Artyukhov's paper kite read. Paper Kite – Permyak E

A good breeze blew. Smooth. In such a wind, a kite flies high. He pulls the thread tight. The wet tail flutters merrily. Beauty! Borya decided to make his own kite. He had a sheet of paper. And he planed the shingles. Yes, there was not enough wetness for the tail and threads on which to fly snakes. And Syoma has a large skein of thread. He has something to fly snakes with. If he had taken out a piece of paper and some wetness for his tail, he would have flown his own kite too.

Petya had a washcloth. He saved it for the snake. All he needed was thread and a sheet of paper with shingles.

Everyone has everything, but everyone is missing something.

The boys sit on the hill and grieve. Borya presses his sheet of shingles to his chest. Syoma clenched his threads into his fist. Petya hides his washcloth in his bosom.

A good breeze is blowing. Smooth. The friendly guys launched kites high into the sky. He waves his wet tail merrily. He pulls the thread tight. Beauty!

Borya, Syoma and Petya could also fly such a kite. Even better. They just haven’t learned to be friends yet. That's the problem.

How Masha became big

Little Masha really wanted to grow up. Very. But she didn’t know how to do it. I tried everything. And I walked in my mother’s shoes. And she was sitting in my grandmother’s hood. And she did her hair like Aunt Katya’s. And I tried on beads. And she put the watch on her hand. Nothing worked. They just laughed at her and made fun of her.

One day Masha decided to sweep the floor. And swept it. Yes, she swept it so well that even my mother was surprised:

- Mashenka! Are you really getting big with us?

And when Masha washed the dishes clean and wiped them dry, then not only mother, but also father was surprised. He was surprised and said to everyone at the table:

“We didn’t even notice how Maria grew up with us.” He not only sweeps the floor, but also washes the dishes.

Now everyone calls little Masha big. And she feels like an adult, although she walks around in her tiny shoes and short dress. No hairstyle. No beads. No watch.

Apparently, they are not the ones who make little ones big.

How Misha wanted to outwit his mother

Misha’s mother came home after work and clasped her hands:

- How did you, Mishenka, manage to break off a bicycle wheel?

- It, mom, broke off on its own.

- Why is your shirt torn, Mishenka?

- She, mommy, tore herself.

-Where did your other shoe go? Where did you lose it?

- He, Mom, got lost somewhere.

Then Misha’s mother said:

- How bad they all are! They, the scoundrels, need to be taught a lesson!

- But as? – Misha asked.

“Very simple,” my mother answered. “If they have learned to break themselves, to tear themselves apart, and to get lost themselves, let them learn to fix themselves, to sew themselves up, to find themselves.” And you and I, Misha, will sit at home and wait for them to do all this.

Misha sat down by the broken bicycle, in a torn shirt, without a shoe, and thought deeply. Apparently this boy had something to think about.

First fish

Yura lived in a large and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked. Only Yura was not working. He was only five years old.

Once, Yurina’s family went to catch fish and cook fish soup. They caught a lot of fish and gave them all to grandma. Yura also caught one fish. Ruff. And I also gave it to my grandmother. For fish soup.

Grandmother cooked fish soup. The whole family on the shore sat down around the pot and started praising their ears:

“That’s why our fish soup is delicious, because Yura caught a huge fish fish.” That’s why our fish soup is fatty and rich, because fish soup is fatter than catfish.

And even though Yura was small, he understood that the adults were joking. Is there a lot of profit from a tiny brush? But he was still happy. He was happy because his little fish was in the big family ear.

Nadya couldn’t do anything. Grandmother dressed Nadya, put on shoes, washed her, combed her hair.

Mom gave Nadya water from a cup, fed her from a spoon, put her to sleep, and lulled her to sleep.

Nadya heard about the kindergarten. The girlfriends are having fun playing there. They dance. They sing. They listen to fairy tales. Good for children in kindergarten. And Nadenka would have been happy there, but they didn’t take her there. They didn't accept it!

Nadya cried. Mom cried. Grandma cried.

– Why didn’t you accept Nadenka into kindergarten?

And in kindergarten they say:

- How can we accept her when she doesn’t know how to do anything?

Grandmother came to her senses, mother came to her senses. And Nadya caught herself. Nadya began to dress herself, put on her shoes, wash herself, eat, drink, comb her hair, and go to bed.

When they found out about this in kindergarten, they came for Nadya themselves. They came and took her to kindergarten, dressed, with shoes, washed, and combed her hair.

