How to switch to Russian in. How to switch to English on your computer

The keyboard switches to change the language. To change the layout, you must press the standard key combination or use the language button on the quick access panel. The key combination depends on the laptop model you are using or the settings you have installed.

For most models, the standard key combination is “Shift” + “Alt”. Look at the icon at the bottom of the screen, which is located in the lower right corner. The “RU” icon indicates the Russian keyboard layout, and the “EN” icon indicates the English keyboard layout. If the language has not changed, try pressing the key combination “Ctrl” + “Alt”. It is also often used on certain laptop models. To change the language to the original one, press the combination that is valid on your computer again. If you are unable to switch layouts using a keyboard shortcut, try hovering over the language icon located in the lower right corner. Click on it and select the language you need. After these actions, he must change. If nothing happens, try restarting your laptop.

If for some reason the language icon is missing, go to the “Control Panel”, then click on “Regional and Language Options”. Open the “Languages ​​and keyboards” layout, select “Change keyboard”. Check the box next to “Pinned to taskbar”. Save your changes. Now the language icon with the language that you have set by default will always be displayed in the lower right corner.

If you go from the “Language Bar” tab to the “Keyboard Switching” tab, you can see exactly which key combinations are used on your computer to switch the keyboard. You can even set your own keyboard shortcut for quick switching. To do this, select “Change keyboard shortcut”.

If the language in which you need to type text is not available on the taskbar, go to the “General” tab from the “Keyboard switching” tab. There you can add to the layout all the languages ​​that you will use. Save your changes. Subsequently, simply hover over the language icon and select the desired language. To switch layouts, there is a special utility called Punto Switcher. It has the ability to automatically switch languages. As soon as you enter the word “mshkgy”, the language will automatically switch. If you need to change the language again, enter the word again. The utility is very convenient for those computer models that do not have switching using a combination of certain keys.

If the keyboard stubbornly refuses to switch, there is most likely a problem. Contact the service center. Specialists will repair your computer or apply the necessary settings. Often the problem is that one of the necessary keys is broken. It will be eliminated in just a few minutes. The problem may also be a failure of the operating system. In this case, you will need to completely reinstall it. Regularly scan your computer with antivirus programs to ensure that all system functions are working properly.

Remember that switching the keyboard layout is only possible if a window is open on the screen that allows you to enter characters from the keyboard. If your operating system is working properly, you can quickly switch the keyboard to the desired language.

How to change the language on the keyboard? There are several combinations that will allow you to do this. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, then we suggest you read this article. We will tell you in detail how to switch the language on the keyboard and how you can change the key combination.

Options for changing layouts

For the convenience of users, changing the layout is carried out using two buttons. What they will be, you can choose yourself. But more on that later. Now we will look at possible combinations.

  • Shift key (on either side of the keyboard) + Ctrl (also any of the two buttons). Please note that the keys must be pressed simultaneously.
  • Shift + Alt key (either of the two buttons).
  • Spacebar + Win key (the combination is relevant for the Windows 8 operating system, as well as for some laptop models).

It is also possible to set the “language switch” function to the Tab key and the letter “е” key. How to change the language on the keyboard? If you use an on-screen keyboard, the principle of changing the language will be similar.

How do I know which language is currently activated?

When using a computer for the first time, determining the key combination to switch layouts is not so easy. You will have to use trial and error unless there is an icon showing the current keyboard language. In addition to its informative function, it can also serve as a layout switch. Simply left-click on it and select the desired language.

So now you know which ones you can use. And now we will tell you how you can change them. If you have a Windows operating system - XP, Vista, Seven - then you need:

  • go to the “Start” menu and select the “Control Panel” section on the right side of the window;
  • find the “Language and Regional Standards” item in the list;
  • select the “Languages” tab (or “Languages ​​and keyboards”);
  • click on the “Switch” link;
  • select the desired key combination;
  • apply and save the selected settings.

And here's how to set the language on the keyboard for computers running Windows 8:

  • go to the “Control Panel”;
  • select “Clock, language and region” from the list of parameters;
  • On the left side of the window, select the “Advanced settings” link;
  • in the “Switching” section, click on the change link

How to change the language on the keyboard automatically?

