Master class with step-by-step photos. DIY parsley from waste material

Master class on handicrafts: Glove doll Parsley using papier-mâché technique

Chuprakova Olga Ivanovna, additional education teacher
Description. Puppet theater is one of the most favorite shows for children. It attracts children with its brightness, colorfulness, and dynamics. In the puppet theater, children see familiar and close toys - only they came to life, moved, spoke and became even more attractive and interesting. The extraordinary nature of the spectacle captivates children, transporting them to a very special, fascinating world, where everything unusual is possible.

A parsley-type glove puppet, or, as it is often called, a hand puppet, is the most common and easiest to make and manage type of puppet for a puppet theater, available to children, which was the reason for the development of this master class.
This development is a guide to organizing and conducting a master class with students of creative associations of additional education institutions, general education organizations, additional education teachers, teachers implementing puppet theater programs.
Before conducting this master class, it is necessary to first have a conversation about the types of puppets for the puppet theater, the history of the glove puppet, and show a scene using glove puppets made using this technique by senior students.
This technique for making a glove puppet is less labor-intensive (than suggested in many sources: making a mold from plasticine, pasting it with paper, cutting and gluing), the dolls are strong and light, so they can be used repeatedly, changing only the costume. Students in grades 3-4 who are studying puppet theater in a creative association for the first year can easily cope with this technique.
It is advisable to conduct this master class in two stages, because It takes time to dry the product parts, the optimal course is 2 days.
Target: making a glove puppet “Petrushka” for a puppet theater
Tasks: Educational:
- acquaintance with the history of the emergence of the Parsley doll;
- formation of artistic skills in making dolls.
- fostering a caring attitude towards Russian traditions and the historically established respect of the Russian people for the theater.
- development of creative abilities, imagination, fantasy;
- development of interest in creativity and theater.

Progress of the lesson

V. Berestov “The Hand is an Artist.”
The hand turns
Either into a kitten or into a puppy.
So that the hand becomes an artist
You need very, very little:
Special gloves,
Intelligence, talent - and everything is in order.
During our master class, you will get acquainted with the techniques of creating a theatrical puppet from scrap materials, make a glove puppet with your own hands, guess which one:
My beautiful cap
Pushed dashingly to the side.
I'm a funny toy
And my name is... (Petrushka)
Well, of course, Petrushka.
The story of Parsley.
It was with Petrushka that the puppet theater in Rus' began its existence. The first puppet theater was born a long time ago, back in Ancient Rome. The main character of his performances was the cheerful, cheerful Pulcinella. Folk puppet heroes who knew how to express the feelings of ordinary people appeared in other countries. In France, Polichinelle became the favorite of the audience, and in England - Punch, in Turkey - Karagöz, and in Germany - Hanswurst.

In terms of character, courage, audacity, and mockery, they are all relatives of our Parsley. What men and working people could not, did not dare to say out loud, dolls shouted loudly in squares and fairs. What will you do for Petrushka? Performances by traveling puppeteers were prohibited. The wooden stages and screens were removed. But, the next day, Petrushkin’s screen appeared in the neighboring village and the doll again boldly and boldly, loudly, expressed the secret thoughts of the assembled spectators.
Petrushka's appearance is by no means Russian: he has exaggeratedly large hands and head, and exaggerated facial features. Parsley got her big eyes and huge hooked nose from the Italian Pulcinella. Many people mistakenly believe that Parsley’s wide-open mouth is a smile, but this is not so; being a negative character, Parsley constantly stretches his lips in a grin.
You and I will make a kind, cheerful Parsley. The doll consists of two parts: the head and the body (gloves, which is why the dolls are called glove dolls).
We will make the head from papier-mâché. Papier-mâché, translated from French, means “chewed paper” - it is an easily moldable mass obtained from fibrous materials (paper, cardboard), usually with the addition of adhesives.
Tools and materials required for work:

For the head: egg containers, PVA glue, newspapers, masking tape. For painting: water-based paint for primer, acrylic paints, brushes, cardboard, stapler, glue gun.
For the body (gloves): fabric (pink fleece for the palms, for the suit - two different colors), threads, scissors, needles, yarn for hair, patterns (see Appendix No. 1), diagram of the doll (see Appendix No. 2) .
Preparation of papier-mâché mass.

