How to improve literacy in the Russian language: tips and assistant services, your reference book. Don't know how to improve your literacy? We'll tell you

“On the boardwalk terrace, the well-known freckled Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate assessor Apollon Ippolitovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes.” This tricky dictation was written by our grandmothers to prove their literacy. As a rule, few people managed to get by without making mistakes the first time. But the examinees remembered for the rest of their lives the spelling of those words that they failed. Today, children need to first translate a passage from classical Russian to modern Russian. Because, as philologist teachers assure, the vocabulary of today's children and teenagers is rapidly declining.

Recently, in one of the Moscow schools, eleventh-graders, while recording a passage from dictation, unanimously wrote “with the rokobes” instead of “Griboyedov fought with the obscurantists.” Because “rock” and “demons” are somehow understandable, but no one has heard of “obscurantists.” As well as about “threshing” or, say, about “brochure”.

So if you want to raise a literate child, first of all inspect your home bookshelves: after all, in addition to the spelling dictionary ed. V.V. Lopatin, it would be good to include, at a minimum, an explanatory dictionary and an orthoepic one. And, of course, teach the child to use them.

But let's return to the unforgettable freckled Agrippina: it turns out that the relevance of the text remains to this day. After all, almost every word in this dictation is based on some specific rule.

Judge for yourself:

  • “cobblestone” - suffix -chat- (the suffix -schat- does not exist);
  • “not unknown” is written together, because it can be replaced with the synonym “known”. And after Russian prefixes on consonants, instead of and, it is written ы;
  • “regaled” - if in the 1st person the verb ends in -y (I regaled), then we choose the suffix -eva-.

Well, you need to know the spelling of such names and patronymics as Agrippina Savvichna and Apollon Ippolitovich, because today old names are in great fashion. So, in 20 years, this knowledge may come in handy when you have to write to your partners, colleagues, and even more so to your superiors.

Where are the literate ones?

“Recently, a 5th year student of the philology department of a well-known and respected university came to our practice. Her notes for the first lesson began like this: “Hello children” - without a comma!” — the director of a Moscow school says indignantly.

And many are ready to share this indignation. After all, it’s already somewhat banal to say that universal literacy is falling. Why is all this happening and what to do about it?

Causes of illiteracy:

  1. The first, which is always cited by teachers, psychologists and sociologists, is the lack of reading habit. And it’s not just children and teenagers who don’t read, but everyone in general. Or they read, but that’s not it: in the “literary waste paper” not only will you not find examples of literate speech, but also with proofreading things are very bad.
  2. Internet communication also makes its contribution: the abbreviations, slang, and careless handling of spelling involuntarily transferred into normal written speech.
  3. We have to admit that training in schools and universities has deteriorated.
  4. Much depends on the fact that parents are looking for the problem in the wrong place. A child gets bad marks in Russian, but is scolded for laziness. He can’t put two words together, but with all his might they push him into a strong class with a complicated program: they say, it’s better to be a lagging student there than in a regular class - an average student. And as a result, they trigger possible speech therapy problems, which tend to manifest themselves as illiteracy.

Cause: disease

So, in the pursuit of literacy, the first thing you need to do is show the future student to a speech therapist. And the sooner, the better.

“By the age of four,” says speech therapist Olga Kovalevskaya, “it is possible to determine whether a child is at risk. And this is exactly the age when treatment will be most effective.”

What should alert parents and become a reason to go to a specialist:

  • the child does not pronounce all sounds clearly, replaces some with others (r - l, s - w);
  • does not distinguish speech sounds by ear (voiced - dull, hard - soft, whistling - hissing);
  • skips syllables in words: for example, instead of “ve-lo-si-ped” he pronounces “ve-lo-ped”;
  • the baby has insufficiently developed fine motor skills (cannot tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, etc.);
  • visual-spatial representations are not sufficiently formed (cannot copy an image, confuses right - left, top - bottom, etc.).

Reading and writing impairments appear already by the middle of 1st grade. For example, a student with dyslexia rearranges or skips letters and sometimes syllables when reading aloud.

And those who have dysgraphia write lowercase y instead of lowercase d, and f instead of v. He also skips or rearranges letters in words. And even if he learns all the rules, he will make many mistakes in dictations. The last problem is faced by those who can be diagnosed with dysorthography by a speech therapist.

The Myth of Innate Literacy

It happens that it is not possible to find a test word due to a poor vocabulary. But a speech therapist will no longer help with this problem - if children read little, where will rich vocabulary come from?

Respect for books has been instilled since the age of 3. And it starts with how often the child sees mom and dad with a book. And how often and how much they read to him.

“Sometimes I hear a person boasting: “I never learned the rules, but I write without mistakes! I have innate literacy!” says psychologist Andrei Sokolov. “From here we can conclude that innate illiteracy also exists. Which means, learn - "Don't study, the result is the same? I'm afraid to upset those who believe in this, but the ability to write without errors is, after all, an acquired property. It was simply acquired by those who seem to be able to do it automatically, at an early age."

What is necessary for the so-called “innate literacy” to appear?

Firstly, you need to have excellent visual memory.

How to develop visual memory? There are many ways. Let's name the most common ones:

  1. work with pictures "Find 10 differences";
  2. game “What’s missing?”: place 7-10 objects on the table, and when the child says that he remembered them all, ask him to turn away and remove something or rearrange it. The challenge is to determine what has changed;
  3. One of the most effective exercises is to show your child a piece of paper on which simple figures or patterns are depicted and ask them to try to draw them from memory.

