How to draw nature with a pencil step by step. Research project on geography "the image of a blacksmith in the paintings of local artists" Beautiful drawings related to geography

Today I wanted to become a fairy... The real one, at least as my fifth-graders understand)))) After all, it was today that they brought their drawings to the second geography lesson, through which they showed their perception of the science of geography - what it will study, what and who it's about. And to me, each drawing seemed like a small masterpiece, into the creation of which a piece of the author’s soul was invested.

Young artists approached their homework creatively. Of course, there were works simply with a drawn globe or mountain, or a water cycle. But such works remained unmarked in the journal, because they had to not only copy some suitable picture from a textbook or the Internet, but also explain their work.

So what is this new science of geography about?

The favorite object in the drawings is the globe.

The earth can smile when "...people don't spoil it."

And this is a slightly abstract Earth, because “... when I look at the Earth from a space rocket, then I’ll draw exactly what it looks like!”

In this A3 work, what captivated me was not the size or the huge globe, but the small picture at the top.

When I saw the bottom of the picture, I didn’t recognize the oar, it seemed like it was a huge spoon for minerals. But the young author corrected the teacher)))))

Pay attention to this drawing and its small details - it seems to me that the author is very extraordinary and systematic!

And this is a geography teacher who must “... talk about our country in class.” I definitely will!

This is an attempt at a self-portrait)))))

It seems that it could not have happened without the help of parents...

The fairy's boots are red so that "... everyone knows that this is an important fairy."

The Geography fairy's dress is made of water...

Or from countries...
The young artists left the lesson happy - they took “5” in their diaries, anticipating the next lesson, because in it we will continue to get acquainted with travelers and discoverers, and we will also test our knowledge using the electronic manual for the textbook...

P.S. And after the lesson, one young artist ran up to me and said that the Geography fairy in her drawing was me. Well, how did you find out?)))))

Drawing is an image of an object (or a series of objects) made with pencil, pen, charcoal or watercolor. Learning to draw a geographical pattern. In the first steps of mastering drawing for geographical purposes, we will talk only about drawing with pencil and pen. The drawings are very diverse in nature. There are three main types.

Finished drawing

First type- this is a drawing that accurately, sufficiently fully and clearly conveys the character of the depicted object. Most often, this is a finished drawing, that is, one that “says” everything that the author wanted to say.


We consider sketches to be the second type of geographical drawings. Sketch- this is a quickly made and seemingly unfinished drawing, in which only the most important features of the depicted object are outlined. There is no necessary precision in a sketch; nevertheless, it still gives an idea of ​​the arrangement of objects and their general character. When traveling, a geographer often has to resort to sketches.

Schematic drawings

The third type includes the most diverse schematic drawings or just diagrams. By diagrams we mean a simplified image of an object (or a whole group of objects) without highlighting the details. Such diagrams can exist as an independent, simplified, but quite characteristic drawing, for example, a schematic profile of a mountain, a sea wave, or a geological section (Fig. 10 and 11). Schematic section of Mount Gunib (Dagestan) We will use the same word “scheme” to refer to those first outlines of the drawings that we have to make. So, for example, if we need to draw a view of the mountains shown in the lower figure, then we must first of all outline the location and size of large objects (mountains, rocks, trees) and give very simplified outlines of them (lower part). This will be the diagram of the drawing we are constructing. Having made sure that the constructed diagram is correct, we proceed to depicting the details. Consequently, in this case, the diagram is a simplified image, which should later turn into a drawing.