Grind the egg container, put it in a container, fill it with hot water, leave for 10 minutes to soften, then knead the mass with your hands until it takes on a mushy state.
Then strain through cheesecloth, squeezing out excess water. Add PVA glue at the rate of: 3 parts mass, 1 part glue, mix well.

Having examined the diagram of the doll, we see that there should be a recess in the head for a finger, so it is necessary to make one cartridge for the head and two for the hands (see Appendix No. 3). To do this, wrap a strip of cardboard with a width equal to the length of the index finger around the finger and secure it with a stapler or glue.

Head sculpting.
We crumple the newspaper and wrap the cartridge loosely, forming a ball (two newspapers are enough), secure the newspaper with masking tape.

We paste the paste over the workpiece, smoothing it with our fingers.
Apply additional pieces of the mixture to the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and lips. For the eyes, make indentations with your fingers.

Smooth out the entire workpiece. Leave to dry for 2 days by inserting a stick into the cartridge.

Sewing a suit
Safety briefing
Let's start making the body - the gloves.
To do this, trace your hand on paper, bending the middle and ring fingers.

We measure the circumference of the head, divide it in half (26:2), draw a triangle with a side of 13 cm, cut out the patterns.
We lay out the patterns on fabric folded in half (one layer of one color, the second of a different color).

We trace the patterns and cut them out. We cut the parts of the body in half and lay them out, combining halves of different colors. We sew the parts together using a buttonhole stitch.

We draw a palm - a mitten, along the wrist of the suit on paper. Cut out the pattern. Trace the pattern onto pink fabric, cut it out and sew it with a buttonhole stitch.

We put a piece of padding polyester in our palms and insert the cartridges, securing them with a glue gun. Glue the palms to the suit.

Head painting.
We prime the doll's head with water-based paint. Let it dry, in the meantime we dilute flesh-colored paint (white + red + yellow) and cover the workpiece.

We mark the place for the eyes, draw eyes, eyebrows, lips with a brush, and use foam rubber to blush the cheeks.

And cheerful Petrushka is already smiling at us!
Hair making
For hair, we wrap the threads around a cardboard frame and stitch them in the middle.

Remove from the frame, cutting along the edge. Glue the hair around the circumference of the head.

Connecting parts
Glue the cap and body with a glue gun.

You can additionally decorate the suit with buttons and a hat with a tassel.
Our Petrushka is ready to perform!

Doll “Petrushka” based on a modern household form.

Do-it-yourself glove theater puppet. Master class with step-by-step photos

Yumasheva Antonina Mikhailovna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 of general developmental type, Rasskazovo, Tambov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children of senior preschool age, children of primary school age, preschool teachers, as well as lovers of home theater with children. It will be useful for those who love DIY crafts from waste material, household molds, and for those who want to give a used item second life.
Purpose: Craft, gift, doll for a puppet theater with your own hands, souvenir.
Target: Creating an original doll for the theater with your own hands based on modern household packaging materials.
1. Introduce the history of the appearance of the Parsley doll;
2.Teach to see an artistic image in ordinary forms;
3. Teach how to use a do-it-yourself theater puppet.
1. Foster a caring attitude towards Russian traditions and the historically established respect of the Russian people for the theater;
2. Cultivate respect for one’s own work;
3. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to finish what you start.
1.Promote the development of imagination, fantasy and creativity;
2.Develop manual skills, fine motor skills of hands and fingers, and eye.
Safety precautions for children of senior preschool and primary school age when working with scissors:
1. Maintain order in the workplace, do not stuff scissors with paper or other materials.
2.Be attentive while working, do not get distracted and do not distract others.
3. While working, the scissors are on the right with the rings facing you.
4.The blades of the scissors must be closed when not in use.
5.The blades of the scissors must be sharp.
6. Scissors should be passed only rings forward with blades closed.
7. You cannot hold the scissors with the ends up.
8.When working with scissors, you must pay attention to the direction of cutting and the fingers of your left hand that support the material.
9. You cannot cut while moving, turn, or bend towards the floor.
10. Scissors should only be used while sitting at a table.
11.The scissors are put back in their place every time after work.
Safety precautions for children of senior preschool and primary school age when working with needles and pins:
1. Place the needle on the magnet and the needle bar on the table to the right, with the sharp end facing away from you.
2.Pass sharp objects with the sharp end away from you.
3.When working with a needle, use a thimble or a magnet.
4.Do not stick needles or pins into clothing or random objects.
5.The broken needle should be given to the teacher,
6. Do not put needles, threads, buttons or other objects in your mouth.
7. It is advisable that the needle always have a thread with a knot tied at the end.
8. Every time after work, sharp objects are put back in their place.