Let's study

Let's assume the best case scenario: your child does not have any speech therapy problems, and there is a cult of reading in the family. All this does not mean that the child will become literate on its own. The process must be controlled and directed.

Before school

  1. When reading aloud, pronounce all words clearly.
  2. Talk to your child more. Every time you read fairy tales, have a conversation: who the main character is, where he lives, what he does... And make sure that the child does not answer in monosyllables, but constructs sentences logically.

Primary School

  1. In 1st grade, we look at which words the child makes mistakes and always work on the mistakes.
  2. We set tasks: find in the text, for example, proper names (including animal names, names of cities). We ask: “How would you write them?”
  3. In 2nd-3rd grade everything is the same, but we ask you to also find, for example, all the adjectives. Or all words with an unstressed vowel, etc.
  4. To consolidate what has been learned, the so-called “letter with holes” is useful. That is, let him write words in which there are stressed vowels and vowels that the child is sure of, and skip those that he doubts. So that you can think about it later and choose test words with the same root. For example, say... The test word is "milk". This is a great technique for developing self-control.
  5. When arranging home dictations, first be sure to read the text out loud and ask the child to close his eyes and, while listening, imagine what the text says. And only then start writing.

high school

  1. The biggest mistake parents of frequently ill children (and these days, are the majority) is forgetting that homework is only a third of what students learn in class. That is, simply completing everything that was assigned for homework is completely insufficient: you must also complete all the exercises that are in the textbook on the missed topic.

And in general, the golden rule of an excellent student: it is not the most capable, but the most diligent who passes the exams best. That is, someone who is not lazy to complete the entire routine of daily tasks. Then the spelling rules will be followed automatically. Moreover, there are not many really difficult ones among them. And if they are not given, you need to turn to the teacher for help.

  1. As in primary school, working on mistakes remains the most important weapon in the fight against illiteracy. It must be inevitable and mandatory! With a good teacher, all students have a special notebook where they write down words in which they made mistakes. Then dictations are compiled from these words: it is quite enough to write them 2 times a week for 5 minutes.


Does your child, with unpleasant persistence, forget the rules and make a mistake out of a mistake? It is very difficult not to break down and scold him. But you will have to restrain yourself: anyway, shouting will not do any good, and intolerance in this matter is a bad help. Believe me, the more fun the fight, the easier it is to win.

The Russian language is very logical. Let's take the same Agrippina Savvichna as an example: what does she have on her nose - freckles or freckles? And it’s immediately clear why it’s spelled “freckled.” An experienced teacher knows: if children laugh at a mistake, they will probably remember the correct spelling of the word in the future.

How do you remember all the voiceless consonants? Try to memorize s - t - p - k - x - h - w - sch - c - f. It's a bit difficult, right? Attention - we turn on our imagination, and now: “Styopka, do you want a cheek? - Fi!” They're all here, and it's easy to remember.

And, for example, the phrase “Zosya is waiting” includes all consonants, after which the suffix -chik- should be placed.

Not sure how to spell "men" and "women"? Use Domostroev’s logic: “a rank for a husband, a cabbage soup for a wife.” You really can't go wrong! Usually children are delighted with such pedagogical tricks.


02.12.2017 15:36:44, Rezada

Very good and instructive article. It will be very useful for young mothers, and not only for them, but for many others who want their children to study well and know their native language.

Comment on the article "Russian language: how to become literate. 9 ways and fun memories"

In a month and a half, I learned Russian like never before at school, admired every lesson - the subject in a strong school was a failure from the very beginning - phonetic analysis was trained from the age of six until I was blue in the face, and then from the age of 4...


I studied with my son, although for a very long time, using Rusova’s textbook “Russian language for those entering universities.” Such a thin book. There, all the rules of the Russian language and exercises for them were given in a very concentrated form. We went through this textbook with him the summer after 6th grade. We studied for 1.5-2 months, 2-3 hours a day. We never returned to this. But it was enough for him to graduate from school with an A in Russian and enter a university.

04/05/2018 04:10:03, mn-kononova

If there is no time at all, then only a tutor. Optimally - via Skype, so as not to waste time on movement. Rep will identify failures, work on the necessary topics, and provide moral support. And it's not too expensive. Once a week is enough.
If you want trash, then yes, Foxford-interneturk-self-education. But you need to understand that this is 10 times more time-consuming.

How to improve Russian? Good afternoon everyone. Happy New Year everyone! Russian language tutor, preparation for the Unified State Exam. Adult education: higher education, MBA, advanced training, training, learning foreign languages.

Russian language: a literate child – how? Rules of the Russian language: learn in the game. "Russian language for everyone. Rules of the Russian language. 44 rules that make learning grammar as easy as shelling pears!


I join the request. You need the same thing, but online. It’s somehow easier to find the right rule on a computer. Thank you!

I don’t really understand what “a collection of rules for beginners” means: are they special for the first 4 classes? There are simply rules of the Russian language. As for me, nothing better has been invented yet than Ditmar Elyashevich.

Russian language: a literate child – how? Rules of the Russian language: learn in the game. Student literacy. This happened to my daughter and I when we were 6 years old. When I was a child, they started learning the language in a special school in the second grade, that is, at the age of 8.


