The name Eldar is shortened. Characteristics in youth and adulthood

The meaning of the name Eldar translated from Arabic is “owner of the country”, “God’s gift”. This masculine name gives its owner a strong character. Throughout his life, the man so named repeatedly proves his cunning, will and endurance.

The meaning of the name for a boy is favorable in that the child has increased resistance to stress, self-esteem, and friendliness. From an early age, the baby has many friends and is ready to spend days on end playing with them. The boy loves animals very much, so it is of great importance not to limit the child in caring for a pet - this will form kindness and compassion in the child’s personality.

The meaning of a name for a child in adolescence acquires such new character traits as ambition, heightened self-criticism and determination. The boy grows up early and at a time when his peers are not yet thinking about their future, he already knows exactly what he wants to become. A guy's teenage hobbies, as a rule, are the first step towards a future profession.

An adult Eldar is a person with clear goals in life, passionate, achieving his goals. He knows how to defend his opinion, prove his point of view and at the same time give in if he is wrong. The interpretation of the name as a whole gives our hero good health and strong character.


Love relationships for our hero are of considerable importance in life. By nature he is a temperamental and loving person. This means that he often falls in love and is constantly in search of his soul mate. Although Eldar’s love is not always mutual, he does not suffer much from this - a man begins to experience deep feelings after prolonged communication with his chosen one.

He pays attention to attractive, beautiful representatives of the fair sex, but he will love only one and will be faithful and devoted to her. The ideal of the beloved woman is partly reminiscent of the image of his mother. He attaches great importance to the beauty, kindness and gentleness of the character of his future wife.

Early marriage is often unsuccessful for a man so named. Having fallen in love, but not having loved a woman, he is subsequently faced with the fact that his feelings cool down and he breaks off the marriage. The marriage at a more mature age will be prosperous and happy.


The family life of our hero is going well. He tries to do all the men's housework on his own. He is very responsible when choosing a home. This means that often the best option is a large, spacious house outside the city. This man's family usually has two or more children. As a rule, the wife is involved in raising the heirs, since Eldar has practically no time left for his family due to his busy work.

In Eldar's house there is always a pet - the father of the family has loved animals since childhood and instilled this love in his children. Rest is of no small importance for a man. He truly relaxes in the circle of close people, during intimate conversations. Communication with your family, a trip with your children and wife to the sea or to an amusement park will also be a great opportunity to take a break from the stress of work.

Relations with his wife's relatives are warm and friendly. He finds a common language with both his parents and his wife’s brothers and sisters. A man pays a lot of attention and care to his parents and, as a rule, in old age they remain in the care of their son and live with him.

Business and career

Our hero begins his working career early. Often, while still a schoolboy, he is already looking for opportunities to earn money. This is due to the fact that the man so named already has a “commercial streak” from a young age, which means that Eldar’s professional activity will be very successful if he becomes a manager, economist, broker, financier, banker.

After working in one place for some time and gaining valuable experience, a man begins to look for opportunities to earn money on his own. The success of a business will depend on the willingness to take risks. It is caution and fear of starting your own business that can cause missed opportunities.

The work team in which he works is of no small importance for Eldar. Although he is a person with a stress-resistant psyche, conflicts with colleagues can cause sharp attacks and rude statements on the part of Eldar, which will negatively affect the reputation of our hero. However, with good relations with employees, he is the soul of the company. Ready to help, support and defend.

Origin of the name Eldar

The origin of the name Eldar has Turkic roots. Translated from Arabic - “God’s gift”. There is another version of where it came from. The story is associated with the Greek name Iliodor, which in Islamic countries began to sound like Eldar. The meaning of the name in this case is “sun-giver.” The etymology is also generalized with the name Ildar, which translates as “ruler of the country.”

In our state, this is what Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples call their sons this way. However, it is also popular in European countries. Here another meaning appears. Translated from Scandinavian - “warrior of fire”.

The varied origin story makes it difficult to determine with certainty whose name is Eldar. Perhaps the secret of the name lies in the diversity of etymology and international origin.

Characteristics of the name Eldar

The characteristics of the name Eldar have their pros and cons. Willpower, a lively mind, ambition - help a man achieve his desired goals in life. He has a kind, generous character, which characterizes our hero on the positive side. This is a person you can always turn to for help and he will help free of charge.

