Is it true that Russia is the ancestral home of the Aryans? Hypotheses of the northern ancestral home of the Aryans

The question of the origin and settlement of the Aryan tribes - the ancestors of modern people speaking the Indo-European group of languages, and of European civilization remains open. Many scientists believe that the Aryans were a separate race, an independent ethnic entity, and their ancestral home was located beyond the Arctic Circle. Traditional theories of the northern location of the cradle of the Aryans cause heated discussions, the content of which changes after new discoveries and causes heated debate among scientists. Due to a lack of scientific facts, it has not yet been possible to accurately localize the supposed homeland of the Aryans. Only the approximate time of the arrival of the Aryans in Mesopotamia and India is known for certain (the middle of the 2nd millennium BC), but where they came from remains a mystery to this day.

Russian historians at the beginning of the 19th century. The upper reaches of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers were considered the homeland of the Aryans, where, according to tradition, the place of settlement of one of the tribes of Japheth was determined. According to the Holy Scriptures, after the flood, from the three sons of Noah - Shem, Ham and Japheth - all the nations now living on earth originated. The tribe of Japheth gave rise to our ancient ancestors - the Aryans, which in the ancient language meant - venerable, excellent. The characteristic ethnic features of the Aryans, according to ancient descriptions, were: tall stature, fair skin, blue eyes, chestnut-colored hair, a long skull and a narrow face, a high forehead and a narrow “Greek” nose. However, today the Asian hypothesis of the origin of the Indo-Europeans is denied by most linguists, and there is no archaeological evidence in its favor. According to the British archaeologist and historian Gordon Childe, who devoted a special study to the problem of the Aryans at the beginning of the 20th century,2 the theory about the North European cradle of the Indo-Europeans in Scandinavia can be considered the most substantiated; it is developed in detail and supported by archaeological finds. However, in 1930, this theory was rejected by the majority of experts and was replaced by another concept, which also has many supporters among scientists, which speaks of the Dnieper-Volga interfluve, from where the settlement of Indo-Europeans began in all directions. The search for the ancestral home of the Aryans continues to this day.

The discovery of more than twenty cities of the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC by archaeologists over the last two decades in the southern Trans-Urals has become a world sensation: Arkaim (discovered in 1987), Sarym-Sakly, Sintashta, Ustya, Alandsky, etc., called “ A country of cities." Using the method of radiocarbon analysis, two groups of dates were obtained that determine the age of Arkaim: XVIII-XVI and XXI-XX centuries. BC. According to one of the working hypotheses of scientists, this is the possible ancestral home of the ancient Indo-Iranians - the Aryans, which historians and linguists have not been able to determine for a long time. However, it is very difficult to prove from the artifacts found who these cities actually belonged to. Therefore, a number of other places claim to be the true homeland of the Aryans. Among the conclusions of archaeologists drawn from the results of excavations in recent years, a new hypothesis has emerged that the Aryans could have been the so-called Andronovo people - cattle breeders and farmers of the Bronze Age who lived in the south of Siberia and Kazakhstan in the 2nd millennium BC. According to Doctor of Historical Sciences A. Matveev, the ancestral home of the mysterious Aryans is the Ingal Valley, located in the south of the Tyumen region, between the Iset and Tobol rivers, a tributary of the Irtysh.

Once upon a time, a few Indo-Iranian tribes lived compactly together in a small area and called themselves “Arya”. From them came the well-known term “Aryan peoples”. According to scientists, by the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The Indo-Aryans left their northern ancestral home, split into two branches, Indo-Iranian and Iranian, and went south to India. The Aryans were the creators of the famous religion of fire worshipers and left behind outstanding written monuments “Rigveda” and “Avesta”, which contain a description of the ancestral home and polar phenomena. It is they who are credited with the first information about the polar location of Meru in ancient times. The text of these ancient monuments is often referred to by scientists who find direct analogies of the excavated objects with the description in the Avesta.

Arkaim is the remains of an ancient fortified city with adjacent economic sites, a burial ground and a number of unfortified villages. It is also believed that it could have served as an ancient observatory. It is located in the steppes of the Southern Urals, south of Magnitogorsk, where the border of Europe and Asia passes. All buildings of the Arkaim period are made of soil and wood. Small-piece adobe bricks and large-sized blocks were made from the base soil. Particular strength was achieved by cementing agents (carbonate, gypsum). One of the technologies is layer-by-layer pouring of liquid soil into the formwork and then drying. A similar technology in housing construction is described in some parts of the text of the Avesta: “Thus said Ahura-Mazda to Yima... “Oh, beautiful Yima, son of Vivakhvat,... And you make Vara... the size of a horse run on all four sides for people’s housing and the size running horses on all four sides to accommodate livestock. Draw water there, ... arrange meadows there, ... build houses, and premises, and sheds, and fences and fences there.” That's what Yima thought. “How can I do Vara? Which Ahura Mazda told me about?” And then Ahura-Mazda said to Yima: “Oh, beautiful Yima, ... pound the earth with your heels and knead with your hands the way people sculpt wet earth” /Avesta. Videvdat/. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that construction from clay bricks was characteristic of Assyrian and Babylonian architecture, long before the Aryans arrived there, so the presence of mud bricks in Arkaim is a completely unconvincing argument to connect Arkaim with the Aryans.
Arkaim researchers also paid attention to one of the concepts of the Rigveda, the oldest monument of Indian literature, designated by the word “vrijana”. It appears in the text over fifty times and means different things: “fenced place”, “pen for cattle”, “dwelling”, “several dwellings”, “all people living in one place”, “army”, “village”.

The crowded adobe buildings adjacent to each other in the excavated Arkaim fit all of the above characteristics. In the Veda of the Slavs, a similar city is called Kaile-grad, i.e. round city. In plan, Arkaim consists of two rings of earthen ramparts inscribed one into the other with 4 passages in the outer ditch, in the geometric center of which there is a flat rectangular platform. The ramparts are the remains of defensive walls made of soil, adobe blocks and wood. The diameter of the outer wall is about 145 m, the inner one is 85 m. The thickness of the outer wall at the base is 4-5 meters. It is surrounded on the outside by a ditch 1.5-2.5 meters deep. The thickness of the inner wall is smaller - 3-4 meters. Archaeologists have unearthed spiral-shaped structures, unlike anything else, with powerful double defensive walls 5 meters high, made of soil blocks in combination with vertically dug wooden pillars, smelting furnaces, craft workshops, granite figurines of long-eared people not found in known cultures of the world. The two-wheeled war chariots discovered in Arkaim burials are now recognized as the most ancient in the world. The inner part of the city was completely isolated from the outer part of the city by a wall 7 meters high and 3 meters wide. The geometry of the buildings of Arkaim is clearly verified, which allows us to put forward a hypothesis about the astronomical purpose of the buildings. Anyone entering the city passed through spiral passages, following the direction of the sun, clockwise. In plan, the city of Arkaim resembles the image of the mysterious northern Shambhala on Tibetan tanka - the same ring structure with two protective perimeter walls. The basis of Arkaim's layout is two concentric rings of walls, two rings of dwellings and a circular street. There is a square square in the center.

Aerial view of the excavations in the Country of Cities. Southern Trans-Urals
Aerial photographs show different city layouts: early ones were oval (ovoid) and later ones were circular and square. All cities are united by a single architectural style. Historian G.B. Zdanovich, director of the historical and archaeological complex “Arkaim,” notes that Arkaim reflects the principle of the mandala, he writes: “Arkaim surprises with its degree of preservation. A primitive monument lying in the steppe, and in such preservation, when houses are visible, squares and defensive structures are visible, and sometimes dams and roads - this is a huge rarity. This doesn't happen. It's just a phenomenon. ...The symbolism of the circle is close to the principle of the mandala. This concept is first found in the Rig Veda, meaning “wheel”, “ring”, “country”, “space”, “society”. The ring structure of the settlement with common walls and exits oriented towards the center led researchers to the idea that the buildings of Arkaim reflect the principle of the mandala - the “circle of time”.

The Slavic “Book of Veles” reports on the exodus of the Aryan peoples from the north, and the construction of cities along the route of their movement, which were later also abandoned by them when the Aryans moved even further to the south. The proto-city of Arkaim was accidentally discovered in 1987 at the confluence of the Utyaganka and Karaganka rivers and immediately became a world sensation. It turned out to be the same age as the Egyptian pyramids and the famous Stonehenge in England. According to scientists, unique remains of one of the most ancient civilizations of mankind have been discovered, perhaps these are the cities of the Aryans, whose homeland was still unknown. This has yet to be proven by scientists, since no direct evidence of this hypothesis has yet been found, but there are some matches with the description in ancient texts. According to a study of anthropological materials (remains of human skeletons), the population of the proto-urban centers of the Southern Trans-Urals in the 18th-16th centuries. BC. was Caucasian, without noticeable signs of Mongoloid features. The Arkaim type of person is close to the population of the ancient Yam culture, which occupied vast areas of the Eurasian steppes in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. It is interesting to note that during the excavations, shards of pottery with swastika symbols depicted on them were found.

The territory of the “Country of Cities” stretches for 350 km from north to south along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains. The most mysterious thing is that, according to archaeological excavations, the ancient inhabitants left their cities in an organized manner, just as the Mayans, for an unknown reason, left their cities on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Unlike the exodus of the Mayans from their cities, Arkaim was first set on fire, after removing everything valuable from their homes. Descendants were left with only adobe walls and only questions for historians and researchers. It is suggested that the inhabitants of the “Land of Cities” - the Aryans - left their settlements in an organized manner due to the cooling on the planet to the south. However, the currently available scientific material is still not enough for Arkaim to be recognized as the unconditional homeland of the Aryans.

In 1999, on the shores of Lake Orog Nuur in Mongolia, I was extremely surprised to hear confirmation of the legend from a local resident who had not only heard about the White Island, but also confidently showed its location on a modern map: “on a 300-meter ledge located in the steppe, approximately 70-90 km northwest of Lake Orog-Nuur.” The Bayan-Tsaagan-Uul mountain range, 3452 meters high, is a very suitable object for hiding not only a small community, but also an entire city. It was here that travelers repeatedly encountered unusually tall people with long hair and an oblong face, avoiding any contact. White Mountain and the nearby mountains of the Altai Altai are known for numerous finds indicating human habitation here 700 thousand years ago. Research carried out in this area since 1995 by a Russian-American-Mongolian archaeological expedition has identified zones that seem to scientists to be key to solving the problem of the initial human development of the central regions of Asia.

The history of Central Asia is reflected in most detail in the classical works of Russian orientalists N.Ya. Bichurina, L.N. Gumileva, G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo and others. Their scientific works, which remain the most authoritative sources of information about ancient Asia, trace the entire history of nomadic tribes known today, the rise and fall of ethnic groups, the birth and collapse of powerful empires. Among the large number of nationalities that alternately inhabited the steppe spaces of the Gobi for centuries, scientists have identified a mysterious ancient white race of Caucasian appearance, the origin of which is still unclear. Chinese chronicles of the 3rd millennium BC. report on the ancient Di and Dinlin peoples who lived from time immemorial in Central Asia. Their distinctive feature were European facial features: long face, white skin color, light eyes, blond hair. In the family tree of Asian peoples, the Dinlins are located at its base, from them the Chinese Xia, Xianbei, Huns, Turks, etc. peoples then appeared. Chinese chroniclers call the “sandy country of Shasai” the homeland of the mysterious Dinlin and Di tribes, as the modern Gobi Desert was called in ancient times. In those days, the Gobi was not so waterless and deserted; it had more steppe areas and oases with lakes and forests. Chinese chronicles provide extremely scanty information about the Dinlings. From the ancient Chinese indication “Bei-shy” it is known that the popular name di changed to dinling when they crossed to the northern side of the Gobi Desert and resettled to the south of Siberia. Subsequently, the Chinese called the Sayan Mountains “Dinling” in their chronicles.