Materials for making dolls by children of senior preschool age independently using plasticine:
1.Shape – a container from a Kinder surprise with a finger hole cut out on one side for adults.
2. A piece of yellow plasticine.
3. A little plasticine in white, black, pink, orange.
4. Finished shirt made of fabric measuring 11x16 cm.
5. Ready-made cardboard cap.
Additional materials and tools for the master class for making dolls for primary school children and adults from fabric and yarn:
6.Shape – a Kinder surprise container with a hole cut out for a finger on one side.
7.Yellow yarn.
8. Fabric for a shirt.
9. Fabric for the cap.
10. Fabric for the backing - a circle equal to the diameter of the Kinder surprise container
12.Needle and thread on a magnet.
13. Scissors.

The story of the birth of Parsley, the people themselves spoke through his lips!

Surprisingly, Petrushka is not a native Russian puppet theater character. Its prototypes can be found in different countries. In Italy - this is Pulcinella, in Germany - Kasper, or Gansvut, in France - Polichinelle, in England - Mr. Punch, and in Turkey - Karagöz, in Hungary - the knight Laszlo, in India - Vidushaka. All of them are theatrical dolls - marionettes and are controlled using threads. The only analogue of Petrushka in terms of driving technique is the Guignol glove doll, which appeared in Lyon at the beginning of the 19th century. Traditionally, Parsley is a glove doll.
The famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky, characterizing the image of Parsley, wrote the following: “... a figure was created... known to all peoples... This is the invincible hero of the folk puppet comedy, he defeats everyone and everything: the police, the priests, even the devil and death, but he himself remains immortal. In a crude and naive image, the working people embodied themselves and their belief that, in the end, it is they who will overcome everything and everyone.”
Petrushka's clothes, therefore foreign: a red cap with a tassel, the same red shirt, a cloak and canvas pants.
And the appearance of the doll cannot be called Slavic. She is by no means Russian: he has exaggeratedly large hands and head, exaggerated facial features, it itself is carved from wood and treated with a special plant liquid, which makes it look darker. Large almond-shaped eyes and a huge nose with a hump, completely white eyeballs and a dark iris, due to which Parsley’s eyes appear black. He inherited Parsley's appearance from the Italian Pulcinella. Many people mistakenly believe that a wide-open mouth is Parsley’s smile, but this is not so; being a negative character, Petrushka constantly stretches his lips in a grin. He has four fingers on his hands (a possible symbol that Petrushka is not a person, but some character from another world).
Parsley as a folklore character, an indispensable participant in street performances. Only men (“parsleymen”) could “drive” it. The doll acquired its voice with the help of a special device - a “peeper” or “talker”. Petrushka also has a full name - Petr Ivanovich Uksusov. He was also called “Samovarov” or “Vanka Ratatouille”. Bold statements, vulgar jokes, witty remarks - Petrushka got away with everything, because he is a doll, and what can he take from it? The people themselves spoke through his lips, criticizing and showing dissatisfaction with the authorities or the clergy. There are quite a lot of stories about the adventures of Parsley. There were main plots: Parsley's treatment, soldier training, the scene with the bride, buying a horse and testing it. The stories were passed from actor to actor, by word of mouth. Not a single character in the Russian theater had the popularity equal to Petrushka.

