Chauvinism - what is it? Add your price to the Comment database. What is chauvinism in the modern world and what types of it exist

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In recent years, we have come across this concept more and more often. It appears with amazing consistency in the speeches of politicians, in topics of public discussion, in discussions about the problems of the country and people. Often chauvinism and nationalism are closely intertwined in our minds. Some people consider them synonymous. Chauvinism - what is it? Let's try to figure it out.

The history of the term “chauvinism” dates back to France during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. The soldier, Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, remained a devoted supporter of his emperor until the very end. The name became a common noun and was transformed into a term. Chauvinism in its basic meaning is an ideological concept that is based on the belief of the superiority of one nation over another. Aggressive policies and pressure are methods used by supporters of chauvinism to incite ethnic hatred.

Today, the word “chauvinism” refers to the unrestrained praise of any one nation or group of people, its exaltation over other nations or groups. As a rule, the chauvinist himself belongs to the very nationality or group that he praises.

Who are chauvinists? Unlike nationalism, where “all peoples are equal,” chauvinists see their nation as endowed with special, exclusive powers and rights. Fascism is one of the terrible manifestations of chauvinism, a crime against all humanity. The result is the death of millions of people of different nationalities, large-scale destruction of cultural and material property.

Chauvinism - psychology

The concept of chauvinism is used by psychologists of different schools. The psychotraumatic experience of upbringing, based on suppression, lays the foundation for the child to further self-affirmation in negative ways. The boy can learn the result of a destructive relationship between father and mother (beatings, humiliation) and carry this program further into his future family. What “male chauvinism” is can be clearly seen in eastern countries, where education was initially built on male superiority over women.

Signs of chauvinism

In modern society, open acts of discrimination are illegal and criminally punishable. Political movements based on chauvinistic tendencies will never lead to mutual understanding, openness, and peace between peoples, and therefore will not enjoy the support of the majority of people. The consequences are devastating: war, genocide. In its individual form, chauvinism is present as a “belief system”, mainly among men. Signs of a chauvinist:

  • a male chauvinist actively “fights” against chauvinism, blaming others for it except himself;
  • considers himself free from nationalist prejudices;
  • exaggerates the “greatness”, “otherness” and “interestingness” of his people;
  • elevates the temperament of his nation;
  • believes that all nations “a priori” should love and admire his nation, he is offended when met with indifference;
  • accurately notices the shortcomings of other ethnic groups, but does not know the real advantages and traits of his people.

Types of chauvinism

If we consider for clarity a specific example from history, then in Russia in the 19th – 20th centuries. “Great-power chauvinism” - an expression denoting the dominant attitude of the empire towards other peoples, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, was opposed to nationalism and, as a dangerous ideology, began to be supplanted, but as social chauvinism exists in third world countries. Today, when defining what chauvinism is in other social and public categories, experts distinguish several varieties:

  • religious (confessional);
  • domestic;
  • racial;
  • age chauvinism;
  • gender;
  • language.
  • female chauvinism
  • Gender chauvinism

Regardless of the sphere of manifestation, chauvinism is based on the suppression and domination of some over others, infringement, and inequality of rights. A worldview based on gender discrimination is called gender or sexual chauvinism. The difference in natural essence between a man and a woman creates inequality in political, economic and social manifestations - this is the ideology of sexism. Gender stereotypes play a key role in maintaining sexual chauvinism.


Men can experience tender feelings and sympathy towards women, but at the same time do not consider them equal to themselves; part of the reason lies in psychological differences. Male chauvinism is a term (another name is sexism) coined by American feminists. The writer N. Shmelev considered male chauvinism an integral part of a man. Without realizing it, a man can tell a joke about a “stupid woman” or “evil mother-in-law” at any moment.

