Giant Chinese of the 19th century. Chinese giant - internal problems The most painful internal problems

Body disasters [The influence of stars, skull deformation, giants, dwarfs, fat people, hairy people, freaks...] Kudryashov Viktor Evgenievich

Chinese giant

Chinese giant

Born in Fushou in 1846, Chang Yu Sing made his first public appearance in London at the age of 19. His perfect proportions: height 244 cm and weight 180 kg, beautiful Asian features aroused the admiration of the public. Chang performed in luxurious clothes, decorated with ivory, pearls, and leopard skins. Friendly and elegant, he was the most aristocratic of the giants, speaking and writing quickly in French, English, Spanish, German, Japanese and, apparently, Chinese.

Chang spoke next to his wife, a woman of normal height, sitting on a throne. On either side of the throne stood guards in Manchu uniforms, and at Chang's feet stood a Chinese dwarf named Chung. Chang's fame was so great that the Prince of Walia himself arranged a meeting with him, and when His Majesty asked Chang to write his name in Chinese characters on the walls of the palace in Buckingham, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the inscription was placed at a height of 3.5 meters above the ground. In 1878, Chang came to the World Exhibition in Paris to the great satisfaction of the French, who were, however, a little disturbed by the fact that Chang, like all other Chinese, while in Paris at the time for the exhibition, brought with him his own coffin (in the old Chinese custom). After a long successful tour of Europe, Chang returned to his place of residence in the south of England, where he died in 1893.

From the book In the Land of the Pharaohs by Jacques Christian

24. WESTERN THEBES. RAMESSEUM, A DESTROYED GIANT In the southeast of the Sheikh Abd el-Qurna hill, at the junction of various cultural layers, are the ruins of Ramesseum, the “temple of millions of years” of Pharaoh Ramesses II. In the first courtyard in front of the second pylon lies a broken colossus. This

From the book Records in the Natural World author Lyakhova Kristina Alexandrovna

Giant In the American Yellowstone National Park, among two hundred of its fellows, the Giant Geyser, or Grand Geyser, stands out, producing the most water - 37,850 hectoliters per emission (however, it should be borne in mind that calculations made back in the 1950s are not entirely

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VO) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GI) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (LI) by the author TSB

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 2 [Mythology. Religion] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

From the book Astronomy by Breithot Jim

From the book Berries. Guide to growing gooseberries and currants author Rytov Mikhail V.

Li Yu (Chinese poet) Li Yu (other names - Li Houzhu, Li Chun-guang) (937 - 15.8.978), Chinese poet. The last emperor (961-976) of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Master of lyrical romances of small form - sy. The best of them (“Beauty Yu”, “Looking at the coastal roses”, “Night cry of the raven”, etc.)

From the book The Author's Encyclopedia of Films. Volume I by Lourcelle Jacques

From the book New Encyclopedia of the Gardener and Gardener [edition expanded and revised] author Ganichkin Alexander Vladimirovich

Giant of thought, father of Russian democracy From the novel “The Golden Calf” (1931) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Yevgeny Petrov (1903-1942). Words from Ostap Bender, who, introducing his partner Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov to other members of the “Union of Sword and Ploughshare”,

From the author's book

RED GIANT A giant star is a star that is significantly larger than our Sun. If the surface temperature of such a star is lower than the surface of the Sun, its color is orange or red rather than yellow, so the star is called red

From the author's book

2.6.7. Boscoop Giant Another variety very similar to this one was also bred in England and is called Boscoop Giant. The clusters are long and short, with berries spread apart or close together, the same size as those of Goliath but more uniform, which is

From the author's book

Giant Giant 1956 - USA (197 min)? Prod. Warner (George Stevens, Henry Ginsberg) · Dir. GEORGE STEVENS· Scene. Fred Guiol, Ivan Moffatt based on the novel of the same name by Edna Ferber· Oper. William Mellor (Warner Color) · Music. Dmitry Tiomkin· Starring Elizabeth Taylor (Leslie Benedict), Rock Hudson (Bick

From the author's book

Schisandra chinensis Schisandra chinensis is a vine. The stems reach a length of 3 to 15 m, depending on the height of the support on which the bush has settled. The leaves of lemongrass are shiny, on reddish petioles. The leaf shape is broadly ovate. The flowers are white, dioecious, hanging

Five rare photographs depicting Chinese people of the late Qing Dynasty. The photographs were taken in an era when malnutrition was often a cause of short stature and when China was just opening up to the West, but these men are more than two meters tall, writes

Zhang Shicai, who was born in 1841, was perhaps the most famous Chinese giant. According to a report by the Chinese-Australian Historical Society, he was born in eastern China's Fujian province. His height was 2.44 m, making him one of the tallest people in the world. In 1865, Zhang moved to London and performed in a circus under the name "Chinese Giant Chan". He received a Western education and knew ten languages.