At the puppet Parsley there is a real prototype. This is considered to be the favorite jester of Empress Anna Ioannovna Pietro-Mira Pedrillo. He was the son of an Italian sculptor, and came to Russia, to the court of the ruler as a musician. His wit helped him get closer to the empress's entourage, and then become a court jester. He had many nicknames: “Adamka”, “Antonio”, and finally, “Petrushka”. The last name became entrenched in all puppet shows.
Over time Parsley stopped being just a street performer. He is increasingly invited to manor houses, where our hero loses his edge. He no longer kills, but only disperses his enemies. His speech ceases to be common people, because the “parsley man” is now not a street actor, but a salon actor. The stage is decorated with lush draperies, and the participants themselves dress in satin and shiny tinsel, which turns the performance into a formal, theatrical one. Parsley becomes a participant in children's matinees, thereby turning into a children's character.
Hello kids
Girls and boys!
I'm wearing a beautiful cap
With a rattle in hand.
I'm a fun toy
And my name is...Petrushka.

During Soviet times the doll leaves the stage and becomes the hero of literary plays. Now Petrushka campaigns for sanitary hygiene or participates in the collection of waste materials. The only thing left from the old Petrushka is accusation.
Reanimate the image of Parsley Samuil Marshak took over. In 1922, the puppet comedy “Petrushka” appeared in his collection of plays, and five years later the play “Petrushka the Foreigner” was published. Although Marshak finally cemented the image of Petrushka as a child’s one, he restored the tradition of the doll getting into ridiculous stories.
Ballet "Petrushka" sometimes identified with the emblem of the Russian seasons, and for its creators it became a kind of historical milestone. Probably, in the ballet “Petrushka” the tragic image of the doll was fully revealed. The plot is reminiscent of the past adventures of the street Parsley. In the ballet, for the first time, the line of Petrushka’s dependence on his creator, the Magician, appears. The doll rebels against him. Parsley no longer turns to the public for help, but is reborn in the role of an avenger. Resurrected, he shakes his fist at the Magician and lets out a mocking cry.
The eternal loser Petrushka, as always, will defend his rights and prove that a human heart beats in the chest of a pathetic doll, a homely jester.
Ways to control the glove puppet Parsley.
The index finger enters the doll's head, the thumb and middle finger enter the sleeves of the suit, the little and ring fingers bend toward the palm.

An image of a doll that restricts the actor’s hand movements less than the previous one, since the ring finger bends toward the palm along with the middle finger.

And so let's begin our master class on making a Parsley doll
1. To make a doll in a Kinder surprise container mold (hereinafter referred to as the mold), you need to make a hole for the index finger. The hole must be made by an adult for safety reasons. The hole is small, the shape is smooth and the knife can slip off!
The hole must be cleaned with sandpaper to remove burrs.
And so the form with a hole for the finger is ready. A shirt made of fabric, a cap made of cardboard - pre-made by children using manual labor, sewed the shirt and glued the cap according to the patterns, you can start!

2. Divide a piece of yellow plasticine in half and, kneading it, roll one part into a plate - this is the doll’s future hair. Children use the remaining part for bangs and at their own discretion. Let's roll two white balls and two black ones - these are the doll's eyes. For the nose, you can combine two colors - orange and yellow, to bring it closer to the color of the shape. Make the mouth out of red plasticine.
The advantages of using plasticine extensively in a doll are that all the parts fit together easily and the created heaviness helps the child manipulate the doll.
She behaves well even in dancing.

3. Everything is ready to decorate the doll’s head, you can connect everything, as shown in the figure, in which I connected all the stages of execution using a slide in Microsoft Office, the stages are not complicated, but together they are perceived better for quickly and successfully connecting the parts.

4. The shirt is traditionally red, but here it is not red, so that later in the master class the dolls will be different.

5. And now Parsley is ready!

Next, I propose to make a Parsley doll with yarn hair,
Such a doll is more attractive, durable and easy to store; it can be used for games, like the Presenter at performances and matinees.
1. For the hair, take the yarn and wind it around the backing, tie it with the same yarn, cut it in the direction of the arrows, as shown in the picture I made in the Drawing editor. You will get hair with bangs.

2. The picture shows how to cut and sew the shirt and cap. A backing circle will be needed to attach the hair and cap to the form.