Programs for automatically switching layouts are needed by those who often have to use foreign words when writing. The application allows you to instantly convert a set of letters into a word. For example, you are writing text in Russian letters and you need to insert the word “work”, but in English. You do not need to switch the layout if special software is installed on the system, for example, the Punto Switcher program. You just need to press the keys with foreign letters, and the program will translate them automatically. The downside of this application is the fact that it can recognize some Russian words as foreign and, accordingly, translate them.

It would seem that a completely trivial problem is how to change the language on the keyboard. But sometimes this simple question confuses not only novice users. Let's figure it out in order, based on what operating system your computer is running on.

How to change the language on the Microsoft Windows keyboard

In Microsoft Windows, the standard keyboard shortcuts for changing the language are either left Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift.

Experienced users, sitting down at an unfamiliar machine for a short time, simply press both combinations in a row and do not rack their brains about how to change the language on the keyboard in each specific case.

You can, of course, change the language layout each time by clicking on the language bar icon in the tray (in the right corner of the taskbar, next to the clock) - but using keyboard hot buttons is easier and faster.

Another question is how to switch keyboard layouts if more than two languages ​​are required - for example, Russian, Ukrainian and English.

To solve this problem, as well as many other difficulties, you need to use the control panel:

How to change language on Linux keyboard

In relatively new builds of Linux, the process of switching and setting languages ​​is not fundamentally different.

How to change the language on the keyboard in Ubuntu: using the same keyboard shortcuts Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift.

How to configure your keyboard language settings:

How to change the language on your Mac keyboard

With Mac the situation is somewhat more complicated. Typically, the language layout of the keyboard here is changed with the key combination CMD (a kind of Mas’s grid) + Space (Space).

But in Mac OS X, for example, by default, a shortcut is not assigned to change the Mac layout. Instead of changing the language, the CMD+Space key combination calls up the Spotlight search bar.

To disable this, you need to go to “System Preferences” - “Keyboard” - “Keyboard Shortcuts”.

Here in the Spotlight tab you need to uncheck both items.

Then here you need to go to the “Keyboards and Input” tab and check the boxes next to the CMD+Space key combination to switch the layout. Now you know how to change the language on your Mac keyboard.

And in order to change the set of languages ​​used, just go to “System Settings” - “Language and Text” - “Input Sources”.

Here you can check the boxes to select the languages ​​that you plan to use, as well as disable those that you do not need.

By the way, a very common problem is that the language layout of the keyboard simply refuses to change.

There can be many reasons for this: from the tricks of insidious viruses to bugs in the system itself. But most often, the keyboard layout does not change due to incorrect user actions.

If this happens, first try rebooting the machine. If reboot does not help, or helps, but only for a short period of time, then check your computer for viruses.

Most likely, no pests will be found - but what if?

The third step is to reset the language settings to “default” and check the functionality of the switching keyboard shortcuts: perhaps, while setting this parameter for yourself, you made a mistake somewhere.

And finally, there are utilities for automatically switching keyboard layouts, for example, the popular Punto Switcher.

These programs can both solve the problem with switching layouts and create it. Be careful with them!

Your keyboard layout can have as many languages ​​as you like. The operating system allows you to type in any language, and the symbols on the keys themselves can be easily changed manually. You can change the keyboard language in several ways: using hot keys on it or in the operating system. You can also download the languages ​​you need through system settings without using third-party programs. In this article, you will learn how to change the input language using the keys on the keyboard, learn how to download new languages, and how to change the characters on the keys yourself.

How to change the language on the keyboard using hot keys

First of all, pay attention to the lower right corner on your computer. Here, on a special panel, there is data about the date, time, running applications and the language of your keyboard. As a rule, all users have only two language modes, if you have not changed the settings: RU - Russian and EN - English.

Look at what language you currently have.

To change this language, use the fastest way - hot keys on your keyboard. This is any key combination that allows you to quickly perform an action in the system. There are two ways to change the language, it differs on different computers. Try both.

