Where was the film The Adventures of Pinocchio 1975 filmed? The mystery of the golden key: where did the main props of the film about Pinocchio go?

Not long ago, but in our time, in a town on the shores of not the warm Mediterranean, but the cold Baltic Sea, there lived Gennady Grigorievich Polishchuk by nickname Papa Carlo. And they called him that because it was he who took and declared his city as his homeland... Pinocchio.

The town where Papa Carlo lives is like a suitcase with a double bottom. If you don't dig too hard, this is an urban settlement Zelenogradsk Kaliningrad region, and if you look deeper - a former German city Kranz Koenigsberg district.

After Kranz was captured by our troops in 1945, the local population was deported to Germany. Soviet citizens occupied the empty houses. The children and grandchildren of the first settlers continue to live in old German-built buildings with red tiled roofs.

After the removal of the Iron Curtain, the former residents of the former Kranz again had the opportunity to see their homes, and they had not changed at all, only aged, like people. The Germans were crying. The phenomenon is called “nostalgia tourism.”

The former villa of Max Krell, the former governor of the former city of Memel, now Klaipeda, has housed a children's library since 1946. And in it, under the attic stairs - Papa Carlo's closet.

Villa Max Krell – Children's Library (Built at the beginning of the 20th century).

Adopting a wooden waif

Gennady Polishchuk outlined the amazing similarity of Zelenogradsk with the setting of the fairy tale about the golden key in his “absolutely scientific” treatise “Mental, onomastic and geographical aspects of the search for a homeland for Pinocchio.”

There is some kind of fairy-tale logic in the fact that a Russian, but once Italian wooden boy settled in a Russian, but once German city.

While the estate of Father Frost was being built in Veliky Ustyug at a great expense, Pope Carlo from Zelenograd painted a hearth on canvas and hung it in a nook under the attic staircase in the children's library, declaring it the Papa Carlo Memorial Closet. I agreed with the owner of a local cafe to decorate his establishment with a sign “Three Minnows Tavern”, hold an exhibition of children’s drawings “Pinocchio in Zelenogradsk” and encouraged the head of the Zelenograd district to read out on June 13, 1999 on the main square of the city the solemn act “On adoption by citizens of Zelenogradsk hitherto homeless, passportless and homeless Pinocchio."

Loyalty to the ideals of childhood

Each new story on TV about the successes of Santa Claus led Papa Carlo to new achievements. He registered a creative association "Real Friends of Pinocchio". And the adopted Pinocchio wrote a friendly letter to Santa Claus with an invitation to come visit Zelenogradsk, but not in winter, but on June 1 - Children's Day.

“They’re nomadic in Ustyug,” Papa Carlo recalls with a chuckle, “they say, we have a winter project, how will Santa Claus go in the summer?” And we had already found housing for Santa Claus, and the children from Lithuania were supposed to come for the holiday, but Frost refused. And after a while, a woman called me and said that I should receive the governor of the Vologda region. I answer: “How can I receive the governor? I’m an ordinary pensioner!” In the end, we sorted it out, contacted the administration, but I was assigned to receive the governor in a closet, and the closet was flooded with groundwater, there was mold and mildew. I had to take out the magic canvas door that the door manufacturing company gave me, put it in the library room between two cabinets and declare that this was the closet. Pinocchio came out to the guests with a foam nose, in a red T-shirt and green shorts and presented the distinguished guests with golden keys.

All the characters in the fairy tale can barely fit in the cramped closet.

The governor's visit had the most positive financial consequences for Papa Carlo: his project was included in the program “Development of tourism and recreation in the Kaliningrad region for 2003-2006.”. From the regional budget in 2003, Papa Carlo was allocated 60 thousand rubles, in 2004 - 70 thousand, and in 2005 - 50 thousand. Thus the hand of the giver became weak...

With the money received, Papa Carlo renovated the flooded closet, ordered costumes for Buratino, Malvina, Pierrot and Tortilla from a Kaliningrad couturier, held the All-Peace Buratino Games, festivals of children's theaters in the region in Buratino's homeland, opened the Buratino Post Office and established the Order and Medal of Buratino.

Everyone Peaceful Pinocchio Games.

  • The first Pinocchio medal was awarded to the children of Beslan, the survivors and the fallen...
  • The first holder of the Order of Pinocchio, awarded “for fidelity to the ideals of childhood,” was the director of the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” Leonid Nechaev.
  • The next recipients of the Order of Pinocchio were composer Maxim Dunaevsky and People's Teacher of the USSR Shalva Amonashvili.

Papa Carlo and Doctor of Psychology, Knight of the Order of Buratino Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

Pinocchio - elective position

Pinocchio is an elective position in Zelenogradsk and an honorary one for children. The current Pinocchio is the 20th in a row, and the first Pinocchio was a girl - Ksyusha Desyatova .