Characteristic manifestations of male chauvinism:

  • a man's word is a woman's law;
  • the man is the head of the family;
  • reason, logic and intelligence - the difference between a man and a woman, in whom only feelings prevail;
  • a man is always right;
  • for a man - the appearance of a mistress is encouraged, for a woman - this is censure by society

Female chauvinism

At the end of the 18th century. Women in European countries began to declare their equality with men. The phrase of the American suffragist Abigail Smith Adams: “We will not submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” has gone down in history. Feminism is an ideological movement that has been gaining strength and scope over the course of several centuries. During this time, women managed to achieve equal rights with men:

  • occupy leadership positions;
  • suffrage;
  • military service;
  • choice of any profession;
  • free choice of sexual partners.

All this helped women strengthen their position in society, become useful and influential. Female chauvinism is a concept that arose relatively recently. Unlike feminists, who recognize the rights of men and strive for equal rights with them, chauvinists devalue the role of men and emphasize their superiority. Men say that women also infringe on their rights and see discrimination in the following:

  • early retirement age compared to men;
  • lower standards of physical activity;
  • the need to remove hats in the theater, church - a woman does not need to do this;
  • The woman can make the decision to terminate the pregnancy on her own.

Chauvinism in the modern world

Preserving their traditions, way of life, religion, language, music is a normal desire of people of any nationality. A high level of moral and spiritual development helps to see the benefits and beauty of the entire diversity of the world's cultural heritage. Cultural chauvinism promotes its heritage as the only one and superior to other cultures - it impoverishes human perception.

Chauvinism in the Bible

What is modern chauvinism? There is no consensus between sociologists and other specialists. The origins of this phenomenon go back centuries. Male chauvinism in Christianity is based on the legend of the creation of the world. God created Adam first, and from a rib he created Eve for him - as a consolation. Expulsion from Paradise occurs through the fault of Eve, who tasted (succumbed to the temptation of the serpent) an apple - the fruit of knowledge. “All troubles come from women!” - this stereotype has not outlived its usefulness even today.

Chauvinism as a personality quality is a tendency to be an adherent of the ideology and politics of an extreme form of militant nationalism, preaching the national and racial exclusivity of one people, hatred and contempt for other peoples and inciting national and racial enmity.

A Chukchi, a nationalist and a chauvinist are walking along the shore... The usual layout is a bottle, a removed cork, a genie - and one wish for each. - I want the rivers of my Chukotka to be teeming with fish! - says the Chukchi. Genie: - Ready, they're already swarming... Ukrainian nationalist: - There are so many zombies around Nenko-Ukraine that not a single Muscovite can sneak in! - Done, there is a wall around Ukraine... Chauvinist: - Is this wall strong? Genie: - Very durable... - And thick? - 50 meters... - And high? - 100 meters... - It'll do... Fill it with water to the brim!

A chauvinist is a person who constantly displays extremely heightened national exaltation. He is distinguished by a radical worldview, professing superiority in some area, as a rule, in the national sphere, of his nation over other peoples. He exalts and praises his own so much that it is pointless to have any conversations with him. Akin to a fanatic, a chauvinist does not accept any reasons or arguments.

The word "chauvinism" owes its origin to the French soldier Nicolas Chauvin. In the article “Chauvinism,” Pierre Larousse writes: “This old warrior invariably showed such innocence and such immoderation in expressing his feelings that his comrades eventually began to laugh at him. Gradually, Chauvin became famous not only among the military, but also among the civilian population, and the word “chauvinism” began to be used whenever it came to the worship of Napoleon and, in general, about any immoderate expressions of feelings, especially in the political sphere.”

Writer Jules Claretie says: “After retiring, Chauvin returned to Rochefort and became a gatekeeper at the prefecture. During Napoleon's short stay in Rochefort before sailing to St. Helena, Chauvin did not for a minute leave the door of the room where his master rested. The departure of the Emperor and the return of the Bourbons with their white flag brought the old soldier into a state of extreme excitement. He took the old tricolor banner to his home, laid it on the bed instead of a sheet and grumbled: “I’ll die here”; he kept his word.”

