Hawaiian birthday party for kids. Geography for children

A birthday is a holiday that a child especially looks forward to, because it is not only an occasion to receive many gifts, but also the expectation of a miracle. And, of course, parents want to arrange such a fabulous and unforgettable day for their baby. But an ordinary feast can hardly be considered a fabulous adventure. Therefore, in a certain topic it will be an excellent opportunity to show imagination and plunge the whole family into the world of entertainment, games and creativity. For example, his style will please not only himself, but also all those invited. After all, Hawaiian festivals are known for their noisy fun, lively music, many competitions and colorful surroundings.

Venue of the holiday

When it comes to the Hawaiian Islands, beautiful landscapes immediately appear before your eyes. Colorful sunsets, endless expanses of the Pacific Ocean, white sand beaches, palm groves and mountains covered with greenery and flowers. Therefore, choosing a place for a festive event in the style of a “Hawaiian party” is very important. A child’s birthday in the warm season can be held on the shore of the sea, river, or any other body of water or pool, it will correspond to the theme. If the baby was born in a cold season and organizing a holiday symbolizing summer can only be done in an ordinary city apartment, you will have to use your imagination.


On the beach or by the pool, no special styling is required. Improvised torches, a fire or a fire in a barbecue, bowls of fruit and drinks with umbrellas will create the necessary mood. You can try and additionally decorate the venue with colored paper lanterns, flowers and a stylized arch decorated with reeds or fishing nets. If you use your imagination, a party for children in a Hawaiian style will be perfect in an apartment, which can also be turned into a corner of the exotic coast. For example, in the room where the action will take place, hang posters depicting Hawaiian nature. Decorate the walls with garlands of flowers, colored lanterns, masks and palm leaves. You can make the decor yourself using colored paper for garlands, lanterns and leaves. Masks can be made perfectly from cardboard, especially if you decorate them with paints or felt-tip pens. Arrange vases with fruits and flowers. Cheerful music that matches the spirit of the holiday will add summer colors to your mood.

Outfits and accessories

Of course, when organizing a Hawaiian party for children with your own hands, you will have to do a lot, including outfits, since they are not very complicated. For girls, a skirt reminiscent of the Hawaiian national pau skirt will be required. It’s easy to do: take an elastic band, measure a little more than the volume of your hips, and tie thick threads or ribbons on it. The more threads, the fuller the skirt. You also need to make flower wreaths and bracelets.

It’s easier for boys; just wear shorts and a colored Hawaiian shirt. A very important accessory is a flower necklace. In the summer, it can be made from fresh flowers by stringing the inflorescences, separated from the stems, onto a long thread, the ends of which must then be tied. During the cold season, such a decoration for all guests may not be affordable for the hosts, so the necklace can be made from pre-made paper flowers. It is better if the Hawaiian party for the child is prepared with his participation. This will make it more interesting and expected for the baby, so making flower decorations can be entrusted to the hero of the occasion.

Festive table

The Hawaiian party menu must include a variety of fruits and seafood. But since this is a children's option and some of the products may cause allergies, it is better to discuss the contents of the table with the parents of the guests. In any case, fruits, desserts, drinks decorated with umbrellas, and a cake decorated in the theme of the event are acceptable.


Like for adults, a Hawaiian party for a child has its own characteristics and is called a luau. The traditional Hawaiian greeting “Aloha” should be heard for every guest, and the hero of the occasion needs to remember it. When greeting a friend, the birthday person, as a sign of respect and joy about his visit, puts flower beads - lei - around the person entering’s neck. Since the hero of the occasion is the center of attention, it would be appropriate to dress him in the leader’s costume - kahuna, which includes a multi-colored crown decorated with feathers and an equally bright feather cape - ahuula. It is clear that it will be difficult to make a cape from feathers, so you can get by with red fabric; this color is also considered festive among the Hawaiians. Traditional Hawaiian dance - hula - conveys in its movements everything that the dancer wants to say.

Hawaiian Outdoor Party

A lot of funny competitions, outdoor games and dancing are the key to a fun party. Below are examples that can be included in the holiday program, but first you need to properly greet the guests using the Hawaiian traditions described above.

After all the guests have been greeted, the host addresses those present:

Aloha! Are you ready to dive headfirst into our holiday and have fun at the luau? Then let's congratulate the birthday boy according to the old Hawaiian custom, but for this you need to know how old he is.

When the answer is received, the presenter suggests clapping your hands together and shouting “Congratulations” in unison as many times as the age of the hero of the occasion.

Now we can consider that the Hawaiian party for the child has begun, and before moving on to games and competitions, it will be very interesting to conduct a fun educational quiz called “What do we know about Hawaii?” or “What words do we know in Hawaiian?” Children will be asked questions with multiple answers. The one who gets the most correct numbers will win a prize. Prizes for competitions and everyone present must be prepared in advance.

Quiz “What do we know about Hawaii?”

  • What ocean waters wash Hawaii? (Answer options: Violent, Noisy, Quiet.)
  • What are the residents called? (Answer options: Malays, Chinese, Hawaiians.)
  • Which city is the capital? (Answer options: Astana, Oslo, Honolulu.)
  • What is the name of the traditional one (Answer options: meow, gau, pow.)

The list can be continued, but do not drag it out so that the children do not get bored. After the quiz, it's time to move on to the games.

Hawaiian fun

So, what will the guys play at the party?

