Miyagi and Endgame. Biography of rap artists

Vladikavkaz has never been on the map of Russian rap. But the last big sensation in this genre came from here. Azamat Kudzaev, 26, took his pseudonym in honor of Mr. Miyagi, the martial artist who trained the main character in the film “The Karate Kid.” His 21-year-old colleague Soslan Burnatsev came up with a nickname for himself inspired by the movie “Hell's Endgame.” This is how the MiyaGi & Endgame project came about. Recording somewhat old-fashioned rap with a hurried flow and a strong melodic influence from reggae, within a year they had emerged as new youth stars.

Last year you performed in Moscow for two days in a row and attracted several thousand spectators, although your fee was quite modest. But the organizers earned several million. Do you regret it?

MiyaGi: Bro, we always cared about money. Six months ago we didn’t go anywhere, but now the movement has begun. Some people are so poor that they have nothing but money. We are glad that crowds gather in every city. We want it to be even better, we want to make a show like in the West. In January we go on vacation with our families, then we shoot a video in the Dominican Republic, damn it! Why...shouldn't I be happy about this?

- At what point did you realize that you were popular?

MiyaGi: You won't believe it, but even now I don't feel it. We are not kings, as we did - that’s what we do.

Endgame: The best track has not yet been recorded.

MiyaGi: And God forbid that we write it down in the near future. As soon as a person says to himself: I blew it up, he will burn out. I don't like single-song artists. They are not musicians, but coven-makers.

MiyaGi & Endgame, concert in Moscow. In 2016, the duo from Vladikavkaz toured Russia and Ukraine on their first big tour. There were sold-outs in almost every one of the 70 cities.

- Is it true that you are friends with boxer Murat Gassiev and can even write a track for him to enter the ring?

MiyaGi: Murat admires me not so much for his boxing talent, although it is extraordinary, but for his simplicity and upbringing. You immediately get a good impression of his family. This is Ossetia, this is the side that has always warmed me. Now Murat is performing to the track “Heart of an Ossetian” - it highlights his image well. Because Gassiev is a real iron, a powerful Ossetian. Otherwise, we would be happy to record a new song for him if necessary.

When Gassiev won the IBF world champion belt, the Ossetian authorities gave him an apartment, and some restaurants introduced the “Gassiev style liver” dish. How did Vladikavkaz perceive your success?

MiyaGi: Not as enchanting as Murat’s victory. They listen to us, they love us - that's enough.

Endgame: In Ossetia, sport comes first. Our successes are not noticeable against its background, although a certain amount of fame has appeared. They recognize you at every step.

MiyaGi "Home". A street video filmed in China for a song where the author contrasts himself with other rappers. The clip spread across rap communities, opening MiyaGi to the general public and gaining more than 3 million views on YouTube.

- How did your parents react to the popularity?

Endgame: At first, my mother had questions about my music. She saw my life differently, but I changed the game. Now mother is proud of me. I always knew I could rap and I proved it. We come to cities, gather crowds, receive fees, and bring money home. My family sees that I earn money from what I enjoy.

Azamat, your father is a famous surgeon, head of the Center for Orthopedics and Aesthetic Surgery of North Ossetia. Did he want you to follow in his footsteps?

MiyaGi: We had disagreements about my future. Every father wishes only the best for his son, but one must look at things soberly - without desire and zeal there is nothing to do in medicine. I graduated from the medical academy, but I didn’t want to work as a doctor. At the same time, a profession was given to me. I was good at surgery and could have made a name for myself if I had gone into traumatology or plastic surgery.

- Was education useful?

MiyaGi: There were situations when I came to the rescue in a timely manner. If I had not been there, the person would have died. I don’t boast about this, I just want to say that my studies were not in vain.

- They say that you yourself found yourself on the brink.

MiyaGi: I was on the verge, my brother was on the verge...

- Moreover, they say that you were playing Russian roulette and shot yourself in the head.