The chosen Pinocchio takes an oath“to be smart, prudent” and participates in all Buratino events.

They also choose Malva, every girl probably dreams of becoming her, but not everyone succeeds - because blue hair does not suit everyone.

The role of the wise turtle Tortilla went to the head of the production department of the folk theater "Inspiration" Natalya Poltoratskaya. “At first I was the fox Alice, and then I was promoted,” says Tortilla, coyly fiddling with his fingers in swamp-colored lace mittens.

Imagine, you are walking along a city street, and Pinocchio is running right in front of your nose, and a minute later Karabas-Barabas is rushing after him, says Papa Carlo. - And nothing more is needed. The day will not be wasted.

Real friends Pinocchio.

A new home for Pinocchio

After the library was closed for reconstruction, Kamorka needed new premises. And Buratino agreed to move to the Kurhaus Kranz Hotel. The opening ceremony of the closet at the new location was fun. But the project “Zelenogradsk - the birthplace of Pinocchio” is more than entertainment. “Despite its external lightness, it is designed to solve serious problems,” emphasized project manager Gennady Polishchuk. – Pinocchio makes life better, brighter, kinder. Not to mention the fact that he is involved in creating a positive image of the federal resort of Zelenogradsk.”

Papa Carlo's closet.

  • June 11, 2015

The cheerful fidgety Pinocchio amuses more than one generation of Russians with his antics. , having written “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio,” gave a kind of “bad advice” to the younger generation: the long-nosed wooden boy plays pranks, does whatever he wants, and at the same time remains unpunished. Moreover, thanks to unrestrained curiosity and thoughtless actions, he wins the fight against evil.

History of creation

The idea to write a fairy tale about a boy who came to life from a log came to Alexei Tolstoy in 1923. While in exile, the author of “Aelita” and the future literary masterpiece “Walking in Torment” edited the Russian translation of the book by the Italian Carlo Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of a wooden doll." The story, translated by Nina Petrova and corrected by Tolstoy’s literary pen, came closer to the Russian mentality and was overgrown with proverbs and sayings familiar to compatriots. In addition to stylistic changes, the authors allowed themselves to deviate from the original plot and even change the names of some characters.

But Alexey Nikolaevich decided to go further, completely rewriting the book of a writer from sunny Italy. The path to publishing “The Golden Key” took more than 10 years. A simple retelling of Collodi's work, filled with boring teachings, turned into a fun fairy tale where the heroes get involved in interesting adventures. Readers of the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda were the first to become acquainted with the story under the full title “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio,” and in 1935 the publication appeared on bookshelves.

The new work has little in common with the Italian original. The author left only a slightly noticeable analogy with Pinocchio - the plot develops according to the Italian’s script exactly until Pinocchio meets the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. The nose of the wooden boy in Tolstoy's version does not lengthen due to lies, the characters are named differently, and some of the characters are completely mercilessly thrown out by Alexei Nikolaevich.

Collodi also has a hearth painted on canvas, but nothing more. Tolstoy decided to play up this detail of the interior in Papa Carlo’s closet, placing it at the forefront of the artistic outline - the golden key went exactly to the door hidden behind the improvised fireplace.

The writer also said goodbye to the key message. Collodi's fairy tale teaches children obedience: they say, if Pinocchio behaves well, he will eventually become a real living boy. Tolstoy allowed the main character to remain a restless prankster, frivolous and carefree, and the results and degree of luck in adventures do not depend on behavior.

Pinocchio does not give in to the educational measures of Papa Carlo and Malvina. Alexey Nikolaevich seems to be saying - you can be yourself and at the same time achieve your dreams.

Critics claim that when creating the character of the fairy-tale boy puppet, the author recalled his own childhood. Little Alyosha Tolstoy was restless, naughty and curious, he dreamed of exciting adventures, and received more than once for pranks.


Pinocchio's adventures took only six days. The bitter drunkard Giuseppe, nicknamed Gray Nose, tried to cut a chair leg from a log, but the tree suddenly rebelled with a thin voice. The frightened old carpenter decided to give the log to his neighbor Carlo, a former organ grinder, with the words that a living doll would come out of the piece of wood.

And so it happened - the little man came to life right in the hands of his creator, but brought nothing but trouble. On the same day, Carlo was taken to the police station for allegedly beating a theater puppet. Finding himself at home alone, Pinocchio managed to offend the long-lived closet of Papa Carlo Cricket, anger the rat Shushara and, having pierced the painted hearth in search of food, discovered a secret door behind it.

When Carlo returned, he made a paper suit for his new son, consisting of green pants and a brown jacket, put a cap with a tassel on his head, and shod his feet in shoes made from boot tops. The next day, Pinocchio, with the alphabet bought with money raised from the sale of his father's jacket, went to school.