  • The first involves holding down the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously. Press both keys together and see if anything changes on the switch on your screen.

  • The second option is more common: hold down Shift and Alt at the same time.

Using either the first or second option, you will definitely change the keyboard layout language.

This is what the screen looks like when the language layout is English. Practice and you will succeed.

How to change the keyboard language if it is not selected in the system

It also happens that you want to write a letter to a friend in German, Chinese or Armenian, but in the operating system you have only two selected: English and Russian. You will have to add the language to the panel yourself. This is quite fast and will not cause you any problems if you follow these instructions carefully.

  • Click on the language symbol in the panel below. A small window with a list will immediately pop up. In it you need to select the “Display language bar” section.

  • A small panel will appear on the screen, usually at the very top of the screen. Find her.

  • Here you can also select the keyboard language, but using the mouse. You need to expand the menu by clicking on the small triangle on the right side of the panel.

  • Select the “Options” section from the drop-down list.

  • Wait until a new window appears on the screen. It will display all the languages ​​that are currently available to you. Click on the “Add” button to add new languages ​​to this list.

  • You will see a really large list of languages, from which you can definitely choose the one that interests you. Find it and click “Ok”.

You can also change the hotkey combination in the “Keyboard Switching” tab, changing it to something more familiar to you.

After adding new languages, you will be able to type in any new layout, but your keys will still have English and Russian letters. This problem is easily solved by purchasing stickers in the store. You can find the stickers you need and carefully stick them on the keys. This makes it much easier to navigate.

In any operating system and in each browser it is possible to change the interface language, text, and dialog boxes. This way, users from different countries speaking different languages ​​can work with the programs.

The method for installing a different language depends on the operating system or browser you are using. Changing the operating system interface language automatically switches to it all programs installed on the computer in the settings of which it is available. In order to change the language on your computer, you must take into account the operating system settings.

Quick navigation through the article

operating system

Windows and Mac OS are the two most popular operating systems among computer users, each of which allows you to change the interface language if necessary.

How to switch language on keyboard?

The way you switch between languages ​​is quite different between the two systems.


In order to change the interface language in the Windows operating system, you must:

  • Click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”.
  • Select the "Date, Time and Regional Options" menu, and then "Region and Language".
  • Go to the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab.
  • Set the desired interface language and click the “OK” button (if the desired language is not available, then click the “Add” button).

If you need to switch not the Windows interface language, but the keyboard layout when entering text, then you need to go to the “Date, time, language and regional standards” tab in the “Control Panel” and change the text input method or simultaneously press the left “Ctrl / Shift” ( "Alt/Shift")

Mac OS

The Mac OS operating system provides the ability to change the interface language. In order to do this you need:

  • Open System Preferences from the Apple menu on your desktop.
  • Select the “Text and Language” menu and go to the “Language” tab.
  • Drag the desired language to the top of the list.
  • Close the settings window and restart your computer.


If you need to change not the interface language of the entire operating system, but only the browser used to search the Internet, then you need to find the required parameter in its settings. According to statistics, the most popular browsers for computers and laptops among Russian users are Google Chrome, Internet Explore and Mozilla Firefox. Each of these three programs has its own way of changing language settings.

Google Chrome

In order to change the language of the Google Chrome browser you need to:

  • Launch the Google Chrome browser on your computer.
  • In the upper right corner of the browser, click on the menu button.
  • Select “Settings” and scroll down the page.
  • Click on the “Show advanced settings” link.
  • Select “Language and input settings”.
  • Drag the desired language to the top of the list.
  • Close the settings menu and restart the browser.

Internet Explorer

If you need to switch the language in a standard browser installed on a computer running the Windows operating system, you need to:

  • Launch Internet Explorer browser on your computer or laptop.
  • In the “Tools” menu, select “Internet Options”.
  • Go to the "General" tab and select "Languages".
  • In the language settings dialog menu, click on the “Add” button.
  • Select the desired language, click OK, and then confirm the language change.
  • Close the settings menu and restart the browser.