Drawing tools

Drawings, as already mentioned, are made in various ways: pencil, pen, charcoal etc. For our purposes, the most important thing is the drawings in pencil or pen, which we will focus on. A geographer, especially during field work, most often has to use a pencil. Pencil glides easily across the paper and allows you to make lines of various tones (from the weakest, barely noticeable, to the brightest) and of varying thickness. You can rub the pencil line with your fingers or cotton wool, and you will get a more even, beautiful surface. However, a beginner should avoid this rubbing. To begin with, you need clarity and definiteness in every line, every stroke. Only in rare cases, for example when depicting the sky, clouds, large surfaces of water, is it sometimes more convenient to use rubbing. But we will get to this much later. Finally, pencil lines, if they are not very greasy, can be erased with an eraser. It is more difficult to draw with a pen. Pen for drawing gives lines the same tone. True, by thickening or thinning the line, we can obtain a different character of the lines, but this is a rather difficult matter. What is also difficult here is that the line drawn with a pen is not erased and cannot be corrected. Consequently, one can draw with a pen only if the hand and eye of the draftsman are sufficiently trained, that is, they have acquired a certain confidence and firmness. From what has been said, it is clear that at the beginning of drawing we will have to use a pencil. This is interesting:

This is one of several map drawing tutorials I create for , an amazing group that I help grow.

If you used this lesson, tell me, show me, I would really like to see what you came up with! And don't be shy, ask questions too!

For this tutorial you will need a font Booter Zero Five(See the link at the end of the lesson).

This map making tutorial involves (imaginary) maps that look more like fantasy or pirate maps. There are no environmental elements on them. If you want to create a map for your world / just because / or for something else, you will get it, in just one hour of work!

Before we begin... you'll need Photoshop, a map file, and a font (see link at end of tutorial). It would also be a good idea to have on your computer a scanned photo of some landscape that you would like to depict. I used Photoshop CS3 Extended to create my map. I also used brushes for some parts of the work.


Take a close look at this screenshot. Don't forget to Save it As... and create a layer for the background.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

If you have a sketch, scan it or open a photo. Open it in a separate PS file, increase its brightness if necessary (Image – Adjustments – Brighten/Contrast). Insert an image by dragging it onto the map file. You can resize an image in two ways: either by clicking Edit – Transform – Scale, or by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging the diagonal arrows that appear at the corners of the image.


Regardless of whether you imported an image or not, create a new layer on top of the Map layer, grab a brush and start painting your landscape. It's better to make it a little larger than the image itself.


After completing the sketch, take the eraser and go over the outer edges of the sketch. They will be crooked and out of line, so you will need to go over these lines several times to clean everything up. If you want to make islands, make them now.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Now you can take the quick selection tool and select everything that is outside of your land. After that, we start doing even more erasing; no continent or country is perfectly straight, round or angular. Let's add debris, depressions and cracks all over our map! =P Also, add some less-than-ideal-shaped rivers and lakes. Your people will surely need water to survive!


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Population! Open the Cities group, and make the Capitol...more precisely the Capital (capital mistakenly turned into capitol) and the Town visible. The capital is circled in red. You'll probably have more than one town/city/village/etc., and here's how to duplicate them: second-click on the Town layer and select Duplicate Layer from the list. , which will appear. The new city will appear on top of your original city. Remember this for the next step!


Open the Landscape group. You have a choice of more realistic and hand-drawn objects. To prevent the picture from looking ridiculous, use only one of these styles. You can place these objects wherever you want, and you can also duplicate (multiply) them. When you “plant” trees on your property, place mountains, rocks and forests, and consider the environment if you have not already done so. Civilization and vegetation, for example, tend to appear where there are sources of water. If you need to resize something, use the technique described in STEP 2.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Open the Text group. It contains the following layers: River/Forest name, Town name, and Continent name. You can use a wider variety of fonts (eg Calibri for forest names, Juice for country names, etc.). The easiest way to make the font fit is to create a duplicate of the original text and change its font. Next, let's play with the effects. In this case, the outer glow and drop shadow look very good here. Don't forget to name all the worlds, continents, countries, regions, states, villages, towns, cities, capitals, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains and plains. You don't have to name every detail on the map, but it will be annoying.

And you're done! WOW! Well, at least unless you really want to make your card something one-of-a-kind. If you still want...


Scroll down the page to see the most interesting, but completely optional effects that can be applied to the card.