True, he never got there - he ended up at a performance in a touring theater, where he met living dolls and. During dinner, the evil theater owner learned the secret of finding the secret door that he had been looking for for a long time, handed Pinocchio five gold pieces and ordered him not to move out of the house with Papa Carlo.

On the third day, the wooden boy met the swindlers Alice the fox and Basilio the cat, who lured him with the legend of the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools, where “money” trees grow from coins. It was not possible to take the money from the simpleton - Pinocchio hid the gold in his mouth.

For educational purposes, the scammers hung him upside down on an oak tree. The unfortunate boy was rescued by a girl with blue hair, Malvina, who ran away from Karabas. As soon as Pinocchio came to his senses, she immediately began teaching the rescued man good manners and the basics of school subjects.

The lazy hero had to escape from the strict bore, and he again fell into the clutches of Alice and Basilio. This time, the scammers managed to bring the wooden boy to the Field of Miracles, rob him and hand him over to the police. Pinocchio was sentenced to death - drowned in a pond. But, as you know, a tree does not sink.

In the pond, Pinocchio met the turtle Tortila, who gave him the golden key that Barabas had lost. The last day of adventure turned out to be especially hot. A brave boy, created from a log, fought in the forest with the owner of the theater, glued his beard to a pine tree, rescued dolls arrested by the police from captivity and again faced the bearded villain in the company of Duremar, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio.

Dad Carlo came to the rescue: having dispersed the offenders, he took Piero, Malvina, the dog Artemon and Pinocchio into his closet. Here the friends learned that behind the canvas with the image of a hearth there was a door to a wonderful puppet theater - a new place for live puppets to perform.


“I’ll call her Pinocchio. This name will bring me happiness. I knew one family - all of them were called Buratino: the father was Buratino, the mother was Buratino, the children were also Buratino... They all lived cheerfully and carefree.”
“Hey, master,” Buratino said importantly, “give us three crusts of bread.”
“What a stupid girl... A teacher was found, just think... She herself has a porcelain head and a body stuffed with cotton.”
“I count to three, and then it hurts!”
  • Three feature films and even a New Year's musical were made based on Tolstoy's fairy tale. The most famous film adaptation is Leonid Nechaev’s two-part film “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” which graced Soviet cinema in 1975. Russian children were also given two cartoons: the first was released in 1959, the second, called “The Return of Pinocchio,” appeared recently - in 2013.
  • The name of the wooden boy is given to lemonade, created during the Soviet era, and the TOS-1 heavy flamethrower system.

  • , who played Pinocchio in Nechaev’s film, is the only one of the children involved in the film who connected his future life with cinema. The VGIK graduate went into directing, while simultaneously acting in TV series.
  • The favorite television fairy tale of children of the 70s and 80s miraculously appeared on the screens. Critics were outraged by the result of Leonid Nechaev’s work: the picture was considered ugly, a tailless cat and a fox in a dress were unacceptable images, and the unceremonious attitude of the boy Pinocchio towards the elderly Barabas was called a bad example for the new generation. But the film had to be accepted because it was the end of the year, and the film studio needed to fulfill the plan.
9 March 2017, 16:09

This post is dedicated to one of my favorite films of the Soviet Union - "Pinocchio". I’m more than sure that you also watched this film and for many of you it is also a favorite. In this post you will see how the actors of this film have changed and how their lives turned out.

Dmitry Iosifov- Pinocchio (the role of Pinocchio was voiced by Tatyana Kanaeva), currently 51 years old. Dmitry Iosifov was born on October 22, 1965 in Minsk in the family of an engineer and biologist. At the age of 9, he was noticed by the assistant director of the Belarusfilm studio and was cast in the role of Pinocchio, which made the boy famous. After the film, Dima experienced all the delights of fame. Firstly, the nickname Pinocchio stuck to him forever. “At first I was very offended, but then I got used to it and began to treat it with irony.” He was very recognizable on the subway, but at the same time he did not suffer from star fever. After success in “The Adventures of Buratino,” Dima had to give up figure skating forever - offers to act in films began to come to him one after another. He played more than 30 roles in films (the Little Wolf from “About Little Red Riding Hood”, the gray-haired prince in “The Tale of a Painter in Love”, in film "Yurka - the commander's son") After graduating from school, Dmitry entered VGIK, where he studied on the course of Alexei Batalov. After graduating from VGIK, Iosifov was sent to Minsk, where he worked at the Minsk Theater-Studio of Film Actors. At that time, he acted a lot at various film studios, but most of all he played roles in the films of the Lenfilm studio. Now Dmitry works as a director and screenwriter. He has such TV series as Lethal Force and Ekaterina. Take Off. He is married and has three sons .

Tatiana Protsenko- Malvina (48 years old). I got into the cinema by accident.