In recent years, new evidence and hypotheses about dinlins have emerged4. Dinlins of Caucasian appearance are mentioned in chronicles from the end of the 3rd century. BC, they live between the upper Yenisei and the “northern sea” (Baikal). That is, in addition to the population of the Tarim oases, unnamed by the Chinese, known to the Greeks under the name of the Sers, there was another Caucasoid population on the northern borders of China, these were the Wusuns (Asians) and the Yuezchis (Yatii).

Several centuries earlier, in the 7th-6th centuries BC, in the Yellow River basin itself, the Chinese fought with the Caucasoid tribes of the Di. The Chinese mixed with them - hence the ancient Chinese had protruding noses and lush beards, and some of their heroes had blue eyes (Gumilyov 1959). Chinese sources confuse Di with Dinlins, apparently due to the convergence in the later sound of the names, and, based on this, Grum-Grzhimailo built a hypothesis about the displacement of Di to the northwest and their transformation into Dinlins, but Gumilyov is probably right in that that these are different peoples.

The indication “Bei-shi” is also confirmed by the Chinese inscription on the Orkhon monument, erected in 732, which states that the sandy country bordering China, i.e. the southern outskirts of the Gobi was the homeland of the Dinlins.

G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo, in the third volume of his work “Western Mongolia and the Uriankhai Territory,” writes: “Approaching the peoples of the Indochinese group in language, the Dinlins, in their physical characteristics and mental characteristics, belonged to that blond race that some anthropologists consider primitive in Europe.”
Whether there is any connection between the ancient blond race, whose homeland is the Gobi, and the mythical White Island or the mysterious Spiritual Center in the Gobi is unknown. Is it possible to assume that the White Island existed in the Gobi in times not so distant, namely in the 3rd millennium BC, when, according to geologists, there were no longer large inland seas in this area?

The famous American clairvoyant Evans Cayce, along with the well-known messages about Atlantis, also left mysterious indications of the existence of an ancient civilization on the land of the modern Mongols. Treasure hunters may find some inspiration from the following information.

“At that time, this individual used in his work the metal known to us as iron, as well as an alloy of iron and copper that has not been used by people since then. This alloy of copper with a small admixture of iron made the copper hardened. Such copper was used in Egypt, Peru and some areas of the Chaldean land. Items made from this alloy can be found in an Indo-Chinese city that has not yet been discovered (“reading” 470-22).

In the Gobi country this individual was a priestess in the Golden Temple, which has yet to be excavated (2402-2).

This individual lived in the land of Mongolia, or Gobi, and was one of the princesses. A figurine with her image, made of pure gold, can be found in the Golden Temple (1167-2).”6

According to his “readings”, when the Atlanteans 10.5 thousand years BC. moved to Egypt and Central America, there was a country called the Gobi, to which the Atlantean envoys were sent. In his readings there are phrases: “He was a translator from the languages ​​of the Atlanteans and Gobi... He prepared envoys to the Gobi country” (“readings” 1847-1 and 3420-1). Prophecy of Evans Cayce (1167-2): “In the country of the Gobi, on the land of modern Mongolia, a city with a Golden Temple is to be excavated, where a female figurine made of pure gold and objects made of an alloy of iron and copper, which has not been used by people since then, will be found " Evans Case's prophecy has not yet come true. Archaeological excavations have confirmed the existence on the territory of modern Mongolia in the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. a major center for the production of copper and bronze. The ancient gold objects found amaze jewelers with their filigree workmanship and exquisite gold pattern as thick as a human hair, the secret of which has been lost for centuries, but so far no one has been able to find traces of the so often mentioned “Gobian civilization”.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the real picture of the “first times” and accurately identify ancient mythological names with modern coordinates on a geographical map. The linking of hypothetical holy lands to modern places is very conditional and their identification on a modern map due to the lack of accurate evidence in most cases remains controversial. In historical chronicles and legends, the White Island was located beyond the Arctic Circle; it is believed that this is where the ancient Aryans, the ancestors of white people, came from.
Sergey Volkov gadki-istorii-prarodina-ariev/

The viability of any nation depends only on its memory
Those who forget their origins inevitably die out...

It is known that the Aryans (Old Indian arya-, Avest. airya-, Old Persian ariya-) are the self-name of the historical peoples of Ancient Iran and Ancient India (2nd-1st millennium BC), who spoke Aryan languages ​​of the Indo-European family of languages. The linguistic and cultural proximity of these peoples suggests the existence of an original ancestral Aryan community (ancient Aryans), the descendants of which are the historical and modern Aryan, or as they are also called, Indo-Iranian peoples. Vedic literature is characterized by the use of arya- as a general name for all Aryan tribes who professed the Vedic religion. But such a narrow presentation of the area of ​​distribution of the Vedic religion significantly narrows the influence and significance of the Aryans as the ancestors of modern Slavs and Russians.

Rosses/Russians are representatives of tribes that once inhabited the territory of the north of the present Trans-Urals. By the way, the name “Russian” came along with the arias. Russians - this is the name given to the descendants of Arctida who came from their frozen homeland for their light hair color. And our compatriots have largely preserved the appearance of their legendary ancestors...

Russians [from other Russian. Rus', Middle Greek oi Ros = “Normans”, rosisti = “Scandinavian”, Arabic. Rus = “Normans in Spain and France”; peoples who once inhabited and currently inhabit the territory of Rus'/Russia/Russian Federation.
Slavs in all centuries proudly called themselves by this name. We are Slavs, that is, lovers of glory, they said. The generic name of this people was Russy or Rossy.

The definition of the Aryan ancestral home, which is usually understood as the area of ​​disintegration of the Aryan community into various branches, involves an attempt to look not just into the historical roots of the origin of the Aryans, but to identify and understand their “stellar history”, which, due to the lack of artifacts, is extremely difficult to understand when trying to summarize fragments of scant historical facts. But if you look at the mysteries of their stellar origin in a different way, then...the whole majestic panorama of the influence of the Aryans on ALL processes and phenomena of the modern world opens up. But first things first…

Each Star System - the Hall - represents a union of civilizations located on different inhabited planets of a particular star system. The number of planetary civilizations included in one or another system varies. The palace of the goddess Mokosh, which is located in the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, is essentially the original ancestral home of the Aryans; it is formed by stars that were mastered many centuries ago by one of the civilizations of the White Race, representatives which participated in the settlement of the Earth.

The Palace of Mokosh fully corresponds to the Palace of the Bear - the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, from where the Clans of the Aryans appeared on earth - the Aryans and the Kh'Aryans, and the Clans of the Slavs - the Rasens and the Svyatoruss. The Da'Aryans flew from the land of Paradise, the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor). They had gray (silver) eye color, corresponding to their Sun, called Tara. Their appearance was very reminiscent of creatures created from crystal - the image of the Snow Maiden from fairy tales...

The Kh'Aryans flew from the land of Troara, the constellation Orion. They had green eyes that matched their sun - Rada. The blue-eyed Svyatorussians arrived from the constellation Mokosh (Ursa Major). At the same time, among the stars of Mokosh’s Hall, the second star from the edge of the “bucket” handle, the star Mizar, and the star Alcor, located next to it, barely visible to the naked eye, stood out especially (they were considered like a horse and its rider).

Before the arrival of the Aryans, representatives of four other races already lived on Earth: blue, yellow, black and red. Of these, only people of the blue race can be considered as aborigines of our planet; the rest, like the Aryans, came from distant stars. The yellow race was associated with the constellations Cygnus and Lyra, the red one with the constellation Cassiopeia, the black one with the constellation Orion. Each of the races occupied one of the earth's continents that existed at that distant time, had its own civilization and developed its own traditions.

People of the blue race lived in Antarctica, which was then free of ice. Representatives of the yellow race lived in the Pacific (a now non-existent continent in the Pacific Ocean). The black race occupied the continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean (between Madagascar and Ceylon, Sri Lanka). People of the red race lived in Atlantis (Atlantic Ocean). The Aryans, representatives of the last, white race, created their civilization in Arctida (a continent that previously existed in the Northern Ocean, which was not yet the Arctic Ocean). The North Pole was then located in the north of the Labrador Peninsula (the territory of modern Canada), so the Arctic had a fairly temperate climate, and the modern territory of Russia was tropical. Antarctica also had a temperate climate.

The Avesta mentions that of the five races, only one people is the original, indigenous to this Earth. This people exhibits the greatest polarization of light and dark forces, because they are the firstborn. The original place of residence of the people of the blue race was the continent, which was located “opposite the North,” i.e., where the South Pole is now located. Of all the five lands, five continents that were associated with the original peoples, only Antarctica has reached our time - the original “repository” of the blue race. When cooling began on Earth, they first moved to the African continent, and then moved to southern Asia and spread there.

Each of the five ancient races contributed to the general culture of mankind. Thus, the blue race gave people a secret teaching about numbers and symbols, as well as scientific analysis. The symbolic code of the Universe was given specifically to the blue race. The contribution to the culture of humanity of the white race is the doctrine of the cosmic Law, the confrontation between Light and Darkness and the victory of Light over Darkness, as well as medical knowledge, a system of non-verbal knowledge. In this regard, the white race is, as it were, opposed to the blue one, where the comprehension of knowledge occurs through the word, symbols, books, formal knowledge, the achievement of knowledge through memorization of texts, etc. The white race has a non-verbal system of knowledge, mainly transmitted by word of mouth, or by inclusion, initiation, through flow. With the advent of the white race, people acquired the cosmic Law, received the concept of responsibility for our actions that we commit here. There was no knowledge of the laws of Light and Darkness before the appearance of the white race on Earth.

The Aryans brought to Earth the moral and ethical law of the Cosmos, which formed the basis of the structure of the world. That is why the teaching of the ancient Aryans can rightfully be considered the foremother of all religions, both ancient ones that have disappeared by now, and those that have come down to us. And it is precisely the existence of this single source, from which all religions were nourished, that explains the presence of so many similarities in seemingly different teachings, formed at different times and in different countries. Many provisions of the ancient Aryan teachings are attributed to other sources, some were forgotten and rediscovered in later times. This does not diminish their value, because they correspond to the real world order. And even geographically the white race is opposed to the blue one, because the Arctic and Antarctica are two opposite lands, the North and South Poles.

Thus, the sacred text “Rigveda” tells that 18 million years ago there was a great civilization on the continent of Oriana. The city of Arka, the capital of the united empire, was located under the North Star, that is, on the territory of the modern Arctic, bound by ice many millennia ago. According to the Vedas, the first man's name was Oriya. This is where not only the name of the ancient continent comes from, but also the name of the ancient race - the Aryans. Our ancestors were far ahead of the known civilizations of antiquity. The Orians not only professed monotheism, that is, monotheism, but also, like modern Christians, they identified the One God the Creator with his three hypostases. God the Father is the plan, the Mother is the memory of the plan, and the Son is the One who brought this plan into the world - a similar concept of vision of the world existed among all peoples, but after many centuries the ancient faith was lost.