The following is optional, but it contains some information to help improve your map.

Card Paper

If you want more emphasis and texture on your card, you can change the background! First, create a new layer on top of the Map layer. Take a brush, select a white color, and get to work. Personally, I like scatter brushes for this, but you can use any other brushes, for example, with coins, ships, animals, plants, etc.

Pay attention to the screenshot below, where you can see the changes after brushing. If you are using a scatter brush (or any other brushes with unusual patterns), work it over the entire surface of the card so that there are no empty spots.

Add Brightness

Does your map seem not bright enough? Click Image – Adjustments and you will see the following options: Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast and Curves, which are the best adjustment options for our map. Go ahead, experiment! Notice the difference between this screenshot and the one above. Thanks to the Brightness/Contrast correction.

Guide Arrows

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

No decent map can do without a compass!

The layer with the Compass (compass) is placed under the group of layers Landscape (landscape). Place it in an area where there is no dry land, adjusting it to size if necessary. I also like to add all sorts of effects to the compass. Experiment! In the screenshot you can see my favorite settings (the words highlighted with a “marker” are the names of various effects).

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

A watermark is protection from paranoids (me included). Watermarks can protect your work from theft. If you have your own signature - or even if you want to use your name, email, dA page address - you can add it. Create a new layer (normal or text). All you need to do is add a watermark to a new layer, adjust it to size and reduce the Opacity (Opacity) or leave it as you like. Speaking of watermarks and liking... this entire tutorial is watermarked... don't even think about stealing it!

Also, if you want to create paths and signs on the map to give it a taste of ADVENTURE, just add a new layer on top of the land layer, grab a brush, pick a color close to the color of the map, and paint! You can also use humorous brushes, like the sea dragon in my map.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.


Download font Booter Zero Five you can here: You cannot download files from our server
- Download with object layers

You can also watch this lesson in video format!

Competition of design works of students of educational organizations in Moscow

"Economy. Society. Regional studies. XXI century" within the framework of the open competition platform "Initiative. Creation. Success" of the city career guidance marathon "Career Navigator: scale - Moscow city"

Nomination: “Country Studies. XXI Century”

“Creating a Geographical Image of Russia”

Kukushkina Daria, Tselykovskaya Nadezhda

Class 9 “B”, GBOU School No. 1238,[email protected] , Moscow

Scientific supervisor: Malyarchuk Larisa Vasilievna

Tel: +79150431351, [email protected]

Teacher of the highest category, geography teacher, GBOU School No. 1238, Moscow.

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………..

2. Main part. Creating a geographical image of the country.

2.1. Personality and the process of its socialization…………………………………..

2.2. Geosciences ………………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Structure of the country's image according toD.N. Zamyatin……………………………

2.4. Contents and resultsresearch – “drawing technique”…..

2.4.1. Typification of drawings…………………………………………………………………….

2.4.2. Thematic analysis…………………………………………………………….

2.4.3. Symbolic analysis………………………………………………………………

2.4.4. General conclusions of the study……………………………………………………….

2.5. Geographical image of Russia at the state level………….

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….

4. List of references………………………………………………………..

5. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………….

My Rus', my life!
A. Blok

1. Introduction

Geographical images and civilizational identity are interconnected phenomena. The phenomenon of the formation and development of geographical images, one way or another, is associated with civilization and culture, within the framework of which it can be discovered and comprehended. Any civilizational identity contains, to one degree or another, in open or hidden forms, geographical images. They are an integral and natural part of civilizational identity. Another thing is that the “bearer” of civilizational identity may not notice this. A researcher interested in a comprehensive study of civilizational identity must also consider the corresponding geographical images. Unlike others, Russian civilization, despite numerous cultural borrowings from Byzantine and European civilizations, is autochthonous (autochthonous from the Greek αὐτός - himself and χθών - earth - belonging by origin to a given territory, local, indigenous by origin). In addition, the historical time of its independent existence far exceeds the corresponding indicators of other civilizations. Finally, and most importantly, the spaces that found themselves in the zone of influence of Russian civilization were, for most of the historical time under consideration, part of the Russian state, be it the Muscovite Kingdom, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation. Territories that are not currently part of the Russian Federation, but were previously part of Russian state entities, have been largely comprehended and culturally mastered by Russian civilization. Such overwhelming mono-statehood within one civilization, and statehood that has spread over the world's largest continental landmass, is certainly unique.