Chauvinists consider themselves more perfect than other people. The fingerprints of chauvinism are superiority over other people. A chauvinist does not consider himself a chauvinist. On the contrary, he accuses others of chauvinism and becomes a passionate fighter against the rabid nationalism of his opponents. This feature was noticed by V.I. Lenin. In an article about German and non-German chauvinism, he writes: “One of the signs of German chauvinism is that “socialists” - socialists in quotation marks - talk about the independence of other peoples other than those oppressed by their own nation... The root of the falsehood of the German chauvinists lies in the fact that, while shouting about their sympathy for the independence of peoples oppressed by their military enemy, England, they modestly - even sometimes too modestly - remain silent about the independence of peoples oppressed their own nation."

Chauvinism is characterized by militant preaching of national exclusivity, the spread of national arrogance, national egoism, the dominant superiority of one nation over others, attempts to make them dependent (great-power chauvinism), and to deprive them of sovereignty.

Chauvinism manifests itself in the propaganda of racism in the policy of colonialism, the opposition and separation of different nationalities, the persecution of ethnic minorities, the commission of genocide against entire peoples, etc. The term “chauvinism” refers to various manifestations of national extremism.

Timofey Pecherin writes: “A typical chauvinist, sometimes unconsciously, refuses the Ten Commandments - preferring to make do with just three: 1. Your own means better. 2. He who is not with us is against us. 3. They don’t talk to enemies (they don’t argue, they don’t prove they’re right). Regarding the third commandment, however, I must make a small clarification. A chauvinist is also not inclined to prove anything to his like-minded people. True, he is not inclined for another reason: he believes that proving something to “his own people” is a waste of time. No one undertakes to specifically substantiate such well-known truths as the intoxicating properties of alcohol or the taste of pickled cucumber. Moreover, from the point of view of a true chauvinist, loyalty and doubt are incompatible. Accordingly, a doubting ally immediately falls into the category of “enemies.” And then the third commandment begins to apply to him...

National-racial-state chauvinist. This is a classic type of chauvinist. He considers his country “the most beautiful in the world” (and worthy of envy), his people as “great” (“unique” and even “God’s chosen”), and his race as the only complete one. In milder forms, chauvinism of this variety is manifested in statements such as: “Russia has the best missiles,” “Italy has the most formidable mafia,” “in America all citizens have equal opportunities,” or “Gobo-Mbobo island has the wisest customs.” Some people believe that the best cure for national chauvinism is traveling abroad. However, judging by the behavior of “Russo tourists”, for example, in Turkey, treating a chauvinist in this way is not much more effective than feeding a wolf with meat.

Chauvinism is narcissism at the state level. A chauvinist is extremely discouraged if his people are not shown due attention. He wants other nations to think only about how to solve the pressing problems of his people. He is unaware that every nation thinks, first of all, about its own interests. Interest in his people can be aroused if others have reason for it, if there is some benefit. It is absurd to expect constant admiration from other peoples. A chauvinist seriously shows dissatisfaction with other nations if he discovers facts that his people are not loved. He doesn’t ask himself why on earth they should love your people. Why does an Arab need Arbat?

Surprisingly, the chauvinist does not know his people. Like an idealist, he has created in his fevered imagination some false, illusory ideas about him and, with the persistence of a fanatic, is trying to make his vision accessible to the masses. The phantasmagoric features attributed to the people by their desecrated consciousness distort the true picture and only harm them. Established cliches, false stereotypes and templates appear in the public consciousness.

Having covered quite widely the shortcomings of other peoples, he often cannot see the merits in his own people. Negativism plays a cruel joke on him. Ultimately, he becomes the eternal accuser of the entire planet. By judging others, chauvinists, if there are enough of them, attract the bad fate of other countries to themselves.

Petr Kovalev 2014

What is chauvinism as a phenomenon in society? This concept is used in many areas of life and is closely related to politics, social life, and interpersonal relationships between men and women. Chauvinism carries a destructive principle and is based on sharply negative emotions.

Chauvinism - what is it?

The history of the term “chauvinism” dates back to France during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. The soldier, Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, remained a devoted supporter of his emperor until the very end. The name became a common noun and was transformed into a term. Chauvinism in its basic meaning is an ideological concept that is based on the belief of the superiority of one nation over another. Aggressive policies and pressure are methods used by supporters of chauvinism to incite ethnic hatred.