MiyaGi: People like to embellish and add legs to a story. My brother was shot in the head, he was 19 years old at the time, and it all happened by pure chance. He found a gun at home that didn't work. He repaired, soldered... and the barrel fired. I don't know how this happened. I have never shot and do not understand weapons. I hate weapons, maybe the incident with my brother is what caused him to be rejected! As for me, I, too, was hanging by a thread - when, at the age of seven, due to my own stupidity, I fell under a tram. But I don’t want to remember this.

“Toastmaster” is probably the most successful track of the tandem. The catalyst for the virus was a fan video, which contains triggers that work but are condemned in the Caucasus: a swashbuckling alcohol break, student revelry, and lots and lots of female pop. “We call unofficial clips lefty, and this is a serious problem,” says Endgame. - You leak a song online, and then someone makes a video that gets 6 million views. And you sit and think - damn, why didn’t we film this?”

- It is believed that every man in the Caucasus should have a weapon. Is it dangerous to grow on your streets?

Endgame: In Vladikavkaz, in principle, it is difficult to survive until the fifth grade. ( Laughs.) Our city resembles an American ghetto.

MiyaGi: No, we ourselves are for peace. But in general, in the Caucasus, a man must have a weapon.

Endgame: Because if trouble happens, you have to stand for your family until it melts. At the same time, our people are hospitable and welcome strangers with peace. Although many people think that clashes, weapons, and blood await them in Vladikavkaz. It is not true. There are, of course, scrapes among ourselves. You can’t do without them, they only harden you.

- Hip-hop and reggae are not associated with the Caucasus.

MiyaGi: It’s really more difficult for us to move than for Rostovites, Muscovites or St. Petersburg residents. The city has a hard time accepting the genre; it has to be uncovered. Young types appear who rap. Yesterday's schoolgirl! And you are... [surprised] because all this is happening at your instigation.

Endgame: As for reggae, everyone listens to it. Personally, I started getting acquainted with raggamuffin with Shaggy and other antediluvian artists.

MiyaGi: I brought up an interesting topic: reggae influences the human subconscious more powerfully than any other music. If you play Bob Marley for the old people, they will like it 100 percent. Because the vibe decides. When you share positive emotions, you receive them in return.

Dmitry Kalashnikov

Administrator of the popular public page “New Rap”, one of the first to begin covering the group’s activities

Our acquaintance began with MiyaGi’s “Home” video. When Azamat posted it to us in public, I was very surprised, because the high level was already felt, and the artist was not known to anyone. The audience reacted as if this was not a no-name artist, but a top artist. We closely monitor increases in likes - in this case there were no suspicions. After that, we realized that MiyaGi had “walked in.” They started posting selections of his songs - and off we go.

The rise of MiyaGi and Endgame is a phenomenon. Their album “Hajime 2” set a public record with more than 240 thousand likes. The guys' success was a result of many factors. The style itself is captivating - recitative and melodic reggae. The songs have a dance component and powerful, catchy choruses. Plus a good creative pace. They constantly release hits that reach people without getting boring. The guys have an orderly style: they look brutal and neat, have pleasant low timbres. It works. I think that they have not yet reached the ceiling, and their story is for a long time.

- Have you ever caught sidelong glances at yourself for your wide pants?

MiyaGi: You see, if you have nothing to do with style, then they will look at you as ... [an idiot]. And if you bring your word to the people and are part of a certain culture, no one will tell you anything. They don't like mummers. You need to be, not seem.

Endgame: In Vladikavkaz, those who glorify the republic are respected. It doesn't matter how you dress, the main thing is, bro, do your job!

- Is a hip-hop community forming around you in Vladikavkaz?

MiyaGi: We are moving as a team. We've known each other for a long time, even before the loud tracks. Roma Amigo, who goes on tour with us, was one of the first to make rap in Vladik.

Endgame: Roma and I recorded a joint album “Umshakalaka”, which is scheduled for February. Amigo is 29 years old, when we were in school, he was already writing songs. They took an example from him. But, I’m not afraid of this word, it was we who brought local hip-hop to a new level.

- Ossetia is known for its freestyle wrestling champions. Have you been through this sport?

