Paint your face with paints. To complete this image you need

It’s rare that a children’s birthday party is complete today without face painting – a special paint that helps turn a mischievous toddler into a pirate and a little mischief into a princess in a matter of minutes without harm to health. Drawings on the face become a real little holiday for children, giving them a lot of positive emotions, even if the tiniest flower is drawn. Today we decided to devote our article to all the tricks of applying face painting, starting from what paints are used to paint on the face, and ending with how to do it correctly.

How can you draw on your face?

The choice of materials for creating patterns on the face must be approached with all the depth of responsibility, because children's skin is very delicate and not every paint will suit it. For classic face painting, hypoallergenic water-based paints are used, sold in the form of powder or pencils. Special water-soluble makeup, sold in theater stores, is also suitable for these purposes. But under no circumstances should you apply artistic paints, such as watercolor or gouache, to your face. These paints contain harmful substances that can cause severe irritation on the baby's face. If there are no specialized stores nearby, but you really want to please your baby, then you can do face painting for children with your own hands. To do this, just mix a teaspoon of moisturizer with three tablespoons of starch and a small amount of food coloring.

How to draw pictures on the face?

So, we’ve sorted out the paints for face painting. Let's now start drawing the drawing. Doing this is no more difficult than drawing on a sheet of paper with watercolors; you just need to be patient and have a small set of necessary tools. What can be useful for a novice face painter? Firstly, face painting in different shades. Secondly, a set of brushes of different diameters and shapes. So, to make work easier, you will need round brushes (for drawing small details and contour lines) and flat brushes (for applying large strokes and sketching large surfaces). It wouldn’t hurt to get sponges, which not only allow you to achieve more delicate shades, but also significantly save on the cost of face painting. The technology for applying face painting is as follows: moisten the brush in water and pick up a small amount of paint with it. To obtain the desired line thickness, we use brushes of different diameters and shapes (round and flat). Before starting to paint on your face, there is no need to apply foundation or any other base, since face painting has a fairly gentle composition and does not cause skin irritation. In order to give the entire surface of the face the necessary shade, it is enough to apply a small amount of face painting with a sponge. In this case, you should especially carefully paint over the nasolabial folds and nose. When the main tone dries a little, you can start drawing the details, but here everything depends on the desire of the child and your skills. But when choosing facial designs for children, do not forget that little models are usually not known for their patience. Therefore, the drawing should be simplified, without unnecessarily elaborate details, the drawing of which will take a long time.

Face painting for children

Having understood a little about the basics of applying face painting, let's move on to what face designs are suitable for boys and girls.

Face paintings for boys

Boys of all ages would like to try themselves in the role of superheroes and desperate pirates, comic book heroes and favorite cartoons. Applying such drawings is quite easy, because they consist of large elements.

Face paintings for girls

Funny and interesting drawings bring joy to both children and adults.

Before you draw something on your face, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • paints must be natural and without chemical additives;
  • It is best to choose paints that were created on a water basis, because they are very quickly and easily washed off the face and washed from clothes;
  • Before applying, it is best to test the paint for an allergic reaction on the crook of your arm to avoid irritation and rash.

How to draw a tiger on the face

As with any body art, you need to start painting with light shades.

  1. First, the nose is drawn in a white tone, then imaginary cheeks are drawn under it.
  2. Next, the upper eyelid, chin are drawn, and the contour of the face is drawn.
  3. Brown or red paint is applied to the rest of the surface. The paint should apply evenly, which is why you need to use different brushes.
  4. The final step is to use black paint. It is used to draw stripes like a tiger, mustaches, the tip of the nose and, of course, lips (but one detail must be taken into account: if face painting is done for a holiday, then it is better not to draw lips with black paint, since it will be uncomfortable for the child to eat).

How to draw a fox on your face

Every little girl dreams of being a sly fox at least once in her life. Sometimes one costume is not enough and therefore you need to do a beautiful face painting so that the child feels like that same fox - a sister.

  1. First, the main tone is applied. It is advisable to use either white or light yellow color for it in order to create a non-intrusive base for the main makeup.
  2. Eyebrows, arrows on the eyes, the tip of the nose, dots under the nose and mustache are drawn with black paint. You can also draw cheekbones (optional).
  3. Finally, orange paint is applied from the nose to the cheekbones to create the impression of fox fur.

How to draw a butterfly on your face

In order to make the butterfly as bright and beautiful as possible, you first need to apply a white outline to the cheeks and draw the outlines of the wings. Make multi-colored wings with bright colors in any order.

  1. The body of the butterfly is drawn with black paint (it can be depicted in place from the bridge of the nose to the forehead).
  2. You can create beautiful swirls and curves on your cheeks.
  3. Don't forget to add bright colors and highlight your eyes. To outline the eyelid, it is better to use eyeliner and then add patterns with paints.
  4. You can also add glitter to make the butterfly light and magical.