3. Take a shape with a hole cut out on one side and glue a circle on the other side. This circle will allow us to sew hair and a cap to the form.
It is advisable to glue the circle in the same color as the hair; here I used contrast only for better demonstration.

4. Place the finished hair on a circle, place it so that the bangs are on the front of the doll’s face, spreading the hair apart, sew along the entire length of the circle’s circumference.

5. And now our perky, mischievous Parsley is ready! You can play with him!

Master class on handicrafts from waste materials. Making a fun doll "Parsley in a bag"

I'm not at all green from the garden,
At least I’m called Parsley!
I will be there for you guys
A doll-toy!

Tsypurina Antonina Ivanovna, teacher of technology and fine arts. Place of work: MBOU Secondary School Central District No. 5, Suvorov, Tula region.
Target: To intensify interest in arts and crafts. Introduce children (adults) to the basics of Russian cultural traditions through making dolls.
- Develop creativity and labor skills in making dolls.
- Develop sensory motor skills when making dolls.
- Develop independence, creative imagination, accuracy, and the ability to get things done.
- Strengthen knowledge and skills of safe work.
- Cultivate respect and interest in the traditions of their ancestors.
The master class is designed for parents, middle school students, teachers, and educators. Both schoolchildren and adults can make this craft as a gift for kids. The toy is interesting. It's interesting to have fun even for an adult. Can be used in puppet theater.
Educational information
Often at school we make toys of varying complexity with children. Many will say that the toy is a trifle. If only there was something to keep the child occupied. But this is far from the case! A toy made by the hands of a child (and an adult too) “comes to life.” She develops her own character. Soul and desire are put into it. The doll is the first among toys. The history of the doll can be traced from the construction of the pyramids to the present day. The doll is almost as old as humanity. But she remains forever young. Children always found time for games and fun. Because this is the nature of children - playing with a doll helps not only to throw out accumulated energy, but develops and teaches. When making our toys, we develop not only the ability to work with tools, but also taste and accuracy. You can play with such a toy at home and with your younger brother or sister - this is the ability to communicate with each other. Willpower will also come in handy. If we finish the job we started, you and I will play too.

1. The bag can be any size you want. Depending on the size and purpose of the doll. In my case, for playing with a child's hand, the following dimensions... To make a bag pattern (like mine), use A-4 sheet format. Draw an arc with a radius of 17 cm. Subsequently, cut along it. When cutting out on colored cardboard, add 1-2 cm (you can see where in the drawing) on ​​both sides for gluing when twisting the bag. I also secured it with narrow tape for strength.

2. To make a shirt pattern, also use A-4 format. And further construction can be seen in the drawing.

1. cardboard for the bag. You can use the colorful part of a candy box;
2. pieces of fabric for a shirt and cap (optional);
3. a stick for the base (you can use branches when pruning bushes);
4. tennis ball or foam;
5. leftovers: lace, ribbons, braid...for collar and shirt decor;
6. glue gun or glue moment or stapler;
7. a bead for ease of holding onto a stick;
8. tape;
9. If the bag is made of simple cardboard, you can use leftover wallpaper or corrugated paper for decoration.


We make a bag out of cardboard and secure it with thin tape. The height of my bag is 16cm. This size is just right when used for a tennis ball head

If it is necessary to decorate the bag, we use wallpaper. Drawing a segment according to the size of the bag.

A cut-out piece from wallpaper for decoration.

We wrap the bag with beautiful paper and the “house” for the doll is ready.

On one side of the stick we fix the ball with glue, having first made a hole in it.

We cut out 2 pieces of a shirt of any shape, maintaining the proportions relative to the head and the bag.. Everyone can have their own head size.

Sew along the cut line using a sewing machine or using a back stitch.

We insert the stick with the head into the hole (for the neck) of the shirt and glue it along the neckline. We decorate the gluing area at our discretion. I have gathered braid. You can also glue it for reliability.

We attach the shirt to the bag in a way convenient for you: with a stapler, glue, or a glue gun.

You determine the junction of the shirt with the bag yourself.

Preparing hair for a yarn toy.

