Tragedy definition. Quotes from Oscar Wilde The main tragedy in a person's life

May peace and grace multiply in your life from our Lord Jesus Christ!

I believe that the word I share with you in this column strengthens you and helps you continue on your journey into eternal life.

Yesterday we started talking about how we can turn tragedy into triumph. We said that God's desire for us is to show us how to live so as not to mourn forever, but to celebrate victory after victory, despite everything that we have already been through or are going through now.

Before we delve into how we can turn tragedy into triumph, let's look at why tragedy occurs in a person's life in the first place.

Many people ask me: “If God is so good, then why does He allow so much tears, tragedy and sorrow in this world? If this is not the work of God, then where does all this evil come from? Where does tragedy come from? Where is its beginning, its origins?

Honest and seemingly innocent people who suffer want to know why and for what they suffer. Dedicated and sincere believers who trust in God with all their hearts, but at the same time also suffer and suffer, also want to know why all this is happening in their lives. These questions have been asked by people in every generation. Here's one example of this:

“The Hope of Israel, her Savior in time of trouble! Why are you like a stranger in this land, like a passerby who came to spend the night? Why are You as an astonished man, as a strong man, not having the power to save? And yet You, Lord, are among us, and Your name is named above us; do not forsake us...Have You completely rejected Judas? Is Zion disgusting to your soul? Why did he strike us so that there is no healing for us? We are waiting for peace, and there is nothing good; We are waiting for the time of healing, and behold horrors” (Jeremiah 14:8-9,19).

The question of where tragedies came from and why they come into human life is relevant. For the answer to this question we turn to the Bible.

Based on the Holy Scriptures, we can identify a number of reasons why the earth today is filled with suffering and tragedy. Let's try to touch on the main reasons.

“When tempted, no one should say: God is tempting me; because God is not tempted by evil and does not tempt anyone Himself, but everyone is tempted by being carried away and deceived by his own lust; lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin that is committed gives birth to death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning” (James 1:13-17).

This passage of Scripture shows us where tragedy does NOT come from. God is not the author of suffering or tragedy. Only good and perfect gifts come from Him. God does not change because there is no change or shadow of change in Him. It is not the case with God that today He is good and tomorrow He is an evil tyrant. Remember this important lesson: God is not man's enemy, therefore nothing bad comes from Him.

God is not the source of our troubles, but on the contrary, He is the answer and solution to our problems. If we draw closer to God, then, no matter what is happening in our lives now - tragedy or misfortune - we can always find help and strength in God for a full and victorious life in this evil world.

We will continue tomorrow!

Be blessed!

Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

We all have our little tragedies. Why are we talking about them this way today? Because on a global scale, one person is just one in a billion-dollar population of others. For most, things happening on this scale are just a trifle, a speck in the cycle of life. For a few it is a tragedy. Little tragedies like these happen to every person. And for everyone they are individual - unique. Divorces, deaths, robberies, accidents, fires, and much more. Everyone experiences their troubles in their own way. But a tragedy is always a tragedy. No matter what scale it is.

For a week now, all federal channels have been broadcasting a story about a girl killed by a maniac - a garbage man. Investigators are now looking into why she paid with her life, but that’s not the point. The village in which this girl was born, and later moved to the capital, is still in mourning - for them, the deceased was not just a fellow villager. Half are relatives. The rest are with whom I studied and were friends. Is it possible to survive the tragedy that happened to a 22-year-old young, beautiful and promising girl? The question is complex. For most viewers of crime news, this story will be a reason for discussion. For about 30 minutes. Maximum – for a couple of days. But then everything will be forgotten. This plot will be replaced by a new one, and everyone will empathize with completely different heroes. As for the relatives of the deceased, there is probably nothing worth saying. Write that they want justice for the killer? No, that would be too weak a word. I probably won’t dare repeat their words. But I won’t say that I don’t understand them or condemn them. The parents outlived their child... Will they be able to survive this tragedy? Will this plot replace their lives with a new one?

Usually at such moments, when the news presenter begins to ask viewers such questions from the screen, listeners switch channels with a button. Click-click. And from unpleasant thoughts you were immediately transported to the cultural channel, where there is no crime at all. It’s a pity that the main characters of tragedies will not be able to switch gears and forget that for some people in life not everything is so sweet. Many argue that journalists who constantly see such things as part of their job harden, become callous, and generally perceive reality more easily. But for some reason, for me, a person who has been working in crime news for several years, things are not getting any easier. Every tragedy, every “plot” for someone is perhaps just another sad story. For me, it passes through the soul, leaving its invisible imprint on it. Of course, not the same as those of people who experienced a tragedy. But, undoubtedly, remained in my memory.