- It's all due to chance. I was traveling with my mother on the train, and the director’s assistant was in the same compartment with us. I was an emotional girl, I talked to myself, imagined some stories, played something. An unfamiliar woman watched me for a long time, and then invited my mother to take me to the film studio. They had already launched the film, all the artists had been selected except Malvina. Needless to say, filming is a difficult process, especially for a child. But very exciting. I remember years later, when I was studying at VGIK (at the Faculty of Film Studies, I didn’t dare to become an actress), my classmates criticized my Malvina so much! Like, Tanya, well, you played very poorly in Buratino! It was funny for me to hear this. At seven years old, I didn’t even perceive this as acting. For me, a child, it was an immersion in a real fairy tale. The props are so interesting - a golden key, coins. Real leeches were brought from the pharmacy. And what makeup! They made me a porcelain face from glossy powder, false blue eyelashes... In a word, a fairy tale. A fun game that we enjoyed playing.

During the filming of the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” Tatyana’s baby teeth fell out, unexpectedly for the director. I had to seek help from a dentist so as not to disrupt the filming of the film. Unlike her heroine, Tatyana, on the contrary, had sympathy for Roman Stolkarets (Pierrot). Inna Vetkina, the author of the script for “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” wrote “About Little Red Riding Hood” especially for Tatyana. But due to a concussion shortly before filming, Tanya was never able to star in this film. Due to an injury, the girl was not allowed to act in films, and later she had to change her profession, which is why she no longer acted in films. In addition, the role of Malvina brought Tatyana not only national love and fame, but also the hatred and envy of her peers. At school, she was often teased and bullied by her classmates. They called her “Malvina without ears” and composed obscene ditties. Tatyana graduated from the film studies department of VGIK. She is a member of the International Federation of Journalists. Married to actor Alexei Voytyuk, she has a daughter and son. By the way, Tatyana got Malvina’s dress and shoes as a souvenir.

Roman Stolkarz- Pierrot (51 years old). The novel got into the cinema by accident.

It was winter holidays. My mother, a doctor, found the strength after a hard day at work to take a Jewish boy to a casting... Participation in this film had a truly mystical meaning in my life, it changed it all...

On the set of the film, he was secretly in love with Tatyana Protsenko (Malvina), like his hero, Pierrot. In the late 80s, Roman moved with his parents to Israel. He trained as a doctor. He works as a pediatrician. He is married and has a daughter and two sons. He still keeps in touch with Tatyana Protsenko and Dmitry Iosifov. Most often they communicate via Skype.

Thomas Augustinas- Artemon (48 years old). Very little is known about Thomas. As a child, he moved with his parents to Canada and studied at a business school. Now he is engaged in business. Nothing is known about his personal life. On the set of the film, he liked Tatyana Protsenko and gave her gifts.

Thomas Augustinas bought me flowers, sweets (he came to the shooting with his grandfather, he gave him some small change), tried to hug me. Apparently, he had his first childhood feelings. And I rejected him with indignation. For two reasons. First of all, she was angry with him. I read a fairy tale, and there it is written in black and white: the hero is the poodle Artemon. How great it would be, I thought, to play with a poodle! He seemed to me like a big, kind and beautiful dog. And suddenly a boy came and he was playing a poodle. I was left without a dog! The disappointment was too great. And I childishly sulked at Thomas, it seemed to me that it was his fault that he had crushed my dream of playing with the dog. And secondly, I myself had sympathy for Roman - Pierrot. According to the plot, Malvina does not reciprocate Pierrot's feelings. I liked Roma...

Grigory Svetlorusov- Harlequin (51 years old). Very little is also known about him. After graduating from school, he entered the rocket school, then began doing business in Belarus. Several years ago he was wanted on charges of theft. Rumor has it that he lives in the USA.

Nikolay Grinko- Papa Carlo (died in 1989 at the age of 69).

Yuri Katin-Yartsev- Giuseppe (died in 1994 at the age of 73). He suffered a stroke while filming.

Tatyana Protsenko (Malvina) remembers:

I know that during the filming of the final scene, Yuri Katin-Yartsev (he played Giuseppe) had a stroke and was taken straight from the set to the hospital. I watch this episode with special feelings, I understand that the artist is not smiling, but a grimace of pain, and I feel very sorry for him. And Rina Zelenaya’s sister, with whom she was very close, died in the midst of filming. The director wanted to cancel filming, but Rina Vasilievna said: “No, I have no right to let the team down: I’ll finish filming, and then I’ll go to say goodbye to my sister.”

Vladimir Etush- Karabas-Barabas (94 years old). After The Adventures of Pinocchio, Vladimir had a lot of interesting roles. Although his role was negative, he tried to win over children and treated them to sweets.

Rolan Bykov- Basilio the cat (died in 1998 at the age of 69). At the beginning, Bykov did not want to act in the film, but his wife, actress Elena Sanaeva, persuaded him and later he even became interested in the process and came up with many interesting moves for the film.