But “Towards an A, Step by Step” somehow didn’t work for us (My son’s Russian grade is decided in almost every trimester - between 3 and 4, but in the last trimester I decided to push him up and took this matter seriously. Every evening!! we wrote a dictation from the book by Uzorova and Nefedova (for his 3rd grade) and did 1 exercise on grammar (sometimes more) from the same Uzorova and Nefedova (in my opinion, the entire course of the Russian language is called 3rd grade). This textbook is good because it Each topic is given many exercises of the same type, which can be done in the textbook without copying it into a notebook. In general, even the teacher noticed that things were getting better. As a result, the grade was a solid 4. The only difficulty is to force me to study extra every evening)))

The problem of deep and lasting knowledge of students is always relevant for schools. Its successful solution is determined, in particular, by the level of orthographic preparation of schoolchildren. However, it is no secret that the decline in the level of speech culture in our society has a negative impact on the quality of students’ writing. Therefore, improving spelling literacy is one of the main tasks facing language teachers.

What to do if time passes, and the child continues to make mistakes in well-known words, although the rules have long been learned by heart, dozens of dictations have been written and all the exercises from the school textbook have been done?

One of the first directions in my work when teaching the Russian language is the formation of strong literate writing skills. And since any skill, including spelling, is formed in activity and is the result of repeated actions, in the methodology of teaching spelling I pay serious attention to studying the patterns of such activities, as well as finding ways and means to increase the effectiveness of teaching spelling, taking into account these patterns.

The main goal of modern education is determined by - achievement by the student of a level sufficient to ensure his self-realization and guaranteeing progress in development and forward movement of modern society.

The implementation of this goal is possible through the solution of three main tasks:

- achieving a level of education that corresponds to the student’s potential and ensures the further development of his personality and the possibility of continuing education, including through self-education.

Formation for each student experience of creative, socially significant activities in the realization of their abilities.

Student accumulation experience of communication and interaction based on humanistic relationships.

The level of education (education) is understood as - personality quality, which is determined by the ability to solve problems of cognitive, value-orientation, communicative and transformative activities, relying on acquired social experience.

The basis of any level of education is, first of all, LITERACY. In this case:

Literacy is a level of education characterized by the ability to use the basic methods of cognitive activity through the perception and textual transmission of linguistic information.

Competent writing presupposes the ability to find and recognize language phenomena based on the so-called spelling skill, which helps the writer stop, think, and check himself when necessary.

Unfortunately, not all teachers realize the meaning of this. Therefore, the most common reason for low spelling literacy of students is the lack of development of spelling skills. Spelling skill is a complex skill. It is created through long-term exercise and is based on simpler skills and abilities, such as:

1) writing skill;

2) the ability to analyze a word from the phonetic side;

3) the ability to establish the morphemic composition of a word and isolate a spelling pattern from a word that requires verification;

4) the ability to match the spelling to the corresponding rule.

Even in the first years of working at school, in individual consultations, I recommended to the children thoughtful daily reading aloud and rewriting paragraphs followed by self-test. I do not refuse these forms of individual work even now. In the first stages of working in the 5th grade, I pay a lot of attention to playful, entertaining forms of work. It is necessary to awaken interest and self-confidence in every student. One of the most important skills that fifth graders must master is the ability to justify the correct spelling of words and punctuation marks. And to do this, you need to learn to see the identifying features of the spelling and the conditions for choosing the spelling. From playing with words, I gradually move on to the graphic designation of spelling patterns. Various types of work help to develop this skill: spelling, vocabulary, explanatory, selective, distributive dictations, the use of signal cards, didactic games, algorithms, etc.

There are a great many tables - summary rules, reference materials, all kinds of "tips", various manuals on the Russian language. But how can a student navigate them? How to teach every student to accurately apply the rules of the Russian language? In recent years, algorithms have become a part of teacher practice. As a rule, students come to the 5th grade with different levels of preparation in all subjects, and in particular in the Russian language. My task is to catch up with those who are lagging behind and give an impetus to improve the level of literacy for those students who see themselves in the future as a person of high social status. Algorithms help significantly increase the literacy level of children striving for this.

What is an algorithm? In the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary we read: “An algorithm is a method (program) for solving computational and other problems that precisely prescribes how and in what sequence to obtain a result that is uniquely determined by the initial data.” To put it simply, an algorithm in a Russian language lesson is a method of action (a detailed instruction, a diagram) indicating what and in what sequence the student should do in order to apply this or that rule. For example, you often encounter students’ inability to determine the declension of a noun and the conjugation of a verb. Algorithms are very helpful.

There are very simple algorithms that include 1-2 steps, but they also discipline the work of the student’s thoughts. For example, many schoolchildren do not immediately learn how to determine whether a sentence is complex or simple. Algorithm helps

There are algorithms that contain 3-4 “steps” that allow you to get to the solution of a given problem. This may seem too cumbersome to some, but the result of using such algorithms exceeds all expectations: errors almost completely disappear.

How to introduce an algorithm in class? Of course, after getting acquainted with the rule. The first way: give the complete algorithm in its entirety. The second way: gradually, step by step. The third way: through leading questions, lead students to compose an algorithm. I prefer the latter, because it allows the development of logical thinking, forces the student to think, and not receive a finished product of the teacher’s activity.

After introducing the algorithm, it is necessary to reinforce it by repeating the actions multiple times. Here everything depends on the teacher’s imagination, on the methods of his work to consolidate the topic. First, of course, oral work (frontal and individual), then written exercises (commenting, selective dictation, selective distribution work, etc.).

