high,

And if, walking through life,

I could see him in reality

Then let my hearth fall apart

Let me freeze - if only it was like this...

These lines were written by the great poet Du Fu on an unhappy day for himself - when a hurricane destroyed his house made of reeds and straw. He was the head of the district education department in one of the provinces in southern China, one of the many learned officials who wore a red uniform. He often spent the night at work, trying to sort out the backlog of cases - and help everyone he could help:

Transparent autumn. Night coolness

Plane trees by the river

I spend the night alone in a lonely council

I look at the candle stub.

He traveled a lot around the province, inspecting schools in villages and towns - after all, almost every village had a school where the village teacher taught children literacy and arithmetic. He stopped in picturesque places, admired nature and wrote poetry:

I hear the sound of the branches of an aging forest,

I look up to the shining moon,

But the beauty of the sky and this river distance,

They won’t heal me from lonely thoughts...

The Tang era was a time of great poets - perhaps it was the only era when poets ruled the world - poems were composed by emperors and ministers, and every reception in the palace turned into a poetry competition. Poems were read in palaces and on the streets, they turned into folk songs - it’s hard to believe, but the anthology of Tang poetry that has survived to this day contains 50 thousand poems belonging to two thousand authors. Nowhere - neither in Asia nor in Europe - has there ever been such a wonderful flowering of poetry. The most famous poet of those times was Li Bo, who lived for a long time as a hermit in the mountains and sang the beauty of mountains, valleys, and clouds in an exquisite language:

The clouds float to rest after a hot day,

The last flock of swift birds has flown away,

I look at the mountains - and the mountains look at me,

And we look at each other for a long time, without boring each other.

Contemplating the beauty of nature was a favorite pastime of scientists and officials; on rest days, they left the capital for the mountains, climbed peaks, admired waterfalls, drank wine and read poetry to each other. They surrounded their city houses with small gardens with ponds, gazebos, and flower beds; their light houses, standing in the middle of the greenery, were the embodiment of grace - beams painted with colored varnish, openwork galleries, fancy ridges on the roofs. The walls of these toy palaces were made of thick white paper - and only along the bottom of the wall were varnished wooden panels; the entire decoration consisted of mats lying on the floor, embroidered pillows, painted screens and large porcelain vases. The clothes of men and women were made of flowing silk with strange animals and beautiful flowers embroidered on it; The Tang era was a world of beauty and grace, a golden age, the legend of which lived for centuries. It was a world as fragile as a porcelain vase falling on a marble floor: the golden age lasted only a hundred years - and then the autumn of history came again, and the poets could only sigh about the lost time:

Pearl canopy, carved pillars,

Yellow heron parade.

Brocade reins, mast tusks,

White seagulls soar.

I don’t have the strength to look: it’s a pity this distance...

Dances of days gone by.

The very heart of Chinese land...

The patrimony of the ancient kings.

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Golden Age, a mythological concept that existed in the ancient world about the happy and carefree state of primitive humanity; about the carefree, full of all blessings and innocent life of the first people. Usually, the features that characterize this “bliss” lack elements of a higher intellectual order and “bliss” is reduced to animal well-being, which proves the deep antiquity of the legends. In Greek literature, the legend of the Golden Age found its development in Hesiod's narrative of four generations: gold, silver, copper and iron. Between the last two he also inserted a generation of heroes, disrupting the progressive deterioration of the human race (Works and Days, 104-201). In Roman literature, the same plot, and very close to Hesiod, is processed by Ovid (Metamorphoses, I, 89-160). According to Hesiod, the first generation of people under the reign of the supreme god Kronos enjoyed complete bliss.

“Those people lived like gods, with a calm and clear soul, not knowing grief, not knowing labor.
And sad old age did not dare to approach them...
And they died as if engulfed in sleep...
The grain-producing lands themselves provided a large and abundant harvest..."

"The Golden Age", Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Painting by Joachim Uitewael, 1605

The dead people of the Golden Age exist now in the form of good “demons” guarding order on earth. But after the Golden Age came the Silver Age, then the Copper Age, each heavier and more miserable than the previous one. The fourth was the age of heroes (who fought at Thebes and Troy) and, finally, the present one came - the Iron Age, corrupted and cruel, when “works and sorrows do not stop by day, nor by night.”