Wooden tablets found quite recently on the territory of modern Russia irrefutably prove that our ancestors worshiped the One God in three forms, and only later other gods appeared, at the first stage of myths only assistants of the Creator. It is also believed that the sources of Slavic wooden tablets are much older than the Indian Vedas, and the information from them surprisingly coincides, although the Slavs could not communicate with the ancient Indians in any way, unless they had a common homeland
On a huge mountain there was a Temple to the One God, to which hundreds of believers came. At night, the North Star illuminated the temple and its servants believed that it was the Light of God descending on them. There were no wars or disagreements on the continent, because people believed in God and honored his commandments, which were very similar to those of the early biblical ones. Cities were built all over the continent. The Orians were very knowledgeable in medicine and astrology. All temples were also observatories. They also knew many other secrets that were lost with the collapse of civilization.

Navigation developed, and only vague legends of peoples who had sunk into summer brought to us tales of wonderful ships that came to the still ignorant inhabitants of other continents, and of tall people who knew the astronomical and astrological calendars, pottery, and knew how to smelt metal.

What happened to the Aryans after the flooding of Arctida (the Aryans called this continent Hairat)? The tragic end of the Arctic civilization is described in detail in the Vedas. According to legend, the high priest of Arki, once again praying in the Temple on the mountain, received a revelation from God. The Almighty informed him that the civilization of the Arctic would soon come to an end. Warm climates will be replaced by severe cold, and fertile lands will be covered in ice. The last people left the Arctic three million years ago.

These events are confirmed by modern geological research. Indeed, complete icing of the Arctic occurred about three million years ago. Various peoples of the far north have preserved numerous legends about the land between the ice, from which people came. Confirmation of this hypothesis can also be found in Slavic myths, for example, in the myth about the onset of winter, which lasted for many years. Some scientists believe that the myth of the Babylonian Pandemonium is nothing more than a description of the death of the Arctic civilization.

Scientists even managed to obtain soil samples at a depth corresponding to 20 million years or more. At a depth corresponding to 18 million years, not only frozen layers of soil were found, but even fragments of plants. In particular, a fragment of a grapevine was found, which confirms the hypothesis about the once warm and fertile land of the Arctic.

Arctic researchers claim that it is not possible to find any traces of civilization under a kilometer-long layer of ice. And then a hypothesis was put forward that settlers from the Arctic could create a new civilization. For many years this theory was not confirmed until sensational finds were discovered in Arkaim in the Urals.

The Aryans moved to the modern continent of Eurasia in several streams. Some went to the southwest and settled along the southern shores of the Baltic Sea, gradually spreading across the territories that are now inhabited by Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, etc. Along the mountains that stretch from north to south, they descended to the south when there was a great glacier. And in the south of these mountains, near the great river Daithi, which flows into the large salt lake Vourukarta, the Aryans settled and founded a state, which they began to call the kingdom of Hairat. The mountains mentioned are the Ural Mountains (previously called the Riphean Mountains), the Daithi River is the Ural, Lake Vourukarta is the Caspian Sea, i.e. this is our country, Russia.

According to the legends of the Middle East, it was from the territory of the modern Urals that the prophet Zarathustra came (Zoroaster - in Greek transcription). This happened about 4 thousand years ago. And scraps of ancient Vedic knowledge of the last descendants of the inhabitants of Arctida became for the prophet the starting point in the creation of a new religion, which for many years dominated the Middle East.

After excavating and reconstructing fragments of buildings, scientists came to the conclusion that a huge city once existed on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains. Temples and palaces, astronomical observatories were once full of people. A careful comparison with Vedic texts made it possible to establish that the mysterious city was one of the last strongholds of the Aryan civilization. As historians and archaeologists note, in those days none of the peoples inhabiting the Urals had such knowledge in architecture and astronomy. And the layout of the city is very similar to what the city of Arka once had, located under the North Star.

Archaeologists have established that Arkaim was abandoned by people about 3,500 years ago, which coincides with the eruption of the Santorini volcano. The climate in the Urals began to change, and the Aryans were again forced to flee the cold. Opened in 1987, the Arkaim city was declared a national reserve in 1991. This is almost the only monument left by our distant ancestors that has survived to our times.

Leaving Arkami, the Aryans began to settle along the banks of the rivers and mix with the local population. Some of them crossed the Ural Mountains and headed to the vast Siberian lands, to their southern outskirts, where they managed to create developed centers of culture and writing (for example, the Omsk-Okunev zone).

The trace of the Aryans, who from Arctida headed straight to the territory of Alaska in North America, where they settled for many centuries, is also quite noticeable. However, over time, ancient customs were forgotten and unique knowledge was lost. A similar thing happened with the descendants of the Aryans in India. Having mixed with the local dark-skinned population, the Aryans forever lost their true appearance - tall stature, fair skin and light brown hair. The Indian trace of the Aryans turned out to be very fruitful, and brought tangible results in the religion, culture, values ​​and attitudes of those peoples who lived in this territory. The original religion of the ancient Slavs was an ideological concept common to Indo-Aryanism.

To say more - the World Council of Hindus, at the Second European Conference in Copenhagen back in 1985, openly stated that the entire population of Europe, including Russia until the 6th century AD (i.e., until the time Christianity openly won), professed a system of religions , one with Hinduism, that is, Aryanism, or the so-called Indo-Aryan religions.

Our ancestors believed in one God, who has several hypostases. The main God of the Russians was Perun, whose name was known as Svantovit. Dazhdbog, for example, is another name for a formidable deity. It was recognized that all the Gods of Rus' are hypostases of the God of the Family. That God is one and we are all manifestations of him.

Then, in much later times, the Aryans settled throughout Europe, some of them moved to the south (the territory of modern Iran and Afghanistan), the other part reached India. This explains the fact that many ancient Persian and Indian texts speak of the ancestral homeland of the ancestors of these peoples lying far to the north.

It is known that in ancient times other races lived together with the Aryans. The “Aryan races” forced out from the north settled throughout the northern lands of Europe. The new settlement of the ancestors of the Indo-Europeans towards the south, clearly indicated in the Avesta, began with the onset of a strong cold spell around the 7th–6th millennium BC. e. Having reached the Black Sea region, the Aryans began to gradually move past the Southern Urals to the east and reached India. Their groups began to appear there at the end of the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC. e. It was at that time that the Aryan Brahmins brought the orally memorized Vedas to India.

And the branch, which is known as the Iranian Aryans, went from north to south, mainly along the Trans-Urals, where their descendants created the so-called Andronovo culture, which spread widely throughout Siberia and Kazakhstan. Their priests were the creators of the Avesta, which formed the basis of the religion of Zoroastrianism, which was finally formed in Iran. The descendants of those true sources of the Aryan teachings are, for example, the Kalash people, who live high in the mountains of Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, in the province of Nuristan. Today, no more than 6 thousand people have survived Kalash. The religion of most Kalash is paganism; their pantheon has many common features with the reconstructed ancient Aryan pantheon.

It would seem that with such an antiquity of the Russians, an objective time coordinate should determine the difficulties in knowing history, but it turns out that subjective circumstances are decisive. Over the course of many centuries, historical experience has consisted of the struggle between light and dark principles - divine and demonic - adherents of the syrs (“bringing light” - “ur”) and asuras. Since time immemorial, Russia has been the stronghold of the forces of light in this struggle. The dark force opposing Russia’s mission is Asia (“a” means “against, no,” “siya” means “radiance, light, holiness”).

Both Russia and Asia are not geographical concepts. These are rather ethnic, egregorial concepts that define the worldview of their adherents. If the Russians set the goal of their lives to achieve personal and social perfection, then the Asians, on the contrary, resist with all their might the spiritualization of people, trying to cunningly lead humanity away from observing the laws of God and plunge entire nations into the darkness of disastrous behavior. For these purposes, history is replaced and distorted, material carriers of true history are kept silent and sometimes destroyed.

During the era of exploration by ancient Russians of the vast expanses of the northern part of Europe, which were uninhabited at that time, for the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral seas constituted a single water barrier for the advance of the black, Negroid race to the north. In the Slavic environment, cut off from their homeland - Arctida (Arktogea), people began to be born who did not want to live in accordance with the Vedic ("ved", i.e. "know") culture of the Russians. The Slavs did not execute such apostates of the original faith, but simply expelled them from their clan (community) and called them sudras (sudras), that is, apostates, condemned.

These outcasts began to settle in remote places and gradually gathered into separate tribes with their own primitive way of life, based on a distorted Vedic worldview. In accordance with the degree of degradation of individual tribes, their speech was distorted. This is how tribes with their own languages ​​began to form (other peoples, other languages), and it was these apostates from the original Vedic religion that the Slavs called pagans.

It was revealed that the languages ​​of the main nations of Europe, both ancient and modern, were similar to the speech of the Brahmins of India, as well as the followers of Zoroaster. The traditions of the Avesta reflect real historical facts and are fully supported by the testimony of the Vedas. The cause of the disaster was the passage of the Earth through cold and warm regions of the Universe, which gave rise to the sequence of glacial and interglacial periods. There are many indications of the existence of a continent around the North Pole before the last ice age.

The etymology of the word “Russia” is as follows: “ros” means “growth, increase,” “siya” means “radiance, light, holiness,” that is, Russia is a POWER THAT INCREASES HOLINESS. That is why Russia is the only country that bears the epithet “holy” - HOLY RUSSIA. In order to understand this holiness, it is necessary to plunge into the true history of the Russians: the Russians, Rosses, Uruses, Severians, Etruscans, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Getae, Slavs , Vedas and other synonyms for the essence of one and the same people, who spoke the same dialect and gave the fundamental basis to all modern languages, cultures and religions of the world...

To be continued…

The whole series: Ancient Russians: Vedic knowledge and modernity": #9


How were the Slovenians seen off?
And were the Warriors buried?
- Oak trees were planted above them,
So that they could cover them with roots,
And they kept their sleep for centuries.
From here in the shady Grove
The mystery of the ancient forest...
That's what the magician told me,
Whose ancestors once lived here.
- Elders in a difficult time
Ancestors were revered;
They carried and gave gifts
And making a request,
They waited in hope for an answer.
Crowns rose into the sky
And the murmur of leaves was heard,
Then the Wind, shaking its branches,
He spoke through the lips of the dead.
There are no more like them left...
Who knows the language of Trees.
Forgotten or lost...
It has become someone else's belief.
Well, is that why they are broken?
Now they will be rewarded according to Faith!
This is how the Slovenes were buried
And they believed in the living Forest.