MiyaGi: I am more attracted to striking martial arts.

Endgame: I played football, which is valued equally with wrestling. Our team “Alania” once made a lot of noise in the Russian Championship. I went to the Spartak stadium, which was located not far from home, and spent my entire childhood there.

MiyaGi & Endgame “I Got Love” (feat. Rem Diggy). A popular hit with the famous rapper Rem Digga, for which dozens of amateur videos were shot. By the way, according to Basta, MiyaGi and Endgame managed to “enter a clearing that Rem Digga did not appropriate for himself at one time.” “I hear melodic moves - I want to say: “Roma, Christmas trees, where have you been? It's you. You just needed to tweak the quality of the music and recording a little bit - and you would be at this level,” he said in an interview with The Flow website.

When people become successful, many old acquaintances often appear around them and offer to open a joint business. Have you ever had this happen?

Endgame: Look, there's a tramp-like fit for his homies. You ask: “Guys, is everything okay? Maybe I can give you something?” This is what soulfulness is all about. I also had periods without money, when I didn’t have enough for travel. It is clear that when you take off, many people want to warm up. You need to leave only loved ones around you who are not with you for money and fame. Weed out the rest. We had a funny moment. At one of the parties, an acquaintance offered to sell leaflets with our autographs for money. ( Laughs.) But we immediately cut it off. Music already brings us money, why should we engage in leftist movements?

Modern rap often comes down to the formula “Sex, Drugs & RockʼnʼRoll,” plus disrespect for women. Perhaps such values ​​are not very close to you?

Endgame: Rap for us is not chicks, not chains and not cronyism. That's life. We simply broadcast about what is happening around us.

MiyaGi: We can’t say anything bad towards women, because everyone has a mother, a wife, sisters... As for the music and the message, I want less of a burden. There is a lot of heavy, depressive music in Russia, although rap is not a theorem that needs to be solved. Bob Marley lived in relaxation all the way, spoke for peace and did not push hard political topics. People listened to him and forgot about sadness. It was as if Marley was a messenger from heaven given to us all.

- Your main hit “Toastmaster” is dedicated to club culture. How much is it about you?

MiyaGi: There has never been club life in Vladik. Every party ended with... [problems]: either they fight, or they cut, or they shoot. We ourselves don’t live the club life either. I have a child, Roma too, Endgame is married.

Endgame: People think that if you are a rapper, you immediately start moving for clubs and chicks. It's all false. It’s still more pleasant for us to get together as a group: chill together, share experiences and write tracks.

“Hajime” is a street video that flirts with 90s trends and is stylized in the VHS format. In it, rappers compare Vladikavkaz to the Bronx and declare a revolution in the underground.

- As part of a big tour, you traveled through Ukraine. How were you received there?

MiyaGi: You yourself know how empty it is there. Many people dissuaded us from going, who watches TV and gets into ... [nonsense]. But we saw the vibe and... [great] people.

Endgame: It was like people's love.

MiyaGi: Young people rocked to our tracks just like in Russia. No one tried to upset us or ruin the concert. So the TV is broadcasting... [untruths]. I concluded that music is much stronger than politics.

- On the Internet you are sometimes insulted based on your nationality. Does this hurt?

MiyaGi: The way today's youth react to Caucasians is a disaster! Moreover, we are Ossetians. I know the history and the contribution that Ossetia has made to the development of the country. For example, we were the first in the number of heroes per capita in the Soviet Union. I don’t even consider nationalists to be people; they should be taken to their parents and punished for the fact that their children have such a worldview. How did they raise them?

Miyagi and Endgame are popular performers on the modern rap scene, immediately winning the hearts of many young people with their original tracks. The biography of Miyagi and Endgame is interesting because of how amazingly fate brought together two young people from Vladikavkaz, thousands of kilometers from their home.

It is worth immediately explaining to those far from the world the turnip, Miyagi and the creative pseudonyms of two young people who united and began to work together to create and promote their creativity.