About the nose and tongue

Katya had two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, and one tongue and one nose.

“Tell me, grandma,” asks Katya, “why do I only have two, and one tongue and one nose?”

“And therefore, dear granddaughter,” the grandmother answers, “so that you see more, hear more, do more, walk more and talk less, and don’t stick your snub nose where it shouldn’t.”

This, it turns out, is why there is only one tongue and one nose.

Hasty knife

Mitya whittled the stick, whittled it and threw it away. It turned out to be an oblique stick.

Uneven. Ugly.

- How is this so? – Mitya’s father asks.

“The knife is bad,” Mitya answers, “it cuts askew.”

“No,” says the father, “the knife is good.” He's just in a hurry. It needs to be taught patience.

- But as? - asks Mitya.

“And so,” said the father.

He took the stick and began to plan it little by little, little by little, carefully.

Mitya understood how to teach a knife patience, and he also began to whittle little by little, little by little, carefully.

For a long time the hasty knife did not want to obey. He was in a hurry: he tried to swerve now and then at random, but it didn’t work out. Mitya forced him to be patient.

The knife became good at whittling. Smooth. Beautiful. Obediently.

Three girls once argued about which of them would be the best first-grader.

“I will be the best first-grader,” says Lyusya, “because my mother has already bought me a school bag.”

“No, I’ll be the best first-grader,” said Katya. “My mother sewed me a uniform dress with a white apron.”

“No, I... No, I,” Lenochka argues with her friends. “Not only do I have a school bag and a pencil case, not only do I have a uniform dress with a white apron, they also gave me two white ribbons in my braids.”

The girls argued like that, they argued - they became hoarse. They ran to their friend. To Masha.

Let her say which of them will be the best first-grader.

They came to Masha, and Masha was sitting at her ABC book.

“I don’t know, girls, who will be the best first-grader,” Masha answered. - I have no time. Today I have to learn three more letters.

- What for? - the girls ask.

“And then, so that you don’t end up being the worst, the very last first-grader,” said Masha and began to read the primer again.

Lucy, Katya and Lenochka became quiet. There was no more arguing about who would be the best first-grader. And so it is clear.

The worst thing

Vova grew up as a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. And how can you not be afraid of this! He beat his comrades. He shot at the girls with a slingshot. He made faces at the adults. He stepped on the dog's tail, Cannon. He pulled out the whiskers of Murzey the cat.

I drove the prickly hedgehog under the closet. He was even rude to his grandmother.

Vova was not afraid of anyone. He was not afraid of anything. And he was very proud of this. I was proud, but not for long.

The day came when the boys did not want to play with him. They left him and that was it. He ran to the girls. But the girls, even the kindest ones, also turned away from him.

An instructive story about boys who did not know how to make friends and negotiate. Because of this, they could not assemble and fly the kite.

Read the kite

A good breeze blew. Smooth. In such a wind, a kite flies high. He pulls the thread tight. The wet tail flutters merrily. Beauty!

Borya decided to make his own kite. He had a sheet of paper. And he planed the shingles. Yes, there was not enough water for the tail and threads on which to fly kites.

And Syoma has a large skein of thread. He has something to fly kites with. If he had taken out a piece of paper and some wetness for his tail, he would have flown his own kite too.

Petya had a washcloth. He saved it for the snake. All he needed was thread and a sheet of paper with shingles.

Everyone has everything, but everyone is missing something.

The boys sit on the hill and grieve. Borya presses his sheet of shingles to his chest. Syoma clenched his threads into his fist. Petya hides his washcloth in his bosom.

A good breeze is blowing. Smooth. The friendly guys launched a kite high into the sky. He waves his wet tail merrily. He pulls the thread tight. Beauty!

Borya, Sema and Petya could also fly such a kite. Even better. They just haven’t learned to be friends yet - that’s the problem.

Published by: Alex 08.08.2019 15:19 25.05.2019

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An instructive story about boys who did not know how to make friends and negotiate. Because of this, they could not assemble and fly the kite.

Read the kite

A good breeze blew. Smooth. In such a wind, a kite flies high. He pulls the thread tight. The wet tail flutters merrily. Beauty!

Borya decided to make his own kite. He had a sheet of paper. And he planed the shingles. Yes, there was not enough water for the tail and threads on which to fly kites.