Mozilla Firefox

To change the language of Mozilla Firefox, you need:

  • Launch the Mozilla Firefox browser on your computer.
  • In the program menu bar, click on the “Firefox” button and select “Settings”.
  • In the new dialog box, go to the “Contents” tab.
  • Click “Select” and then add the desired language from the list.
  • Select the desired language and click on the “Move up” button until it is at the beginning of the list.
  • Click "OK", close the settings menu and restart the browser.

How to switch language on your computer keyboard

How to switch language on keyboard

For experienced users, switching languages ​​is an automatic process. However, for beginners, inept handling of the language bar sometimes turns into a serious problem, solutions to which are intensively searched on the Internet - this is evidenced by massive search queries on this topic. Switching the language on the keyboard is actually very simple. Let's look at how to do this, and at the same time learn how to use the language bar.

When Windows first starts, the language bar is pinned to the taskbar by default - this is a long bar at the very bottom of the screen. Use the easiest way to switch the language - hover your mouse over the language bar icon, focusing on the screenshot, and select the language you need.

If there is no panel with languages, then change the keyboard layout using a simple combination of buttons: “left Shift + Alt” or “Ctrl + Shift”.

Find the language bar and pin it to the taskbar. Type the phrase “Region and Language” into the Windows search bar.

In the window that opens, activate the third tab “Languages ​​and keyboards” → “Change keyboard...”, and in the window “Languages ​​and text services...” → “Language bar” → “Pinned to taskbar” → “Apply” → “Ok”.

To change the hot buttons for switching the default language and keyboard layout when the system starts, go back to the “Regional and Language Options” window → “Languages ​​and keyboards” → “Change keyboard…” → “Switch keyboard” → “Change keyboard shortcut”. Make changes that are convenient for you and click “Ok”.

In order not to waste time searching for the language bar and not to get confused with key combinations, you can download from Yandex and install on your computer “Punto Switcher” - an application for automatically switching the keyboard, and it’s completely free.

How to switch input language in Windows

This note is intended for novice computer users and in it I will talk about how you can change the input language in Windows.

The current input language is displayed in the language bar, which is located in the notification area (near the clock in the lower right corner of the screen as in the figure on the left). But what does “current input language” mean? This means that if you now start typing text, then when typing, the characters of the exact alphabet that are indicated in the language panel will be used.

Typically, most computers have two languages ​​installed - English (En) and Russian (Ru). However, it is always possible to connect any other language if the need arises.

In order to see what languages ​​are installed in Windows, just click on the language bar (see the figure above). A drop-down menu will appear listing all available languages. You can select any of the available languages ​​from the list and it will become the current one (a black bird will appear to the left of it as in the picture). But in order to switch the input language (they also say the keyboard layout language), you can use a keyboard shortcut - this is a faster and more convenient way.

The keyboard shortcut for switching the input language is usually configured when you install the Windows operating system, but you can always change it. Let's do this.

We need to get into the settings window. Call the context menu on the language bar icon in the notification area (right-click on the icon) and select “Options” from the context menu.

The “Languages ​​and Text Input Services” window will open, consisting of three tabs. In the General tab we can select the default input language. This means that this particular language will be automatically activated when opening programs or loading the Windows operating system.

For example, if Russian is selected and you are typing text in Notepad, then you do not need to additionally switch the language after starting the program. You can start typing right away.

If English is selected there, then you will need to switch the keyboard layout. To do this, you can use the icon in the notification area or a keyboard shortcut. Keyboard shortcuts are configured on the Keyboard Switching tab.

On this tab we will only be interested in the “Keyboard shortcuts for input languages” section. In this section you see the action – “Switch input language”, which corresponds to the key combination ALT on the left + SHIFT.

This means that if you press the Alt key (which is on the left side of the Space key) and, without releasing it, press the Shift key (which is in the leftmost row), you will switch the input language.

When you press this combination again, the input language will be switched again. That is, when you press a key combination, the input languages ​​will switch in order. The current input language will be displayed in the notification area (as in the picture at the beginning of the note).

