Art, its types and directions. Art and spiritual life


Concept and signs of art

Art is another social institution in the spiritual sphere of society that satisfies people’s spiritual needs for beauty. It is based on man’s unique aesthetic sense, which elevates him above nature. Art plays an important role in human life and society. It helps to comprehend the essence of beauty and harmony. What is art? Let's formulate a definition:

Art– a special form of consciousness and activity that reflects the surrounding reality in artistic images.

Aesthetics is the study of this specific part of culture - the science of the beautiful and the ugly. Art is characterized by the following special features and characteristics:

  • Imagery of perception– art is a way of sensory cognition. How are works of art created? The reality around us in the mind of the creator is perceived in the form of artistic images, which he materializes, transfers to canvas, paper, sound, etc.
  • Aesthetic goals- art produces something beautiful, perfect, ideal.
  • Subjectivity - the creator creates an image the way he imagines and sees it. Any artist strives to create something original, reflecting his individuality and at the same time something capable of arousing interest among others.
  • Use of specific means– to create works of literature, the word is used, painting - color, music - sound.

Functions of art

Like any other social institution, art performs a number of functions that are significant for society and people. Let's look at them.
  • Cognitive - gaining new knowledge through artistic images of books, paintings, performances, operas, films, etc. Works of art make it clear what the essence of man and society is, and allow one to gain experience. Function example: actress Faina Ranevskaya told how, after reading A.P. Chekhov’s story “A Boring Story,” she “understood everything about human loneliness.”
  • Aesthetic – satisfying people’s spiritual needs for beauty and creative activity, nurturing a sense of beauty, and developing aesthetic taste. Function example: Evgeny admired the beauty of the paintings of the People's Artist of the USSR A. M. Shilov after visiting the gallery in Moscow.
  • Hedonistic– art makes a person happy, gives pleasure and pleasure. Function example: every evening Alya listens to and enjoys Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
  • Compensatory - in art a person finds something that he could not find in real life. Function example: after reading I. Brodsky’s poem, Arina gained strength and confidence in strength.
  • Communicative– art creates a space for communication between people, a person with himself and even eras. Function example: at the exhibition-installation Yuri found like-minded people.
  • Prognostic– art is able to foresee the future development of society and make forecasts. Function example: In the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870), Jules Verne described the Nautilus submarine, whose engines were electric. 90 years later, real electric submarines appeared.

Types of arts

Art is embodied in various types of artistic creativity, which are increasing every day. Its separate types are such as literature, theater, sculpture, music, choreography, architecture, cinema, design, computer graphics, etc. They all differ in the ways and means of creating artistic images. There is also a combination of different types of art into groups:
  1. Visual and speech. This division is made from the point of view of the participation of speech as an artistic means. The fine arts, for example, include painting, graphics, sculpture, and the speech arts include literature and oratory.
  2. Spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal. Spatial arts occupy a certain space, do not move and do not change over time (architecture, sculpture, photography - art, painting). Temporary ones do not change over time (literature, music). Spatio-temporal combine the features of the first two groups (theater, cinema, choreography).
  3. Dynamic and static. Temporary forms of art can be classified as dynamic, and spatial ones as static.

The connection between art and other institutions of the spiritual sphere

Art is closely connected with other institutions of the spiritual sphere. Like religion, it understands the world figuratively, based on feelings and emotions. Both institutions are focused on morality and spiritual self-improvement. Art and religion turn a person not only to the present, but also to the past and the future, therefore they are impossible without fantasy and imagination. The difference is that religion is based on belief in the supernatural, while art is aesthetically oriented. Art, like science, understands the world, but in radically different ways and methods. If art explains the world figuratively, then science does it categorically, with the help of concepts, theories and laws. A work of art is characterized by completeness, while any research in science has its predecessors and successors. Art is created “once and for all,” while science will never be a “closed book” with nothing more to write in. Art is subjective, science is objective.

INArt. 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation freedom of creativity is guaranteed. The state supports the arts. One of the ways of such support is the holding by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of a competition for the award of grants for the implementation of creative projects in various forms of art.

Man can be called a cultural-historical being.

People, unlike animals, have aesthetic feelings; they need artistic creativity and an extensive culture that would reflect their inner world and experiences. That is why such a phenomenon as art arose.

Art and its forms

Man rises above nature due to the fact that he has the ability for artistic creativity and formed ideas about beauty.

Art is usually called a form of human activity, manifested in various types of artistic creativity - in architecture and sculpture, in painting and literature, in music and theater, in cinema and dance. Art is rich in forms, many of which have been known to man since ancient times.

You can call art a unique way of learning about life and yourself. Art is a unique reflection of human life and its aesthetic principle, therefore, like science, art helps a person to comprehend and transform the world that surrounds him.

The phenomenality of this form of activity lies in the fact that it is in it that a person can express what cannot be expressed in words or scientific facts.