And Syoma has a large skein of thread. He has something to fly kites with. If he had taken out a piece of paper and some wetness for his tail, he would have flown his own kite too.

Petya had a washcloth. He saved it for the snake. All he needed was thread and a sheet of paper with shingles.

Everyone has everything, but everyone is missing something.

The boys sit on the hill and grieve. Borya presses his sheet of shingles to his chest. Syoma clenched his threads into his fist. Petya hides his washcloth in his bosom.

A good breeze is blowing. Smooth. The friendly guys launched a kite high into the sky. He waves his wet tail merrily. He pulls the thread tight. Beauty!

Borya, Sema and Petya could also fly such a kite. Even better. They just haven’t learned to be friends yet - that’s the problem.

Published by: Mishka 08.08.2018 15:19 25.05.2019

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Read 4070 times

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A good breeze blew. Smooth. In such a wind, a kite flies high. He pulls the thread tight. The wet tail flutters merrily. Beauty!
Borya decided to make his own kite. He had a sheet of paper. And he planed the shingles. Yes, there was not enough water for the tail and threads on which to fly kites.
And Syoma has a large skein of thread. He has something to fly kites with. If he had taken out a piece of paper and some wetness for his tail, he would have flown his own kite too.
Petya had a washcloth. He saved it for the snake. All he needed was thread and a sheet of paper with shingles.
Everyone has everything, but everyone is missing something.

The boys sit on the hill and grieve. Borya presses his sheet of shingles to his chest. Syoma clenched his threads into his fist. Petya hides his washcloth in his bosom.
A good breeze is blowing. Smooth. The friendly guys launched a kite high into the sky. He waves his wet tail merrily. He pulls the thread tight. Beauty!
Borya, Sema and Petya could also fly such a kite. Even better. They just haven’t learned to be friends yet - that’s the problem.

A good breeze blew. Smooth. In such a wind, a kite flies high. He pulls the thread tight. The wet tail flutters merrily. Beauty!
Borya decided to make his own kite. He had a sheet of paper. And he planed the shingles. Yes, there was not enough water for the tail and threads on which to fly kites.
And Syoma has a large skein of thread. He has something to fly kites with. If he had taken out a piece of paper and some wetness for his tail, he would have flown his own kite too.
Petya had a washcloth. He saved it for the snake. All he needed was thread and a sheet of paper with shingles.
Everyone has everything, but everyone is missing something.

The boys sit on the hill and grieve. Borya presses his sheet of shingles to his chest. Syoma clenched his threads into his fist. Petya hides his washcloth in his bosom.
A good breeze is blowing. Smooth. The friendly guys launched a kite high into the sky. He waves his wet tail merrily. He pulls the thread tight. Beauty!
Borya, Sema and Petya could also fly such a kite. Even better. They just haven’t learned to be friends yet - that’s the problem.

Lesson objectives:

  • continue acquaintance with the work of E.A. Permyak;
  • to develop an interest in reading the works of E. Permyak and the ability to independently read and analyze the text;
  • develop speech, expressiveness of speech, attention, imagination, enrich vocabulary;
  • foster a sense of camaraderie and friendship.


  • Exhibition of books by E. Permyak.
  • Bast, boards, skein of thread, cards with these words.
  • Model of a paper kite.
  • Presentation.
  • Test.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Setting the topic and goals of the lessons. Updating basic knowledge.

Epigraph: Live, don’t be stingy, and share with friends. (on the board)

A ) work with a book exhibition

b) working with the textbook

Today we will get acquainted with another wonderful work by this author. Open the reading book “I Want to Read” on page 169 and read the title of the story. (Kite)

3. Acquaintance with the work of E. Permyak “Paper Kite”

1) working with text before reading

- Let's try to guess what we're going to read about? (children's assumptions)

– Who are the heroes of the work? (children's assumptions)

– How will events develop? (children's assumptions)

2) Reading the text aloud by children based on individual semantic passages.

3) Vocabulary work. On the board there are cards with the words:

Matching cards with words and objects. (Children read the words on the card and show the corresponding object)

4) Content work.

– What did Borya want to do?

- Explain the expression “Everyone has everything, but everyone has something but is missing.”

– Find a sentence in the text that expresses the main idea.

Phys. just a minute

5) Working with the dough. (Children are given a test on the content of the work. When working with the test, students use the text).

6) Self-check testing. Slides No. 2,3,4.