And this happened - for you it took on a more spiritual form...
In fact, there is no need to talk about a single tradition in these matters, since due to historical development, ideas about the afterlife were adjusted and changed and, accordingly, the ritual changed. There are several principles for burying deceased ancestors: at first there was a period of embryonic burials, then there was a period when troupes were burned (deposition of corpses was recorded during the same period), then there was a period of mounds, then again a period of cremation. Sometimes, several types coexisted together.
The ancient Slavs (Slovenians) had three types of burial of the dead - burning at the stake, burial in the ground and abandonment in some deserted place. In ancient times, the body of the deceased was placed in a wooden coffin, which was transferred to an elevated place, where a pedestal of firewood had already been prepared, lined with dry straw and burned. The remains remaining after the burning were placed in an urn and buried in a special burial ground.
Over time (as ideas about the afterlife developed), the burial ritual underwent significant changes. The custom of burning the dead disappeared with the adoption of Christianity. It is curious that burial in the ground was possible only in cases where the deceased was pure, that is, not associated with any hostile forces that could desecrate the earth.
This idea was based on the fact that the ancient Slavs deified the earth, considering it a living being. Therefore, those who, for any reason, died before the time allotted by nature were not buried in the ground, but were left in a special place, covered with branches and leaves.
This method of burial was not characteristic exclusively of the ancient Slavs (Slovenians), it was common among all primitive peoples. Those buried in this way were called hostage dead.
The ritual for propitiating the earth was preserved in some later religious systems. For example, the ancient Zoroastrians ended the funeral with a special expiatory sacrifice, the purpose of which was to prevent the wrath of the earth. This anger of the earth, which does not accept the deceased, can also be expressed in the fact that the deceased will be able to leave the grave at night. This is where stories about vampires and ghouls, widespread in the Middle Ages, come from.
In order to avoid such danger, the ancient Slavs (Slovenes) came up with a special ritual. It consisted in the fact that the dead were buried in a large hole, over which a light structure was erected, without completely covering it with earth. Such a structure was called a wretched house and was built in remote places, most often in ravines or among swamps. Later, after the spread of Christianity, churches were built over such places, and then the burial place turned into a cemetery...

Inspiration to you in the depths of knowledge of the roots!

Thanks for the comment... All this certainly happened. But I wrote about a secret ritual. In Croatia there is the ancient city of Dubrovnik, so named because it is framed by oak groves. Previously it was called Dubrava. It’s just that no one has ever looked for a burial there... And thank God. The Illyrians lived next to the Hellenes, and the Dodon Oracle was located in the sacred Grove. Perhaps the proximity to the Hellenes and the Hellenization of the Slovenes made it possible to borrow some of the rituals. Or perhaps it belongs to the Celts, or rather the Druids. If you paid attention, this tradition has been partially preserved among the Slovenians. For this reason, a tree is planted next to the grave... To make room for the cross. I write Slovenes for the reason that among Latinized peoples Slaw means Slave and it is consonant with Slav - Slav. That is, in my opinion, Slavs is not a self-name, but a disparaging nickname given to us. Because the Slovenes were constantly at enmity with the Latins. If you are interested, read John Rajic, he says a lot about this.
I would like you to read my version of Slovenia. It’s not finished yet and it’s moving so hard, but I hope I’ll finish it someday. I published the beginning on my page. Intentionally, for you...Because I need more information, and you have it. So, if you find it possible, connect...information about the portal and contact the administration.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

One of the many controversial issues of modern historical science is the problem of localizing the ancestral homeland of the Indo-Europeans (otherwise called Aryans): peoples belonging to the Indo-European language family (that is, speaking Slavic, Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Romance and some other languages). It is known that even in ancient times the Aryans settled over a vast territory: from the extreme west of Europe to Hindustan. Moreover, Indo-European burials have been discovered even in northern China. However, the exact location of the Aryan ancestral home, that relatively small area from which the settlement took place, has not yet been clarified.

There are many versions of the localization of the ancestral homeland of the Indo-Europeans. At the present stage, four main hypotheses are most popular in the scientific community, placing it, respectively, in Western Asia, in the Balkan-Carpathian region, in the Eurasian steppes and in the “circumpontic zone” (Black Sea region). Various arguments can be given in defense (or vice versa - against) each of these points of view; but we would like to draw the readers' attention to a completely different concept. Namely, the hypothesis about the northern (Arctic) ancestral home of the Aryans, put forward at the end of the 19th century by the American historian W. Warren and the Indian scientist and public figure Bal Gangadhar Tilak and later developed in the works of Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Hermann Wirth, V. .N. Demina, N.R. Guseva and other researchers. According to this concept, the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans is the Far North (where the climate in ancient times was completely different), for which we find numerous confirmations in a variety of sources. Let us present the arguments we have.

Rigveda and other ancient Indian texts

The Rig Veda (a collection of hymns dedicated to the Gods) contains a description of the polar night. Let's quote B.G. Tilaka: “Vedic bards often prayed to the gods to deliver them from darkness, as, for example, in the Rig Veda (II, 27, 14; VII, 67, 2, etc.)... And not only people, but also the gods also lived in conditions long darkness - this is what is said about the god Agni (X, 124, I; II, 2, 2) In the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda we see a hymn in which the worshipers ask “May we safely reach the other edge of the night” and “that edge which even not visible"... Why is that? Was it because it was a winter night or a long arctic night? Fortunately, the Taittiriya Samhita has preserved for us the most ancient traditional answer, and we can not depend on the reasoning of modern commentators. It says: “O Chitravasu, let me reach your end,” and further: “Chitravasu is the night of ancient times, when the Brahmin priests were afraid that the dawn would not come after the night” (I, 5, 5,4; I, 5 , 7.7).
After all, the nights of the winter season in the tropical or mid-climate zone last today the same amount of time as they lasted here thousands of years ago, and none of us, even the most ignorant (of the Vedas) people, experience excitement in anticipation of the dawn that will end the night. .. This means that these were not just winter nights, which the Vedic bards feared in ancient times. It was something else, something that lasted a long time, when, although they understood that it would not last forever, this prolongation of darkness was still tiring and made us wait with longing for the dawn...”

Another sign of the polar regions is long dawns. Indian Tradition testifies that they were also known to the Aryans: “The priest, called hotri, had to read a thousand verses before the sacrifice called “gavam ayana” began... The verses are so long that the priest is ordered to strengthen his strength by eating oil. .. since he had to finish this reading before the sun appeared... It is indicated that one should not start reading before the first glimpse of light on the horizon... And this means that between this glimpse and the appearance of the sun quite a lot had to pass in those days time to read a long hymn of praise. The Taittiriya Samhita (II, I, 10, 3) states that if the recitation of a hymn, begun at the appointed time, ends before sunrise, then an animal should be sacrificed... It follows that the moment the sun appears above the horizon could sometimes not coincide with the calculated time..."

It is known that at the pole the year consists of only one long day and a long night (six months each). In his work “Arctic ancestral home in the Vedas” B.G. Tilak writes: “The assertion that the day and night of the gods last for six months is extremely widespread in ancient Indian literature... Mount Meru is recognized by our astronomers as the earth’s North Pole... “On Meru, the gods see the sun after its one-time ascent along its path , equal to half of its revolution around the earth”... This is confirmed by such an authoritative source as the “Laws of Manu”: “The gods have both day and night - the (human) year, again divided in two: day - the period of the sun’s movement to the north, night - the period of movement to the south "... In the Taitiriyya Brahmana (III, 9, 22.1) we also find a clear definition: “The year is just the day of the gods.”

The Indian name of the ancient Homeland is Shveta-Dvipa, White Island. Here is information about it from the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary: “Shveta-dvipa (Sanskrit. Cveta-dvipa = white island) - in Indian mythological cosmography, a silver or white fabulous island-mainland, the residence of the god Vishnu. (...) Sh., according to the description of the Mahabharata, lies in the far north beyond the ocean of milk.” As an addition, here is a quote from the Ramayana: “Here is the great White Island (Svetadvipa) near the Milky (Arctic) Ocean (Kshiroda), where great, powerful people live, beautiful as moonlight. They are slender and broad-shouldered, endowed with great physical and spiritual strength, and their voice is like thunder.”

Avesta - the holy book of Zoroastrians

The memory of the Arctic ancestral home was also preserved in the Avesta, the sacred book of the Iranian Zoroastrians. According to this source, the inhabitants of Aryan Wedge ("Aryan expanse") left their country after a severe cold snap made it uninhabitable. Zoroastrian mythology describes it as follows: “(...) God created in the middle of Khvanirata the great Aryan Veja with the river Vahvi Datia - a spacious land with rich fields, endless pastures for the delight of livestock, warm weather, abundant rains and drinking water. As soon as Angro Mainyu saw this flourishing country, he pounced on it, like an abominable wolf pounces on a righteous bull, created a reddish snake in Vahvi Datiya, from which snakes multiplied in countless numbers, and created winter. And there became ten winter months in Aryana Wedja and only two summer months, and in these winter months the waters are cold, the lands are cold, the plants are cold there, in the middle of winter, there, in the core of winter; It’s winter there, and when it’s coming to an end, there’s a big flood.”

There is in the “Avesta” (Vendidad, fargard II) a description of the polar day and polar night: “Ahura Mazda says: “(...) There the stars, the month, the sun can only be seen rising and setting once a year, and the year seems just one day""

Information from ancient authors

The ancient Greeks and Romans also knew about the existence of a legendary country in the Far North. Thus, Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” writes: “Beyond these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon [the north wind] a happy people (if you can believe it), which are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn one, the luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice. This country is entirely sunny, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life. After eating food and the light pleasures of old age, they throw themselves from some rock into the sea. This is the happiest kind of burial... One cannot doubt the existence of this people.”

Interesting information is reported by Strabo in Geography. He speaks of an outlying territory called Thule. This land is located north of Britain, six days' sail; the sea there is gelatinous, reminiscent of the body of one of the varieties of jellyfish - “sea lung”. According to V.N. Demin, “this image was required to convey the impression of slush - a slurry of loose ice before freezing, which prevented the Hellenic navigator Pytheas (it is to him that Strabo refers) to penetrate further to the North.”

The famous “father of history” Herodotus places the Hyperboreans in the Far North, on the shores of the “last sea,” and Diodorus Siculus claims that the Hellenes were close to them in customs and language. By the way, in the ancient civilization Hyperborea (otherwise Levke, White Island) was considered the birthplace of the Sun God - Apollo.

Folklore sources

Mentions of the Arctic ancestral home are also found in folklore. Russian fairy tales talk about a glass (crystal) mountain - some researchers identify it with the polar mountain Meru of ancient Indian texts. According to V.N. Demina, the Sunflower Kingdom of Russian folklore is synonymous with Hyperborea: “Perhaps the refrain of Russian fairy tales about the Sunflower Kingdom, which is located far away, is vague memories of ancient times when our ancestors came into contact with the Hyperboreans and were themselves Hyperboreans. (...) The sunflower kingdom is also mentioned in prosaic northern tales. One of these was recorded in 1906 on Vygozero from the storyteller Manuyla Petrov, Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954). In turn, Manuilo heard about the Kingdom of the Sunflowers from the pilgrims. As they said, to the kingdom where the sun does not set in summer, you don’t have to walk, but you have to fly (as in the epic). The most cherished thing in the Sunflower Kingdom are eggs, which give people eternal youth and immortality. The storyteller called them “well done eggs” (this is what in other fairy tales is called “rejuvenating apples”). Miraculous fruits, like their Hellenic prototypes - the apples of the Hesperides - go back to a common Hyperborean source: it was in Hyperborea that people did not know illness and old age.”

