Sights of Belarus with names. What to see in Belarus - an overview of interesting sights of Belarus for an independent trip

It’s an amazing fact that the sights of Belarus a month ago were not even considered in my rhythm of life, and I didn’t even think about traveling independently by car around Belarus to its monuments and interesting places.

But the circumstances were such that at the beginning of April I decided to go to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, for the weekend. And already in the process of preparing for this trip, the thought came to both the sights of Belarus and the possibility of traveling by car around this country.

Suddenly, school memories of the beauty of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the legendary Brest Fortress came back to mind. After analyzing the Minsk-Brest route, I discovered many more interesting places that could easily be seen along the route by car.

This is how my excursion route gradually took shape, in which in just one week I was able to visit many amazing historical and modern places, walk through ancient parks and climb narrow stone stairs in the ancient towers of knightly castles, see many unusual representatives of the animal world and even meet with a fairy tale in the person of such an unusual character as Santa Claus! 🙂

Well, now, first things first... To find out more about any excursion or tourist attraction, you can follow the link.

It was spring. Nature gradually came to its senses after its winter sleep. It was drizzling in the early April gloomy morning in the Moscow region. The airfield of Vnukovo airport and the planes getting wet on it also looked sad.

Flight UT835 on the Moscow-Minsk route from UTair departed as scheduled. At 10 o'clock in the morning we boarded a small plane. Outside the windows the Moscow morning was still gloomy, but in my soul, oddly enough, it was sunny and a little exciting about the unknown.

This always happens at the very beginning of a trip. And this is the feeling that probably attracts you on every journey.

The flight lasted only 1 hour 20 minutes, and I began to study in more detail the details of the preliminary route of my independent trip. I carried out the initial steps, such as transfer from the airport, renting an apartment in Minsk, and booking a car at home. But the entire excursion program was not yet thought out at all.

What can you see in Belarus by car? In front of me were interesting sights of Belarus and the general direction where I would like to go. And where I would stay, how long it would take to inspect each object, on what day I would end up in what place - it was still very vague.

Day 1-4. Hello, Minsk city

First impressions

And now I’m already there, at the international airport of the Belarusian capital, in Minsk. It is also cloudy here, but dry and warmer.

The first thing I decide to do is acquire local currency. Money in Belarus is a completely different matter. Receiving full millions for your Russian rubles... it's cool! You immediately feel like, if not Rockefeller, then at least his relative. 😀

Having given 10 thousand Russian rubles, I received almost 3 million Belarusian rubles in return.

It turned out that this is a very pleasant activity - “rustling” with millions. 😆

It's good to have friends! Especially in those places where you plan to visit. My old friend met me at the airport and very quickly took me to the capital, telling me as well as any guide about the main intricacies and secrets of Belarusian life. 🙂

The first feeling from the view outside the windows is amazing cleanliness! And this despite the fact that it is also still the off-season here, that is, fresh grass does not cover winter debris. There's simply nothing to cover here. In contrast to the Russian highways, it looks amazing!

We arrived in Minsk very comfortably, and I went to meet the owner of my rented apartment. I will tell you a little more about renting housing and a car, as well as about traveling by public transport and taxis at the end of this article.

I spent the first 4 days in Minsk: 2 of them were mainly devoted to studying, and the rest of the time I just walked around the city. I came to the apartment in the evening, just to spend the night. There was so much I wanted to see that I said to myself: “I’ll rest at home.”

Now let's move on to the sights. Additionally, all of them are indicated on the map at the bottom of this article; it will be easier to navigate what is where and how to easily get to each attraction.

And I’ll start my review of the trip with a trip to.

Walking around the city

Independence of Belarus

Perhaps it would be more logical to start from the main square of the city - Independence Square (or, as it is funny called in Belarusian, Independence Square). What beauty all around!

Over the course of its long history, the square has changed its name 14 times. Until 1991, it was, like all central city squares, Lenin Square. Now, decorated with fountains, it attracts the attention of tourists with its unique beauty. And locals love to stroll here in the evening, when the lights turn on and the square is illuminated with delightful light.

A huge shopping center with parking has been built underground here. Independence Square gives rise to Independence Avenue, which runs almost through the entire city. Here is the main building of the country - the Government House.

The first Belarusian skyscraper is how Minsk residents proudly and respectfully call this building. A seven-meter monument to V.I. Lenin still stands in front of the entrance. During the war, the monument was destroyed, but after the Germans surrendered it was quickly restored. And the building itself, like the nearby Catholic Church of Saints Simon and Helen, became one of the few buildings that survived the war years without much destruction.

Catholic church with a sad history

Nearby stands the Church of Saints Simeon and Helen, built entirely of red brick.

In memory of two children who died early from illness, it was built with their own money by inconsolable parents - Edward and Olympia Voinilovich. Once Elena saw this beautiful building in a dream, and in the morning she drew it. And now it is rightfully considered one of the decorations of the Belarusian capital.

If you're nearby, be sure to go inside. It is very beautiful and a little mysterious here. Beautiful sculptures, bronze details of the temple, superbly painted walls and vaults, amazing stained glass windows - all this creates a solemn atmosphere. And in combination with the music of the organ, one of the oldest in Europe, it’s simply an amazing experience.

The temple contains one of the seven copies of the Shroud of Turin. An extensive library of ancient books has been collected. The ashes of the founder of the church, Edward Voinilovich, also rest here. Right at the entrance there is a statue where Archangel Michael - the patron saint of Belarus - pierces the winged serpent of darkness with his sword.

Right there, very close by, is another monument, “The Bell of Nagasaki”, it was erected in memory of those killed in nuclear disasters. Very dramatic!

Belarusian Bastille

Now it carries out the death penalty for criminals - execution. Quite unusual: an execution in the center of a metropolis... although! “Crosses” in St. Petersburg, Lubyanka with its cellars in the center of Moscow...

Blessed place

Next, your attention will undoubtedly be attracted by the white stone.

This majestic building was originally built as a Catholic church. But over time, after some repairs, it became Orthodox. In addition to other Orthodox shrines, the cathedral houses the icon of the Mother of God, now called the Minsk icon.

It was once written by the holy Apostle Luke. Many events happened in the life of the icon; she visited many churches. According to legend, the Svisloch River sailed to Minsk and was placed, not immediately of course, in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. And now this miraculous Image helps everyone who turns to it for help in difficult life situations.

And so I went to the prygazhuni embankment (that’s how the word “beauty” will sound in Belarusian) of Svisloch! How beautiful it is here!

The birds are singing, the sun is shining, making the water surface shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Seagulls fly and scream, ducks swim near the shore. If you have a desire and a bun in your purse, you can feed them, then they will swim closer.

Beautiful weather and, what is immediately noticeable, the surroundings are perfectly clean and tidy! And not only here! It is immediately clear that the janitors do their job conscientiously, and Minsk residents, of course, care about the cleanliness of their hometown. Well done!

Happy memory to the heroes!

A small shaped bridge leads to an artificial island located not far from the shore. A monument to soldiers who died on the battlefields has recently been unveiled here. At first, this monument was conceived as a tribute to those killed in Afghanistan.

But, unfortunately, there were many more terrible events in the world where Belarusian soldiers took part. This monument is dedicated to all of them.

The figurine of the little Weeping Angel is very touchingly made, crying inconsolably for those who died, who could not return to their beloved and loving wife, mother or bride.

Trinity Suburb - history and legends

Directly opposite there is a very beautiful place, which still retains the spirit of old Minsk. This is the Trinity Suburb - the historical center of the city.

There are a lot of benches to sit and breathe fresh air and a large number of all kinds of cafes and restaurants. And yet such beauty is hidden in the greenery of the trees.

“Girl with an Owl” is considered a symbol of the Trinity Suburb. The girl is holding an owl, and she herself is standing on a branch of a flowering fern, with a lizard sitting near her feet. The entire sculpture is located on a large stone, and two more lie nearby. There are only three - the town of Troitskoye.

According to the existing legend, it is at this place that every poet or artist must make a choice for himself what is more important to him:

  • a girl personifying the muse;
  • owl is a symbol of wisdom;
  • a flowering branch is a symbol of glory;
  • lizard is a symbol of monetary wealth.

What choice would you make?

And here’s another thing... Not far away is the city’s first public toilet. Yes, yes, sorry. I will now tell you why it attracts special attention. According to existing legend, in 1912 a very famous architect Sienkiewicz built a palace for a noble count. But he refused to pay, and did not pay a penny for the work.