Despite his high temperament, our hero has a stress-resistant and restrained character. In a man's nature, positive aspects predominate. However, negative traits are also present.

At the slightest hint of humiliation of his personality or disrespect for him, he becomes very rude and harsh. When in a bad mood, he can be irritable and sarcastic. There is a tendency to lash out at loved ones in case of troubles at work or failures.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: emerald, beryl, sapphire, peridot, aquamarine.
  • Name days: June 22, September 2, September 11, December 2 (Iliodor).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign name: Taurus, Libra.

Famous people

  • Eldar Ryazanov - Russian, Soviet film director, screenwriter, actor, TV presenter. People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Eldar Lebedev is a Russian film actor.
  • Eldar Dalgatov is a popular Dagestan singer.

Different languages

Translation of the name from Arabic is “God’s gift”, “gift of Allah”. As translated into Japanese according to its meaning: カリスマ (Karisuma). Writing and sounding in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

  • Chinese: 埃爾達爾 (air-dar).
  • Japanese: エルダー (eru-da).
  • Arabic: إلدار (ile-dar).
  • Armenian: Էլդար (el-dar).

Name forms

  • Full name: Eldar.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options: Darik, Dora, Dara, Elik, Elya.
  • Declension of the name: Eldara, Eldare.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy: baptized with the name Iliodor.


The name Eldar is of European origin. In Europe, it was derived from the Old Norse words "eldr" and "arr", which translate as "fire" and "warrior". The literal interpretation sounds like “warrior of fire” or “fiery warrior.” Although there are other equally popular versions of the origin of this name.

The male name Eldar began to be in demand in the distant nineties, and continues to be used today. It has good significance and, according to the given, promises the child named by it many important and necessary qualities. It also has good compatibility with most female names...

Popularity: In the ranking of popular male names, Eldar does not even make it into the top one hundred. According to statistics, it occurs in no more than one boy out of 1000 newborns. Perhaps it will soon be classified as “lost”...

Conversational options: Iliodorka, Dora, Ilya

Modern English analogues: Ellar, Iliodor, Liodor

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Eldar usually promises its bearers such character traits as emotionality, hot temper, honesty, prudence, love of freedom, independence in thinking and sharpness.

Also, a man with this name can be promised singleness, selfishness, capriciousness, receptivity, vulnerability and straightforwardness. Already in childhood, Eldar can demonstrate the traits of a real hysterical person. He may throw a tantrum and start acting up for no particular reason, and will do this until his parents satisfy his needs or wishes.

But an adult Eldar is usually a talented and hardworking person, and if he takes on any task, he completes it to the end, easily overcoming obstacles. And in general, he is a very diligent and responsible person, and almost all Eldar are like that without exception.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of the name Eldar is their ability to adapt and adapt. Other advantages include persistence, hard work and responsibility with punctuality.

Eldar has a bad attitude towards people who don’t value themselves and don’t try to work on themselves. And the bearer of this name will never allow a person who is envious, selfish and false in terms of feelings to approach him.

There is an opinion that the male name Eldar may be one of the variations of the pronunciation of the Greek name Iliodor, which translates as “gift of the sun.”

Character of the name Eldar

The nature of the name Eldar, or rather the bearer of this name itself, is such that it suggests a very violent temperament and a bunch of shortcomings. But all these shortcomings concern only the external outlines of character. For example, the character of every Eldar, without exception, is endowed with such traits as hot temper, emotionality, aggressiveness, adherence to principles, uncompromisingness, conflict, inability to give in, pride bordering on selfishness, self-sufficiency and self-confidence. In other words, Eldar’s character is so complex that getting along with the bearer of this name can be difficult for even the most flexible person.

But already in adulthood, Eldar’s character can completely change. Yes, Eldar will remain a principled and very emotional person, but at the same time he must become restrained and patient, which will accordingly have a positive effect on his communication with people. The character of an adult Eldar is such that he will not allow him to betray or deceive a loved one, and will not allow him to offend anyone without obvious merit - this is already a big plus, the dignity of all men over whom the energy of the Eldar name dominates.

