Taurus man and woman: excellent compatibility between two strong signs is possible. Taurus and Taurus: Marriage Compatibility

Taurus - Taurus. April 21 - May 20. Second . His symbol is the head and horns of a Bull. It is a symbol of willpower, perseverance, development and absorption. Fixed sign, soft fertile earth.

Typical representative of the Taurus sign

People of the Venusian type avoid aggression, create a soft atmosphere around themselves, are capable of compromise, but are stubborn inside. This is emotionality, good taste, charm, magnetism. A person who is fruitful in creativity and skill, striving to accumulate material and spiritual benefits, assimilating what has been accumulated, appreciating art and beauty. He is distinguished by efficiency, reliability and loyalty. These are good financiers and economists.

Advantage in character are expressed in the desire to give every thing and phenomenon an accurate assessment, to spend one’s life soberly and in an earthly manner, in the love of beauty. They may have an incentive to cook well, create comfort in the home, and enjoy life with other people. Loving people.

Characteristic softness, tenderness and affection (or laziness), increased sexual need (voluptuousness), natural pleasure from communicating with nature. Patience, endurance, stability of views, psychological stability, the ability to stand firmly on one’s feet, defend one’s capabilities and overcome difficulties.

Negative traitsin case of severe solar damage: uncontrollable self-confidence, capriciousness, lust, complacency, stubbornness, pride, stubbornness. Meanness and dirty tricks towards the opposite sex, a rabid and obsessive character are possible. Obsessive passion above spiritual values, lack of understanding of other people's views. They only consider their own interests. Defiant behavior, extreme extravagance.

Weak side(vulnerability) Taurus is very prone to laziness, gluttony, and has difficulty accepting changes and everything new.

In the horoscope of women The sun is responsible for sex (those born from sunrise to sunset). Therefore, we can say about increased sexual need.

Planets in the zodiac sign Taurus

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Taurus (rising sign)

Others often see you as the embodiment of strength, durability, reliability and consistency. The movements are slow, gracefully lazy, but hidden strength is felt in them. You do everything deliberately and methodically, emotionally restrained and secretive. Usually you are a quiet person, you don’t like to fight or take part in loud parties for a long time. Just love peace and react only to what seems important to you. Do not interfere in other people's affairs, but you like not to be interfered with. Material goods, coziness and comfort, stability in everything are very important. Due to your strong sensuality, you experience attraction to the opposite sex.

Patron planet Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to sensual earthly pleasures, love of beauty. A magnetic field.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Friday
  • Numbers 6 and giving a total of 6. For example, 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115…
  • Substances- metal and alloys, copper, cupronickel, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with yellow, pink, orange - objects of beauty and creativity that bring pleasure and harmony.


A symbol of love and feelings of sympathy, love of harmony and beauty, a sensual attitude towards the world, harmony and reconciliation, a sense of taste, an accurate assessment of quality, an artistic gift, creative imagination, harmony as a symbol of balance, a peaceful relationship with people, a feeling of happiness in relationships, in family, creativity.

Natural and applied sciences, financial spheres and management, banking, management, agriculture, textile production.

Design activities, painting and jewelry, theatrical activities, beauty formula - shaping.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

Personal planet - Venus, creativity, talent, accumulation.

Venus function- this is an assessment of judgments, a choice on an emotional level. Venus determines our tendencies, which is in tune with our “I”.

Quality of Venus- love, tenderness, warmth, deep sympathy, softness, human pliability, inner strength.

Location of Venus in the Zodiac sign shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. It is also an attitude towards money, personal property, ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, artistic, aesthetic and ethical (men's erotic) aspirations.

Second - II house


Planets in the Second House

The second house is identical to the sign of Taurus and the planet Venus.

Second house in the horoscope it predetermines benefits in cash, acquisitions, transactions, the opportunity to earn money on one’s own initiative, with one’s talents and skills. Resolving issues of buying and selling, performing various tasks. Essential needs, pleasures and material wealth, accumulation of spiritual capital and knowledge. Ownership of things, resources, valuables, acquisitions and expenses.