The image of the country is most clearly presented in works of art - literary, pictorial, musical, cinematic, photographic, etc. In one era or another, this image can acquire specific features, thanks to which it is inseparable from a specific historical time, saturated with certain political and cultural events. However, the picture becomes more complex if we also take into account the creation of the country’s image not only by contemporaries, but also by subsequent generations. In fact, a kind of figurative interference occurs when different and sometimes very different interpretations of the image overlap each other and begin to interact with each other. Finally, it should be taken into account that a researcher who belongs to another, sometimes very distant era, brings his own vision, his own interpretation of such a figurative picture. In our work, we tried to create our own image of the country in which we were born, live and study - this is Russia.

The goal of the work is to create a geographical image of the territory of Russia.

Tasks:1. Study various methods of creating the image of a territory.. 2. Conduct a sociological survey and study of the image of the country among students of GBOU School No. 1238 in Moscow.

2. Creation of a geographical image of the country.

2.1. Young people’s ideas about their country are the basis for socialization and the formation of civic identity, they determine ideological positions, influence political activity, and determine the prospects for life and self-realization. The image of Russia as a component of a person’s holistic image of the world is characterized by content and semantic multidimensionality, has a level structure in which conscious layers are distinguished, represented by a system of everyday concepts, beliefs, and value and worldview attitudes of the individual. A personality is a product of the social environment, the society in which it develops and lives. During the formation of personality, processes of socialization continuously occur: - personality development; - self-determination; - formation of new qualities; - integration. Of great importance for the formation of personality is the creation of an image of the country in which it is formed. 2.2. Earth sciences, namely the course Geography of Russia (grades 8-9), develop in a teenager such qualities as: 1.patriotism (comparing the geo-ecological potential of Russia and the developed industrial countries of the world); 2.spirituality and morality (specially protected natural areas, folk crafts of Russia); 3. tolerance (ethnic and religious composition of the Russian population). The above examples directly contribute to all of the above processes of personal socialization. Classic Russian economic geography N.N. Baransky in the mid-20th century wrote about the need to build a description of the country’s territory according to a unique scenario, based on local characteristics, from issue to issue, from shelf to shelf. Without selecting features according to their importance, without caring about their internal connections, without trying to explain them, without comparing them with the features of history. The main disadvantage of this approach to creating the image of a country is that it is difficult to highlight the main thing. Ordinary consciousness also builds information about the territory around one or two main topics. This is the basis for the so-called mass images of countries and territories, when the choice of the main theme occurs not according to the “logic of the territory”, but according to the logic of mass consciousness (the image of the territory is replaced by the image of its prominent native or simply a collective image, a symbolic figure). 2.3. While working on the project of creating our own geographical image of Russia, we became acquainted with the works of other scientistsD.N. Zamyatin and E.A. Galumova.According to D.N. Zamyatin, “geographical images are stable spatial representations that are formed as a result of any human activity (both at the everyday and at the professional level). They are compact models of a specific geographical space, created to more effectively achieve any given goal.” D.N. Zamyatin describes the structure of the country’s image as a kind of “matryoshka”: the core image is hidden inside several “packages”.The core image presupposes its own certain “branching”. The main cores, bright features, “highlights” of Russia:

1. Political-geographicalan image that represents a concentration of the leading geographical signs, symbols and features of a country in political terms. This image identifies the state with a certain part of the world (the world) and in a certain environment of states. Russia is like Eastern Europe or Asia.