But along with the myth of the Golden Age, the peoples of antiquity also knew a more realistic, although clothed in mythological form, idea of ​​the “early times” of creation, when primitive people eked out a miserable existence until they were endowed with the benefits of culture by Athena, Demeter, and Prometheus. According to other Greek beliefs, the earth itself brought everything needed, without any cultivation; abundant herds supplemented the contentment of the first people. Having descended, by the will of Zeus, underground, the Golden Generation lives there on the islands of the blessed, under the power of Kronos, revered by people as a generation of demons, givers of all kinds of blessings. The expression: “life under Kronos” has become a proverb, both in common parlance and in literary language. Plato in his work “Gorgias” and especially Dicaearchus, in his work “On Hellas”, speak about these primitive times, elevating, of course, the ancient concept of “bliss”. Dicaearchus, by the way, sees one of the main reasons for bliss in conscious abstinence from all excesses, spiritual purity and vegetarian nutrition.

The ancient version of the Golden Age myth that has come down to us is based on folk mythological ideas. The early, embryonic form of such ideas can be found among the most backward peoples in the form of beliefs about “ancestors” who lived better than modern people and were endowed with special miraculous abilities. For example, among the aborigines of Australia, their totemic myths reflected a dual idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"ancestors": on the one hand, they are depicted as formless and helpless, "unfinished" creatures, and on the other, some of the "ancestors" have special abilities: to sink underground , ascend to heaven, etc. In these kinds of beliefs and myths, the usual mythological motif is reflected - “by contradiction” (before everything was different from what it is now, and, moreover, as a rule, it was better), which formed the basis for the development of the mythology of the Golden Age .

This motive, apparently, was felt with particular force in the era of the decomposition of the primitive communal system, in the era of constant internecine wars, when the past, more peaceful time should, in contrast to the cruel reality of the “Iron Age,” seem to people to be a carefree, happy time. The dawn of the universe is characterized as a kind of Golden Age in Scandinavian mythology (the newly created world is harmonious, the aces are joyful, everything is made of gold, etc.); The “first war” (Aesir and Vanir) puts an end to it. Chinese mythology speaks of the free life of ancient people during the time of the mythical sovereigns Yao and Shun. In Egyptian mythology, a happy time is the time when Osiris and Isis reigned on earth. In Sumer they believed in the existence of the paradise country of Tilmun, the “land of the living,” which knows neither disease nor death. Among the ancient Mayans, the first people were intelligent, insightful, beautiful, i.e. possessed qualities that were later deprived of them by jealous creator gods.

Ideas about the Golden Age can also be found in developed religious and mythological systems. Thus, the Parsis describe the happy reign of King Jamshid, when people and cattle were immortal, springs and trees never dried up, and food never ran out, there was no cold, no heat, no envy, no old age. Buddhists remember the age of beautiful aerial creatures soaring in infinity, who had neither sex nor need for food until that unfortunate moment when, having tasted the sweet foam formed on the surface of the earth, they fell into evil and were then condemned to eat rice, give birth to children, and build housing, dividing property and establishing castes. Subsequent history, according to Buddhist tradition, was a continuous process of degeneration of people. The first lie, for example, was told by King Chetya, and people, having heard about it and not knowing what a lie was, asked what kind of lie it was - white, black or blue. Human life became shorter and shorter.

The idea of ​​the Golden Age is also found in Babylonian, Aztec and some other mythologies. A unique version of the Golden Age myth is the biblical account of the life of the first people in paradise, from where they were later expelled by God for disobedience (Genesis 1-3). Having later passed into the Christian doctrine, this biblical myth received absolutely exceptional significance in it, turning into one of the most important dogmas of the entire Christian religion: the “fall” of the first people, as the main cause of the sinfulness of all mankind - hence the loss of paradise, and all the world’s evil. Depictions of the life of the first people in paradise are very frequent in medieval Christian iconography.

Continued in the Christian teaching about an earthly paradise lost by the first people, the myth of the Golden Age had a strong influence on modern European science. When European sailors in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries encountered residents of non-European countries who lived in a primitive communal system and did not know class oppression, they often perceived their life as confirmation of the familiar picture of the biblical paradise - the Golden Age. Hence the idea of ​​a “good savage” living according to the reasonable laws of nature. This idea is often found in the literature of the 16th century (Martir, Montaigne, etc.), in the 17th and 18th centuries (Tertre, Rousseau, Diderot, Herder) and even among scientists of the 19th century who tended to idealize the “natural” state of ancient humanity (Morgan, Sieber and etc.). In contrast to this idealization, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote: “There was no golden age behind us, and primitive man was completely depressed by the difficulty of existence, the difficulty of fighting nature.”