Second house- natural talent, savings. Finance - in the form of cash, non-cash checks, movable property - jewelry, art works. Anything that is of some value.

Unfavorable manifestation of 2nd House: Problems with material well-being, there is no way to manage your material and spiritual state, the spirit of voluptuousness captures the space of talents and the desire to do something with your own hands. Uncontrolled movement and dispersal of funds, the threat of various losses from partners. There is no desire, conditions or other social factors to create a reliable financial backbone.

The material used the concept

Events in predictive methods: bank accounts, check (spending); the querent's poverty, wealth, stolen property, family friends, movable property, money, children of the employer, paternal cousin, government official; long-term treasury bills, querent's income or earnings, salary, son-in-law's health (illness), son's (daughter's) career, treasury notes, personal possessions, guardian (of a child), prosperity, gifts (to others), lost property, employee's religion, reputation (honor) ) child, querent's funds, son-in-law's employees, maternal aunt's (uncle's) neighbors, safe, securities.

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Taurus

You are characterized by a desire for stability and homeliness. You do everything thoughtfully and methodically, but have difficulty adapting to the unexpected. Outwardly, you are a soft person, but you have enormous willpower and stubbornness. You are your own person and do not like to be rushed or pushed into something in which you do not feel confident. It is easy to motivate you, to persuade you to do something with the help of charm, beauty, love, tenderness - but not force. You will not fight anyone, but will simply stubbornly resist any attempt to force you to do something you do not want to do. You look like a calm, indifferent person, but behind your good-natured and peaceful appearance hides enormous strength. When it comes to a contest of willpower, you often win simply because of your relentless persistence, which can overpower anyone. You cannot be led off course if you have set a goal for yourself.
Your shortcomings: You are characterized by selfishness, thirst for pleasure, stinginess, and stubbornness. You experience attraction to the opposite sex, which sometimes leads to excessive abuse of the pleasures of life.

Allegory for Taurus

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"To you, Taurus, I give the power to embed the seed into the substance. Your work is very significant, requiring patience, for you must finish everything that has been started, or the seeds will be wasted. You must not doubt or change your mind in the middle, or rely on others in what I ask you to do. For this I give you the gift of Power. Use it wisely."

And Taurus stepped back to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Taurus - Venus - Second House:

“My benefit”, purchases, gifts, consumption, collecting, accumulation, loss or acquisition of things, things for which you can get money. Additional income, sales, wealth, cash, pleasure, stability, perseverance, earning money through your own efforts.

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Tags: Sun in Taurus, zodiac sign Taurus, patron stone, Taurus talisman, keywords, planet Venus, Second House, Allegory for Taurus, function and quality of Venus

Like any Yin sign people, two Taurus people get along well together.

They have no obvious contradictions in character, they are endowed with a similar sexual temperament and have approximately the same ideas about comfort, life, leisure and life goals. There is not enough passion in the couple, but Taurus value stability and reliability much more highly, and this is what they give each other to the fullest. Two Taurus are without a doubt a good match.

Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

A Taurus man will like a woman of his sign at first sight. He likes her calmness, poise and good taste. The more time they spend together, the better he gets to know her and finds similarities with himself in her. This man is not looking for someone who would be different, who would excite and excite him, who would make life unpredictable and bright. On the contrary, he will be very happy to meet a woman with similar interests and will not want to part with her. Be sure to introduce the Taurus man to your views on money. He will fully approve of your manner of earning and managing them, and money is an important topic for him. He definitely evaluates his chosen one’s attitude towards finances. It is impossible not to say that, in addition to the similarity of characters, two Taurus have a strong physical attraction to each other. The Taurus man is delighted with the Taurus woman, she is the embodiment of his ideas about a sexy woman.

What does an ideal Taurus couple look like?