"Coconut Bowling"

To begin, children should be divided into teams. The original uses pineapples and coconuts as equipment, but in the absence of such, plastic bottles with sand and balls will do. The team that knocks down all the pins the fastest is declared the winner and deserves a prize.

"Hawaiian Volleyball"

You will need a large beach ball, chairs or lounge chairs for the players. The rules are the same as in regular volleyball, except that you need to hit the ball without leaving your seat. The one who gets up is eliminated, and the team with more players left wins.


What would a real Hawaiian party be without this game? It will be very fun and unusual for a child to participate in it. The best way to do this is by dancing to cheerful music, in hula style. The essence of the game is simple: two people hold a bar or a stretched ribbon, and the players walk under it. With each subsequent pass, the bar lowers a little, and participants have to bend their knees and bend their torso back. The winner is the one who can pass under the lowest possible bar.

"Canoe Racing"

You will need inflatable rings, preferably for all children. You need to sit on the circle and row to the finish line with your hands. The first finishers are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals.

Hawaiian party at home

The above greetings, costumes, the game of Limbo and quizzes are also suitable for holding an event such as a Hawaiian party for children in a city apartment. The scenario can be supplemented with less active thematic games than in the fresh air. Hawaiians are known to be excellent fishermen, so a children's game “Fishing”, equipped with magnets, will be very useful. It will be quite fun to catch fish for a while.

"The Unlucky Tourist"

Children are divided into two teams. Various things for relaxation are placed on the stool: flip-flops, mask, hat, shorts, tunic, backpack, sunglasses, and so on. The first players running to the stool grab one item, return and pass it to the next player on their team. He must put on or take this thing and run for another. The next player will get two things and so on until the stool is empty. The team whose finishing player gets dressed the fastest will win.

Using all these tips, your imagination, and most importantly, being in the mood for fun, you will organize such a wonderful event as a Hawaiian party for children. Photos, of course, cannot convey the atmosphere of childhood happiness. Therefore, it is better to organize a holiday and see for yourself how fun it is.

Irina Nersesyan
Scenario for children's birthday "Hawaiian Party"

Musical director Nersesyan I. V. MADOOU MO "SGO"-kindergarten No. 3"Gold fish"

Target: organizing and holding a holiday for a child.


Create conditions for organizing a holiday for birthday children and their guests.

Create a favorable emotional background.

Provide conditions for the intellectual and moral development of students.

Create conditions for children to receive positive emotions through the use of a variety of musical materials, theatrical performances and artistic expression.

Planned results: Create a cheerful holiday mood and evoke positive emotions.

Leading: Aloha! Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our hall! Why have we gathered here today? (Day Arishka's birth) . Who knows how old Arishka is now? (six). Right! We will all clap six times together (one, two, three, four, five, six, and also stamp our feet (one two three four five six,)

Like on Arishkin's day birth

We baked a loaf

He's neither short nor tall

Toasted barrel

Loaf, loaf


Children perform a round dance for the birthday boy "Loaf"

Arishka, have you ever celebrated the day birth in Hawaii?

Then my friend Veselinka and I invite you on an extraordinary journey through Hawaiian Islands to Hawaiian Luou! I promise you will never be bored!


Hawaii is a fabulous paradise!

Hawaii is your dream!

Just have fun here, relax!

Hawaii- star of the radiant sea!

Presenter. Hawaii- these are coconut palms, mango trees, pineapple plantations, tropical forests, colorful rainbows, active volcanoes, sea turtles and beautiful legends... We don’t promise you all this, but nevertheless, in the holiday program you awaits:(unfolds the scroll and reads)

Merry Hawaiian dances,

Culinary tales,

Holiday greetings,

Hawaiian games and entertainment,

So, cast aside doubts -

We have a Hawaiian party,

Only today and only now.

Presentation for children about Hawaiian Islands

Veselinka The law of any holiday is to have fun and don’t think about anything. But there are certain responsibilities of the holiday Hawaiian pastime. Listen to them carefully.

The law is here today simple:

Have fun, dance and sing!

You need to try really hard

Loud, fun laugh!

Hawaiians- the people are always friendly,

Try not to swear in public.

It’s not fashionable to be shy on our holiday,

You can safely declare your love!

Have fun yourself and make others happy,

be on Hawaii couldn't be any other way!

Leading. In general, Hawaiian word"aloha" universal. It is a greeting, and a wish for all the best, and thanksgiving, and even a declaration of love...

Right now, I am pleased to give the floor for greetings, thanksgiving, and congratulations, and perhaps even a declaration of that same love to mom and dad.

Congratulations from dad and mom!

Then Veselinka conducts a comic dedication to the birthday girl. "Supreme - Hawaiian Queen»

Dedication ceremony.

Veselinka. To carry out the dedication ceremony, we need two assistants from among the birthday girl’s friends. Arish, identify these two representatives of the fair sex, with whom you, as they say, will go into reconnaissance and Hawaii…

One of them is awarded "leys"– flower beads, other "rod"– a fake banana and a toy drum.

Veselinka. Friends! We begin the most important ceremony,

Arina to Verkhovna- Dedicated to the Hawaiian Queen.

(Drum rhythms sound.)

The rhythms of the drums sound in your honor,

Accept the attributes of power from the girls.

Assistants handing over "the named Queen" "attributes" authorities.