4. Creative work in groups.

  1. Draw a paper kite as Petya imagined it.
  2. Draw a paper kite as you imagine it.

Exhibition of group works.

5. Reflection. Creation of a filmstrip based on the story “The Kite”.

– Now you and I will go outside and try to create “living pictures” for our filmstrip. Children create scenes in groups. The teacher takes photographs.

The children decided that Petya, Borya and Syoma became friends and made their own paper kite. (Children make a paper kite and fly it.)

6. Lesson summary.

– What does “to be friends” mean? If children knew how to be friends, would their lives and moods change?

Explain the meaning of the proverb “Live, don’t be stingy, and share with friends.”

In the next lesson, we will watch the film that we made.

(Slide show in the application)

- Thank you for your work in class.

After watching the film, the children of my 1st “B” class decided that they would value friendship. The “Paper Kite” symbol has become a talisman of friendship for our class. The children really liked the film.


literary reading lesson in 1st grade

Subject: "E. Permyak. Kite".

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the work of E. Permyak, with a new work and determination of the main idea of ​​the text.

Subject results – develop the ability to:

    highlight semantic parts of the text;

    answer questions about the content of the text;

    correlate illustrative material and the content of a literary work;

    build a statement according to a given pattern.

Regulatory UUD– develop the ability to:

    set work goals, plan activities;

    save the learning task.

Cognitive UUD– develop the ability to:

    understand the actual content of the text;

Highlight events, see their sequence in the work;

Use the textbook's dictionary;

    perform logical actions (analysis, comparison);

    work with comparative tables and models.

Communicative UUD – develop the ability to:

    perceive the opinions of peers about the work they have read;

    use available speech means to convey your impressions;

    take part in the discussion of what you read.

Personal UUD– develop the ability to:

    form initial ideas about moral concepts reflected in the text (mutual assistance, generosity).

Fostering a sense of camaraderie.

During the classes:

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

1. Mobilizing beginning.

Positive emotional attitude.

2. Updating knowledge.

Target: remember the works read from the section “Learning to be smart.”

The task is to compare the title of the work and the author.

Children need to find an extra piece.

In which section did we read these stories?

Why is the section called this?

What should a new work be like if it is in the same section?

What should you do to learn what the work teaches?

Good Horse – Plyatskovsky

At the skating rink - Oseeva

About who Vovka is studying for - Golyavkin

- “Learning to be smart”

The name "Paper Kite" remains.


Activity planning.

3. Introductory stage.

Target: acquaintance with the creativity of Permyak. Forecasting by title.

Information about the work of Permyak.

Try to predict from the title what the text is about.

What is a snake made of?


Children's statements.


4. Primary perception (reading by the teacher).

Target: acquaintance with the work.

Vocabulary work (words are highlighted in the text, dictionary below).

Difficult to read words (underlined).

Reading by the teacher. I will read the text, your task is to remember information about the snake.

What is the text about?

What did you learn about the paper kite?

Work in a notebook.

In what weather do you fly a kite?

Bast, shingles.

It was missing, it flutters.

What a snake is made from.

Record materials.

With a light breeze.

5. Reading by students. Generation of primary semantic versions by children.

Target: building versions and fixing them.

Reading by children. Your task is to determine the genre, the main idea, and remember the characters of the work.

What is the genre of the work? (prove)

Who are the main characters? (models)

Cover model.

What is the main idea of ​​the story?

Boys. Children.

Promotion of versions. Fixation.

(this work teaches to be:


6. Transfer of means of understanding the meaning of the text, detection of the content of the text.

Target: analysis of versions, comparison of one’s version with part of the text or the full text, with other versions.

Teacher distinguishes semantic version from characteristics heroes.

Available materials for boys. On the slide as the children answer.

Working with illustrations.

What do you think the first boy's name is?

- Find the proof in the text.

Who's in the center? Prove it.

What is the name of the third boy?

The advanced versions prove it.

Filling out tables in notebooks.

(work in pairs)

Define heroes.

7. Generation of secondary versions of understanding the text.

Target: finding a generalization of the different versions that have arisen regarding the text.

Mastering the means of correlating your version with the full text.

Whose version was not confirmed?

Has your version changed? How?

Who hasn't changed? Why? Prove it.

What should the boys have done? SLIDE (all together)

What is the main idea?

Working with proverbs: choose one that matches the text.

What life situations can you think of when this happened to you?

How would you continue the story?

Fixation (minus-plus).

Generalization statements.