To write without errors,

  • read syllable by syllable;
  • find the spelling;
  • explain the choice of letters;
  • fix the mistakes

It is important that students learn to perform logical operations proposed by the algorithm, so that they can see in a word or sentence the place where the rule needs to be applied. How to ensure that the spelling is visible and not confused with another?

Students must learn to use an algorithm for solving a spelling problem:

1. determine the place where the spelling problem arose;

2.which group of rules does this spelling belong to; which part of the word is the spelling;

4.set which letter needs to be checked: vowel or consonant;

5. determine the stress in the word;

6. determine checkable or uncheckable spelling;

7.write the word according to the rule.

I will give several types of exercises to develop spelling vigilance.

Read the proverb: Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with sheaves. Determine in which words the vowels should be checked or memorized.

“Pick up the letters”: Russian l:sa are beautiful! L:sa walked through the fluffy snow. Prove why words are pronounced the same but spelled differently.

I use various written works in my work:

Selective cheating;

Visual dictation;

Dictation “Guess the word” - the teacher gives an interpretation, the children write down the word itself (Such dictations are often compiled by the students themselves.);

- “silent” dictation - the teacher shows a drawing, the students write down the word;

Lexical dictation - children must give an interpretation to the dictated words;

Dictation “For a Friend” (a vocabulary dictation of 15-20 words, prepared by students on a specific topic) helps to identify those who have doubts about writing a particular spelling, a signal to the teacher that they need to continue working on this spelling;

The task “Explain the difference” - working with pairs of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning (this helps to prevent errors in the use of these words caused by ignorance of their exact meaning);

Compiling phrases and sentences.

The next stage of vocabulary work is diagnostic vocabulary dictation. As a result of this work, the words that are most difficult for students are identified. We will work on them in subsequent lessons. And only after this is a control vocabulary dictation given.

As a rule, systematic work gives positive results: the number of good and excellent grades increases, and there are significantly fewer Fs.

Systematic, carefully planned and well-organized vocabulary work not only develops spelling vigilance and literacy, but also expands the vocabulary of students, develops speech, and also disciplines children, promoting stability of attention. And as a result - respect for the native language, increased interest in the subject.

When performing a dictation, during the writing process, I allow you to underline questionable letters.

The kids really love the game “Find the extra word.” For example, I offer students the following vocabulary dictation: village, notebook, Saturday, Moscow, vegetable garden, pencil, black, magpie.

To spell a word correctly, the student must recognize “the grammatical nature of the spelling and subsume it under the appropriate rule.” Most letter spellings have identifying features (the letters o-ё after hissing words at the root of a word, -n- and -nn- in adjectives, the spelling of prefixes with z, s, and many others). Words with a root unstressed vowel do not have such obvious signs. Therefore, about 30% of students do not know how to isolate words with an unstressed vowel at the root from a series of words. The reason for such a low level of formation of the skill of seeing this orthogram is probably that students do not visually sense the root, isolate it “in an already written word” and “identify it formally” (M. M. Razumovskaya), do not connect this root with its real value. And when selecting test words, they pay attention only to the external similarity of the word being tested and the test word, without taking into account the main thing: you need to select the root based on its meaning.

Therefore, the main thing in the process of consolidating the spelling of the tested vowels should be the formation of two skills: 1) vision of the named spelling and 2) reliance on semantics.

I recommend using a simple technique, which, when used in the process of checking spelling, actively replenishes the schoolchildren’s vocabulary. This is the attraction of the maximum number of test words or words of the same root, among which those that are suitable for spell checking are then selected. Usually the teacher is satisfied that the child correctly named one test word. For example: garden - garden. If he turns to the class with a request to bring other test words (who is more?), then a whole nest of cognate vocabulary is collected: kindergarten, planting, estate, household, etc. In this case, related words are attracted, the semantic connections between them are realized, when It is necessary to interpret the meanings of some of them based on cognate words. The constant use of this accessible and effective technique forms in schoolchildren the habit of using cognate vocabulary, develops a sense of language, develops thinking, activates cognitive activity, and helps to include each child in collective work. This approach introduces elements of creativity into the educational process and creates motivation (This is why we learned to interpret words, analyze them according to their composition!).

One of the significant reasons for the low level of spelling literacy is that our children have stopped reading. Reading develops intelligence, speech, enriches vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, which is important for competent writing. In the process of reading, visual memorization of linguistic units is triggered, and this plays a huge role in the development of spelling skills. This means that the task of teachers and parents is to instill in younger schoolchildren a love of books, to form in them the need to read for their own pleasure, and not under duress. This, in my opinion, is another way to solve the problem of increasing the literacy level of students.

The problem of students' spelling literacy remains one of the central problems of teaching the Russian language. And the greatest attention here should be paid to the spelling of checked unstressed vowels in the root and words with unchecked spellings, since it is these spellings that, according to M. M. Razumovskaya, give a high (30 - 50% of the total) percentage of errors even in high school .

The use of the methods and forms described in this work allows you to reduce the number of errors in words with the specified spellings, and, consequently, increase the spelling literacy of students.

Of course, the work is not completed and requires further refinement, but the forms and methods described in it not only improve literacy, but also develop students’ speech, broaden their horizons, and awaken interest in the subject. I think that this work can be useful for beginning teachers.