On the other hand, all of the above is only a theory, because in fact, character depends not only on the characteristics of the name. Well, in this particular case, the character depends too much on the combination with the zodiac sign and the symbol of the year of birth, the boy named in this way.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy to whom his parents decided to give the rare Russian name Eldar may have an extremely complex character, the nature of a very conflicted boy who will every now and then have quarrels with everyone around him, including not only friends and comrades, but also his parents . Hot-tempered, emotional, a little aggressive, sensitive and receptive, principled, capricious, touchy and takes everything too to heart - this is what he is like, a boy who is protected by the meaning of the nominal form Eldar. But with all this, the boy Eldar must also have many good qualities, including benevolence, good nature, generosity and justice, honesty, eloquence, courtesy and attentiveness. The boy, who is protected by the meaning and energy of the name Eldar, has many good qualities, and those that, even despite his stormy temperament, still attract people.

Little Eldar should get along well with children, he should not be lacking in sociability, but conflicts cannot be avoided. Any action of a friend or comrade that he does not like can awaken the real beast in him. That is why the Eldar try to surround themselves with weaker individuals, those children who can give in and be flexible. And I would like to say that many will do this, because the meaning of this name promises qualities due to which such a boy can be called a truly good friend. He will be respected and loved, even despite his violence, because he will never betray and is always ready to help even in the most difficult situation.


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Eldar, may have an extremely complex nature. Eloquent, kind, attentive, devoted and principled, fair and hardworking, purposeful and cheerful, resourceful and inquisitive, optimistic and positive, but too self-confident and self-sufficient - this is the nature of the boy named Eldar. Such a person should have many friends and comrades, but there may be no less enemies and ill-wishers, which is not surprising, because not everyone may like his pomposity and self-confidence. Plus, his success, which, however, is based solely on his own diligence and determination, often becomes a reason for hostility towards him.

A teenage boy, dominated by the meaning of the nominal form Eldar, may have many different goals at this age, but he will definitely achieve each one, and what is equally important, he achieves everything through his own efforts, which can cause envy on the part of his comrades.

A boy named Eldar may have difficulties communicating with teachers, professors at school, against the backdrop of his inability to live by “someone’s” rules and do everything they tell him, but he cannot have any mistakes in his studies, because He treats any business extremely responsibly and any subject, even one that he does not like, will study diligently, responsibly, as it should be.

Grown man

If a boy named Eldar in adolescence may have a too violent temperament and a complex nature, then the adult Eldar usually displays the traits of a more restrained and more balanced man. An adult Eldar is a reserved, responsible, executive, calm, patient, honest, fair, reasonable, prudent, balanced, friendly, sociable and charming man. A man who is protected by the meaning and energy of this name cannot be called conflicted. An adult man named by this name will do his best to avoid quarrels and conflicts; he is an extremely restrained and calm person, craving peace and equality, harmony, but not quarrels.

Of course, adult Eldars are prone to aggression, they are quick-tempered and can show aggression at any moment, they are too unpredictable and proud, principled and persistent, stubborn and arrogant, but this is only their appearance. On the other hand, all Eldar are optimists by nature, and their anger, aggression and malice can very quickly be replaced by a good mood and positivity. In other words, these are very fickle men, unstable and unpredictable, at least for the most part.

But all Eldar are inherently very loyal, they easily become attached to people. Plus, they never betray their friends and always try to please everyone around them. The meaning of this name usually endows its bearers with righteousness, justice and honesty, which can only be envied.

Interaction of the Eldar character with the seasons

Spring - the influence of the season on fate in this case is very intense. The spring period will endow the person named Eldar with impulsiveness, impressionability, versatility, unpredictability, amorousness and romance. He knows how to support any topic of conversation, how to gain confidence, and how to control emotional impulses. He may seem arrogant, but he is not.

Summer - the meaning of Summer will give a boy named in this way vulnerability, uncertainty, tact, sociability, eloquence, talkativeness, love, sentimentality and justice. He can achieve a lot, especially in building a career, but needs support, and that is why he tries to make as many friends as possible. He will select them carefully and will not allow flatterers and liars in.

Autumn – the autumn season will bestow romance, dreaminess, sincerity, straightforwardness, courage, determination, straightforwardness and the ability to persuade. There is also curiosity, but in adolescence. He is not rude, always communicates as equals and does not offend anyone. A good person by origin.

Winter - and those born under the auspices of the winter months have a whole range of good features. This includes insight, responsibility, hard work, realism, and the ability to accept people as they are. The only, but not completely manifested, minus is weakness of spirit and inability to make important decisions. He will become an exemplary family man.