The way to the stage

Miyagi (real name Azamat Kudzaev) is a 26-year-old guy, originally from Vladikavkaz. From early childhood, the boy showed himself in various fields, including music, and was also interested in martial arts. However, when choosing a future profession, Azamat decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and devote his life to medicine. Mother and father, of course, were delighted with this choice of their son and saw in him a continuation of their dynasty. However, already in his first year, the future musician recorded tracks and soon realized that he still could not live without music. His parents accepted his decision without much joy, but wisely: they blessed their son to follow his own path and become the best in what he would do. Miyagi's first album was released in 2015. By that time, the rapper already had his own music studio in St. Petersburg.

Rapper Endgame (Soslan Burnatsev) was also born in Vladikavkaz, but as a child he was more interested in football than music. I went to study to become a technologist. Only in adolescence did Soslan discover his creative abilities. Like Miyagi, Endgame made the decision to connect his life with music in his first year at the institute. The rapper himself says that his unique style appeared under the influence of the reggae music genre.

Before meeting Miyagi, Endgame managed to release two albums, and then the paths of young and promising performers crossed.

The biography of Miyagi and Endgame is similar in some respects, but the main unifying factor of these two talented performers was the same views and preferences in music.

A joint project

The fateful meeting took place in St. Petersburg. The musicians were familiar with each other’s work in absentia, so they did not put the matter on the back burner. Both musicians at that time had experience performing in their hometown in local clubs, so they were not afraid of the stage. The rappers began collaborating in 2016, and their very first album created the effect of a bomb exploding. In a short time, Miyagi and Endgame's album “Hajime 2” gathered a large audience of listeners. This record became the starting point in the biography of the musicians. It often happens that suddenly falling popularity ruins performers; they never manage to surpass their first achievement and meet the expectations of the public. But everything was not so with these ambitious guys. With each subsequent track they wrote, they proved that they were ready to maintain a high bar and delight their listeners. The result was the “Hajime 2” album, released shortly after the debut. And 2017 pleased fans with the release of the third album “Umshakalaka”.

The thorny path

Miyagi and Endgame are examples of performers who truly started from scratch and worked their way to the top on their own. The guys did not have money for expensive video shooting or for promoting their tracks, so their debut works were simply posted on social networks and YouTube. It was there that rappers received their first recognition in the form of thousands of likes and downloads of tracks.

The biography of Miyagi and Endgame was not easy, but the guys overcame all difficulties on their way to success. Thanks to their talent and hard work, they were able to win the hearts of numerous listeners in a short time. Tickets for concerts of performers are selling like hot cakes. At the moment, the albums of Miyagi and Endgame are constantly at the top of the charts, and their tracks are heard by modern youth. Guys have a negative attitude towards music labels; they prefer to develop their creativity without help.

Personal life

Not much is actually known about the biography of Miyagi and Endgame. Both musicians do not like to talk about their personal lives; it is only known that they are married. Despite their brutal nature in everyday life, they do not like noisy companies and clubs. Miyagi likes to spend his free time from music reading a good book. The performer calls Oscar Wilde his favorite author. According to the musician, reading is not just a hobby for him, it broadens his horizons and expands his vocabulary, which also helps in writing tracks.


A terrible tragedy struck the Miyagi family in September this year. The musician’s one-and-a-half-year-old son died after falling from a ninth-floor window. The whole family has now rallied to survive the grief. Fans express their condolences and write words of support on social networks. We can only hope that the monstrous accident will not break the talented musician, and he will find the strength to recover from the loss and continue to delight with his creativity together with Endgame.

The rappers have won the hearts of young people with their high-quality product: their songs are incomparable with other compositions of their Russian colleagues in the genre, because they are brightly individual. MiyaGi & Endgame concerts are sold out, and touring activities cover Russia and neighboring countries. The children’s creativity is known and loved in Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, and Moldova.