The Golden Age is an entire era in art, which differs from others in its images and stylistic manners. Let's take a look at the features that distinguish this era of art from all others. Why did the Golden Age become the main and fundamental in the development of Russian culture? Let's try to figure it out.

Basic elements of this era

The expression “golden age” appeared when all art began to be divided into time periods. It was then that the golden and silver ages began to be distinguished. The Golden Age is the nineteenth century, when Russian art began to flourish and incorporate artistic elements that were already known and actively used in Western Europe.

In the literature of this time, elements of the Enlightenment style, which were most popular in Europe, began to predominate. In addition, it is important to say that the Golden Age is the period when the Russian language began its development, thanks to which it became much more beautiful and extensive. New words, phrases, means of expression and poetic images appear.

The significance of this era

After the significance of the Golden Age has been revealed, a few words need to be said about what directions were open to Russian art in this era. The Golden Age contributed to the development of the Russian language, during which important features of Russian national culture began to emerge. They began to identify several main trends of the golden age - humanism, sociality and citizenship.

The nineteenth century becomes very important in the formation of social life, where literature comes to the fore and plays a central role in public activities.

Since the nineteenth century was precisely the time during which the Civil War of 1812 fell, this era became key in the creation of the Russian patriotic spirit. It was during this same era that the Decembrist uprising began (1825), and soon the abolition of serfdom. All this had a very great influence on the spirit of the Russian people, changed their entire life in all spheres, and created new ideas about the world and life.

In addition, it is important to say that the golden age is a time when people became more interested in history. This was due to victory in the Civil War of 1812. National identity has become much more developed. N. Karamzin’s work “History of the Russian State” became a huge cultural monument. This creation became the first in the genre of history, which was read by the whole country, looking for an answer to the question of what place Russia occupies in the history of the whole world.

Literature of this era

In literature, the golden age is precisely the era when the very dawn of all artistic creativity begins. New literary trends, for example, romanticism, new poetic images, new forms of versification. All this begins to develop in the era of Elizabeth - in the golden age of Russian literature.

Alexander Pushkin

The most famous poet who made a huge contribution to the development of literature of the Golden Age is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It was thanks to the poet that the Russian language began to develop. A huge number of new, previously unused visual and expressive means have appeared, which begin to be found in every work of Pushkin.

One of the central characters of the golden age, who best characterizes this era, was Evgeny Onegin, the main character of the novel of the same name by Alexander Sergeevich. Onegin supports all those views that were characteristic of people living in this era.

Mikhail Lermontov

The works of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov “Mtsyri” and “Demon” became creations that highlight the level of literary development in the nineteenth century. Like Alexander Pushkin, the main characters have become the image of a “superfluous person” who cannot find his place in the world, wandering alone and overcoming life’s difficulties, sometimes following a dishonest path.

Anton Chekhov

The satirical works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also belong to the Russian classics of the golden age. Reflecting the true human essence, many of Anton Pavlovich's plays are still staged in theaters around the world. In his works, Anton Chekhov always touched upon very important problems of modern man. Moreover, it is important to say that the way the author presents these human shortcomings evokes both laughter and pity at the same time. They have always said “laughter through tears.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

The work of Fyodor Mikhailovich also became very important for the golden age. New views, which were based on individual freedom, changed the entire perception of the world. It is this problem that Fyodor Dostoevsky raises in a number of his works. For example, “The Player” even utters a phrase that makes you think: “If ten years ago this was shameful, and today it is put on display, then what can we expect from subsequent generations?..” In another of his works, “Crime and Punishment” , Dostoevsky, through his main character - Raskolnikov, shows that a person is subject to everything, he is free and has the right to do whatever he pleases. However, conscience and moral principles should keep a person from making very big and irreparable mistakes.

Ivan Turgenev

The work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev also clearly emphasizes all aspects of the new everyday order in society. His work "Fathers and Sons" describes a period when new views are just beginning to appear among young people. The older generation, who grew up in a completely different period, cannot understand and support the newly introduced public opinions. This rejection perfectly characterizes the entire upbringing of the older generation. The works of Ivan Turgenev can help those who are trying to figure out how and why a person argues today in this way and not in any other way.