Then the angry architect decided to take revenge on the greedy count and built a public toilet in Alexander Square with his own money. An exact scaled-down copy of that same castle. Now this small house sells tickets to the Yanka Kupala Theater. But from 1912 to 2012 - exactly one hundred years - it was used for its original purpose.

The pride of our contemporaries is the Belarusian “Diamond of Knowledge”

Of course, I really wanted to take a close look at the famous National Library of Belarus. This unusual structure really interested me.

Indeed, the shape of the library building resembles a cut diamond. “The Diamond of Knowledge,” as Belarusians also call it, contains 9 million book volumes. This unique building is equipped with the latest technology.

There is a playroom for children, and a special recreation room for adults; there are gyms, a cafe and a restaurant.

At an altitude of 73 meters there is an observation deck from where you can admire the beautiful views of Minsk.

In the evening, the lights turn on and the façade of the building turns into a huge multi-colored screen. The spectacle is amazing!

Day 5. On the way to Brest

My training is completed, and the main attractions of Minsk have been explored. Now you can safely go on new adventures! The issue with renting a car was resolved very successfully the day before, and it is waiting for me under the windows of my rented apartment.

I will tell you details about renting housing, cars and other necessary things at the end of the article.

In the morning, having collected my things, casting a farewell glance at the awakening Minsk

and having said goodbye to the hostess, I leave Minsk in a rented car towards Brest. The main goal of today is Belovezhskaya Pushcha, about which so much has been heard over the years of life back in the Soviet Union.

And only now my old dream of walking through a protected forest and looking at live bison is starting to come true. I described my route in more detail in.

In total, I have traveled 447 kilometers today. And here are the sights that we managed to see along the way.

Nesvizh - the patrimony of the Radziwills

Nesvizh Castle

Moving along an excellent highway, I turn towards Nesvizh, about which I have read many reviews.

And now, having covered 120 km from Minsk, I am there. In the city I am greeted by beautiful swans and the striking of the clock on the city tower in the city center. Every 15 minutes they remind you of the past time.

The small town of Nesvizh has been known for a very long time. But it began to develop especially quickly when it began to belong in 1533 to Jan Radziwill, a representative of the majestic, influential and very rich family of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

For centuries, the Radziwills owned vast lands, towns and cities belonged to them. Kings without a crown - that's what their compatriots called them.

Indeed, the Radziwills occupied the highest government and military positions. The opinion of representatives of this clan influenced the fate of the entire state. And the king himself could envy their untold wealth.

4 parks surround the Nesvizh Radziwill Castle. And each has its own history, its own specially decorated territory, its own monuments, original sculptures, its own legends.

So I took a walk in these parks.

It’s very beautiful, young leaves are blooming on the trees, the birds are singing.

But cold…

Brest Fortress - a citadel of courage

On June 22, 1941, the soldiers of the Brest Fortress were the first to come under fire from the Nazis and for more than a month, completely surrounded, without food or water, without medicine or ammunition, they held the defense, not allowing the Nazis to go further.

After the war, the fortress was not completely restored. To eternally remind descendants of the feat of the defenders of the Motherland, an entire memorial complex has been created here, and the Eternal Flame burns without going out.

On November 3-4, 2016, the memorial complex celebrated memorable dates. The Defense Museum is 60 years old! And the State Institution Memorial Complex “Brest Hero Fortress! - 45!

Brest – a city of unusual museums

There are also about 900 species of plants growing in the reserve, including rare and endangered species. Some trees are over 500 years old. 227 species of birds delight visitors with their beauty and iridescent singing.

But the greatest pride of Belovezhskaya is the bison living here.

Today, here is the largest population of these forest giants in Europe. And, among other things, I was surprised by the fantastically clean air in Pushcha. I have never seen such an amount of oxygen anywhere else! Just a fairy tale!

Belarusian Santa Claus lives here

By the way, there is a fairy tale here too! Believe it if you want, or better yet, check it, but here, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Father Frost and his assistants live in his wonderful residence and happily receive numerous guests.

The good wizard's estate includes the owner's house with workshops where gifts are made; the house where the Snow Maiden lives; a magic well that makes wishes come true; a windmill that grinds everything bad, sculptural figures of heroes from your favorite fairy tales and much, much more.

At any time of the year, guests are absolutely always welcome here. Previously, an incomparable spruce grew here for more than 120 years. Its height was 40 meters. Unfortunately, she died several years ago. But in her place a new young beauty has been installed. Children and adults enjoy dancing around it.

At the residence of Father Frost, you can take part in fun games and competitions, taste delicious potato pancakes and other national dishes.

You definitely won't be bored! So if you're in the area, be sure to stop by! Santa Claus lives about 10 km from the main entrance to the protected forest!

The way of life of a Belarusian family in the museum of the village of Pererov

The Museum of Folk Life and Ancient Technologies is another interesting place that I was able to visit here. It is located in the village of Pererov. This museum complex was created on the basis of an old 19th-century manor, which was restored in the spirit of that time and filled with things that no rural family could do without.

Every corner of the house used to have its own purpose. There were always icons in the house - the image of the Savior and the image of the Mother of God. Each family member had their own rights and responsibilities. Men and women have their own crafts. For example, in a museum, your attention will be drawn to an ancient loom for double weaving. This art is currently included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Belarus.

And here you will be treated to real moonshine. This is one of the few places in Belarus where moonshine brewing is officially permitted, and there is a license for the moonshine still installed here.

You will learn about all this, about the traditions and customs of our ancestors.

Day 8. Belovezhskaya Pushcha-Kossovo-Ruzhany-Synkovichi-Zhirovichi-Baranovichi

The time has come for me to leave this amazing natural reserve. Belovezhskaya Pushcha did not disappoint, but, on the contrary, enchanted me even more. And now I want to return there with even greater desire.

Well, my path now lies towards Minsk. But along the way, Belarus has prepared many more attractions for me. These are amazing and Orthodox shrines. It’s difficult to do everything in one day, so I’m planning to stretch my trip to the capital over 2 days.

During this day, I traveled 389 km from Belovezhskaya Pushcha to my overnight stay in the city of Baranovichi.

Kossovo Palace "Knight's Dreams"

And in Kossovo there is a castle that once belonged to the magnates Puslovsky. For its luxurious interior decoration and external grandeur it was called the “Knight's Dream”.

The palace had some features that made it unique and unique. For example, in the Main Hall the floor was glass. And you could see fish swimming under it. Under the floor there was a huge aquarium.

There was a lion living in the castle. At night, the owners let him out, and he moved freely throughout the palace.

Over the entire history of its existence, the castle was destroyed and rebuilt several times. It suffered severe damage in a multi-day fire during the Great Patriotic War. It is currently undergoing reconstruction, which is scheduled to be completed in 2018. But now!

Directly opposite, on the shore of the lake, stands the estate of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a national hero of the four countries he visited: Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and the USA, and also an honorary citizen of France. Now he would be called a professional revolutionary. The house in which he was born and lived for some time has been turned into a hero's museum.

This is a two-story house with 8 rooms. Near the house there is a huge stone with a memorial plaque in honor of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. The museum houses items found during excavations at this site that once belonged to the Kosciuszko family.

A collection of stamps dedicated to Tadeusz, a copy of his saber and other valuables. Here you can buy souvenirs, take part in various events and... get married. Yes, now you can officially register your marriage here.

By the way, this place is simply wonderful! Welcome to visit.

Ruzhany and its castle-fortress

But the town of Ruzhany, known since the 15th century. In 1598, it was bought by the famous politician, creator of the Statute - a set of laws of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Lev Sapieha. He built a grandiose palace here, which combined elements of a fortress and a luxurious castle.

The entire treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the weapons arsenal, documents of state importance, food supplies and barrels of wine were stored in the huge basements of the palace.

The castle was rebuilt many times and changed owners. At one time, the pride of the palace was the presence of a theater within its walls. The theater troupe consisted of 60 actors and 40 musicians. The theater's productions were famous throughout Europe. The palace often hosted noble guests: kings, ambassadors of distant countries and other celebrities. According to legend, there was an underground passage that connected Ruzhany Castle and Kossovsky Castle.

Zhirovichi Monastery

For more than 500 years, the Holy Dormition Monastery has existed in Zhirovichi. And its story began with a small icon on a stone, which is currently one of the most revered in the world of Orthodoxy.