2. Natural resource image is a concentration of leading features and symbols of national resource wealth in natural, landscape or climatic terms. In the mass consciousness, this image identifies the state with some of its inherent symbols of nature. (Russia - white birch, brown bear, endless steppes, Russian black soil, white nights, pole of cold - Oymyakon, etc.).

3. Civilizational and cultural image in the form of a national cultural symbol, constituting the historical heritage of the country and recognizable throughout the world. This image identifies the state and its people with a cultural and historical heritage of world significance. In the UN register (cultural monuments of world civilization) in Russia, such monuments include the Kremlin architectural ensemble.

4. Sociomental image of the country. Russians are dreamy: theater, poetry, ballet and inventive: radio - A.S. Popov, nuclear power plant - the first in Obninsk, periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev, hydrogen bomb - A.D. Sakharov, synthetic rubber from oil - B. Byzov, Kalashnikov assault rifle, the first artificial satellite, the first cosmonaut, etc.

5. Production and economic image as a symbol of the well-being, power and influence of the state. This image attributes to the state an economic niche in the global economic division. Russia – space, military-industrial complex, fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, etc.

6. The national value image of the country completes the series of listed images - this is a concentration of leading signs and symbols expressing state interests, goals and aspirations in a national and ideological sense. The national value image indicates a priority national goal, identifies the state and its people with the historical values ​​offered to the world and consistently defended by the state on the world stage. In Russia, spirituality is religion, family and morality - respect for traditions and cultures.

The advantages of this assessment method for creating an image of a country:

Allows you to numerically evaluate and compare the external and internal geographical image of both one country and several states;

Allows you to numerically evaluate and compare not only the geographical image of the country as a whole, but also its individual aspects (for example, analyze the internal image from the point of view of natural resources or only the natural component of the external image of the state);

Takes into account the varying degrees of value of characteristics for the geographical image of the state;

It can be used not only in relation to the geographical image of the country, but also to some of its other aspects.

2.4. In order to create an image of Russia in the minds of students in grades 8-9 of GBOU School No. 1238, we interviewed... people aged 13-15 years, of whom 35 were boys and 33 girls. Drawing technique was used as a research method. The guys received blank sheets of paper with the task: “Please draw an image of Russia as you imagine it.” The drawing took 3-5 minutes. During the study, we used a four-level procedure in which image analysis was carried out at the following levels: 1) typification of pictures; 2) content, thematic analysis; 3) symbolic analysis; 4) emotional analysis. 2.4.1. At the stage of drawing typification, the following types were identified:

· Symbolic - represent an image of one or more typical symbols of Russia. They do not express a specific idea, but rather a figurative, symbolic association (30.8% of the total number of drawings).

· Social - the image of Russia as Russian society or as some social situation (20.5%).

· Landscape, “rural” type - represent an image of natural objects, a picture of rural life (17.6%).

· Personifications - represent Russia in the form of a person or animal (13.2%).

· Enumerating - represent a set, enumeration of several elements that characterize, from the respondent’s point of view, the image of Russia (7.3%).

· Type “Map of Russia” - image of Russia in the form of a map (5.8%).

· Military topics - 4.5%.

· Metaphorical - express a certain idea, similar to a verbal metaphor, but uses visual images (1.4%).

· Urban - represent an image of street objects (1.4%).

2.4.2. Thematic analysis is the division of drawings into the following types:

1) isolation - remoteness and isolation of Russia from the whole world; 2) division, fragmentation - Russia is divided or split into 2 or more parts; 3) contrast, opposites - depiction of a specific division into rich and poor; 4) the disconnect between power and society - images that clearly show that power uses the people and their labor. There were no such figures in our study. All students represent Russia as a single whole.