Fate of the name Eldar

The fate of the name Eldar is such that it promises the bearers of this name great popularity among representatives of the opposite sex. Usually in adolescence, all Eldars have a rather stormy personal life, they change their partners like gloves, they are too fickle and amorous. But be that as it may, fate suggests this only in adolescence.

Already in adulthood, Eldar’s fate can turn him into a too picky man, too picky about women. Such a person will never build a relationship with someone who does not meet his requirements. Usually fate suggests to Eldars too many disappointments in women, and too many partings, but in the end, fate may well bring the man named by this name together with the one with whom he wants to connect his life.

In family life, Eldar’s fate presupposes that the man thus named becomes a good, devoted husband, and an excellent father. This type will never leave the family for another woman, will not betray his chosen one, even if he ends up being disappointed in her. Eldars by nature are family men and careerists, two in one. The fate of such men is unpredictable, but always involves becoming exemplary family men.

Love and marriage

Eldar is a creative, attractive and courteous man. He is in great demand among the ladies, but after a while he gets tired of short novels. He decides to search for his one and only wife. She can become a woman who is soft and patient, economical and caring. However, due to his excessive attachment to work, Eldar devotes very little time to his family, and not every woman can withstand such a situation. However, he has many traits that can make his wife put up with his busyness. He is so kind, courteous and affectionate, caring and gentle that he can be forgiven for this addiction.

His wife must be educated, sociable and able to conduct a dialogue on any topic. It should also be soft and not scandalous, since Eldar does not like to conflict, but he will not tolerate encroachments on his freedom. Moreover, the support of his wife is extremely important for him. He can engage in art, and his wife can become his muse, with whom he is able to conquer the highest peaks.

Eldar understands the importance of family values. He tries to be a real support for his wife. He will never force his wife to do a man's work. His wife certainly won’t have to carry heavy loads, hammer nails or fix pipes. Eldar takes his part of the housework very responsibly, and therefore demands the same from his wife. Loyal and caring, he often pampers his beloved with surprises, not allowing their love to fade away.

Eldar as Father

It is believed that a person’s fate very much depends on many factors: the number of the name, the name itself, the patronymic. However, even among people with the same names there are completely different personalities. The biggest role, of course, is played by a person’s upbringing. Eldar has every chance of becoming a good father.

Eldar is not only an exemplary husband, but also a wonderful father. His responsibility, ability to love and care, respect and appreciate his wife and adore his children are simply amazing. He takes the issue of their upbringing extremely seriously. He loves creativity and art, so he shares his experience with children, instilling in them a love of drawing, reading, singing, dancing, and theater. In addition, Eldar has been involved in sports all his life. He strives to instill in children a love of sports, strengthens them, teaches them independence, endurance, and willpower. Eldar’s wife is in charge of educating the children.

He works hard so that his family does not need anything, but he manages to devote enough time to his children. Every year he looks forward to vacation to spend it with his beloved family. Eldar’s ideal vacation is a joint vacation with his wife and children, family outings, and even better, traveling with children.

Compatibility with female names

The name Eldar has the best compatibility with such female name forms as Agatha, Alevtina, Carolina, Clara, Tamila, Susanna, Renata or Daria. If you create a couple with a girl named one of the names listed above, there is a great chance of building a really strong and happy marriage.

Anastasia, Varvara, Bronislava, Rosa, Faina, Evdokia - if you find a soulmate with one of these variations, the relationship can also be happy and passionate, but there is no longevity here.

And in no case should you try to create an alliance with ladies named by such variations of names as Ninel, Elsa or Antonina, because nothing is expected here except disappointments and disagreements.

Short form of the name Eldar. Iliodorka, Dora, Ilya, Darik, Dar, Elik.
Synonyms for the name Eldar. Ellar, Iliodor, Liodor, Ildar, Ildar, Eldar.
Origin of the name Eldar. The name Eldar is Tatar, German, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Eldar appeared in two different cultures. In Europe, the name was derived from the Old Norse words “eldr” (fire) and “arr” (warrior), so it is often translated as “fire warrior”, “warrior of fire”. In Denmark the boy will be called Ellar, but in Sweden or Iceland - Eldar.