According to legend, once upon a time, shepherds saw an unusual glow in the crown of trees. It was a small Image of the Mother of God, which the shepherds took to the owner of the land. A little later, a temple was built on this site. This is how the history of the monastery began.

Today it is a whole architectural complex, famous not only in Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. Never in its entire long history has the temple closed its doors to pilgrims.

Now the complex combines 2 churches, a bell tower, the Theological Academy and Seminary and other adjacent buildings. A Pilgrim's House was also built, where people who come to pray to the miraculous icon will be able to rest and spend the night if necessary.

Well, my overnight stay today is planned in the city of Borovichi, where I booked an apartment. Tomorrow I will continue my route with renewed vigor.

Day 9. Mir Castle – history and modernity

In the Grodno region of Belarus, the Mir Castle, built in the 16th century, stands tall.

Construction was started by wealthy landowner Yuri Ilyinich. But after his death, his 4 sons also did not live long. One was poisoned, the other died of illness - this is how the Ilyinich family died out. And the Radziwills began to own the castle. But they, after some time, sold it. The last owner of the castle died in 1938, and since then it has been in a state of neglect.

A whole trail of fantastic legends and scary stories literally envelops the beautiful castle. This is the legend about a stone similar to the head of a ram, which, according to some laws of magic, is called upon to protect the castle and its owners; the story of a cut down garden and cruel reprisals for it; stories about ghosts, yes, there are more than one; and of course about the countless treasures hidden somewhere here. There is such a mysterious place in Belarus.

Do dudutki come from the word “dutki”?

In the afternoon I part with the car that I rented and which has been my faithful assistant for a whole week. Therefore, I am going on the next excursion as part of a tourist group.

While our bus travels to the museum complex, the guide talks about Minsk and other attractions of Belarus. How interesting it is to listen to him now, when I have just visited many objects in person, and the impressions are still so fresh! I enjoy plunging into my memories of my independent trip.

40 km from Minsk, in the Pukhovichi district, there is the Dudutki Museum Complex. Here you can get acquainted with the crafts of our ancestors, try dishes according to ancient recipes, ride horses and even fly on an airplane.

There is so much on display here that it is impossible to do everything in the 2 hours allotted to us by the guide! Read on for details on how you can have fun at.

Now the time that I could devote to traveling around Belarus is over. It's time to go home. It’s a bit of a pity, I would like to stay here for a few more days - there are so many more interesting things to see! But nothing prevents me from coming here again, and maybe more than once.

What passport do you need?

Do you need a foreign passport to travel to Belarus? This is the first question that is probably asked by everyone who plans to visit Belarus for the first time.

The very good news is that Russians do not need a foreign passport to enter Belarus. Enough Russian. You also don’t need a visa when crossing the border; you don’t even need to put a stamp in your passport.

The only important point. If you are purchasing tickets, for example, for a plane, and specifying the details of a foreign document, then in this case you will need to present it when boarding. If the data is indicated from a Russian passport, then other identification documents will not be required for Russian citizens.

And for citizens of other countries, a visa can be obtained directly at the Minsk National Airport, having previously sent their documents here. But, of course, it is better to clarify all these questions in advance.

Where and how to rent housing in Belarus

It turned out that renting an apartment in Minsk is very simple. Through this you can book a room in numerous hotels, and on the service you can choose accommodation in any area of ​​the city. By the way, it turns out to be much cheaper than a hotel room. And if you travel not alone, but in a company, then the benefits are very significant.

I rented a very cozy apartment in Minsk near the metro.

From here you could get to any point in the city by any means of transport, and in 20 minutes you could walk to the center. Hotels in this area were significantly more expensive.

But, having returned back to Minsk from my car trip, I booked the hotel ““. It was located far from the center, but its location and cost suited me quite well, since I could get around in a rented car without any problems.

In other cities of Belarus you can also rent housing, but here the choice will be smaller. Here is my apartment in the city of Baranovichi.

I liked its location: close to the highway. It was very convenient to spend the night and hit the road again in the morning.

I wrote in detail about the amazing hotel complex on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha in.

Transport in Minsk

Transport links in the capital of Belarus are excellent. There are buses, trolleybuses and numerous minibuses running around the city. There is also intercity communication. But I had no “communication” with this type of transport.

I enjoyed using the metro, which was the easiest way to get to any desired point in the city.

For a tourist entering the Belarusian subway for the first time, it is very easy to navigate: there are only 2 lines: red and blue. All stations are named quite clearly, although they are written in the local language.

It is also very convenient to use a taxi. They work on a meter, and if you travel short distances, you get 1 trip around the city within 200-300 Russian rubles.

I also ordered a return transfer to the airport. In this case, the taxi cost me 390,000 Belarusian rubles. (this is 1320 Russian rubles or 20 $)

You can get to Minsk National Airport and back more inexpensively by train (for only 25,000 Belarusian rubles). The advertising poster reports this.

In this case, you arrive from the airport to the Minsk railway station, from where you can get to your desired location in the city by public transport. The big disadvantage is that these trains do not run often.

Car rental in Minsk

Of course, the most convenient way to travel is by car, and in Minsk you can easily rent a car for any convenient period. After studying prices at different rental companies, I settled on a company with an optimistic name: “Maya the Bee.”

Why car rental has such an unusual name became clear later when I signed the rental agreement. It turned out that this office was registered under the name of the individual entrepreneur Pchelka Denis Viktorovich. These are the positive surnames in Belarus. 🙂

To get a car, you just need to have a driver’s license, make a copy of your Russian passport, and sign an agreement! Yes, and don’t forget to pay, of course! But not only the amount specified in the contract. There is also an additional deposit, which in my case amounted to 10,000 Russian rubles (it was returned at the end of the rental).

And now the keys to the silver Peugeot 206 are in my hands.

When renting a car, there were some surprises: the condition was to drive no more than 350 km per day. This is the first time I've heard this! Well, okay, in general, this suited me. I can't travel that far in a week. After all, the longest distances are from Minsk to Brest and back; all other sights can be seen along the way, only deviating briefly from the main route.

If, as a result, it would not be possible to meet these limits, then you would have to pay an additional $10 for every extra 350 km per day.

The cost of 95 gasoline in the country, on average, was 40 Russian rubles per liter ($0.6).

There was also unexpected news about rental conditions that I had not encountered before when booking a car abroad.

It turns out that the car must be returned perfectly clean or you will have to pay an additional $25 to the rental price. Fortunately, there was a car wash near the hotel where I lived the last few days. And for $5 they washed the car perfectly. 🙂

How much does a vacation cost (results and prices)

This time, according to my subjective feelings, the final cost of the trip was quite high. No, prices in Belarus are quite acceptable, and in some places even lower than European and even more so Russian ones. It’s just that this time I traveled alone, so all costs were solely at my expense.

After all, for example, accommodation and car rental cost almost the same: for one or for two people. And the costs in the 2nd case are easily divided in half.

Excursion program:

  1. Entrance tickets to all attractions cost me 1,620 rubles.
  2. Ordered excursions, including audio guides - 4,320 rubles.

And here are the results:

The money came and went, and now we no longer remember it. But the impressions of a great time were left! And this is the most important thing why people strive to travel! 🙂

The map below shows all the sights of Belarus that I was able to visit. You can see more details about each of them.

Hospitable and welcoming Belarus is famous for its unique natural resources, colorful rural landscapes and the magnificent architectural heritage of the powerful Radziwill dynasty. Belarus has excellent opportunities for a comfortable holiday surrounded by fabulously beautiful nature. A rich excursion program, delicious national cuisine, affordable prices and the absence of a language barrier make this country one of the most attractive tourist destinations among Russian tourists. In this article we invite you to get acquainted with the most beautiful places in Belarus.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The most beautiful place in Belarus can easily be called Belovezhskaya Pushcha, whose majestic centuries-old forests contain a rich collection of rare natural treasures. The huge reserve, located on the territory of Belarus and Poland, is the largest forest in Central Europe, preserved almost in its original form since the 13th century. The national park is famous for its venerable giant oak trees, which have been towering over the forest for more than six hundred years. The dense thickets are home to deer, lynxes, boars, bears and other wild animals. The real pride of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and its symbol is the ruler of the forests, the largest land mammal in Europe - the European bison. In the demonstration enclosures, in addition to the “indigenous inhabitants” of the Belarusian forest, you can see various exotic animals, including an ostrich, a spotted fallow deer and a raccoon dog.