From the outside, this couple seems a little boring: well, how can you live such a measured and orderly life? After all, there are so many interesting things in the world! Taurus themselves consider their life to be the best: they have an organized life, there is agreement on financial issues, they are confident in the future and they have excellent sex. What else is needed for happiness? A Taurus living with a “half” of his own sign is the healthiest (mentally and physically) person. Even before marriage, during romantic meetings, Taurus surprises friends with extraordinary harmony in the couple. In fact, of course, they also have arguments, but rarely, but Taurus does not arrange scenes with “breaking dishes” at this time, but resolves the issue peacefully. It doesn’t matter how long Taurus have been together, a few days or decades, they agree on most issues and look very harmonious. Two Taurus have a well-established life, an excellent financial situation and wonderful children. Taurus parents devote a lot of time to children; they try to have more than one child (but not more than they can adequately support).

What are the difficulties in the union of two Taurus?

Taurus is a very stubborn and conservative sign. He is peaceful and does not argue over trifles. But, in addition to zodiac preferences, each Taurus has opinions and tastes that depend on his upbringing and life experiences, so it is not strange that two Taurus may disagree with each other on something. Taurus's conservatism prevents him from switching to someone else's point of view, which is new to him, and his stubbornness does not allow him to give in. Therefore, the biggest problem for a Taurus couple is how to behave in an argument. Both will not make concessions, and their confrontation can last a long time. It's good if the dispute is over trifles. Here the Taurus woman will make concessions and sacrifice her interests, or the man will treat the woman’s desires as a cute lady’s whim and sacrifice his interests. But what to do if a dispute arose over important issues: issues of everyday life, health, money or shopping? Anything is possible here, from the rage of an angry Taurus to a long cold war. Disputes bring considerable damage to the Taurus couple and greatly spoil the relationship.

Taurus approach everything thoroughly. They also need to approach the building of relationships and also “on the shore” to distribute areas of responsibility - areas in which the main decision will be the decision of one of the partners. There will be few such things; basically Taurus look at the world the same way. But in matters that are important to them (especially in everything related to property and money), they definitely need to agree. With another sign, one could initially choose a compromise, for example, two Geminis are able to come to the option “both yours and ours.” But Taurus does not like to change his point of view, so do not look for a compromise, but decide whose opinion will be the main one in this matter. Most Taurus figure this out over time, so the problem of intransigence is most severe in newly formed couples. They can be advised not to “put on masks”, not to give in on fundamental issues in order to please their loved one more, but to immediately discuss controversial topics. Until the moment when disagreement turns into conflict, Taurus can easily agree on these issues.

Taurus compatibility at work

Taurus people find it easy to work together. Both men and women of this sign are hardworking, but do not arrange rush jobs and races. They can work systematically and calmly for a long time. They lack contact and reactions to external changes a little, so they work best in stable areas.

Compatibility of Taurus - colleagues or partners

They will be happy with each other. They have the same work rhythm, and both do not like to complicate their relationships with colleagues. For an independent partnership, two Taurus lack the adventurism and flexibility necessary in business, but in hired work they will show their best qualities, and at the same time make the situation in the team calmer, because Taurus is difficult to anger.

When a woman is a boss and a man is a subordinate

This is a good union. The Taurus woman in the position of leader is calm, sweet and hardworking. She will highly appreciate the business qualities of a Taurus subordinate. They will have complete mutual understanding.

When a woman is a subordinate and a man is a boss

Taurus men are more likely than women to fly into a rage in a tense business environment. The Taurus woman has the highest self-esteem and only habit (if she has been working in this place for a long time) and a good salary will keep her from leaving.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and man in friendship

Two Taurus are good friends. They love to communicate comfortably and are not lazy to create a pleasant atmosphere for friends. These are two “lazy people”, two sybarites enjoying good food and pleasant, quiet leisure. They like to talk about work topics because they rarely find such an understanding interlocutor in their team, and it is easier for them to get an assessment of their merits from a Taurus friend. Taurus is a stable sign, so if a woman is wise enough not to broach topics they don't agree on, their friendship will last for decades. Can Taurus people move from friendship to romance? Hard to tell. If everything is fine with their personal lives, then it’s unlikely: both are faithful to their partners. But lonely Taurus can get together, but only if they are not too used to seeing each other as friends (they change their views with difficulty).

A distinctive character trait of Taurus men and women born in the second decade of the Zodiac sign is their desperate persistence in achieving their goals. Whatever Taurus undertakes, he does everything with great desire and zeal, and sometimes with stubbornness.