If you are not comfortable with the Alt + Shift key combination, you can change it. To do this, click on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button. In the window that appears, you can change the keyboard shortcut to Ctrl + Shift.

Don’t forget to click OK in each window after making all the settings. Otherwise, your changes will not be applied and you will have to open the settings window again and change the parameters.

Well, in conclusion of this note, I would like to recommend that all beginners take my free video course “Computer ABC”. It consists of 130 videos with text versions of lessons and this course outlines all the basic concepts of the Windows 7 operating system.

I am convinced that the information in this course will be enough to make a novice user feel much more confident when working on a computer.

This is interesting: how to change the language on the keyboard?

How to change the language on the keyboard? There are several combinations that will allow you to do this. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, then we suggest you read this article. We will tell you in detail how to switch the language on the keyboard and how you can change the key combination.

Options for changing layouts

For the convenience of users, changing the layout is carried out using two buttons. What they will be, you can choose yourself. But more on that later. Now we will look at possible combinations.

  • Shift key (on either side of the keyboard) + Ctrl (also any of the two buttons). Please note that the keys must be pressed simultaneously.
  • Shift + Alt key (either of the two buttons).
  • Spacebar + Win key (the combination is relevant for the Windows 8 operating system, as well as for some laptop models).

It is also possible to set the “language switch” function to the Tab key and the letter “е” key. How to change the language on the keyboard? If you use an on-screen keyboard, the principle of changing the language will be similar.

How do I know which language is currently activated?

When using a computer for the first time, determining the key combination to switch layouts is not so easy. You will have to use trial and error unless there is an icon on the taskbar that displays the current keyboard language. In addition to its informative function, it can also serve as a layout switch. Simply left-click on it and select the desired language.

How to change the language on the keyboard?

So now you know what keyboard shortcuts you can use. And now we will tell you how you can change them. If you have a Windows operating system - XP, Vista, Seven - then you need:

  • go to the “Start” menu and select the “Control Panel” section on the right side of the window;
  • find the “Language and Regional Standards” item in the list;
  • select the “Languages” tab (or “Languages ​​and keyboards”);
  • click on the “Switch” link;
  • select the desired key combination;
  • apply and save the selected settings.

And here's how to set the language on the keyboard for computers running Windows 8:

  • go to the “Control Panel”;
  • select “Clock, language and region” from the list of parameters;
  • On the left side of the window, select the “Advanced settings” link;
  • in the “Switching” section, click on the link to change the language bar.

How to change the language on the keyboard automatically?

Programs for automatically switching layouts are needed by those who often have to use foreign words when writing. The application allows you to instantly convert a set of letters into a word. For example, you are writing text in Russian letters and you need to insert the word “work”, but in English. You do not need to switch the layout if special software is installed on the system, for example, the Punto Switcher program. You just need to press the keys with foreign letters, and the program will translate them automatically. The downside of this application is the fact that it can recognize some Russian words as foreign and, accordingly, translate them.

When working in text editors, instant messengers, the Internet, etc. We often have to change the input language on the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa. Most advanced users do this automatically, but, unfortunately, there are those for whom this question still remains open. If you belong to the second category of users, then instructions on how to switch the language on the keyboard are for you. Here we will look at which keys are responsible for quickly switching the input language, how their combinations change, and what programs exist to automatically change the language layout of the computer keyboard.

Standard method

So, how do you switch the language on your keyboard using standard hotkeys? Everything is very simple. To quickly switch keyboard layouts in Windows, there are two combinations of hot keys. The first one, which, as a rule, is the default one, includes the “Shift” and “Alt” buttons. Pressing them simultaneously allows you to quickly change the input language from English to Russian and vice versa.

The second combination consists of the “Shift” and “Ctrl” buttons.

Which combination you have can be checked experimentally by monitoring the process using the language bar icon in the notification area.

Changing the key combination to switch the input language

If you are not satisfied with the combination of quick buttons for switching the input language, then you can easily change it. For example, instead of the “Shift+Alt” combination, it is more convenient for you to switch the language using the “Shift” and “Ctrl” buttons. This can be done from the “Regional and Language” section. To do this, go through the Start menu to the control panel.