Who are chauvinists? Unlike nationalism, where “all peoples are equal,” chauvinists see their nation as endowed with special, exclusive powers and rights. Fascism is one of the terrible manifestations of chauvinism, a crime against all humanity. The result is the death of millions of people of different nationalities, large-scale destruction of cultural and material property.

Chauvinism - psychology

The concept of chauvinism is used by psychologists of different schools. The psychotraumatic experience of upbringing, based on suppression, lays the foundation for the child to further self-affirmation in negative ways. The boy can learn the result of a destructive relationship between father and mother (beatings, humiliation) and carry this program further into his future family. What “male chauvinism” is can be clearly seen in eastern countries, where education was initially built on male superiority over women.

Chauvinism and xenophobia - differences

At their core, both phenomena, chauvinism and xenophobia, contain an affective component - (hatred, hostility, contempt). Xenophobia - a broader concept - is a person’s fear of loss, dissolution of his ethnicity. The paranoid fear of xenophobes extends to everything alien: nations, races, cultures, religions. Chauvinism is a form of xenophobia that aggressively and violently opposes the interests of one’s own nation to the detriment of others.

Signs of chauvinism

In modern society, open acts of discrimination are illegal and criminally punishable. Political movements based on chauvinistic tendencies will never lead to mutual understanding, openness, and peace between peoples, and therefore will not enjoy the support of the majority of people. The consequences are devastating: war, genocide. In its individual form, chauvinism is present as a “belief system”, mainly among men. Signs of a chauvinist:

  • a male chauvinist actively “fights” against chauvinism, blaming others for it except himself;
  • considers himself free from nationalist prejudices;
  • exaggerates the “greatness”, “otherness” and “interestingness” of his people;
  • elevates the temperament of his nation;
  • believes that all nations “a priori” should love and admire his nation, he is offended when met with indifference;
  • accurately notices the shortcomings of other ethnic groups, but does not know the real advantages and traits of his people.

Types of chauvinism

If we consider for clarity a specific example from history, then in Russia in the 19th – 20th centuries. “Great-power chauvinism” - an expression denoting the dominant attitude of the empire towards other peoples, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, was opposed to nationalism and, as a dangerous ideology, began to be supplanted, but as social chauvinism exists in third world countries. Today, when defining what chauvinism is in other social and public categories, experts distinguish several varieties:

  • religious (confessional);
  • domestic;
  • racial;
  • age chauvinism;
  • gender;
  • language.

Gender chauvinism

Regardless of the sphere of manifestation, chauvinism is based on the suppression and domination of some over others, infringement, and inequality of rights. A worldview based on gender discrimination is called gender or sexual chauvinism. The difference in natural essence between a man and a woman creates inequality in political, economic and social manifestations - this is the ideology of sexism. They play a key role in maintaining sexual chauvinism.


Men can experience tender feelings and sympathy towards women, but at the same time do not consider them equal to themselves; part of the reason lies in psychological differences. Male chauvinism is a term (another name is sexism) coined by American feminists. The writer N. Shmelev considered male chauvinism an integral part of a man. Without realizing it, a man can tell a joke about a “stupid woman” or “evil mother-in-law” at any moment.

Characteristic manifestations of male chauvinism:

  • a man's word is a woman's law;
  • the man is the head of the family;
  • reason, logic and intelligence - the difference between a man and a woman, in whom only feelings prevail;
  • a man is always right;
  • for a man - the appearance of a mistress is encouraged, for a woman - this is censure by society

Female chauvinism

At the end of the 18th century. Women in European countries began to declare their equality with men. The phrase of the American suffragist Abigail Smith Adams: “We will not submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” has gone down in history. Feminism is an ideological movement that has been gaining strength and scope over the course of several centuries. During this time, women managed to achieve equal rights with men:

  • occupy leadership positions;
  • suffrage;
  • military service;
  • choice of any profession;
  • free choice of sexual partners.