Taurus children of the second decade are usually well developed physically and can boast of excellent health. They rarely get sick, but when they do get sick, it lasts for a long time. site/node/3402

Common illnesses, such as colds and sore throats, easily tolerated by people born under other signs, can be serious for Taurus, since they affect the organs that are most sensitive to him - the throat, the upper respiratory tract.

Parents will still be able to convince a Taurus child that they need to dress warmly and take medicine, but adult Taurus often refuse treatment and neglect doctor’s orders, citing the strength of their body.

In no case should you take an infection of the throat and trachea lightly, otherwise the disease may become chronic. You should be wary of dampness and hypothermia.

Taurus 2nd decade - (May 1 - 10) features of the Zodiac sign

Taurus horoscope of the second decade - life up to 25 years

Children born during this period are very gentle, energetic and carefree. Boys and girls are surprisingly affectionate and love tenderness. They often ask to be held in your arms or on your lap to be cuddled and kissed. Some girls, it is true, have boyish ways, love to fight and climb trees, but in adolescence they transform into affectionate, gentle and graceful young ladies.

Stubbornness and the desire to insist on one’s own appear early in the Taurus child. Try to put a vest or blouse on him if he doesn’t want it - he will stubbornly press his arms to his body, and you will not be able to straighten them to put them into the sleeves. site/node/3402

If the parents insist on their way, the baby will express his protest with a piercing cry. With this cry, little Taurus of the second decade shows that he does not like being pressured.

Taurus mothers find it quite difficult to cope with their headstrong offspring. At primary school age, a Taurus child is more amenable to education, but as adolescence approaches, stubbornness will increase.

Because of his stubbornness, the Taurus baby will cause his parents a lot of problems in his youth and adolescence: he will eat unripe berries, climb a tree in a new suit and definitely tear it, and try to cut figures out of curtains. But all these are the costs of tender age.

But in his youth, Taurus of the second decade is extremely careful: having rented his father’s car, he not only won’t break it, but won’t even scratch it. Moreover, a Taurus child will never forget about his parents’ birthday.

Taurus children are little adults. Most Taurus grow up very quickly and clearly know what they want in life. Prefer to work alone; They are correct and patient people, although they are distrustful. Jobs are rarely changed. A small number of Taurus grow up too late and spend their entire lives depending on their parents, sometimes turning into real parasites.

Taurus horoscope of the second decade - life from 25 to 40 years

It is very difficult to convince adult women and men and, even more so, to force them to abandon their position, because Taurus of the second decade do not know where to stop, they tend to do everything to the maximum - work, drink, eat, love, have fun. site/node/3402

An adult Taurus, striving for something, is able to sacrifice his entire life to these plans, limiting himself in everything and never stopping to work hard for a second. Older students continue to study diligently. Having crossed the threshold of adulthood, they try to work hard and hard, and in the team they often earn the reputation of “workaholics.”

Nothing can prevent Taurus from finishing what he started, but in adult life, stubbornness can serve as a serious drawback that threatens the development of relationships with others and a career. When the child is still small, this quality seems unreasonable to the parents, and they try to put pressure on him. But solving a problem using force only provokes conflict.

It is best to calmly explain your requirements to your child, talking to him as if he were an adult. In adulthood, Taurus does not change: he will not tolerate harsh criticism and unquestioning demands, but if all the demands are justified and make sense, he will probably like the arguments and will gladly agree with the interlocutor.

Taurus horoscope of the second decade - life from 40 to 60 years

And after 45, Taurus can have excellent health if throughout their lives they take food rich in vitamins A and E. By nature, Taurus is peaceful and not prone to conflict, so a compromise solution can be achieved from him.

The enemy of Taurus is overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. If Taurus follows his regime, plays sports and limits himself in food (which is perhaps the most difficult of the above), then he retains the vigor of his soul and body until his old age. You should eat a more varied diet, try to be outside more, preferably in a sunny climate.

Taurus horoscope of the second decade - life from 60 years and older

For Taurus, love is always in conflict with business life - he prefers to make a career first. But at the ages of 40 to 60, Taurus understand that their real wealth is not in finances and position on the career ladder, but in. family, in the surrounding people: children, grandchildren, friends.