I remember all these people who came and asked for help. Who wanted justice. Fair justice. For example, the woman who fought for several years to put her son’s killer behind bars. A young guy was killed in a nightclub by a drunken group of his friends. All this was filmed on a hidden camera located right in the room. But at first she was not brought to trial and one (!) defendant was sentenced to several hours of correctional labor! This was nonsense! And for the mother of the deceased, this case practically became her life’s work, something that kept her going all the time while the trials were going on. She went through all the authorities, attracted the press and everyone she could. As a result, the killer, or rather the one who took full responsibility, was given a legal few years to “think about his behavior.” And it was as if all the strength had gone out of the woman. She went limp and stopped being interested in everything that was happening. Not only in the world, country, city, but also in your own life. The parent outlived his child...

There are enough stories for this article. Let's get back to the main topic. Small tragedies in the lives of adults - is it possible to survive them? Besides standard answers like “don’t think about it” or “you need to diversify your life,” can you offer anything else? “50 ways to survive a tragedy”, “Get a divorce and live a full life” - I am skeptical about this kind of article. Those who wrote them simply did not experience what these people experienced. Or I tried to survive and decided to talk about it. Is it possible to survive a tragedy? Personally, I think not. Tragedy leaves a greasy mark on the soul. And at some moments it manifests itself. One way or another.

Opened the search engine. I asked the question: “How to survive a tragedy.” Yandex returned 4 million pages. This means that small tragedies have a completely different scale than we imagine. People are lonely and not at the same time. Among their acquaintances or people around them, there will certainly be at least a couple with the same tragedies. Just don't brush aside other people's troubles. You just need to listen if you become an interlocutor of such a storyteller and, if possible, help in some way (with advice, communication or something else). It won't cost you anything, but it will mean a lot to someone who has experienced a tragedy.

Issue topic: Oscar Wilde - quotes and phrases from books and personal statements:

  • I am dying as I lived - beyond my means.
  • ...Life is too important to talk about it seriously.
  • I always surprise myself. This is the only thing worth living for.
  • Atheism needs religion no less than faith.
  • Other people's dramas are always unbearably banal.
  • Most of us are not us. Our thoughts are someone else's judgments; our life is mimicry.
  • A person must absorb the colors of life, but never remember the details. The details are always banal.
  • Be yourself, the rest of the roles are taken.
  • The foundation of literary friendship is the exchange of poisoned glasses.
  • In America, in the Rocky Mountains, I saw the only reasonable method of artistic criticism. In the bar there was a sign above the piano: “Don’t shoot the pianist - he’s doing the best he can.”
  • Murder is always a miss. You should never do anything that you can't chat with people about after dinner.
  • There are only two tragedies possible in life: the first is not getting what you dream of, the second is getting it. book "Lady Windermere's Fan"

  • I have unpretentious taste: the best is enough for me
  • In the real world of facts, sinners are not punished and the righteous are not rewarded. Success accompanies the strong, failure befalls the weak. That's all. book "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
  • It's hard to escape the future.
  • A thing is what can be seen in it...
  • No one can teach you what you really need to know.
  • Time is a waste of money.
  • Only empty people know themselves. book “Testaments to the Young Generation”
  • We're all in the gutter, but some are looking at the stars. book "Lady Windermere's Fan"
  • Now good upbringing is just a hindrance. It blocks out too much.
  • Whenever a person commits stupidity, he does it from the most noble motives.
  • There is only one sin - stupidity. book "The Critic as an Artist"
  • Children begin with love for their parents. As they grow up, they begin to judge them. Sometimes they forgive them.
  • Arguing is so vulgar. After all, in decent society people always share the same opinion about the book “The Remarkable Rocket”
  • The only thing you will never regret is our mistakes and delusions.

  • Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.
  • Naturalness is just a pose, and also the most annoying one I know.
  • Punctuality is the thief of time.
  • Life is never fair. For most of us, it's probably better this way.
  • A poet can tolerate anything except a typo.
  • Knowing your friends is an extremely dangerous thing.
  • The concept of good and evil is accessible only to those who are deprived of all other concepts.
  • Art is the most expressive of all known forms of individualism. book "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
  • Patriotism is a great madness.
  • What is true in a person’s life is not his deeds, but the legends that surround him. Legends should never be destroyed. Through them we can vaguely see the person's true face.
  • Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
  • What a beautiful moon today! - Yes, but if you had seen her before the war...
  • Society often forgives the criminal. But not a dreamer.
  • When the gods want to punish us, they answer our prayers. book "The Ideal Husband"
  • Public opinion triumphs where thought slumbers.
  • The beauty of the soul grows to gain the gift of seeing God book “The Holy Harlot, or the Woman Covered with Jewels”
  • Only intellect ennobles a person.
  • Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime. book “Testaments to the Young Generation”