Glue it to the head.

We decorate the shirt at the junction with the bag.

We cut out the palms from low-shatter material and glue them to the edge of the sleeves.

On the back of the stick, in the place where we will hold the toy with our hand, we string and glue a bead for convenience.

Our body is ready. All that remains is to put on the cap and paint your face.

The ProDetki editors love to visit cultural places and discover new heroes and characters. For example, we became interested in the hero Petrushka in the puppet world.

The Parsley Theater is a unique performance whose history goes back to the 17th century. At first it was a popular entertainment for ordinary people, and then it gained popularity among high society.

Doll Parsley

Parsley is a printed doll dressed in pants and a red shirt; the distinctive features of this character were: a pointed cap and a huge red nose.

History of the Petrushka Theater

The Petrushka Theater is one of the oldest entertainments in Rus', which has survived to this day and has not lost its relevance. . Many perceive it as a folk creation, but in reality its prototypes Russian folk theater Petrushka has in many countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Türkiye.

The first appearance of the Petrushka Theater in Rus' was recorded back in the 17th century, but it gained its main popularity only in the 19th century. Despite the fact that there were several types of puppet theater in Rus', Petrushka's performances were the most popular.

Character Parsley

It is not surprising that Petrushka is the main character of the puppet theater, which is named after him. Let's take a closer look at what it is. As you can see from the history of the creation of the theater, it came to Russian lands from other countries, therefore Russian Petrushka collected in his appearance many distinctive features of different nationalities . For example, his head and arms were incredibly large, and his eyes were almond-shaped, his skin color was dark, and his nose had a large hump. Thanks to all this, he was very similar to his Italian prototype - Pulcinella.

Parsley Although he put his main character at the head of the presentation, he did not limit himself to this. For example, Petrushka’s constant partner in the plot was a bear, with whom he acted out the main scenes .

Russian theater Petrushka and its plots

The plots of theatrical performances were always based on banal and philistine themes of that time: soldier's service, treatment, acquisition of a horse and its testing, as well as Petrushka's dating and wedding.

All scenes had their own order and were shown strictly one after another:

— The first scene was always based on Petrushka’s purchase of a horse. He bargained with a gypsy salesman who did not want to give in, then Petrushka got tired of it, for which he hit the merchant. This was the end of the first performance.

— The second scene was a demonstration of how Petrushka climbs onto a horse, but it does not want to obey him and throws off the main character, and then leaves after the gypsy.

— In the third scene, as at the beginning of the performance, Petrushka is not distinguished by a calm disposition, and, having visited the doctor, beats him because the doctor finds many ailments in the main character.

— The last scene is also not complete without fights. When the policeman appears to find out why Petrushka killed the doctor, the main character, without thinking twice, does the same with the policeman. But justice is personified by the dog, which barks and growls at the main character, and then, not succumbing to any cajoling and begging of Petrushka, who grabbed him by the nose, drags him away from the impromptu stage.

This is where the show ends. It is interesting that the duration of the performance depends on how interesting the scenes are played out, because it lasts as long as there are spectators on the street who deign to pay attention to it.

Russian folk theater Petrushka is not limited to just four main scenes in its performance . When there are a lot of onlookers on the streets and the audience is ready to watch as much as they want - to watch a puppet theater, the story continues with other interesting plots. One of them is “Parsley’s Wedding”. The script for this performance was so rude and frivolous that parents did not allow their children to watch such a scene.

In all performances, Petrushka acted as a rogue, a swindler and a rude man. Nand his facewas depicteddeven not a sweet smile, as many may think, but a rude grin.

Street theater Petrushka

Traditional Petrushka - puppet theater one actor, the scene of which was always street fairs and shopping areas . The very first performances were shown without a screen, since the only actor-puppeteer simply wore a special skirt with a hoop on his belt. By lifting this ring, the puppeteer disappeared from the view of the audience, giving them the opportunity to enjoy the performance. At the same time, he could calmly move and work with both hands to control two characters at once.

Already at the beginning of the 19th century, such a costume for an actor was replaced by a screen , a prototype of the one in use today. It was installed directly on the ground, hiding the puppeteer and all his props.