For those born in the second decade, early marriages are possible, which, without having time to really be created, fall apart, causing pain to vulnerable Taurus. But representatives of this sign know how to learn lessons from the past and will not repeat their mistakes in the future.

A man and a woman born under the sign of Taurus understand each other very well - they have the same goals, life values, as well as the level of activity. These people always communicate with pleasure, even if they don’t know each other too closely. They are simply pleasant to each other, and the fact that they look at the world around them in the same way gives them a feeling of complete comfort.

If two Taurus have a business relationship, then each of them would not dare to dream of a more reliable partner. These people do not take unnecessary risks, avoid dubious transactions, and act slowly but surely. They carefully think through every step, so their business success is natural and does not relate to luck.

Personal relationships of Taurus from the very beginning are easy and pleasant. A man and a woman understand each other even without words, neither of them has the fear of disappointing the other with their actions. From the outside, their lifestyle may look too monotonous, but Taurus do not need frequent changes and changes in impressions. Their union can only be destroyed by an out-of-the-ordinary event, such as a deliberate deception or a natural disaster.

♉ + ♉: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR— A guy and a girl born under the sign of Taurus communicate as friends at first, gradually becoming closer. The initiator of a love relationship is usually a young man, but for his chosen one such a turn of events will not come as a surprise. Taurus do not like to act in a veiled manner, so the girl noticed the guy’s sympathy immediately, but did not hide her own.

Lovers spend a lot of time together, avoiding noisy campaigns and crowded places. They love a calm, romantic environment where no one will disturb them from enjoying each other's company. In these relationships there is no crazy passion, jealousy, scandals or major quarrels. If misunderstandings arise between lovers, frank conversations help resolve them, because Taurus do not like to be dark.

The relationship of these people can begin in early adolescence, or even in childhood, and last for years without significant changes. Of course, each of them grows up, but their preferences and habits remain the same. Most often, such love affairs lead to the creation of a family, but already at a conscious age, after both have gained financial independence from their parents. Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus is the most responsible, and therefore does not commit rash acts.

♉ + ♉: Married

PERFECT PAIR— Representatives of the Taurus sign take creating a family very seriously, so they try to get to know each other as best as possible before the wedding. Young people can date for several years before they decide to legalize their relationship. A Taurus man will never propose to his girlfriend if he is not sure that he will be able to provide for his future family. The marriage of this couple becomes a kind of sign of quality, indicating the stability of the spouses’ financial situation and their confidence in each other.

Very often, Taurus spouses combine their efforts in work, as a result of which their connection becomes even stronger. The wife tries not to burden her husband with household duties, but he very often offers her his help. The spouses have no reasons for major quarrels, and they try not to pay attention to the little things.

In intimate life, compatibility is excellent - both spouses have a low need for sex, they do not respect extreme sports and experiments. The Taurus woman is not capable of betrayal, and if this happens, it will only be in exceptional cases, but even then, she will not make a secret of what is happening. The same can be said about her husband - he is not interested in women on the side, he does not know how to lie, so the wife can be absolutely calm.

Such marriages almost never break up, but there is an exception to any rule. The divorce of two Taurus can be provoked by external factors and unforeseen circumstances, but it cannot be said about these people that they do not get along in character.

♉ + ♉: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR— A Taurus guy and a girl of the same sign feel each other very subtly, in their relationship there is mutual respect, frankness and spiritual closeness, but this is a big question. These people can only be friends if they are relatives, because otherwise they are too attractive to each other. If, however, there is no bright mutual love, Taurus will be able to be content with sympathy, but it is present. In fact, it is not so important whether these people are friends or dating - their compatibility is impeccable.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Taurus is a fairly strong zodiac sign. A Taurus man often takes leadership positions, he is lucky in love, he has many friends and all his hobbies are interesting. Taurus are lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs. Some of them are drawn to extreme sports, but they do it within the limits of what is permitted: not to the detriment of their health.
A Taurus woman, just like a man, is literally born a self-sufficient person. He does not accept a mediocre life and always strives for excellence. Such a woman certainly needs a strong man, with a real steel core. In another case, the Taurus wife will emotionally crush her weak, sensitive husband.