On the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha there is the Estate of Father Frost - a real fairy tale come to life for children and adults. Arriving here on New Year's Eve, you can visit the beautiful mansion of Father Frost, look into the glade of the Twelve Months and watch the Magic Mill, which turns bad deeds into dust.

The protected forest still holds many secrets, which you can get acquainted with during an excursion by bicycle or on a comfortable bus. On the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha there are all opportunities for a good rest: hotels, restaurants, cafes and sports grounds. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is rightfully considered the most famous and picturesque attraction of Belarus, which is definitely worth a visit for every wildlife lover.

Mir Castle

In the Grodno region, in a small urban village with the interesting name Mir, there is a real pearl of Belarusian Gothic architecture - Mir Castle. The history of this beautiful place in Belarus began in the first half of the 16th century, when the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was located on the territory of the modern country. Initially, Mir Castle served as the country residence of the wealthy Lithuanian prince Yuri Ilyinich, who, to the envy of his neighbors, built not just a castle on his estate, but a real fortress with powerful stone walls, watchtowers, weapon loopholes and gates protected by metal bars. At the end of the 16th century, the beautiful castle came into the possession of the Radziwill family, a powerful dynasty of Lithuanian magnates. They continued to strengthen the castle, surrounding it with an earthen rampart and a moat with water. A palace was erected in the courtyard and a charming Italian garden was landscaped.

Today, guests of the Mir Castle can not only admire its unique architecture and exquisite interior, but also visit the museum and art gallery. In the dungeons of the castle there is an amazing restaurant in a medieval style, where you can taste dishes that served as decoration for the princely table. You can plunge into the real atmosphere of the Middle Ages during traditional knightly tournaments and summer music festivals, which attract many tourists from around the world.

Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

One of the most beautiful places in the capital of Belarus is the Central Botanical Garden, owned by the National Academy of Sciences. In the garden’s collection you can find amazing and rare plants brought from different parts of the planet: Crimea, the Caucasus, Siberia, Central Asia and North America. When visiting this unique reserve, you can walk in the shade of trees with unusual names: Pennsylvania ash, Maak bird cherry, silver maple, Manchurian walnut and plum apple tree. The luxurious exhibition greenhouse features a variety of exotic plants, the beauty of which can be admired even in winter. The Central Botanical Garden is a wonderful place in the heart of the Belarusian capital, where you can take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy the harmony of nature.

Nesvizh Castle

Nesvizh Castle, the magnificent residence of the richest Lithuanian Radziwill dynasty, rightfully belongs to the most beautiful sights of Belarus. The construction of Nesvizh Castle began in the middle of the 16th century by order of Prince Nikolai Radziwill the Black. Dutch military architects worked on the project, laying the foundations for the future powerful and impregnable fortress. Later, at the end of the 16th century, his son, Nikolai Radziwill the Orphan, continued the construction of the castle. By his order, a beautiful palace was built outside the fortress walls. The castle was well protected: it was surrounded by a high earthen rampart, a powerful stone fortress and a moat with water, and on its territory there were secret underground passages, warehouses with weapons, as well as the first cannon workshop in Belarus.

The final image of Nesvizh Castle was formed at the end of the 18th century, when Prince Carol Stanislav Radziwill turned it into a magnificent palace and castle complex. The luxurious interior of the palace was decorated with frescoes on the theme of military triumphs, a gallery of portraits of the Radziwill dynasty, and elegant faience sculptures. The walls were decorated with expensive Dutch tiles, and the floors were covered with high-quality oak parquet. There are still legends about the countless treasures of the Radziwill dynasty hidden in the secret recesses of the castle. Today Nesvizh Castle is not just a beautiful monument, but one of the most visited places in Belarus. Knightly tournaments, reenactments of military battles and gala balls are held here, taking visitors to the castle on an unforgettable historical journey.

Upper town of Minsk

The historical heart of Minsk, located on the territory of modern Freedom Square and the adjacent streets, has a beautiful name - the Upper Town. For a long time, noble and wealthy families lived here, representatives of local authorities met and large fairs were held. In the 16th – 17th centuries, along with the strengthening of Minsk, the appearance of the Upper City also changed: stone palaces, temples and government buildings were erected here, many of which have survived to this day. One of the main buildings of the Upper Town is the Minsk City Hall, which houses rooms for meetings and receiving distinguished guests. The famous chimes installed on the town hall tower play a patriotic melody every hour. Not far from the town hall is the main Catholic church of Minsk - the beautiful Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, delighting visitors with its majestic facade and rich interior. In addition, the architectural ensemble of the Upper Town includes the Holy Spirit Cathedral, the Bernardine monastery, the Gostiny Dvor and the Vankovich manor house. The original Upper Town, which has absorbed the spirit of history, is traditionally considered the most beautiful place in the Belarusian capital, which every tourist must visit.

Trinity suburb of Minsk

The ancient colorful quarter of Trinity Suburb is known as one of the most picturesque corners of Minsk. Elegant multi-colored facades of houses with tiled roofs, souvenir shops, antique shops and cozy coffee shops attract numerous tourists from around the world to the Trinity Suburb. The first settlements on Trinity Mountain arose back in the 12th century. The suburb quickly grew and soon turned into the commercial and administrative center of Minsk with the largest shopping area in the city - the Trinity Market. Wealthy people lived here: merchants, artisans, military men, wealthy peasants. The quarter got its name thanks to the first Catholic church in Minsk - the Church of the Holy Trinity, built here at the end of the 14th century by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello. In the 19th century, the wooden buildings of the suburb were replaced by solid stone buildings, which have survived to this day. Today, Trinity Suburb is the most interesting natural architectural museum in Belarus. Its cozy streets and distinctive buildings have exactly preserved the style of the city quarter of the 19th century. Visiting here will undoubtedly be interesting for every guest of the Belarusian capital.

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble

The magnificent palace and park ensemble in the center of Gomel is one of the most beautiful architectural sights of Belarus; it is not without reason that it is sometimes called “Belarusian Peterhof”. The history of this unique architectural complex began in the 18th century, when Count Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev received from Catherine II as a reward for his military valor the picturesque “Gomiy village” on the banks of the Sozh River. Soon, by decree of the count, a palace was erected here in the style of early classicism. In the middle of the 19th century, the estate came into the possession of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich. He improved the palace and laid out a grandiose park around it with fountains, lakes and rare plants from different parts of the globe. After the changes, the Gomel palace and park ensemble gained fame as one of the best estates of the Russian Empire. Today this place is very popular among guests of Gomel: in the old picturesque park you can walk for a long time in the shade of centuries-old oaks, pines and cedars, and the palace of the Rumyantsevs and Paskeviches delights with its luxurious interior and interesting museum exhibition. The Gomel palace and park ensemble is one of the main attractions of Belarus, a visit to which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Narochansky National Park

Narochansky National Park is a beautiful protected area and the most popular resort region of Belarus, famous for its crystal clear lakes of glacial origin. These picturesque places are home to rare species of animals and birds, which you can see during the excursion. The real pearl of the national park and the largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch, which attracts numerous tourists from around the world. It provides all the recreational opportunities for every taste: exciting walking, cycling and boat trips, mini-cruises on a steamship, diving and fishing tours are organized. On the territory of the hospitable Naroch region there are numerous sanatoriums, hotels, campsites and guest houses. Narochansky National Park is a wonderful place in Belarus where you can enjoy the charm of nature and recuperate away from the bustle of the city.

Boulder Museum

On the outskirts of Minsk, in a place called Uruchye, there is one of the most mysterious places in Belarus - the Museum of Boulders, the largest museum of its kind in Europe. The unique park-museum was created at the end of the 20th century on the initiative of Belarusian geologists. More than two thousand boulders of various shapes and sizes, brought here from different parts of the republic, represent a truly impressive exhibition. The largest and most original composition of the museum is a geographical map of Belarus, composed of boulders and decorated with flowers and ornamental plants. This unusual map shows cities of regional significance, major rivers and highways. Of great interest is the exhibition “Stone in Human Life”, where cult pagan and Christian stones are collected, including the famous Borisov stones with crosses and ancient Slavic inscriptions carved on them. The Museum of Boulders is an interesting place, shrouded in a mystical atmosphere, which is definitely worth a visit for every lover of ancient legends and natural secrets.