How to draw a bear on your face

To draw a bear you need black, white and brown paints.

  1. The outline of the bear's head should be drawn along the chin, near the ears and along the forehead.
  2. Ears are drawn on the forehead, above the eyebrows.
  3. The face is painted over with brown paint, and it is better to use light brown paint when painting the area around the mouth and capturing the tip of the nose.
  4. Black paint is used to outline the inside of the ear (on the forehead), the tip of the nose and a path from it to the upper lip in order to draw the muzzle.
  5. You can use light paint to highlight the cheeks, and use white paint to mark a spot on the nose.

The bear can also be depicted in full growth on the face, but then you need to choose the right scale and just turn it on.

How to draw a pirate's face

Most boys want to be pirates and robbers. In order for a child to look like his beloved captain Jack Sparrow or another one-eyed pirate, you need to take white, red, black and brown paints.

  1. A mustache and beard are drawn with black paint (you can draw from the chin to the neck). The beard can be painted with both black and brown paints.
  2. A scar is always drawn on the cheek, but you shouldn’t focus all your attention on it.
  3. Next, be sure to draw an eye patch. Attention, you should not paint over the eyelid, as this can damage the eye. It is better to draw a contour around the eye and extend the “bandage” to the ear.
  4. It is advisable to draw a bandage on the forehead. For this, red paint is used (you can paint polka dots). In the corner of the eye you can draw the ties from the bandage (you can lower them straight to the cheek).

To complete the look, you can buy a pirate hat.

How to draw a dog on the face

There are so many ways to draw a dog on your face, let's look at one of the most common.

  1. Using light paint (white or gray) the puppy's ears are drawn (from the eyebrow to the cheek).
  2. There is a white spot under the nose and on the chin.
  3. One eye is painted over with dark paint and a spot is drawn on the nose.
  4. In the corner of the mouth, a tongue is drawn with pink paints and a dash of white. All details are drawn with a black outline.

If you need to draw a puppy on a girl’s face, then you can add sparkles, bows and brighter colors to the makeup. You can make a Dalmatian and draw the fur (it’s best to do this with a brush). It is imperative to shade all the details so that the makeup is beautiful and unobtrusive.

How to draw a joker on the face

Joker face designs are very popular around Halloween. At almost all themed parties you can see at least one joker.

So, in order to draw a joker beautifully and quite accurately, you need to take a lot of white, and, of course, black paint, although many people prefer blue.

  1. To begin with, a white base is distributed over the entire face. It should be rich and cover all areas of the face well.
  2. The area around the eyes is outlined with dark paint (you can use gray or black).
  3. A scar is drawn from the corners of the lips. To make the effect better and the scar more voluminous, you can use a special wax base that creates the effect of reality.

The lips and scar should be a rich, bright red color.

And for the final look, you need to make a “slight mess” on your head and enjoy an unforgettable evening.

How to draw a snowflake on your face

When it comes to drawing a snowflake, you need to use your imagination and just create. A snowflake can be drawn on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes, all over the face, starting from the nose. It is best to use paints in cool shades (blue, light blue, white and azure). Sequins and sparkles are used as decoration.

Typically, frost curls are used as the basis for such a snowflake image. It is best to draw them with a thin brush and shade everything.

If face painting is done for an older girl, then everything can be complemented with beautiful winter makeup to match.

How to draw a spider on your face

A spider on a child’s face is not always scary, because face painting with the image of a spider can be quite kind and sweet. First you need to decide what kind of image should be on your face. Let's look at how to draw a spider on your face.

  1. Red paint is applied to the upper part of the face and shaded.
  2. Then the web is drawn with a brush. To ensure that the makeup is not so aggressive, you can highlight the eyebrows in black (it’s best if they are highlighted with a curve).
  3. On the bridge of the nose you need to draw a spider and a web from it, so the image will be quite clear.

If the child wants to look like a spider-man, then you can add blue paint. In any case, it all depends on the person’s imagination and desire.

How to draw a cat's face on a child's face

Before you start applying face painting, you need to make sure your baby’s face is clean.

  1. First, a white tone is applied to the face, and pink is applied above the eyebrows and on the cheeks. To ensure that it lies evenly, it is advisable to use a cosmetic sponge.
  2. We outline the pink tone with black paint, thereby drawing out the ears.
  3. You can draw a pink bow between the ears (it can be drawn somewhere on the side, it’s better to do it the way the child himself wants).
  4. The nose is also drawn with black paint (it’s made a little wavy so that it looks like a cat’s).
  5. Black dots are placed under the nose and antennae are drawn from them.
  6. You can also draw strokes on the chin that will resemble the fur of a kitten.

This is how quickly and easily you can create the makeup of a wonderful little kitten.