Many people think about how to become more literate. Some want to make the right impression on others, others want to develop and improve in their chosen field. In any case, the desire to work on oneself can be considered commendable.

The desire to become better must necessarily be supported by some practical actions. Only in this case does the individual get the opportunity to work on his shortcomings. How to become a literate person? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Russian language rules

They should not be forgotten if there is an intention to become educated and self-sufficient. The rules of your native language must be learned and periodically repeated so that they are not forgotten over time. To achieve this goal, it is not at all necessary to enroll in expensive courses. It will be enough to study at home on your own. Nowadays you can find the necessary literature for studying in bookstores. If you don't have the money to buy the textbooks you need, they can often be found online for free. By mastering the rules of language arts, you can open up additional perspectives that were not previously available.

How to become literate in Russian? You definitely need to set aside time for yourself to study. It is best to practice periodically at regular intervals. This way the educational material will be better absorbed. The Russian language seems to many people to be a rather difficult subject that requires a lot of concentration and patience.


Literate? It is imperative to plan the load correctly. Organization is of paramount importance here. Success itself depends on how you occupy yourself. It is important to understand how to properly allocate time and how many tasks you need to complete. Careful planning will help you avoid many mistakes. You can't just hope for a favorable set of circumstances. Otherwise, time will pass completely aimlessly, and it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired goal. Develop for yourself an optimal work schedule that will not be too stressful and at the same time will allow you not to stray from the designated rhythm. Proper organization is important in any activity.

Write by hand

Having thought about how to become more literate, you should start training as often as possible. If you practice from time to time, you should not expect high results. There will be some progress, but it will be insignificant. To achieve something significant, you need to practice constantly. To do this, it is best to write by hand rather than typing on a computer. From the outside it may seem that there is no difference, but this is not so.

The fact is that when writing, motor memory is trained. In this way, we better remember how to write individual words and sentences correctly. Writing by hand is very useful; it is not for nothing that it is practiced in all educational institutions. It is best to get yourself a separate notebook for practical exercises.

Reading literature

Nothing can compare to the great works that have become classics. It is reading such literature that elevates us from within, makes us spiritually richer and more receptive to beauty. Understanding the secrets of art brings us closer to understanding the essence and meaning of life. Every self-respecting person should definitely get acquainted with the works of great masters. The discoveries of writers can be incredibly useful for our daily lives. Sometimes reading such texts requires enormous work from a person, but such efforts are justified.

Studying literature in many cases is accompanied by certain difficulties. The complex twists and turns of the plot and the relationships between the characters do not always become immediately clear. For example, if you are constantly distracted, you can confuse some details and not take into account significant circumstances. Reading literature in itself helps to improve general literacy, since a person unwittingly begins to borrow speech patterns. Work develops imaginative thinking and creative abilities.

Additional Interests

Having thought about how to become more literate, you need to constantly improve. In general, the desire for development must necessarily be present in a person’s life. Having some kind of hobby, we become interesting, first of all, to ourselves, which means that we become much more attractive to other people. Additional interests help broaden one's horizons and ultimately also lead to increased literacy. As we become more erudite, we discover endless possibilities within ourselves.

There is no need to limit your choice. You can try different types of activities to identify the most interesting areas. Often we limit ourselves in our choices, and then we believe that we are not capable of anything. Developing literacy in yourself is not so difficult: you just need to realize your natural curiosity.

Memory training

To become literate and write well, you need to pay attention to how easy it is for you to memorize. Memory training is a must. Otherwise, learning new material will not be as successful and easy as we would like. In order for the brain to work, it is necessary to create a special load for it. It is good to use logic exercises or problem solving. This includes memorizing poems.

Special courses

When thinking about how to become well-read and literate, one should not lose sight of such an important detail as attending additional classes. Special courses will help you become an erudite person, gain self-confidence, and meet new interesting people. In addition, educational programs will in any case increase the overall level of literacy and help determine future plans for life. Which activities to choose depends on the needs of a particular individual. The main thing is that you like them, bring aesthetic and moral satisfaction, contribute to the development of ideas about the world and become more literate? You need to devote time to exercise every day, only then will it begin to bring tangible benefits.

Thus, the issue of improving literacy deserves special attention. A person must accept responsibility for his education and be ready, if necessary, to work on himself constantly. To develop and not stand still, it is not enough just to know what you need. The most important thing is action, without it it is impossible to achieve the expected result. If you have a desire to improve your own skills, then you cannot retreat.

We live in an age of information surplus. New websites are being created and filled with useful texts in the hope of attracting mass readers. But sometimes it can be a shame to go to yet another website and discover that the author’s level of literacy leaves much to be desired.

If ten years ago the majority of Internet users were teenagers and young people, now the world network is visited by representatives of all age and social categories.

Since there is a huge amount of information on the Internet and one article (it’s good if one) can be similar to another, the reader has the right to choose content based on certain criteria.

Literacy of texts is the first and most stringent indicator of the quality of the entire information resource.

I'm not perfect either! On the City of Copywriting website you can find errors and typos that I sometimes leave in the text. This happens both deliberately and accidentally.

At school I could not boast of a high level of literacy (I made such mistakes that the gat teacher was going to shoot me). But when I decided to write texts, I realized that my main mistake was inaction during my school years. I started studying on my own and continue to do so to this day.

By the way, I am not sure that I will write this article without errors. Therefore, if you find an error in the text, write about it in the comments. I will be grateful to you.

This article will give you seven ways to improve your literacy skills.