All this helped women strengthen their position in society, become useful and influential. Female chauvinism is a concept that arose relatively recently. Unlike feminists, who recognize the rights of men and strive for equal rights with them, chauvinists devalue the role of men and emphasize their superiority. Men say that women also infringe on their rights and see discrimination in the following:

  • early retirement age compared to men;
  • lower standards of physical activity;
  • the need to remove hats in the theater, church - a woman does not need to do this;
  • A woman can make the decision to terminate a pregnancy on her own.

Chauvinism in the modern world

Preserving their traditions, way of life, religion, language, music is a normal desire of people of any nationality. A high level of moral and spiritual development helps to see the benefits and beauty of the entire diversity of the world's cultural heritage. Cultural chauvinism promotes its heritage as the only one and superior to other cultures - it impoverishes.

Chauvinism in the Bible

What is modern chauvinism? There is no consensus between sociologists and other specialists. The origins of this phenomenon go back centuries. Male chauvinism in Christianity is based on the legend of the creation of the world. God created Adam first, and from a rib he created Eve for him - as a consolation. Expulsion from Paradise occurs through the fault of Eve, who tasted (succumbed to the temptation of the serpent) an apple - the fruit of knowledge. “All troubles come from women!” - this stereotype has not outlived its usefulness even today.

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In recent years, we have come across this concept more and more often. It appears with amazing consistency in the speeches of politicians, in topics of public discussion, in discussions about the problems of the country and people. Often chauvinism and nationalism are closely intertwined in our minds. Some people consider them synonymous. Chauvinism - what is it? Let's try to figure it out.

The history of the term “chauvinism” dates back to France during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. The soldier, Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, remained a devoted supporter of his emperor until the very end. The name became a common noun and was transformed into a term. Chauvinism in its basic meaning is an ideological concept that is based on the belief of the superiority of one nation over another. Aggressive policies and pressure are methods used by supporters of chauvinism to incite ethnic hatred.

Today, the word “chauvinism” refers to the unrestrained praise of any one nation or group of people, its exaltation over other nations or groups. As a rule, the chauvinist himself belongs to the very nationality or group that he praises.

Who are chauvinists? Unlike nationalism, where “all peoples are equal,” chauvinists see their nation as endowed with special, exclusive powers and rights. Fascism is one of the terrible manifestations of chauvinism, a crime against all humanity. The result is the death of millions of people of different nationalities, large-scale destruction of cultural and material property.

Chauvinism - psychology

The concept of chauvinism is used by psychologists of different schools. The psychotraumatic experience of upbringing, based on suppression, lays the foundation for the child to further self-affirmation in negative ways. The boy can learn the result of a destructive relationship between father and mother (beatings, humiliation) and carry this program further into his future family. What “male chauvinism” is can be clearly seen in eastern countries, where education was initially built on male superiority over women.

Signs of chauvinism

In modern society, open acts of discrimination are illegal and criminally punishable. Political movements based on chauvinistic tendencies will never lead to mutual understanding, openness, and peace between peoples, and therefore will not enjoy the support of the majority of people. The consequences are devastating: war, genocide. In its individual form, chauvinism is present as a “belief system”, mainly among men. Signs of a chauvinist:

  • a male chauvinist actively “fights” against chauvinism, blaming others for it except himself;
  • considers himself free from nationalist prejudices;
  • exaggerates the “greatness”, “otherness” and “interestingness” of his people;
  • elevates the temperament of his nation;
  • believes that all nations “a priori” should love and admire his nation, he is offended when met with indifference;
  • accurately notices the shortcomings of other ethnic groups, but does not know the real advantages and traits of his people.

Types of chauvinism

If we consider for clarity a specific example from history, then in Russia in the 19th – 20th centuries. “Great-power chauvinism” - an expression denoting the dominant attitude of the empire towards other peoples, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, was opposed to nationalism and, as a dangerous ideology, began to be supplanted, but as social chauvinism exists in third world countries. Today, when defining what chauvinism is in other social and public categories, experts distinguish several varieties:

  • religious (confessional);
  • domestic;
  • racial;
  • age chauvinism;
  • gender;
  • language.
  • female chauvinism
  • Gender chauvinism

Regardless of the sphere of manifestation, chauvinism is based on the suppression and domination of some over others, infringement, and inequality of rights. A worldview based on gender discrimination is called gender or sexual chauvinism. The difference in natural essence between a man and a woman creates inequality in political, economic and social manifestations - this is the ideology of sexism. Gender stereotypes play a key role in maintaining sexual chauvinism.