Childhood and youth

The name of rapper MiyaGi in the world is Azamat Kudzaev. The future performer was born in December 1990 in the central part of the North Caucasus. Kudzaev spent his childhood and youth in Vladikavkaz. A creative atmosphere reigned in Azamat’s family, although the parents had no direct connection to art. Father and mother are doctors. Kazbek Kudzaev is a respected surgeon in his homeland; in North Ossetia he runs the Center for Orthopedics and Aesthetic Surgery. Their parents raised their two sons (Azamat has a brother) in Ossetian traditions.

Rapper Endgame

Since childhood, Azamat demonstrated versatile talents: he read a lot, became interested in martial arts, the boy early discovered an ear for music and a beautiful voice. At school, Kudzaev Jr. was nicknamed “Shau” (in the Ossetian language “sau” - black, dark-skinned). This is how the musician’s first creative pseudonym was born. The second is MiyaGi, a tribute to the martial artist who trained the main character in the film The Karate Kid.

Azamat Kudzaev’s choice of profession was dictated by respect for his father and a tragic incident. At the age of 7, the future rapper MiyaGi fell under a tram and almost died. The efforts of doctors rescued the boy from the clutches of death. Having chosen a medical school after graduating from school, Azamat said “thank you” to the doctors for his second birth.

The rapper could have become an excellent orthopedist or plastic surgeon, but his passion for music turned out to be so strong that it forced Azamat to openly tell his father about this, who dreamed of seeing his son continue the dynasty. Kazbek Kudzaev did not have much joy in choosing his son, but the wise parent allowed Azamat to follow his own path. The father blessed his son, making a promise that he would become the best “where he went.” A year later, MiyaGi fulfilled his promise: the name of the Ossetian performer was recognized by rap fans far beyond the borders of Vladikavkaz.


MiyaGi’s creative biography started ten years ago: the Vladikavkaz resident tried his hand at the first years of medical school. He recorded his debut tracks in 2011, and 4 years later MiyaGi gave music lovers his first album. It was recorded in St. Petersburg, where the performer moved. In the city on the Neva, Azamat devoted himself entirely to creativity and opened his own music studio. This is where future colleague and duet partner Soslan Burnatsev (Endgame) dropped by. He turned out to be not only a fan and performer of rap, but also a fellow countryman of Kudzaev.

Burnatsev is 5 years younger than Kudzaev; he became interested in rap at the age of 15 with the help of his uncle. After graduating from school, Endgame received a specialty as a technologist, but already at the institute he knew that he would have a different profession - related to music and his favorite direction. Before meeting with MiyaGi, Soslan Burnatsev released a solo album called “Scum”, a year later the second one appeared - “Tyutelka to Tyutelka”.

Before meeting Endgame, MiyaGi also managed to record several compositions that distinguished the young artist in the Russian rap industry. The songs are "Home", "Bonnie", "Sky" and "I'm Head over Heels in Love with You".

The fateful meeting of Ossetian musicians in the Northern capital gave birth to the unique duet MiyaGi & Endgame, in which the symbiosis of rap and reggae produced bright hits that were remembered by fans. The musicians were inspired by the work of the famous and, but the residents of Vladikavkaz did not imitate the cult musicians: they found their own style and niche in the direction.

MiyaGi and her partner posted the first songs and their videos on social networks and YouTube. The duo instantly gained an army of fans. The debut videos of MiyaGi and Endgame are quite “democratic”: the guys did not have money for high-budget filming. The musicians “won” fans with the quality of their compositions, impeccable performance and dissimilarity from other colleagues in the genre. The duo's tracks posted on the VKontakte page received thousands of likes. Rappers have proven that without high-profile hits, recommendations from stars and money in Russian show business, you can make your way to the top.

In 2016, MiyaGi created two albums, “Hajime” and “Hajime 2,” in a duet with a fellow countryman, which brought the musicians to the top of the charts. In 2016, the popular vote determined the duet MiyaGi & Endgame as the “discovery of the year.” In the same year, the premiere of the new composition MiyaGi & Endgame “Toastmaster” took place.