In the next window, go to the “Keyboard switching” tab and click “Change keyboard shortcut”.

Finally, change the settings as you wish.

Third-party software for automatic language switching

To simplify your task when typing texts, without paying attention to the keyboard layout, there is a wonderful program “Punto Switcher”. Essentially, this is an automatic language switch when working with texts. With it, the language switches automatically. For example, when typing a Russian word in Latin letters, the program automatically changes the input language, correcting the incorrectly entered word. The program is free and intuitive.

As you can see from the picture, the program is replete with settings.

How to switch language on the keyboard? how to change the language on a computer or laptop.

Thus, it can be customized to suit you.

How to switch to English font on keyboard?

Any user has to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and vice versa. There may be others, but these are the main ones. They have to be changed when typing texts, when generating queries for search engines, and when commenting on posts.

An experienced user performs such a change without hesitation. There are no tricks here. But if a person is just starting to master a computer, then the following tips will help him switch to another language. On laptops and computers, there are several options for changing it.

Through the language bar

The letter designation displaying the system language is located at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner next to the clock. Changing the computer layout is done using a manipulator: just click the left button on the panel to go to a pop-up window in which you can tick the desired one.

The language bar appears when the system uses more than one language. For example, if only English is specified, it will not be visible. To turn it on, you need at least two.

Using the keyboard

This method is most often used as the most convenient. Therefore, let's look at it in detail.

Switching from Russian to English and vice versa occurs using “fast keys”. These are combinations of buttons, pressing which activates a sequential change of system languages, making it possible to switch from one to another. The required keys must be pressed simultaneously. “Hot” buttons are selected during Windows installation.

Use combinations:

  • Ctrl+Shift;
  • Alt +Shift (Alt, which is located on the left);

If you don’t know which option is set for your computer or laptop, go through the combination options, so you will understand which one you can use to switch from Russian to English or to another.

Using a specially configured keyboard

If for some reason you are not comfortable making the switch, it is easy to make a convenient combination of buttons yourself. To do this you need:

The described algorithm is suitable for all versions of the operating system; the names of the panels may differ slightly. But in terms of meaning, finding the right menu is quite simple.

If for some reason the required language is not available, it is not difficult to add it. English is usually the default. If you need to add, for example, Russian, you need to go to the same menu as to change the layout. But in the “General” tab.

After selecting the “Add” button, a list of languages ​​available for use will become available. After confirming the selection of the desired one, it will be displayed in the panel and will be available for switching from the keyboard.


Sometimes, to change the layout, they use special programs that determine what language the typing is in and automatically switch to it. This is convenient if you often forget about switching layouts, and discover this when some of the text has already been typed. The best programs were recognized as Punto Switcher, Key Switcher, Anetto Layout, Keyboard Ninja.

Setting up a keyboard shortcut to switch the input language in Windows (En, Ru).

The article is applicable for Windows 2000/XP/Vista.

Keyboard shortcut to switch default input language " Shift + Left Alt". But you can put another keyboard shortcut, for example " Ctrl + Shift"It all depends on habit or convenience. For example, you got a new job and on your work computer the keyboard shortcut switches the language" Ctrl + Shift", and at home you switch with the combination " Shift +Left Alt". You tried to switch a couple of times and thought, “Something is inconvenient, somehow unusual.” Solving this problem is very simple.

Change the keyboard shortcut to switch the input language.