Men can experience tender feelings and sympathy towards women, but at the same time do not consider them equal to themselves; part of the reason lies in psychological differences. Male chauvinism is a term (another name is sexism) coined by American feminists. The writer N. Shmelev considered male chauvinism an integral part of a man. Without realizing it, a man can tell a joke about a “stupid woman” or “evil mother-in-law” at any moment.

Characteristic manifestations of male chauvinism:

  • a man's word is a woman's law;
  • the man is the head of the family;
  • reason, logic and intelligence - the difference between a man and a woman, in whom only feelings prevail;
  • a man is always right;
  • for a man - the appearance of a mistress is encouraged, for a woman - this is censure by society

Female chauvinism

At the end of the 18th century. Women in European countries began to declare their equality with men. The phrase of the American suffragist Abigail Smith Adams: “We will not submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” has gone down in history. Feminism is an ideological movement that has been gaining strength and scope over the course of several centuries. During this time, women managed to achieve equal rights with men:

  • occupy leadership positions;
  • suffrage;
  • military service;
  • choice of any profession;
  • free choice of sexual partners.

All this helped women strengthen their position in society, become useful and influential. Female chauvinism is a concept that arose relatively recently. Unlike feminists, who recognize the rights of men and strive for equal rights with them, chauvinists devalue the role of men and emphasize their superiority. Men say that women also infringe on their rights and see discrimination in the following:

  • early retirement age compared to men;
  • lower standards of physical activity;
  • the need to remove hats in the theater, church - a woman does not need to do this;
  • The woman can make the decision to terminate the pregnancy on her own.

Chauvinism in the modern world

Preserving their traditions, way of life, religion, language, music is a normal desire of people of any nationality. A high level of moral and spiritual development helps to see the benefits and beauty of the entire diversity of the world's cultural heritage. Cultural chauvinism promotes its heritage as the only one and superior to other cultures - it impoverishes human perception.

Chauvinism in the Bible

What is modern chauvinism? There is no consensus between sociologists and other specialists. The origins of this phenomenon go back centuries. Male chauvinism in Christianity is based on the legend of the creation of the world. God created Adam first, and from a rib he created Eve for him - as a consolation. Expulsion from Paradise occurs through the fault of Eve, who tasted (succumbed to the temptation of the serpent) an apple - the fruit of knowledge. “All troubles come from women!” - this stereotype has not outlived its usefulness even today.

Our contemporaries often use “chauvinism” as a synonym for the words “nationalism” and “patriotism”. Are they wrong? We will answer this question by telling where this term comes from and what it means.

Chauvinism: definition and concept

Chauvinism is a worldview based on the identification of an exclusive, that is, the main, nation, whose interests are placed above other ethnic groups. Chauvinism underlies the idea of ​​colonization, when the dominant nation enslaved and exploited other peoples, opposing itself to them and putting its interests above others.

Let us recall the colonial policy of England, as a result of which the largest state in the history of mankind was formed - the British Empire, which had colonies on all continents. The subjugation of peoples whom the British considered to be at a lower stage of development - Hindus, Algerians, Indians, etc. - is a manifestation of chauvinism. Moreover, in this case, there was great-power chauvinism, as a result of which one nation deprived other peoples of the right to state sovereignty.

At the end of the 19th century, the ambitions of the British to dominate the continent caused a resurgence of chauvinistic sentiments. Extreme English chauvinism, present since then in British politics and society, was called jingoism, from the word “jingo” - this is the nickname people gave to ardent champions of the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the British nation.