Perhaps the “midnight land” of Slovak folklore is another of the many names of the Ancestral Home: “The famous Slovak tale of the sun horse also describes in detail the midnight land, where people adapted to night life among the mountains and fought the darkness with the help of a magic horse with the Sun in its forehead . No matter how the fairy-tale plot has transformed over its long life, it indisputably testifies to one thing: the ancestors of the Slavs knew about a country beyond the Arctic Circle, where a long night reigns and an endless storm rages.” The Sami legend, according to which the ancient people, who previously lived in the North, sank to the bottom of the ocean and continue to live there, is also, presumably, evidence of the existence of the Hyperboreans and Hyperborea...

Vintage cards

In the 16th century, cartographers Orinth Feeney, Jan Buschmechers and Gerard Mercator independently compiled maps on which the North Pole is surrounded by a continent divided by rivers into four parts; on all these maps, in the center of the continent there is a mountain surrounded by an inland sea and a lake. Apparently, the cartographers used some ancient sources that have not reached us. Currently, three Mercator maps are known, significantly different from each other, dated 1569, 1595 and 1620.

SOUTH. Yankin in his article “Scientific data about the Northern ancestral home of the Slavs” writes: “A careful examination of the Mercator map of 1595 reveals its incredible antiquity: at the North Pole itself there is an island continent, which was discovered by Ya. Ya. Gakkel (30s of the XX century .) was named Arctida. When examining the Northern Lands (namely, the map is named by Mercator in the lower right medallion), no ice is found anywhere. The orientation of the map is somewhat different from the modern one: it has north in the upper left corner and south in the lower right. The island of Greenland is small and can only be recognized by its inscription and its position on the map; Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula are recognizable, but the Baltic is not yet there, and instead of it in place of the Gulf of Bothnia there are two long lakes, the White Sea is very small in area; Novaya Zemlya - peninsula; instead of the shallow East Siberian Sea there is a huge cape, very close to the Arctic; The Bering Strait (at the top of the map) is unusually wide; the territory of North America is a continent with one sea bay in the northwest; the middle course of the Yukon River is recognized. At the mouth of the Ob River the inscription “Zolotaia Vaba” - “Zlata Baba” - Golden Mother, i.e. Mother Earth, and the area around is called “Bjarmia” - Permia. The area of ​​Grumant Island (Spitsbergen) is extremely interesting: instead of the modern archipelago of islands, there are two large islands and on the left a strange island outlined by one corner...; at the same time, the fourth island of Arctida opposite it is indicated in our drawing only from the northern side. The author managed to find another Mercator map in the Russian State Library, dated 1569, which differs from the one discussed earlier: on it there is neither Grumant nor the other two islands, but instead the continent of Arctida (more precisely, its fourth, southern largest island, completely and clearly outlined), which also includes Novaya Zemlya, leaving a narrow strait with the mainland near the inscription in Latin letters “Stone Belt”. Finally, we managed to find the third Mercator map from 1620: it shows Greenland grown to enormous sizes with huge “wings” that have blurred borders on the side of the North Pole - the remains of the sinking Arctida.

This is the main difference between the three maps in the area of ​​interest to us, and it is not accidental: one might think that the sources of information for their compiler were different in time, and this may mean that the last map was compiled much later than the second, and it shows the moment of Arctida’s immersion, those. one of the episodes of the cataclysm that began in the North, which (as the toponyms deciphered by the author show) lasted many hundreds and even thousands of years. Thus, the maps reflect the state of the Northern lands approximately 12-10 millennia BC, and the basis for them was apparently compiled by the Indo-Europeans themselves...”

Latest scientific data

Soviet oceanographer Ya.Ya. Gakkel hypothesized the existence of the island continent of Arctida. Later, underwater ridges were discovered: Lomonosov, Mendeleev and Gakkel. SOUTH. Yankin writes: “Analysis of sediment samples from the Mendeleev Ridge showed their age to be about 9,300 years; the peaks of the Lomonosov Ridge were islands about 12,000 years ago. Currently, the depths of the vast Arctic shelf are 100 - 200 and even 40-60 meters. In addition, it is known for sure that after the melting of glaciers, which began about 12,000 years ago, the level of the world's oceans rose by more than 150 meters."

There is also evidence of the existence of a warm climate in the Arctic in ancient times: “the latest comprehensive studies conducted recently in the north of Scotland under an international program (...) showed that even 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean, and there was a large number of heat-loving animals. However, even earlier, Russian oceanographers and paleontologists established that in the 30-15th millennium BC. The Arctic climate was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. Academician Alexey Fedorovich Treshnikov came to the conclusion that powerful mountain formations - the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges - relatively recently (10-20 thousand years ago) rose above the surface of the Arctic Ocean, which itself then - due to the mild climate - was not completely covered with ice. American and Canadian scientists came to approximately the same conclusions and chronological framework. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation, in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a zone of temperate climate, favorable for flora and fauna that could not exist in the circumpolar and polar territories of North America."

Of course, we have not given all the currently available arguments in favor of the truth of the hypothesis about the Arctic ancestral home of the Aryans - within the framework of this work this is not possible. For those interested, we recommend that you refer to numerous scientific and popular science literature devoted to the problem of Hyperborea - the works of W. Warren, B.G. Tilaka, V.N. Demin and other authors.

E.A. Vlaskin


  1. Brockhaus, Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.
  2. Demin V.N. Hyperborea.
  3. Demin V.N. Mysteries of the Russian North.
  4. Demin V.N. Secrets of the Russian people. M., 2000.
  5. Zolin P.M. Aryana Vaja.
  6. Tilak B. G. Arctic ancestral home in the Vedas.
  7. Yankin Yu.G. Scientific data about the Northern ancestral home of the Slavs.

Quote by: Tilak B. G. Arctic ancestral home in the Vedas.
Quote by: Tilak B. G. Arctic ancestral home in the Vedas.
Quote by: Brockhaus, Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Back

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The question of the origin and settlement of the Aryan tribes - the ancestors of modern people speaking the Indo-European group of languages, and of European civilization - remains open. Many scientists believe that the Aryans were a separate race, an independent ethnic entity, and their ancestral home was located beyond the Arctic Circle. Traditional theories of the northern location of the cradle of the Aryans cause heated discussions, the content of which changes after new discoveries and causes heated debate among scientists. Due to a lack of scientific facts, it has not yet been possible to accurately localize the supposed homeland of the Aryans. Only the approximate time of the arrival of the Aryans in Mesopotamia and India is known for certain (the middle of the 2nd millennium BC), but where they came from remains a mystery to this day.

Russian historians at the beginning of the 19th century. The upper reaches of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers were considered the homeland of the Aryans, where, according to tradition, the place of settlement of one of the tribes of Japheth was determined. According to the Holy Scriptures, after the flood, from the three sons of Noah - Shem, Ham and Japheth - all the nations now living on earth originated. The tribe of Japheth gave rise to our ancient ancestors - the Aryans, which in the ancient language meant - venerable, excellent. The characteristic ethnic features of the Aryans, according to ancient descriptions, were: tall stature, fair skin, blue eyes, chestnut-colored hair, a long skull and a narrow face, a high forehead and a narrow “Greek” nose. However, today the Asian hypothesis of the origin of the Indo-Europeans is denied by most linguists, and there is no archaeological evidence in its favor. According to the British archaeologist and historian Gordon Childe, who devoted a special study to the problem of the Aryans at the beginning of the 20th century,2 the theory about the North European cradle of the Indo-Europeans in Scandinavia can be considered the most substantiated; it is developed in detail and supported by archaeological finds. However, in 1930, this theory was rejected by the majority of experts and was replaced by another concept, which also has many supporters among scientists, which speaks of the Dnieper-Volga interfluve, from where the settlement of Indo-Europeans began in all directions. The search for the ancestral home of the Aryans continues to this day.

The discovery of more than twenty cities of the turn of the 3rd–2nd millennium BC by archaeologists in the southern Trans-Urals over the past two decades has become a world sensation: Arkaim (discovered in 1987), Sarym-Sakly, Sintashta, Ustya, Alandsky, etc., called “ A country of cities." Using the method of radiocarbon analysis, two groups of dates were obtained that determine the age of Arkaim: XVIII–XVI and XXI–XX centuries. BC. According to one of the working hypotheses of scientists, this is the possible ancestral home of the ancient Indo-Iranians - the Aryans, which historians and linguists have not been able to determine for a long time. However, it is very difficult to prove from the artifacts found who these cities actually belonged to. Therefore, a number of other places claim to be the true homeland of the Aryans. Among the conclusions of archaeologists drawn from the results of excavations in recent years, a new hypothesis has emerged that the Aryans could have been the so-called Andronovo people - cattle breeders and farmers of the Bronze Age who lived in the south of Siberia and Kazakhstan in the 2nd millennium BC. According to Doctor of Historical Sciences A. Matveev, the ancestral home of the mysterious Aryans is the Ingal Valley, located in the south of the Tyumen region, between the Iset and Tobol rivers, a tributary of the Irtysh.

Once upon a time, a few Indo-Iranian tribes lived compactly together in a small area and called themselves “Arya”. From them came the well-known term “Aryan peoples”. According to scientists, by the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The Indo-Aryans left their northern ancestral home, split into two branches, Indo-Iranian and Iranian, and went south to India. The Aryans were the creators of the famous religion of fire worshipers and left behind outstanding written monuments “Rigveda” and “Avesta”, which contain a description of the ancestral home and polar phenomena. It is they who are credited with the first information about the polar location of Meru in ancient times. The text of these ancient monuments is often referred to by scientists who find direct analogies of the excavated objects with the description in the Avesta.

Arkaim is the remains of an ancient fortified city with adjacent economic sites, a burial ground and a number of unfortified villages. It is also believed that it could have served as an ancient observatory. It is located in the steppes of the Southern Urals, south of Magnitogorsk, where the border of Europe and Asia passes. All buildings of the Arkaim period are made of soil and wood. Small-piece adobe bricks and large-sized blocks were made from the base soil. Particular strength was achieved by cementing agents (carbonate, gypsum). One of the technologies is layer-by-layer pouring of liquid soil into the formwork and then drying. A similar technology in housing construction is described in some parts of the text of the Avesta: “Thus said Ahura-Mazda to Yima... “Oh, beautiful Yima, son of Vivakhvat,... And you make Vara... the size of a horse run on all four sides for people’s housing and the size running horses on all four sides to accommodate livestock. Draw water there, ... arrange meadows there, ... build houses, and premises, and sheds, and fences and fences there.” That's what Yima thought. “How can I do Vara? Which Ahura Mazda told me about?” And then Ahura-Mazda said to Yima: “Oh, beautiful Yima, ... pound the earth with your heels and knead with your hands the way people sculpt wet earth” /Avesta. Videvdat/. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that construction from clay bricks was characteristic of Assyrian and Babylonian architecture, long before the Aryans arrived there, so the presence of mud bricks in Arkaim is a completely unconvincing argument to connect Arkaim with the Aryans.
Arkaim researchers also paid attention to one of the concepts of the Rigveda, the oldest monument of Indian literature, designated by the word “vrijana”. It appears in the text over fifty times and means different things: “fenced place”, “pen for cattle”, “dwelling”, “several dwellings”, “all people living in one place”, “army”, “village”.