First of all, art is connected with human feelings, with his emotions and experiences. But any definition cannot fully reflect the multifaceted process of art, because it is extremely difficult to identify the framework of art as a separate type of activity.

It can be noted that art is a specific part of the culture of society and therefore significantly influences the development of society.

Art is studied by such a science as aesthetics.

Features of art

The main characteristic of art is considered to be the sensory perception of the world. With the help of artistic expressiveness, a person expresses his attitude to certain phenomena, events in his or someone else’s life, and thereby turns to other people - so that they can also appreciate his depth of experience and the artistic expressiveness of his work of art.

Another characteristic of art can be called its subjectivity. A person acts as a creator; he can create a whole artistic world in which everything is presented through the prism of his feelings and ideas about life.

Art is not simply a reflection of reality, art is aimed at awakening aesthetic feelings in a person - a sense of beauty.

Kinds of art

The arts are characterized by a stunning variety. There are those types of art that have existed for many centuries, and new forms of art are developing that are already characteristic of the modern world.

Literature, sculpture, music, theater, cinema, painting and architecture are considered separate types of art. The main difference between them is the artistic method of aesthetic awareness.

People have been creative for a long time. Painting, music, theater and other forms of art have developed over time. Let's find out the reasons for its appearance, purpose and features in modern society.

Art concept

Art is understood as human activity aimed at reflecting reality through images. It is characterized by clarity and special ways of reflecting reality, for example, color, word or sound.

Functions of art

The significance of art for a person is determined by the presence of a number of functions.
These include:

  • aesthetic (a person gets pleasure from doing art);
  • cognitive (works of art can provide valuable information about the character of the creator, the historical era);
  • communicative (communication in the process of creating works between creators or between the creator and viewers);
  • value-oriented (works of art are valuable to society, they can influence a person’s views and shape spiritual culture);
  • educational (a person, by creating his own or observing the works of other people, forms his own worldview, gets acquainted with the historical era).

Types of art

Man has created various types of art, genres of creativity. In order to visualize them, we create various classifications:

  • by material (sound, paint, clay);
  • by directions (real - music, architecture, painting, ideal - poetry, literature);
  • by groups of people to whom it applies (elite, popular, mass).

Elite art is created and exists for small groups of people. It is distinguished by the complexity of its forms. Folk art is expressed in simple forms that are understandable to most people, often does not have an author, and expresses the peculiarities of the culture of the people. Mass art appeared during the period of industrial development of society. It was created not by the people, but for them. His goal was to relieve fatigue and tension. Its features are simplicity, simplicity and distribution to large groups of people.

Features of contemporary art

In modern society, art is expressed in a variety of forms and is not subject to any strict laws.

Examples of modern art are painting on dirty car windows, building walls, and asphalt. Such drawings are distinguished by their special imagery, brightness, and realism.

  • the origins of modern art date back to the second half of the 20th century;
  • He was greatly influenced by the rapid development of technology (photography, the Internet).

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What have we learned?

Having studied the topic of social studies in grades 9-10, we learned that art has always played a big role in society. It has its own characteristics, varieties and functions. In modern society, art has not lost its significance; on the contrary, it has acquired new interesting forms with the help of which artists, sculptors, and musicians reflect their attitude to the reality around them.

Art– reflection of the surrounding world in artistic images. With the help of art, an artist or sculptor conveys his ideas and experiences.

Piece of art– man, his interaction with the outside world and society. Piece of art- a work of art that not only reflects the thoughts and emotions of the author, but is also capable of evoking these experiences in the audience. Features of art: imagery, creative character, subjective perception, sensory-emotional experience.

Functions of art: aesthetic (forms aesthetic taste, understanding of beauty), communicative (as a means of communication), educational, cognitive.

History of art. The first traces of primitive art in the form of rock paintings date back to the Paleolithic era (20–40 thousand years BC). In the ancient world, art reached a high level (architecture, sculpture, poetry, theater). The mythological principle predominated in it, i.e. the main prototypes were mythological deities, active heroes were glorified, and the unity of people in society was demonstrated.

In the Middle Ages, art developed within the framework of theology (religion), at this time monumental churches were built, icon painting and fresco art became widespread. The hero of medieval art is humble and passive. During the Renaissance (New Time), masters sought to return to ancient motifs and canons in architecture, painting, sculpture, poetry, and theater. The individuality of people and the priority of the individual over society were proclaimed. In modern art, starting from the end of the 19th century, many new types of art (film and photography) appeared.

Kinds of art:

Architecture (architecture) is an art that represents buildings (urban architecture) and related structures (landscape architecture);

Sculpture is an art whose works have a three-dimensional form and are made from hard or plastic materials using cutting, carving, sculpting, casting and forging;

Frescoes are one of the wall painting techniques (painting on wet plaster);

Painting – images using color (portraits, still lifes, landscapes, historical and everyday genres);

Decorative and applied arts are associated with everyday needs (for example, making dishes, furniture);

Literature is a type of art expressed in verbal and written form (myths, epics, poetry, prose);

Music is a reflection of reality in sounds (vocal - singing and instrumental - performed on instruments);

Theater (opera and ballet) is an art form expressed in the stage performance of an actor in front of an audience;

Cinema and photography is an art that recreates real or staged actions on material media (photo, film, etc.) using filming.