Work in pairs. Prove the choice.

Children's stories.

Work in pairs.

8. Reflection.

Target: self-assessment based on success criteria, formulation and argumentation of one’s opinion.

What did we do to learn what the story teaches?

It was interesting to me…

I found it difficult...

I liked the work... (classmate)

Self-esteem. Lines of success.

They made assumptions

analyzed the text: identified the main characters, determined the nature of their relationships, and filled out the table.

If the version was initially correct - a green chip, if incorrect - a red one.


1. today I found out...

2. it was interesting...

3. it was difficult...

4. I completed tasks...

5. I realized that...

6. now I can...

7. I felt that...

8. I purchased...

9. I learned...

10. I did it...

11. I was able...

12. I'll try...

13. I was surprised...

14. gave me a lesson for life...

15. I wanted...


  • Exhibition of books by E. Permyak.

  • Bast, boards, skein of thread, cards with these words.

  • Model of a paper kite.

  • Presentation.

  • Test.
During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Exercises to develop speed reading skills(presentation)
3. Setting the topic and goals of the lessons. Updating basic knowledge.

1 slide (portrait of E.A. Permyak)

Epigraph: Live, don’t be stingy, and share with friends (on the board)

A ) work with a book exhibition

– Look at the exhibition of books.

- What is the difference? (Various stories)
b) working with the textbook

Today we will get acquainted with another wonderful work by this author. Open the book to page 76 and read the title of the story. (Kite)

4. Acquaintance with the work of E. Permyak “Paper Kite”

1) working with text before reading

- Let's try to guess what we're going to read about? (children's assumptions)

Show the children a model of a kite.

– Who are the heroes of the work? (children's assumptions)

– How will events develop? (children's assumptions)

2) Reading the text aloud by children based on individual semantic passages.

3) Vocabulary work. On the board there are cards with the words:

Matching cards with words and objects. (Children read the words on the card and show the corresponding object)

4) Content work.

– What did Borya want to do?

-What was he missing? (bast and thread)

- Explain the expression “Everyone has everything, but everyone has something but is missing.”

– Find a sentence in the text that expresses the main idea.

Phys. just a minute

5) Working with the dough. (Children are given a test on the content of the work. When working with the test, students use the text).

6) Self-check testing. Slides No. 2,3,4.

A card with the word appears on the board

Children explain the meaning of this word.

5. Creative work in groups.

Each group is given an individual task.

  1. Draw a paper kite as Borya saw it.

  2. Draw a paper kite as Petya imagined it.

  3. Draw a paper kite as Syoma saw it.

  4. Draw a paper kite as you imagine it.
Exhibition of group works.

6. Reflection. Creation of a filmstrip based on the story “The Kite”.

– Now you and I will go outside and try to create “living pictures” for our filmstrip. Children create scenes in groups. The teacher takes photographs.

Children are encouraged to finish the film in their own way.

The children decided that Petya, Borya and Syoma became friends and made their own paper kite. (Children make a paper kite and fly it.)

7. Lesson summary.

– What does “to be friends” mean? If children knew how to be friends, would their lives and moods change?

Explain the meaning of the proverb “Live, don’t be stingy, and share with friends.”

In the next lesson, we will watch the film that we made.

Thanks for your work in class.

After watching the film, the children of my 1A” class decided that they would value friendship. The “Paper Kite” symbol has become a talisman of friendship for our class. The children really liked the film.

Test based on the work of E. Permyak “Paper Kite”

F.I. student_______________________________________________

(Mark the correct answer)

  1. What did Bora need to make a kite?
Sheet of paper and thread

Bast and thread

Planks and threads

2. What did Syoma have?


Skein of thread

3. What does Petya have in store for the snake?

4. Borya, Syoma and Petya could have launched their kite, but they didn’t. Why?

Write your answer on the lines.


List of sources and literature

1. Literary reading: 1st grade: textbook for students of general education institutions / author's compilation. L.A. Efrosinina - 2nd ed., revised - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.

2. Literary reading. 1 class. Lesson plans based on the textbook by L.A. Efrosinin / Author-comp. E.A. Podskrebalina. – Volgograd, 2011

3.Primary school. 1st grade: Educational method. allowance/ L.M. Zelenina, T.E. Khokhlova, M.N. Bystrova - M.: Bustard, 2010

4.Additional literature: E. Permyak “The First Fish”, “The Worst Thing”, “The Hasty Knife”.