Lev Tolstoy

The works of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, an equally famous representative of the Golden Age, are creations that are able to show readers all those norms and principles of morality that have been supported for very long centuries. Numerous works that tell about the loneliness of immoral people, about their torment and experiences, carry a special moral for all readers.

“War and Peace” is an epic novel that, in addition to the problem of human immorality, reveals all the horrors of the art of war. The Civil War of 1812 described by the writer has a central place in the work. The main characters understand the cruelty and stupidity of the war, the meaninglessness of the lives sacrificed.

Fedor Tyutchev

The work of Fyodor Ivanovich became the final one. It was the works of Ivan Tyutchev that concluded the golden age in literature, thus separating it from all subsequent eras. The lyrical works that came out of the hand of the writer are already more reminiscent of the Silver Age in their images, but still do not have the features inherent in the next era.

General conclusion

The nineteenth century, or golden age, became very important in the development of the Russian language, literature and culture in general. discussed in detail above. It is difficult to imagine what would have happened to Russian culture if there had not been all those wonderful writers, thanks to whom such a rapid and impetuous revolution of all views, both political and social, took place.

Chaldean Sibyl Sambeta thus predicted the onset of the Golden Age: “After catastrophes and wars, a new age will soon bloom again, the First and best, the golden time. Divine age, since all affairs will be carefully directed by God. The earth will once again bestow an abundance of fruits that will grow on their own. People will stop getting sick and will no longer grow old. They will be happy even when they go to the kingdom of Hades of their own free will.”

Libyan Sibyl:“A worldwide war will break out at the end of time. But this war, bringing famine, epidemics and loss of life, will be replaced by an era of peace, spirituality, freedom, justice and fertility. The beginning of this Golden Age. The Almighty will mark with a great heavenly sign.”

Sibyl of Eritrea.

People at that time will begin all over the endless world

To bring death to each other, and to this terrible turmoil

God will send them more plague, perun and famine,

Thus, punishing wicked people for unjust judgment.

The number of people in the world will then be reduced so much

What if someone sees only a human footprint,

That will be a lot of surprise. But God, who lives in the ether,

He will again become a savior to all just men.

And reliable peace and harmony will reign on earth,

The soil will give birth again and will bear abundant fruit,

For they will stop dividing and torturing her like a slave.

Every pier and port will open to people freely,

As it was before, shamelessness will completely disappear.

Later in heaven the Lord will show a great sign:

People will see the constellation - it will be like a wreath,

With its bright radiance it will illuminate the heavens for a long time

It will remain this way. And people will understand that a competition is coming,

And the Immortal calls them to fight for this wreath.

For then the great time of triumph will come

In the city of heaven: here the whole vast world will converge,

Everyone can become a participant in the incorruptible glory.

All peoples are then in immortal strivings for victory,

There is nothing more beautiful, they will rush; and the sinner cannot

There, it is shameless to buy a victory wreath for money.

And the blessed Savior will fairly distribute the rewards.

He will crown the faithful, and those who have suffered torment,

Having ended the struggle with death, the reward will be immortal.

For those who preserve their virginity and strive for imperishable victory,

He will reward according to their deserts, and to those who took care of justice,

And He will not forget anyone, even from distant nations,

If they lived righteously and knew the one God.

Those who revered marriage, rejecting shameful fornication,

The rich will receive the gift; their hope will never die.

For every human soul is a gift from God.

Song 2, 21 -54.

He will again be a savior to all just men – once again the Almighty will take pity on people and the eleventh generation of righteous people will live during the Golden Age.

People before the Lord God, great and eternal, tribes

The whites here will bow down, descending on the nursing earth.

The creations of human hands will collapse and perish in the fire;

But they will receive great joy from God in return

Mortals, for the earth, trees and pastures will

To bear true fruit, and then plenty will appear

Sweet honey, wine, snow-white milk, bread -

The main thing is bread, because it is the highest good for mortals.

Just don’t you dare hesitate, you evil-willed and vain mortal,

But turn repentantly, pray for forgiveness from God!

Sacrifice to Him kids and firstborn lambs,

Bring hundreds of bulls as the years change.

Beg the Lord to descend and show His mercy,

For He is one God, and there cannot be another.

Always honor justice, do not offend anyone -

But beware of awakening God's supreme wrath

Song 3, 616-632.