Taurus and Taurus live in perfect harmony. Understanding each other and accepting each other for who they are. But, a Taurus man should not relax, as he likes to do in his “calf den”. The Taurus woman loves order and dignity. If in front of her the husband begins to emit air (from anywhere in his body) or call friends on Saturday evening without warning, then he risks running into a retaliatory blow, including cutting his nails at the dinner table and a bachelorette party with a huge hookah on Sunday, right before the grueling workdays.

Is there a quarrel between husband and wife if they are both Taurus?

Conflicts arise between Taurus. But for them, these situations are the norm of life - a kind of relaxation, a search for sensations that are not typical for compatibility. And from the outside it seems that compatibility between them is a myth. However, it is in a quarrel that they test each other's strength and care. After a good scandal, they have no equal in sex. Moreover, the guy can well afford to raise his hand against his chosen one. It sounds terrible, if you don’t take into account that the girl is capable of attaching a young man in such a way that even a judge will find it difficult to guess in this fragile heifer the one whom the guy will fear until the end of his days. Both are sharp-tongued.

Moreover, the Taurus guy, with his sayings and “irrevocable” facts, may seem stupid and narrow-minded. He needs to be given a little time to age so that the compatibility between the reserved Taurus girl and her young man is balanced. Young bulls do not understand many of life’s nuances. Let’s say a guy can speak rudely about a divorced woman with a child and categorically assert that he will never get involved with an “abandoned girl” and literally in a couple of months brings his parents a woman five years older than himself with a first-grader by the hand. The most amazing thing is that the Taurus guy doesn’t joke or lie about his principles, they just change with age.

A Taurus girl cannot afford to speak about people as boldly as a guy, since women have to change their point of view much more often and they understand the absurdity of unambiguity. Maybe that’s why a Taurus girl gets married quite late. After all, it is problematic for her to answer with unequivocal consent: it is necessary to make sure that everything will be as it suits her.

Taurus in friendship and marriage

It happens that the compatibility of Taurus stops at friendship in a relationship and we are not talking about love. Nevertheless, Taurus continue to have sexual encounters. If this suits both partners, few people can blame two adults. Taurus are quite proud and freedom-loving. For a long time they do not find any benefit in loving each other, believing that they are wasting more energy that could have been spent on other, more interesting activities, for example skiing...

Sex between two Taurus is a great nuance

Taurus parents

Taurus are good and mature parents. They treat love with caution and their fruit ripens for a long time, guarded by suspicions “what if it’s wormy, but what if it’s the most delicious?...”. When it comes to a child, a guy and a girl take parenting very seriously. They prepare, read and discuss a lot, agree on the distribution of responsibilities and parenting responsibilities.

Taurus are good and wise parents who remain friends with their children for many years.

Taurus friends and Taurus lovers

In fact, if a Taurus guy suggests eliminating the concept of love and adding only sex to the relationship, the Taurus girl may not be offended, but say that she herself wanted to offer it. However, the compatibility of two Taurus leads to a sexual relationship without betrayal: they are too selfish to give their body to many if there is one that completely suits them.

Is a Taurus man more important than a Taurus woman?

Usually in a Taurus family the man is at the helm. In another case, a lot of conflicts arise that hurt the pride of two strong people. These zodiac signs have the concept of woman and man and a clear line of their responsibilities. A girl and a woman should be behind her husband, and not on her husband, under her husband or in his shadow. A Taurus man would rather be completely alone than to be “under the thumb” of a powerful heifer.

Should you believe the horoscope predictions for two Taurus?

The horoscope was created in order to get to know each other’s characters, look for a way out of conflict and make the right decisions. If the horoscope promises you separation, first of all, turn to each other, and not to a written article in a magazine. The stars converge and diverge, and people can find their happiness in true love, avoiding all the rules of the horoscope.

If you are lucky with each other: two Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, or different zodiac signs, then it doesn’t matter what others may think about you. Today your stars have brought together two loving hearts and only a true desire to be together until the end of your days can decide your fate.