Purposeful Ossetians, rapidly gaining popularity, have not suffered from “star fever”: the guys are working hard on new compositions, trying to keep a balance and not leave all their energy on concerts and tours. Fans demand new hits, and deceiving them by remaking one “shot” track is dishonest. The compositions “Babylon”, “Before the Thaw”, “One Love” by MiyaGi and Endgame became hits for downloading from the Internet.

According to VKontakte public pages, the tracks of MiyaGi and his partner were included in the TOP 9 most popular albums of 2016. Abroad, they learned about Russian rappers from the black-and-white video for the song “Home,” recorded in Japan. Foreign music lovers and rap connoisseurs gave performers from Russia five points out of five. But the duo does not participate in battles: the Caucasian mentality does not allow the Ossetians to do this. Insulting mother, father, and the older generation is unacceptable, but in battles it “slips through.”

The debut album "Hajime" (in Japanese - beginning) consists of 9 tracks. Among them are joint tracks MaxiFam and “9 Grams”. The album was released on YouTube in the spring of 2016 and received 2 million views. It included the hits “God Bless”, “Half of Mine”, “Baby Fate”, “No Offences” and “Rapapam”.

Soon, the MiyaGi duo presented fans with new tracks: “DLBM”, “Exactly the One” (feat. NERAK), “For the Sake of the High”, “Hummingbird” were in the Top. New songs “Chillim”, “No Reason”, “Where the Dawn” and “Chilim” have found a place in the hearts of young people. The composition “Girl May” was recorded together with Mastank.

The second album “Hajime 2” was released the same year, in the summer. In 24 hours on the “New Rep” public page, he set a record by gaining 100 thousand “Like” messages. It included the songs “The Most”, “Love Me” (feat. Symptom), “Tear-stained”, “When I Win”, “I got love” and “Move”.

In the summer of 2017, MiyaGi and Endgame presented their third album, “Umshakalaka,” recorded together with Roman AmiGo, a Vladikavkaz resident. Like previous collections, it is not overloaded with electronic music and benefits from reading.

There was room for feats in the album: MiyaGi and her colleague recorded tracks with Rem Digga, Symptom, Amigo, Fuze. The compositions “Rest to Father”, “Believe Me Tonight” (feat. AmiGo), “Tear-stained”, “Badaboom”, “Be My Sky”, “Raizap” became hits. The duo pleased with their premieres in 2017. Fans heard the compositions “No Reason” (feat. Truwer), “My Gang” (feat. Mantana) and “Flame” (feat. Namo Minigun).

Personal life

MiyaGi loves to pass the time with a book. He is convinced that a rapper must read a lot, because literature broadens his horizons and helps to diversify the lyrics of his tracks. Azamat's favorite writer is.

The rapper speaks reservedly about personal matters. The musician’s father told reporters that his son left Vladikavkaz for St. Petersburg with his bride, but did not name him. MiyaGi met his soulmate at a medical school - the girl was studying to become a gynecologist.

In 2016, MiyaGi gave birth to a son, joint photos with whom appeared on the musician’s page on "Instagram". There are no “mandatory” tattoos on the rapper’s body, while his colleague Endgame has two.

MiyaGi now

The grief in the MiyaGi family became known on September 8, 2017. From the window of the 9th floor of the house where the rapper's family lives. The boy died before paramedics arrived. MiyaGi's friends wrote about the death of the child on their social network pages. According to reports, the baby died in Moscow, where the artist rents an apartment on Verkhnyaya Maslovka. The accident happened the day before; dozens of people witnessed the boy’s fall.

The couple rented a three-room apartment 2-3 weeks before the tragedy. MiyaGi, whose career is at the peak of his popularity, is busy recording new tracks and visits home for short visits. The boy climbed onto the window, which was open for ventilation, and while his mother left the kitchen, he pulled the window handle. The window flew open and the boy fell. He had no chance to survive.

The courier was the first to see him and called the concierge. A few minutes later, the rapper’s wife ran out, and an hour later Azamat arrived at the scene of the tragedy. Doctors helped Kudzaev. The man, in a fit of despair, destroyed the entrance to the house. The rapper's father interrupted his vacation in Croatia and arrived in the capital to support his son and daughter-in-law.