Sacrifice Him kids and first-born lambs, offer hundreds of bulls as the years change - difficult to interpret lines, since we are clearly talking about pagan rituals.

The judgment of the Immortal God on that day will come to mortals.

The power of the Lord will be applied to good people on that day.

The best fruit is the earth, which gives birth to everything,

He will give mortals an abundance of wheat, wine and olives.

Heaven will send plenty of sweet honey to man,

There will be plenty of tree fruits and fat cattle:

Goats, and cows, and sheep with small lambs together.

Streams of snow-white milk will burst out of the ground.

The cities will be full of wealth, and the fields will be fruitful;

The noise of battle and the terrible massacre will completely disappear,

With a heavy groan the earth will no longer shake,

Wars and drought will no longer be a threat to the world,

With them, famine and hail that destroys the harvest will be abolished.

A great peace, unknown before, will descend on earth,

Now the kings will become friends until the end of time,

People all over the earth will live by the same law,

What will the Lord, who rules in the starry heavens, establish?

With this law the Immortal will measure human affairs,

For He is one God, and there cannot be another,

And He will burn the wicked human race with fire.

So hurry up, people, to internalize my words with your hearts:

Leave vile idols and serve the living God;

Beware of fornication and a man's dirty bed,

If children are born, raise them, don’t kill them -

All these sins entail God's wrath.

God will finally send down an eternal kingdom to all people:

Having given the sacred law to those who revered Him as they should,

He promised that He would open the world and the earth for them

And the gates of bliss will open for them - great joy,

Eternally sound mind and bright thoughts will become

Their property. Then to the dwelling of the great God

Gifts will be brought from all over the world and incense will be burned.

People will no longer ask for directions to another house,

Those people call him the son of the great God.

All the paths are across the plains and all the cliffs are steep,

Mountain heights and waves that wildly rage on the sea -

Everything will become easily accessible to people these days.

For good people will have peace and quiet,

The prophets of the great God will abolish the sword, and they themselves

They will judge mortals and reign fairly.

Then all human wealth will become righteous.

This will be the judgment and power of the Most High God.

Rejoice and rejoice, O virgin! Eternal joy

He gave it to you, Who created heaven and earth.

Having settled in you, He will become your immortal light.

Sheep and wolves eat grass in the mountains

They will, and wild leopards will graze with the kids together.

Can a calf with a bear be safe in a pen,

A carnivorous lion, like an ox, will be satisfied with chaff in a manger;

His little children, tying him up, will lead him along,

Believe this one will become tame by the will of the great God.

The snake and the baby will sleep peacefully in the same bed

And he will not do evil - the Lord’s hand will not allow it.

Canto 3, 742-795.

God will finally send down an eternal kingdom to all people – according to the predictions of other prophets, the Golden Age will not last long, but people will live forever.

Mortal people will not forget to honor the lands of their birth -

Korshunov, also dogs, which Egypt gave to the world,

It is vain to extol, torturing stupid lips.

The homeland of the pious, the holy land will bring them

Streams of honey that flow from rocks and springs.

Then unearthly milk will flow to the pure in soul -

To those who have placed their hopes in the Creator alone,

the Most High God, bringing Him reverence and faith.

Canto 5, 278-285.

That imperishable path that the Great God paved,

Where three springs flow - honey, wine and milky.

The earth will become common; no longer being divided

Walls and boundaries, she herself will give abundant fruit;

Everyone will live together, having no need for wealth.

Neither a slave, nor a tyrant, neither small nor great;

There are no kings or leaders - all people are equal to each other.

No one will say anymore: “night has come”, or “tomorrow”,

Or “yesterday it was,” and days full of worries,

Nor will it; the four seasons will disappear,

Death and Marriage; buying and selling things;

Even the West and the East - everything will turn into a long day,

Those who lived a righteous life will turn to Him with prayer,

So that He saves sinners from fire and from continuous torment, -

The Lord will hear your requests, and all this will happen like this:

He will take everyone out of the never-ending fire unharmed.

And through His people He will send their lands to others,

And for another life, incorruptible in the fields of the Champs Elysees,

Where the stream of Acheron spread its waters widely,

Becoming the deepest lake that will remain forever.

Woe to me, woe to me, unfortunate one! On that day, what will happen to me?!

After all, I recklessly sought to surpass all people in sin.

Forgetting about both your spouse and your common sense.