Only men were puppeteers, but in order to give their voices additional squeakiness, a specialized squeaker was used. It was inserted directly into the larynx. This gave the puppeteer the opportunity to speak louder.

Contemporary Petrushka Theater

Thanks to many artists who make every effort to preserve the traditions of puppet theater, we have the opportunity to enjoy interesting performances today. Nowadays, of course, these are not only nomadic fair performances, but also street puppeteers.

Most often, Petrushka’s performances can be seen in children’s puppet theaters, for example, “Firebird”, “Albatross”, “Fairytale” and many others.

The Petrushka People's Theater at the moment is an opportunity to introduce children and adults to history, as well as to instill in the younger generation a love and interest in literature.

The heroes of the Russian puppet theater are known to children from a very early age. One of these is Petrushka - a peculiar and characteristic jester with a cheerful character and good disposition. Initially, he was created in the form of a glove-type doll, which could be given an active character by movements of his own hand.

Later, the doll was turned into a hero of the puppet theater. However, the glove version is still popular.

Mandatory features of the parsley image are:

  • a red shirt decorated with patterns with folk ornaments;
  • wide canvas trousers, rakishly tucked into boots;
  • a long cap, at the end of which there is always a brush.

Sometimes there are no pants, a long shirt seems to cover the legs.

The cap can be bifurcated, and then there is a tassel at each end.

How to sew?

The soft toy Parsley is welcome in almost all homes where there are children. By putting it on your hand, you can easily cheer up a child, lift his spirits, and distract him from unnecessary problems. And if you prepare several similar folk characters, you can get a full-fledged troupe of puppet performers.

How to make Parsley with your own hands? We will make the head from papier-mâché, the elements of the body will help us make special patterns. You can sew them by hand; if you have a machine, use it. If neither one nor the other is acceptable, using special fabric glue you can carefully glue all the parts around the perimeter.

To work you will need the set shown in the photo.

We make a papier-mâché head with our own hands as follows:

  1. Chop the egg trays and pour boiling water over them.
  2. After complete soaking, squeeze out excess water and add PVA glue in a ratio of 3: 1.
  3. A cylinder must be inserted into the head in advance for subsequent attachment of the body.
  4. Taking a round base, we apply the finished mixture to it and additionally sculpt relief details: nose, forehead, ears, chin.

Further actions are carried out after the base has completely dried. Hand painted colors used:

  • cover the head with water-based paint, after drying it paint the entire surface with a flesh-colored shade;
  • we shape facial features, make them as kind and smiling as possible;
  • Next comes the hair. We wind the selected threads onto the frame. We cut them along the edges;
  • we glue the base with hair around the circumference of the head - it looks like curls escaping from under the cap.

A costume says a lot about your character.

How to sew it to make it beautiful? Parsley is a doll that “constantly visits guests.” Therefore, we use only bright, variegated colors of fabrics, the scraps of which are sewn in order:

  • attach the pattern, trace it with a pencil and cut it out, taking into account the seam allowances;
  • we sew the parts together and get a shirt;
  • a head cap is made in the same way;
  • the hand in a mitten is also performed;
  • its attachment to the shirt occurs due to the inserted cylinder.

We combine the manufactured parts and get the most expressive of folk dolls - Parsley.

How else can you do it?

If the papier-mâché head can remain the same in other versions of the doll, then the clothes can be knitted. On doll models such things look especially touching and original. You can also tie your head. This hero is made by crocheting in the round using single crochets.

The people's favorite doll can be sewn entirely from fabric using special patterns. Having cut out each part, we sew at the places where they are connected. Then we fill the internal cavity of the head with something soft, for example, foam rubber, cotton wool, holofiber. There is no need to fill your shirt.

This is a convenient place for the hand that controls the doll's movements. Legs made in a similar way can be sewn to the bottom of the shirt. Then, when you revive the toy with hand movements, they will swing funny, giving the image special expressiveness.

Don't be afraid that it won't work out! Sew and see how exciting and tempting this business is. And the hero that results from such interesting work will not only be cute and cute, but also warmed by the warmth of your soul, which he will generously share with children.