It doesn’t matter if you are a copywriter or a blogger. If you write for a site, respect your readers and create competent content for them. If you are a copywriter and want to sell your services to serious people, implement the rule in your work: “Texts with errors are defective goods.”

I personally tried many methods and recommend you only those that really gave quick and effective results.

7 ways to increase
author's literacy level

1. Spend as much time as possible reading.

I once came across this advice on one of the sites and implemented it into my practice. Moreover, before I even knew it, I had become the “book addict” that I still am to this day. I read because it gives results in work (also measured in monetary terms) and overall development.

If you haven't picked up a book in a while, I recommend starting today. Read as much time as possible: In the morning, in the evening, in transport, at lunch and on a break. Try to occupy all your time windows with reading. And you have time windows – I’m sure of it.

If you want to get results even faster, read out loud (at least in a whisper). This will help you learn not only grammar, but also adopt part of the author’s style, which will help you write in an interesting and exciting way.

Write in the comments how often and in what quantity you read. For example, I read at least one book a week, every day (2 hours in the morning and 1 hour in the evening).

2. Write every day, even if you don't want to.

To learn to write correctly, you need to at least write.

Hone your skills daily and practice. Someone once said: “Not a day without a line.” Only by constant work can you achieve results.

If you have nothing to write, keep a diary or start a blog on a topic that interests you. Write there every day. If you are a copywriter who has no clients, write articles for free sale (you will also earn money). Write something. The main thing is to write.

3. Check and refute your doubts.

There are times when writing a text gives the impression that you have made a mistake, but you doubt whether this is really the case. Sound familiar?

This happens to me too. In this case, do not waste your time and start looking for the right option. You always have the Internet at your fingertips, and finding the answer is easy. But when you solve the problem yourself, you will learn this mistake forever.

4. These online services will help you.

When preparing this article, I went through about ten online services that help deal with errors. But I dare to recommend only two to you, since when necessary, I most often run there. - this site helps me out all the time - it is simply crammed with rules, examples, questions, answers and recommendations. Be sure to add it to your bookmarks. – Another resource that from time to time gives me answers to questions that arise. A very simple interface, so you can figure it out without any problems.

5. Install the “Word of the Day” application.

I read about this application in Igor Mann’s book “How to become No. 1 in what you do?” Immediately downloaded and installed. A very convenient thing.

Every day my vocabulary is replenished by one word that was previously unknown to me. At first glance it seems insignificant, but over time I noticed that my writing and communication style has improved significantly.
Try it! You'll like it.

6. Teach one rule every day.

Practice develops skills, but without theory it happens slowly.

“New day, new rule” is my principle. I recommend that you implement it into your work. Learning a new rule will only take you five minutes a day, but the result will give you a response.

I learn the rules on this site -

7. Reread and edit everything you can write.

Even when chatting with an old friend and writing quick messages, correct and edit the text. Literacy is a skill that requires constant work. If you neglect practice, the level will begin to fall.

Whoever you communicate with via text, re-read and correct. If in doubt, check. Learn and implement. Write and read.

Improving literacy levels is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to work on yourself and the result will affect your work.

Write in the comments about your literacy problems. What mistakes do you make most often?

Leave your questions, suggestions and recommendations in the comments. We always try to create only the best materials for you.

Increasing the spelling literacy of students is one of the most important tasks in the methodology of teaching the Russian language in secondary school. It's no secret that for the vast majority of children who make spelling mistakes, the teacher's request to formulate one or another spelling rule does not cause any particular difficulties. However, the need to apply a long-familiar rule in somewhat unexpected conditions, requiring not a mechanical repetition of the usual algorithm, but a conscious approach, turns out to be an insoluble task for many. Thus, schoolchildren should be taught to see their mistakes, develop so-called “spelling vigilance,” and achieve a certain independence of spelling thinking. Of course, this is one of the problems that requires interaction between methodologists and psychologists.

Psychologists believe that for successful learning, including spelling, the following are necessary:

  • teacher motivation for this type of activity;
  • providing conditions for the formation of the motivational sphere of students;
  • creating a situation of success for each student;
  • the desire of the teacher to move from edifying, instructive pedagogy to collaborative pedagogy.
The need for an individual approach to students is not denied. This means taking into account both the level of preparedness of the child and his psychological characteristics: will, attention, etc. “Depending on the quality and stage of development of these features in students, the proportion of various types of training exercises changes: in some cases, the number of exercises designed to develop visual memory increases, in others, exercises that aim to discipline the will and attention of students, to accustom them to be independent when doing homework.”

Our spelling is difficult, because most Russian words, if spelling standards are not followed, could have a huge number of spelling variants. But thanks to spelling, we have the opportunity to write them in only one, the only correct way. Of course, mastering the art of competent writing is difficult, but it is necessary to learn it.

Based on the experience of innovative educators, I believe that students are helped to develop authentic literacy by:

  • non-traditional assignments;
  • use of standard speech texts for analysis;
  • a form of presenting linguistic knowledge accessible to children.
As an example of non-traditional tasks, I will name tasks from “Methodological recommendations for the Russian language course” edited by M.M. Razumovskaya.

In some cases, it is necessary to indicate according to the diagram whether a word belongs to a particular part of speech or to explain the meaning of the word based on its diagram:  ist . (Answer: chess player, guitarist, parachutist - that is, a person of a certain profession, occupation.) And with what surprise and joy of discovery the students become acquainted with the famous phrase of Academician L.V. Shcherba about the “glowing bush”!