Leading. And now our respected Queen will give a welcoming speech. As soon as she hits the drum, everyone needs to shout together "Hey!" and raise your right hand up.

Leading. So, Lady Queen, begin... repeat after me

Queen. Param parero!

The Merry Queen said following:

“We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time,

We have been dreaming about it for a long time!”

Queen Param parero!

Veselinka. Translating what was said:

"We'll sing and dance

And congratulate each other!”

Presenter. Since we invite you to make a kind of journey through time and space, we wish each other a good journey, but be sure to Hawaiian.

I tell you: “Aloha dood!”- and you answer: “Yes kine, bra!”

Get ready... Aloha, dood!

Participants. Yes kaine, sconce!

Veselinka. The main crafts of the ancients Hawaiians there was making canoes and catching crabs in these canoes. This is where we start! We will get to the celebration of our luou by canoe!

A game "Let's go canoeing"

Children board a makeshift boat. And they float to the music Hawaii.

Leading: Well, we swam in a canoe, and now let's get crabs for our holiday table!

A game "Crab Fishing"

To play you will need 2 basins of crabs. 2 teams - who can catch it the fastest?

Leading: You are so great! Let's give the crabs to our cook, let him prepare them for the festive table! And we will start collecting pineapples

A game "Pineapple Bearers"

You will need 2-3 pineapple-sized balls.

Children are divided into pairs or triplets depending on the number of balls. Pairs take turns participating. Start at the starting line. The finish is also marked - these can be baskets or boxes for balls, standing in front of each participant. The goal is to get the pineapple to the basket as quickly as possible.

First group (pair or triple) carries children "pineapples" on the head. The second group is to hold them between your knees. The third carries pineapples with her ankles, the fourth holds the ball only with her little fingers.

a game "We're going to the beach"

Participants are divided into 2 teams and stand one after another. Each team is given a beach bag, and in it a beach skirt (pareo, sunglasses, shorts, straw hat and lei (flower garland). In front of each team there is a chair at a distance of 4-5 m. The first participant takes things out of the bag, puts them on himself, runs around the chair and comes back. The team that finishes the fastest wins.

A game "Turtle Races"

2 basins painted to look like turtles, 2 teams. Children move by pushing "Turtles" in front of you and give it to the next player. Whose team is faster?

A game "Hula Hoopmania"

The children again need to be divided into two teams. One team member participates in each competition. who will go further (or faster to a certain point, without stopping rotating the hoop. Pass to the next player. Who is faster?

Contest "Haramburum"

The presenter invites the children to imagine that they are going to Hawaiian beach, and they need to take a lot of things with them.

Needed on Hawaiian beach things: Unnecessary things on Hawaiian beach


Sun umbrella Pajamas

Lifebuoy Warm socks

Flippers Football boots

Surfboard Computer mouse

Towel Boots

Swimsuit Ballpoint pen

Sun cream Mittens

The game is being played "A tan".

Children dance to the music, standing in a circle, and the leader periodically pronounces command phrases.

Presenter's commands:

We offered our palms to the sun

We offered the sun the neck

We offered our elbows to the sun

We turned our knees to the sun

We offered our shoulders to the sun

We exposed our hips to the sun

We turned our heels to the sun

We exposed our tummies to the sun

We turned our backs to the sun

A game "Hot Coconut"

Conducted by game type "Hot Ball". Elimination game. The players stand in a circle and pass the coconut to the music (Real coconut can be replaced with a ball). The one who has a coconut in his hands must jump and pass the fruit to the next one. The player who still has the coconut in his hands when the music ends leaves the circle. The game continues until one player remains.

Leading: I propose to continue the celebration! Traditional Hawaiian Play has always been considered entertainment "Limbo", let's have some fun and play it.

A game "Limbo"

For this game you will need either a long stick or a ribbon that can be decorated with flowers. This tape is first stretched at the height of the children's necks. Children take turns walking under the tape with their faces, bending back a little, trying not to touch it. Then the tape lowers a little, the game is repeated. The participant in the game who touches the tape is eliminated from the entertainment and becomes a spectator. The game continues with a gradual lowering of the tape until one participant remains, who is recognized as the winner. Don't forget about the musical accompaniment

Leading: We played great! And I know one more thing Hawaiian entertainment -"Crab Race". We already know that the oldest craft in Hawaiians were fishing for crabs. Now we'll see whose crab runs faster!

Leading: This is the intensity of passions! You guys are funny! And I know another exciting and very exciting game! Want to warm up? Then we go to Hawaiian beach and play"Slates".

A game "Slates"

The game is played as entertainment "Musical Chair", but instead of chairs, slates are laid out in a circle, respectively, there is one less piece than there are players. The players' task is to move in a circle to cheerful music and, as soon as the music ends, jump with one foot into the slippers. Whoever does not have enough slates is eliminated from the game, the extra slippers are removed, and the game continues until there is only one slate and two players left. The winner is determined.

Leading: My dears Hawaiians! After such a wonderful ride on the sea, I suggest you dance Hawaiian dancing! By- Hawaiian Hula – dance of love. Let's play a dance game "Aloha Hula".

Dance game "Aloha"

The game is played under Hawaiian music We play a dance clip on the interactive screen with children performing Hawaiian dance. Guests repeat the movements of the dancing children.