Windows 2000.
control panel and click "OK";
3. In the "Control Panel" window, find and run " Language and standards";
4. In the "Language and Standards" window, go to the " tab Languages ​​and layouts";
5. In the "Switching input language and keyboard layout" window, highlight the line " Switching between system languages";

6. Click " Change keyboard shortcut...";
7. In the "Change keyboard shortcut" window, select the desired combination and click "OK";
8. In the "Languages ​​and Standards" window, click the " Apply

Windows XP.
1. From the "Start" menu, select " Execute";
2. In the "Open" field, enter the command control panel and click "OK";
3. If in the "Control Panel" window it is written in capital letters " Select a category", then select " Date Time,", then click on " language and regional standards";
If there is no “Select a category” sign, then just find and launch the icon language and regional standards";
4. In the Regional and Language Options window, go to the " Languages";
5. Click "
6. In the "Text Input Languages ​​and Services" window, go to the " Options" and click the " button Keyboard options";
7. In the "Advanced keyboard settings" window, in the " Keyboard shortcuts for input languages"highlight line" Switching between input languages";

8. Click " Changing keyboard shortcuts...";

How to change the language on your computer keyboard

In the "Change keyboard shortcut" window, under the " Switch input languages" (the check mark must be present), select the desired combination and click the "OK" button;
10. In the "Advanced Keyboard Settings" window, click the "OK" button;
11. In the "Text Input Languages ​​and Services" window, click the " Apply";
12. Close all unnecessary windows;

Windows Vista.
1. From the "Start" menu, select " Execute";
2. In the "Open" field, enter the command control panel and click "OK";
3. Switch the control panel to category view, to do this, on the left side of the panel, click " Control Panel - Home Page";
4. In the category " Clock, language and region", click on " Changing the keyboard or other input methods";
5. In the Regional and Language Options window, select the tab Languages ​​and keyboards";
6. Click " Change keyboard..."
7. In the "Languages ​​and text input services" window, go to the " tab Switching keyboard";
8. In the "Keyboard shortcuts for input languages" window, highlight the line " Switch input language";

9. Click " Change keyboard shortcut...";
10. In the "Change keyboard shortcut" window, in the " Changing input language" select the desired combination and click "OK";
11. In the "Text Input Languages ​​and Services" window, click " Apply" and close all unnecessary windows;

Maria9912 (17.04.2015 06:58)

no option for win 8

Good evening dear readers and guests of our site! In today's lesson we will take a closer look at how to switch the language on the keyboard? For a novice user, the question of how to change the language arises in the first minutes of working with a computer. Although you tell me, what could be simpler? But there is always a first time when just seeing it once is enough to remember it forever.

How to change the language on the keyboard?

When working in text editors, the Internet, or chatting with friends on social networks, there is always a need to switch the language bar.

If the language bar disappears, and this happens quite often, you will find a solution to this problem in this detailed instruction.

So, first, pay attention to the lower right corner of your desktop.

There should be an icon for the language that is currently enabled.

Right-click on it and select Options. The “Languages ​​and text input services” panel will open in front of you.

Here, in the “General” tab, in the “Default input language” column, you can change the language that will be used by default after turning on the computer. In the “installed services” column, you can add the language that you need to work.

In the “language panel” tab, you can configure the location of the panel of the same name. It is usually located in the taskbar (near the clock).

In the “Keyboard switching” tab, by clicking on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button, you will open a menu where you can switch the language.

In the window that opens, you will see the inscription “Change input language.” It is this key combination that will switch the keyboard language for you.

I can say that for me personally it is more convenient to use the Ctrl + Shift hotkeys on the left. It is convenient because to switch languages ​​you do not need to move your hand, but use only one little finger.

But the Alt + Shift keys are also convenient for many users (by the way, this combination is selected by default in most builds of Windows that I have encountered).

Punto Switcher.

Another convenient way to switch the language is to use the special program Punto Switcher, which has a very convenient (at least for me) automatic language recognition function.

Of course, sometimes it doesn't work where it should. But this happens very rarely. Moreover, its big plus is that it is completely free!

Installing this program will not cause you any difficulties, but be careful - this is a Yandex application, and along with it you can mistakenly install unwanted browser add-ons, so uncheck unnecessary boxes during installation!

And you don’t need to configure anything in it, at least at first, since the main function, how to switch the language automatically, works by default.

This video will make you smile:

That's all for today! In this tutorial, we looked in detail at how to switch the keyboard language, as well as how to change the language automatically. I hope this article was useful to you and there were no difficulties with it. Leave your feedback, how is switching language on the keyboard better for you?

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admin, June 12, 2013

Change the language on the keyboard