In my practice, I use the linguistic game “Auction”, the essence of which is that students are asked to talk about a word, for example, zimushka, from the point of view of different branches of linguistics:

  1. phonetics - 7 letters and 7 sounds, three syllables, 1st - stressed, sounds з, м - voiced, sounds ш and к - voiceless, etc.; 
  2. word formation – winter – winter + -ushk- (suffixal method of formation);
  3. morphology – noun, inanimate, common noun, 1st declension, feminine, singular, in the nominative case.
Thus, we talk about a word, giving it various characteristics. The winner is the one who is the last to name the distinctive feature of this word.

Non-traditional exercises include working with various signal cards:

  • letter cards to reinforce the skill of writing words;
  • morpheme cards to show the composition of a word or the method of its formation;
  • cards - members of the proposal;
  • cards - the words “yes” and “no” for an affirmative or negative answer to the teacher’s question;
  • cards of different colors, shapes, which can be used depending on the game, search or other situation.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the texts for analysis. They must be standard in terms of speech. A good help for the teacher are the texts of the textbook-workshop on the Russian language for senior classes by A.D. Deykina and T.M. Pakhnova (M.: Verbum - M, 2004), practical course by T.M. Pakhnova (M.: Verbum - M, 2001). The text, in my opinion, should also be interesting and educational for students, which is why I often work with A.G.’s collection. Narushevich “Thematic tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language” (Library “FIRST SEPTEMBER”, series “Russian Language”, issue 23. M.: Chistye Prudy, 2008), texts from collections recommended by FIPI.

What is my method for developing strong spelling skills?

Firstly, the success of teaching spelling depends on how well the teacher implements the principle of continuity between the primary classes and the secondary level. At the same time, the teacher finds out the actual state of spelling preparation of students who came to the 5th grade, since the level of mastery of educational material in different classes varies significantly. Taking into account the features of the program (in the 5th grade in the first half of the year there are no spelling topics), the teacher has the opportunity to thoroughly consolidate the spelling skills that students acquired in primary school. But to be confident in children’s knowledge, serious diagnostics are necessary. Cross-sectional work and dictations, carried out, as a rule, in the first month of classes, allow us to present an accurate picture of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Therefore, it is important to plan the repetition of elementary school material on spelling. Moreover, the question of what to repeat and how is far from idle.

So, repeating a group of spellings, then consolidating the knowledge of individual spellings that are “difficult” for younger schoolchildren, and, finally, comprehensively consolidating all spellings studied in the elementary level - this is the methodological path that I have chosen to improve the spelling skills of 5th grade students in first half of the year, which makes it possible not to reduce their literacy level.

Secondly, when studying unverifiable spellings, it is necessary to activate visual memory and attention. According to the observations of psychologists, educational results are often improved thanks to a memorization mindset. Therefore, I often use the following training technology.

A group of 5–7 words is written on the board in advance. The teacher reads the words, clearly pronouncing each sound. Children in no way copy or take dictation of these words, but must first memorize them within a minute. It is important to explain to children that today everyone or almost everyone will write these words without mistakes.

To do this you need:

  • look carefully at the words and try to remember them;
  • say out loud each word syllable by syllable, then close your eyes and imagine the word written, and then open your eyes and check yourself;
  • silently look at the words, reading them to yourself syllable by syllable;
  • pronounce the words syllable by syllable to your desk neighbor.
Consequently, the stage of presenting words with unverifiable spellings must consist of several strictly required elements:
  • visual and auditory perception of words;
  • memorization based on the main type of memory;
  • recording words from dictation;
  • self-control.
Thirdly, I consider prediction and error prevention to be one of the most important principles of a literature teacher’s activity. A spelling dictionary is a good helper for this. I use it in almost every lesson: first, group work with the dictionary is carried out, then individual work. This is how students develop a sense of responsibility: children get used to controlling their learning activities; They ask the teacher questions only when they cannot find the answers in the dictionary.

Sometimes I use so-called “unscientific” techniques for remembering the spelling of difficult words. For example: Kostya came in a suit, and Pavel came in a coat; The cat who was sitting in the cauldron ate the cutlet; Zhanna wears a jacket and loves jasmine. Students make such humorous sentences themselves easily and with interest.

I also rely on such a technique as copying from the correct samples. As practice shows, cheating as one of the methods of teaching spelling is most effective in grades 5–7. The volume of texts for cheating should be large enough (otherwise the work loses all meaning), but not exceed reasonable sizes: 15–20 lines of book text in the first two–three weeks of study and up to 25–30 lines in subsequent ones. This type of cheating, together with the test, will take 30–45 minutes, and the spelling vigilance that the students will gradually develop will lead to a reduction in this amount of time. Children should receive cheating assignments daily. You should definitely convince students that they need to write down not word by word, but phrase by phrase, or even sentence by sentence, if they are not large in volume. This will make it possible to lengthen the process of retaining visual images of words in memory, which will have a beneficial effect on learning results.