Assignments on the topic “Art”.




Answer: ______________________.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

Answer: ______________________.

Answer: ______________________.

Answer: ______________________.

Answer: ______________________.



A) imagery

B) logical integrity

B) artistic language

D) validity

2) art

Answer: ______________________.

Answer: ______________________.




Answer: ______________________.


1) art

Answer: ______________________.




Answer: ________________________.

Answers to assignments on the topic “Art”.

1. Are the following judgments about art true?

A. Art differs from other forms of spiritual activity in that it reflects the world figuratively.

B. Art always solves the fundamental problems of human existence.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

Answer: 1.

2. Write down the word missing in the table.



Mastering worldviews based on belief in the supernatural


Mastering and embodying aesthetic values, mastering the world in images

Answer: Art.

3. Are the following judgments about art true?

A. The main task of art is to accurately depict the world around us.

B. The main thing for art is to avoid the subjectivity of the images created.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

Answer: 4.

4. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) music; 2) art; 3) theater; 4) literature; 5) cinema; 6) opera; 7) architecture.

Answer: 2.

5. Does not apply to art forms

1) music 2) theater 3) aesthetics 4) painting

Answer: 3.

6. Below is a list of signs. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to art. Find two signs that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) creativity; 2) imagery; 3) subjectivity; 4) evidence; 5) emotionality; 6) logical harmony.

Answer: 46.

7. Establish a correspondence between branches of culture and the characteristics that are characteristic of works created within these industries.



A) imagery

B) logical integrity

B) artistic language

D) sensory-emotional reflection of the world

D) validity

2) art

Answer: 21221.

8. Choose the correct judgments about art and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Art is designed to have an emotional impact on people.

2) Art strives for an objective reflection of reality.

3) Art reflects the world in terms and concepts.

4) Art reflects the world around us and people in artistic images.

5) Art always solves fundamental issues.

Answer: 14.

9. Write down the word missing in the table.



Obtaining knowledge and information about the world around us with the help of an artistic image


Influences the formation of a person’s personality, his value system, the nature of communication with other people

Answer: Cognitive.

10. Establish a correspondence between the forms of culture and the tasks that they solve in the spiritual sphere of society.


A) obtaining reliable results about the world around us and their systematization

B) formation of an artistic image of an object

C) the formation of subjective perception of the surrounding world

D) formation of concepts, definitions

D) creation of ideal objects for theoretical substantiation of hypotheses

1) art

Answer: 21122.

11. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “art”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the criteria for identifying types of art, and one sentence revealing the difference between art and science.

1) the meaning of the concept: “Art is a form of human activity aimed at creating and mastering aesthetic values ​​(artistic creativity);

2) “Depending on the means and methods by which the image is created, different types of art are distinguished - painting, architecture, literature, music.”

“The most important feature of art is that, unlike science, it reflects reality not in concepts, but in artistic images.”

12. Art is a significant part of spiritual culture for society and its development and influences all spheres of public life. List any three functions performed by art and illustrate each with a specific example.

1) worldview: art is a way and form of understanding the world by aesthetic means (for example, the paintings of I. Levitan help to understand the beauty of Russian nature, the mentality of Russian people);

2) compensatory (comforting): people through art find consolation, psychological comfort, support (for example, the poetry of I. Brodsky helped a woman gain self-confidence and find answers to life’s questions);

3) communicative: works of art help people communicate, find common interests (for example, after visiting an exhibition of modern painting, a young man found new friends and like-minded people);

4) educational: art instills aesthetic feelings, forms a culture of behavior (for example, by reading books, visiting art galleries, music concerts, a young man acquired a sense of beauty, mastered ways of behavior in society).

13. Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “Art as a special form of spiritual culture.”

1) Art is a way of understanding the world through artistic images.

2) Characteristic features of art:




Imagery and visibility

3) Functions of art:







4) Types of art:



Cinema, etc.

5) Universal and national in the development of art.

14. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Art is a special form of spiritual ________ (A) person and ______(B), manifested in various forms - painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, dance, theatrical or film productions, decorative and applied arts, etc. Art is the most important way ________ (B) awareness of the world. It is based on reflection and ______(G) in artistic images. Artistic images in art are created by various _______(D). Thus, in literature, the artistic reflection of reality occurs with the help of __________(E), in painting - through visual images, in sculpture and architecture - through volumetric-spatial forms, in music - through sound forms.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

1) aesthetic; 2) activity; 3) funds; 4) public relations; 5) artistic creativity; 6) society; 7) transformation of reality; 8) morality; 9) word.