Ethnographic Belarusian village

When traveling around Belarus, of course, you cannot ignore the traditional Belarusian village with its original architecture, rituals and folk art. You can feel like a guest of a welcoming rural outback by visiting the ethnographic complex called “Belarusian Village of the 19th Century” in the suburbs of Mogilev. Once in this beautiful place in Belarus, you can see a windmill, look into a pottery workshop, visit a baker’s house, watch a blacksmith at work, learn how to weave funny souvenirs from straw and taste ancient national dishes in a hospitable tavern. The “Belarusian village” often becomes the site of folk festivals, ethnic festivals and fun fairs, thanks to which traditional Belarusian culture becomes closer to every traveler who visits this hospitable country.

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Sights of Belarus. The most interesting and main attractions of cities and regions of Belarus: photos and descriptions, location. What interesting things to see in Belarus in winter.


Church of All Saints of the Belarusian Land – Zaslavl

City Zaslavl, which belongs to one of main attractions of Belarus was founded in the 10th century by the Kyiv prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, located 27 km northwest of Minsk. On its territory there is a magnificent historical and cultural reserve, in which you can see many artifacts, such as castle fortifications and gates, the 17th-century Church of the Transfiguration, and the Church of the Virgin Mary (1774). There are also museums of folk crafts and musical instruments on the territory. The city is one of the main historical attractions of Belarus.


The city is located 120 km southwest of the capital, one of the oldest cities in Belarus. We first hear about this city in documents dating back to the 13th century. In the 16th century the city became the residence of the princely family of the Radziwills. Until the 17th century, the city was intensively built as a powerful outpost, with ditches, ramparts and other defensive structures.

The first printing house in Belarus was located here. The heart of Nesvizh is the Nesvizh palace and castle complex (built in the 16th-18th centuries), the author of the project was Giovanni Bernardoni. The complex is surrounded by a park area of ​​about 20 hectares. We also recommend paying attention to the Town Hall building, Farny Church, Slutsk Gate and Alba Park (16th century).

It is difficult to write much about this place. You need to see it in order to feel all the pain that the Belarusian people experience when they hear the name of this small village. On March 22, 1943, in this village, the Nazis burned alive all its inhabitants (149 people, including 75 children).

On the territory of the village there is a memorial, the center of which is the sculpture “The Unconquered Man,” which depicts the only surviving resident of Khatyn, Yuzef Kaminsky. Among the list of objects are the symbolic “Village Cemetery”, the memorial complex “Smoke of Khatyn” and the “Wall of Memory”, the most terrible object in its content. Contains a list of Belarusian concentration camps and their victims. After visiting Belarus, be sure to visit Khatyn.


One of the most original cities, one of the main attractions of Belarus. The history of the city begins in 1267. This year, construction of a wooden fortress on Mogila Hill begins.

By the middle of the 17th century, Mogilev was a powerful fortification with 12 towers and three defense belts. The city also became a developed center of crafts and industry, and a powerful port.

There are many monasteries and churches in the city. Pay attention to the Cathedral of the Minsk-Mogilev Archdiocese,

Three Saints Cathedral, the Nikolsky Monastery complex and the famous Bykhovsky market.


The city is located at the confluence of the Bobruika and Berezina rivers. First mentioned in 1387. It was one of the largest cities in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In our time, Bobruisk, despite its small size, has concentrated many ancient monuments.

Pay attention to the White and St. Nicholas churches, the Jesuit Church and the Opperman Tower. There is also a balneological resort on the territory of the city.


Legendary city. We first read about this city in the 11th century in the Tale of Bygone Years (1019). Less than 1100 years later, Brest becomes a major transport and trade center. The strength and power of the city remained until the 17th century, when, as a result of prolonged warfare, it was completely destroyed. The city was restored again in the 18th century, when it became part of the Russian Empire (1795). Be sure to visit the Brest Fortress, whose glory was brought by its immortal feat at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. There are many more interesting places in the immediate vicinity of Brest, it’s impossible to list them all.

The city is located 280 kilometers from Minsk. We first learn about him from the Ipatiev Chronicle (1128). Over the course of 200 years, the city flourished and by the 15th century it had become a major trading center, and a little later the Polish and Lithuanian kings built their residences here.

During your visit to the city, visit the Old and New Castles, the Augustow Palace, and the remains of the Lower and Upper Churches. In general, there are many churches and monasteries in Grodno, and they are all unique in their own way.


A small village located in the Grodno region. The pearl of the village is Mir Castle, a masterpiece of Belarusian architecture.

The towers, three-meter thick walls, ditches and huge dungeons of the castle and their decorations will be very interesting to you.

Also visit the Church of St. Nicholas (1594-1604) and the Trinity Church (XVI century). It will also be nice to take a walk in the park with a pond surrounding the castle.

The program of your stay in the country will also be of interest to such ancient cities as Vitebsk, Polotsk, Braslav and Gomel.

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Belarus is not a very popular holiday destination, for example, like Crimea, but still I got out and saw this incredibly beautiful country, which I want to return to again.

Sights of Belarus with descriptions and photos

Nature of Belarus admires. As for me, the country is intended for green tourism thanks to the cleanest lakes and rivers, dense forests, green fields, so its residents are trying to develop this particular area. The natural attractions of Belarus are very diverse and will attract even the most avid tourist. Firstly, holidays are at affordable prices, food is inexpensive, and Belarusians themselves are always happy to have guests. All that remains is to determine which cities you need to see in Belarus.

What interesting things can you see in Belarus?

Be sure to take time to rest in a variety of ways:

  • Go fishing or hunt some animal;
  • Take a walk through the ancient castle;
  • Visit the famous Brest;
  • Wander through the modern central streets of Minsk;
  • And what would we do without national cuisine - traditional potato pancakes and local Zubrovka.

Interesting places to travel around Belarus

To make traveling around the country easier, I will highlight the main attractions of Belarus in a separate list.

Museums of Belarus

Brest Railway Museum– one of the first museums that I managed to visit. It helps to trace the history of the prosperity of railway transport. I was fascinated by the pre-war examples of steam locomotives presented in it that have survived to this day, the unique steam cranes and a whole arsenal of passenger cars of various classes.

Having visited Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble, consisting of six museum objects, I want to say that every tourist should visit it. This is the oldest and most authoritative ensemble in Belarus. I fell in love with him Rumyantsev Palace And Paskevichs, the most beautiful "Winter Garden", antique parko m, which belongs to the monuments of landscape art, and Khaletsky manor house.

IN National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus I couldn’t stop admiring the country’s largest set of works of art and creations by Belarusian artists and craftsmen living in other countries. The museum’s collection is truly impressive, because in order to exhibit all their work, branches were opened, the size of the museum was constantly expanding, as well as the collection itself.

Helped me get acquainted with traditional crafts and folk technologies Dudutki museum complex open air. It turns out that many people dream of going to Dudutki in order to appreciate the beauty of a real village of Ancient Rus', its windmill and houses in which you can study things of that century created by ancient craftsmen. Be sure to check out the homemade cheese making.

If possible, check out the following museums:

  • in Brest– Berestye Museum;
  • In Minsk– planetarium and Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life (Strochintsy);
  • in Vitebsk– Marc Chagall Museum;
  • in Mogilev– complex “Belarusian village of the 19th century”;
  • in Baranovichi– the estate of Adam Mickiewicz.

Monuments of Belarus

Probably the saddest attraction in Belarus is Khatyn memorial complex. It was dedicated to 149 residents of Khatyn, burned and shot by the Nazis in 1943. Khatyn is a symbol of the killed civilians during the Great Patriotic War. The piercing strikes memorial sculpture – “The Unconquered Man”, the general atmosphere, as well as evidence of Nazi crimes.

Brest became the main starting point for the USSR, where the Great Patriotic War broke out, so memorial complex "Brest Hero Fortress" talks about the immortalized exploits of Soviet soldiers who restrained the further advance of the fascist invaders. This memorial complex is worth seeing for everyone, because it was recognized as the largest WWII monument in the CIS. I was able to plunge into history thanks to the battle sites, sculptural compositions and the ruins of the old fortress.

In addition, worthy of attention:

  1. V Minsk– monuments “Kilometer Zero”, a lady with a dog at the Komarovsky market, Archangel Michael, granite obelisk “Victory”, memorial complex “Mound of Glory”;
  2. V Brest– obelisk “Bayonet” in the Brest Fortress, monument to the 1000th anniversary of Brest, Alley of Heroes, composition “Cats on the Roof”, kilometer pillar, monument to Gogol and Shevchenko;
  3. V Polotsk– monuments to the letter “Ў”, a student, Nicholas the Wonderworker, “Krivichi”, a memorial sign “Center of Europe”, a sculpture “Polotsk Merchant”, a monument-tank “T-34-85”;
  4. V Mogilev– Square of Stars with a sculpture of an astrologer and the “Tomb of the Lion”.