2.4.2. Symbolic analysis consists of identifying and interpreting the symbols present in the drawings: 1) natural symbols - this is the most common type (31%); 2) rural symbols - also often found among the works (9%); 3) official - coat of arms, flag (17.6%); 4) traditional - often depicted matryoshka dolls, felt boots or vodka (17.6%); 5) Soviet symbols - after all, the USSR left its mark on the lives of modern youth, despite the fact that there was only one drawing depicting a Soviet star (1.4%); 6) a symbol of industry and natural resources - images that clearly showed that Russia is associated with factories, oil and gas (7.3%)

2.4.3. General conclusions of the study: 1. Most often, the traditional image of Russia was encountered, associated primarily with Russian nature, pictures of rural life (although urban youth were surveyed), they show a small homeland (40%).

2. On the other hand, at the symbolic level, in addition to actual, natural images, stereotypical, external and state symbols are also expressed - official, Soviet and traditional (37%).

3. Very significant are the resource and geographical characteristics of the image of Russia, in particular the image of the large size of the country, the presence of minerals (13.2%).

4. There were drawings that clearly showed the problems that characterize Russia - namely, roads, or rather the lack thereof, as well as alcohol (4.7%). There were no drawings that depicted submission to the power elite.

5. The presence of a clear, unified image of Russia among the surveyed group.

6. At the value and emotional levels, a positive image of Russia prevails. Emotional analysis allows us to identify a positive attitude towards an object, which is manifested in the thoroughness, accuracy of the image, and the brightness of the colors.

2.5. As an example of promoting the geographical image of Russia at the state level, we would like to cite the holding of the All-Russian competition “Seven Wonders of Russia”. The goal of which would be to revive the sense of patriotism and love for one’s Fatherland, as well as to attract attention to the restoration and preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural sites on the territory of Russia. A special website was organized as part of the project , where it was proposed to vote for the already presented wonders of Russia, as well as offer your own options. Based on the results of the first round, the winning 49 wonders from 7 federal districts of Russia were selected: 7 wonders from each federal district. In the second round, 14 finalists of the competition were selected. Then the super final took place, when 7 desired objects had already been selected. The results of the popular vote were announced on June 12, 2008 in Moscow during the live broadcast of the celebrations in honor of Russian Independence Day by the RTR television channel. The winners were three man-made and four natural attractions: St. Basil's Cathedral, Mamayev Kurgan and the statue of the Motherland, the Peterhof palace and park ensemble, weathering pillars, Lake Baikal, the Valley of Geysers, Mount Elbrus. Competitions of this kind are essentially one of the ways to form a positive image of Russian regions (both within the country itself and abroad) and popularize its natural, historical and cultural attractions.

3. Conclusion.

The method of figurative-geographical modeling and creation of mind maps, which we used in our work, allows us.

Develop creativity; +Build communicative competence in the process of group activities to compile mind maps; +Develop general educational skills: note-taking, annotating, participating in discussions, preparing reports, writing abstracts, articles, analytical reviews, conducting analysis, etc.; +Develop all types of memory (short-term, long-term, semantic, figurative, etc.); + Monitor your own intellectual work; +It is easier to navigate the choice of future professional activity.

4. List of used literature.

1. Bershadsky M.E. Cognitive educational technologies of the XXI century: theory and practice of application. - M.: September, 2011. 2. Vinogradov P.N., Koroleva N.N. The image of Russia in the views of modern youth [Electronic resource] Access mode. URL: (date accessed 02/02/2015). 3. Galumov E.A. . International image of Russia: strategy of formation. M., 2003. 4 .Gureev S.V. Analysis of drawings in sociological research // Sociological Research. - 2007. - No. 10. - P. 132-139.5. 5. Zamyatin D.N. Modeling of geographical images. Smolensk 1999. 6. Zamyatin D.N. Image of the country: structure and dynamics // Social sciences and modernity. 2000. No. 1. 7. Zamyatin D.N. Human geography: Space and language of geographical images. St. Petersburg, 2003.4. 8. Zamyatina N.Yu. Using images of places in teaching regional studies and urban studies // Cultural Geography. Almanac. M, 2003. 9. Official website of the competition “7 Wonders of Russia”

5. Application.