Elena Sanaeva- Fox Alice (74 years old).

Rina Zelenaya- turtle Tortila (died in 1991 at the age of 90). During the filming of the film with Rin, Zelenaya learned about the death of her sister, but despite this she filmed until the end.

Vladimir Basov- Duremar (died in 1987, at 64 years old).

Leonid Nechaev- director (died in 2010 at the age of 70).

Tatyana Protsenko (Malvina) remembers:

In one scene I had to cry bitterly. They even dropped glycerin into my eyes and forced me to peel onions. But for some reason the tears did not appear. They suffered with me, the director got angry - and his displeasure, apparently, impressed me so much that I began to sob loudly and for real, out of resentment and frustration. Leonid Alekseevich rushed to the director's console, and the scene was immediately filmed. Then he ran to me, and everyone began to run around me, calm me down, treat me with sweets - because now I could no longer calm down. In the 1990s, we once met Leonid Alekseevich. There was stagnation in his creativity, he felt it very acutely. He complained that he couldn’t shoot what he wanted. And once I celebrated the New Year with friends, they lived not far from Nechaev. I went to congratulate him. The apartment is small, modest furnishings. There was a Christmas tree in the corner, and on it hung an order for merits in cinematography. Noticing my puzzled look, Leonid Alekseevich smiled bitterly: “What else is this sparkle for, just to hang it on the Christmas tree...”

Interesting Facts:

The premiere screening of the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” took place on January 1 and 2, 1976 on the first program of Central Television.

At the artistic council, which was deciding whether to release the film or not, “The Adventures of Pinocchio” caused the effect of a bomb exploding. Leonid Nechaev later recalled about the reaction of cultural officials: “At the end of filming, the Belarusfilm studio refused to accept “The Adventures of Pinocchio.” Critics were indignant: “Ugly picture! Horror! How can this be - a cat without a tail, a fox in a dress, Pinocchio mocking an elderly man (meaning Karabas Barabas).” The film was released only because it was the end of the year, and failure to fulfill the plan threatened the loss of bonuses.

The film, which was almost sent to the shelf, has become one of the most popular Russian film fairy tales, which has enjoyed unabated audience love for more than three decades. The secret of the extraordinary success of this children's musical lies in the directorial and pedagogical talent of Leonid Nechaev, a magnificent acting ensemble that organically combined the experience of recognized screen masters and the sincere enthusiasm of young actors and, of course, wonderful songs written by Alexey Rybnikov with lyrics by Yuri Entin and Bulat Okudzhava .

All the children who played in “The Adventures of Pinocchio” have the warmest memories of working on the film, and the main credit for this belongs to Leonid Nechaev. The director, according to the testimony of people who knew him, could find a common language with every child and create such an atmosphere on the set that even the most timid of them would feel comfortable.

According to the leading actor Dmitry Iosifov, the only young artist involved in the creation of “The Adventures of Buratino” who connected his fate with cinema, he developed unequal relationships with adult actors. Thus, ten-year-old Dima simply adored Nikolai Grinko (Papa Carlo) and Yuri Katin-Yartsev (Giuseppe Sizy Nose), but he disliked Vladimir Etush (Karabas Barabas) and was slightly afraid. – I took it out on Vladimir Abramovich during the scene when Pinocchio sits on a pine tree and throws cones at Karabas. After this, Etush complained to the director: “What an evil boy this Dimka is. He doesn’t just throw this cone, he aims it at my head. Definitely hits. Ugly!” – Dmitry said in one interview.

Dima Iosifov was first invited to play the role of Harlequin. But when the audition took place, the boy amazed everyone with his plasticity, reminiscent of the movements of a doll on joints. Nechaev immediately decided to film him in the role of Pinocchio. For filming, Dima had to shave off his own hair and eyebrows so that he could glue on fake ones.

Nechaev wanted to invite Faina Ranevskaya to play the role of Tortilla Turtle. Faina Georgievna, who by that time was already old and not feeling well, answered the director: “Lenechka, I will gladly play the Turtle, but only if the filming takes place in my entrance.”

Tanya Protsenko (Malvina) is the only one of the children who starred in the film who was not from Belarus, but from Moscow. She was also the only one who had to voice her role, while the rest of the “children’s” characters speak in the voices of adult actors.

When filming the episode when Pinocchio comes with Pierrot to Malvina, Dima Iosifov forgot to change his shoes into wooden shoes after the lunch break and entered the frame in his boots. We noticed this only during editing of the film, but did not reshoot the scene.

For Soviet children, the release of any fairy tale film was a real event. In the 70s, new children's films were made about once a year, and their release was almost always a gift for children for the New Year holidays and winter holidays.

40 years ago, in January 1976, a two-part musical television film based on the fairy tale by Alexei Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” was released on television.