But in the palace I lived my rich husband,

She did not allow the poor there; and knowing that I am doing evil,

She went to lawlessness. Savior, me from torment,

Deliver me from the impudent dog, and forgive me all my shamelessness.

I also pray to You: give this song a little peace,

347 Manna Good Giver, Lord of the Great Kingdom!

Song 2, 317-347.

Champs Elysees(Ellysium) - in Greek mythology, the abode of the blessed, the afterlife for the righteous.

Prophecies of John of Jerusalemabout happy times and the Golden Age:

31. When the millennium that followed the present one comes to an end,
people will finally open their eyes, break out of the captivity of their heads and cities, will be able to see from one end of the earth to the other and understand each other. They will understand: if you hit one, you will hurt another. People will become a single body, each of them a tiny part of it. Together they will be the heart. And a dialect will arise, understandable to everyone, something will be born - a Great Man.

32. When the millennium that follows the current one comes to an end, man will overcome the sky, he will create stars in the large and dark sea, he will set off on his journey in a shiny ship, like the new Odysseus, friend of the sun, on an odyssey
your heavenly one. And he will become the master of the water, build cities in the depths of the sea, feeding on the fruits of the sea. He will live in all the great places
state, and everything will be allowed to him.

33. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, people will learn to swim under the waves, their bodies will be renewed, and they will become fish. Others will fly higher than the birds when they manage not to fall like a stone to the ground. They will communicate with each other, their spirit will open to everyone, and he will be able to receive the messages of others. And they will share dreams with each other, and will live as long as the oldest of people - like the one about whom the Holy Scriptures.

34. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will know the spirit of all things: he will know stone, water and the living essence, in the eyes of another person; will penetrate into the secrets kept by the ancient gods, and he will begin to open door after door in that labyrinth of a new life. He will become a creator, powerful and indomitable, like a source. He will bestow knowledge on all people, and his children will know both the earth and the sky better than anyone before them, and his body will find perfection, and his spirit will embrace everything and take possession of them.

35. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will lose his undivided kingdom. Next to him, the woman will raise the scepter and become the mistress of future times. Having conceived something, she will encourage men to create and become the mother of that millennium that came after the current one. And it will flow with the tender sweetness of a mother after the days when the devil was in charge, and it will become beautiful in the days that came after the barbaric days. The millennium that comes after the current one will suddenly become easy. And people will love again, and be fruitful, and will dream again. And their dreams will come true.

36. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will be given a second birth: the spirit will take possession of the entire herd of people, and each one will become a brother to everyone - then the period of barbarism will expire. This will be a time of new life and faith, after the dark days at the beginning of the millennium that followed the current one. Happy days will begin. A person will again take a path worthy of him. The earth will experience order again.

37. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, there will be paths from the ends of the earth and sky to others, the forests will overgrow and become forests, the deserts will be watered with water that has regained purity. The earth will become a garden, man will honor everything that is alive, he will begin to clean up everything that he himself has spoiled, he will consider the Earth to be his homeland, and he will think wisely about the coming day.

38. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, everyone will live with others in unison, will know everything about the world and the body, treat diseases before they appear, and everyone will become a healer for themselves and everyone else. He will understand that he needs to help in order for everyone to go together, and after a time of isolation and stinginess, he will open both his heart and his pocket for the poor. He will recognize himself as the keeper of all order for people, and then another time will come.

39. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will comprehend the science of giving and dividing, the bitter days of loneliness will be forgotten, and he will again believe in the Spirit, and the former barbarity will be despised by everyone. But this understanding after wars and fires will come from the burnt skeletons of the Towers of Babel. And an iron fist will be needed, but so that order can be established in chaos. And then a person will find the only right path.

40. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will know that existence is the bearer of Light and every creature awaits its respect.
Man will build cities in heaven, on earth and in the sea. His memory will preserve what once happened to him, and he will know what will happen to him next. He will not be afraid of his own death - his life will be several lives, and he will know that the light will never go out.

Gospel of John(Gospel of Peace): “And then the sons of Men, like true brothers, will give each other the love that they have received from their Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, and they will all become comforters to each other. And then all evil and all grief will disappear from the Earth, and then there will be love and joy on earth. And then the Earth will be like the heavens and the Kingdom of God will come.”