  • 2016 – “Hajime”
  • 2016 – “Hajime 2”
  • 2017 – “Umshakalaka”

The artist and his entire extended family are heartbroken.

Miyagi (Azamat Kudzaev) with his son

As it turned out, the 26-year-old rapper rented a three-room house with European-quality renovation about 3 months ago. However, he visited the apartment on short visits. He settled here on a permanent basis with his wife and son (the baby is about 1.5 years old) just 2-3 weeks ago. The couple doted on the baby. They were very sociable by nature; they often had fellow countrymen as guests (the Kudzaevs themselves were from Vladikavkaz). But they did not cause any inconvenience to the neighbors.

On the fateful day, the musician’s wife and baby were in the apartment. The tragedy happened at approximately 13.00. The young woman left the kitchen for a moment, leaving the baby alone. The window was in ventilation mode. The little one climbed onto the windowsill, began to pull the window handle, the window swung open, and he flew down.

The child had no chance to survive - he landed on the asphalt at the entrance. The fall was witnessed by a courier who delivered an order to a resident of the house. The man turned to the concierge, and together they went outside. The baby, dressed in home clothes, by external signs was already dead. After 3 minutes, the rapper’s wife ran out, she was in shock. She grabbed her son in her arms and carried her into the entrance. Then she suddenly returned to the street and started looking for her phone, probably to call her husband.

MiyaGi arrived home by car an hour later and became hysterical. At the entrance on the 1st floor, the rapper began destroying everything he came across. As a result, the artist injured his hand. The doctors who were on duty at the scene provided him with medical assistance.

Their friends and relatives gathered to support the family in difficult times. As the concierge said, crowds of people came to their apartment all night on Friday. The rapper's father, the famous orthopedic surgeon Kazbek Kudzaev (in Vladikavkaz, he heads the Center for Orthopedics and Aesthetic Surgery), intends to interrupt his vacation. At the end of August, he flew to Croatia with his wife. Kudzaev Sr. is close to his children, he supported Azamat when he suddenly left the study of medicine at the institute and decided to devote himself to rap.

My heart is breaking into pieces! It is very difficult to believe that such grief befell your family! The kingdom of heaven to the little angel! - caring people leave words of condolences on the Kudzaevs’ social network page.

Azamat Kudzaev (rapper MiyaGi) is the author of such popular songs as “Bonnie”, “Deeply in love with you” and others. He has been making music since 2007, but gave his first solo concert 2 years ago. Kudzaev performs together with Soslan Burnatsev (he is known under the pseudonym Endgame).

Azamat Kudzaev is a rap artist known under the pseudonym MiyaGi. He performs in a duet with Soslan Burnatsev aka Endgame.

The childhood of Azamat Kudzaev

Azamat was born on December 13, 1990 in the city of Vladikavkaz, in a family of doctors. The artist’s father is the famous surgeon Kazbek Kudzaev, who heads the Center for Orthopedics and Aesthetic Surgery of North Ossetia. Respected in his homeland, Kazbek raised his children (besides Azamat, he has another son) according to all the canons and traditions of the Ossetian people, instilling in them patriotism, respect for elders, determination and fortitude.

The boy grew up to be a versatile person: he was fond of reading and practiced martial arts. Both played an important role in his future life.

He doesn’t like to share details about his childhood, just like his father. Kazbek only talked about the origin of his son’s first pseudonym: “Shau - because that’s what they called him in class, he was dark-skinned. In Ossetian “sau” means black.”

Azamat himself only once mentioned the case when, at the age of seven, he found himself on the verge of death, having been hit by a tram, but he even spoke about this situation solely in connection with receiving a diploma: the artist has a higher medical education and could become a good plastic surgeon or orthopedist. Having the knowledge and skills to provide medical care, he more than once saved loved ones from death. But at the behest of his heart, Azamat did not follow in his father’s footsteps and honestly told him about it.

Miyagi's cousin was childhood friends with Alan Khadzaragov, now known as the artist Matrang. Therefore, Miyagi closely follows the career of his younger colleague and believes that he has great prospects.