The crowded adobe buildings adjacent to each other in the excavated Arkaim fit all of the above characteristics. In the Veda of the Slavs, a similar city is called Kaile-grad, i.e. round city. In plan, Arkaim consists of two rings of earthen ramparts inscribed one into the other with 4 passages in the outer ditch, in the geometric center of which there is a flat rectangular platform. The ramparts are the remains of defensive walls made of soil, adobe blocks and wood. The diameter of the outer wall is about 145 m, the inner one is 85 m. The thickness of the outer wall at the base is 4–5 meters. It is surrounded on the outside by a ditch 1.5–2.5 meters deep. The thickness of the inner wall is smaller - 3–4 meters. Archaeologists have unearthed spiral-shaped structures, unlike anything else, with powerful double defensive walls 5 meters high, made of soil blocks in combination with vertically dug wooden pillars, smelting furnaces, craft workshops, granite figurines of long-eared people not found in known cultures of the world. The two-wheeled war chariots discovered in Arkaim burials are now recognized as the most ancient in the world. The inner part of the city was completely isolated from the outer part of the city by a wall 7 meters high and 3 meters wide. The geometry of the buildings of Arkaim is clearly verified, which allows us to put forward a hypothesis about the astronomical purpose of the buildings. Anyone entering the city passed through spiral passages, following the direction of the sun, clockwise. In plan, the city of Arkaim resembles the image of the mysterious northern Shambhala on Tibetan thangka - the same ring structure with two protective perimeter walls. The basis of the layout of Arkaim is two concentric rings of walls, two rings of dwellings and a circular street. There is a square square in the center.

Aerial view of the excavations in the Country of Cities. Southern Trans-Urals
Aerial photographs show different city layouts: early ones were oval (ovoid) and later ones were circular and square. All cities are united by a single architectural style. Historian G.B. Zdanovich, director of the historical and archaeological complex “Arkaim,” notes that Arkaim reflects the principle of the mandala, he writes: “Arkaim surprises with its degree of preservation. A primitive monument lying in the steppe, and in such preservation, when houses are visible, squares and defensive structures are visible, and sometimes dams and roads - this is a huge rarity. This doesn't happen. It's just a phenomenon. ...The symbolism of the circle is close to the principle of the mandala. This concept is first found in the Rig Veda, meaning “wheel”, “ring”, “country”, “space”, “society”. The ring structure of the settlement with common walls and exits oriented towards the center led researchers to the idea that the buildings of Arkaim reflect the principle of the mandala - the “circle of time”.

The Slavic “Book of Veles” reports on the exodus of the Aryan peoples from the north, and the construction of cities along the route of their movement, which were later also abandoned by them when the Aryans moved even further to the south. The proto-city of Arkaim was accidentally discovered in 1987 at the confluence of the Utyaganka and Karaganka rivers and immediately became a world sensation. It turned out to be the same age as the Egyptian pyramids and the famous Stonehenge in England. According to scientists, unique remains of one of the most ancient civilizations of mankind have been discovered, perhaps these are the cities of the Aryans, whose homeland was still unknown. This has yet to be proven by scientists, since no direct evidence of this hypothesis has yet been found, but there are some matches with the description in ancient texts. According to a study of anthropological materials (remains of human skeletons), the population of the proto-urban centers of the Southern Trans-Urals in the 18th–16th centuries. BC. was Caucasian, without noticeable signs of Mongoloid features. The Arkaim type of person is close to the population of the ancient Yam culture, which occupied vast areas of the Eurasian steppes in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. It is interesting to note that during the excavations, shards of pottery with swastika symbols depicted on them were found.

The territory of the “Country of Cities” stretches for 350 km from north to south along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains. The most mysterious thing is that, according to archaeological excavations, the ancient inhabitants left their cities in an organized manner, just as the Mayans, for an unknown reason, left their cities on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Unlike the exodus of the Mayans from their cities, Arkaim was first set on fire, after removing everything valuable from their homes. Descendants were left with only adobe walls and only questions for historians and researchers. It is suggested that the inhabitants of the “Land of Cities” - the Aryans - left their settlements in an organized manner due to the cooling on the planet to the south. However, the currently available scientific material is still not enough for Arkaim to be recognized as the unconditional homeland of the Aryans.

In 1999, on the shores of Lake Orog Nuur in Mongolia, I was extremely surprised to hear confirmation of the legend from a local resident who had not only heard about the White Island, but also confidently showed its location on a modern map: “on a 300-meter ledge located in the steppe, approximately 70–90 km northwest of Lake Orog-Nuur.” The Bayan-Tsaagan-Uul mountain range, 3452 meters high, is a very suitable object for hiding not only a small community, but also an entire city. It was here that travelers repeatedly encountered unusually tall people with long hair and an oblong face, avoiding any contact. White Mountain and the nearby mountains of the Altai Altai are known for numerous finds indicating human habitation here 700 thousand years ago. Research carried out in this area since 1995 by a Russian-American-Mongolian archaeological expedition has identified zones that seem to scientists to be key to solving the problem of the initial human development of the central regions of Asia.

The history of Central Asia is reflected in most detail in the classical works of Russian orientalists N.Ya. Bichurina, L.N. Gumileva, G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo and others. Their scientific works, which remain the most authoritative sources of information about ancient Asia, trace the entire history of nomadic tribes known today, the rise and fall of ethnic groups, the birth and collapse of powerful empires. Among the large number of nationalities that alternately inhabited the steppe spaces of the Gobi for centuries, scientists have identified a mysterious ancient white race of Caucasian appearance, the origin of which is still unclear. Chinese chronicles of the 3rd millennium BC. report on the ancient Di and Dinlin peoples who lived from time immemorial in Central Asia. Their distinctive feature were European facial features: long face, white skin color, light eyes, blond hair. In the family tree of Asian peoples, the Dinlins are located at its base, from them the Chinese Xia, Xianbei, Huns, Turks, etc. peoples then appeared. Chinese chroniclers call the “sandy country of Shasai” the homeland of the mysterious Dinlin and Di tribes, as the modern Gobi Desert was called in ancient times. In those days, the Gobi was not so waterless and deserted; it had more steppe areas and oases with lakes and forests. Chinese chronicles provide extremely scanty information about the Dinlings. From the ancient Chinese indication “Bei-shy” it is known that the popular name di changed to dinling when they crossed to the northern side of the Gobi Desert and resettled to the south of Siberia. Subsequently, the Chinese called the Sayan Mountains “Dinling” in their chronicles.

In recent years, new evidence and hypotheses about dinlins have emerged4. Dinlins of Caucasian appearance are mentioned in chronicles from the end of the 3rd century. BC, they live between the upper Yenisei and the “northern sea” (Baikal). That is, in addition to the population of the Tarim oases, unnamed by the Chinese, known to the Greeks under the name of the Sers, there was another Caucasoid population on the northern borders of China, these were the Wusuns (Asians) and the Yuezchis (Yatii).

Several centuries earlier, in the 7th–6th centuries BC, in the Yellow River basin itself, the Chinese fought the Caucasoid Di tribes. The Chinese mixed with them - hence the ancient Chinese had protruding noses and lush beards, and some of their heroes had blue eyes (Gumilyov 1959). Chinese sources confuse Di with Dinlins, apparently due to the convergence in the later sound of the names, and, based on this, Grum-Grzhimailo built a hypothesis about the displacement of Di to the northwest and their transformation into Dinlins, but Gumilyov is probably right in that that these are different peoples.

The indication “Bei-shi” is also confirmed by the Chinese inscription on the Orkhon monument, erected in 732, which states that the sandy country bordering China, i.e. the southern outskirts of the Gobi was the homeland of the Dinlins.

G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo, in the third volume of his work “Western Mongolia and the Uriankhai Territory,” writes: “Approaching the peoples of the Indochinese group in language, the Dinlins, in their physical characteristics and mental characteristics, belonged to that blond race that some anthropologists consider primitive in Europe.”
Whether there is any connection between the ancient blond race, whose homeland is the Gobi, and the mythical White Island or the mysterious Spiritual Center in the Gobi is unknown. Is it possible to assume that the White Island existed in the Gobi in times not so distant, namely in the 3rd millennium BC, when, according to geologists, there were no longer large inland seas in this area?

The famous American clairvoyant Evans Cayce, along with the well-known messages about Atlantis, also left mysterious indications of the existence of an ancient civilization on the land of the modern Mongols. Treasure hunters may find some inspiration from the following information.

“At that time, this individual used in his work the metal known to us as iron, as well as an alloy of iron and copper that has not been used by people since then. This alloy of copper with a small admixture of iron made the copper hardened. Such copper was used in Egypt, Peru and some areas of the Chaldean land. Items made from this alloy can be found in an Indo-Chinese city that has not yet been discovered (“reading” 470-22).

In the Gobi country this individual was a priestess in the Golden Temple, which has yet to be excavated (2402-2).

This individual lived in the land of Mongolia, or Gobi, and was one of the princesses. A figurine with her image, made of pure gold, can be found in the Golden Temple (1167-2).”6

According to his “readings”, when the Atlanteans 10.5 thousand years BC. moved to Egypt and Central America, there was a country called the Gobi, to which the Atlantean envoys were sent. In his readings there are phrases: “He was a translator from the languages ​​of the Atlanteans and Gobi... He prepared envoys to the Gobi country” (“readings” 1847-1 and 3420-1). Prophecy of Evans Cayce (1167-2): “In the country of the Gobi, on the land of modern Mongolia, a city with a Golden Temple is to be excavated, where a female figurine made of pure gold and objects made of an alloy of iron and copper, which has not been used by people since then, will be found " Evans Case's prophecy has not yet come true. Archaeological excavations have confirmed the existence on the territory of modern Mongolia in the 3rd–2nd millennium BC. a major center for the production of copper and bronze. The ancient gold objects found amaze jewelers with their filigree workmanship and exquisite gold pattern as thick as a human hair, the secret of which has been lost for centuries, but so far no one has been able to find traces of the so often mentioned “Gobian civilization”.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the real picture of the “first times” and accurately identify ancient mythological names with modern coordinates on a geographical map. The linking of hypothetical holy lands to modern places is very conditional and their identification on a modern map due to the lack of accurate evidence in most cases remains controversial. In historical chronicles and legends, the White Island was located beyond the Arctic Circle; it is believed that this is where the ancient Aryans, the ancestors of white people, came from.
Sergey Volkov


Yu.A. Shilov. Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1949 into a family of hereditary peasants in one of the villages of the Zaporozhye region on the shores of the Azov Sea. In 1972 he graduated from Moscow State University. Then, in 1977, postgraduate studies at the Kiev Institute of Archeology. The candidate's dissertation was devoted to the issue of the formation of Aryan tribes. The topic of the doctoral dissertation is related to the deciphering of myths reflected in archaeological monuments. ‘This made it possible to get to the origins of the formation of the Aryans and the Vedic culture they created. “The Ancient Homeland of the Aryans” is essentially my doctoral dissertation.

As I expected, the scientific community turned out to be unprepared to perceive the results of my research in all its depth. People have been working for decades according to the established scheme, and suddenly a book appears that does not fit into the framework of their ideas, and they can either accept the validity of my conclusions, abandoning their own, or ignore my work. To get out of the situation, colleagues declared “The Ancestral Homeland of the Aryans” to be a popular scientific work, and, therefore, there could be no talk of defending a doctorate. When the situation began to become scandalous, the director of our institute sent my book to Moscow for review. Here the scientific council recommended the “Ancestral Home of the Aryans” for protection. But it turned out that there was no one to actually accept the defense, because We do not have specialists in Aryan studies of the required level.