After his wife's death in 1871, Zhang married an English woman he met in Australia, and they had two children. He spent the last years of his life in Great Britain, where he opened a tea shop and a store selling Chinese goods. Zhang lived to be 50 years old.

All that is known about this man is that Western travelers invited him to perform in performances abroad. In the photo he is shown in a stage costume next to the organizer of the performances.

Another giant, Chang Yanming, from the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan, was 2.41 m tall. He served as an assistant in the local imperial establishment. It was captured in a photograph by Australian traveler Ernest Morrison.

Morrison worked as a correspondent for The Times newspaper and was a political adviser to Chinese military leader Yuan Shikai. Below is another photograph of the giant, which he took in a Chinese village.

Gigantism is a rare phenomenon associated with excess growth hormones. The tallest man in the world, Robert Wadlow, was 2.72 m tall and weighed about 204 kg. At the time of his death at the age of 22, he was still growing.

We are still amazed by the height of some people, but what is even more amazing is that people could live.

At the beginning of which shares will be offered at a price of $68, it will be one of the largest initial public offerings in its history. By selling securities at this price, the company will be able to gain $22 billion.

Facebook's lag - the social network held an IPO worth $16 billion in 2012 - looks quite noticeable. In addition to its investor community, Alibaba is strengthening relationships with a growing number of Western consumers and technology companies. Alibaba's international expansion should accelerate following its listing.

However, you should not expect that a store aimed at end consumers will rush headlong into an attack on Amazon or eBay. At least not now. The Chinese company, of course, has plans to become a global Internet player. But the path to this goal does not lie only in the field of e-commerce.

No dividends Sony is going to refuse to pay dividends to shareholders for the first time since 1958. The struggling Japanese manufacturer has written off all intangible assets related to its smartphone business. Microsoft did not buy Mojang, the creator of the most popular video game, for $2.5 billion for money.

The decision to sell was made personally by Magnus Persson, the author of the game, with the intention of “doing what interests him.” Bring IT Assets Out of the Shadows Systems outside the direct control of IT are often cited as a threat to the CIO. At the same time, shadow IT is often implemented by IT managers who do not have the resources to implement technology initiatives in the interests of the business.

Counting Nanometers Micron is improving the performance of its SSDs with a new 16nm process technology and a host of firmware improvements. OpenStack as a Service If customers express a desire for a private cloud, Cisco will be able to provide them with all the necessary hardware and software through the purchase of Metacloud.

and much more.

Computerworld Russia magazine No. 22/2014

Open systems Computers: other Computerworld Russia 2014

Computerworld Russia is a leading international weekly magazine dedicated to information technology. In the magazine you will find an overview of the most important events in the IT industry in Russia and in the world, as well as materials on new technologies. In the issue: “Six” plus Apple has introduced two new smartphones: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

As expected, both new devices have larger screens than previous versions. The standard iPhone 6 has a 4.7-inch screen, while the iPhone 6 Plus has a larger 5.5-inch screen, pushing it into phablet territory.

The storage capacity of both iPhones is 128 GB, which is twice the storage capacity of previous models. Both models received new Retina HD displays. The iPhone 6 screen has a resolution of 1334×750 pixels and a density of 326 pixels per inch; The 6 Plus model is equipped with a Full HD screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and a density of 401 pixels per inch.

Both screens are made from “ion-strengthened glass,” Apple says, making the iPhone 6 less susceptible to drops and scratches. Apple's partners in Russia claim that new smartphones will reach domestic shelves before the end of September.

The fourth element Having concluded a contract with OCS, Intel restored the “optimal number” of distributors - four. At the same time, the new partner should not only sell processors, but also help the vendor enter new markets. $21 billion IPO Judging by the documents filed, Alibaba plans to raise $21 billion from its IPO in the United States.