Career MiyaGi

In response to his son’s recognition, Kazbek blessed him on his creative path, giving him the main instruction: “You must become the best where you go,” to which Azamat promised to do everything within a year to make the father proud of his son.

From a few interviews it is known that the artist tried his creative powers already in his first year at the institute. He began recording his first tracks in 2011. And the first solo concert was organized in 2015. Azamat took the sonorous pseudonym Miyagi.

MiyaGi - Home

After graduating from university, the artist moved to St. Petersburg, where he devoted himself entirely to creativity. It was there, at Azamat’s own studio, that a historic meeting took place between two talented young people - Miyagi and Endgame, who joined forces and created a unique duet, a symbiosis of rap and reggae.

Inspired by the work of Bob Marley and The Notorius BIG, they found their own unique style and began recording songs and shooting videos, posting them on social networks and on the Youtube channel. Without any additional funding, the guys became very popular due to the quality of their songs, their semantic content and originality of sound.

Miyagi and Endgame – Sanawabich

Alone, Kudzaev managed to record only a few songs, which made him noticeable against the background of the general rap industry (“Home”, “Bonnie”). And in a duet with Endgame, in less than two years, two albums were created - “HAJIME” and “HAJIME 2”, which instantly raised the performers to the top of the hit parades.

The guys began to receive offers from representatives of various projects, but they refused them, remaining within the framework of their duet - and they were right. Already in 2016, as a result of popular voting, the duo received the title of “discovery of the year” according to the HR community.

Concert of MiyaGi and Endgame - Toastmaster

In 2017, Miyagi and Endgame planned to release their third album, Umshakalaka.

Actively conducting concert activities, they do not allow the creative process to be interrupted. In addition to creating new songs for a wide audience, they are happy to collaborate with the famous boxer Murat Gassiev, Ilona Tuskaeva and other artists. They can often be seen with the famous Vladikavkaz rapper Roman Amigo.

In an interview given as part of the Video Poster program, Miyagi admitted that he and his close friend are planning the release of their own clothing line. They developed the designs themselves and placed an order for wholesale tailoring in China.

“Money is not the main thing. If you want to become famous, just do what you can and do it cool!” - the main motto of the artists.

Miyagi's personal life

Having absorbed with his mother’s milk the principle of not advertising his personal life, the artist does not talk about his family. At one time, from the few remarks from his friends and father, it was only known that he had a son who was born in 2016, and a wife - official or not is not known for certain.

The musician’s father, Kazbek Kudzaev, told reporters that his son went to St. Petersburg with his beloved, called her his daughter-in-law, and revealed to the public that she, like Azamat, received a medical education (in the field of gynecology). Subsequently, fans found out the name of Miyagi’s wife – Ilona Tuskaev. The compositions “Bonnie” and “My Wife” are dedicated to her.

On September 7, 2017, an event occurred that divided the artist’s life into “before” and “after.” Miyagi's one-and-a-half-year-old son fell out of a window on the ninth floor. The kid climbed onto the windowsill while his mother was in another room, pulled the window handle, and it swung open. The boy had no chance to survive - he fell on the asphalt at the entrance. The grief-stricken father rushed home and, in a state of passion, began to destroy everything in sight, injuring his hand. Due to the tragedy, Hajime Records announced a hiatus, hoping for understanding from fans.

Don't be afraid of what you can't avoid. Naturally, you come to this after some turning point (the loss of your dearest, closest, loved one). After this, you are not afraid of her, you are waiting for her. It seems to me that death is the culmination of life! We live to die... Do not think in any way that I am promoting death and wish everyone to find it as soon as possible. No! It’s just that most of this “world of people” lives under this onslaught of the unknown. Breathe deeply, friends! No future! There is only the present! Take action!

Miyagi now

Miyagi and Endgame have far-reaching plans. The artists are confident that they will soon reach the international level. As the musician stated in an interview, on August 24 they will sing together with Bob Marley’s son Julian at the WagWan reggae festival in Tallinn.