Pavel Tulaev: Dear Yuri Alekseevich, before starting our interview, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the release of your fundamental research “Ancestral Homeland of the Aryans” and express my joy at this event, which I believe is of global significance, an event not only for ours domestic science, but also for world science as a whole. First question: Please tell me how you yourself evaluate it?

Yu.Sh. I assess this event primarily as consolidating a new stage in archeology and in the study of ancient history. Archaeologists have such a concept as “Gorodtsov’s stage of research into the Bronze Age of the steppes of southern Russia.” V.A. Gorodtsov introduced funeral rites into science. Before him, i.e. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, archaeologists studied things in order to supplement museum exhibitions. Gorodtsov developed a new approach; he introduced a systematization of cultures according to the type of funeral burials and gave each its own name, for example, catacomb, log house, barrow. I just started studying the mounds. It was believed that the mounds were something similar to modern burial mounds, just a large pile of earth. Only in the 60s, the Leningrad scientist Gryaznov suggested that they were some kind of architectural structure, something like a house or an imitation of a house, nothing more. Beginning in the 70s, after excavating a high grave in the Kherson region, I, firstly, first noticed that the numerous fillings of mounds and the mound itself are, first of all, a temple, secondly, an observatory for calendar observations and, only thirdly, a cemetery. It was possible to trace symbolic figures in the design of the mounds. Everyone knows the symbolic figures of Nazca. Experts know that in Europe, particularly in England, there are huge figures visible only from an airplane. It turned out that our mounds also have symbolism: these are anthropomorphic figures, astral signs - in the form of the Sun, Moon, Taurus,

Aries, zoomorphic drawings depicting snakes, birds, etc. After the mound was reclaimed, this third element, which was missing, only after that the mound was reclaimed in its entirety, i.e. The mound itself was attached to the things and burials. This triune, holistically mastered historical and archaeological source made it possible to decipher the myths. In essence, my book is a decipherment of the myths contained in the sanctuaries of burial mounds, burial grounds, and things preserved over vast territories: from the Danube to the Yenisei. The center of the Kurgan ritual and the most developed myth-making turned out to be the steppe Dnieper region, the very territory that linguists, in particular Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev, assumed to be the ancestral home of the Aryans. The myths deciphered in the mounds confirmed his hypothesis: they turned out to be very close and often even identical to those myths that were preserved in the second Aryan homeland in India. This is the main conclusion.

P.T. A few years ago, your book “Cosmic Secrets of the Mounds” was published by the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. I then read it with interest. It's exciting, full of valuable material, and it also outlines the conclusions of your research. But, apparently, a new book, which has a different name and volume, is it somehow different in content? Does it represent the next stage in your work? What's fundamentally new in this book?

Yu.Sh. It turned out that the “Cosmic Secrets of the Mounds,” published in 1990, contains a popular scientific presentation of the conclusions that were obtained when deciphering the myths. Five years have passed, and during this time I have uncovered new mounds with new mythological subjects. The mounds are unique. This new material is included in the “Ancestral Homeland of the Aryans” book. Then, the last book, unlike “Cosmic Secrets,” is no longer a popular science book, but a purely Scientific publication. If earlier I felt on an intuitive level that the mounds help to find an answer to the problem of the reality of the residual biofield, the immortal soul, which is present in the teachings of the Indian brahmans, then concrete material came later. I myself had to experience entering the “tunnel of immortality” and in new situations when excavating burial mounds, I became convinced that it was all real. Monuments were found, by studying which it was possible to understand how yoga was born and formed, what energy is at its basis. I took the risk of giving this material at the end of my scientific work, on the very last pages, in the afterword. And now these last pages, as if taken beyond the scope of a purely academic study, are being used by my opponents for this purpose. to cast doubt on the scientific nature of the monograph itself. But I still don’t regret that I did this, because I consider it the duty of a scientist to point out certain boundaries and limits that are beyond the control of modern science. They must be taken, these milestones.

P.T. In “Cosmic Secrets of the Mounds” you mention that burials were carried out in the fetal position. They seemed to repeat the form of human birth and prepare people for the afterlife. It was a mystery. Did I understand correctly that the mounds were religious buildings, that they were temples for mysteries, where the sacrament of transition to another world took place?

Yu.Sh. Yes, you got the point correctly. The essence of the Aryan mounds comes down to the revival of the dead, to the resurrection. For this purpose, they were added to the annual cycle, hence the calendars in the funeral rite. The deceased were given the properties of an embryo, as you said. Moreover, not only in poses. The main Aryan myth about the day of Vritra and the embryo of the universe Vale is the archetype of conception. Then there is the archetype associated with the formation of the embryo. This is in specific mounds, ditches, etc. Then there are toppings, symbolizing “Mother Raw Earth,” which should revive the dead. The embryonic positions of the bulk of the burials are precisely associated with them. Then follow the archetypes associated with resurrection, in particular with the Indo-Aryan teaching of the Brahmans about the heavenly bucket, which draws with the help of the deceased the vital forces of the other world. With the help of the priests, this tub rises into the heavens, and the gods overturn and pour out these vital forces for the benefit of the living. There is a cycle of existence and non-existence.

P.T. During the presentation, you said that the mounds containing the material remains of ancient Aryan culture are an illustration of those myths that were later developed in the Rigvedic tradition, in the monuments of written culture known as the Rigveda. How reliable is this? How could you confirm that the mounds really illustrate the myths that we find in the Rig Veda? What exactly are these myths?

Yu.Sh. Here, first of all, you need to understand that myth-making is a worldview and a form of existence of primitive culture. It covered all aspects of life, all manifestations of culture. It was simultaneously a verbal story, a ritual, and the creation of things. It turned out that it was in the Aryan ancestral home, in the steppe Dnieper region, that the material part of the myths remained, and the texts were transferred to India. There the material side has changed. Almost no mounds are built there, although reminiscences can still be found in Buddhist stupas. But the texts were preserved there. We can now make a stereoscopic pair, as it were, compare the texts preserved in India and those archaeological monuments that remained in the ancestral homeland of the Aryans in the Dnieper region. This stereo pair makes it possible to penetrate into depths that were never dreamed of before.

P.T. For our publication, could you suggest any specific illustration of archaeological excavations that obviously depicted a myth or other myth from the Rigveda and text?

Yu.Sh. It is believed that the main myth of the Indo-Aryan Rig Veda is the myth of the snake Vritra, who protects the embryo of the universe Valu. The main character of the Rig Veda, Indra, appears. He wins, dismembers the serpent Vritra, frees the embryo of the universe Valu, splits it and a new cycle begins. This is what is in Indian texts.

What is in our mounds, in particular in those that were recently excavated at the mouth of the Psel River. There the end of the anomaly was discovered, which begins near Kursk and stretches to Krivoy Rog. Near Kremenchug, the end of this ore anomaly, and at the same time the geomagnetic and radiation anomaly, forms a kind of Bermuda Triangle. There are exits of the so-called mantle channels. Powerful gravitational anomaly. And it turned out that the most ancient sanctuaries and mounds correspond to the main Aryan myth. The correspondences are as follows: the snake ditch guarding the cult pit symbolizes Vritra and Vala, and the stone humanoid sculptures convey the image of Indra. It turned out that the most ancient Aryan sanctuaries and burial mounds were erected precisely in the zone of this gravitational anomaly. These sanctuaries are from the mid-4th millennium BC. and illustrate those texts that have survived in India. Then it is traced that the main Aryan myth existed in the Dnieper region for 2 millennia, before the partial resettlement of the Aryans to India, and then became the basis of the famous Greek myth about the origin of the Scythians from Hercules and the snake-legged goddess.

P.T. Very interesting. Is it fair to assume that this basic Indo-European myth about Indra u Bpumpe continued to exist and this archetype was preserved in later Slavic mythology. For example, the myth of Svarog can be seen even in Orthodox icons with St. George the Victorious. In the coat of arms of Moscow, many see a warrior, but this warrior is heavenly, he is a projection of the solar god Indra, who defeats the serpent, not in a political sense, but in a mystical sense, like the chthonic forces of the earth.

Yu.Sh. This is precisely what I focus the attention of the readers of the “Ancestral Homeland of the Aryans”. In the culture of Rus', this Aryan myth is transformed through the legend about the origin of the Scythians from Hercules and the snake-legged goddess. It survived until the 16th century in the so-called serpentines. These were medallions that were worn over clothing, over Christian crosses. On one side of the medallion a saint was depicted, most often it was the Archangel Michael, the predecessor of St. George the Victorious, and on the reverse side a snake-footed ancestor of the Scythians was depicted. This is described very well by Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov and other researchers. It is generally accepted that the myth of the confrontation between Ivdra and Vritra entered the foundation of the Russian tradition, surviving Christianization. As for Svarog, it is not associated with the main Aryan myth, although several mounds remain in the Black Sea region, which are called Savur-grave or Savuryuga. In my opinion, they come from the Aryan Suvar-yuga, which means "Golden Age" or "Solar Age". From this Suvar-agni, i.e. Heavenly fire, the Slavic Svarog comes.

P.T. There is a point of view that Svarog is related to Varuna. It was first expressed by A.N. Afanasyev in his work “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature.”

Yu.Sh. Svarog is a heavenly, solar deity, but Varuna is still a chthonic deity; he is connected with the other world in a different way.

P.T. Your book is called “The Ancestral Home of the Aryans”, this is the title on the cover and this is probably the most important. Is it possible, after the publication of your research, to say with confidence that the ancestral home of the Aryans was located precisely in the steppes of the Dnieper and Azov regions?

Yu.Sh. It seems to me that this can be said. Since archaeological confirmation of the conclusions of linguists has been received: Bulgarian Vasily Georgiev and Russian O.N. Trubachev. But it is necessary to emphasize the fact that I am considering precisely the ancestral home, that is, the original source of the Aryan community. Or it would be possible to write a book “Ancestral Homelands of the Aryans”, i.e. include into consideration later centers, such as those that existed, for example, in the southern Urals. The Aryan centers near the Urals date back to the eve of the Aryan migration to India; they date back to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. And the Dnieper ancestral home is the middle of the 4th millennium. Here is the most complete and concentrated correspondence to surviving Indian myths. That is why I argue that the Dnieper region should be considered as the most ancient ancestral home of the Aryans.

P.T. That is, as I understand it, your book does not mainly contradict the research of V.A. Safronov, the author of the book “Indo-European Ancestral Homelands”. Does it simply clarify and localize the most ancient source?

Yu.Sh. Yes, she clarifies the question about arias. The fact is that the Aryans, or they are also called Indo-Iranians, are only part of the Indo-European community. Safronov views the Indo-European community more broadly. In his studies, only a certain perspective is devoted to the issue of arias. His work is about something else. In the main we have no contradictions, but the differences in the nuances are quite significant.