This makes the Chinese e-commerce giant's initial public offering one of the largest in history. Hands-free In 2017, Cadillac vehicles will be equipped with Super Cruise, which will provide hands-free driving under certain conditions, while monitoring systems for neighboring vehicles will increase safety.

IBM is investing in new architectures The Corporation plans to allocate $3 billion over the next five years to develop new architectures, in particular to pave the way for quantum computers, as well as systems that imitate the functionality of the brain. Enterprise Augmented Reality SAP is beginning to ship two apps that will be used in conjunction with Android Wear glasses to assist warehouse workers and field technicians.

and much more.

The Lenovo way. How to achieve optimal performance when managing a multidisciplinary international company

Gina Qiao Management, recruitment Absent

The book provides a detailed and entertaining account of the evolution of a small Chinese company into a global technology giant. Lenovo's rise to leadership in the PC industry can be traced from the brand's inception through rationalization, major management decisions such as the acquisition of the American icon IBM PC, and subsequent changes in the company's business model and corporate culture.

The history of Lenovo, which took root in both the East and the West, is inseparable from the personal stories of the book’s authors, the company’s top managers Gina Qiao and Yolanda Conyers, representatives of two different continents – and the single Lenovo family. The Lenovo Way will be essential reading for executives and managers involved in strategy, innovation, branding and HR.

Alibaba. The story of world ascent from the first person

Duncan Clark Biographies and Memoirs Top Business Awards No data

An insider's revelation of how one man built a global corporation that can take on giants like Walmart and Amazon. In just ten years, Jack Ma, a former English teacher, founded and built the Alibaba Group, which today includes: Alibaba.

com, Alibaba Pictures, AliExpress. com, Taobao. com, Tmall. com, Alipay and others. Jack Ma is the Rockefeller of the 21st century; Alibaba shares broke records in 2014, reaching $25 billion. Here is the story of the company and Jack himself, an icon of private entrepreneurship and the gatekeeper of millions of consumers from Hangzhou, China to Torzhok, Tver.

Wonders of the world. 100 places you must visit

Kurt Diaz Guides AudioNavigator

This educational audiobook will give you a fantastic journey through space and time. It will introduce you to architectural structures and will become indispensable for history and adventure lovers! You will move to Bora Bora and Venice, visit the Acropolis and the Colosseum, Niagara Falls, the Sahara Desert and other amazing places.

Acropolis and Parthenon Big Ben and Palace of Westminster Great Barrier Reef Great Wall of China - nomads Angel Falls Victoria Falls Mount Everest City of Venice City of Prague Guilin Mountains Grand Canyon Haukadalur Valley Giant's Causeway Expiatory Sagrada Familia Colosseum Las Vegas Strip Louvre Ice of Antarctica Badshahi Mosque Mosque Imama Moscow Kremlin and Red Square Golden Gate Bridge Carlsbad Caverns National Park Yellowstone National Park Sequoia National Park Niagara Falls Bali Island Bora Bora Hotel Burj Al Arab Sands of the Sahara Peterhof Pyramids of Giza Reims Cathedral Sydney Opera House Statue of Christ Redeemer Stonehenge Taj Mahal Fjords of Norway Hermitage, Winter Palace.

Computerworld Russia magazine No. 18/2014

Open systems Computers: other Computerworld Russia 2014

Computerworld Russia is a leading international weekly magazine dedicated to information technology. In the magazine you will find an overview of the most important events in the IT industry in Russia and in the world, as well as materials on new technologies. In the Issue: Big Data for iOS Tim Cook and Gene Rometty, CEOs of Apple and IBM, announced a global partnership between their companies to collaborate on enterprise mobile applications.

As part of IBM's MobileFirst for iOS strategy, Blue Giant's 5,000-strong army of developers will create more than a hundred programs that, as stated, will "bring Big Data and analytics from IBM to the iPhone and iPad." In addition, IBM will offer its customers Apple devices with these applications.

This alliance is a direct challenge to Microsoft, which also aims to make mobile devices running the Windows 8 operating system an indispensable part of the corporate IT landscape. We need to change Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced to his employees that he was going to change a lot in the corporate culture and abandon the concept of “devices and services.”