The film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” directed by Leonid Nechaev, starring the bright stars of Soviet cinema Rina Zelenaya, Rolan Bykov, Elena Sanaeva, Vladimir Basov, Yuri Katin-Yartsev, Nikolai Grinko, Vladimir Etush, young Soviet schoolchildren Dmitry Iosifov, Roman Stolkarts, Tatyana Protsenko , Thomas Augustinas, immediately became a hit in Russian children's cinema.

Alexey Rybnikov's music and magnificent choreographic numbers made the film a favorite for both children and adult audiences for many years.

There are many interesting stories about how the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” was filmed. The Belarusian schoolboy Dima Iosifov, whom director Nechaev accidentally encountered in an underground passage in Minsk, was invited to play the role of Pinocchio. The boy surprisingly resembled the main character with his “hopping” gait and a huge book under his arm, which he carried to his music classes. It should also be noted that Dima did not immediately agree to act; he studied too hard and was afraid for his performance.

Dmitry Iosifov talked about how they filmed the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” recalling that on the set he was very afraid of the temperamental Rolan Bykov, who demanded maximum acting performance from everyone, including children.

The images of the main characters were so well chosen and performed by the actors involved in the film that it was impossible not to be afraid of Karabas performed by V. Etush. Pinocchio was no exception. He took revenge for his childhood fear in the scene where he threw cones at Karabas, and Etush jokingly complained to the director about him, “what an evil boy Dima is.” And on the contrary, almost the entire children's audience doted on the good heroes of the fairy tale - the turtle Tortilla (R. Zelenaya) and dad Carlo (Nikolai Grinko).

The film crew also exchanged impressions for many years about where the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” was filmed. For example, one of the scenes in the pond with Tortilla had to be filmed in late autumn. Not far from Minsk, a ditch was dug and filled with water. It was November, and the ordeal for the film crew was truly memorable. After the next take, actress Rina Zelenaya indignantly threatened the director that if children were forced to jump into icy water again, she would quit filming this “cruel” film.

There were also problems with “higher authorities.” At first, Goskino did not want to accept the film, it was too liberated and bourgeois entertaining. But at the last moment the film was allowed, it was in the “plan”, there was nothing to replace it.

Be that as it may, all the difficulties united the creative team of the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”; the film still looks wonderful today and does not leave young viewers of many generations indifferent.

I periodically catch myself thinking that they don’t make anything like this for children now. It's easier to say nothing at all. All that remains is to spin the amazing and amazing material of past years 10,010 times.

UGLY PICTURE! IT SHOULD NOT BE SHOWED TO CHILDREN! — the selection committee of “Belarus Film” was indignant after watching it.

The director of the film, Leonid Nechaev, found a boy to play the role of Pinocchio in the Minsk... underground passage.
- I see a grandmother running with her grandson. There’s a pipe under my arm and skates in my hands,” Nechaev recalls. “I introduce myself, invite me to act in a movie, and she answers me: “Darling!” What film? You see, we’re running from music to figure skating!”

Dima Iosifov himself, who played the wooden boy, says that he didn’t really want to act. A brilliant cast gathered on the set - Vladimir Etush, Rolan Bykov, Rina Zelenaya, Nikolai Grinko, Yuri Katin-Yartsev, Vladimir Basov. The young actors treated each of them differently.

Bykov sometimes scared me, working for results, he did not spare anyone, recalls Dmitry Iosifov. “He drove his wife Elena Sanaeva, who played the fox Alice, into hysterics. She was already falling exhausted, and he shouted: “You are a mediocre actress!”

However, Bykov did not give himself any mercy either.

“Remember when the cat Basilio slides down the steps on his butt and says: “Give the blind cat some food”? - Dima continues. “He came up with this scene himself.” I took a seat from the film crew’s bus and rode on it. Torn him to smithereens! The driver, seeing this, got into a fight. They were barely separated.

Buratino doted on Papa Carlo - Nikolai Grinko and Giuseppe - Katina-Yartsev, and did not like Etush - Barabas. I was afraid.

I took it out on Vladimir Abramovich during the scene when Pinocchio sits on a pine tree and throws cones at Karabas.

After this, Etush complained to the director: “What an evil boy this Dimka is. He doesn’t just throw this cone, he aims it at my head. Definitely hits. Ugly!”

The meeting between Pinocchio and the turtle Tortila was filmed near Minsk on a specially dug pond. It was in November, the film crew was desperately freezing.

The air temperature is plus eight, the water is plus four, and I’m sitting in a thin jacket on a “water lily” leaf that lies on an ordinary inflated chamber. In general, I turned over a couple of times,” says the former Pinocchio. “Every time filming stopped, they rubbed me with alcohol.

The girls who pretended to be frogs had it even worse. They regularly had to splash into the water and in the end Tortila - Rina Zelenaya told the director: “If you shoot a take again and force the children to get into cold water, I’ll get in the car and leave!”