  • A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, but absolute sincerity is simply fatal. book "The Critic as an Artist"
  • People always laugh at their tragedies - this is the only way to bear them.
  • A thought that is not dangerous does not deserve to be called a thought.
  • The difference between a whim and eternal love is that the whim lasts a little longer.
  • A prayer must remain unanswered, otherwise it ceases to be a prayer and becomes a correspondence.
  • The world is divided into two classes - some believe in the incredible, others do the impossible.
  • We consider what we wear to be fashionable and what others wear to be unfashionable.
  • Motherhood is a fact. Fatherhood is an opinion.
  • On the ancient Greek portal of the ancient world it was written: know yourself. On the portal of the modern world it will be written: be yourself.
  • People always destroy what they love most.
  • Doing nothing is one of the hardest things to do, the most challenging and the most intellectual. book "The Critic as an Artist"
  • Heal your soul with sensations, and let your soul heal sensations.
  • Education is a wonderful thing, but you should remember at least from time to time that nothing that really needs to be known can be taught. book "The Critic as an Artist"
  • When people immediately agree with me, I feel like I’m wrong.
  • Society has a truly insatiable curiosity about everything that does not deserve curiosity.

  • The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its shame.
  • Society often forgives criminals, but never forgives dreamers. book "The Critic as an Artist"
  • As soon as the cannibals begin to threaten death from exhaustion, God, in his infinite mercy, sends them a fat missionary.
  • People call their mistakes experience.
  • A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes it. book “Testaments to the Young Generation”
  • Positive people get on your nerves, bad people get on your imagination.
  • Sometimes what we consider dead does not want to die for a long time. book "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
  • Consistency is the last refuge of unimaginative people.
  • Behind the beautiful there is always some tragedy hidden. For the most humble flower to bloom, the worlds must undergo birth pangs.
  • The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
  • There are three types of despots. The first terrorizes the body. The second terrorizes the soul. The third is equal parts body and soul. The first is called Prince, the second is called Pope, the third is People. book "The Soul of Man under Socialism"
  • The biggest mysteries lie in what we see, not in what is hidden from our eyes.
  • The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it. book "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
  • Conscience is the official name for cowardice.
  • The soul is born old, but becomes younger and younger. This is a comedy of life. The body is born young and ages. And this is a tragedy.
  • Fate does not send us messengers - for this it is wise enough or cruel enough. book "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
  • Every desire that we try to suppress ferments in our soul and poisons us. And having sinned, a person gets rid of the attraction to sin, for fulfillment is the path to purification. Afterwards, only memories of pleasure and the voluptuousness of repentance remain. The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.
  • Those who see the difference between soul and body have neither body nor soul.
  • It's always nice not to arrive where you are expected.
  • Only superficial people do not judge by appearance.
  • Everything can be survived except death; everything can be transferred except a good reputation.
  • Only words give reality to phenomena.
  • In everything that people take seriously, you need to see the comic side of things.
  • The tragedy of old age is not that you are old, but that you still consider yourself young.
  • Loyalty in love, like consistency and immutability of thoughts, is simply proof of powerlessness.
  • Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. book "Lady Windermere's Fan"
  • There are only two tragedies possible in our life. One is when you don't get what you want, the other is when you do get it. The second is worse, it is truly a tragedy!
  • Nature, of course, has good intentions, but, as Aristotle once said, she is not able to bring them to life.
  • There are only two real tragedies in life: one is when you don’t get what you want, and the second is when you get it.
  • Moderation is a fatal property. Only extremes lead to success.
  • Being in society is simply boring. And to be outside of society is already a tragedy.

  • A cynic is a person who knows the price of everything, but does not know the value.
  • The burdens of our day are too heavy for man to bear alone, and the pain of the world is too deep for man to bear alone. book "The Young King"
  • To regain my youth, I am ready to do anything - just not get up early, not do gymnastics and not be a useful member of society.
  • It makes no sense to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or stupid.
  • Selfishness does not mean living the way you want, it is a requirement for others to live the way you want.
  • Ambition is the last refuge of losers. book “Testaments to the Young Generation”
  • I can resist everything except temptation.
  • ... I can't stand vulgar realism in literature. A person who calls a shovel a shovel should be forced to work with it - that's all he's good for. book "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Issue topic: Oscar Wilde - quotes and phrases, as well as sayings, sayings, aphorisms and statuses.