Leading: You are just great! They caught crabs and collected coconuts. And what a holiday! (Day Arisha's birth) . Amazing! What do they give for the day? birthdays except gifts? (postcards) I suggest giving Arishka a big one Hawaiian a card from all of us! Here are the materials, figure out what you like and start creating a card. (Children use the proposed material, flowers from napkins, felt-tip pens, colored paper, glue, wax crayons, etc., to create a holiday card) Don't forget to sign your card!

Leading: You made a very wonderful and beautiful postcard. I suggest taking a photo for memory. And now I ask everyone to try it Hawaiian treats! (children go to the festive table).

March 19, 2017

We wish only the best for our children, and it is clear why today many parents want to please their offspring by organizing unforgettable parties for them. Yes, namely parties, because it is extremely difficult to imagine a group of children sedately sitting at a table and eating cake. A children's party should be energetic, fun and exciting. There is no place for boredom and banality. Therefore, more and more birthdays are held in a specific theme.

A Hawaiian theme is perfect for a children's party. What could be sunnier, more energetic and brighter than the atmosphere of the paradise islands? Catchy costumes, funny songs and dances, exotic flowers and fruits - all this will please even the most whimsical birthday boy.

How to organize a Hawaiian themed children's party

When you start preparing for the holiday, try not to lose sight of a single, even the most insignificant, detail. It would be nice to involve the birthday boy himself in the preparation. Perhaps his help will be minimal, but even it can make the child happy. After all, being involved in organizing something like this is already a great gift.

When preparing, pay attention to such points as:

Good preparation takes time, effort and money. But the happy eyes of children are worth it.

1. Choosing a venue for the holiday

There are many options for hosting a Hawaiian party: at home, in a cafe or outdoors. It all depends on when the birthday is and how big of a budget you are willing to allocate for it all.

If the celebration is planned for the summer, then there is simply no better place than the seashore or river. As you know, Hawaii is an island, which means there is water around it. Therefore, the presence of a body of water nearby is only welcome. An artificial reservoir – a swimming pool – would also be an excellent solution.

But if the party takes place during the cold season, then everything can be done just as well in an apartment or cafe. You just have to pay a little more attention to decorating and decorating the room.

2. Create original invitation letters

Making invitations is exactly the stage of preparation where you can easily involve your children. Doing something with your own hands, even under your clear guidance, is where real happiness lies. Moreover, it is so important to invite guests in an original and unusual way.

There are different options here:

  1. Print invitation templates available on the Internet, but only in the form of coloring pages. And together with your child, decorate them each differently.
  2. Cut out invitations in the form of shapes that are associated with Hawaii. For example, in the form of a ukulele, flip-flops, cocktails or bright colors.
  3. Make an application. Glue voluminous butterflies and flowers onto thick paper. It will look original and will delight both guests and your child.
  4. Make invitations in the form of trips to Hawaii.

The main thing to remember is that in addition to the direct invitation, the letter must also indicate the date of the party, the time and place of its holding, and the requirements for the appearance of the guests. This point is worth describing in more detail. Perhaps even include photos of approximate outfits and tips for creating them. This is important, because not everyone has been to Hawaii and is familiar with its clothing style.

3. Styling the room according to the chosen theme

If your choice falls on the room, then you need to decorate it accordingly. And here there are two options: budget or on a grand scale.

First option will take a lot of effort and time, but will save money. Here you will have to do all the decoration yourself. But what creative parents will do for the sake of their child’s happiness. Having chosen this option, quickly go to the nearest store for colored paper and cardboard, bright multi-colored napkins, corrugated paper and balls. This simple set will help in decorating.

Cut out the letters for the word "ALOHA" from construction paper and place this Hawaiian greeting at the entrance. You can make mock-ups of surfboards from thicker cardboard or plywood and place them along the walls. Make large fluffy flowers from napkins and scatter them on the floor, tables, attach them to walls and curtains. Colored paper will make excellent butterflies that will also fit perfectly into the interior.

You can make palm branches from corrugated paper, which you can then attach to the walls. Multi-colored balloons will look no less festive and interesting - regular or helium (it makes no difference).

Don't forget about table decoration. They should be covered with bright tablecloths with rather loud prints. You can also take disposable dishes, but they should also be bright and unusual. Many online stores offer such themed products, so this definitely won’t be a problem. Various exotic fruits (pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes, oranges) are required on the table, which can later easily go from decoration to dessert.

Second, more expensive option, is to seek help from a special agency that professionally organizes such parties. And then you won’t have any problems, except one – where to get the money for all this.

4. Greeting party guests

“How you greet your guests is how you will host the party.” Or is that what they say about the New Year? I think in both cases it’s almost true. Therefore, it is worth making sure that those gathered are immersed in the festive atmosphere from the first seconds.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance for each guest a flower wreath, which in Hawaii is considered a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. It is clear that making such wreaths from fresh flowers is not at all budgetary. Therefore, bright napkins and corrugated paper will come to your aid. These leis (flower garlands) are placed around the necks of guests, accompanied by the traditional Aloha greeting.

You can greet the guest with some poem. For example:

I welcome you to Hawaii, my friend,
Everything around you screams “Aloha”.
Today we will have fun together:
We won't have time to be lazy.

You can also perform the famous Hawaiian dance as a greeting. It will not be difficult to learn it: it will be pleasant for the guest and it will be good for you.

5. Selection of holiday menu

A Hawaiian children's party requires not only a special room design, but also a menu. It is unlikely that children will be pleased with the large abundance of mayonnaise salads and mountains of meat. As you know, what is good for an adult is disgusting for a child. Therefore, there should be a lot of fruits and sweets on the table. Salads, of course, are also allowed, but they should be light and unusually decorated. For example, in the form of an island with a palm tree or in the form of a dolphin or monkey. A salad placed in half a pineapple or half an orange will look very impressive.

Small sandwiches and canapes are good for the Hawaiian menu. The latter can be stuck into a pineapple and thus create a fruit ball. There’s a lot of hassle, but the kids will definitely appreciate it.

The kids will be delighted with Hawaiian mini-burgers and pizza. Not the healthiest food, but the guests didn’t come to a meeting of members of a healthy food club.

Create compositions based on the theme of the evening using fruits.

Well, what would a holiday table be without drinks? Juices, juices, and more juices. This is something that should be on the table in huge quantities. And you shouldn’t serve them in standard packaging. It’s better to do this in portions and decorate each glass with bright cocktail umbrellas, flowers and fruits. You can also serve drinks in small coconuts by inserting straws into them. This presentation looks very good.

6. Scenario

When all the guests are already gathered, it is necessary to somehow entertain them. It is unreasonable to hope that they will entertain themselves with something. Adults often fail to cope with this task, and children even more so. You can and should improvise, but take into account how good you are at improvisation. It is better to prepare a script for a Hawaiian party in advance and find a host for it. This could be an invited specialist, or it could be you yourself.

Specialists, as a rule, have several options for holding such a holiday. But, if you decide to do without it, then you will have to come up with a script yourself or find something suitable on the Internet. Zavodila. com offers you a script "Aloha or Journey to Hawaii"


Congratulations on your arrival in Hawaii,
And I wish you a fun time here.
Aloha to you, my friends, sounds
And I want to invite you to the competition.

Competition "Hawaiian dance with a trick"

The point is quite simple. It is necessary to repeat the Hawaiian dance movements after the leader. It seems to be nothing complicated, but there is a small catch. The leader is allowed to move his legs during the dance, but the participants are strictly prohibited.

The presenter, showing the movements, will specifically provoke the participants with the phrases “Now two steps to the right,” “Let’s go forward,” or “Show how you can jump.” Those who move will be eliminated from the competition.

In this competition you can compete up to one winner, or you can select several winners at once.


Well, I see that you have no equal in dancing here,
But what if we add one object to the dance.
Now we will test your flexibility and agility,
And I wish everyone good luck and perseverance.

Competition "Without touching the ground"

This competition is quite traditional for Hawaii. You will need two meters of bright satin ribbon. This tape will be held by two people at first at a high height, and then they will begin to lower it lower and lower. And the children, as you may have guessed, will have to walk under it. The one who touches the ground or the tape loses.


Hawaii is a piece of paradise.
The choice of fruits here is unforgivably wide.
Now let's check which of you
He knows more about fruits than we do.

Competition "Fruit Quiz"

Kids love trivia games, so what would a Hawaiian party be without them? You can, of course, prepare questions about Hawaii, but this is a little banal and difficult for kids. Therefore, as an alternative, you can prepare riddles about fruits.

For example:

There is no sour fruit in the world,
But it is useful even for children.
From hot countries he sends his regards!
Your old yellow friend... (lemon).

Furry, hard miracle ball,
The delicious juice will be hidden under the shell!
And I have a question:
How can I try... (coconut).


Yes, you know a lot of fruits,
But in order to collect them for our journey,
We need to sail to the island in a canoe,
And show your full agility.

Speed ​​Canoe Competition

This is a team competition. To begin, unite the children into two groups and line them up in two lines. Place the same amount of fruit on the ground a few meters away from them.

Each team receives an inflatable mattress, on which one of the members of each team lies down. The essence of the game is to transport fruit from one bank to the other bank in an improvised canoe. But you can’t take more than one piece of fruit on board at a time. One player - one fruit.

How to get around on this canoe, you ask? It’s very simple: one person sits or lies on the mattress, and the other mattress pushes or pulls in the desired direction. Whoever transports all the fruits faster wins.


You are well stocked with fruits,
But where would you go without souvenirs?
So that the memory of Hawaii remains forever,
Let's make sure everyone gets some Hawaiian.

Master class “Hawaiian shirt”

Competitions are good, but it’s also not good to go empty-handed. So encourage your kids to make an applique in the shape of a Hawaiian shirt. Make the necessary preparations in advance. Print out templates for the shirts themselves on colored paper. Buy figured hole punches in the form of different flowers. You can also stock up on sequins and glitter. And forward.

Of course, there can be much more competitions. Anything that seems interesting to you will do.

Prizes and souvenirs

Don't forget to stock up on sweets and toys. After all, it will be necessary to somehow encourage the winners of competitions. Also for these purposes you can use magnets, notepads, calendars and other stationery with images of palm trees, flowers, the sea, the beach...

Want to create a unique themed party that you haven't done before for your friends?

Then perhaps you will have a Hawaiian-themed party - coconuts, palm leaves, original cocktails and fruit snacks. Is there anything better than recreating the hot beaches of these unique islands?

Therefore, today we will tell you how to organize a Hawaiian party at home or outdoors so that you and your guests will remember it for a long time.

How to throw a Hawaiian party?

First you need to decide where you want to dance and drink cocktails. If it’s winter outside or just bad weather, then a Hawaiian party at home would be an excellent solution.

If it’s hot summer outside, then celebrating outside would be a good idea. The beach or any clearing convenient for relaxation is ideal for this. When organizing a party outdoors, some nuances may arise that can easily be eliminated with the help of our recommendations in the article “”.

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to decorate your house with beautiful flowers, Hawaiian leis and other attributes of the hot islands. You can also use balloons, island paintings, and fresh flowers such as indoor palm trees.

Do you want to make your own jewelry and accessories? You can find good recommendations for preparing attributes. Don't forget to take care of invitations for your guests, because this is an opportunity to start the party off in a fun way.

You can also give preference to the usual beach clothing options, adding interesting and colorful accessories that will create a good mood for you and those around you.

Hawaiian party: script and organization

Having dealt with decorating the house and creating costumes, you need to proceed to the next important stage - preparing Hawaiian style party plan. To get started, you can look at interesting thematic competitions, which we reviewed in the “” note. After choosing the games that you like, you must make sure that there are attributes for the games - prizes, auxiliary accessories.

Having placed guests at the tables, it is necessary to allow them to enjoy the invited communication and refreshments. And only after that start the entertainment program.

A Hawaiian-style party is not just about fresh flowers placed in the corners of the room. Therefore, a special atmosphere is needed that will help create the right mood. Hawaii is a welcoming island of beautiful women and men who traditionally love fun, laughter and dancing. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider various entertainment for guests, including music.

Music for a Hawaiian party What is more suitable for a warm company?

Before you throw a Hawaiian party at home, you need to learn the traditional music of the Hawaiian Islands. An excellent musical background will be quiet, light melodies that create comfort, tranquility and harmony. It is to this kind of music that you can dance the Hula dance, which is considered the folk dance of the Hawaiians.

Album Jack de Mello - Steel Guitar Magic Hawaiian Style (1994) will be a great background. We also recommend downloading the album Kana King & His Hawaiians - The music of Hawaii. More incendiary rhythms are suitable for welcoming guests. Such as:





hawaiianguitar-3 Pigs

And be sure to check out our Hawaiian music page.

You can also download fiery rhythms in the style of Latin America or just your favorite pop songs. An excellent musical solution would be such performers as Ricky Martin, Shakira and Beyonce.

Hawaiian party: menu and cocktails

When considering this, you should carefully consider the number of guests and their placement. It is better to use light and plastic tables, decorated with various Hawaiian attributes. Chairs can be covered with bright pillows or pieces of fabric - this will create an even brighter holiday atmosphere.

When creating a menu for a Hawaiian party, it is better to give preference to light dishes:

  • Baked chicken, previously marinated in light soy sauce or fruit juice (for example,).
  • Fish baked in the oven or on the fire. These could be, for example, . Give preference to red fish or. Golden crust with lemon slices - what could be tastier?
  • Hawaiian bread with butter, pineapple and ham (for example,).
  • Light vegetable salads like...
  • Cold appetizers (for example), cheese and sausage slices. You can also use ones with assorted fruits or vegetables strung on them.

Beautiful fruit bowls are a must-have attribute of any Hawaiian table. Decorated with flowers, they become not only the center of everyone’s attention, but also a chic interior solution.

Another dish worthy of your table will be fruit salad. Mix different fruits of your choice - coconuts, bananas, kiwis, oranges or mangoes and top with unsweetened yogurt. This salad is sure to be an excellent treat both on a hot day and in the winter cold.

When going through various ideas for a Hawaiian party, you must not forget about such an important element of any party as cocktails. Bright, relaxing, invigorating and non-alcoholic Hawaiian cocktails are exactly what you and your guests need.

We offer you several recipes for drinks known all over the world. By preparing these cocktails for a Hawaiian party yourself, you can rightfully be called the best host of the best party :).

Alcoholic cocktails for a Hawaiian party: recipes

Cocktail "Hummingbird" includes ice, 1/5 black rum, 1/5 white rum, 1/5 Southern Comfort, 1/5 orange juice and 1/5 Coca-Cola.

Mix ice, two types of rum, Southern Comfort, orange juice in a shaker and shake until frost appears. Strain into a tall glass and add cola. Decorate with an orange slice.

Cocktail “Tropical Paradise” prepared from 1/5 light rum, 1/5 Midori, 1/10 Creme de banana, 1/10 coconut cream, 1/5 pineapple juice, 1/5 orange juice.

Mix all ingredients in a shaker and shake for 20 seconds. Pour into a suitable glass and garnish with banana.

Cocktail "Hawaiian Beach" must be prepared in advance, because to prepare it you need a blender or food processor. 3/10 light rum, 4/10 pineapple juice, 3/10 ginger ale, 1 tsp. sugar, ½ lime, ice.

Combine half the lime, pineapple juice, rum, sugar in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour ice into a large glass, pour the resulting mixture, pour ale on top. Garnish with lime and mint.

Cocktail "Acapulco" calls for 1/5 golden rum, 1/5 tequila, 1/5 pineapple juice, 1/5 grapefruit juice, 1/5 cream of coconut.

Place ice in a shaker, add rum, tequila, two types of juice, cream and shake until frost forms. Place ice in a large glass and pour out the resulting mass. Decorate as desired.

Non-alcoholic cocktails

The “Apricot Smoothie” cocktail consists of 90 ml milk, 15 ml lemon juice, 30 ml vanilla flavored yogurt, 2 apricots. Shake in a shaker.

The “Ecstasy” cocktail must be made from 50 ml of banana juice, 50 g of strawberries, 50 g of kiwi. Shake in a shaker and decorate with cream and fruit.

The Weathervane cocktail consists of 50 ml apple juice, 50 ml cherry juice, 50 g Sprite, 50 g strawberries.

When serving delicious food and drinks to your guests, take care of the beauty and decoration of the dishes and glasses. Buy umbrellas, straws and colorful bright glasses and plates. Plastic or cardboard utensils are easier to use during the holidays and can simply be thrown away at the end.

Yulia Maznina

Aloha! In Hawaiian it means “hello”, “goodbye”, “welcome” and simply a wish for peace and joy. For the last two months, playing with our youngest son, and sometimes involving our eldest son, we have been traveling around the two Americas as part of a travel game. And, of course, we couldn’t help but visit the Hawaiian Islands. They are located almost in the center of the Pacific Ocean, but belong to the United States. It is the last 50th state in the USA. The children expected to meet there the same Indians that we had encountered more than once in our travels across America, but that was not the case... The indigenous population of the Hawaiian Islands turned out to be the descendants of Polynesians who sailed to Hawaii from the island of Tahiti and other Polynesian islands. That's it...

The Hawaiian Islands are azure oceans, beaches with colorful sand, flower lei garlands and, of course, fun beach parties - luaus. We organized just such a Hawaiian party with all the necessary attributes as another family celebration. With ready-made scripts, selected photo and video materials, and even recipes for a festive table in the Hawaiian style (you will find all this in ours), it turned out to be not at all difficult. Both the older and younger guests were satisfied.

Festive table

Hawaii turned out to be surprisingly cheerful! And I don’t even know what gave me, as the organizer, more pleasant moments. The holiday itself or the preparation for it... Children have long been accustomed to the fact that if a themed holiday is organized for a family celebration, then the food will be appropriate. And the first question they asked me when they found out that we were planning to go to Hawaii was: “Will there be pineapple?” “It will be!” I answered and went to the supermarket. Thanks to tiki (I’ll tell you who they are a little later), I was lucky with the pineapple: the store had it and it turned out to be extremely ripe. It was even a pity to use it for cooking. But there was nowhere to go! Call yourself a Hawaiian, dance hula (what is it - more on that a little later).

I borrowed most of the recipes for the holiday table from the Hawaiian recipes included in the travel script. We had a salad with grapefruit "Hawaiian Islands", a salad with avocado "Tower of Aloha" (I replaced the recommended mango with bell pepper, since I couldn't find ripe mango), Hawaiian pizza, which the children really loved (I make it with canned pineapple) and for main course - chicken with pineapple. We decorated the cake with green chocolate and coconut and called it “Hawaiian Hut.”


Another attribute that we rarely go without on holidays is costumes. Classic Hawaiian clothing for boys - shorts and a wide shirt with large flowers or pictures on a nautical theme. I found a Hawaiian-style shirt with palm trees, but my youngest son rejected this option. He liked the costume for hula, a traditional Hawaiian dance, much more, even though it required turning into a girl.

Hula Skirt

Both men and women dance Hulu in Hawaii, but women do it more often. Traditional costume for hula - a bright top, a skirt made of grass, a lei - a necklace made of fresh flowers, bracelets for legs and arms (previously they were made not from flowers and leaves, but from whale bone or dog teeth. They were not only decoration, but also musical instrument) and hair decoration. To make the skirt I needed a belt and satin ribbons in bright colors. I cut pieces of years of the same length, folded them in half and tied them on my belt - ready!

Lei - flower necklace

Although my youngest son insisted on making a flower lei necklace from a real orchid, we made it from soft plastic flowers and cocktail straws. I bought the flowers ready-made in the stationery department, but you can buy soft plastic sheets (usually found in the same place as the colored paper) and cut out the flowers yourself. Flowers can also be cut out of cardboard. I cut the cocktail tubes into pieces 2-3 cm long. We inserted the thread into a thick needle with a blunt end and, alternating, threaded flowers and tubes onto the thread.

Other decorations

We used hair bands (thick ones for legs, thinner ones for arms) and satin ribbons, onto which I sewed “coins” from a belly dance belt, as bracelets for our arms and legs. While moving, the coins jingled pleasantly, which made me move my arms and legs even harder.

Start of the journey

This time the youngest children went on a trip - a son (3.5 years old) and a nephew (5.5 years old). We started by finding Hawaii on the map. They found themselves far away in the Pacific Ocean. How to get there? Nothing could be easier! Let's draw a flag and put it in a magic box - “Around the World” (for us it’s a home mailbox). The flag of Hawaii is striped - red, blue and white, so the two of us drew it in turns: one in red, the other in blue chalk.

For the journey to take place, you need a guide. We were greeted in Hawaii by the Hawaiian goose (endemic to the Hawaiian Islands). Once upon a time, her ancestors met the first Polynesians who sailed to Hawaii from the island of Tahiti. For the Hawaiian goose to come to life, it needs to be painted. The children are familiar with this rule, so they did it quickly with both hands.

Goose taught how to say hello in Hawaiian: she told him what the most famous Hawaiian word “Aloha” means and taught her to make the “Shaka” gesture, which often accompanies this word.

Even though the Around the World took us to Hawaii, on any trip you can’t do without a map. They learned from the goose that Hawaii is an archipelago and made a map of the Hawaiian Islands. Here's what we got:

Big Island (Hawaii Island). Volcanoes National Park

Experiment "Shield Volcanoes"

The largest island of the Hawaiian archipelago is called Big, or Hawaii. That's where we ended up. Volcanic soil is still forming here. Volcanoes? Well, how could we pass by? The volcanoes are a must see. We looked at photographs from Volcanoes National Park and found out that in Hawaii the volcanoes are not cone-shaped, but flat, slotted. The children made them themselves:

For the Crevice Volcanoes experiment, we needed baking soda, citric acid, and powdered food coloring for Easter eggs. This time I gave the children free access to soda and citric acid; everyone poured in as much as they wanted.

The bowls were placed in deep plates, and a little soda and citric acid were mixed in (ratio approximately 2:1). Spilled out food coloring. If you don’t have dry dye, you can pre-color the water with gouache. We poured very warm water into the bowls, almost to the brim. The volcano began to erupt - hissing lava flowed over the edges of the bowl. When the reaction ended, for a long time they added either soda or vinegar to the volcanoes, causing more and more volcanic eruptions. If you make volcano lava yellow first and then add red dry dye, you can turn the lava orange.

Building a Polynesian catamaran

We looked at the volcanoes on the Big Island, and then bad luck happened. How to move between islands? It was necessary to build a Polynesian catamaran - a double boat with a sail, on which the Polynesians successfully traveled across the Pacific Ocean. The boat was built from our favorite boat, tested for buoyancy: the catamaran floated and even withstood a hurricane (the hurricane was created in a basin using a strong stream of water from the shower).

But as it turns out, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions are not the only disasters in Hawaii. Tsunamis are also common there, when huge waves roll onto the shore, washing away everything in their path. We tested Hawaiian buildings for strength: we placed objects on the handle of the basin (a plastic cup, a bottle of shampoo, a house made of ) and tried to wash them away with a wave created by kitchen utensils - a ladle, a slotted spoon, and other things that the children managed to find in their favorite kitchen cabinet.

Having played enough with the water (surprisingly, the children didn’t even get wet, since the basin was in the bathroom) we went to the next island - the island of Maui.

Maui Island - home of the goose

Counting eggs in the nests of Hawaiian geese

The island of Maui turned out to be the only island where geese now nest, since all the other islands of the Hawaiian archipelago are inhabited by mongooses who are not averse to feasting on geese eggs (geese make nests on the ground). The children carefully walked between the geese's nests (they cut out pictures of the nests with scissors) and counted the eggs.

And then we practiced how children could save goose eggs from a mongoose. They took turns eating the mongoose. One child grabbed the egg and tried to run away and hide it, and the mongoose counted to three and tried to catch up with him. If the runner managed to hide the egg before the mongoose caught up with him, he received a point. If the mongoose managed to catch up with the fugitive, the mongoose received a point. Whoever scores more points wins.

Repairing a hedge from golden leaf sophora

On the island of Maui we encountered a plant with surprisingly durable wood - golden-leaved sophora. The Polynesians used it to build fences. We repaired a couple of destroyed fences: we connected identical letters and numbers with vertical lines.

Do you want to have a fun game of geography using a ready-made outline?

Collecting and enjoying macadamia nuts

We came across another amazing tree on the island of Maui - macadamia nut. The fruits of this tree are the most expensive nuts in the world. But collecting them is not so easy: the branches of the tree are intertwined so much that you can’t tell where everything is. We ran our fingers along the winding branches of the tree and feasted on the nuts. Instead of macadamia nuts, we had peanuts (and it’s not a nut at all, but a legume), but the hazelnut brother is better - it’s shape is more suitable.

After refreshing ourselves, we headed to the island of Oahu, the most populated island of the Hawaiian archipelago.

The island of Oahu is the most populous

The island of Oahu is not only the most populous island of the Hawaiian archipelago, it is on the island of Oahu that the capital of the state of Hawaii is located - the city of Honolulu. That's where we arrived.

Are there diamonds in the crater of the extinct Diamond Head volcano?

First, we walked around the Diamond Head crater (Diamond Head means “Diamond Head” in English), collecting pieces of feldspar (the volcano was lined with ropes). The children then took them as souvenirs. And then we joined the marathon race along the highway.

"Hawaiian Eagle" and special car racing

We admired the pride of Hawaii - the Hawaiian Eagle fire truck. This is the fastest cargo and fire truck in the world, which can travel at the speed of a jet plane). It is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And they organized races in special cars.

In Pearl Harbor

We looked into Pearl Harbor, where the battleship Arizona, sunk by the Japanese during World War II, has been turned into a memorial. The photograph of the Arizona memorial was made as follows: on a sheet of paper they drew a top view of the ship, then covered the sheet with blue paint so that the contours of the ship were barely noticeable, and on top and a piece of white cardboard they made the memorial building itself.

Aloha Tower

We looked at the Aloha Tower. Kazarka told how during the Second World War the tower was painted camouflage and the lighthouse on it was extinguished. After the war, the brown-green stains were washed off, and the signal fire and lighthouse began working again. Now in Honolulu there are a lot of buildings that are much taller than the tower, so there is no signal light or beacon on it anymore, but the clock remains.