Green flew to Belarus only for one day; her only sister died the day before,” recalls Dmitry. “She was so sad, she told sad stories. According to doctors' recommendations, she needed to constantly move. She leaned on me and we walked slowly around the pond.

When asked if it was true that Duremar-Basov held his collar tightly during filming, Iosifov answered reluctantly:

Everyone has moments of weakness. I remember that on the set of Little Red Riding Hood, Basov got so drunk that he couldn’t stand. They were supposed to film a scene when the “wolves” - Vladimir Basov and Nikolai Trofimov - in women's outfits with lace umbrellas run through the forest. Basov fell before reaching the right tree; they couldn’t even lift him...

The young actors had no understudies - they performed all the stunts, including dangerous ones, themselves.

Remember the scene in the tavern when the jug in which Pinocchio sits is broken? — Dmitry smiles. “It was huge and heavy—I could fit into it entirely.” Everyone was afraid to throw a mug at him - you never know, there’s a child inside! And it had to be filmed in the first take; the jug was the only one. When it split, the neck hung around my neck. Everyone on the set gasped!

A separate story happened during the filming of the scene when the fox and the cat hang Pinocchio from a tree by his legs. Dima’s mother categorically did not want her son to dangle upside down: “We need an understudy!” In the end she was fooled. Nechaev later recalled: “I called Dimka and said: “We need to do something!” He understood!" - and begins to whine: “I want to eat, I can’t!” My stomach hurts!” While mom went to the store, we hung Pinocchio.”

Answering the question whether there were any romances between “young people” on the set, Iosifov laughs.

What the hell, we played Indians during breaks between filming! Tanya Protsenko, who played Malvina, was a real beauty. Romka Stolkarz - Pierrot courted her not only according to the script.
The kids received one hundred rubles a month, which Buratino gave to their parents.

I didn’t have to look after the girls, and they bought me ice cream anyway!

According to director Leonid Nechaev, the golden key was the most valuable thing - everyone really wanted to steal it. Nechaev himself stole it:

On the last day of shooting after the command “Stop!” Cut!” I put it in my bosom and later simply bought it back. I still have a receipt that says: “Received from Nechaev for the props - the key: 30 rubles.”

At the end of filming, the Belarus Film studio refused to accept The Adventures of Pinocchio. Critics were indignant: “Ugly picture! Horror! How can this be - a cat without a tail, a fox in a dress, Pinocchio mocking an elderly man (meaning Karabas-Barabas). The film was released only because it was the end of the year and failure to fulfill the plan threatened the loss of bonuses.

Bulat Okudzhava did not have any songs for the film for a long time. The deadlines were running out, and in despair, director Leonid Nechaev went to the Writers' Holiday House, where the bard was resting. He rented the next room and began constantly knocking on Okudzhava’s wall. “He probably hated me to death then!” - recalls Nechaev. A couple of days later the famous saying was born: “Don’t hide your money in banks and corners!”

Leonid Nechaev asked Alla Pugacheva to sing one of the songs for “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” but she refused, saying: “I’m afraid I won’t succeed.” As a result, the song was performed by Irina Ponarovskaya.

Who became who:

* Malvina (Tanya Protsenko) - graduated from the Faculty of Film Studies at VGIK, became a poetess, works at the Rolan Bykov Center.
* Pierrot (Roma Stolkarz) is a pediatrician, lives in Israel.
* Artemon (Thomas Augustinas) is a prosperous businessman who lives in Canada.
* Harlequin (Grisha Svetlorusov) - graduated from the KGB High School, intelligence officer.
* Pinocchio (Dmitry Iosifov) - graduated from the acting department of VGIK and the directing department of the film department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts, starred in 12 films, worked on the projects “The Last Hero” and “Ten Little Indians”, director of two episodes of “Deadly Force”.

Pinocchio and Malvina 30 years later...

The performers of Buratino's name are Dima - Dmitry Vladimirovich Iosifov. Dima got into the picture completely by accident. He did not dream of cinema, and he had very little free time - he was engaged in figure skating. It was during one of his classes that the assistant director of the Belarusfilm studio found him. To the question “Boy, do you want to act in a movie?” Dima answered honestly: “I don’t want to.” But, despite the protests of the child, who claimed that his stomach hurt, the boy was taken to the studio: what parent doesn’t dream of seeing their child on the screen?

Few people know that the studio first tried Dima for the role of Harlequin. But as soon as he took off his clothes, everyone saw that the boy’s body resembled a doll’s: only the joints were missing. So he became a wooden boy. To make it more convincing, his hair and eyebrows were shaved off and fake ones were put on instead.