Architecture of Belarus

One of the most amazing buildings on the planet for me was National Library of Belarus. It is a rhombicuboctahedron weighing 115 thousand tons and the height of a 23-story building. But in the evening, this wonderful house turns into an incredibly beautiful gem with the help of a multi-color screen (media facade) based on LED clusters.

I would call it a real pearl of Belarus Mir Castle Museum, which was founded in XVI century and is now on the UNESCO list.

It has about 40 exhibitions, a small pond and picturesque parks. But what impressed me most was the architecture of the castle. The era of feudalism is noticeable in the powerful walls and towers, capable of protecting the owner from enemies, behind which stood the rich residence of the magnate - a real palace made of stone and brick.

Fortress XIV centuries – Gediminas Castle in Lida– I was amazed by my destroyed state. It turns out that for a long time it was, so to speak, the citadel of the western part of Belarus. It was besieged many times, which led to damage to the walls, destruction of the towers and the deplorable state of the entire fortress.

Try to visit the following sights of Belarus by car:

  • Puslovsky Palace in Kossovo;
  • palace and park ensemble of the Radziwills in Nesvizh;
  • Kamenets Tower;
  • Sapega palace complex in Ruzhany.

Religious buildings in Belarus

Churches have always surprised me with their pomp and architecture, one of which for me was Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno. It is very ancient - dating back to the second half XII century. At the same time, it was able to preserve the power of the walls, its grandeur and unique flavor. This architectural monument has no analogues and confirms that at that time there was an independent architectural and art school in the Grodno region, which used local building materials, ceramics and various folk applied arts.

In Minsk I visited the most popular Catholic church in Belarus - Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena. Its stained glass windows and bas-reliefs, red brick walls, as well as luxurious interior decoration and grandeur are truly admirable.

Polotsk is rich in two ancient cathedrals. Transfiguration Cathedral presented in the form of a six-pillar, single-domed building with a good combination of small size, simplicity of plan, monumental appearance achieved with meager means, and fresco painting of the interior. St. Sophia Cathedral was built around the 2nd century. This three-nave temple with symmetrical towers is made in the Vilna or late Belarusian baroque. The interior was complemented by stucco molding, curly cornices and rather bright colors.

The richest in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in XVII-XVIII centuries, the church and monastery were considered part of Jesuit monastery in Grodno. They were given an entire block in the city center. The building complex consisted of a college, a pharmacy, a library and a number of utility rooms.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Jesuit monastery

Here's what else you can see in Belarus by car from among the churches:

  • In Minsk– Red Church, Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Cathedral of All Saints, Orthodox Women's Monastery of St. Elizabeth, Church of the Holy Trinity;
  • in Brest– Cathedral of St. Simeon, St. Nicholas Brethren Church, Resurrection Cathedral, Convent, St. Nicholas Garrison Cathedral;
  • in Grodno– Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier, Farny Church of St. Francis Xavier, Lutheran Church, Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary;
  • in Gomel– Peter and Paul Cathedral, St. Nicholas Monastery 1905, Chapel-tomb of the Paskevichs.

Tourist route through natural attractions of Belarus

I would advise you to start your tourist route from a very beautiful place in Belarus - Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Brest. Her popularity is incredibly great. Not only parents with children, but also couples in love come here to relax. I always wanted to see Europe before it was settled, and thanks to this large relict, truly primeval forest, I was able to. At the same time, you understand how much nature has changed after human intervention. Here you can see not only majestic, centuries-old trees, but also powerful bison. The organized excursion helped to immerse myself in the biosphere reserve to a greater extent than I could have done on my own.

Not far from Minsk is located Naroch National Park.

The park always pleasantly welcomes tourists who want to get acquainted with the wonderful beauty of Belarus. Among the various services of the park, the most popular are 16 hiking routes with the opportunity to conveniently camp. With blue lakes, a Forest Museum, an apothecary garden, rare herbs and amazing animals, this park offers an exciting time.

In addition, you should relax in the following places:

  • In Minsk– Island of Tears, Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences, Loshitsky Park, Marat Kazei Square, Mikhailovsky Square;
  • in Brest– Park of Culture and Recreation “May 1”, Winter Garden, Garden of Continuous Flowering;
  • in Vitebsk– Botanical Garden of Vitebsk State University, Berezinsky Nature Reserve, Mayakovsky Square.

What can a tourist see in Belarus in 1 day, video

Before determining which cities to see in Belarus, it is important to understand that you will have little time, which means this list of routes will help you see the most beautiful and interesting main attractions of the capital of Belarus, Minsk.

  • National Library on Independence Avenue.
  • Upper town with town hall, church and cathedral.
  • Zero kilometer on Oktyabrskaya Square.
  • Trinity Suburb on Bogdanovich Street.
  • Independence Square with the Stolitsa shopping center and the Red Church
  • Gorky Park on Victory Square.

Bird's eye view video over the city of Belarus - Minsk, using a quadcopter. All the beauty of the city is visible as if in the palm of your hand. Enjoy watching!

For entertainment in Belarus, we also suggest visiting. And in winter we recommend spending your holidays at the Logoisk ski resort:

Where to go with children in Minsk

Minsk is rich in interesting and exciting entertainment for children of all ages. Here are some places where you can have fun:

  • 54-meter Ferris wheel in Gorky Park. There are also roller coasters, carousels and a race track.
  • 27.5-meter Ferris wheel in Chelyuskintsev Park. There is a dance floor, sports areas and the opportunity to go on rides.
  • Toy railway offers a ride on a comfortable train with a beautiful view outside the window.
  • Water park "Lebyazhiy" with the KaZki children's center and the Dark Ride space station.
  • Take a bike ride in Victory Park, rented, or on Komsomolskoye Lake by boat or catamaran.
  • Minsk Zoo with a collection of five thousand exotic animals, as well as a “Dinopark”, which will introduce the child to various representatives of dinosaurs.
  • Dolphinarium "Nemo" offers shows with dolphins, a white whale, fur seals and a lion, and the Open Ocean Aquarium invites you on an exciting expedition.

The cities of Belarus and their attractions have left their mark on my life - some joyful, some not so much. But there are a lot of impressions. Please share in the comments what other places are worth paying attention to and what, in your opinion, is worth seeing in Belarus by car.

With the onset of warm weather, the soul asks for new travels - take a car, train or bicycle and go explore Belarus. Together with the guide to Belarus VETLIVA, we have compiled a list of the main reasons to take a breeze through the country - from springs with healing water and eco-trails to powerful military tourism facilities, intimate museums and estates that have not lost their splendor.


1. Puslovsky Palace

Kosovo, Ivatsevichi district

2. Sapega palace complex in Ruzhany

Ruzhany, Pruzhany district

In guidebooks, the ruins of the palace are proudly called the “Belarusian Versailles,” but you should come here not for the gorgeous views and interiors (not much has survived here), but rather for the powerful energy that is inherent in such places of power. Just imagine: at the beginning of the 17th century a castle was founded here - Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lev Sapega took part in this matter. To make living in it not only comfortable, but also safe, three powerful defensive towers were added to the complex. Important state issues were discussed in Ruzhany, receptions of top managers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania came, and the Sapieha archive and the state treasury were also located here. After the defeat of the uprising, the Sapiehas left the residence and set up a weaving factory in the palace. During the First World War, the ensemble burned down, then they tried to restore it, but after the Second World War this matter was abandoned.

Now you can visit the museum (Urbanovicha st., 15a) and learn the whole history of the place - for this there are 4 halls and an exciting excursion.

How to get there? Your chance is a bus from Minsk or 244 km by car. In Ruzhany, look for the address of the museum - st. Urbanovicha, 15a.

3. Brest Fortress


A powerful defensive structure and a large-scale open-air museum of Soviet heroic monumentalism. The fortress itself was built in the 19th century and has an impressive history. In 1596, a church union was declared here, and during the First World War a decree on peace was signed. But the fortress became famous after the heroic events of World War II.