There is also an opinion that the name Eldar is a form of the Greek name Iliodor (Heliodoros), meaning “gift of the sun.” The popular form of this name is Liodor, and the owner of this name can be affectionately addressed as Iliodorka, Dora, Ilya. If you follow this version, then Eldar has both Catholic and Orthodox name days.

Eldar is also a form of the name Ildar, a male name widespread among the Tatars and Bashkirs, as well as other Turkic peoples. It came from the Persian language and was formed from the words “Il” (country) and “Dar” (master), therefore in translation it means “ruler”, “head of state”. There is an interpretation of the name - “patriot”, “having a homeland”. Also, the first part of the name “Il” is often translated into Russian as Illa or Alla, meaning “God is Allah.” Therefore, among Russians the name Eldar (Ildar) is often translated as “God’s gift.” Eldar's diminutive name will be: Darik, Dar, Elik. There are spelling options for this name - Ildar, Eldar.

A man named Eldar has an independent character, he does not feel the need for leadership and does not tolerate power over himself. Eldar has an amazing ability to find a compromise with others thanks to his balance and desire for independence. Eldar is not familiar with ambition, and is often very lazy.

Eldar believes only in what he has known himself; he has his own opinion on everything. The external balance and serenity of the owner of this name, under any external pressure, is replaced by firmness and strength of character. He develops self-esteem in childhood and remains for the rest of his life.

In his work, Eldar always focuses on his own experience and will never make the same mistake twice. This man has a great understanding of people. Eldar has practically no ambitious plans; he lives content with ordinary material income and simple pleasures. He develops interest in a particular profession only under the influence of upbringing, then Eldar can make a dizzying career.

Work is the meaning of life for Eldar, born in winter. It is he who more often than others becomes successful in his professional activities. The “summer” Eldar may never realize his potential as a specialist. Those with this name make excellent businessmen. Eldar loves travel and trips, so professions related to business trips are suitable for him - journalist, researcher, archaeologist and others.

Due to the fact that work occupies the greatest importance in Eldar’s life, he has several marriages. He is vulnerable, disappointment in his partner brings him strong feelings. Eldar does not like to be alone, so his wife should be a sociable and educated woman, capable of talking on a variety of topics. His partner must have a gentle character, otherwise quarrels are inevitable in the family - this man does not tolerate pressure from other people. If Eldar has been spoiled by his parents since childhood, then he may be a little lazy. Eldar, especially those born in winter, love to spend time hunting or fishing.

Eldar chooses his friends very carefully, as he painfully endures disappointment in a person. This is a non-conflict person, ready to compromise in any conflict situation. Communication with this optimistic and cheerful person will be easy and relaxed. In people, Eldar values ​​openness and a developed sense of humor.

Eldar's name day

Eldar celebrates name days on April 9, May 6, June 22, July 3, September 2, October 11, November 21, December 2.

Famous people named Eldar

  • Eldar Rønning (Norwegian skier, two-time world champion, winner of the World Cup. An all-rounder, equally strong in sprints and distance racing, prefers the classic style of skiing.)
  • Adi Eldar ((b.1944) Israeli politician)
  • Eldar Ryazanov ((born 1927) famous Russian and Soviet film director, screenwriter, actor, poet, People's Artist of the USSR; his films: “Carnival Night”, “Old Robbers”, “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia”, “Promised Heaven” , “Old Nags”, etc.)
  • Eldar Yunis ogly Salaev ((born 1933) Azerbaijani physicist, an outstanding scientist in the field of solid state physics, quantum electronics and photoelectronics. The main works are devoted to the study of semiconductors, the study of the energy spectra of various states. Salaev was the first to discover inductive irradiation in multilayer crystals using accelerated electron beams. These studies made it possible to create laser beam converters. Under the leadership of Salaev, a deflector, a decoder, photodetectors, electronic microrefrigerators, and devices for metrological research were created using semiconductors.)
  • Eldar Shengelaya ((born 1933) Georgian film director, actor)
  • Iliodor (Sergei Trufanov, hieromonk, Russian spiritual and political figure, Don Cossack by origin (1880 - 1952))
  • Iliodor of Claudiopolis (martyr)
  • Ildar Zhandarev (Russian television journalist, ethnic Tatar)
  • Eldar Akhadov (Russian writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia (2000). Laureate of the All-Russian Literary Competition named after V. M. Shukshin “Bright Souls” (2006), winner of the National Literary Award “Silver Feather of Rus'” (2007), golden laureate of the National Literary Award “Golden Pen of Rus'” (2007))
  • Eldar Nebolsin (Russian pianist)
  • Eldar Mahmudov Ahmed oglu (Azerbaijani statesman, Minister of National Security of Azerbaijan, Lieutenant General)
  • Eldar Ibragimov (Ukrainian football player, midfielder of the Gurzuf club)
  • Eldar Nizamutdinov (Russian football player, forward)
  • Eldar Firudin oglu Farajev (Azerbaijani handball player, master of sports; currently plays for the Turkish club)
  • Eldar Dzhangirov (better known as Eldar - jazz pianist)
  • Ildar Khairullin (Russian chess player, grandmaster (2007))
  • Ildar Fatkullin (Russian athlete, member of the Russian Olympic ski jumping team at the Turin Olympics, international master of sports of Russia; ethnic Tatar)
  • Ildar Islamgulov (director, producer and screenwriter of Russian cinema, theater director)
  • Ildar Ibragimov (American chess player, grandmaster (1993))
  • Ildar Kazakhanov ((born 1968) jazz guitarist)