A carnival costume and appropriate accessories will complement the image and make it more harmonious.

How to draw a hare's face on your face

A cute bunny face is drawn very quickly. To do this you will need paint in white, black, gray and pink colors.

  1. First you need to apply a white base to your face.
  2. Then, with a black pencil or eyeliner, you need to emphasize the eyes with long arrows.
  3. It is advisable to apply white shadows to the eyelids (don’t forget to apply them under the eyes as well).
  4. A pink tone is applied over the eyebrows and strokes are made, creating a furry effect.
  5. The tip of the nose can be marked red and outlined in black.
  6. A mustache is drawn above the lip over a white tone.
  7. Two large teeth can be depicted on the lower lip.

To make the image complete, you can complement it with cute fluffy ears on the child’s head.

How to draw a monkey face

To make the image of a monkey appear on the face, you will need a lot of brown paint of various shades.

  1. To begin with, you need to draw the outline with a little light paint, and then with each stage the paint should become darker and darker.
  2. It is best to paint the eyelid with black shadows or just black paint.
  3. The contour of the eyebrows is raised, and wrinkles are drawn throughout the face, creating the illusion of monkey skin.
  4. It is best to outline your lips with brown paint mixed with pink and white.
  5. Make strokes along the chin that will resemble wool.

How to draw a beard on your face

In fact, drawing a beard is very, very simple. To do this, you should choose a paint of a special shade and begin to draw strokes, moving from the chin to the cheekbones.

How to draw a goat on your face

To do this you will need white, gray and black paint.

  1. First, a white tone is applied, some areas of the face are painted over with gray.
  2. You can paint horns on the forehead with the addition of black paint.
  3. You can also draw strokes that will resemble fur and, of course, a beard (preferably with gray paint).
  4. The eyes must be highlighted in black (lined both above and below with a black pencil or eyeliner).
  5. The sponges are tinted with gray paint. You can apply a pink blush to your cheeks, which will add brightness and richness to the look.

Desire and imagination are the key factors for successful face painting! If face painting is done for a child, then be sure to take his wishes into account and the holiday will become unforgettable.

Master class face painting “Tiger”: video

What is face painting? These are special water-based paints for the face and body. They are easy to wash off and easy to apply, and their hypoallergenicity allows them to be used even on children's faces.

But in addition to a purely aesthetic function, face painting also has a practical function: it will be much easier for a child to get used to the image of his hero, which will reduce both physical and psychological stress.

Before you start applying makeup, remember a few simple rules for beginner makeup artists:

  1. Don't force your child to put on makeup if he doesn't want to: not all children like the touch of a brush to their body.
  2. Before drawing, move a dry brush over your baby’s face, so the drawing process will not come as a surprise to the child.
  3. Don't offer your child a drawing that you like. After all, it’s not you who will have to wear makeup, but him.
  4. Don't draw for more than ten minutes. Of course, you want to create a real masterpiece, but children cannot sit still for a long time (how can we, with many years of experience in school, university and home computer gatherings), and they will quickly get bored of it. If you see that the child is tired, let him run freely or breathe, because some children are even afraid to breathe while they are being drawn.
  5. Hold a small mirror in front of you so that the child can see what interesting things are happening on his face.
  6. Be sure to talk to your child about something interesting while drawing.

Now let's move on to the actual technique and materials:


1. Paints.

2. Brushes. You need 2 brushes - No. 1 and No. 5-6.

3. Sponge or sponge.

4. Cotton pads, sticks, napkins.

Master class on face painting

We start, of course, with the basics. This is a common element for drawing various animals.

The basis

Using a wide brush, apply white paint to the areas between the nose and upper lip. Paint the tip of the nose with a black brush, then draw a stripe up to the upper lip, outline it and curve it upward. We got cheeks! We can apply dots and antennae on them. We paint the bridge of the nose white and shade it a little so that there are no sharp boundaries.

The basic foundation is ready, now we can draw several animals with their own distinctive features.


Any color is suitable for it (in our case, blue). Apply paint to the face along the contour, without including the eyes, draw ears above the eyebrows. Now let's draw a red tongue on the lower lip, and highlight the fur and ears with black. The eyes were not captured on purpose, because In some children, this area of ​​the body is very sensitive and should not be applied to it.

little hare

What is the most important distinguishing feature of a hare? That's right, teeth. So let's draw them on the lower lip. Let's draw a white rectangle. We use black to denote the teeth, draw an outline in the shape of a butterfly (where its “wings” will be the bunny’s ears) and paint over it (everything except the cheeks). Let's paint the fur using black paint and a thin brush. Now we’ll cover the cheeks with white paint and blend it a little with a sponge.

You can come up with the characteristic features of the animals yourself: for example, a mouse has a gray color, small teeth and a small tongue, a lynx will look like a cat, only orange, and will have tassels on its ears, etc.