History of the term

The concept of chauvinism came to us from the French language. Researching the origins of the word, scientists came to the conclusion that the term was based on the surname of the 19th century vaudeville hero, Bonaparte army soldier Nicolas Chauvin. Historians cannot find documentary evidence of the existence of this person; he is known only from literary works. Writers of that time claimed that their character was based on a real person who was devoted to Napoleon to the point of fanaticism and zealously supported the idea of ​​imperial nationalism.

Being a volunteer and joining the French army at the age of 18, Chauvin received seventeen wounds and only a 200-franc pension, which, however, did not shake the soldier’s devotion to his emperor. Chauvin's blind admiration for Napoleon began to be called chauvinism. Later, the semantics of the term underwent changes, acquiring a modern meaning: today this is the name for national swagger and superiority.

Nationalism and chauvinism: what is the difference?

Chauvinism is an example of extreme nationalism. Let's look at the differences between these concepts in practice. Residents of Scotland, part of the United Kingdom, have been fighting for sovereignty for centuries, defending their nation's right to self-determination. Here is an example of the manifestation of nationalism. But the actions of the British, who considered themselves the dominant nation and asserted themselves through discrimination against the rights of the peoples of Scotland and Ireland, can be regarded as chauvinism.

In other words, nationalism presupposes the desire of a nation to protect its sovereignty, cultural and spiritual heritage. Chauvinism is aggressive national dominance achieved by infringing on the rights and freedoms of other peoples.

Great Russian chauvinism

Great Russian chauvinism, also called great-power chauvinism, existed in both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, and its manifestations remained in the Russian Federation. During the monarchical rule in Russia, the leading role was played by the Russian nation: the main financial flows flowed into Central Russia; the countries that were part of the empire were, in fact, its appendages that did not have the right to vote.

In the Soviet Union, Russian chauvinism was opposed to internationalism. However, only in words. In fact, the ideologists of socialism elevated the Russian people to the rank of “big brother,” thereby assigning them a leading role in the life of the state and leaving other nationalities to stand a step lower.

Russian chauvinism still exists today. Nowadays, many public organizations and political parties have adopted this ideology. Among them are skinheads, the Order of Great Russia, the Russian National Patriotic Movement, the National Socialist Initiative, the Russian National Unity, and the People's National Party.

Gender chauvinism

Gender chauvinism, also called sexism, is a worldview built on the principle of discrimination based on gender. This type of chauvinism has nothing to do with politics, but is no less relevant than national chauvinism.


A chauvinist man emphasizes his superiority over a woman through his actions and behavior.

  1. A woman is assigned the role of a housewife, whose responsibilities include serving her husband and raising children. The rule applies: “A woman’s word is not given.”
  2. Adultery is the norm for a man, but having lovers for a woman is condemned.
  3. A man must dominate in everything: occupy leadership positions, determine the fate of the state, have the final say in the family. A woman is content with the role of a subordinate, she is paid less, even if she occupies a position equivalent to a man, and in government bodies there are only a few representatives of the weak half of humanity.

In contrast to male chauvinism, feminism arose - a movement for equal rights for women and men. However, besides it, there is another phenomenon of sexism - female chauvinism.

Female chauvinism

Men claim that their rights are also infringed, and women in some cases are in a more advantageous position compared to the stronger sex. The descendants of Adam see discrimination of their rights in:

  • different retirement ages. Women have the right to retire earlier, and men want the same;
  • the need to serve in the conscript army. Why should the defense of the Motherland be only our responsibility, the great-great-great-grandchildren of Russian heroes ask;
  • the right of women to individually decide whether to have an abortion or not;
  • established lower standards of physical activity for women, especially pregnant women. Why shouldn't an expectant mother work on equal terms with a male colleague? Or maybe men with beer bellies weighing 15 kg should be switched to shorter working hours?
  • the need to remove hats when women remain in scarves and hats. For example, in church, theater, during the performance of the anthem.

Chauvinism, regardless of the sphere of manifestation, is a negative phenomenon, generated by the eternal desire of man to suppress and dominate, but this can lead to a third world war. Therefore, you need to be wiser, not following your desires and ambitions, but making decisions that your descendants will not have to pay for.

Does Russian chauvinism exist today? Watch the Russian President’s opinion in the video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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