Clairvoyant Regina(XII century) about the future of humanity: “A strange generation of people is now found on this Earth. He has no desire for spiritual elevation; He was overcome only by a strange desire to exterminate the entire human race. And one day, someday in the future, people will say: “Once upon a time there lived a people - the British, the Franks or the Germans - who always observed the ancient law, which brought them to the grave.” These people are digging a grave for their own souls. Britons, Franks, Germans or other peoples - wherever they live, they are all united by an ancient law, which, in the end, will lead to the fact that they all wither and fade away. And when the sun rises again in golden glory over the graves, in time a new generation of people will be born and a new humanity will appear.”

Saint Birgitta(Sweden, XIV century): “The time will come when the pagans will be so devout that Christians will be their humble servants, and the Holy Scriptures will be fulfilled - there will be one flock and one Shepherd, one faith and one clear knowledge of God. Many who are called will be unfit, and the desert will bloom, and the pagans will sing: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Mühlhiazl , Forest Prophet from Bavaria. (1750-1825). “To prevent disaster, people should be wary of displaying vanity and arrogance, because both will lead to misfortune…. After the collapse of the world, a wonderful time will come. Preachers and miracle-working saints will return. And people will turn to faith again.”

According to predictions Paracelsus, The Golden Age on Earth will be short-lived and will last only 50 years. Philip Theofast Bombast von Hohenheim(1493-1541) - physician, naturalist, alchemist and astrologer, better known as Paracelsus. He wrote the book “Oracles”, where he describes the events of the future until the end of the 22nd century. Paracelsus' prophecies about the Golden Age: “For a period equal to 50 years of the Second Kingdom of Saturn, which will come 500 years after the death of Paracelsus, the Golden Age will come again, but it will last only 50 years.”

Second kingdom of Saturn – according to the theory of chronocrats, set forth in the work Liber Rationum (XII century) by the Jewish scientist Abraham Avanezra, periods of world history are divided into cycles with a period of 354 years and 4 months. They are arranged in reverse order of the days of the week: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Moon, Sun. Medieval astrologers took 5200 BC as the starting point of the cycles, that is, the year of the creation of the world according to Eusebius of Caesarea. You and I live in the era of the Sun. Next loop(" second kingdom of Saturn") will begin in 2242. It is unknown which reporting point Paracelsus used, but according to his predictions, the Saturn cycle will begin in 2041 and last until 2395 (2041 + 354 = 2395). During this period of time there will be a short-lived Golden Age.

What is the Golden Age?

The Golden Age is an event expected by many people that happened in the past and that periodically occurs on Earth. This is confirmed both scientifically - by “inconvenient” archeology, which runs counter to the generally accepted theory of the development of Humanity, and by the myths of the peoples of the world, as well as various faiths, religions and Teachers of Humanity.

The Golden Age is a cosmic phenomenon, a universal cycle. Just as seasons replace each other, so centuries of different levels and development of Humanity come to replace each other. One age is the age of perfection, and the opposite is the age of degradation. Human living beings are sometimes approaching perfection, sometimes moving away. We fly in space cyclically, sometimes approaching some important space objects, sometimes moving away from them. The simplest example: approaching and moving away from the Sun gives us either more light or less. In the same way, there are some important spiritual objects in the Universe that are invisible to physical eyes. And we also move closer to them and move away, which gives us either more spiritual energy or less. From here, either humanity degrades or returns to its original perfection.

Many prophets, ancient scriptures, Teachers and Masters of Light told us about the imminent arrival of some special time when there will be a kingdom of Light, Love and Unity on Earth. We have no reason not to believe such a huge number of pure sources telling about this time. Moreover, we are now witnessing events that were also predicted long ago, and that they are the harbingers of the advent of this important age.

Of course, we must be worthy of this world with high vibrations and a level of consciousness. Therefore, you need to understand that not everyone will be included in it. We need to develop and improve. It is necessary to prioritize spiritual goals, such as love for one's neighbor, for God, the desire for purity, for morality, for openness and kindness.

Why is it important to think about a golden age?

What you think about becomes part of you over time. Communicating with holy people, over time you acquire the qualities of goodness, being in the company of pure people and your consciousness is purified.

In ancient times, caravans moved towards difficult-to-achieve goals, because it was much easier to overcome any path together. Therefore, from time immemorial, people have been drawn to those who are closer to them in spirit, because... the goal is achieved much easier and faster. Where the caravan passes, a lone traveler may not pass through. When many people move in the same direction, clearly knowing their goal, the path becomes pleasant and easy.