Video on this topic

And in these videos you will see several more master classes and schemes with which you can make any holiday unforgettable for your child.

Image of a stern pirate:

The thunderstorm of all villains is Spider-Man (aka Spiderman):

Here is such a wonderful rabbit:

Style a la Indian princess:

Beautiful butterfly:

An easy way to draw a tiger face on your face:

Instructions for applying face painting to a tiger.

Face painting is a unique art that is now very popular among children. Kids simply love to transform into various animals, but this costume is not enough. Face painting will help complete the look.

Face painting is a special water-based paint designed for painting on the face. The compositions are hypoallergenic, so they can be safely used when applying patterns to children's skin. The principle of working with such paints is very simple. It is enough to drop a little paint into the palette and smear it with a sponge or brush.

Instructions for applying “Tiger” makeup using face painting:

  • Take your time and try to make the whole process take no more than 10 minutes, because children are very restless.
  • The base for drawing the tiger's face is white, so pour a little water into the white paint and lather it with a sponge. A sufficient amount of paint will be absorbed into the sponge.
  • Using light pressure, apply white patches between the upper lip and nose, on the forehead, chin and cheekbones. Now take the orange paint.
  • Add a little water to the makeup and stir again with a sponge. Apply orange in the spaces between the white spots.
  • These are the cheeks, nose and area in the middle of the forehead. Now you need to draw the details. For this you will need brushes and black paint.
  • Add some water to the paint and stir. Using a thick brush, apply curly stripes in the center of the forehead and on the cheeks. Paint the tip of the nose with black paint.
  • Using a thin brush, draw dots and whiskers on the cheeks and chin. Face painting dries well and lasts quite a long time.

VIDEO: Tiger face painting

There are a huge number of options for tiger faces. They differ in facial expressions and shades. By using a large number of dark colors, you can make the image aggressive. If you want to draw a cute animal, then try to smooth out the corners.

Tips for applying face painting:

  • The paint is completely safe, so it can be applied to a child's face.
  • Try to put a little dye on the brush, this will make the stripes less distinct and the pattern softer.
  • To create lighter tones, mix colors together.
  • Before applying face painting, move the brush over your baby’s face, let him get used to the touch of the hairs.
  • Never force paint on or force your child to sit still. The baby himself must want to transform.
  • Removing face painting is as easy as applying it. Just wipe your face with a damp cloth and wash again. Before you start drawing, print out the drawing. It is necessary that the image is before your eyes.
  • So, you can completely reproduce all the lines and stripes.

Animal makeup on a child’s face - face painting for a tiger cub: options

Animal makeup on a child’s face - face painting for a tiger cub: options

Animal makeup on a child’s face - face painting for a tiger cub: options

Animal makeup on a child’s face - face painting for a tiger cub: options

If you want to make a spot blurry or draw a smooth transition, simply dampen a clean sponge slightly and blend the lines with light touches.

Ask the person what kind of facial pattern he needs. If a person cannot decide, show him photographs with examples of face painting so that he can choose a pattern among them. Make sure you are able to recreate any drawing you show so that the end result doesn't disappoint!

Use face painting photos as a guide. Don’t be afraid to periodically look at a photo with an example of face painting so that the pattern comes out correctly. If you don't have printed photos on hand, look for them online using your smartphone. For example, use search queries such as “lion face painting” or “butterfly face painting.”

Prepare the base of the design using a sponge. Dip the corner of the sponge into water. Do not soak it completely with water. You only need a few drops of water. Using a circular motion, rub the wet corner of the sponge over the paint you want to use. Gently touch the sponge to the person's face to create the basic outline of the design.

  • If the resulting color is not bright enough, add a little more water and paint to the corner of the sponge.
  • Complement the base of the design with a second base color to make the pattern more interesting. Take another sponge or first wash the sponge that was used to apply the first paint to your face. Choose a second paint color that will blend well with the first. Remember that opposite colors in the palette create good contrast with each other, but do not mix well.

    • For example, if you are painting a butterfly with a purple base, blue paint will mix well with it, but not yellow.
    • Apply the second base color with the wet tip of the sponge, and use the dry part to mix the colors together.
  • Let the first coat of paint dry. After a few minutes, lightly touch the paint on your face to make sure it is dry. If the paint is still stained, let it dry. When the paint is dry, continue painting.

  • Using brushes, draw the details of the picture. Dip one of your brushes into water and fill it with the paint you want to use. Make sure that the brush is not dripping, otherwise the paint may run straight down your face. Paint small details with short strokes of a pointed brush. Use flat brushes to create thicker, more pronounced lines.

    • When you're done with one color, wash your brush or use another to move on to the next paint color.
    • Use a thin brush to add shadows and highlights using black and white paints.