P.T. Another famous author, translator, and researcher of the Rig Veda, Elizarenkova, is also a proponent of a more clear approach to the problem that interests us. She says that the Aryans are the southern branches of the Indo-Europeans: Iranian-Aryan and Indian-Aryan. And she is not a supporter of mixing all Indo-European peoples into the concept of Aryans. How do you feel about this? Can we use the word aria more broadly or is this undesirable? Yu.Sh. I have already said that this is scientific ­ ny point of view. And I am, in general, unoriginal when I claim that the Aryans are only part of a larger Indo-European community. But until the beginning of the 20th century there was an expanded understanding of the Aryans, they included the ancestors of both the Germanic and Slavic peoples, and the Greeks. Modern linguistics under Aryans means only some Iranian and Indian tribes. As for the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and Germanic peoples, we have every reason to say that some of the Aryan tribes became part of the related Indo-European peoples in the north and west. We can claim that the Aryan tribe of the Danes, led by Odshum, deified by them, took part in the ethnogenesis of the Germans. We can now say with sufficient confidence that the Aryan tribe of the Souvirs took part in the ethnogenesis of the Slavs, giving rise to the Sivertsy, from whom the famous Prince Igor descended. The latter considered their ancestral home Sindika or Indika, in the region of the Taman Peninsula, where the Tmutarakan principality of Kievan Rus was located. But these questions still need to be further developed in order to clarify all the details.

P.T. Academician Trubachev, if I’m not mistaken, just developed this “Tmutarakan hypothesis”. At the festival of Slavic literature and culture in Taurida, he presented to some participants the book “To the Origins of Russia,” where, from a linguistic point of view, he proves the possibility of the exodus of Russian tribes from the region of Tmutarakan, modern Kuban. Is this hypothesis well founded?

Yu.Sh. Yes, definitely.

P.T. For a long time, due to well-known political circumstances, we were faced with public rejection of the very concept of “aria”. Until now, some authors writing about Aryanism are forced to make excuses. Some opponents claim that this is Hitler's propaganda. How should we feel about this? What can you answer them today?

Yu.Sh. First of all, one should adhere to historical istish! Aryans are the self-name of ancient tribes, embodied in Vedic literature. And we must stand on this. And political speculation must be eliminated through raising the level of scientific culture. There are no other ways.

P.T. I just wanted to give a couple of recent examples. Recently, one young researcher Sergei Antonenko published a book “Aryan Rus'” with the subtitle “Unusual Truth”. There were responses in the press. People who have not read this book accuse the author of promoting German National Socialism, when he proves exactly the opposite. And here’s another hypothesis that is of great interest to young people now. Since the southern republics of the USSR have now become our near abroad, Russia suddenly felt like a northern country, which it was originally. The hypothesis about the Hyperborean origin of Russia, about the Hyperboreans as our ancestors, is becoming increasingly popular. There are two well-known publications in our press. The first is from Doctor of Historical Sciences Guseva about the deep ancestral home of the Aryan ancestors in the north, memories of which are preserved in the Rig Vedas. There is also a well-known book by the modern esotericist, metaphysician and politician Alexander Dugin, who expounds in detail and conscientiously the doctrine of Herman Wirth. The book is called “Hyperborean Theory”. What is your attitude to the Hyperborean theory?

Yu.Sh. First of all, I must say that my research highlighted the Hyperborean tribes. Otherwise, they are called proto-Greeks, although these are not all proto-Greeks, but the ancestors of only part of the proto-Greek tribes. I associate them with the so-called “Ingul” archaeological culture, which was formed in the steppe Dnieper region from the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. On what basis do I consider them Hyperboreans? On the basis that among these tribes myths associated with the ancient Zeus, with the ancient Apollo, with the ancient Dionysus are reconstructed. Although the Greeks introduced Dionysus and Apollo into the pantheon, they emphasized their Hyperborean origin. Consequently, these gods are the indicator of the day of revealing the Hyperborean ancestral home. They are found, I repeat, in the steppe Dnieper region. As for the placement of Hyperborea in more northern latitudes, in particular in the Urals, there is no factual material for this except hypothetical constructions. There are sanctuaries and observatory sanctuaries in the Urals associated with the Aryans. They do not date back to the beginning of the 2nd millennium, but to a later time, to the beginning of the Aryan migration to India. To the west, similar sanctuaries and observatories appeared much earlier, at the turn of the 5th-4th millennium BC, and then spread west to the British Isles. The famous Stonehenge dates back to around the 3rd millennium. And in the east they are later. Therefore, they cannot be connected in any way with the ancient Aryans. These, on the contrary, are already later arias, arias of a secondary ancestral home. As for the deeper roots of cultures in the Urals, it is not possible to trace elements of Aryan culture deeper than the 2nd millennium. When they are traced and monuments are discovered, then we can talk about scientific argumentation. For now, we can only compare the specifics of the Dnieper region with weakly reasoned hypotheses about the Urals ancestral home.

P.T. In your research, you conscientiously argue that the ancestral home of the Aryans was in the Dnieper region, i.e. in the steppes of the northern Black Sea region. There are scientists in Russia who do not completely agree with this statement. But on the other hand, there are foreign authors who came to the same conclusion, regardless of our researchers. In particular, I mean the works of the famous specialist in this matter, Gordon Childe. There is a chapter in his book "Aryans" that caught my attention. It is called "Aryans in the South of Russia." It presents arguments close to yours that this civilization is connected with the culture of the mounds. A Western scientist expresses the opinion that it was in these mounds that there were burials of the Nordic type of ancestors of modern Europeans. What do you think, research. Are Gordon Childe and other representatives of the Western school of Aryan studies worth attention?

Yu.Sh. Certainly. Here you just need to make adjustments for time and texture. The work of Gordon Child you mentioned dates back to the 20s. At the same time, the Polish archaeologist Sulimirsky was working, who also came to similar conclusions. And in the post-war years, the Bulgarian researcher Georgiev came to the conviction that the ancestral home of the Aryans was in the steppe Dnieper region. In our time, Academician O.N. Trubachev is working, who drew a line in the linguistic aspect of the problem of the ancestral homeland of the Aryans, proving that it was the steppe Dnieper region. But the reconstruction of myths captured in archaeological monuments was made for the first time in the “Ancestral Home of the Aryans.” This is the essence of my book. It finally made it possible to combine data from archeology and linguistics. I want to emphasize that my goal was not to invent anything. I walked from the sources. I reconstructed the myths contained in archaeological monuments, and then I compared these myths not only with Aryan, but also with Greek, Slavic, and Germanic ones. The greatest correspondences were found with Aryan myths. This is where I drew my conclusions. The main thing for me is not the ethnic side of the problem. I am more interested in the origins of Vedic culture. After all, what makes the Aryans famous: they are famous because they created the Vedic cultru and managed to keep it in India. This Vedic culture has universal significance because it has real solutions through yoga, through the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul - to immortality. But now, having done a lot of work, I come to the conviction that the Aryans did not so much create this teaching as preserve it. It seems to me that the main creators of Vedic culture were those priests who were associated with the neighboring, agricultural, ancient Indo-European states in the world, in particular with Aratta.

P.T. Even so? What was this state of Aratta like?

Yu.Sh. The center of Aratta, the territory of its heyday, is the so-called Trypillian archaeological culture, located on the right bank of the Dnieper, i.e. modern territory of Cherkasy region. Already at the end of the 5th millennium BC. in Aratta, which moved from the Danube, there were cities. It was a sedentary, agricultural, powerful civilization based on the primacy of the priestly caste. The priests of Aratta, paving their way to the Asia Minor ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, wedged their missionaries into this semi-nomadic, pastoral sea. Also Indo-Europeans, but in terms of their level of development they were lower than farmers. The Brahmin priests were Aratta. Among these missionaries, who became the catalyst for the formation of the Aryan community, layers of Indo-European, essentially Arattan, pre-Aryan culture were preserved. Then, when some of the tribes, bypassing the Caucasus, reached India, the ancient Arattic-Aryan wisdom was preserved and has survived to this day. This is the concept that is emerging.

P.T. Very interesting. I am sure there are many people who want to understand the history of Aratta and the resettlement of the Aryans to the southeast .

Yu.Sh. Yes, the discovery of Aratta and its role in the formation of Ariana, their historical portraits against the backdrop of the Danube-Dnieper ancestral home is the key not only to prehistory, but also to the foundations of Eurasian civilization, to its Indian and Greek poles. This is the possibility of those undertakings that were intuitively declared by the works of Blavatsky, Schure, Nicholas and Helena Roerich.

P.T. Tell me where I can read about this scientific hypothesis in an accessible form. Besides the books mentioned, are there any other popular brochures, articles, or are you planning to release anything new?

Yu.Sh. My book “The Gates of Immortality” was published in Ukraine. It consists of two parts: the second part is an expanded and revised book “Cosmic Secrets of the Mounds”, and the first part consists of documentary stories, essays, stories that tell in artistic language how monuments are researched and reconstructed. In addition, I have now prepared the second volume of “The Ancient Homeland of the Aryans” for publication. It will be called "Aryan Legacy". This book will consist of popular essays, stories, stories. There will be two parts, two cycles. One part will be called “At the end of the Golden Age”, the second - “Roads of Immortality”. There will also be an addition consisting of materials not included in the first volume, there will be an alphabetical index of monuments and myths. Reviews of fellow scientists on “The Ancestral Homeland of the Aryans” will also be included. We just need to find a publisher for the second volume. It seems to me that both of these volumes, one purely scientific, and the secondfor the widest audience, they will work to deepen the roots and increase the prestige of our national science and culture.

P.T. God willing. In the West, as far as I know, there are entire research centers, journals and programs on Indo-Arica. Do we, in Russia, have anything similar?

Yu.Sh. Yes. We published a magazine, which was edited by the late Maria Gimbutas. I sent her the manuscript “Cosmic Secrets of the Mounds,” but she did not receive it. Only one article, written at her request, has survived, but even that one is in tatters, missing some pages and without illustrations. The book “Ancestral Homeland of the Aryans” found itself in a similar situation, part of the circulation of which was arrested in Kiev. But thank God, four thousand copies reached Moscow and have already become the property of the scientific community. And the official science of both capitals continues to ignore my work. Therefore, it is very important for me that the results of my research be included in scientific circulation. Otherwise, there remains the danger of irretrievably losing unique discoveries, as recently happened with the work of Valentin Nikolaevich Danilenko “Ethnogenesis of the Slavs.” Miraculously, I managed to save another of his monographs, “Cosmogony of Primitive Society,” which I prepared for publication.

P.T. In connection with this, to put it mildly, “cold” reaction from the local academies, do you think you should look for scientific support abroad?

Yu.Sh. Based on the results of the research, I would not refuse to give lectures in those countries where the Aryan problem is being developed: in Germany, in England, in India. And maybe even defend ourselves there, if it helps overcome our bureaucratic barriers. I don’t need this as much as a book to confirm its scientific status.

P.T. You must have publications abroad?

Yu.Sh. Yes, I have. In English.

P.T. Finally the last thing. What parting words would you like to address to young Aryan scholars and simply to young people interested in the range of topics we discussed?

Yu.Sh. My main wish: study, penetrate into the origins of folk culture. Remember that there is form and content, i.e. essence. Don't stop at the form, look at the root. Learn to see that in folk, so-called traditional culture, there are ways to achieve true immortality. Salvation is there, in the roots of folk culture, which have universal significance.

P.T. Thanks a lot. Please accept my best wishes too. I especially wish you success in your conscientious scientific activities.