The long nose was a different story. It was made from polystyrene foam. At the same time, he must be very mobile. During the entire filming, Pinocchio's nose was changed 45 times. 45 noses - and all of them were made by one and only master. The first nose did not quite fit, and it was gradually shortened to suit the actor’s facial expressions. The make-up artist spent 1.5 hours to glue the nose on. Can you imagine how persevering an artist must be?! “If any of you were paying attention, you might have noticed that at the beginning of the film my nose is 15 mm longer than at the end,” Dmitry shares his secrets.

Filming of “The Golden Key” took place in Crimea for 93 days. Summer, sea, sun - well, what else was needed for complete pleasure? “The little artists, of course, were tired, but when the shooting ended, they ran to play tag, to swim - where did the strength come from?” - L. Nechaev is surprised.

After the film, Dima experienced all the delights of fame. Firstly, the nickname Pinocchio stuck to him forever. “At first I was very offended, but then I got used to it and began to treat it with irony.” He was very recognizable on the subway, but at the same time he did not suffer from star fever. After success in “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” Dima had to give up figure skating forever - offers to act in films began to come to him one after another. He played more than 30 roles in films (the Little Wolf from “About Little Red Riding Hood”, the gray-haired prince in “The Tale of a Painter in Love”, in film "Yurka - the commander's son").

This is what Dima looks like now.

In the early 80s, Dmitry graduated from school and was going to connect his life with powder metallurgy. But, since exams for the institute were in August and he still had a lot of time, he went to Moscow to try his luck at a creative university. And he was lucky - he was accepted into VGIK, into the group that Alexey Batalov recruited. By this time, Dmitry bore little resemblance to the boy who played Pinocchio seven years earlier, so not a single person from the selection committee recognized him. But a little later this secret was revealed.
Classmates, once adding a long nose to a photograph of a young student, brought Dima to light. And Dmitry lied to his future wife for almost six months that he worked at a vegetable base. For some reason, the profession of an actor for Dima was something akin to leprosy...
Then he was sent to his native Minsk, where he soon received his directing education at the Minsk Institute of Arts. Today he lives in Moscow. Works on television. Makes documentaries, commercials. And now he “makes” adventures himself. He already has several high-profile projects on his conscience. Under his leadership, participants in the “12 Little Indians” project are looking for pure gold bars in Europe. You may have watched the program “The Last Hero” - and here he was not the last person: he acted as a production director.
Dmitry also has two wonderful sons, who also enjoy watching a film with their dad’s participation.

The girl for the role of Malvina was also found completely by accident. Once, an assistant director was traveling by train to Minsk. The compartment neighbor was a mother and a very cute little girl. Tanyusha was only 6 years old. On the road, like all girls her age, she recited poems, sang songs, and performed skits. At the same time she announced: “People’s artist of folk dance Tanya Protsenko is performing.” The assistant gasped. This is how the young creature received an invitation to audition.

“The hardest thing was crying during filming. For example, when I feel sorry for Pinocchio, who is put in a dark closet. They put glycerin in my eyes and brought onions to my eyes - but it didn’t do any good. Everyone was very angry. Especially the director. He began to talk to me very strictly. I burst into tears out of resentment. Leonid Alekseevich himself took the camera and shouted: “We’re filming!” After which he treated me to sweets and calmed me down.”

By the way, just when Tatyana was cast in the role of Malvina, her baby teeth began to fall out. There was no time to wait for new ones to grow. Therefore, I had to go to the clinic and have porcelain dentures inserted.

According to Tatyana, she became famous only a few years later. When did the film become popular? And they pointed fingers on the street, and lovers walked under the windows. Thousands of letters arrived from all over the Soviet Union, declaring their love and offering friendship.

The fate of the girl with blue hair was also ambiguous. After the role of Malvina, she received a serious physical injury while riding a bicycle, and doctors forbade her to act in films. Although there were offers from film studios: they offered both the role of Little Red Riding Hood and the Iron Button from “Scarecrow”

After finishing school, Tatyana graduated from the poetry department of the capital's Literary Institute and the film studies department at VGIK. Today he publishes poetry collections. Raising a little daughter. Moreover, Anyuta is now the same age as her mother was when she was filming - six.

By the way, when the film “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” was shown on TV, classes at the schools where Dima and Tanya studied were cancelled. There was a collective class viewing of a fascinating film that later became a classic of Soviet cinema...

"The Adventures of Pinocchio", screen tests
photos from kp.by

- Volodya Stankevich (known for his role as Denis Korablev in the film “A Secret to the Whole World”)
- Andrey Ladutko

- Karina Ovcharenko
- Yulia Karbalevich

Karabas Barabas
- initially Roman Filippov (pictured) was approved for this role, but then they changed it to Vladimir Etush

Cat Basilio
- Victor Pavlov
- Bronislav Brondukov

Bronislav Brondukov (Basilio), Andrey Ladutko (Pinocchio), actress of the Gorky Theater Zaitseva (Alice)

Do you remember we read about or for example

The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -