Drawing lesson senior group autumn. Drawing in the senior group

Drawing in the senior group, depending on the kindergarten curriculum, can follow a standard or non-standard path. That is, traditionally a child learns to draw with pencils (simple, wax), paints

And in creative circles, children use different techniques (spraying, blotography with threads and tubes, drawing with soap bubbles, pokes, fingers, palms, candles, leaves, “wet” drawing, airbrushing, scratching, monotype, imprint) and mix materials (for example, crayons with watercolor). Nowadays, many modern teachers of state kindergartens are trying to diversify classes in

Preliminary work on visual activities

Drawing in the senior group is aimed at consolidating and detailing previously acquired knowledge. Children can draw the shapes of geometric figures (circle, cylinder, triangle, square, rectangle) and convey them through images of vegetables, animals, people, birds. In older preschool age, it is necessary to more detail the conveyed image, focusing on its features.

For example, a child freely depicts his family. Then you need to suggest that dad is taller than mom, who is taller than the children, and their youngest is a preschooler. In addition, you need to help with the proportions of the body: the torso is divided into two parts, the elbows should end where the “belt” is. The face should also be harmonious and correct.

In order for children to better understand the signs, proportions, and properties of the objects depicted, the teacher works every day to develop their perception of the world around them. Without this, not a single drawing can be done (senior group). The kindergarten provides the necessary material for classes, and teachers and parents should broaden the children’s horizons.

Visual skills of a senior preschooler

Teachers, together with the children, study weather phenomena on the street, examine objects, and in a group consolidate the acquired knowledge through modeling, appliqué, cutting out shapes and figures, and tracing patterns. As soon as the children remember all the signs, they try to draw themselves.

Then an analysis of the errors in the resulting drawings is carried out. Based on this, one or another drawing technique is selected. For example, you need to circle the dots, numbers, or complete a symmetrically depicted picture in the cells. Children must learn to arrange all objects harmoniously in space and convey realistic images on a sheet of paper.

In addition, drawing in the older group should develop a sense of color and aesthetic taste. Various techniques help with this. For example, children make from splashes, convey through leaf prints, brush marks. They can draw with soap bubbles (mix shampoo with paints), a candle, and then paint over the background with watercolors. All this contributes to the development of creative abilities, imagination, and broadening the horizons of older preschoolers.

Drawing vegetables

It is easier for a child to master drawing vegetables. In the older group, the lesson is arranged in increasing complexity:

  • children study the shape and appearance of vegetables in pictures, visual aids, real objects (feel, pronounce);
  • preschoolers draw a geometric shape;
  • correct the appearance of the vegetable;
  • outline the main lines, bulges and other small elements with a pencil;
  • color with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

For example, a cucumber resembles an oval shape. Next, one end of the oval is lengthened and narrowed. Then, at the other end, draw the tail of the vegetable, mark “pimples” and groove lines on the body. The cucumber is then colored, showing the dark and light shades of the peel.

Or take, for example, carrots. A triangle is drawn. Then one side of it is rounded, the boundaries of the vegetable are made smoother. Next are the leaves and roots. Then the carrots are painted.

As soon as the senior group has mastered drawing vegetables, children move on to drawing still lifes. First, this is drawing linear visual objects, then vegetables on a plate or other utensils. The most difficult level is depicting objects from memory. To do this, before the lesson, the features of the appearance of the vegetable/vegetables are discussed, after which the children begin to complete the task (immediately using paints).

Drawing animals

Older preschoolers already know how to portray animals, but more often they are fabulous, animated (in dresses and suits, walk on two legs, eat with their paws). The teacher’s task is to achieve a realistic transfer of the image. For this purpose, visual activity takes place in parallel with applications, modeling, reading, and getting to know the outside world.

To begin with, children study the structural features of the body, then try to find common properties with already familiar shapes (for example, a round head, an oval body, triangular ears). In addition to the similarities, attention is focused on existing discrepancies, the tilt of objects, and their spatial position.

Let's look at drawing animals in the older group using the example of a hedgehog, a sheep and a puppy. To draw a hedgehog in a clearing, you need to do the following:

  • find the center of the sheet where the animal will be located;
  • draw an oval (body);
  • on one edge outline a nose in the shape of a carrot;
  • draw a round eye, nose, oval legs, mouth, needles with sticks;
  • outline the grass, the sun, the clouds;
  • Then you paint with paints, taking into account color transitions.

Image of a sheep, puppy

  • draw a circle (torso);
  • determine the tilt of the head;
  • outline an oval (head);
  • outline the body in a zigzag, creating curls;
  • draw eyes on the head;
  • outline four legs with sticks;
  • draw the “feet” of the paws, the nose with dots, the pupils of the eyes, the ears;
  • decorate.

The most difficult stage is considered to be detailed drawing in the senior group. Here :

  • draw an oval body, a round head, taking into account the tilt;
  • draw a circle (muzzle) in the middle, mark the neck, paws with rectangular strokes and ovals (feet) with lines;
  • Schematically determine the symmetry of the muzzle, outlining the position of the eyes, nose, and draw the ears;
  • draw eyes, mouth;
  • instead of circles on the paws, draw fingers, add a tail;
  • erase the extra lines, mark the direction of the fur.

Such complex classes are carried out with children individually, in drawing classes.

Drawing "Mushrooms" in the senior group

Children often depict mushrooms with a vertical and horizontal oval. They especially like to decorate the fly agaric. It can be depicted with a convex oval or triangular cap. To draw a fly agaric with an oval hat, you need to determine its location on the sheet of paper and mark an ellipsoidal oval with a vertical stick. Next, draw the leg of the fly agaric.

Divide the ellipse diagonally: draw circles on top of the hat, and below, on the leg, a white collar. This way you can draw large and small mushrooms in the clearing. To get a triangular hat, make the top of the fly agaric into a mound. Under the hat, draw an oval outline of the inner layers. For such a “curly” mushroom, draw a thickened leg at the bottom. This is a simple drawing.

Mushrooms in the older group can be depicted more naturally. To do this, do the following:

More often than not, mushrooms grow in the rain. How to draw it realistically, without “sticks”, we will consider further.

Drawing "It's Raining"

The older group is already identifying the characteristics of rain (mushroom, blind, torrential, autumn, summer). The teacher just needs to focus on the fact that the drops are depicted in one direction. First, children draw clouds with raindrops, then they depict people with an umbrella; at the last stage, preschoolers depict rain “on the other side of the window.”

What to pay attention to when depicting rain clouds.

  • If the clouds are nearby, then depict the rain as elongated drops of different sizes, but in the same direction. The drops start from the middle of the cloud, and not from the edge. The bottom and top of the clouds are darker in color than the foreground.
  • If the clouds are far away, then shade the background under them with a pencil, forming a continuous shower stream. Then use strokes to identify individual raindrops.

This is a simple drawing (“It’s Raining”). The older group is quite capable of depicting “natural” weather phenomena. The following rules will help with this.

  1. You always depict rain on a dark background, regardless of whether you draw with paints, pencils, pastels, or oils.
  2. Draw the rain lines parallel to each other.
  3. You convey bright drops through the pressure of an eraser, a candle, different colors or a special bristled fan brush.

If you need to depict rain as a natural phenomenon, then draw a landscape, and after some time apply drops of light paint on top of it with continuous inclined strokes. If you make drops with an eraser, first draw directions with the wide side, and then with a sharp corner, using strong pressure, create a highlight of the drops.

You depict people in the pouring rain in a similar way. But attention is paid not only to the direction of the rain, the shape of the drops, but also to puddles and the force of the splashes. This is taught to preschoolers in individual drawing lessons.

Drawing autumn

October is the month of autumn competitions. The teacher needs to consolidate the weather properties with the children through drawing (“Autumn”). The older group compares all the autumn months, finds similarities and differences, and remembers color transitions. The simplest task is when children depict a lonely tree. To do this, first determine its location and mark the trunk and branches with a “slingshot”.

Then small ticks are also schematically applied on the branches. Using paint, the thickness of the trunk and branches is “increased”. On top of the branches, foliage is depicted in different colors (red, orange, yellow). Now all that remains is to draw the lawn, sky, clouds, sun and shadow from the tree.

Autumn can be depicted by drawing leaf fall. Here children consolidate their knowledge about trees. The easiest option is to depict autumn with prints (this method is most preferred by the older group).

Drawing: theme "Autumn"

  • Collect different leaves from trees.
  • Distribute them on a sheet of paper.
  • Next, take a piece of paper and generously coat it on the reverse side with red, yellow, or orange paint (especially carefully coat the veins).
  • Place the leaf with the painted reverse side on the album sheet and press with your palm.
  • Do this work with other sheets, choosing a different color.
  • Now the leaves are no longer needed. You draw the prints with a brush and paints. Please note that the veins of the leaf act as the trunk and branches of the tree.

You can draw tree trunks with branches, and put leaf dots with your fingers. Preschoolers of any age also enjoy this. For the competition, many children, showing their imagination, draw an image of autumn with a woman’s face and leaves instead of hair. This consolidates knowledge about the proportions of the human face, leaves, trees and the color scheme of autumn.

Drawing birds

Drawing a bird in the older group follows the same plan as the lesson on depicting animals. First, all details are compared with geometric shapes, attention is focused on movement, head tilt, and location on the landscape sheet. Here is an example (drawing a peacock):

  • draw an oval body;
  • a round head on top;
  • the neck goes from the head along an oval;
  • draw triangular wings on the body;
  • add paws with three fingers to the oval;
  • on the head you draw round eyes and a triangular beak;
  • from one wing to the other, outline a loose tail, similar to daisy petals;
  • color it

Drawing in the older group allows you to depict birds from different sides, in action. This is what the profile of a rooster looks like. You start working from the head. Draw a circle, mark the eye, a triangular beak with a transverse line, an oval beard and a comb of three petals.

From the head, draw a neck with a collar similar to the shape of a flared skirt. From it you continue the concave body, which together with the neck resembles a crescent. Next, draw a tail of eight feathers: the first long, raised up, four feathers starting from the end of the body, the last short, extending to a third of the body and hanging down.

On the body, a wing is drawn with a line, legs with four fingers and spurs. On the wing, sharp horizontal arcs indicate feathers, and vertical lines indicate long feathers. The claws are drawn on the fingers in small arcs.

How to write a summary of visual arts

The drawing notes in the senior group are written according to the following plan.

  • Topic of the lesson. Usually taken from the program.
  • Target. Three to five tasks for this lesson are prescribed, which involve acquiring new knowledge and consolidating existing skills.
  • Material. The instrumentation is indicated, right down to the last brush. What techniques will be used, what equipment will be needed.
  • Progress of the lesson. The theoretical part begins with preliminary work on the topic. So, a fairy-tale character may come to visit, who needs to be drawn or who needs help to portray something. With the help of poems, stories, looking at paintings, and visual material, the necessary properties of the object that needs to be drawn are revealed. Then, in practice, children complete the task, and at the end of the lesson, conclusions are drawn about the knowledge gained.

Nowadays, in kindergartens, classes are called “direct educational activities” (DEA). Drawing in the older group did not change its essence. Didactic games, game techniques, and various techniques are also used to make children want to draw the desired object or phenomenon.

Subject: Summary of direct educational activities in artistic creativity (story drawing) in the senior group on the topic: “Colors of Autumn”

Kuchina V.A.

2013 – 2014 academic year

Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity

(story drawing) in the senior group on the topic: “Colors of Autumn”

Software tasks:


1. Teach children to reflect in drawings their impressions of observing autumn nature, to convey the color of autumn on a clear day: bright, varied colors of foliage, leaf fall;

2. Continue to teach children how to compose a plot drawing - place objects on a wide strip of land closer and further away, fill the entire sheet of paper with the image;

3. Teach children to evaluate the work of their peers, highlighting the most interesting visual solutions in them; express aesthetic assessments and judgments.


1. To develop skills in using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first draw all the trunks and branches of trees, then foliage on all trees, skills in technical techniques (drawing with the whole brush, the end, vertical strokes, etc.);

2. Strengthen the skills and abilities of working with watercolors and brushes;

3. Develop artistic and aesthetic feelings and creative abilities.


1. Instill in children a love of nature and the ability to see and experience all its beauty;

2. Consolidate and deepen the still elementary, but necessary knowledge about native nature;

3. Teach accuracy when doing work and the ability to keep order in your workplace.

Preliminary work:

1. Observations of changes in nature;

2. Conversation on the topic: “Autumn”;

3. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”;

4. Reading the poem by Z. Fedorovskaya “Autumn was spreading colors at the edge...”;

5. Didactic game “Correct the mistakes of nature” (for the formation of the lexical structure of speech, for example: autumn has come and warm winds have blown, leaves have blossomed on the trees, etc.);

6. Didactic game “Say with the word “autumn”” (for the ability to coordinate a noun with an adjective);

7. Drawing on the theme: “Autumn tree.”

8. Excursion to the city park.

9. Preparing the background on children’s album sheets for the lesson.

Vocabulary work:

1. To consolidate concepts and replenish children’s vocabulary with words: weather, autumn, “Golden Autumn”, “Autumn (beautiful) carpet”, bright foliage, leaf fall;

2. Fix adjectives denoting the characteristics of objects, forming qualitative adjectives: red, yellow, dark yellow, orange, blue, clear, autumn, sunny, windy, rainy, damp, “naked,” tall, short, low, golden.

3. Exercise in the formation of plurals. numbers of verbs, nouns and adjectives: autumn days have arrived; There are yellow leaves on the trees, there are bare trees, flocks of birds are flying away.

4. Exercise in searching for relevant concepts expressed by a verb and consolidate them in the speech of children: they turn yellow, turn red, fall, wither, fly, cover, spin, fall.

^ Demo material:

Several paintings (reproductions) depicting a park, forest, grove on a clear autumn day, a picture three-leaf screen, 3-4 cardboard figures of boys and girls. A tape recorder with recordings of the sounds of nature and lyrical music.

^ Practical material:

Each child has a landscape sheet with a pre-painted blue color of the sheet (sky) and a wide strip of land drawn (the children painted with watercolors on the eve of the lesson, watercolor paints, jars of clean water, soft brushes, napkins.

^ Location: group room.

Progress of the lesson


Listen to the riddle and determine what time of year it talks about:

What kind of sorceress took the paint?

I painted the leaves, took them off the branches,

I hid the midges to sleep until spring,

What kind of sorceress, you tell me?

^ Children:


Right. What changes in the forest with the arrival of autumn?


Leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow and red, fall off, wither, and fall off. Strong winds are blowing. Animals are preparing for winter, etc.


By what signs do we recognize autumn?


Flocks of birds fly away to warmer regions. Often windy weather. Almost all the trees are bare. Leaves fall, fly and spin. They cover the entire ground with an autumn carpet. Leaf fall is coming. It's very beautiful all around, etc.


What's the weather like in autumn?

^ Children:

Rainy, windy, cold, damp. At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, but at the end it becomes cold, etc.


Russian poets Pushkin and Tyutchev loved autumn for its “lush... withering”, “forests dressed in scarlet from gold”, for the fact that it generously gives us the riches of fields, gardens, forests. Yes, this is “the initial, short, but wondrous time - the whole day is as if crystal clear and the evenings are radiant...”.

Guys, do you see how poets speak beautifully about autumn? And let's remember our excursion to the park. How we also admired this beauty! Who can say what day and weather it was then?

^ Children's individual answers:

It was a clear autumn day. The weather was sunny. It was a warm autumn day.


What trees did you and I see in the park? Did the foliage have the same color?

^ Children's individual answers:

Some trees have yellow leaves, others have different colors: red, orange, yellow, dark yellow.


Were there only leaves on the trees?


Leaves fell to the ground, covering it with a beautiful carpet.

^ Then the teacher places several reproductions of paintings on the board and says:

Look guys. Autumn is a very beautiful time of year. Many artists like to paint forests and parks on clear autumn days. They choose bright colors for their paintings. They draw a blue sky, dark tree trunks, next to which yellow, orange and red leaves seem especially bright. The pictures turn out to be joyful.

Would you like to turn into autumn leaves now and fly and spin around? (Yes)

^ The teacher turns on a tape recorder with recordings of nature sounds.

Physical education minute.

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Twisted them, twisted them

And he lowered it to the ground.

(Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements. Repeat 2 times.)


Today, guys, you can feel like little artists. Because you, too, will be painting a park on a clear autumn day.

Pull the sheets of paper towards you. On the sheets you already have a blue sky and a wide strip of land. On such a strip of land you can draw trees that grow in different places - some closer, others further.

If the tree is close, show me where you will draw it? (Children show)

What kind of trees will there be?

^ Children:

Tall, big, big, long.

What will they look like?


Small, low, short.


To have time to draw 3-4 trees, first draw the trunks and branches of all the trees, and then you will draw foliage on all the trees. Try to draw so that your entire sheet is filled with images.

The teacher turns on calm lyrical music. Children start drawing. As they work, the teacher encourages the children to use different colors to depict autumn foliage. He suggests looking at the paintings again to make sure of the variety of autumn foliage colors. Reminds us of rational techniques when depicting trees. Monitors the use of various techniques for painting with a brush (full brush, end, vertical strokes, etc.). Falling leaves from trees should be painted with the end of a brush in small quantities. Those who completed the task earlier can be advised to draw paths in the park, benches, etc.

^ At the end of the lesson, the teacher places the children’s drawings on the board and asks:

Is it possible to find out what time of year is shown in the pictures? How did you know it was autumn?

^ Children:

There is a lot of yellow, red and orange in the drawings. They are not only in the trees, but also on the ground.


What autumn day is depicted - clear or cloudy? How can you tell about this from your drawings? Children:

A clear day because the sky is blue, the foliage is bright, the sun is shining.


How can you call autumn in bright, yellow colors?

^ Children:

Gold autumn!


Tanya, (Kolya, Sveta) repeat!

The teacher confirms the children’s statements that their drawings contain the most yellow and orange colors, which resemble the color of gold.

Look what a wonderful park we have! These little girls and boys wanted to take a walk in our park. They wanted to visit the most beautiful places. But the park turned out to be big, and they don’t know how to find these places. Who will help them find such beautiful places?

(The teacher hands out one figurine to the children who want it and offers to place them near the place that he considers the most beautiful place in the autumn park. Tell your boy or girl why it is attractive, what kind of trees grow, what kind of foliage they have, what else is interesting in this place).

After the lesson, the teacher attaches several drawings to the screen and provides the children with figures of boys and girls to play with. Add cardboard trees, bushes, or children can draw them themselves on cut-out silhouettes and then attach them to stands. You can suggest making a fence and benches from building material (playing out the plot).


The children were able to convey in their drawings the main thing - the content of the topic that was set at the beginning of the lesson. The children drew trees in the park and the leaves falling from them, placing the trees in different places - some closer, others farther away. In almost all the drawings, flocks of birds are flying. Also, some children managed to depict benches and paths in their drawings. And someone even drew a large puddle, which was covered with fallen and already dirty leaves. Someone painted a bright warming sun against a blue sky background, using a means of exaggeration to enhance the impression (a huge sun or a sun with long rays). This is how the children imagined nature in the autumn season, the beauty of golden autumn.

A lot of preliminary work was carried out directly before the plot drawing, which helped expand and clarify the children’s ideas. This helped in the process of work to evoke feelings in children and convey more deeply their impressions and ideas about the environment.

Preschoolers expressed their attitude towards nature using expressive means. The most significant means of expression for children was color. For greater expressiveness and plausibility of the climatic, seasonal state of nature (namely golden autumn), children used the following colors in their drawings: yellow, orange, red (and its shades, brown, green, etc.). Children painted with light and bright colors, thereby expressing their positive attitude towards nature, its objects and phenomena.

Mostly the children drew pictures of a clear autumn day. A pre-prepared background – the sky and a wide strip of land – played a big role. But some children, using the image of trees tilting in one direction or leaves flying in one direction (using the technique of vertical brush strokes), managed to convey a day in windy autumn weather. This is how the children conveyed the climatic features of a clear, but already cold autumn day.

Preschoolers draw objects using different shapes - trees with a tent-shaped and round crown. The line as a means of expression is smooth, does not break, is clear, and well drawn. Perspective changes in objects in space are traced: what is located far away in nature is drawn higher, and vice versa; objects in the near plans are drawn larger, and objects in the distance are drawn in smaller sizes. The entire composition filled the entire sheet. The drawings are done neatly.

From these pictures you can immediately determine that the time of year is autumn. It’s beautiful all around – colorful foliage and falling leaves. It's golden autumn! Thus, the teacher was able to see and make sure that the children were able to compose the composition of their plot drawing.

Even small children can draw a tree using the “poke” method. The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, a reader of “Native Path”, a technology teacher, the head of an art circle for preschool children, a participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through play - to success!”.

To draw a tree using the poke method you will need:

- gouache paints,

- brushes No. 2, No. 4,

- white watercolor paper A 4.

We will paint this tree immediately with paints without first drawing the outline. The crown of the tree will consist of 3 tiers of different sizes. We will draw it as follows.

Step by step description of drawing a tree

Step 1:

In the center of the upper part of the sheet of paper, using a brush No. 4 with yellow paint, draw a dotted contour in the form of a cloud on the upper tier of the tree crown. The brush must be held vertically. You need to paint with the tip of the brush, making “pokes”. Then, inside the contour using the “poke” method, we will paint over this tier.

Step 2: Stepping back from the first tier down approximately 1 - 1.5 centimeters, as in the first point, we point-draw the second tier of the crown a little larger than the first. I say approximate because the size of each tier will be completely different for everyone. Therefore, every little artist will orient himself in size relative to the sheet. The contour should not be perfectly smooth and symmetrical along the edges relative to the center.

Step 3: Similar to the previous points, inside the contour using the “poke” method, paint over the second tier and draw the third tier. Let's fill it inside the contour. Make sure that the brush is always directed vertically.

Step 4: Apply dotted orange paint to all three tiers of the autumn tree. We apply orange paint mostly on the left side at the bottom of the crown, creating darker spots, because Let's conditionally choose the lighting on the right. Therefore, the right side should be lighter than the left.

Step 5: Using the “poke” method, we’ll paint the grass under the tree first with yellow paint, then with orange.

Step 6: To source No. 2, use brown paint to draw a trunk between the tiers. Moreover, it is better to draw it from the bottom up, since the tree grows, gradually narrowing the trunk towards the upper small tier. It is advisable to take paint in two shades: dark and lighter. Then the texture of the bark will stand out on the trunk. Let's draw the branches.

Step 7: Since we conventionally assumed that the light falls on the tree from the right, we will add thin lines along the trunk on the right side with yellow paint.

I would like to add that children of different ages completed the task. Some completed the drawing of an autumn tree entirely on their own. For others, I helped them first draw on the outline and trunk with a pencil.

Examples of children's drawings of autumn trees

How to draw a tree: creative tasks for children

— What two groups are tree species divided into? (deciduous and coniferous)

- Name the species of deciduous trees (Rowan, aspen, poplar, linden, elm, autumn, maple, birch and others).

-What tree did you depict? Think about whether it is possible to depict coniferous trees using this technique?

— Try to draw a pine tree using this technique? How can I do that? ().

- Consider the shape of the tree. Are the crown and trunk dimensions the same at the top and bottom? What is the difference? How can you get this result when drawing a tree?

— Why is autumn called golden?

— Read to children or learn poems about autumn:

If in the trees
the leaves have turned yellow,
If the land is far away
the birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
if it rains,
It's that time of year
It's called autumn. (M. Khodyakova “Autumn”)

Following the summer
Autumn is coming.
Yellow songs
The wind sings to her
Red under your feet
Spreads leaves
White snowflake
Flying into the blue. (V. Stepanov “Autumn is Coming”)

An autumn tree can be drawn not only using the “poke” method, but also using other techniques. How to do this is in the step-by-step master classes below.

Master class 2. How to paint an autumn tree with watercolors using a straw

In this step-by-step video from the Art School channel, you will learn how to draw a tree very quickly and easily using a straw, a brush and watercolors.

Master class 3. How to paint an autumn tree with watercolors using the monotype technique

Master class 4. How to paint an autumn tree with gouache paints

If you want to draw a more realistic tree, then there is a very, very detailed master class for you - a tree drawing lesson.

Click on or on the course cover below to free subscription

GCD for drawing in the senior group

"Autumn Tree"

Program content:

  • Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Autumn Tree”
  • Introduce children to a new type of non-traditional drawing technique “imprint, imprint with leaves”
  • Create conditions for artistic experimentation: show the possibility of obtaining orange by mixing yellow with red
  • Develop color perception, sense of composition, aesthetic taste
  • To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature in the surrounding world and in art


  • Panel with an autumn tree without leaves for group work
  • Gouache, napkins, water, brushes
  • Basket with natural leaves (birch, linden, oak, maple)
  • Didactic game “An Artist Named Autumn”
  • Poems, music P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”

Preliminary work:

  • Excursions around the kindergarten site and the autumn park
  • Looking at autumn illustrations
  • Reading poems about autumn
  • Conversations with children about autumn and autumn phenomena

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

The teacher shows the children photographs of autumn nature with characteristic autumn colors.

The forest stripped

Blue sky

It's that time of year...autumn

Autumn can be different: gloomy with rain; affectionate, bright, elegant, kind - just like the mood... Let's convey a good mood to each other and get ready for joint creative work! Let's pass the smile around... (passing a mushroom, an apple, etc. we pass a smile to each other)

2. Didactic game “An Artist Named Autumn”(according to Lykova)

Look at these leaves - they are multi-colored. What colors does Autumn love most? Choose a similar color scheme from among the artist’s paints.

3. Dynamic pause “We walked through the forest...”

We bring in a basket with natural leaves. This is a gift from Autumn. The teacher reads the poem and lays out the leaves on the floor.

Autumn has come to visit us

The rain and the wind brought

The wind blows, blows,

The leaves are torn from the branches.

Leaves are spinning in the wind

And they lie at our feet

Well, let's go for a walk

And we’ll collect the leaves...

GAME “We were walking through the forest, we found a leaf...”

Children stand in a circle, moving in a circle, pronounce words, find the piece of paper that is mentioned in the text.

We walked through the forest, we found a leaf,

We walked through the forest, we found an oak leaf...

... found a linden leaf...

...they found a leaf from a birch tree...

...we found a maple leaf!

Children hold maple leaves in their hands and approach the “Autumn Tree” panel.

4. Examination of the panel

Educator: what elegant, beautiful trees are in autumn, look how richly decorated our tree is... oh, what is it, what happened, why is our tree sad, upset, how can you and I help it? Lead the children to the idea that they need to draw leaves and decorate the tree together...

Educator: The right decision, guys! But today we will draw with the leaves that we have in our hands, we will make impressions, imprints of leaves. But there is no orange paint on the table, only red and yellow...how to get orange?

5. Showing the order in which the impression (print) is made.

How to complete the task correctly: use gouache paint to paint over the leaf from the side of the veins, carefully turn the leaf over, holding it by the handle and press it to the panel, making an imprint.

6. Practical part.

Children make prints from autumn leaves on a panel depicting an autumn landscape, collective co-creation.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” - “Autumn” sounds quietly.

7. Lesson summary:

Do you think our tree is happy now? Why? Are you satisfied?

Well done guys, do you know any poems about autumn? (reading poetry to children if desired)

Summary of drawing lesson “Autumn Forest”

Senior group. Teacher I.N. Sukhareva.

Target: Teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques, clarifying and generalizing knowledge about autumn.

Software tasks:


Learn to convey the structure of a tree in a drawing - trunk and branches of different lengths;

Introduce the technique - imprint (imprint) with crumpled paper.

2. Developmental:

Develop creative individuality.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

To promote the development of children's creativity when doing work independently.

3. Educational:

To instill in children a sense of beauty, a love for nature, for their native land through fine art.

Cultivate an interest in reflecting your impressions in visual arts.

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look at the album I have. (Open an empty album). Oh, but there is not a single drawing in it. And I really wanted to have an interesting and beautiful album! Can you help me draw autumn pictures?

I suggest drawing an autumn forest. What color paints will we use?

In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions of Russian artists. (Display of reproductions of autumn nature at the discretion of the teacher).

Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, shrubs, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold-

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!...

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!...

We look at images of some trees with children, pay attention to the different shapes of trunks - they can be thin and thick, straight and curved, low and high; on the crown of trees - spreading or raised up.

Dynamic pause (trees).

Look carefully, we don’t have brushes on our tables, what are we going to paint with?

We will draw the trunks with wax crayons, and the crown with crumpled paper. To do this, we need to crumple the paper, as if we were offended by it, and make lumps out of it.

(Children crumple the paper. Physical exercise)

Pull the sheets of paper towards you. We will draw trees that grow in different places - trunks and branches of all trees; some are closer, others are further away. If the tree is close, where will you draw it? What if further? To have time to draw three to four trees, first draw the trunks and branches of all the trees; and then you will draw foliage (crown) on the trees. Draw trees tall. Try to draw so that the entire sheet is filled with images (partial showing the image of a tree). We will learn to draw foliage (crown) using an imprint of crumpled paper (showing on pre-drawn trees how to draw foliage - using the imprint method).

We'll be dipping balls of crumpled paper into paint and lightly stamping them onto the trees. (There is no need to wet the lumps too much). For each paint you need to take a new piece of paper.

There are also leaves on the ground, draw them in the same way. Now you can start drawing yourself. Where will you start drawing? From drawing trunks and branches. Next we draw leaves on the trees and the ground. We draw the trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks what you liked and what the children had difficulties with? After the children’s work has dried, the album “Autumn Forest” is created.