The male name Eldar has several versions of its origin, for example, it could be formed from the Greek name Iliodor or appear from the Scandinavian words meaning “fire” and “warrior”. In addition, it is often considered only one of the forms of the Turkic male name Ildar, meaning “ruler”. In Russia, the name Eldar is rare, but still occurs sometimes.

Characteristics of the name Eldar

Eldar's character is very rational, independent and strong. Outwardly, this man seems constantly tense and dissatisfied, and all because he is always in mental work and rarely allows himself to relax. As a child, Eldar will be a serious boy who has his own opinion on everything. He will not cause trouble to his parents, as he develops on his own, does not require much attention and care, studies well, and shows independence in everyday life. Despite his strong character, an adult Eldar never strives for leadership. He is always on his own - balanced, full of ideas, calm, with a subtle sense of humor. There is a sense of dignity and a certain serenity in him; he can be either very lazy or very active at times. Eldar does not strive for wealth; what he has is enough for him. But this does not mean that he has no ambitions, since it is very important for this person to be praised. He doesn’t have many friends, since the owner of this name is quite demanding of the people around him.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Eldar is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Cancer, that is, from June 22 to July 22. This sign will not radically change the character of Eldar, maintaining his delicacy, self-absorption, and some pessimism. Such an Eldar cannot be rushed, but he can be cheerful and open in communication.

Pros and cons of the name Eldar

What are the pros and cons of the name Eldar? This is a rather rare name, firmly associated in Russia with the name of the famous director Eldar Ryazanov. It certainly may appeal to many parents, especially since it goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several nice abbreviations and diminutions (for example, Ilya, Darik, Dar, Elik, Eldarchik), and Eldar’s non-conflict but strong character usually creates a good impression.


Eldar's health is not the best. His habits do not include taking care of his body, so he can lead an unhealthy lifestyle and eat poorly. In addition, Eldar has a predisposition to allergies.

Love and family relationships

Eldar, as a rule, does not pay enough attention to family relationships, so he needs a patient and gentle wife. In general, he is very homely, does not like moving and business trips, but even spending time at home, he cannot distract himself from thoughts about work. Eldar will only become close to children when they become adults.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Eldar can find himself engaged in creative activities or teaching. He will make a good teacher of history, philosophy, physics, and foreign languages. Eldar will also have a good understanding of literature and fine arts.

Name day

Eldar does not celebrate his name day, since his name is not on the church calendars.

Like many other names, the name Eldar has not one, but several versions of meaning and origin. About this and much more in our review article.

The first we will call the more popular version, the Scandinavian one. According to this version, the name Eldar consists of two roots eld and arr, which translates as “fire” and “warrior”. It is believed that the most accurate literary the meaning of the name Eldar is “fiery warrior”. There are also similar meanings, such as “warrior of fire”, etc.

The second version is considered to be the Greek version. Experts who adhere to this version claim that the name Eldar comes from the Greek name Iliodor. If this is so, then the meaning of the name Eldar is “gift of the sun.” This is precisely the meaning that the Greeks attached to this name.