The most important stage is checking the correctness of the copying. It can be assigned to the students’ parents, or it can be assigned to the students themselves, that is, mutual verification can be organized. The significance of this approach is obvious: by checking the work of his friend against the text, the child develops his own spelling vigilance and memory. Next comes mutual or self-esteem. The evaluation standards are strict: “5” is given if the work is completed without errors, clerical errors, or corrections; “4” - if there is one inaccuracy (error, typo, correction); “3” - if two inaccuracies are made (mistakes, typos, corrections); etc. The exacting nature of the assessment is determined by the fundamental importance of preventing students from making mistakes when cheating. After one to two months, children develop a responsible attitude towards words, they make fewer mistakes, diligently avoid incorrect spellings, and this is the most important prerequisite for achieving spelling literacy.
To develop the ability to apply grammatical and spelling rules in the practice of independent writing, I successfully use the so-called special spelling exercises. These include exercises such as copying, usually complicated by grammatical and spelling tasks, and dictations of various types. All special spelling exercises are accompanied by oral or written language analysis. I consider the core of the system of spelling exercises to be a high degree of independence for students in completing tasks. At the same time, the teacher must always take into account the connection between classwork and homework.

When determining a system of spelling exercises, you need to keep in mind:

  • degree of student independence;
  • participation of vision, hearing, speech-motor perception;
  • the nature of students’ mental activity associated with the use of spelling rules;
  • features of the studied spellings (spelling options);
  • specific difficulties children have when applying spelling rules.
Several years ago I developed an algorithm for teaching spelling rules, which I successfully use in practice. The algorithm is simple, despite the fact that it consists of ten stages. To achieve the necessary results, it is important to follow the sequence of transition from stage to stage strictly in order (especially in the fifth grade), so that students can get used to such work, feel and understand its “systematic nature”.

1st stage
Introduction to spelling, derivation of spelling rules
It is advisable that students themselves find a pattern in the writing. For example, when studying the topic “The letters a-o in the root -kos-/-kas-,” I write the following on the board:
  
touch touch
  
touch touch
 
yes and no and
This entry allows students to quickly infer the spelling of the root.

2nd stage
Explanation of spelling using examples selected by the teacher
At this stage, it is necessary to monitor the clear pronunciation of words and an explanation of why this particular letter is written in a word and not another. Here and below, the root spelling rule -kos-/-kas- is considered as an example. For example, on the board it is written:
    
Touch, touch (no a), touch (no a), tangent.
In this case, the students’ attention is necessarily drawn to the graphic designation of the spelling.

3rd stage
Coding a rule
This stage is most loved by students, as it allows them to show creative imagination and resourcefulness. Students in grades 5 - 7 love to play, and coding a rule (drawing a diagram) can easily turn into a fun game.
The teacher invites all children to come up with a short record of the rule; You can use symbols and abbreviations. Then the most successful option is selected. For example, as a result of the discussion, the following entry appears:
 
cas --------- a
 
kos --------- but no

4th stage
Selection of examples for the studied spelling from words with homonymous roots, prefixes, etc.
At this stage, the student understands that it is necessary to take into account the lexical meaning of the morpheme. The writing on the board might look like this:
Bonfire, touched, scythe, braid, touch, cash register, touch.
The teacher offers to choose only words for the spelling pattern being studied, and then the student explains why other words are not suitable. The teacher can ask the respondent to graphically highlight the spelling in suitable examples.

5th stage
Working with signal cards or signal sheets
Each student has at his disposal signal cards: the letters a and o. The teacher dictates the words (the pace of dictation is constantly increasing), and the students show the required letter card.
The disadvantage of working with signal cards is the inability to evaluate the activity of each student. However, this drawback is easily eliminated in the next step.

6th stage
Letter dictation
What is easier to write without errors: a word or one letter? Of course, a letter! Letter dictation helps the student to believe in himself; The results of such a dictation are always high, despite the severity of the assessment. A dictation usually consists of 12 words. If the student made one mistake, a “4” is given, two errors are given a “3”. Such a dictation takes a few minutes, is easy and quick to check, and the results are announced immediately. Sometimes I use the peer review method.

7th stage
Vocabulary dictation
At this stage, the skill of correctly writing words with a given spelling is gradually formed.

8th stage
Selective dictation or dictation consisting of phrases
You can read in detail about selective dictation in specialized literature, for example, in the collection of G.I. Blinov, V.A. Anokhina. (Blinov G.I., Antokhina V.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation: A manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 1986.) A dictation consisting of phrases allows you to simultaneously repeat other spellings studied in previous lessons.

9th stage
A warning or explanatory dictation, which is a coherent text

10th stage
Control dictation
The results of the control dictation will be positive if this algorithm is applied sequentially, from stage to stage.

Sometimes you can skip one or another step if the rule is learned quickly. After the first stage, you can move on to the third, and the second and fourth can be combined. It all depends on the degree of difficulty of the material being studied.

For many years I have tested the effectiveness of the technologies described in this article. The results showed that the use of these technologies has a positive effect not only on the formation and improvement of the level of spelling literacy of students, but also on the overall development of children. Of course, today is the time of using information technologies and electronic educational resources; all of us, teachers, are trying to keep up with the times, to keep up with our students in mastering information competencies. Therefore, it is quite possible to translate the algorithm for teaching a spelling rule into the “language” of computer technology and use it in work. But no matter what technologies we use, no matter what methods and techniques we use when teaching children, the main thing, in my opinion, remains the teacher’s creative approach to the matter and the students’ interest in the subject being studied! A positive result is the cooperation of teacher and student, the help of the school administration and the children’s parents. After all, only through joint efforts can we achieve what we want.

Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of spelling acquisition. M., 1966, p. 45.

Kozlova Marina Ivanova
Email: [email protected]