Follow the chronology: at the Volyn fortification, look into the Berestye Museum - archaeological excavations, where you can see the remains of a fortification and wooden buildings of the 11th-13th centuries, street pavements, even several household items. Then go to the Museum of the Defenders of the Brest Fortress. The territory of the museum is simply huge - it will take three hours to get around everything without losing your breath. The most creepy experience is in Fort V - a semi-abandoned fortification with armored doors, narrow loopholes, underground corridors and complete silence. Most likely, you will be the only tourist here.

How to get there? The easiest way is to go by train - € 4-10, three to four hours - and you’re there. The same 350 km can be covered by bus (€ 7-9) or by your own car (M1 highway).

4. Olmansky swamps

Stolin district

These swamps occupy 75% of the area of ​​the Stolin region - the only complex of raised, transitional and lowland swamps preserved in our natural state. Ecologists cannot get enough of it: 687 species of plants, 151 species of birds (25 from the Red Book) and 26 species of mammals live here. Interestingly, in the 60s of the last century there was an aviation training ground in Olmany, so there are still unexploded shells and bombs in the swamps.

Of particular interest is the eco-trail, which is almost one and a half kilometers long. It goes along Lake Bolshoye Zasominoye, on the other side of which there is Ukraine. The second route will take you to a 40-meter tower, from which it is very convenient to explore the surrounding area and biodiversity. Ask the locals where the “Sea of ​​Herodotus” is - Bolshoye and Maloye Zasominoye and 23 other lakes.

Please note that if you are a foreigner, you will have to pay 10 basic (€ 114) in advance to visit the swamps. More information about excursions -.

How to get there? A classic of the genre - a bus or minibus from Minsk to Stolin.

5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Belarus is a source of pride - the largest and oldest forest in Europe, protected by UNESCO. Yes, there are bison in the wild here. Yes, you can even hunt them (if you have the conscience). Yes, it was here that the agreement on the collapse of the USSR was signed. Yes, this is where the Belarusian Grandfather Frost lives (his residence is open even in the summer - but his grandfather’s suit is lightweight). Breathe the relic air, ride a bicycle, feed the bison in the enclosure with bread from your hand, go and look at the Kamenets Vezha, which is already more than 700 years old.

How to get there? We recommend covering the distance Minsk - Brest by train, and then going to Kamenets by bus. For the more impatient, there are direct minibuses.

6. Jesuit College

Pinsk, st. Lenina, 1

Pinsk is the second in Belarus in terms of the number of preserved attractions (in first place is Grodno). The collegium building, built in the 17th century as a super-prestigious educational institution, especially deserves attention. They took talented students there regardless of their income. If you walk around the building, the view will be different: from the river it is an impenetrable fortress, from the courtyard it is an open book. Now the college has a nice museum of Belarusian Polesie, where you can look at non-smelly stuffed animals or sit on a wooden bicycle. Further along Lenin there is a Franciscan monastery with the “Pinsk Madonna” and cool magnets, the Butrimovich Palace (it now houses the registry office), the Horde House and the campus of Polesie University. The embankment in Pinsk is 2.5 km long - you can walk for a long time with a beautiful view.

How to get there? You can get there in three hours by minibus - prepare €3 for the journey. Once every two days you can take an evening train - you get on in Minsk at 17.37, at 22.55 you are in Pinsk. Very comfortably!

7. Polesie

Brest region

The largest of the European wetlands, which occupies approximately 30% of the map of Belarus. Terra incognita is the size of a compact country, with isolated villages and indigenous inhabitants, the Poleshuks, who have their own distinct language. To experience all the charm of life in Polesie, you need to wait for the spring flood of Pripyat. The ideal option is to take a boat and sail through Belarusian villages, which are flooded every spring. Choose to suit your taste - from Turov to Pinsk.

How to get there? How to get to Pinsk - see above.


8. Mir Castle

Mir, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 2

9. Kolozha Church

Grodno, st. Kolozha, 6

The Borisoglebskaya or Kolozhskaya Church appeared on a pagan site near Castle Hill in Grodno back in the 11th century - this is one of the few buildings from the period of Ancient Rus' in Belarus, although it was notably rebuilt. The church is not plastered on the outside, and therefore you can look at all the engineering solutions of the builders of that time. The church stands on the steep bank of the Neman

How to get there? From any point in the country you can get to Grodno by train - the city is connected to 142 stations in Belarus. Trains leave Minsk several times a day, and electrons go even more often. Buses and minibuses are also at your disposal (€ 7).

10. Church of the Holy Trinity in Gervyaty

Gervyaty village, Ostrovetsky district

The tallest church in Belarus is 61 meters (24-storey building!), and the only one built according to all the canons of the Neo-Gothic style. It was erected on the site of a wooden church of the 16th century by the architect Alshalovsky. For construction, a brick yard was specially organized or, in parallel, eggs were collected from all the surrounding areas - they were added to the lime solution for strengthening. The slate was specially brought from Germany. Here you can find out what a flying buttress looks like - an external semi-arch that distributes the load from the main wall and stands separately (remember Notre Dame de Paris) - this is completely atypical for Belarus. Be sure to listen to the mass - it is in Belarusian, Polish and Lithuanian, and take a walk in the park - it is perhaps even cooler than the church. By the way, in the surrounding area too.

How to get there? The best option, of course, is to go by car. If this is not possible, go to Ostrovets, and then hitchhike to Gervyat (via Vornyany).

Nemnovo, Grodno district

A shipping canal built in the 19th century to create a route from the Black Sea to the Baltic. There are only two cool engineering structures, thought out so cleverly, long ago, and preserved almost in their original form - in the UK and Sweden. The length of the canal is 101 km, 22 of which are on the territory of Belarus in the border zone. Hello, simplified visa regime! Gateways, drawbridges, columns - it’s amazing how harmoniously everything works. You can ride along the canal on the motor ship "Neman", stroll along it on foot, go to the canal museum, go kayaking, and look at the surviving estate in Svyatsk, created in the 18th century according to the design of the Italian architect Giuseppe de Sacco.

How to get there? Start from Minsk by car (direction Volozhin - Lida - Skidel, 327 km). From Grodno you can go by car or bus (Grodno - Goryachki, Grodno - Nemnovo, Grodno - Kalety, stop "Augustovsky Canal" or "Sonichi").

12. Slonim Synagogue

Slonim, st. Sovetskaya, 1

Baroque synagogue from 1642, one of the oldest in the country. The dilapidated building has preserved its pretentious and rich interior decoration. The synagogue was badly damaged during the War of 1812, but was quickly restored - the Jewish community in Slonim was then considered one of the most powerful in the country. At the end of the 19th century, there were 21 synagogues in the city, and more than 70% of the residents were Jews. In 2000, the building was returned to believers, but no restoration work was carried out. Be sure to look at the stucco molding, aron ha-kadesh and paintings - all of this is perfectly preserved.

How to get there? Jump on a minibus and you'll be there in two and a half hours.

13. Murovankovskaya church-fortress

Murovanka village, Shchuchinsky district

The 600-year-old temple was conceived not only as a place for worship, but also as a defensive structure - in the 16th century there was no other way. The church looks like a real castle - two-meter thick walls, loophole windows, towers. The temple in Murovanka survived many wars and was severely damaged during the Russian-Polish War. In 1882, a major restoration was carried out; a bell tower was built on one of the towers. A successful mix of Gothic and Renaissance, stone, brick and rose window. The brick, by the way, is special - the “royal lily” - a symbol of the purity of the Mother of God. Historical facts and legends say that many underground passages were dug from the church - however, now it is not clear where they started from and where they led.

How to get there? You can get from Minsk to Shchuchin by bus; the church itself is located 3 km from the village of Mozheikovo.

14. Novogrudok Castle


Novogrudok is an ancient Belarusian city, which was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The main point of attraction in the city is the ruins of a castle that stood here in the 12th century. 6 centuries after the first mention, it was destroyed by the Swedes - almost to its present state. Of all the structures, two walls remained - Kostelnaya and Shield - opposite each other. Castle Hill offers stunning views - there's no better place for a picnic. Be sure to visit the house-museum of Adam Mickiewicz, who was born and lived in Novogrudok, go to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, perfectly preserved in 1714, pay attention to the St. Boris and Gleb Church, which is already more than 500 years old.

How to get there? The easiest way to get from Minsk is by minibus (€ 2) or bus, but you shouldn’t count on the railway.

15. Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Synkovichi, Zelvensky district

The largest defense-type temple in Belarus. The powerful impregnable church was built in the 15th century - the towers, loopholes are not very high, the walls are thick - this is a real small castle. The entrance gate, by the way, also deserves attention - it has been preserved since 1880. Within walking distance is the building of a 19th-century estate, which was later turned into a distillery. By the way, there is an interesting legend about why the place is called Synkovichi. The temple was built by father and son. At some point, the son fell from the scaffolding and fell to his death. His father shouted to him in despair: “Son, son!” This is how the name of the village surrounding the church appeared. Above the entrance to the church you can see a ledge that resembles a coffin lid.

How to get there? From Minsk you can get to Zelva relatively easily - by regular bus. Further - only by car or hitchhiking.

16. Chetvertinsky Palace

Village Zheludok, Shchuchinsky district

One of the most cinematic places in the country - it’s not for nothing that the first (and last) Belarusian horror film called “Masakra” was filmed here. There are movie decorations even now: plywood tiles, painted traces of a fire on the façade. From Soviet times, a cinema club with a booth and star symbols remained in the palace.

17. Krevsky Castle


Perhaps the most picturesque ruins from our guide. The castle in Krevo dates back to the 14th century. These walls have seen a lot: in 1382, Prince Keistut, Vitovt’s father, was killed here, in 1385 a union was signed, in the 16th century the castle repelled the attacks of the Tatars and Muscovites, and already in the 19th century it was no longer considered a sensible fortification and was abandoned. The ruins were preserved in 1929 - they still stand that way.

Listen to the wind blowing between the walls, go to the beautiful Alexander Nevsky Church or the austere church, find the former pagan temple - even though Krevo is now considered a village, there are plenty of witnesses of its former greatness here.

How to get there? Minsk - Smorgon - bus or train, and then on a light green MAZ regional bus with curtains.


18. Nesvizh Castle


In the 16th century, Nesvizh became the family nest of the Radziwills, the main dynasty in the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For example, the King of Poland often visited here, and representatives of the magnate family occupied the most important positions in the state. You understand the scale of the buildings - the palace and park complex occupies 90 hectares. In Nesvizh Castle you can look at the early Renaissance, Baroque, neoclassicism and modernism. Ask to tell you about the revenge of Bonna Sforza and show you the gilded apostles as tall as a man.

How to get there? You can get to Nesvizh by driving from Minsk along the Brest highway. If you decide to go by bus, you can find the schedule.

19. City of the Sun in Minsk


Minsk is a witness and victim of the imperial ambitions of the Soviet authorities. You can feel this while walking along Independence Avenue - a straight asphalt arrow that stretches 15 km and cuts the city in half. Writer Arthur Klinov coined the term “City of the Sun” to refer to the Stalinist Empire style in Minsk. Minsk as the main artery of the Big Communist Dream, built in the likeness of Rome. The station square with the “gates”, Lenin Square, Marx, Kirov, Sverdlov streets - the integral development of an ideal city for life in the opinion of the Soviet authorities.

How to get there? We tell in .

20. Khatyn

Khatyn village / Mokrad village, Logoisk district

High-quality Soviet documentaries. was created on the site of a village that was burned by the Nazis during World War II. All the inhabitants were herded into a barn and set on fire - and the same was done with the inhabitants of 628 villages. To prepare for your trip, be sure to check out the 1985 film “Come and See” directed by Elem Klimov. Information on tickets and opening hours of the complex.

How to get there? If you are traveling by car, take the M3 highway (59 km). There is no public transport - if you hitch a ride, you will have to walk 5 km from the highway.

21. Nalibokskaya Pushcha

Volozhin district

The largest forest area in Belarus is three times larger than Malta! Here is the richest flora, a quarter of the plants are medicinal, many are listed in the Red Book. Animals are also fine - for example, 29 species of rare birds live here. The Pushcha is surrounded by three large rivers - the Neman, Berezina and Usa, and therefore the places here are incredibly picturesque. And not particularly accessible - like Svaneti in Georgia. For example, during World War II, 20 thousand people hid in Nalibokskaya Pushcha. Be bold or daring and make a forced march into the thick of the ancient forest. Be sure to look at Lake Kroman, the Lavrishevsky Monastery, founded in the 13th century, the Tyshkevich estate in the village of Vyaloye and swim naked in the river - here you can afford it.

How to get there? Your only chance is a car; you can get there from Minsk in an hour.

22. Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Strochitsa

Ozertso village, Minsk region

Peasant Belarus in miniature. An open-air museum, where the ancient buildings of three regions of Belarus are presented: the Central part, Poozerie and the Dnieper region. Ethnological research will have to be carried out on the material of the church, parish school, mill, bathhouse and peasant huts. All this is scattered in picturesque fields - don’t forget to charge your phone for photos. To get in the mood, we advise you to wave some horseradish at the tavern at the entrance!

How to get there? All details are on the website.


23. Gomel Park


You need to go to the palace and park ensemble in Gomel in the spring, when the huge park turns green and blooms, the Sozh becomes full of water, and the evenings are already warm enough to wander thoughtfully near the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace and look at the dark water. The palace ensemble is the largest piece of historical buildings in size, preserved without breaking its monolithic structure. Russian Empress Catherine II presented Gomel to her favorite Count Rumyantsev for fun, and he built it on the banks of the Sozh. Then the palace passed to the commander Paskevich, who, by a willful decision, built a whole complex of outbuildings: a hunter’s house, a winter garden, several churches. The best preserved landscape park is 24 hectares - you can walk here for half a day if you first refresh yourself with Gomel Spartak chocolate with 90% cocoa.

24. Gerard Manor

Demyanki, Dobrush district

A nice manor with a pseudo-Russian style - in the resettlement zone. The red brick building was built at the expense of a Russian official, Governor General of Finland Nikolai Gerard in the second half of the 19th century. The estate stands on a hillock crossed by a moat - a bridge plays a decorative role, a perfectly preserved park with rare species of trees and amazing silence. If you are looking for a place where there will definitely be no tourists, this is the place for you. By the way, you can get here completely legally.

How to get there? You can get to Radunitsa - then they let you in without a pass. The rest of the time, the pass must be issued in Dobrush. To get to Dobrush, buy tickets for the Minsk - Gomel train, and then take the train or commuter bus.

25. Museum of Old Believers

Vetka, Red Square, 5

In the 17th century, the city of Vetka was chosen by persecuted Old Believers. Pathologically tolerant Belarusians did not touch them, and therefore Old Believer icons, manuscripts and printed books of the 16th-19th centuries, collections of textiles and household items are still preserved here in excellent condition. The museum is interactive - here, for example, you can learn traditional weaving.

How to get there? How to get to Gomel, and then take a commuter bus - you need to cover only 22 km.


26. Bobruisk Fortress


This powerful fortification is a planned construction in preparation for the war with Napoleon. To build it, they actually destroyed the city that existed here before. The fortress did withstand a long siege by the French, and after the war it served as a prison. Rumor has it that in one of the forts of the Bobruisk fortress there is an egg-shaped cell in which prisoners went crazy after a couple of weeks of imprisonment. It is not for nothing that Herzen, remembering Bobruisk, wrote: “Let Siberia, let it be anything, but not this terrible prison on the Berezina River.” Now it’s just fun to climb around the fortress that has grown into the ground, for example, to visit an abandoned guardhouse, rebuilt from a Jesuit church. Now the fortress consists of 7 bastions stretched over an area of ​​several km. Some are concreted, others can be climbed up and down. Bring a flashlight! The fortress burned several times, so don’t wear your dress pants - you might get covered in soot. Aliens seem to have landed a few steps from the fortress. In fact, this is the Bobruisk Ice Arena for 7 thousand spectators.

How to get there? An hour and a half by train from Minsk on the fashionable Stadler train (or 2 on a regular one) - and you’re already walking around colorful Bobruisk and trying to count all the mentions of beavers. The second option is to travel by bus or private minibus.

27. Estate of the Count Tolstoy family

Grudinovka village, Bykhovsky district

One of the most beautiful and mysterious places in the country is the Tolstoy count's house. And although Lev Nikolaevich never made it home, it’s worth a look at the estate. A two-story manor with domes, columns, a grand staircase and an open terrace overlooking the park awaits you. Wander around the 10-hectare park, find the Siberian cedar, which has been growing here for more than 100 years, walk through the palace - most recently there was a school and sanatorium for sick children here, and therefore there are green-painted walls and a soviet wardrobe with numbers - strange contrast with