Overture for “Violin” Violin Memory is intensifying its activities in Russia, said the head of the company, Kevin DeNuccio, who met with many customers during a visit to our country. “Copper” record Bell Labs The company increased the data transfer speed over a regular copper wire at a speed of up to 10 Gbit/s, although only by 30 meters.

However, this can also open up new horizons for service providers. Ready for data return Stack is convinced that Russian commercial enterprises and government agencies cannot do without the infrastructure services of domestic data centers, especially in light of the latest legislative initiatives.

Xiaomi's smartphone boom Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi sold nearly four times as many phones in the first half of the year as it did a year earlier, and could soon become the country's second-largest vendor by sales, behind only Samsung.

and much more.

Open systems. DBMS No. 07/2011

Open systems OS and Networks Open systems. DBMS 2011

In this issue: Integration is the foundation of the cloud For clouds to truly become, as analysts predict, just another utility service, all their resources must be integrated. Flops and horsepower In the June 2011 edition of the Top500, clusters again significantly dominate, leaving about 20% to competing architectures.

But does this picture reflect the true balance of power in HPC technologies? Supercluster with globally addressable memory A supercomputer on four-processor nodes with large intra-node shared memory is installed at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

What are the features of this supercomputer, why did it attract the attention of industry experts, what were the goals for its creation and how is it used? Pacific-Asian petaflops Chinese and Japanese supercomputers today have greatly supplanted their former leaders, which indicates a breakthrough in the development of the supercomputer technology industry in these countries and allows us to predict increased competition not only in the market for high-performance systems, but also in the market for microprocessors and VLSI communications.

Where Elbrus is heading In the late 90s, Elbrus 2k microprocessors could well have competed with Intel Itanium, but fate decreed otherwise. What is being developed today at the Moscow SPARK Technology Center? Networks for supercomputers Today, the network increasingly turns out to be a bottleneck holding back performance growth.

In what directions are the developments of modern high-speed communication networks going? What problems await developers and what does the industry offer today? HPC in the Cloud Due to many circumstances, the cloud is the most favorable environment for high-performance computing, movement in this direction has begun, but there is still a long way to go.

Measuring IT management processes Measurement is part of the management of any objects: people, mechanisms, cash flows, etc.; but if methods for measuring the state of inanimate objects have existed for hundreds of years, then approaches to measuring processes are still in their infancy.

The pursuit of exaflops Supercomputers are becoming more powerful, but to what extent are the systems being created today focused on the needs of the end user? Does today's pursuit of exaflops make any deep sense? The Big Data Cure The success of giants such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon and Facebook is largely based on the proprietary technologies they use to build their own data centers.

Why not apply similar approaches to conventional enterprise data centers with classic servers and storage systems adapted to traditional workloads?

Some man-made structures are amazing. So, what are the dams worth? Today we’ll tell you about the largest of them.

Today, the record holder among all dams is the Jinping-1 hydroelectric dam in China. Its height is 305 meters. For comparison, the Eiffel Tower is about the same height - just over 300 meters. The length of the dam is 569 meters, and its construction took 4.7 million cubic meters of concrete.

Jinping-1 is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is located in the Chinese province of Sichuan, near the mouth of the Yalongjiang River. The dam and hydroelectric power station got its name from the bend of this river, which is called Jinping. The Yalongjiang flows into the gorge, and if we talk about the future, they plan to build a whole cascade of more than twenty hydroelectric power stations on the river.

The main reservoir of the dam is designed to hold 7.4 million cubic meters of water.

The construction of the dam together with the hydroelectric power station began in 2005, and was put into operation 7 years later. In fact, the project for this hydroelectric power station appeared back in 1960, but its implementation began almost forty years later. For construction, about 7.5 thousand residents were relocated to other areas.

According to the project, the hydroelectric station should have six power units that will annually generate up to 16.6 billion kWh of electricity.

The dam was made so high for several reasons. First, of course, is the need for electricity. In addition, the dam protects the lower reaches of the Yalongjiang River from flooding and also prevents soil erosion. Since earthquakes sometimes occur in this area of ​​China, Jinping-1 is earthquake-resistant.

However, Jinping-1 will not remain the tallest dam in the world for long. Another record holder is now being built in China. The Shuangjiangkou hydroelectric power station will have a 312-meter-high rockfill dam. It is planned to be put into operation in 2018. This giant will cost approximately $5.8 billion.