The third version can be called the version of Turkic origin. It is very popular in Russia, and especially in Bashkiria and Tatarstan. According to this version, the name Eldar (Ildar) is a Turkic two-root name. It consists of the roots “Il” (country) and “Dar” (master). Like all two-root names, the name Eldar has many similar meanings. Most the exact meanings can be considered "ruler", "head of state" and "having a homeland".

However, there is also a fourth version of the meaning of the name. According to this version, the name Eldar, or rather the root Il (Ildar), comes from Illa. This translates as "God is Allah." Fans of this version believe that the meaning of the name Eldar (Ildar) is “God’s gift.” Of course, this version is popular primarily among Muslims.

The meaning of the name Eldar (Ildar) for a child

Little Eldar, already at preschool age, is endowed with a seriousness unusual for children. The child is quite independent, but tries to avoid conflicts. Usually he agrees with adults, but does things his own way. Already in childhood, Eldar’s strong-willed qualities become noticeable. Surprisingly, a strong will usually leads to the desire for leadership, but this is not about him. The boy has no particular desire to be a leader, although he loves praise. He rather needs the support and kind attitude of others. At the same time, he tries to earn this attitude, but not to the detriment of himself. The boy will not agree to obviously unprofitable offers.

The child studies quite successfully. His independence and will allow him to achieve great results, but of course if he is interested in the subject itself. But if he is not interested in classes, then it is almost impossible to force Eldar to study. Here a lot will depend on the teachers and his preferences. Usually Eldar is more interested in technical (exact) sciences, but he also has creative abilities.

Unfortunately, Eldar’s health cannot be called strong. Often a child suffers from various types of allergies, which, however, can be fairly well mitigated by proper nutrition. It is following a diet that will solve most of Eldar’s health problems. However, if he has allergic reactions to plants, then he will no longer be able to do without medication. In any case, you should definitely consult with professionals.

Abbreviated name Eldar

Eldarka, El, Ellie, Elik, Dar, Dara, Dora, Il, Ilya.

Diminutive pet names

Eldarchik, Eldarushka, Eldarochka, Eldaronka, Elka, Eldashka, Eldushka, Darik, Darchik, Darushka, Darochka, Ilka, Ilchik.

Children's middle names

Eldarovich and Eldarovna. The colloquial form of the male patronymic is Eldarych.

Name Eldar in English

In English the name Eldar is written as Eldar and Ildar.

Name Eldar for international passport- ELDAR or ILDAR

Translation of the name Eldar into other languages

in Icelandic - Eldar
in Norwegian - Eldar
in Swedish - Eldar

Church name Eldar(in the Orthodox faith) not definite, this name is not in the calendar. It is also absent from the Catholic calendar.

Characteristics of the name Eldar (Ildar)

The adult Eldar is still as independent and serious as he was in childhood. At the same time, he is endowed with an excellent sense of humor and excellent manners. An adult Eldar is also characterized by a change in activity level. He is sometimes relaxed and serene, sometimes active and persistent. Eldar has many good friends and loves to have a fun and noisy time. But he has few close friends. He is wary of letting strangers into his inner circle of friends, although this is typical for most people.

Eldar loves and knows how to work, but he does it in terms of self-realization. Eldar will not work just for the sake of money, although he claims a high salary. He can connect his life with a technical profession, since this attracted him as a child. Pedagogy could be another successful direction for Eldar. Since childhood, he has been very demanding of representatives of this profession and certainly knows what a good teacher is.

In family relationships, Eldar is more of a follower, since he doesn’t really understand why he needs marriage. Usually he gets married quite unexpectedly even for himself. It is worth noting that Eldar is a very homely man. He takes care of the house and its comfort. But getting Eldar out into nature or for a walk is extremely difficult. The same can be said about his attitude towards children. Eldar really makes contact with children when they grow up. Their relationship becomes a true friendship.

The mystery of the name Eldar (Ildar)

The secret of Eldar can be called his self-sufficiency. It is characteristic of the owner of the name from early childhood. Having already become an adult, he stops showing it without any particular reason, although it does not go away. He feels great in complete solitude and does not even get bored in the event of a long separation. Eldar is completely independent even from the people closest to him, which can offend them. That's why he tries not to show it too much.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Doe.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Tulip.

Stone- Amethyst.